Salary Survey Flyer


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Tel: +92-21-4534261, +92-21-4536315, Cell: 0300-8275351

Fax: 021-4520708, 021-4546639, E-mail:,

Register Online

Rah im Sh irazi

CEO, Organizational Rese arch Cons ultants

Sydn ey, Australia

Course Facilitator

Lea rn Bes t Practices of Salary Su rvey and J ob Evalua tion Tech niqu es

To an sw er thes e vital que stions Octara on ce again

brings ano the r soug ht a fter w orkshop.....

Do you w ish to an alyze Salary Survey Data to determ ineyour com pan y’s Com pet itive Position ?

Do you wish to d evelop your skills for condu ctingIn-hous e Sa lary Surveys ?

Do you w ish to learn Salary Survey Data Analysis Toolsand resp ective presentation technique s?

1st - 2nd June 2009, Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore

4th - 5th June 2009, Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Karachi

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Rahim Shirazi is a seasoned Human Resource Professional, with extensive

experience in human resource (particularly in Reward and Recognition,

HR re-engineering and Change Management). Rahim is currently heading the

Organization Research Consultants (ORC), Sydney, Australia founded by him in

1994. Rahim has over 25 yea rs of corporate experience in different functions of 

HR in the Oil and Gas industry. He was with an Exxon affiliate overseas for 11

years and Esso Australia for the next 14 years. Whilst with Esso Australia, he participated actively in running

Total Remuneration (TR) workshops in the US on behalf of Exxon International for the benefit of training its

worldwide staff in conducting, evaluating and analyzing TR surveys.

He also chaired the Technical Committee of both the Canberra Management Conference and the Mining Industry

Personal Conference with the objective of enhancing the quality of job matching and survey data analysis.

Rahim wishes to continue consulting on contract basis for progress ive corporations where strong compensation

and benefits, interpersonal and project management skills can make a positive contribution, the end result being

to achieve high grade skills of HR personnel in the corporate sector, meeting business objectives and increas ing

shareholder value.

• Redundancy Plans

• Salary and Benefits Surveys

• Total Remuneration Analysis

• Flexible Packaging on Total Remuneration / 

Employment Cost

• HR Policies and Procedures

• Salary Admin Des ign and Application

• Variable Pay and Pay at Risk Design and

Principles (Incentive Bonus)• Performance Appraisal Systems and its linkage to Pay

• Performance Management and Career Development

• Professional Ladder - Design and Implementation

• Employee Communication

• Competency - Based Assessment Programs

• Job Analysis and Job Evaluation

• Broadband - Design, Principles and Application

• Designing Management/ Sales Incentive Plans / 

Executive Share and Share Option Plans

• Employee Share Purchase Plan - Designing,

Employee Communication and Implementation• Design and Development of Team KPIs and Linking

Rewards to the Achievement of Organizational Objectives

• Process/Strategies and Roles of Change Management

• Developing skills for conducting In-house

Salary Survey

• Analyzing Salary Survey Data to determine

your com pany’s Competitive Position within

a se lective pee r group

• De te rm in in g Benchmark J obs for

In-house Salary Surveys

• Refin ing the p roces s o f Benchmark Jobs

in absen ce of  Exact Mat ches

• Des ign ing and implementing an employee

communication on Total Cost Rem unerat ionApproach

• Sa la ry Survey Data ana lys is too ls and

Presenta tion Techniques including graphical

illustration on Sa lary Surve y Resu lts to

m a n a g e m e n t

• De te rm in in g c om p a n y' s Competitive

Orientation in the m arket place

• De ve lo pin g a Salary Administration Tool

Some Blue-chip Clients:

Chevron Australia, Optus Telecommunication,Chevron Thailand, IBM, Shell Australia, BHP

Billiton, Merrill Lynch, Exxon Mobil & Caltex.

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BRING In-house

Along with this workshop, relative expert Training & Consulting services of 

Mr. Rahim Shirazi are also available to suit specific needs of your organization

at significant savings. Please contact Muhamm ad Arif  a t

or call at 0300-8275091 for more details.

S a l a r y Su r ve y a nd J ob Eva lua t i on M e t hodo log ie s

Cond ucting In-house Salary Survey

• Survey Objec tives

• Select ion of Survey Part icipants

• Survey Proces s and Methodology

• Fine Tuning Process of Data

• Aging of Sa la ry Data

• Standard Survey repor t ing format and Data analys is

Analyzing Salary Survey Data:

bot h In-house and External Surveys

• Evalua t ion Techniques

• Fine Tuning Methodology of Job Matching

• Grade Correlat ion Exercise

• Comp et it ive Salary Pos it ioning Methodology

• How to calculate quar tiles

• Regress ion Analys is - linear and exponent ial

• S imple average and weigh ted average techn iques

• Tools to analyze Salary Survey Data

Group Participat ion and Exercise:

