Salt Lake Herald-Republican. (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909 ... · hal th Increasdepth show muc-hhIr...


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Separate Amalgamations ofColeRyan and Guggenheim


New York Dec 11 Interests Identifiediv ih the pr jMjsed copper consolidationa not idk Since the Standi rd Oil

cision they have been carrying on neejtiatlon and definite ptogrtss tuward11J amalgamation has ben inaUc

I is stated on god authority thatn merger plans have been <changedjmewhat mid there may bt a delay in

utting through the bg merger Thejjiesent plans provide icr separateamalgamations which ill embrace theloltRyii nd Amalgamated propertts on th one hand and the Guggtnl-iLim propei tis on the other In otherwords i is proposed to bring the difInrent t uleHjan and Amalgamated-J t opertieh together in one consolidation-and take simi r acton in connectionv iti Utah > l Utah COPI

r Bot n Coi ohdated and other1IS which are lomomnly known as

iuggenluini propertiesThe ClJtyan ard Amalgamated

matedolidution wicompany

include the AmalgMontana North Butte Butte CoalitionJinttc Boston GreeneCananea Ana

inla Aahoi Superior PittsburgI tab Consolidated and Calumet Arioiii bides the International Smelt

UK itttniiig ompanj and the Unitedl > tais Sillui company

The GtiSKinheirn consolidation will inuule th tdda Consolidated Utahi upper Boton Consolidated and cer

tl sim ting and refining plants identifud with the topper industry

These tWO onsoltdatlons will have aToiuUMn I dose to 600000000 pounds

I1 cuppei n ycat not including the coppr ion t iF 11hl1 through the sellingarmies 1 the Guggenheims and the

I nited Me taN Celling companyThe Ctiiu de Pasco mines controlled

Lv J B liaggin the Hearst estate DI Mills I Mi K Twombly J P Mor

sin H Fiik and the Daly estatexUi add iiuOuiliOO pound a year to the

i mbinatioi annual production This< per etui ht laid down 11 New Yorkat a cost nt s cents a pound

First Step in Big MergerThese onsoitdatlons will be the first

Hp tow ird the greater consolidationniih wil b in a position to control

< 11 J pounds of cppr a yea-riI i iis beleitu that mergers

iillI go i simg way toward facilitatingnmi amal tmation of the four groups

Hi iitiorted Tin asserti1 is made thatii prices at which certain properties

HI b taken uer han already ben-qnfd i ipn which means that more

hi oiiwaj ill tin matter of a merger hasbt n male thin some people believe

In copp r trade eirles the opinionTieails mat the copper merger will gotrough s iiue time li the first quarter

f iv xt ya Ken if the circuit courtI d fail d to haid down the Standardfil didsiti until later it is hardly like

v an official statement coveringi tails of iliger could hae been made

h fort Jaiuu 1910 The interestsntiflel uth the transaction had not-

i i i takt n up the plNel of fixing thel11i iit PS at vhi h the arious constituent1jioptti wmld be taken over

Thf ondgamattl Copper companyr rding 11 llpntees from Butte Is

tting t h the various subf a1tliar > npLmulE together preparatoryt the coinpl tion of the copper mergerr he Big Pkk Foot Lumbr company

i capitl f which placed at 25IJl lf hts succeeded the Big BIt11 i Mimtng i inpany with aHindoo Th assets are estimated t-

ot ortli 50000 too The coal mines

i also valued at 50600000 It is bewi i of the groat aluition claimedr these properties that the Amalg

ltht1ei will ask a good ffr itM i



hltiel Nev Dec UWork i tp brull1 within a few dayon theI ihasothe < has been4L sci1 dnwn for a couple of weeks pendhic a irrangement 3f company affairI ml T th new order of things the leasenillI I I tht i perated by a subleasing syndii to chteflv of t principaltwporiginalt kIIt tpected that the vein that was-Cj 1IV tie shaft at a depth of S40 feetwi som be reached by the crosscuto Ill iK> level which has been drivenH 1t and 1 bleve to be close to-

t h tivi shaftpint eapett nut to fet ore carrying

D a tl1 in gold with a considerableintake of copper and I 1s thought

hal th Increasdepth show muc-hhIr aIUt

iit IIs leas develops into a shipper as-H jis Y V likely to do It will LIVS ItI-mpts to mining operations in tt bLL Mnte vicinity


2250 Coats at 1500-of good quality broadcloth M 1bting satin Mned throughout blk anitflI olors At the Sample ASt


M 3 South Main St Q te ZRemoval Sale

i reductions In wall paper andfrnnel pictures before moving to our

art new storeV pt1RT I ro 7 MIn 8t-




YExcelsior Diariesnixn who has any

L 3 ti do needs oneI pIc aly impossiblet m4ttfld to uins3i-2r Iply without a dat-elok tor appcintm taand norandums V-

tVcL a ccniplete stock I-nizsome for the

u kt Each one conta i a ht of good inforratiL ib well as dateMai


For Year 1910



<Consult county clerk or the respectlvasigners for further Information

Notice to CreditorsESTATE OF JOHN BUTTER DK i

ceased Creditors will present claims withvouchers to the undersigned at lKBton building Salt Lake Citybefore th15th day of April A D 1910

