Saint Paul Parish€¦ · Youth Ministry..... page 11 Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of...


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INSIDE THIS WEEK Announcements .............. page 10 Faith Formation ................. page 8 Faith to Move Mountains ... page 2 Our Holy Father ................ page 2 Parish School ..................... page 9 Parish Staff/Ministries ........ page 4 Pastoral Hispana ............. page 12 Sacrament Life ................... page 3 This Week ......................... page 3 Worship Aid ...................... page 6 Young Adults ................... page 11 Youth Ministry................. page 11

Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton

PEACE The greeting of peace at Mass adds substance to a message of today's readings: peace is relational. When we greet in peace the person near us at Mass, we share the touch of a handshake or embrace, sincere eye contact, and friendly words. The scriptures speak of a similar peace. The first reading from Isaiah describes the peace of the holy city, Jerusalem, a place of prosperity and comfort where the "LORD's power shall be known to his servants" (Isaiah 66:14c). The Christian understanding of peace changes slightly. Paul writes of the "peace and mercy" on all who are created anew. Jesus describes a feeling of peace that will rest on those who accept his disciples and their message. Peace is both an absence of strife and a personal blessing. May we always and sincerely bring peace to our own lives as we share it with others . Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

Parish/Rectory Office 214 Nassau Street

Princeton, New Jersey 08542 Telephone: (609) 924-1743

Fax: (609) 924-7510

Convent 216 Nassau Street

Princeton, New Jersey 08542 Telephone: (609) 924-4414

Parish/Rectory Office Hours Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm

Saturday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Saint Paul School 218 Nassau Street

Princeton, New Jersey 08542 Telephone: (609) 921-7587

Fax: (609) 921-0264

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Welcome A Message from Msgr. Joe Today’s celebra on could well be about mission. In our Gospel reading, Jesus sends his disciples out to spread his message, giving them explicit instruc ons. We too have been sent by virtue of our Bap sm. Our gathering here, like many such gatherings around the world, is one of the fruits of their labors. An quity es mated the world’s na ons as seventy-two in number. Thus, in sending forth seventy-two disciples, Jesus provides sufficient workers to harvest the en re world. Their mission describes our bap smal call (subs tute “we” for “they”): Jesus’ messengers are not to proclaim themselves but prepare for Jesus. They are sent not as individuals, but in pairs (proclaiming the kingdom is a communal mission). They are to build stable communi es (“the same house” where they “eat and drink,” table fellowship in Luke, poin ng toward Eucharist). They invoke God’s peace, then respond to prac cal needs (curing the sick). They proclaim the Kingdom. In fulfilling their mission they are to trust in God’s providence; focus on the mission’s urgency without distrac ons or delay; humbly accept hospitality, respec ul of the welcoming culture (“eat and drink what is offered”); seek no superior se ngs or accommoda ons; and never retaliate. Isaiah prepares us to hear this gospel of God’s expanding kingdom by envisioning a Jerusalem that, while no longer the spiritual world’s physical center, has become even more

important: the figura ve source (note the beau ful maternal images) from which God extends comfor ng care to all the weary world. Gala ans reminds us that our only boast, as disciples, is the new life we have received through Christ’s cross. How par cularly striking this message is as we celebrate another Independence Day and are reminded of the faith-inspired principles of the Declara on of Independence. As Chris ans our discipleship, witness and mission is not merely to pronounce principles, but to give credibility through the faith-filled integra on of these principles and true ac ons of the disciple preparing the way for the Lord. As we worship here today, let us take me to be thankful to God for all the disciples who have gone before us to spread the Good News. I hope that all will have the opportunity to enjoy the holiday weekend. God Bless!

Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie Pastor (609) 524-0505

Rev. Miguel Valle Parochial Vicar (609) 524-0516

Rev. Daniel Gowen Parochial Vicar (609) 924-1743

Deacons Mr. Frank Crivello (609) 216-7576

Mr. Jim Knipper

(609) 216-7582

On his visit to the U.S., Pope Francis encouraged us to nurture, promote, and defend the precious gi of religious freedom. To this end, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has con nued to encourage Catholics, other Chris ans, and all people of good will to set aside two weeks to reflect on religious freedom. The Fortnight for Freedom runs from June 21 (the vigil of the feast of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher) to July 4 (when we celebrate our na onal Independence Day). The theme for this year’s Fortnight is “Witnesses to Freedom.” The Conference is li ing up for reflec on the stories of 14 women and men who bear witness to freedom in Christ, such as Oscar Romero, the Li le Sisters of the Poor, the Martyrs of Compiègne, and the Cop c Chris ans who were killed by ISIS last year. Reflec ng on the lives of these great men and women can show us how we might serve as witnesses to freedom today. They love their country, yet this love does not surpass their love for and devo on to Christ and his Church. It is remarkable to