How to a nalyze Salary Survey Data base d on External Survey

• Part icipants go through a process of analyzing

external survey data

• Management Presentat ion techniques on survey data analys is

includ ing grap hical illustration of survey d ata to highligh t the

comp any’s com petitive po sition at each comp onen t of Total


J ob Evaluat ion

• De fin it io n

• J o b Pro file s

• G uid e Ch a rt co n ce p t

• Developing grade vs . job point correlat ion m odel

• Mo s t c om m o n e v a lu a tio n s

I n t h e c u r r e n t e c o n o m i c c l i m a t e ,

comp anies nee d to be considering HR

s t ra teg ies tha t a l low them to mee t

b u s i n e s s o b j e c t i v e s a n d i n c r e a s e

s h a r e h o l d e r v a l u e i n a m o s t c o s t

effective w ay. In th is highly inte ractive

workshop, a ll participan ts are expe cted

to ga in su f f i c ien t knowledge and

exper ience enabl ing them to apply

W o r l d ' s B e s t P r a c t i c e s o f S a l a r y

Surveys and J ob Evaluat ion to b es tsuit their companies’ s trategy. This

training p rogram will help you evaluate

your com pe titive p os ition by u tilizing

salary survey tools thereby reducing

c o s t a n d d e p e n d e n c e o n e x t e r n a l


This highly soug ht a fter wo rksho p is

d e s i g n e d t o p r o v i d e b o t hC o m p e n s a t i o n & B e n e f i t s

Profes siona ls, Rew ard & Reco gn ition

Manag ers, Hum an Resource Analysts,

Hea ds of Personn el Adm inistration, HR

Adminis trators , HR Generalis ts and

Hu m a n R e s o u r c e M a n a g e r s t o

u n d e r s t a n d , a n a l y z e a n d d e v e l o p

strategic techniques an d issu es us ing

bes t practice app roache s to help line

m anage m ent a t t rac t and re ta in h igh

caliber staff and thereby successfullym eet business ob jectives.

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P a r t n e r sLog is t ic s Pa r tne r

T e c h n o l o g y P a r t n e r

S t r a t e g i c P a r t n e r s

*Octara reserves the right to chang e course s,dates, content or m ethod of prese ntat ion.

Registration NoteParticipa tion will be con firm ed sub ject to receipt

of payme nt .

Octa ra Cance llat ion PolicyOur Cancellation Policy is activated as soon as an invoice is

received b y the client. Due to a ny rea son if the client is no t able

to at tend the workshop/conference, they may inform Octara

Sales/Finance department in writing within 48hours of the receipt

of the invoice. In cas e o f no intimation from your o rganization

we rese rve the right to claim the invoiced am oun t. Cancellations

ma de a t least 10 working d ays prior to the course w ill be refunded

in full . If a bo oking is cancelled 10 to 7 w orking days before acourse, a Cancellation Fee of 25% of the course fee is payable.

For cancellations m ade within 7 wo rking days, no refunds can

be given. Cancellations mu st be confirmed by letter, fax or em ail.

Subst i tut ions m ay be ma de a t any t ime . Notwiths tanding the

abo ve, delega tes ma y transfer to anothe r course to be run within

12 months .

To r ece iv e th i s flye r b y e -m a i l d ro p u s a l in e a t

in fo @ o ct a ra .co m

T o v ie w r e p o r t s o n o u r p a s t t ra i n in g w o r ks h o p s

a n d e v e n t s lo g o n t o  w w w .o ct a ra .co m

E-m ail or Fax your no m ina tion(s) to:E-mai l : r eg is t e r@octara .com

: octara@gmail.comFa x : 021-4520708, 021-4546639

Send your cheque in favor of 

“Octa ra Private Lim ite d” to :Muhamm ad Imran AnwerOctara Private Limited2/E-37, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S., Karachi.Tel: 021-4534261 , 021-4536315, Cell: 0321-2670041

Send us your :

Nam e, Des ignation, Orga nization,ma iling a ddress , phone , fax and e-mail

Reg istrat ion & Paym en t Opt ion s

Course material, Octara certificate, lunch,refreshments & business networking

PKR 39,999/-pe r pa rticipa nt

10% Group Discou nton 2+ no m ine es


ProgramsBook your seat TODAY!

Breakthrough Thinking

14th May 2009, Kara chi21st May 2009, Lah ore

Saa di Insh a, Pakista n


The HR Balanced

Scorecard18th May 2009, Lah ore

20th May 2009, Kara chi


Creating ROI on HRInitiatives19th May 2009, Lah ore

21st May 2009, Karach i

Paul Walsh, UK


9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Business through

Emotional Intelligence19th May 2009, Kara chi

21st May 2009, Lah ore


2:00 pm to 6:00 pmCreative Selling in

Challenging Times19th May 2009, Karach i

21st May 2009, Lah ore

Has sa n B. Rizw an ,


Key Account

ManagementJ uly 2009, Karach i

J uly 2009, Lah oreCraig Wardm an, UK

Sales MasterclassJ uly 2009, Karach i

J uly 2009, Lah ore

Has ee b T. Has an , UAE

Effective Office

ManagementJ uly 2009, Karach i

J uly 2009, Lah oreZaufyshan Hase eb, UAE