Sakari Ahvenainen: Information Technology and the Mankind


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(This article has been published in a book: Informaatioteknologian filosofia

(Philosophy of Information Technology) ISBN: 978-952-484-384-3 (In Finnish).

Lappland University Press. Finland 2011. The article has gone through the referee


Sakari Ahvenainen:

“Information Technology and the Mankind –

Evolutionary and Systemic point of View".

Introduction: Popper - evolutionary induction and science

About the theory and the process of this article

This article discusses the mega stages of information technology; the large and

fundamental changes in information technology. The goal for the large time scale

evaluation is to see the current and future states of information technology. The larger

the time scale is, the better are the chances of seeing wider connections and new

development in that field (Buzan & Little 2000, 2).

The history of information technology is a wide question and hence this evaluation

focuses only on basic trends and certain viewpoints. The process of this article is the

evolutionary induction theory presented originally by the Austrian-British philosopher of

science professor Karl R. Popper. This introduction section will focus on this and on

general discussion on the scientific process. The evolutionary induction theory can be

summarized as the following process: a problem, preliminary theories, error elimination

and next generation problems. The main message of the Popper’s book is that this

process is a step towards the scientific, or ultimate, "truth", but which can never be fully

reached (Popper 1979).

The induction model presented by Professor Popper is evolutionary which is reflected

also on the title of the book (“Objective Knowledge – An evolutionary Approach”). In this

book, he sees that he has solved the problem of induction; the only way to have scientific

knowledge that is true1 and verified is to base the theories on earlier commonly accepted

theories while still remaining critical and employing common sense (Popper 1979).

The interesting problem in this article2 is: what is the past, present and possibly future

significance of information and information technology in the evolution of the human


The preliminary theories to answer this question in this paper are both cybernetics, the

general meaning of information (Wiener 2000) and the systems theory (Bertalanffy 2003)

(Skyttner 2005). The third preliminary theory is the mega stages of the evolution of the

human kind. This will culminate in the growth of the organizational size and the

complexity of the human kind in the following sequence: clan, tribe, nation, culture and

the global humanity. The next three chapters will focus on these preliminary theories.

Here the mega stages of the evolution of the human kind will be discussed by using

applications in four different fields. The first one is a geo-political theory (Taylor 1973). It

is closely connected to a large application on warfare and its evolution (Wright 1942),

which was written decades earlier. The third application that discusses the world history

of international systems (Buzan & Little 2000) is also similar to the geo-political theory.

The fourth application is comprised of two theories that discuss evolution of language

(Logan 2007) (Lieberman 2000). Out of these two the work by Logan is centred on the

core topics of this paper, the growth and emergence of organizational levels and

management of complexity.

The next step in the model presented by Popper after the preliminary theories is the most

demanding step of the model - error elimination. The fifth chapter will comprise of this

step and the assessment of the preliminary theories. The conclusions are presented in the

final chapter. Some of the conclusions are the new problems of the Popper model.

Warfare is particularly highlighted in this paper due to the writer's experience and

expertise in that field. In the recent years the author has switched focus to a more wide

view on information and its significance3.

1 True means here that it is commonly accepted by the scientific community.

2 Karl Popper considers that one should focus on interesting problems that have a larger explanatory

power (Popper 1979, 55). 3 In the context of this paper it could also be said that warfare and the meaning of information in

warfare has been a proto-stage to this article that discusses the enlargement of the meaning of information from warfare to the evolution of human kind.

On making science

The goal for the progress of science is to explain reality through more general theories

that explain the reality (Popper 1979, p. 287) (Bateson 2000, xxvi-xxvii). Fundamental and

interconnected scientific theories are the systems theory (Bertalanffy 2003) (Skyttner

2005), the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin4 and cybernetics (Wiener 2000). The

American physicist, assistant professor at the Rockefeller University and philosopher

Heinz R. Pagels sees the management of complexity as the next fundamental theory. He

views it as the next 300-year phase in science following the enlightenment (Pagels 1989).

During the last centuries science has also helped the human kind to comprehend its

status and place in the universe. The Christianity viewed humans as the masters and lords

of the nature. First Galileo Galilee proved that the so-called masters and lords of universe

were not – at least not in the astronomical sense – in the centre of universe. Later on

Charles Darwin proved that new life could be formed in other ways than by divine

creation. Finally James D. Watson and Francis Crick proved through DNA that humans are

formed from the same building blocks than plants and even lower forms of life such as


The first preliminary theory: conceptual analysis of cybernetics and


On information, knowledge and cybernetics

We approach the solution of our interesting problem first by studying the concepts of

information and technology. This conceptual analysis is the first preliminary theory in the

Popperian interpretation of induction. The goal of this analysis if to define and refine the

multiple and divergent definitions of information.

Information as defined in this text is mostly related to cybernetics, the study of machine-

like and human-like self-organizing automatic systems that handle information and

knowledge (Wiener 2000). In cybernetics information is thus always connected to a

certain system. A direct consequence of this is that the information is only relevant in

relation to the system associated to the information5, i.e. its context (Bateson 2000, 408).

4 The Darwinian evolutionary theory can be viewed as an application of the systems theory and it is

not discussed here in itself due to lack of space. Evolution is application of systems theory in which the species in question is considered as the system and its environment comprises of the Earth and its other species. 5 Every person is a unique physiological, genetic, historical and cultural system; otherwise know as an

individual. As a direct result of this the same information, i.e. a word causes a different response in each individual (Maturana & Varela 1998, p. 22 – 23.

There are four types of information in the cybernetic model (Skyttner 2005, p. 81 – 84,


1. The sensory input to the system: stimulation: e.g. auditory system and speech, for

example a question;

2. The information stored in the system, the interpretation of sensory input in the

decision making unit: the interpretation in the brain6 and memory7;

3. Output information to the decision-making unit, for example a response and

production of speech in the vocal unit that simulates the system: other person’s ears;

4. And feedback information to control the system: negative and positive feedback.

Feedback information is the control and influence channel to the system.

Out of the aforementioned types of information the input and output are transferable

information are the only forms of information that are considered in the Claude E.

Shannon’s mathematical communications theory8 which is used widely in the field of

communications (Shannon & Weaver 1949) (Kåhre 2002, p. 216). In order for the

transferable information to have any meaning or impact, the interpretative information is

required. And the only way to reach the goal of the system (decreasing the current lack of

knowledge) is to get feedback (i.e. was the question answered satisfactorily).

A continuum that stars with the living cell and continues through different metaphases as

human beings and their organizations can all be seen as cybernetic information

processing systems. In the next phase the process continued with computers and its

enlargements as computer networks. Internet – a global computer network – represents

the latest phase of this process. The basic levels of these systems – cell, human, and

computer – are:

6 Brains are structure and order that interprets the information stored in the system and sensory input

(Maturana & Varela 1998, p. 22, 34 and 126). Other such information processing systems are a cell and a microprocessor (computer). The decision making unit that processes sensory input combines the sensors and effectors and thus increases the behavioral options of the system (Maturana & Varela 1998, p. 163). 7 The short term memory is neuronal chemistry in the brain and the long term memory is the

connections, structure (order) in the brains. Source: Finnish TV documentary “Muistia etsimässä” (Looking for the memory) YLE Teema, April 2

nd, 2010 8:55 AM, duration 1 hour 33 minutes.