ANNA M BUTTERAdministratrix of the Estate of John

Butter Deceased

ADat of first publication December 1DblE Leatherwood Attorney I

Notice to CreditorsESTATE OF CHARLOTTE COULTdcvouchrCitor wi undersigned

present claimsat

rcom city and cultybuUdbtgSal Lake City Utah bfore I

15th day of April A D 1910

ALEXANDER MMASTERAdministrator of the Estate of Charlotte

Coult Deceased

tateAlexander McMaster Attorney foE

Notice to CreditorsETATEOF PHEBE ANN DAVIStce Cltor will

undersignedpresent climitemptaton building Salt Lake CuUtaloor before the Kth day of

1910 THEODORE TOBIASONAdministrator of the Estate of 1hebe Ann

Davis DeceasedDate of that publication December 13

A t 1909

Canon Stokes Attorneys

ESTATE AND GUARDIANSHIP OF GHarold Nickel minor The undersigned-will sell sale an undivide 127interest in and to the folowing desribreal property situate inLake and stats of Utah deribas fol¬

lows towit north-east


corner of the nrthwet of seton28 township 1 suth range 1

Lake meridian and running thence southllSS rods thne west l17 rods to thecenter c county rod thence north15 degrees west on the center line ofsaid road 684 rods to a point 984 nilsdue south of north bundary line of sec-tion

¬29 township range aforesaid

thence east 9SUS rods thence north SB 4rods thence east 763 rods to the place ofbeginning together with al water rightsappurtenant thereto on after the 22dday of December A D 1908 and writ¬

ten bids will breive at the office ofDey 40 Boyd Parkbuilding 162 Main street in Salt LakeCity terms of sale at least U cash andthe blane upon credi not extendingbyond 17 defere paymentsevenc by notes of purha se¬

cur mortgage with the6 pec cent annum

Dated December pl1 AC




of G Harold Nckell minorDey Hoppaugh attorneys for guar-


OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COUN-ty commissioners of Salt Lake countySal Lake City Utah Dec 7 19M No ¬

Notice is hereby given that theboard of county commissioners of SaltLake county Intends to purchase fromPeter Larson and wife for the sum ofthroe hundred Stte 00 dollars for Uas-a gravel bed and for such other use andpurpose as may hereafter become fecesBay and advisable the following real es¬

sUute in Salt Lake county stateof towtC-ommncng 120 feet east and 3 fetfrm northwet corner otion 2 2 S W Salt baseand meridian thence south 495 fetthence west 412 5 f8t thencsouth 45feet thence east thec66 feet thence east 412 thencnorth 165 feet thence 40125 tetplace of beginning and tA-t said boardof county cmmisioner to con ¬

summate Bld purchas on Monday t3day of January 1910 at 10 oclock a 1By order of the board of county com-missioners


of Salt Lake county UtahMARGARET ZANE WITCHER

Seal County Clerk


Salt Lake City Utah Principal place ofbusiness Salt Lake City Utah

Notice Thre are delinquent upon thefollowing dcrb stock on account of

3 ten dollars sharlevied on the day of Octoberpseveral amounts set opposite the namesof the respective shareholders


Shares AnnR J Thomas 1 1099Gomer Thomas 1 10John James 1

H E Giles 1 1000And in accordance with law and an

der of the board of directors made on or19th day of October 1909 Bmuch of eachparcel of such stock as may bnecessary-will bsold at public auction the officeof treasurer 21 West South Templestreet Salt Lake City Utah on the 21stday of December 1909 at 10 a m to paythe delinquent assessments theron to-gether


with the costs of advertising andexpenses of sale HARRY F EVANS


Notice to ContractorsSEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE REceivfrd at the county clerks office

12 oclock m on Monday the SOth day ofDecember for the construction of a1steel the clerks oiflwe Planand pedfieatfons can b8wmlniloclerks office Thfc right resered toreject any and all bids i

By order of the board of county com-missioners




MEMBERSfake Slot and Mining Excaant

Ls ver Consolidated tock ExchangRawhide Miuroj titoc-




BrokerUtah Savings Trust Building

DEALERSGovernment Railway and Municipal

bonds Bank and Investment StockCORRESPONDENTS

New York Chicago San FruiclacoGolcUleld and aExchangerlntp

Badger BrothersB-







Members Xciv York Stock Exchange

WILL SELL300 Metcalf Coal lOe400 Sunnybrook Coal lOc1000 Consolidated Fuel 40c85 Karns Tunneling 1253 Acres U MeL Rubber 1 =5003 Shares U MeL Capital Stk84000




4 1

Losing Valuable Time-

If you are not our patron you losethe wekly opportunity of receivingand wearing smof our perfectlylaundered articles