see the witness of so many martyrs throughout the history of the Church who love the land and people of their birth, even as they are being persecuted. We can emulate this in our work today to promote religious freedom in the U.S., as it is of a piece with our efforts to contribute to the good of all Americans. We are dedicated to protec ng and building up civil society precisely so that we-and so many others-may remain free to provide educa on, to care for the sick, the poor, and the migrant. Indeed, to yield in the face of challenges to religious ins tu ons today would show a wavering love for our country and a weakening in our resolve to serve the common good. And so we see that these witnesses are also dedicated to service. They show us that what is important is not simply that we have rights, but that we exercise them responsibly and out of love for others. This can take many forms. Like Thomas More, John Fisher, or Edith Stein, we may find ourselves at the forefront of culture. Or, we might serve those who are oppressed and marginalized, as Ven.

Henrie e Delille did. In every situa on, we are called to be missionary disciples, people who follow Christ and serve the world. And if following that call means that we are occasionally at odds with the government or the ambient culture, we can be assured that the power of the Holy Spirit will buoy us in

mes of trouble. The witnesses remind us as well that the struggle for religious freedom is not new. In the history of the Church, both globally and in the United States, religious freedom disputes have arisen frequently. Our challenges did not begin with a par cular government regula on or Supreme Court decision; they began instead when our capacity for knowing the truth and loving the good were damaged in the Fall. All people overstep their bounds from

me to me, and the people who establish and run governments are no different. In short, by pondering the lives of these exemplary Chris an witnesses, we can learn much of what it means to follow Jesus Christ in today’s challenging world. Fore more informa on on these witnesses of freedom visit:

USCCB: Fortnight for Freedom

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Worship and Sacramental Life

Eucharist Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM Sunday Masses: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM (Spanish) Weekday Masses: 6:45 and 8:15 AM Monday to Friday 12:10 PM Wednesday and Friday 8:15 AM Saturday Holydays and Holidays as announced

Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 PM and by appointment

Recitation of the Rosary Monday-Saturday following the 8:15 Mass

Eucharistic Adoration Fridays 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Saturday Morning following 8:15 Mass

Baptism First, Third and Fourth Sundays of the

month at 1:00 PM; Second Sunday of the month in Spanish at 2:30 PM

Baptism Preparation: Second Friday of the month at 7:00 PM in Spiritual Center;

Spanish language preparation on the third Friday of the month at 7pm.

Pre-registration for Baptism and Instructional Session is necessary. Please contact Monica Heucke in the Parish Office

Marriage: Ideally, couples planning to marry at St.

Paul should contact the Parish Office one year in advance so that they may complete the necessary marriage preparation process. Please set date with Church before making other plans. Contact Susan Howley in the Parish Office at ext. 106 for information.

Anointing of the Sick/Communion to the Homebound: Please notify the Parish Office when

serious illness occurs or when the sick, aged, or incapacitated are confined to home for an extended period. Arrangements can be made to bring communion to those unable to attend Mass. Please contact Susan Howley in the Parish Office at ext. 106.

Our Parish Mission

We, the Catholic Community of Saint Paul in Princeton, honor our tradition of welcoming God’s

sons and daughters from different cultures and backgrounds to hear and live the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Baptized and formed into the People of God, we continue to grow in the Apostolic Tradition of Worship, Word and Service.