8 Shannon’s book discusses communication, transferable knowledge, not information in the broad

sense. The book lacks the interpretative view of information that consists of the structure of the system like is acknowledged in the book (Shannon & Weaver 1949, p. 8).

1. Datum, the smallest9 unit of information that system can recognize, i.e. differentiate:

the main unit of the message10;

2. Information, N times datum, that has a special meaning to its system: a message;

3. Knowledge, the meaning and interpretation of information in the system. At this level

the information has a meaning (ref. semantics). The influence to the system or its

environment is created through this meaning (ref. pragmatics). And only through this

process does the information have any meaning;

4. The larger levels of information, formed by a multiple of the lower level units and

their special meaning, encoding in the system. For us humans these levels could be

knowledge, comprehension, wisdom and enlightenment. And these can culminate as

skills, values and attitudes of life.

In more basic way information – which is used here as a general term to cover all

aforementioned levels – is in essence putting into form11 (Baeyer 2004, p. 20)

transforming of form12 (Baeyer, p. 25) and a relationship13 (Baeyer 2004, p. 22).

Information is also order14, the opposite of lack of order, entropy, by which it can be

called negentropy (Wiener 2000, p. 11 and 36) (Kåhre 2002, p. 178 and 181). In this

formare-sense and atom has information although in a simple form (Stonier 1990). The

information of elementary particles and atoms, the prediction of their behaviour is

encoded in the wave function (Baeyer 2004, p. 38 and 172 – 174). Based on this we get

the hierarchy for cybernetic information shown in Table 1.

When defined as order, information is immaterial, something other than matter and

energy (Wiener 2000, p. 132). In this sense a book and the information of the book are

different concepts. A book is physical matter and a concrete object in itself. The

information of the book is only meaningful in its context, i.e. when a person who is

sufficiently knowledgeable about its topic and speaks the language the book is written in

reads the book.

9 In the words of quantum physicist Anton Zeilinger: the elementary system contains a single bit of

information (Baeyer 2004, p. 227). 10

Gregory Bateson defines the information as a difference that makes a difference at some later stage (Bateson 2000, p. 272, 381 and 458). I.e. the difference between 0 and 1, adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine and “A” and “Z”. “Creates a difference at some later stage” refers strongly to the impact of information. Even the quantum physicist Erwin Schrödinger sees the difference more important than the quality itself (Baeyer 2004, p. 53). 11

In Latin: informare. The opposite of form is formless which is similar to entropy, lack of order. 12

In speech the vocal pressure is transformed into ideas, in writing the text into ideas, in DNA a codon into amino acid and in a computer a computer-language command to e.g. the summation of two registries. 13

In the relationship sense information is the relationship between input and output. The relationship is formed in and controlled by the decision making unit which works between input and output. 14

The short term memory is neuronal chemistry in the brain and the long term memory is the connections, structure (order) in the brains. Source: Finnish TV documentary “Muistia etsimässä” (“Looking for the memory”) YLE Teema, April 2

nd, 2010 8:55 AM, duration 1 hour 33 minutes.

Human, speech Human, writing Life (DNA) Computer

Level 1: Datum, the smallest distinguishable unit

A sound A letter or a character

ATGS-pair1 A bit

Level 2: Information

A word composed of 1 or more sounds

A word, composed of 1 or more letters

A codon2, three ATGS-pairs

A machine language command (4 to 64 bits)

Level 3 Knowledge, the meaning of information3

The meaning of a word to a human being

The meaning of a word to a human being

The meaning of a codon for a cell (=amino acid)

The meaning of the command for a micro- processor

Level 4 and higher levels:

A sentence, a statement, a conversation, …, wisdom, enlightenment

A sentence, a paragraph, a chapter, a book, a library, …, wisdom, enlightenment

A gene4

(=protein), gene that controls other genes, … (?)5

A function or an algorithm, a program, software

Table 1: Hierarchical level applications of cybernetic knowledge (Baeyer 2004; Bateson

2000, p. 272, 381 and 458; Baeyer 2004, p. 53)

1. ATGS = adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine

2. Codon, three ATGS-pairs (43=64 possibilities), encodes mainly a single one of the 20 amino acids of life.

3. Information is significant only in the sense that in the right system, information changes from a symbol

(message) to action, to a concrete influence in existence. Knowing is thus acting or influencing

4. A gene (100 – 200 amino acids) encodes one of the 1,000 to 30,000 proteins in a cell.

5. Only a part of the influences between the components of the genome of living entities is understood.

On the other hand, in the mathematical framework information is an application of

probability theory. The main applications of the mathematical information theory are

thermodynamics and telecommunication, Shannon’s communication theory. (Kåhre 2002,

p. 190) From quantum physical perspective information is qubit15, which is not dual-

valued like the bit of a computer, but two-dimensional. A qubit has simultaneously all its

values (Enqvist 2007, p. 227).


Qubit = quantum bit.

In the philosophical framework epistemology (study of information) studies human

knowledge and its limits16. The biological information in the DNA, the technical

information of a computer and its bits and the particle information of the qubit are not

included in traditional epistemology. (SEP 2005, Epistemology). The classes of information

related to human knowledge and language are (Niiniluoto 1999, p. 89 – 90):

1. Syntactic (code); information in this article,

2. Semantic (meaning in the context) (See Kåhre 2002, p. 216); in this article the

interpretation of the decision making unit,

3. Pragmatic (influence); in this article the influence of the interpreted information


Close to semantics is semiotics, the study of signs, which studies the significations of signs

such as images and symbols. The three-fold structure at the core of semiotics – an object

(pragmatic), the sign itself (syntactic) and the interpretant, meaning (semantic) – is clearly

related to the classification of information of semantics and cybernetics that was given


The general classes of information can be compiled from this conceptual analysis of


1. Epistemology: the traditional philosophical study of human knowledge;

2. The information of life: the DNA and its interpreter: the cell;

3. The physiologically transferrable information, speech and gestures and its interpreter:

the brain and memory18;

4. The recorded information of humans in writing and signs: semiotics and its

interpreter: the brain and memory;

5. The transferrable information of computers: bits and its interpreter: the memory and

main frame of a computer (nowadays mostly a microprocessor);

6. The mathematical communications or information theory (Shannon and Weaver

1949) (Kåhre 2002);


The classical definition of information from epistemology can be stated as: information is well justified true belief (Niiniluoto 1999, p. 138). It is hard to consider it referring to information stored in a computer or the DNA. Another classification for the epistemological classes of information is from the 17

th century philosopher Benedictus de Spinoza: 1. Information based on vague experience

(belief), 2. First level information: an opinion, imagination, 3. Second level information: common sense. 4. Third level information: intuition (Spinoza 1994, p. 121). 17

In a seminar related to this book at the University of Lappland during July 5th


, 2010, the Finnish definitions of information were determined important for further studies. The preliminary common definition for knowledge was: “Knowledge is interpreted information.” The definition highlights the difference between information and knowledge. The former is a message is some medium while the latter is the interpretation of the message by the interpreter, a cybernetic system (see Baeyer 2004, p. 19). This structure fits to humans, cell, and computers; to all the basic cybernetic applications considered in this article. 18

The memory is the data transfer medium between the past and the future (Wiener 2000, p. 121).