Only SOFTENED AND FILTEREDWATER used in the process

TROY LAUNDRYhLund of Quality

Both phones U 166 Main Street


Consult county clerk orespective sign-ers for further fnforUo

Notice to CreditorsESTATE OF HYRUM BARTON DEceased Creditors will present

with vouchers to the undersigned at 513Templeton building Salt Lake City Utah-on or before the 29th day of March AD 1910 GEORGIANA C BARTONAdministratrix of the Estate of Hyrum

Barton Deceased

1909Date of first publication Nov 2 AD

Cannon ft Stokes Attorneys


deceasedCreditors will present claims with vouch-


to the undersigned at No 63 Com-mercial


block St Lake City Utah onor before the lth day of April A D1910 JOHN BLACK

Administrator of Estate of Ellen MayBlack deceased-E A Walton Attorney for Administra¬

torDate of first publication D6 1909


deceasedCreditors will present claims with

vouchers to the undersigned at No 61Commercial block Salt Lake City Utah-on or before the 6th day of April A D1910 JOHN R FRAME

Administrator of the Estate of MerrillI Frame Deceased

E A Walton Attorney for Adminis-trator


Date of first publication Dec6 1909

Notice to CreditorsESTATE OF OTTO HANSON DEceasedCreditors will present claims with

vouchers to the undersigned at No 1Floral lane Salt Le City Utah onbefore the 25th March A D 1910

CAROLINE E HANSON Executrix ofEstate of Otto Hanson DeceasedC M Nielson Attorney for EstateDate of first publication November

AD 1909 2Notice to Creditors


Creditors wi present claims withvouchers to undersigned at 1121 Bos ¬

ton building Salt Lake City Utah on orbefore the 9th day of March A D 1910

AARON QUISTAdministrator of the Estate of Peter LQuist Deceased

Date of first publication Nov S DA1909Weber Olson Attorneys


deceasedCreditors wi present claims with

vouchers to undersigned at 603 UtahSavings Trust Company building SaltLake City Utah on 01 before the 5th dayof September A D 1910MARTHA C RICHARDS AND FRANK ¬

LIN S RICHARDSAdministrators of the Estate of JosephT Richrds Deceased

publication Nov 1 19Willard Hamer Attorney for


deceased Creditors will present claimswith vouchers to the undersigned at theoffice of Dey it Hoppaugh Boyd Parkbuilding Room 401 162 South Main streetSalt Lake CIty Utah on or before thegist day of March A D 191-

0EMILY TURPINAdministratrix of the Estate of Daniel

J T Turpin Deceased

1909Date of first publication Nov 2 A D

Arthur Moroton Attorney

Notice to CreditorESTATE OF EMMA J WESTON D-Ec oretUtuis will prtseir claims

to the undersigned at 33 wit31 Commercial building on or before the30th day of March A D 1910

WILLIAM R WESTONExec tor of Estate of Emma J Weston

Dect <sed-Pjte


f first jVlbiaton Nov 2 A D-

Watr vV i tU Mtornej lur Execu-tor




For Supplies for the Utah IndustrialSchool Year 1910

Sealed bids win be received at thesuperintendent office until 3 p mDecember 15 1909 for furnishing thefollowing supplies

JOW pounds High Patent flour72000 noundh Straight Grade flour

80000 bran and shorts 1000 grahamflour 100 corn meal 1000 Germadealt less

13000 pounds beef front and rearquarters alternatel 1000 pounds mut ¬

ton qurterl alternate-ly¬

veal as needed the year allmore or I-

SeventYfve ton of nut col BOOmore or to bdelivered fab Five PointsTwenty dozen pairs of boys hoeI dozen pairs girls shoes all more or

lessTwenty barrels of syrup more ordelivered at school

Ten thousand pounds sugar more orlessTwentyfour cases Diamond C orequivalent laundry soap more or less

Twenty cases Hard Water Castilesoap more or less

Eighteen bales white salt pork moreor less

Eighteen sacks ham more or lessEighteen sacks breakfast bacon more

or IlessOne hundr and fifty undershirts

and ulr underdrawers mure orlessOne hundred house brooms more orlessTwo hundred and fifty pairs overallsand 200 black top shirts more or less

Drugs for medicinal and hospitaluse Lists may be had at office ofsunertntendeat-

Stationery typewriting paper pen-cils


etc and all office supplies neces-sary


for the year 1910 List may behad at superintendents office

Harwar tub pans pans broomsLists may be had

at office of superintendentSchool supplies Pern points pen

holders Ink tablets scratch tablets-etc etc Ltafcs may be had at office-of superintendent

Groceries and provisions suficientfor the year 1910 Listsat office of superintendent

Dry goods toweling sheetingsbleached and unbleached table clothnapkins ginghams walstlng and uni-form

¬go Smple and lists maybtLaundry

had otlce superntendentlap ballblueing liquid blueing and etc forlaundry Lists may be bad at office ofsuperintendent-