Worship through our participation in the Eucharist and celebration of sacraments; Word, in our commitment to Catholic identity through Scripture and catechesis; and

Service, as disciples who share God’s love with all by working together

This Week at St. Paul Sunday, July 3 10:00 am 1:00 pm

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Bap sms

Auditorium A Church

Monday, July 4 Tuesday, July 5 4:00-6:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm 7:00-8:30 pm 7:00-9:00 pm 7:00-9:30 pm 8:30 pm

Youth Ministry Summit Hispanic Holy Hour Lec o Divina SVDP Mee ng Young Adults Pray|Play Wedding Rehearsal

Rooms 1 & 2 Church Conference Room Rooms 1 & 2 Auditorium A Church

Wednesday, July 6 12:40-3:30 pm 7:30-9:00 pm

YM Summer Film Fes val Women’s Evening of Recollec on

Rooms 1 & 2 Church/Auditorium B & C

Thursday, July 7 Friday, July 8 9:00 am-12:00 pm 7:00-8:00 pm 8:00-10:00 pm

Eucharis c Adora on Bap sm Prepara on Gathering Hispanic Choir #2

Chapel Rooms 1 & 2 Music Ministry Office

Saturday, July 9 9:00 am-12:15 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm

Hispanic Catechist Training Confessions Wedding

Auditorium B & C Church Church

10:00 am 5:15 pm-6:30 pm 8:00pm-9:30 pm

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Hispanic Lector Mee ng Fr. Miguel Pilgrimage Planning Mee ng

Auditorium A Rooms 1 & 2 Auditorium B & C

Sunday, July 10

Our Diocese The Diocese of Trenton, capital endowment campaign, Faith to Move Mountains, has

achieved 50% of the $75 million overall goal! On behalf of Bishop O’Connell, thank you to all of you who have made a pledge to the Faith to Move Mountains campaign from our parish! Presently our parish has raised $473,110 towards our goal of $1,635,000! Our diocese and parish is blessed by your

overwhelming generosity. Bishop is grateful for the support he has already received, but with a parish of more than 3,000 families, he knows that he can count on more success. I hope each will take the me to prayerfully reflect on what they will be able to do by making a sacrificial pledge for the Diocese and our parish before the summer months. Thank you again to everyone who has so generously made a pledge and brought us closer to our goal! If you have any ques ons, please contact the parish office.

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The Light Ministry The Light Ministry is a ministry established at St. Paul Parish to help anyone whose life, family or friends have been affected by alcoholism, drug abuse and other addic ons. We are available to listen, confiden ally, in a nonjudgmental way, to provide a safe support network and to offer referrals to assistance groups and agencies. Our goals will be accomplished by sharing our experience,

strength and hope with each other. To reach the Light Ministry, please call 609.216.7621.

Food for the Hungry When you are shopping, please remember those less fortunate. Only one can or box will make a difference and is important (no glass containers please). Items can be le in the containers at the Church entrances. Some items needed include: Boxed cereals, canned or dried soups,

coffee, tea, canned meat and fish, canned vegetables, salt, macaroni and cheese dinners, cake mixes, flour, household and paper products, canned fruits, spaghe and pasta, sugar and rice St. Vincent DePaul Society

In the Gospel today we see how Jesus sent his Apostles out two by two. In this spirit, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul members “go out two by

two” to visit those who are poor and needy in their homes. It is there, in the family se ng, that Vincen ans listen, offer humble advice, and render assistance. Know that the members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul bring your gi directly to the poor and suffering in our parish. If you want to recommend someone for an assistance evalua on, or you are interested in learning about SVDP, please contact the SVDP Help Line at (609/924-1743 ext. 250 English or ext. 251 Spanish) or email us at Dona ons can be made at any of the “Offering” boxes located throughout the church. Please be generous.

350 Years of Vincen ans Helping the Needy

Spiritual Direction Tending the sacred rela onship

Spiritual direc on is an on-going rela onship between a “directee” (person seeking) and a “director” (qualified person giving guidance) wherein a sacred space is created for the explora on and deepening of the spiritual life. Through conversa on and reflec on, the directee becomes more a uned to God's presence and can respond more fully to the Divine as it is revealed in all areas of life. Direc on typically takes place in a confiden al one-on-one se ng and may include some form of prayer experience to increase awareness of the movement of the Spirit in the directee’s life. If you are interested in more informa on, please contact Jennifer Hinton at or 609-558-0985 (cell) or Teresa Knipper at 609-558-0582(cell) or Teresa is available for appointments during the day.