7. Information as a property of existence, comparable to matter and energy: order, the

opposite of entropy, negentropy (Stonier 1990);

8. Particle information: the qubit; and

9. The four classes of information of cybernetics.

This fragmentation of the definition of knowledge and information can be seen as one of

the Popperian interesting problems of the second stage in this article. The concept of

energy was fragmented in a similar way at the beginning of the 19th century. The

invention of the steam machine lead to the discovery of the common base of all forms of

energy like the fact that metabolism is a slow burning reaction where matter bonds to

oxygen. Now computers and the DNA are causing a similar need to find the common base

of information and knowledge (Stonier 1990, p. 5 – 6).

On skills, tools, technique and technology

The conceptual analysis of technology is also related to the conceptual analysis on

information technology in addition to the above conceptual analysis on

information/knowledge. It will begin with the concept of technique that is closely related

to technology.

Technique is the skills and the means to reach a goal or accomplish a task, e.g. the

technique of painting or high jumping. In the restricted meaning it is taking advantage of

nonliving nature and its laws for human purposes (CD-Fact 2004, tekniikka (technique)).

Technique is conceptually action, skills, and tools. Technique is thus always connected to

human skills and our tools. Also Robert Logan maintains that that technique developed

from tools that had their basis on the development of precision mechanics and in the

development of the understanding of sequential processes (Logan 2007, p. 6 and 53).

The word technology was first used in 1829 in the USA, and it means technique in a broad

and general sense; the design, building, usage and research of technical objects and

systems (Airaksinen 2003, p. 11 and 17 – 18). Currently the word technology is used to

signify taking advantage of a technique or exploring its usage possibilities, often it

signifies the same as general technique (CD-Facta 2004, technology).

The major changes in information technology related to humans have been the

development of speech, writing, printing and lastly global computer technology and its

most basic application, the Internet. Speech is action-based technique, skills, writing both

action- and tool-based technique and printing mostly tool-based technique. The

technological and broader stages are represented in the aforementioned only by global

computer technology.

According to the definitions and interpretation chosen above information technology is

the processing and transferring of cybernetic knowledge and the research, planning,

building and use of related systems in broader technical systems.

The second preliminary theory: on systems theory

What are systems?

The second preliminary theory explained in this article to understand the position of

information technology is systems theory. In the previous chapter the cybernetic

knowledge, as defined, is always related to a system. For this reason it is important to

take a closer look at the definition of a system and especially that of an open system that

is principal for the systems theory.

A system is an entity formed of specialized components that are interconnected and this

entity is connected to its environment (Bertalanffy 2003, p. 38 and 70) (Skyttner 2005, p.

52 and 63 – 64). The new system is thus always based on previous components; the

system is always a result of its historical continuum19. The ways the components can be

interconnected has a very fundamental effect on the nature of the system: to its size,

behaviour and the relative importance of its components (Buzan 2000, p. 63, 80 – 84 and

91 – 96) (Bertalanffy 2003, p. 48 and 54).

Systems can be divided in three main types: closed, open and complex. A closed system

does not interact with its environment as opposed to an open system that can exchange

energy, matter and information with its environment. A complex system involves a

multitude of components and most importantly connections between the components

and is therefore hard to describe in short, with little information. (Skyttner 2005, p. 7, 62

– 63, and 105 – 106)

The relationship between an open system and its environment is a vital concept in

systems theory20. An open system influences its environment and the environment

influences the system. An open system can survive in its environment by two methods:

either by modifying the environment like a beaver does or by modifying itself (evolving)

like the hospital bacteria do, i.e. by adjusting to its environment (Skyttner 2005, p. 193).

From this follows that the information technology of a specific time is dependent on what

kind of a general environment it is formed in. It also follows that the human kind can only

survive by modifying its environment or modifying itself.

From the relationship of an open system and its environment comes out that the

structures of human communities can have been very different since their environment

were different in terms of e.g. geography, climate and neighbours (Diamond 2005, p. 27).

As the number of varying environments decreases human communities begin to resemble


An example: The car parts must exist before a car. Or the chain described earlier in this article: life and its main unit, the living cell human being computer the Internet. 20

Fundamental examples of this are the so-called wolf children that have been raised by animals without human contacts. A child is an opportunity for a human and becomes one only when raised in a human community through language and culture (Maturana & Varela 1998, p. 128—129).

one another. The variety of environments decreases as the number of systems decreases

on Earth. The last human systems are nations (ca. 200), cultures (ca. 10) and global

human kind (1).

An open system is thus an entity formed out of specialized components and it is

connected to its environment; the environment modifies the system and the system

modifies its environment. An open system and its environment cannot be separated.

On emergence

The concept of emergence is vital in order to understand the formation of system levels

and their evolving properties. The Finnish physicist and popular science writer Kari

Enqvist claims that only the concept of emergence makes it possible to study complexity

and non-linearities. A certain kind of holy trinity of world explanation is formed by energy,

emergence and entropy. It is about the emergence stemming from making crude

approximations and losing information. (Enqvist 2007, p. 23 and 209)

The loss of information is a similar property to information as entropy is to

thermodynamics according to Jan Kåhre, the Finnish Master of Science (Eng.) and the

creator of a mathematical information theory (Kåhre 2002, p. 22 – 40).

Enqvist discusses the weak emergence of nature where the upper level properties are

formed firstly and finally by the lower level properties. In contrast to this, he considers

the strong emergence to be something genuinely and inexplicably new. He does not

consider the emergence to be inexplicable, but be caused by the combined influences of

the lower level systems.

In systems theory it is important to be able to form a theoretical qualitative explanation

(Bertalanffy 2003, p. 36). The emergence is a qualitative explanation of life and

consciousness (Skyttner 2005, p. 173; originally Norman Cook). Life is an entity formed by

chemical reactions that have reached a certain complexity level and the new properties of

that entity. Consciousness is similarly an electro-chemical entity formed by neurons and

their upper levels that have reached certain complexity level and the new properties of

that entity. Enqvist considers the weak emergence of nature to be mainly about

explaining in principle as opposed to a philosophical statement.