All supplies to be delivered as re-quired


and subject to the approval ofthe superintendent-

All bids will be submitted to theof trustee and opened ubquent to above date

The board reserves the right to re-ject


any and all bids or to accept anyproposition favorable to the state Bidsfor supplies furnished will b paidmonthly The law requires cer-tified


check for not less than 5 percent of the bid accompany same andshall require of the successful biddera bond In onehalf the amount of thebid conditioned that he wi properlyperform contract For other In ¬

formation apply at office of the super-intendent


Utah Industrial School

ESuperlatendentC GOWANS

E J MILNE Chief Clerk

IN THE UNITED STAiES CIRCUITcourt In and for the district of UtahEighth circuit United States of Americacomplainant vs Wasatch Wate com-pany


a corporation 1094OrderIt appearing to the court from the affi-


of Hiram E Booth attorney for theUnited States for the district of Utahand one of the solicitors for complainant-in the above entitled suit in equity thatsaid suit was brought by the UniteStateof America for the purpose removing the cloud upon Its real propertydescribed in said complaint and to have-a Judicial forfeiture declared of a grantfor a rightofway over and across saidproperty and that said real property Issituated within the state and district ofUtah and is fully described in mm-plalnantB bill of complaint and it fur-ther


appearing to the court that said de-


Wasatch Water company is nota resident or Inhabitant of or foundwithin ibis district has not volun-tarily

¬an and U furtherapp the 17th day of August-A D 11 the judge of this court made-an requiring the said defendantWasatch Water company to appear

answer or demur to said bill ofpled on the 4th day of October-A D 1909 and that said ordEr blervPon said defendant company ln norh ¬

ern district of Illinois by the UnieStates marshal for said district IEasttwenty 3 days before said 4th day ofOctober D 1909

And It further appearing from the affi-davit


of said Hiram E Booth attorney-for the United States that it Iis Imprac-ticable


to serve said order on the saiddefendant in said norther district of Il-linois


that whereabouts of theanofficers said corporation is unknownand that said order has been returewith the endorsement thereon SErvice of same cannot be made by theUnlt States marshal for the northern

of Illinois and It further ap-pearing


to the court that the place ofbusiness of said Wasatch Water company-Is unknown and that none of its officerscan be found either In the state and dis-trict


of Utah or within the northern dis¬

trict of Illinois where It originally hadIts general place of business-

It is therefore ordered that the said de-fendant Wasatch Water company do ap ¬

pear plead answer or demur to com-plainants


bill of complaint on or bforthe 7th day of February A DIt is further ordered that this order beserved upon th° Wasatch Water com-pany


a corporation defendant herein bythe United States marshal for the district-of Utah causing a copy of this order to bpublished in the Salt Lake HeraldRepubDean once a week for a porlo lixsecutive weeks from the datI said firstpublication and that this order be servedby the United States marshal for the dis ¬

trict of Utah on thl person or personsIn the possession or charge of the saidproperty if any there be

Dated Salt Lake Pity Utah this 3day of Dmbr 1SOO


ernite Stats of America District of

I Jerrold R Letcher clerk of theUnited Ptptes circvlt court for thf dis¬

trict of Utah ting at Sal Lak Pitydo hereby certify the and for goIng to be a true perfect and completetranscript and copy of an order for ser-vice


heretofore made and now of recordIn said court and Ins certain rausp No1094 in said court pending whrin theUnited Stats of America Iis complainant-and the Wasatch Water company defefiilant as fully and cTnpl ly as the samestill remains of record in mv office-

In testimony ahT of T hayf hereuntoset my hand and affixPtl eal of saidcourt at Sal Lakf ali dltrctthis 3 DeEm r A D


Notice of Sale of Real EstateESTATE OF JOHN JOHNSON DE-

ceasedThe undersigned will sell at private sale

the following described property siuatein Salt Lake City and county atUtah to wit-Commencing at the northwest corner of

lot 5 block 26 plat B Salt Lake Citysurvey running thence east 4 rods thencesouth iOI4fet thence east 4 feet thencesouth 4 feet thence east 29 ffet thencsouth 5fe feet thence west 3 feet thencenorth 5 feet thanoe west feet thencenorth 7414 feet to place of beginning-

On or after Saturday the ISth day ofDecember 1909 and written bids will bereceived at the office of Stephens SmithA Portor 601 Judg building Sal LakeCity Utahi Terms of sale uponconfirmation

ANNA M JOHNSONAdministratrix

Dated this 6th day of December A D

1909Stephens Smith Porter Attorneysfor TCstite of John Johnson n fcised

Notice to Contractors-BIDS


WILL BE IKrEIVF AT THEoffice of the unaesisued Miluer Ida ¬

ho for the erection of the proposed ho ¬

tel at Wendell IdahoPlans ard specifications may be ex-


at the Miner officeBids will h openEd January 13tn

1910 and the right iis reernc to rejet fl aU of tflIda-TWINllYFALL Ni HTl SlUE INVEST