Parish Staff, Ministries and Organizations

Stewardship: We Serve, We Give Liturgical Ministers Altar Servers Lectors Extraordinary Ministers Sat., July 2 8:00 PM

Timothy Low-Beer Michael Ryzuk Jack S nson

Katelyn Saldanha Kate Skrebutenas

Deirdre Arato, JoAnn Corbe , Jacqueline Eberhard, Chris Gallerani, Rob Gallerani, Jim McCarthy

Sun., July 3 7:00 AM

Linda Dowling Helene Wood

Anthony DiMeglio, Suzy DiMeglio, Mary Meyer, Steve Mundie, Lynda Petrocelli

8:30 AM Lucy Kreipke Anna Sarubbi Teresa Sarubbi

Karen Dellefave Jane Kupin

Mary Callery, Harold Campbell, Jack Frost, Lynn Stagon, Alan Tarr, Mary Beth Wells

10:00 AM Emiliano Gonzalez Natalia Gonzalez Rachel Relstab

Pat Carroll Serena Sigillito

Lydia Ellio , Pete Ellio , Pamela Mulligan, Norberto Perez, Anthony Sigillito, Shelby Tewell, Eileen Trombe a

11:30 AM Bradley O'Connell Brendan O'Connell Michael Rota

Rebecca David Kumar Linda Pi ari

Bill Coyer, Phyllis Coyer, Danna Harge , Jose Lozano, Regina Meehan

5:00 PM Luke Cura Xavier Lane Ana Nijs

Claire Gmachl Emily Templeton

Pa y Alizio, Emily Babinsky, PJ Hansell, Franklin Howard, Marissa Mayor, Philip Passanante

Altar Rosary Society Volunteers July 4 to 9: Mary Meyer and Kathleen Fluss

Electronic/Online Giving We at St. Paul Parish are very grateful that giving is an important part of your life and commitment to your parish family. In order to assist with your planned giving, our parish provides an online giving program through ParishPay. For more informa on please contact Mary Beth Wells, Parish Accountant at 609-524-0503 or visit

Special Collection Next Weekend for Diocesan Assessments This collec on helps to finance our parish’s assessment fund which our parish pays to the Diocese of Trenton for opera ons (ministries and diocese offices), insurances and employee benefits. The amount of this assessment is based on a parish’s revenue. Thank you for your support.

Weekly Offering: Thank you for your generous support! June 25-26, 2016

Weekly Year to Date 14/15 Year to Date Budget $ 24,100 Budget $ 1,229,100 Budget $ 1,229,100 Actual $ 20.485 Actual $ 1,210,817 Actual $ 1,223,761

85.0% 98.5% 99.6% Special Collec on for Peter’s Pence: $1,186

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Parish Library

Open Sundays, 9:30 to 11:30 AM Our parish library has approximately 1,800 books and is growing. We also have DVDs, Videos covering Catholicism, Liturgy, Spirituality, Morality, Scripture, History and other related subjects. Our children’s sec on is also growing. For more informa on please contact the parish office. Please return any overdue books to the Parish Library. Thank you!

Rides to Mass This ministry seeks to provide transporta on to and from weekend Mass for those unable to drive. For more informa on, to volunteer to provide transporta on for a parishioner or to request transporta on please email Cathy at

Altar & Rosary Society The ladies of our Altar & Rosary commit to praying the Rosary to Our Lady for our parish community and inten ons. They gather monthly for prayer and mee ng. Together with several parish func ons, they assist in the care and cleaning of our parish church. For more informa on contact Marianne Tamasi 921-7485.

Knights of Columbus The Knights are looking for some men ages 18+ to join us in serving our parish and the community. We do many different things, so there is something for everyone. We provide help to the needy,

support various family ac vi es such as movie nights, and soup and salad for the parish on Fridays during lent. We also support various “Respect Life” events. Most important is being part of St. Paul and helping where we can. For more Informa on contact Joe Bendas at 609- 439-2708 or

Child Care/Nursery Ministry During the 10 am Sunday Morning Mass child care is provided by professionally trained staff for children six months of age to four years old. The nursery is located in the pre-school classroom in the St Paul School. Please contact the Nursery Coordinator, Kelly Messick at (Last date for summer 2016 is June 26.)

Bereavement Ministry The Bereavement Ministry seeks to assist families at the me of the passing of a loved one with the details of planning a funeral liturgy. In addi on this ministry organizes support groups twice a year for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one. Please contact John Twamley at 609-924-1743 for more informa on.

Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and how to become a member of our community? Do you need to complete your Sacraments of Ini a on? Then RCIA is a process for you. Contact Deacon Frank 516-316-2500.