Some large applications of these levels are for example quantum mechanics, particle

physics, atom physics, molecular chemistry, molecular biology and biology (Pagels 1989,

p. 223) (Skyttner 2005, p. 65) (Enqvist 2007, p. 296 – 298). Even though their components

are the lower level components the new higher-level structure has level-defining

properties that the lower level components lack. These new properties of the higher-level

structure can be explained by new laws of nature that only involve this level of complexity

(Pagels 1989, p. 222 – 223). These laws are, however, always simplifications (Enqvist

2007, p. 323 and 325) and therefore incomplete.

When matters are considered in more detail it will be noted that the new emergent

properties are always based on basic particle properties (Enqvist 2007, p. 303 and 313).

This does not mean that new properties would not exist, but their analytical explanation

from the components is still challenging. For now one has to be satisfied with simplified

models instead. They do not explain the reality as it is, in full detail, but rather offer crude

simplifications when detailed information is lost. This fact is related to the notion that a

model is never the reality nor is a map the terrain. If the map would describe the terrain

perfectly in full detail it would not be a map, it would be the terrain in question. In the

sense that Enqvist implied consciousness and life could be solved via complex

neuroscience and complex chemistry. This is the way that emergence and holism and on

the other hand reductionism are combined in theory when studied precisely (Enqvist

2007, p. 171, 280, 285, 302 – 306). In the material sense the new entity is fully described

by its parts. But essential additions in the entity are the new structure with a degree of

permanency21 and the new properties of the entity.

So far the emergence has been considered to be more a part of the philosophical realm of

deduction. Stuart Kauffman – a researcher of complexity and theoretical biologist – has

transformed it to a scientific theory. He raised the self-organization based on complexity

beside Charles Darwin’s natural selection (Kauffman 1995).

In the sense that Enqvist proposed the system and its configuration possibilities can be

solved analytically. One is required to create and solve the Hamiltonian of the system

(Enqvist 2007, p. 8 and 138). He claims that all of nature is based on nonlinearity and the

feedback essentially associated with it. This can be seen as reference to the cybernetic

model presented earlier in this article. All sub-atomic particle interactions are nonlinear

and in this sense all natural phenomena are complex (Enqvist 2007, p. 21 – 22 and 254 –


In conclusion, emergence is the creation of new properties of the high level entity

resulting from the combined influence of lower level properties. As of now these new

properties cannot be explained well starting from the lower level phenomena. The

essential properties of this problem are in fact complexity and also the extreme need for

calculation capacity.


Only the properties that are permanent in the human view are important for humans. Examples of structures with permanency in this scale are life and consciousness. Life is not any combination of chemical reaction nor is consciousness any combination of neurons. They are structures with a degree of permanency, entities.

On complex systems

The complex model is becoming more and more important as a system model. One finds

oneself using it every time entities need to be understood instead of a part. And, as it was

defined earlier, a system is an entity formed out of specialized parts.

It should be emphasized yet again that a complex system comprises of many components

and moreover a great deal of connections between them. And as noted earlier, it is

difficult to describe in short with little information (Skyttner 2005, p. 106). The action of

the entity in complex (and regular) systems is based on the interaction and

communication between its components.

Systems evolve from more simple to more complex (Wiener 2000, p. 36). When viewed

from the system viewpoint, complexity increases as the system levels grow since the

previous level and its specialized components are part of the new, larger level. The global

human kind is hence the most complex human organization on Earth.

American physicist and philosopher Heinz R. Pagels suggests that computers are the most

significant tools for studying complexity management. This is analogous to how

telescopes were the tool to study of large scale such as the solar system and the universe

and how the microscope was the tool to study small scale such as cells and bacteria.

(Pagels 1999)

The first indications of this came from the use of the very first pre-computer, ENIAC, to

solve the theoretical structure of the hydrogen bomb back in 1945. The solution required

approximately a million punch cards delivered in multiple phases. Afterwards it was said

that “The problems in question were so complex that it would have been impossible to

find a solution without the use of ENIAC. Both physics and other forms of science will

benefit greatly from machines like this.” (Pulkkinen 2004, 292 – 293)

Common sense is problematic for systems theory and complexity management in the way

that the analysis of complex and nonlinear systems is difficult to understand for humans

(Pagels 1989, p. 41; originally George Miller, related to short term memory22). This is

caused by the fact that the human brain cannot comprehend the combined influence of

more than 5 to 9 components and also by the fact that the multiple connections of

complex systems, their nonlinearity and in particular the combined influence goes beyond

the traditional cause-consequence thinking. That is, due to the structural limitations of

the human brain, we are bad at understanding complex and nonlinear systems.

In the conscious level the human brain can only handle causalities. The creation of tools

and the development of speech represent evolutionary problems concerned with


The work load of short-term memory can be seen in the way subordinate clauses are understood. A subordinate clause in the middle of the clause is harder to understand since it must be connected to the text before and after it (Lieberman 2000, p. 172).

causality management that have transformed our brains in their current structure (Logan

2007, p. 48 – 49).

The development of speech that is important in this discussion can be seen as the

solution for the challenge of increasing complexity for the early human societies. Some

factors contributing to the increase of complexity before the development of speech

were tool making, the use of fire, living in larger social groups and the coordinated large

game hunt. (Logan 2007, p.5)

Third preliminary theory: on the mega stages of human evolution

On theories

The third preliminary theory related to the interesting problem of this article that

discussed in this chapter are the mega phases of human history. According to the

previously presented systems theory and the idea of evolution the history of the human

kind should be a process in which the next stage is built upon the previous one.

Simultaneously it creates something new on the new level by emergence. This kind of a

geopolitical theory has been presented in 1973 by the Canadian Queen's University

professor of history, geography and politics Alastair M. Taylor (Skyttner 2005, p. 156-161)

(Taylor 1973, p. 29-68). Taylor is also one of the first people to apply systems theory on

the history of the human kind.

A similar model was presented back in 1942 by the professor of law Quincy Wright from

the University of Chicago when he was in charge of the largest research project ever

conducted about warfare. The studies were conducted between 1926 and 1942 (Wright

1942). A total of 66 research studies belonged to the research project of which 45 were

accepted as higher level university thesis or doctoral thesis, 10 published as books and 6

as scientific research articles (Wright, 1942, p. vii).

During more recent years the development of international systems and history has been

studied very similarly by the research professor Barry Buzan from the international

relations department of the Westminster University democracy research centre and the

international politics professor Richard Little from the University of Bristol (Buzan & Little


In his research project Quincy Wright argues that according to the history of warfare he

presents warfare — and similarly the mega stages of human evolution — can be divided

historically in four phases. These phases are the animal phase before language, the

primitive phase after the development of language, the historical phase after writing and

the modern phase after printing press. The corresponding organizational sizes are

enlarged family (clan), tribe, nation and culture. (Wright 1942, p. 29-33)

In the Wright model trade and technology seem to predict the political and organizational

development (Wright 1983, p. 351-352). Trade is a vital element both in the works of

Buzan and Little and Logan as well (Buzan & Little 2000, p. 93-94, 154-156, 177, 234)

(Logan 2007, p. 58-60).

