Sample dictations term 3



Dictation sentences now available from Sentences are linked to the spelling lists. They can be used either as a spelling test (one missing word), or for writing complete sentences, following the dictation. Three A4 sheets for each set of dictations are included. There are also small illustrations to make spelling more fun. (perhaps)

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Years 1 – 6

Set 1

Term 3

Dictation Sentences

Name: _________________

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9. _________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________

- Year 1 term 3 -

Name: Date:

Dictation for words from Set 1Listen to the sentences and put in the missing words.

1. It was a true story.

2. The clown did silly things to amuse the children.

3. There were a few fans waiting at the airport.

4. The sky is blue today.

5. Emily's new shoes were very shiny.

6. Bob dropped a cube of sugar into his tea.

7. Don't squeeze the tube of toothpaste in the middle.

8. Can you play the flute ?

9. The train set was good value .

10. On Tuesday I am going camping in a tent. © s.standring 2015

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8. _________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________

- Year 2 term 3 -

Name: Date:

Dictation for words from Set 1Listen to the sentences and put in the missing words.

1. Can you see the big, bad wolf?

2. That music is too loud.

3. Put the bag down over there please.

4. Their team was the best at football.

5. Can you hear the music?

6. The sea is very blue today.

7. We are going to visit grandma soon.

8. Come here !

9. Max has two pet dogs at home. © s.standring 2015

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- Year 3 term 3 -

Name: Date:

Dictation for words from Set 1Listen to the sentences and put in the missing words.

1. We usually have a break at ten thirty.

2. What a lovely pair of earrings.

3. Make sure you read the question properly .

4. We will be going to the shops shortly .

5. Do you think it is likely to rain today?

6. The teacher had a motherly face.

7. Peter regularly went to watch football.

8. The tortoise plodded slowly across the garden.

9. The explorers managed to get safely through the jungle.

10. The last sum was really difficult to work out. © s.standring 2015

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10. _________________________________________________

- Year 4 term 3 -

Name: Date:

Dictation for words from Set 1Listen to the sentences and put in the missing words.

1. John's guardian signed his permission slip.

2. Bella had an imaginary friend, called Star.

3. I like to learn the piano.

4. Doctors deal with medical problems.

5. The guard stood to attention .

6. The builder measured the height of the wall.

7. The magician made his assistant disappear .

8. Bob's medicine made him feel better.

9. Emily was a natural footballer.

10. Imagine you could fly. Where would you go? © s.standring 2015

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- Year 5 term 3 -

Name: Date:

Dictation for words from Set 1Listen to the sentences and put in the missing words.

1. Simon's cough made his chest hurt.

2. The baker has to knead the dough to make bread.

3. The blackbird sat on the bough of the tree.

4. The Brazil nut was very tough to crack.

5. We enjoyed a game of noughts and crosses.

6. The lady walked through the open door.

7. The bark of the tree felt very rough .

8. There was no rain for several weeks, which caused a drought .

9. The scuba divers made a thorough search of the wreck.

10. She brought a basket of food for the picnic. © s.standring 2015

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- Year 6 term 3 -

Name: Date:

Dictation for words from Set 1Listen to the sentences and put in the missing words.

1. The vehicle skidded on the ice.

2. Find out the identity of our mystery guest!

3. It was a tough competition but the best team won.

4. What is the correct pronunciation of scone?

5. You can exercise to develop muscles.

6. He proved more of a hindrance than a help.

7. Although it was an amateur production, the show was terrific.

8. Sarah, in America, began to correspond with Liam, in Ireland.

9. Adam entered his painting in the under-twelves category .

10. She found herself in a desperate situation. © s.standring 2015