PARISH STAFF Ernie Andreoli

Director of Music

(609) 524-0507

Monica Heucke Administrative Assistant Parish

(609) 924-1743

Susan Howley Administrative Assistant Sacraments (609) 524-0506

Lee Brennan Business Manager (609) 524-0502

Mary Beth Wells Parish Accountant (609) 524-0503

Mynor Arriola Facilities Manager (609) 924-1743 ext. 136

PARISH TRUSTEES William Ryan Lee Brennan

PASTORAL COUNCIL James McCarthy, Facilitator

FINANCE COUNCIL Frank Ragany, Facilitator

Altar and Rosary Society Marianne Tamasi 921-7485 Bible Study Don & Joan Luecke 799-8047 Bereavement John Twamley 924-1743 Hospitality Jackie Wadsworth 921-6937 Knights of Columbus Joe Bendas 609-439-2708 Lectio Divina Claire Gmachl Lectors & Eucharistic Minister Deacon Jim Knipper New Parishioners Welcome Donna Murray 921-8546

Child Care/Nursery Ministry Kelly Messick Parish Library Marianne Marron 924-1743 Pre-Cana Fred and Shelby Tewell 532-4147 Respect Life Nate Eberle 849-8583 Prayer Shawl Ministry Teresa Knipper 558-0582 Spiritual Direction Jennifer Hinton 558-0985 Teresa Knipper 558-0582 Social Justice Suzanne Richer 896-2210 Special Needs Mass Barbara Conforti 609-688-6880

SPS Endowment Committee St. Paul School 921-7587 St. Paul Athletic Commission Christopher Cano

St. Paul School PTA Annie Haan St. Vincent de Paul Society ext 250 Rides to Mass Cathy Vanderpool Ushers Ray Wadsworth 462-2467 Virtus Facilitator Anne Marie Calderone


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Worship Aid G S God, We Praise You #401 G

Priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

People: And with your spirit. G

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Bego en Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

L W F R I 66:10-14

Behold, I will spread prosperity over her like a river. R P P 66

S R G 6:14-18

I bear the marks of Jesus on my body. G L 10:1-12,17-20

Your peace will rest on that person.

Deacon: The Lord be with you. People: And with your spirit. Priest: A reading from the holy gospel according to ... People: Glory to you, O Lord.

P F I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Bego en Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, bego en, not made, consubstan al with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salva on he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pon us Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the

Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one bap sm for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrec on of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

P S The Servant Song #556 L E

May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church.

Priest: The Lord be with you. People: And with your Spirit. Priest: Li up your hearts. People: We li them up to the Lord. Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right and just.




Priest: Behold the Lamb of God...supper of the Lamb. People: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under

my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

C S Taste and See #539 Song of the Body of Christ #522 S S

America the Beau ful #569

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We Pray for One Another

Sunday, July 3 7:00 AM George Asprocolas (Arlene & Herman Lochenauer) 8:30 AM Vincenzo Ucci (M/M Barry Eiker) 10:00 AM Ma hew Abrena (Halia Family) 11:30 AM Deacon Joseph Kupin (Giulio & Lucy Ta oli) 5:00 PM For the People of the Parish 7:00 PM See Spanish Sec on Monday, July 4 8:15 AM Antonio & Enriche a Procaccini (Filomena Perpetua) Carmela Carnevale (Michelina Federico) Tuesday, July 5

Saint Anthony Zaccaria, Priest USA; St. Elizabeth of Portugal

6:45 AM Mary Ryan (Lee & Linda Brennan) Barbara Beceh (Lee & Linda Brennan) 8:15 AM Camillo & Elena Bocchi (Elena Bocchi) Reyna Jovel (Mrs.Jovel) Wednesday, July 6

Saint Maria Gore , Virgin and Martyr 6:45 AM All Souls in Purgatory (Kearns Family) V. J. Kurien (Ma hew Family) 8:15 AM Annunziata & Ernesto Pirone (Antonio Pirone) Hugh Chambers (Susan Guiragos) 12:10 PM Fernando Nini (Ersilia Nini) Roland DeBernard

Thursday, July 7 6:45 AM Richard Vallo (Nicole Gawlak & Jeff Gorin) V. J. Kurien (The Ma hew Family) 8:15 AM Cosmo A. Ma coli & Giovannina Vincenza DiFlori (Rosina

