Salihin Mohammed Ali,Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage APAN45 IAM WG, Campus &...


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Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

APAN45 IAM WG, Campus & Federated Identity Management, March 26, 2018

Salihin Mohammed Ali,

Manager, Library Technology & Innovation,

Singapore Management University Libraries

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

SMU Libraries - Vision & Mission

To be a leading research library

providing ubiquitous access to

information using innovative

strategies to drive intellectual

exchange and the creation of


• The SMU Libraries mission is to enable a

culture of life-long learning through

collaboration, engagement and outreach.

• It aims to provide seamless access to

information using innovative and leading

edge technology.

• The Library is committed to delivering

exceptional services and building

dynamic relationships within the SMU

community and beyond.

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage


Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage


On/Off campus


“In an ideal Open Access world…”

…sadly, this is not the reality…

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

On/Off campus


…managing IDs & passwords

… not fun…

User ID/Password Authentication

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Enabling Electronic Resource Access… part of a System Librarian’s Job

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

“Tools of the Trade”


•Link Resolvers

•Web Proxies

• IP-based authentication

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Passive Authentication & Authorization (Mellins-Cohen, T. 2017)


Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

IP Address Based Authentication

Off campus



On campus

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Configuring for Shibboleth/SAML… a System Librarian’s Attempt

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Active Authentication & Authorization (Mellins-Cohen. T, 2017)


Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage




Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage


Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

OpenAthens Trial…let’s get somebody to do this…

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

• Single Sign-On solution – connecting up institutions with e-

resource providers

• Saves us from having to configure SSO with each individual provider

• Manages identity (authentication) – “This person is from SMU”

• Manages access (authorization) – “This person is allowed to access”

• Integrates with our SMU corporate AD – so, the same


• Enables off-site access to e-resources – “similar” to EZproxy

• Sales and support from EBSCO

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage


Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Electronic Resource Coverage

OpenAthens federation (total: 136)

SMU subscriptions (total: 250)


ACM, AEA, Ebrary, EBSCOhost, Emerald, Elsevier, Financial Times, HeinOnline, MyiLibrary, JSTOR,

JustCite, Justis, Kluwer Law, MarketLine, Nature, OUP, Passport, ProQuest, Springer, Taylor &

Francis, OnePass, Web of Science, Wiley

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

In summary…

Federations bridge between Identity

Providers & Service Providers


Support for eResource

vendors/publishers to be Service Providers

User Privacy vs Personalization

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage

Salihin Mohammed AliManager

Library Technology & Innovation

SMU Libraries

Our Passion, Our Commitment, Your Advantage


• Myth Busting: 5 commonly held misconceptions about RA21. (2018, February

06). Retrieved March 20, 2018, from


• Mellins-Cohen, T. (2017). Easy access to the version of record (VoR) could

help combat piracy: views from a publishing technologist. Insights, 30(2), 44–

51. DOI:

• Botyriute, K. (2018). Access to Online Resources: A Guide for the Modern

Librarian. Springer International Publishing. Retrieved from
