Same Sex Marriage Taylor Woods Dr. Bresnick Senior Project Presentation 5/17/2010 Period: 7


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Same Sex Marriage

Taylor Woods

Dr. Bresnick

Senior Project Presentation


Period: 7


Who believes as people, we are all equal?

I hope everyone raises their hand, because we are.

Introduction (cont.)

Who believes same sex couples should have the right to marry?

Honesty please!


Career & Field Information Statistics Reasons why people are against same sex

marriage Reasons why people should be for same sex

marriage Conclusion

Career -- Psychiatry

The branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

United States is the 4th largest medical/mental health specialty.

Important role in our society because they help people cope with their problems.

How is my career relative. ..

To same-sex marriage? I might have to deal with a patient who is depressed or exasperated because of the issues he or she faces every day in society because of their sexual orientation.


Lesbian Gay “Bi-Sexual” Transgender Queer


Marriage rates dropped world wide since 1990. San Francisco legalized same-sex marriage. 4,037 marriage licenses were issued. 3,995 same-sex couples were married in the

several months before the state intervened and voided the marriages.

6 other states, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, Maine, & New Hampshire.

Religious Views

Strong believer’s in their religion. Marriage is sacred, & anything sacred is

blessed by God. Same sex relations is a sin. Homosexuality is “unnatural” and

“abhorrent”(disgusting) to God.

What is Marriage?

Marriage is a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found.

What is Marriage? (cont.)

Marriage consist of man & woman. Purpose of marriage is for

REPRODUCTION. 2 women cannot make babies.


Every child needs a mother AND father figure?

Gay parenting can cause issues with how the child grows up?

In order for a child to be successful, they need to live in a “happy home” & a “happy home” consist of a marriage between man & woman, with children?

Between 8 & 10 million adopted children are being raised by gay & lesbian couples.

Raised by gay, what happens?

Research suggests that they turn out about the same, no better, no worse and no more likely to be gay than other kids.


A lot is denied to homosexuals Marriage Jobs Promotions Kindness Depression


No matter the color, shape, or size, I believe everyone is equal. Everyone has the same abilities, but we all have different ways of doing things. Telling someone they are wrong for loving whom they love is exasperating. We are all one people, we all have feelings, and we all deserve to live the one life that was given to us the way we want to live it. As long as people are doing productive things with their lives I don’t think marriage should matter. Marriage should only matter to those getting married, or those that are married. Love is love, and love will be love. If people focused on themselves more often, gay rights would not be a top argument.