DiFlorio) Rosemary Mastroly (Hutchinson Family) Friday, July 8 6:45 AM Lidia & Angelo Pirone (Jim Pirone) V. J. Kurien (Ma hew Family) 8:15 AM Oreste Sferra (Assunta Sferra) Philomena Ann Cracker (M/M E. Andreoli) 12:10 PM Gianfrico Pirone (Vincenza Pirone) Pearl & Domenico Tamasi (Family) Saturday, July 9

St. Augus ne Zhao Rong, Priest and Companions, Martyrs 8:15 AM Marilyn Domingo (Arturo Domingo) Deceased Members of Procccini & Pinelli Families (Sandy

Procaccini) 5:30 PM For the People of the Parish Sunday, July 10 7:00 AM Emil Villanueva ( Maryanne & Rich Gawlak) 8:30 AM Michael & Nora Burke Sr. (Lisa) 10:00 AM Leila Olivi (John & Mary Henderson) 11:30 AM Albert Diamario (Luke & Kris n Marchie) 5:00 PM Patricia Durkin Beard (Stacy & Mark)

Mass Intentions

Our Deceased Sisters and Brothers Jean Lareuse, Filomena Ciallella, Polina A. Ercolano, Dr. Joseph Zawadsky

Our Sisters and Brothers Suffering Illness Ellen Rendale, David Gerard, Sister Donald, Jean Pierre Geronimi, Daniel Roach, Robert Esposito, Fred Brubaker, Ralph Finaldi, Carolyn Hefner, Michael Johnson, Monica Nathan, Amelita Villaruz, Michael Brennan, Edward Raybuck, David Tierno, Beth Welsh, Louis A. Izzo, Terry Choman, Richard Canning, Patricia Raya, Josiah Adams, Maryanne Gawlak, Christopher Tama, Robert Wright, Silvia Masala, Judy Caracio, Ellen Clark, Van Nam Nguyen, Christopher Tama , Sylvia Gonzalez, Pat Bourde e, Alexia Warren, Janet Fenwick, Caroline Hefner, Joseph Ratclif, Stephanie Tama-Bartels, Leah Adams, Maria Cremona Morales, Pat Pra co, Kathleen Bueschen, David Springsteen, Theresa Lachance

Our Sisters and Brothers Recently Married Shae Fahey and Bri any DeAngelis

Our Sisters and Brothers Preparing for Marriage III Luis Antonio Cas llo and Luz Maria Magua II Tim Lis and Maxine Mitjans I Michael Howard and Rachael Green

Our Newly Baptized Sisters and Brothers Eleanor Weyilam Abavana, Valen na Maya Pa no, Anastasia Del Tejo

Our Parishioners Serving in the Military: Kevin Smith, Chief USN; Capt. Ma hew Collier, USMC; LTC.S.F. Michael Stefanchik IV, U.S. Army; Capt. David M. York, USMC; Lt. Peter York, USA; Capt. Peter Dixon, USMC; LCDR Michael Pe ola, USN Reserve; Michael Caponi, Airman 1st Class; , Lt. Col. Sco G. Williams, MD; Lt. Col. Robert J. Halle , USMC; Major Richard D. Halle , USMC;SPC Kevin Cunningham; Lt. Markus Franz, USN; PFC Kevin Morgan, USMC; Lt. Richard Maia co, USN; SFC Larry Smith; Patrick David; Cpl Trey Rasmussen, USMC; AFC Asa Rodriguez, USAF; Gilberto del Rio, USN; 1st Lt. Thomas Patrick Gallagher Jr., USMC; Capt. Kelli E. Gallagher, USMC; OC Shamil Rodriguez; Lt. Marguerite DeHaven NFO; SPS Stephen Stahl; OC Kevin Jones, USN; Army Sgt. Joseph Jackson; Lt. Stephan K. Murphy, USA; Antoine Gordon; 2nd Lieut. Timothy M. Maciag, USAF; LCpl. Kevin D. Quinn, USMC; PFC Robert J. Quinn, USMC; David Eduardo Calves, USMC 2nd Lt.

Flower Memorials Altar: in memory of Anthony Federico requested by Michalina


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Volunteers Needed The Office of Religious Educa on is in need of volunteers for our Summer Programs, and for PREP beginning in the Fall. Volunteer opportuni es include; teen classroom aides,

adult hall monitors, Catechists, Adult Aides, door monitors, dismissal parking lot aides, and more. If you have a talent that you would like to lend to the Parish Religious Educa on Program, we would be happy to have you. To get started, please contact John McGuire.

