Sample Bussiness Plan for Entruprener



This file cover essential point which require for business plan this file help Non MBA student who wish to startup

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Basic InfoDecription of bussiness in technical point of view product service :- through online or retailwho is our target how we sell them componet used in product to cretae or who will supply them who will supply them /usdetails of plant , process , manufure or outsourcing from otheris it possible to link other componet how the product packaging


commercial point of viewtarget market identify burning needspecific details of choosen marketoutline sex, age, income levelsize of choosen marketUndertake customer research to confirm that solution meets end user needsrecent , current & genrated market conditionIdentify target markets and reputation of current market (highly technical, easily entered, tough to crackwho are the competetors how they sale business intends to operate on a local, national or international scaleASK Yourself Who is our target customer? Am I operating as a Business to Customer or Business to Business enterpriseWhat is our ideal customers sex, age, income level and interests?What are the target customer segments (geographic, demographic, psychographic and behaviouWhat products/services are they already using?On what factors are buying decisions made?

competationunderstanding of the target customers needs and expectations and how these needs are being served. studying how competitors interact with their customersDetails of all significant direct competitors Details of any indirect competitors Your businesss advantages and disadvantages versus the competitionBarriers to entry for anyone who wishes to enter the marketbusinesss USP (Unique Selling Point)l

market reseach Be open about your product and get their feedback on how they feel about your product/serviceRecord the information. By recording the information you have gathered the promoter is able to document all reactions in detaListen carefully, not the answers that you want to hear but for real customer feedback.presented firstly as a business model and secondly as a set of standard financial projections.

Scenario planning is an important element to determining the financial feasibility of a business. take time and money to conduct effective market research into their target marketclearly thought, logical and structured process.

moneyTalk to financial advisorCollate financial information.Generate projections across multiple scenariosDefine the business model

bussiness modelFinancial assumptions are the backbone to your financials and must be as accurate as possiblepromoter must research both their fixed and variable expenses in order ( projection )focuses on 3 key areasRevenue Streams ( who pay u )Route to market (channels of distribution)Gross Margin ( gross profit / sale ) gross profit :- sale - cost of good how the business expects to generate money) Direct sales, licensing, online sales or retail salesThe cost of purchasing products, the price you intend to sell your products atYour pricing in relation to your competitorschain who are u r custmer -unique capability of firm :- ex. profeesinals staff ,tecnology , structure

instituteCVs of promoters and management team. duties and responsibilities of each member of the management team.Define the business organisational structureGenerate a company organisational chartisanl

structureTerm of reference exceutuve summarySWOT Background of Feasibility,Title and Locationinclude detailed SWOT analysis of the business Project Summary -Technical Feasibility,A detailed SWOT analysis of the businesss competitorsBackground Commercial Feasibility and Methodology Organisational Feasibility.A list of critical risk factors that the business venture may faceRational identification of the challenges to be faced Purpose support the key recommendations GoalDevelopment Contextshould cover no more than two pages of texScope

General Key Considerationresults of this research should be Activities demonstrated using visual illustrations such as graphs and charts.Cost of StudyAexceutuve summary

summaryTechnicalCommercialFinancialdevelop blueprint for the product or service identify their burning needsTalk to financial advisorUnder take a detailed SWOT analysisequipment and components required / tecnologyThe profile would outline sex, age, income level etCollate financial information. feasibility report to document the key findings of the studyIdentify enterprise agency financial supports confirm that solution meets end user needs Generate projections across multiple scenariosrecommendations at the conclusion of the study.Identify target markets andDefine the business modelcomprehensive assessment of the competition