Taylor on the other hand comes up with a geopolitical model based on human evolution.

Its core is the political system that takes input from the biosphere and the socio-cultural

system. The output is products from the material and social system. The system is

controlled by two feedbacks, a negative, limiting and stabilizing one and a positive

expanding one. The positive one is more significant and it increases the information,

negentropy of the political system and strengthens the information. These factors bring

about more opportunities for controlling the environment. This system operates on

multiple levels and is centrally connected to its environment. The system is also

cumulative; the new broader higher level is based on earlier lower and simpler levels.

(Taylor 1973, 56-64)

Next I will shortly discuss the evolutionary phases of the Taylor, Wright and Buzan & Little

models in more detail. These phases are also the organization levels of the history of the

human kind. The most important properties of these phases are summarized in Table 2.

The thing that should be noted in particular in the summarization in Table 2 is the size of

the fifth phase organization. It is global and consequently the human kind can no longer

expand in the natural boundaries of Earth. We have reached the limits of growth also in

the system interpretation. The earlier human societies could move first in to uninhabited

territories and then to territories inhabited by other similar species at the cost of the

other species. There are very few usable uninhabited territories anymore and there is no

other global human kind at the cost of which the expansion could continue.

The first phase: protolanguage and clan

Language should be predated by a pre-phase in the systems interpretation, the

protolanguage. This idea is presented by Philip Lieberman, professor of cognition and

linguistics at the Brown University (Lieberman 2000, p. 103 and 125). Robert K. Logan —

Canadian physicist, media-ecologist and language evolution professor — sees tool

making23, social intelligence, mimic communication and protolanguage as the pre-phase

of language. The communication, vocabulary and syntax are limited in the protolanguage

and sign language, gestures, body language and making of simple voices are part of the

mimic communication. (Logan 2007, p. 6 and 51-57)


In lingual problems involving the Brocca region in brain also the hand motoric functions are defective (Lieberman 2000, p. 147 and 206).

At this stage the human communities were small, scattered, and mobile and had very

little possessions. The connections between the groups were also very limited. Due to the

small size of the human population the resource were available in relative abundance,

especially in new uninhabited areas. At this stage technology or tools were represented

by simple and non-integrated tools made one material only. Examples of these are a

wooden spear sharpened in fire, a stone hand axe and a wooden or bone club. All the

early tools were used just by hand (Diamond 2007, p. 46).

The beginning of the phase

The organizational size

The type of the society

Explaining factor

Significant new objects

Protolanguage Before ca. 50,000 B.C.

Enlarged family

Animalistic Instincts Fire and tools

Language Ca. 50,000 B.C.

Tribe Primitive Sociology Large game hunt and trade

Writing Ca. 3,500 B.C.

Nation Historical Politics (law) Farming, war

Printing Ca. 1,500 A.D.

Culture Modern Science, technology

Modern states, industry

Global electronic and integrated knowledge

Ca. 2,000 A.D.

Global Postmodern Information, complexity

Computer and computer networks, the Internet

Table 2. The evolutionary and systems phases of warfare and the evolution of human


On the development of speech

The spoken version of language, the speech, is fundamentally intended for problem

solving and thinking. One phase in the human development is the idea that thinking

doesn't require speaking aloud. (Logan 2007, p. 29-30) Language is also the first

technology that allowed humans to break free from its environment to see it from a new

perspective (Logan 2007, p. 41; originally from the media researcher Marshall McLuhan).

The step was from being into becoming, from concrete to abstract.

The development of speech was connected to three major changes. Firstly there was a

transition from concrete perceptions to abstract concepts. Secondly the brains

transformed into mind24 — the combination of brains, language and culture. Thirdly, the

undeveloped early Homo sapiens predecessors transformed into fully developed people,

Homo sapiens. (Logan 2007, p. 64 and 250)

The language is only a single part of the evolutionary chain. Logan considers the

evolutionary chain to consist of the following phases: spoken language, written language,

mathematics, science, automated computing and the Internet (Logan 2007, p. 8 and 28-

40). The phases predating language have most likely been tool making and walking

upright which was a necessary phase for tool making.

The phases after language fit mostly with the general model presented in this text. Logan

presents also the printing press as a part of the chain in a wider catalogue (Logan 2007, p.

25). Each phase was formed to solve the new needs of information processing in a

systems theoretical sense basing on earlier phases and taking characteristics from them.

Logan considers the development of language to have been formed to solve the problems

created by the increasing complexity of the human societies. Language was the emergent

answer to solve these problems (Logan 2007, p. 9 and 199). A new communications

method was required to make the co-operation in the new larger level possible.

The communications methods for the early hunter-gatherers to other groups — i.e. larger

systems — were marriage, exchange of objects and gatherings (Buzan & Little 2000, p.

123-130). These methods and the language expanded the size of the organization for the

first time and made it possible to increase the level of specialization circa 50,000 years

ago. The new fully-grown and abstraction-based25 language helped form technique, arts

and trade and later on mathematics, science, automated computing and the Internet

(Logan 2007, p. 6 and 58-61).

The next phases and information

In the next phase new application were created by information technology that along

with other factors were necessary to have co-operation on a larger scale and to further

increase specialization. In each phase a significant problem related to information

remained to be solved by the new information technology of the next phase. These are

presented in Table 3.


Matura & Varela agree on the significance of language on the mind (Maturana & Varela 1998, p. 231 and 233–234). 25

In language an abstract combination of voices was combined to a concrete object or action. Writing was in a way a second level abstraction: an abstract voice was connected to an abstract visual symbol. The increasing abstraction level is the hallmark of increasing maturity (Baeyer 2004, p. 36).

The beginning of the phase

The new advantage related to information

The remaining problem related to information

Protolanguage Before ca. 50,000 B.C.

The increased efficiency in co-operation

Only concrete concepts possible

Language Ca. 50,000 B.C.

Abstract thinking via symbols Information could not be stored outside an individual

Writing Ca. 3,500 B.C.

The permanent and unchanging storage of information

Replication of information expensive and information controlled by the elite

Printing Ca. 1,500 B.C.

Replication of information is cheap and information could be “democratized”

The production of replicated information is time consuming and its transfer is slow

Global electronic and integrated knowledge

Ca. 2,000 B.C.

Transfer of information is fast (speed of light) and also its creation (computers and the Internet)

The explosion of the quantity of information, complexity, reliability of information, etc.

Table 3. The advantages of information and the remaining significant problems of the

different phases of the evolution of information technology.

Ocean going sailing ships changed the oceans from isolating obstacles to high ways in the

16th century in the same manner that trains and airplanes later transformed continents

(Buzan & Little 2000, p. 296). An even more important factor was the increasing

information transfer speed through the telegraph. The maximum speed of some tens of

kilometres per hour that a letter could be delivered on horseback or by sailing ship

changed to approximately ten billion kilometres per hour through the electromagnetic

waves that carried the telegram. For (electronic) information, the Earth became a village.