JET i i lTl-B

Ic rj vUc4tib Ve lH iJnt


a special meeting of the stockholders ofthe Utah Black Marble Co a corpora-tion


of Utah has been called to be heldand the same will be held at the office-of the I X L Furniture Stores Co onThird South between Main and Statestreets Salt Lake City Utah on the 30thday of December 1989 at 2 oclock p mof that day for the pur of permittingthe stockholders to the questions-of amending the articles of said corpora-tion in utan as followsIhr I > bamended as fol-lows


The voting officers and onany other question that may arise may beby ballot or viva VO as the holders ofthe majority of stock rpresente atthe meeting mayhar of stock sal constitute one vote2That Art I wherein it

states tht the gelo office etc of theshall at Silt Lake City

Uth be changed that of MidvaleAll other articles thismEntonln

changesubject tc bmade to t said

3Th contradiction in Art S Par Jb amended to read the thirdMonday in January in place of thefirst MondayAnd to transact such other business asmay legally come before the meetingBy order of the majority of the boardof dir NELS J SORENSEN


SecretaryDateDecember 8 1909

Notice of Application to Disincorpo-rate


IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THEThird Judicial district in and for SaltLake county state of Utah In the mat-ter


of the application of the Hero Ne-vada


Mines company to be disincorpor ¬


Notice of application t disincor ¬

Not is hereby given that the HeroXmas company a corporation

formed under the taws of the state ofUtah has presented to the Third Districtcourt of Salt Lake county Utah a pe-tition


praying to be allowed to disincor-porate


and dissolve and that Friday thelist day of December AD 190 at 10aclock a m o as In thereafter ascounsel can be herd has beappinteas the time n curtHonorable C Mor city countyanbuilding Salt City as theplaceheard

at which said application will bWitness the clerk of said court withthe ll affixed this 24th day of Novem-ber


D I-


C Bassett DeputyFre Carlson Clerk ¬PtltonerSale of County Property

NOTICEACTING UNDER AUTHORity conferred by the board of countycommissioners of Salt Lake county Utand In accordance with thesubdivision 3 section 511 compiled oof Utah the undersigned herebygives notice that at 12 oclock m MondayDecember 2 1999 from the front stepsof the door of the joint city andcounty building Salt Lake Ciy Salt Lakecounty Utah there will b offered fosl at public auction to highest ¬

for cash the following described realproperty belonging to said Sell Lakecounty the same being no longer requiredfor public use-

Commencing at the southwest corner ofblock 46 tenacre plat A Big Field sur-vey


thenc north 496 fet thence east10867 feet thence degrees1 Sminute wet 14019 feet to point of bgnln minutes


thence512 110 nortbec1

north 19 deemInutes west Ithence w 3fet thence south de¬

grees west 7feet thence south 693 de-grees


west 5 feet thence east 2M7Mfeet to beginning-

Said county reserves the rightany and all bids tret

By order of the board of county com-missioners


of Salt Lake county Utah No¬

lMGAREZANE WITHERawkDated November K 1MB

Notice of Assessment No 2-

PALMYRA GOLD COPPER MIN-Ing Co principal place of businessSalt Lake City Utah Notice Is herebygiven tInt at a meeting of the directorsheld on the 24th day of November lO-an assessment of two 2 millsshare was levied on all the issued andoutstanding shares of the capital stock-of said corporation payable Immediate-ly


to tr secretary of the company atroom 1S8 So State St or by malto P O Box No 1SS4 Sl LakeUtah Any stock upon this assess-ment

¬may remain unpaid on Wed-


December 29 1909 wl be de ¬

linquent and advertised sale atpublic auction and unless payment ismade before will be sold on Wednes ¬

day January 19th 1910 at 1230 p m-at the companys office room 3 138 SoState st Salt Lake City Utah to paythe delinquent assessment togethewith the cost of advertising and ex-pense


of saleJ W CARLSON Secretary

Bit Lake City UtahOfc room S State treetFirt publication 27 lO


Mining company Principal place of business office of Elks Club building SaltLake City Utah Notice is hereby giventhat at a meeting of the board of trus-tees


of the Mountain Dell ConsolidatedMining company held on the 18th day ofNovmbr 1 an assessment of one

cnt was levied and assessedon the capital stock of said corporationpayable at the office of A W Raybould

of said Company at office oftare building on or before Dec21 1109 Any stock upon which said as-sessment may Jean unpaid on th said

of 190921st day wl de ¬

linquent and avetl for s at pub-lic


auction unll payment is mad-before will be o the 10th day ofJanuary 1910 at 1230 p m of said day-to pay the said delinquent assessmenttogether with thcost of advertising andexpenses of