The systems logic behind the levels

In each of the three transitions of the Wright and Taylor theories the following has


1. The transformation to the next level was achieved through a change in the

information technology: The development of speech, writing and printing (Also in

McNeill & McNeill 2006, p. 20 and 24). The change was part of a larger entity and

other changes were also often required, for example farming.

2. The new and larger organizational level made it possible with other factors that a

new, wider and more efficient specialization26 was possible (division of labour27).

This specialization and meant wider and more versatile technique. As principal

phases technique developed from tools to machines, systems and systems of


3. The new organizational level has also marked the continuously growing population

density and increasing number of contacts; wandering clan, village, town, big city

and megapolis.

4. Because the new organizational level is formed out of the old ones and is larger than

them new emergent properties were formed as proposed by the systems theory and

these properties did not exist at the lower level. A part of this phenomenon is the

change in the main explaining factor for the level: from psychology to sociology,

politics, technology and finally information.

5. Because the old specialized components are part of this new level, nothing old


6. Based on the previous point the complexity in the human organization and

functionality increased at each level. This growth can be explained the specialization

of the lower level and the increase of system size, that creates completely new

emergent concepts and also with the new factors and functionalities of the

technique and the wider specialization, among other things.

7. Because the new complexity represents difficulty to describe the system in short

with little information the previous point also signified an increase on the

information content of the society as a system and in other ways as well. In order to

control the new, wider complexity more information was required which lead to the

need for a new communications method that made it possible to control the new

level of complexity and information transfer.

8. The new and ever larger integrated systems levels also meant the units in the highest

level decreased in number on the Earth scale28.

9. The new efficiency, technique and denser and wider contacts and the possibility to

create new information ever faster have also signified the significant decrease on

the duration of the mega stages.

10. When the new level matures into a system it dominates, controls29 the lower levels.

The highest level is also the most significant. Its influence is spread on lower levels

such as the industrialized and mechanized farming in the industrial phase and the


In the famous work of Adam Smith the division of pin point needles into ten phases created hundreds and even thousands of times more efficiency compared to one person completing all the work phases (Smith 1776, I.1.3). 27

Larger specialization signifies directly a larger system: A system is formed out of specialized components… 28

There are approximately 200 countries, ten cultures and only one global human kind. 29

The control over the components is explicitly a requirement for a system, a synergic entity. For example the brain, the nervous system and hormones. Or police. Also the problem of the EU or the UN is their “low system levelness”, small control over its components.

informationalised farming in the information phase. The higher organizational level

also sets limitations to the lower levels. Because the global level is only forming its

methods of control are not yet fully developed.

The points made above are almost in perfect harmony with evolution of life. Nine jumps

in the fields of chemistry and biology have happened in the evolution of life and they

have all been characterized by three changes: (i) the increase in the systems size, (ii) the

increase in specialization and (iii) the change in how information is processed (Smith &

Szathmáry 1995, p. 12-14). Also in the book "Megaevoluutio" (Megaevolution) Eero

Paloheimo discusses this matter as discussed here earlier, although he uses the language

of phases instead of levels. This is a fundamental phenomenon of the systems theory; the

formation of new systems levels.

The levels of systems and warfare: the global strategy of survival for the

human kind

According to the systems theory warfare is a function of its environment (society). The

traditional levels of warfare in general and according to systems theory are combat

technique, tactics, operational skills and (military) strategy. They can also be expanded to

include the national strategy, alliance (military) strategy and the alliance strategy.

(Ahvenainen 2008, p. 155-156)

If the previously presented warfare level structure is expanded from culture, alliances, to

the global stage, the global strategy of survival for the human kind ensues. Based on

previous levels it is the utilization of the resources of the specialized cultures to guarantee

the survival of human kind and for its benefits. Because there is no competition on the

global level, the war in this level is civil war within the global level. In practice this means

the fight within the most important aspect of this level: information. This logic creates a

global information warfare that can be exemplified by the global information battle raised

from the drawings of Mohammed in Denmark during 2006.

Assessment and error elimination

In the Popperian induction method used in this article the most important and difficult

phase is the error elimination that is discussed in this chapter. It is probable that in order

to reach a good conclusion one needs more time, space and a more wide discussion of

the topic than can be taken here. What will be discussed is also the error elimination of

error elimination, i.e. critique of the critique.

The models of Wright, Taylor and Buzan & Little represent general theories that do not

include short term or local fluctuations or detail. The real history has always included set-

backs, fluctuations (Wright 1942, p. 375) and local adjustments. This must be taken into

account also when the theory is used to create predictions. On the other hand, losing

information, forgetting about the details is a vital point of view in data processing and

physics (Kåhre 2002, p. 71) (Enqvist 2007, p. 209). Losing information about the details of

the smaller lower level systems is a method to reach a new, higher and more general level

in the systems theory perspective.

Conflicting time estimations about the development of language — which is vital for this

article — has been given in the literature. Time quoted earlier in this article, 50,000 B.C,

represents time when many significant changes in human behaviour took place. These

include technology, trade and arts (Logan 2007, p. 6). This time estimation is also in line

with the times given by Buzan & Little (Buzan & Little, 2000, p.4 and p. 405–406). Logan,

on the other hand, gives a time frame of 50,000 to 100,000 years ago (Logan 2007, p. 62).

The times frames for writing and printing on the other hand have been defined more

accurately. The division into these time steps is a hypothesis of the writer. In other used

references the time frames of the revolutions of information technology presented here

had not been connected in the aforementioned method. The hypothesis from writing and

printing is that each time period lasts a tenth of the previous one. This means that the

protolanguage time would have lasted circa 500,000 years and the global information

technology time approximately 50 years. In a similar manner, the time before

protolanguage would have been 5 million years30 and the phase following information

technology would last approximately 5 years. The latter time would actually require

cosmic, larger-than-Earth systems.

The Wright model is over 60 years old, so it is apparent that the latest research has

something to say about e.g. language development and its timing. This can be seen for

example in the fact that sometimes the facts presented by Wright have been further

specified. It is difficult to gain knowledge from the oldest times, prehistory, with accuracy

and sufficiently. The longer one goes into past history, the less there is knowledge about

that time. The smaller the society, the less marks it has left. And at begging the group size

has been very small. It is estimated that the modern man descends from a community of

10,000 people from Africa ca. 200,000 years ago (Smith & Szathmáry 1995, p. 278). The

evidence for the mega model of the history of the human kind is very scarce when it

comes to the earliest evolutionary phases of the human kind. Regardless, the model

utilized here forms a sound base for the explanation of the matters in that era.

Both the Taylor and the Wright models lack certain key premises of the systems theory.

Whereas in the past decade's books of Logan and Buzan & Little the key premises of the

systems theory are more visible. For Wright this is understandable since the systems

theory itself was not developed in the 20's and 30's when the Wright research project

30 This is the time when humans specialized from the chimpanzee (Lieberman 2000, p. 37) and hands

were freed to other types of action (Lieberman 2000, p. 125).

was in full swing. The most vital concept from systems theory that is missing in the

aforementioned texts is the relation between the system size and the communication

method required for the control of that level. This connection is vital in Logan's work

(Logan 2007, p.3). The system size can, if other components thus allow, grow when the

communications method required for the information and knowledge of that systems

level is employed.

The professor of history, Alex Roland, has used Wright's theory as a central premise is his

four-part literary series. Roland applies the theory created before and during World War

II to explain events taking place after WW II. He considers Wright's theory to be mostly

valid. (Roland 1997)


Roland shows that technology has caused a significant change after WW II in that the

number of casualties has suddenly decreased. The reason for this is the destructive power

modern technological warfare between the most developed nations and in particular,

nuclear weapons. Furthermore Roland claims that WW II signified the beginning in the

development where quality dominates quantity (Roland 1997 part 2/4; 2/15).

Roland considers that the starting point for Wright's theory, the changes in the

information technology are more conceptual purity than hard evidence, namely the

transformation from animalistic phase to the primitive phase through language phase in

warfare phases (Roland 1997 part 1/4; 5/11). Roland does not however discuss systems

theory in his article. In systems theory the relation between the communications system

and system size is relevant. Wright came to this conclusion in 1942 without being able to

reference the systems theory developed in the 1960's. In systems theory Bertalanffy

speaks in this context long even about theoretical history (Bertalanffy 2003, p. 109-119).

The Wright theory is even theoretical history, although from observated and researched

reality, not from a theory that has been chosen as a foundation.

Roland sees many flaws or mistakes in the treatment of Wright's theory. Despite these he

considers the work by Wright to be an impressive accomplishment and he values it as the

most thorough and educated analysis ever conducted about warfare (Roland 1997 part

1/4, p. 9/11). Roland critiques the superiority of technology in the Wright model by

pointing out the success of the guerrilla warfare of Mao (Roland 1997 part 2/4, p. 5/15 -

6/15). This should not be considered sufficient to rule out Wright's assessment of the

technology being the most explanatory factor in that era, but it highlights that other

strong explanations exist as well (Ahvenainen 2004, p. 39-46).

In conclusion, generally technology is the most basic explaining factor in modern warfare

but not the only one and not even the most important one in all cases. Warfare, like

finance and societies, is too complex to be explained by simple theories that work

without exceptions. The theories related to warfare, like those related to finance and

societies, are just helping tools for thinking, not mathematical models that always and in

general give precise and accurate results.

The new emergent explanatory models for the global level have been suggested to be

complexity management and information in this article. Both are included in the main

idea of the new level but require further research. The national level is rather well

defined in the studied model, although the influence of the nation varies globally

between collapsed nations to the Nordic welfare state. On the other hand, the

significance of the cultural level requires further clarification. The global level is just

forming and is thus a very interesting topic for further studies. It is evident that many of

the main problems of our time can only be solved in the global level. These include

among others the Internet and its information security, over-population, poverty and

refugees, global warming and over-fishing. An example of the type of action required by

the global level is the victory over the SARS-epidemic achieved only with international



Conclusions to the interesting problem of the article

The interesting problem of the article was: what is the past, present and possibly future

significance of information and information technology in the evolution of the human


Based on systems theory the significance has been remarkable. The new systems level

requires the interaction possibilities and connections of its specialized parts. These

include the quantity of information corresponding to the new level and its complexity and

the corresponding communications system for the communication between the

components of the enlarged system. Information and information technology are tools

for complexity management. The former is the message and the latter is its medium.

The significant changes in the information technology for the evolution of human kind

have been the emergence of speech, the invention of writing, the invention of printing

and lastly the global integrated31 electronic information technology culminating in the

Internet. The growth of the system size has made possible a continually expanding

specialization and division of labour. Specialization itself has made possible a better and

broader technology and that itself a better well-being, at least more material goods,


Integrated signifies here the information saving, handling and transferring in computer networks.

including artefacts. The development of information technology is part of this broader


The next mega phase after the printing era is most evidently the global integrated

electronic information technology that culminates in the global computer network, the

Internet. It central task in the context of this article is complexity management at the

global level. At the same time complexity management changes every aspect of our life

such as science. Next to the theoretical and experimental science comes computational

science that can only be created with computers. Complexity management and

information rise up to new emergent explanatory models for the new global level — at

least at the hypothetical level. These come after the technology and science of the

cultural level.

In the Wright model trade and technology seem to anticipate political and organizational


Other conclusions

Apart from what was presented in previous section, the following more general

conclusions can be drawn from the earlier chapters:

1. The systems theory has been applied in the main sources of this article in a wide

cross-section of scientific fields. In the applications new viewpoints have been formed

related to the history, present and future of the particular field. The models of Wright,

Taylor and Buzan & Little are also the reduction of information as presented by Kåhre,

removing details and processing information to a higher level, to a more general


2. One sector of the systems theory, cybernetics gives the interpretation message (input

and output), decision making unit and influence of information to all types of

information based on language32. This implies that cybernetics has potential to be the

basis of further research.

3. In whole systems theory should be acknowledged wider in philosophy and it bring

new view points to earlier philosophical constructs. These are the origin of

emergence, the connection of holism and reductionism, the need for a general

epistemology, the limits of human knowledge and the relation of humans and nature.

It is likely that the scientific nature of the emergence that creates new levels in

systems theory can only be acquired through a wider and improved complexity

management. Furthermore one needs more accurate lower level models and

especially growth of computing capacity.

4. The model presented in this article gives basis to the assessment of the future of

human kind and leads logically - based on the earlier phases - to the importance of


Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic.

global ecology, global survival strategy for the human kind. In systems theory this

phase can be discussed as theoretical history (Bertalanffy 2003, p. 197-204).

5. The important relationship of the system and its environment in systems theory gives

clear argument for the global survival strategy for the human kind. The system here is

the human kind and the Earth is its environment. Many natural and other

catastrophes have wiped out entire cultures in the past (Diamond 2007). The

environment for the global human kind is the entire Earth and all of its biosphere and

the human kind cannot afford to have it destroyed. One must use knowledge

particularly to solve global, complex problems. For that one needs global resources

and the latest computer technology. At the same time the science paradigm

transforms to complexity management. Furthermore the humbleness of men gets a

new source after astronomy, evolution theory and DNA. The new source for

humbleness is the systems theory. We are only a part of the Earth, not the Earth. The

Earth is still necessary for us for a long time, but we are not necessary to Earth in any


6. Broadly speaking the human kind has survived so far mostly by changing its

environment through intelligence and knowledge and also by using tools, technique

and technology. In some cases humans have also adapted to its environment

(Diamond 2007, p. 296-328). At the global level the survival of the human kind that

would be equal or larger in size than the current one is probably not possible by

changing the environment by the current method, exploitation. The humans are too

significant as species for this to be possible33. We must thus adapt and change our

relationship with our environment, the Earth.