A W RAYBOULD TreasurerOffice Elks Club building Salt Lake

city Utah


ers meeting of the HeraldRepublicanPublishing company-

To the Stockholders of the HeraldRe ¬

publican Publishing companyNotice Is hereby given that a Spe-


Meeting of the Stockholders of theHeraldRepublican Publishing companYhas been called by the Board of Direc-tors


of said company to bheld on the20th day of December at 1 clockin the afternoon of said day at the prin-cipal


place of business of said company-at the building whJ the said Board ofDrector usually met namely at the

said 167 South Mainstreet in the city of Salt Lake countyof Salt Lnk and stateof Utah

That the object of said meeting Is toconsider and act upon the proposition-that said company create a bonded indebt-edness


of one hundred thousand dollars100090 in gold coin of the United States-

to bear interest at the rate of 6 per centper annum for the purpose of paying theindebtedness of said company now owing-to William A Clark and to secure thebonded Indebtedness 8created hy a mort-gage


or trust deed upon all the ipersonalproperty assets and franchises nowowned by said HeraldRepublican Pub-lishing


company to authorize the board-of directors to Issue Said bonds and mort ¬

gage o trust deed and to authorize thesameoffIcer of the company t execute the

By order of the board of director of j

the HeraldRepublican com-pany

D C JACKLING PresidentOEOROF f HA TFSpcretav

ESTATE AND GUARDIANSHIP OFFranz Jungk incompetent The under-signed


will sni kt private sale 375 sharesof the capital stock of the CumberlandEly Mining company a corporation onor after Tuesday the list day of December 1909 and written bids wi be rtceheaat West Second Salt3 streetCity Utah terms of 1Q per-cent of the amount of bid at time of saleblanc of price upon confirmation by

Dated December 1st 130-9JUSTUS JtGK

G iaiai

Read HeraldRepublican Wants



Cot county clerk or respective pt tofnlt Information-

IN THE IrKIT COURT IKOi bate dixii Jii in and for Salt LakeCounty Stet of

In the matter tli estate of Rich-ard Grifiths Deceased Notice

petition ot u H BdLknidi ad-ministrator of the estate ot Kii ird

tlhl deceased praying VI disale of real property oi amii

decedent and that all persons intereited appear before the said court toshow cause why an order should notbe granted to sell so much as slal benecessary of the following describedreal estate of said deceased towitCommencing at a point 21 rods wetof the southeast corner of lot 3 block73 put C Sl Le City surveyrunning rode tifiunorth I rods thence east 2fc rodsthence south 9 rods to tImuplace of beginning has been set forhearing on Jrldy the 17th day ofDecember A at 2 ocloik p Irat the county court house in the LOutroom of said court in Salt Lake CitySal Lake county Utah

Winel the clerk of said court withthereof affixed riiis li day


Seal ClerkBy 1 P Palmer Deputy CerkG I Back man attorney peti-tioner


IN THE DISTRICT COURT 1RObate division in and for St Lkt L llty state of Utah In uf iiiestate and guardianship of Mabel lienett Alice Bennett Lowrie Bent aidGeorge G Bennett minors e nTllpetition of Kate Bennett the g iuiia i

of the persons and the estates ot Mabi1

Bennett Alice Bennett Lowrie 1BInea-and George G Bennett minors fll to-firmation of sale of the following tiscrib real estate to wit Cominein

south from the northwest lrro-f lot 5 block 22 plat B Salt Lak tirsurvey running thence south 21z roi <

thence east 10 rods thence north 21 rodthence west 10 rods t the place oe 1ginning for the sum 13150 00 and upthe following terms towit H26i donnand the balance to b pad at time tilmim

of the confirmation by this c mas appears from the return of salei nU 1

In this court ha been set for hearing onFriday the 24th day of Dmbr A I

1909 at 2 oclock p m th iouncourt house In the court ot altcourt in Bait Lake City Salt Lake Boun ¬

Witness the clerk of said cur witthe seal thereof this iaffxeDecember A D

MGAREZANI WITCHEHClerk8e1 P Palmer Deputy ClerkEaaAshton Attorneys for Pe ¬


bate division in and for Salt Lake coonty state of Utah In the matter ifestate and guardianship of Joseph lDafiminor NotceThe petition of M IIIKriebel of the person aJ Iaaranthe estate of Daft minor pring for an order of I of real properof said minor and that al persons Ilot-eated appear before said courtl-how cause why an order should nntgranted to sell 8much as shall lhe neessary of the following described realtate of said minor towir Comrniingi

65 feet north from the sutbet c onifof lot I block W plat IakCity survey and running thence rmtlVs feet west 108 feet south 162 fee

eat 106 fet to place of beginning 1w

ben set hearing on Friday the 24hof December A D 1909 at 2 clok

p m at the county cour house in

our< room of said in Salt La ICity Salt Lake county Utahclerk of said curt WI11Wine ththerf affixed this 10th dyl d f


Ban P Palmer Deputy ClerkClerk

Dan B Shields Attorney for Guards


couaybate dlvlon of Uthan fo Bt Lake

matter tbetana guardlaashlp J J incompe ¬

tentNotceThe petition of Angus Mguardian of the per-


and the estate of J J Rid-an incompetent for confirmation 1

sale of the following described roilIestate towit Lots 1 2 3 4 4

25 and 27 Violet addition a subdivisionof lot 8 in block 16 fiveacre pia Abig field survey situate In Salt LakeCity Salt Lake county state of Utahfor the sum of 14800 10 per centdown and balance upon conflnrcitln-of said sale lots 28 29aAd 52 Violet addition for the sumof 1225 125000 in cash balancein one year evidenced by note secured-by a mortgage covering said prop-erty


as appears from the return fsale filed in this court has been setfor hearing on Friday the 24th day tt-Decembr A D 1909 at 2 oclock rm county court house In thecourtroom of said court in Sl LakeCity Salt Lake Bounty

Witness the clerk of said court withthe seal thereof affixed this 7th dayof December A D 1909

MARGARET ZANE WITCHER-Seal ClerkBy L P Palmer DejJuty ClerkEdward McGurrln Attorney for Pe-


I THE DSRC COURT PROad fSalt Lakety State of UtahIn the the estate of DavidNorris deceased Notice

The petition of Susannah Norris ad ¬

ministratrix of the estate of David Nor-ris


dece praying for an order ofsale rl property of said decedent-and that persons Interested appearbefore the said court to show cause whyan order should not be granted to sell

8much as shall be necessary of the fol-lowing


descrbe real estate of sad de-ceased


The south half of lo seven T blocktwentyeight 28 F Salt LakeCity survey with small sidence In faircondition and that all of said propei ifis community property has been se forhearing on Friday the rtli day De-cember


A D 1 at 2 oV lock p m at 4

the county hou in the court roomofLake

said crUtahSl Lake City Salt

Wit the clerk of said court wit

thf affixed this 4th day ofDBcembr la-


By P Palmer Deputy ClerkAlexander McMaster Attorney for Pet

IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate division in and for Salt Lake coun-ty state of Utah In the matter of theestate and guardianship of Heber Sriti1Stanley Smith and Alonao Skousen mncr = NotkeTh petition of H A Smithpraying for the issuance to himself ofletters of guardianship on thE personsand estates of Heber Smith StanleySmith and Alonzo Skousen minors hasbeen set for hearing on Friday the 2ttnday of December A D 1909 at 2 clokp m at the county court ho ise In thecourt room of said court in Salt LakeCity Salt Lake county Utah

Witness the clerk of sail court withthe seal thereof affixed this 7th day ofDecember A D 1909

MARGARET ZANE WITCHERfS TVrkalBy P Palmer D puty ClerkSmith IPrice Attorneys for Petitioner

IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate division in and for Salt Lakecounty state of Utah

In the mater of the estate of Oswald-T

NoticeThe petition of George WParks praying for the issuance tohimself of letters of administration inthe estate of Oswald T Thedsen de-ceased has been set for hearing onFriday the 24th day of December AD4 1909 at 2 oclock p m at timecounty court house in the court roomof said court in Sal Lake City fc altLake count I ta1Witness the cerk1 of aid court withthe meal L I this Tth dayof Dectmlwr A I > 1 1

MRGARtT ZXi WITCHER1aln rierk-

Cj L P Palmr Deputy ClerkDey Hoppaugh Attorneys for Pe-


PAPER CLANGEXPERT w rkmnn r t i h1 ini t

l ttfal housecleaning Cu Li t tAdr




Company Is Equipped to TreatLarge Tonnage of Ore


After over two yn of developmentwork during thcompanys prop-erty has been thoroughly equlppec withuptodate machinery including an hydro-electric


power plant and ainn and tram-way


of the latest and more improved pat-terns


the BostonIdaho Mining companyis at lat in a piton to promise to be¬

gin regular dividendswithin a few months says the WoodRiver Times

L Diamond managing director of thecompany who spent ten days here look-ing


into and thoroughly investigating thecompanys operations at this end lefSunday for his home in Boston Mvery muoi pleased with the property

While here Mr Diamond had made anextensive examination of the companysmines on Boyle mountain in the WarmSprings Creek district by John Williamsthe well known mining and metallurgicalengineer-

Mr Williams made the examination andtook the measurements of the ore bodiesand had many samples assayed in orderto prepare a report to be submitted tothe board of directors and the stockhold ¬

ers of the companyThis report will not be published until

after the annual meeting of the company-but it Is known that the conditions andore showing of the property are highlysatisfactory

Large Tonnage in SightThere is an aggregate of over 0tons of hihlas milling ore on

and of thousands of tons ofother ore expe a large proportion Isshipping orThe ore shoot in the companys Sundaymine was sampled from top to bottomeery three feet for a length of 120 feetThese samples were quartered down andthe assays show remarkably fine values

In the Lucky Boy the showing must bremarkable as the following extractMi Williams report indicates