7. When the human kind moves on to the global systems level many aspects change

significantly in the used context. Firstly the human kind reaches the maximum unit

size on Earth. Secondly there are no rival units at this size level on Earth. Thirdly the

new main explanatory models replace the old ones. The hypothesis is that the new

explanatory models will become information and complexity that replace technology

and science.

8. Science has a lot to say about the central topic of epistemology, the limits of human

knowledge, through among others by Gödel, Heisenberg, quantum mechanics,

mathematical information theory, study of the elementary particles34 and systems

theory. The message is clear and consistent: ultimate knowledge cannot be reached

with finite resources.


If one person uses 50 acres to produce groceries, feed its domestic animal and for the land area of buildings, roads, harbors, and such, the current human kind requires some 3.5 billion hectares, I.e. 35 millions square kilometers of land space. That is approximately a quarter of all land area on Earth. In Finland some 230 million acres of arable land is been used for five million people. See for example the used agriculture area for the fall of 2009 (December 28, 2009). 34

The study of ever smaller particles requires paradoxically ever larger machines, e.g. LHC and the Higgs-particle (, July 11, 2010).

9. With respect to information technology the following structural levels and its

applications have been found: information technology is represented by the global

information technique, information technique by printing, pre-stage of the

information technology by writing and proto-information technique, skills, by

language. It is noteworthy that the tools predate the speech. The classification given

earlier is based on the hierarchal structure of systems theory. In this structure

technology is broader use of technique related to science and research and systems of

systems, whereas technique is simpler tool making, tool usage and upkeep of

machinery and tools.

10. In the future we need to have a new kind of a comprehensive view on information.

The traditional epistemology is not sufficient but is part of this new entity. Here we

can yet again see the aim of entity, complexity management as presented by Pagels.

11. In the cybernetic model both the transmittable information of Shannon, e.g. DNA, and

the information connected to the interpreting system structure, e.g. cell is

information. The computer is a new interpretative machine for humans, parallel to

the brain, especially for complexity management. In this sense computer technology

— technology that handles information — is a vital addition to human evolution.

Instead of information transmission abilities it expands for the first time significantly

human information processing ability. In addition this ability has grown and keeps on

growing at never before seen pace35.

12. Technique and technology have opened previously deeper understanding of certain

issues and even new dimensions36 for humans. Now computer as the new application

of information technology is beginning to open up for humanity a new understanding

of information and complexity.

13. The central idea of the Popperian evolutionary induction was that scientific truth can

be approached but never fully reached. This was further confirmed in this article. The

most significant notification involves complexity management. In principle, for

example, the consciousness can be solved through neurons and their upper level

phenomena, but the complexity of this problem will overwhelm for a long time the

available performance of the equipment available. We are thus still forced to use less

complex, simplified theories.


The combined computational capacity of all computers has increased by a factor of 700-million from 1960 to 2000. The number of computers has increased 70,000 fold and the performance of the average computer by a factor of roughly 10,000. 36

For example the third lateral dimension (airplanes) and the electro-magnetic spectrum (radio, radar, laser,) and of course the cyber space, the virtual and artificial dimension of computers and their information that culminates in the Internet.

Conclusions from the conclusions: new problems

The Popperian induction model used as the process base for this article requires that new

problems arise from the conclusions. This were formed and the most significant three


1. The need for a general information theory,

2. The need for a new scientific paradigm and the critique of human thinking and

3. The need for the evolutionary information strategy for the human kind.

These also involve the reduction of information that Kåhre presented, conclusions drawn

from conclusions. The three new problems will now be discussed in more detail.

One of the main fields of philosophy is epistemology, study of information and

knowledge. It has been shown in this article that information is a wider concept and

involves other types of information such as the information of life found on DNA, the

technical information of computers, the mathematical information theory (Kåhre 2002),

entropy-negentropy duality, information of existence in the qubit and finally cybernetics.

A unified information theory is required similarly to how a unified energy concept was

required to merge diverged energy concepts of the 19th century. It also seems like the

systems theory could be a possible preliminary theory. The developed or systems theory,

Bertalanffy, discussed the limits of human knowledge widely in his main work General

Systems Theory. These limits are formed through biology; i.e. senses, brain size and

structure; through culture through the present paradigm of the science and finally

through language (Bertalanffy 2003, p. 222-250).

The other tools of the Popperian evolutionary induction theory employed in this article in

addition to its process are common sense and criticism. Out of these the common sense is

problematic for systems theory and complexity management in that sense that the

successful analysis of a complex and non-linear system is often out of reach37 for an

analysis done on pen and paper with common sense only. This is also evident based on

systems theory. When we are discussing the limits of human knowledge, we must deeply

understand what kind of a systemic and evolutionary entity a human being is. A

preliminary new theory for this problem of common sense being insufficient is the type of

science that can only be done on computers (Pagels 1989). One must thus raise

modelling, visualization and computational science on computers next to common sense

when one discusses complex systems.

On a global level the human kind can no longer afford evolutionary trials such as those

that have been done on smaller and lower level societies when there were more isolated

society units. Success of each of those trials was not important for the human kind. The

existence can similarly experiment with the human kind. If we destroy ourselves and a


E.g. the solution to the structure of the hydrogen bomb and ENIAC-computer, section 3.3.

significant part of other life on Earth, the development is likely to continue based on the

surviving elements as has happened during previous global catastrophes. It should be

noted that this next global catastrophe, possible self-caused, will just have a special

significance for the human kind. The preliminary theory to solve this problem is the

evolutionary and ecological information strategy of the global human kind.

This information strategy can be connected to the previous ones, i.e. the new science

paradigm and the general information theory. The time is limited. The solution is still

hopefully in our reach and the tools required involve the latest expansion of the human

kind, expanding the human intelligence and information with global computer-based

information technology. It’s most significant application is the management of

complexity, a new global level. At the same time systems theory demands a new kind of

humility from us that Galilee, Darwin and DNA-pioneers have already tried to teach us.38


This paragraph is the conclusion drawn from the conclusions of the conclusions, the third level in compression of this article, or the loss of information as presented by Kåhre or Enqvist.


Ahvenainen Sakari. Sotilasfilosofi Quincy Wright ja sodankäynnin muutos –

Informaatioajan evolutiivinen ja systeeminen näkemys sodankäyntiin. Sotatieteellisen

seuran vuosikirja Tiede ja Ase 2008 (p. 134 – 159) (In Finnish) (Military Philosopher Quincy

Wright and the Change of Warfare – The Systemic and Evolutionary Point of View of the

Information Era towards Warfare. The Year Book 2008 of the Finnish Society of Military


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