This property shows what I can termnothing less than a phenomenal ore bodyI have had considerable experience inNew Mexico Colorado Utah and Idahoin examining zinc veins and dept and-

outidE of the Kansas and I zincnae seen no such large and con-


boy of comparatively highgrade-and orThese mines are welt known for theirhighgrade ores and the great ore bodiesthat they contain are no srris to thosefamiliar with the

The company has built one of the bestconcentrating minIs of 10 tons daily ca-

pacity in this section Idaho and allthe machinery for the mill is on theproperty and is of the best and latest Im ¬

proved pattern The electric machinery-for the companys power plant is also othe ground It was a disappointmentthe company that owing to winter set-ting


in it was impossible t gt theplants ready for operation Theywill however b ready to operate nextspring

The success of the company Is assuredand with Its mill in operation it shouldhave no difficulty In earning a net profitof 500000 a year

The success of the BostonIdaho Min-ing


company should he the means ofbrining plenty of capital into this see¬

the near future to properly de-velop


and equip many other fine miningpropositions



laims to Maintain Right toTitle Worlds Greatest

Gold Camp

Colorado Springs Dec 12 Bringing thetotal production of the Cripple Creek dis-trict


for the eleven months of 1999 to14903212 the various mills and smelters

handling ores of the district announce theNovember production to be S87U tonswith a gross total value of I12S14S7 Theaverage value of all ore treated duringthe last month habeen 322 a little abovethe average preceding months thisye-rAcrin to the analysis of the pro ¬

gold mines in the UnitedStates recently published by the UnitedStates geological survey Colorado isagain accorde premier rank a the

producing state In theUnion Its production for 1908 is esti-mated


as 22871000 Alaska being sec-ond


with S1985S800 and Californiathird with 19329700 The UnitedStates figures do not give the estmate fer the various districts butcording tothe figures of the bureau ofmines of the state of Colorado which

a slightly lower figure for theeves state the production of theCripple Creek district for 1908 was

13031017 this being considerably-below the total given by the mills andsmelters in their monthly attemenlWith its regularamount ripple Creek still maintains-its reputation as the worlds greatestgold Lamp with prospects for agreater advance upon the completion-of the deep drainage tunnel and a moregeneral adoption of methods for thetreatment of the lower grade ores



New York Dee 12The AmericanSmelting Refining company has suf-fered


with other corporations as a re-


of the business depression but anofficial of the company says conditionsare improving As an example Octoher was the best month recorded bythe company in some time This im ¬

provement Iis expected to continue andearnings are likely to show a corres ¬

ponding betterment The company isearning the present rte of dividendon its common stock an increasein the rate is not likely in the nearfuture

ThE American Smelters Securitiesmaterial Improve-

ment¬company reports ain business This company is

controlled by the American SmeltingRefining company through the ownershut of about 17004000 of commonstock The earnings of the companyaccording to a representative justfethe statement that a dividenddeclared on the common stock withinthe next two othree years

The Guggenheim Exploration com-pany


shows a larger income than inany time in Its history due to in ¬

creased revenues from its holdings ofmining stocks Including Utah CopperNevada Consolidated CumberlandEly-and Yukon Gold



The management of the Nevada Con-solidated


Copper company after athorough investigation has arrived atthe concusiot1 t copper will be pro ¬

at a cost considerablybelow 7 cents a pound This will in-


the profits from the smeltingpiants nnd railroad

The production of the company in1910 will be In exces of 70000000

Based on a cost of 7 centspun nil the net pmfits for time yearon th i r 1 ateiI would itipJ4200b to 1ii iL HppcM inifrswould aht1 gdl 5 iiUVO g fot Lucyear



Mining in Comstock SeemsLike Seeking Gold at Gates

of Hades

It IB wonderful what risks and hard ¬

ships men will expose themselves to inthe sacra auri fames or greedy questfor gold says Mining Science No morestriking example of this can be faunain mining than that of the celebratedComatock a mine that occupies the for ¬

mer site and throat of a retreating gey-ser


whose steam hot water and heat¬

ed rock are found In the deeper levelsand the mine Is practically pursuingdownward this retreating body of hotwater which was originally the mainfactor in depositing tWo ore now foundin the vein

Water temperature In the Ward shaftis 180 degrees Fahrenheit and In manyof the workings where men Intermit ¬

tently labor It is from 80 to 90 degreesFahrenheit The men work almostnaked frequent rests are taken in spe-cial


cooling rooms and in exceedinglyhot workings cold water la continuous-ly


turned on the miner from a hoseThe only parallel to this is stoking onboard an ocean liner or puddling aniron or steel furnace Yet U is statedthat the Virginia City miners are in aagood and better health than the aver ¬

age miner because knowing their dan ¬

ger they take extra precautions andfar more care of themselves than theaverage miner yet with all It mustbe like mining In Hades

The two main factors the Comstockpeople had to contend with have beento subdue the intense heat and to con ¬

trol the excess of ascending water theformer they have partially accom-plished


by an elaborate system of pureair ventilation and the later by tine in-stallation


of a prodigious pumping sys-tem