PREP Registration 2016-2017 Please note that the Regular Registra on period has ended. However, it is not too late to register. Please check the parish website, and follow the link on the main events lis ng to find more informa on, and to register for the upcoming PREP year. If you register online, you will also have the op on to pay by credit or debit card. If you wish to pay by cash or check, please select that

op on on the registra on form.

Summer Academy This year Summer Academy will meet from Sunday, July 31 through Thursday, August 11. Classes will meet on Sundays from 3pm-

6pm and Monday through Thursday 9am-Noon. Beginning this year, in accordance with the curriculum and policy established by the Diocese of Trenton, Summer Academy students will be expected to a end 4 sessions during the academic year. The dates of Family Home Study Mee ngs are available on the Family Home Study Tab of the faith forma on sec on of the parish website.

Sacrament Policy Reminder It is expected that children begin preparing for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in first grade, and that young people begin preparing for Confirma on during their seventh grade year. This policy allows for a child to receive a reasonable amount of prepara on and catechesis in order to experience and understand the sacrament they will be celebra ng.

Children in Catholic Schools If your child a ends a Catholic School other than St. Paul School please contact the Parish Office of Religious Educa on to be sure they are enrolled for any upcoming sacrament prepara on. Ideally, students who will celebrate First Reconcilia on and First Communion should be signed up in first grade. Students preparing for Confirma on should begin no later than 7th grade. For more informa on please contact the Office of Religious Educa on by email at: for further

Faith Formation A Message from John Michael McGuire This weekend, as we celebrate the Fourth of July, we will undoubtedly be led to think about freedom and rights. The most poignant right to consider at this point is the inalienable right of to life. What does it mean for a right to be inalienable? It means that the right is innate, inherent and irrevocable by any authority. The right to life is a founda onal aspect of the na on that we live in. This leads us to consider where this right comes from, and why it exists. If protec on of an individual’s life is irrevocable, it must mean that it comes from an authority greater than those who created the laws. If a right is inborn, it must mean that it’s origin comes from our creator. A er all, you can’t inherit an inherent right can you? We as Catholics believe that we are made in the image and likeness of God. What some philosophers and theologians believe this to mean, is that we are created as rela onal, spiritual, and individual beings. We know that God is rela onal in that God exists in three persons of the Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If we read the crea on accounts of Genesis, and consider the mission of our Savior Jesus Christ, we were made to exist in rela onship to God, and to our neighbors, forming communi es within the familial sense, and as the Body of Christ, the Church. If the des ny of every man and woman is to live in rela onship with God, it could easily be seen that it is

wrong to disrespect the life of any human being from the womb to the tomb, because their dignified calling is to live in the presence and in rela onship with God. It is reasonable to consider that our dignity comes from the God who created and loves us, because there is no other source of irrevocable law. Let us pray this week, when we patrio cally celebrate our na on, that we will be renewed in our fervor to protect all life, because we are all created in the image and likeness of God!

Mr. John McGuire Director of Religious Education (609) 524-0509

Mrs. Kaitlyn Mayer Confirmation Coordinator (609) 524-0511

Ms. Kristi Desatnick Administrative Assistant (609) 524-0510

Office Hours Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Save the Date for Vacation Bible Camp

Monday, July 11th to Friday, July 15th, 9am-12noon. Birthday Blast: A Celebra on of Life

Sharing the lives of the saints All children ages 4 to 12

Cost is: $50 Enjoy Music, Games, Fun, Skits, Cra s and Snacks.

Online registra on is now open for Vaca on Bible Camp through our parish website. For informa on about the camp

please see our VBC page through the tab on the Faith Forma on page. If you have any ques ons, or would prefer a

paper registra on form, please contact

Summer Academy Catechists Summer Academy is seeking a catechist for for 8th grade. This program depends on volunteers. If you are available and willing, please contact the Office of Religious Ed at Thank you for your considera on!

Our Office has Moved The Office of Religious Educa on has relocated to the Rectory because the Convent building is currently under

construc on. If you need to visit the office for registra on or ques ons please come to the rectory, or

email at

Page 9

Registration for 2016-2017 SPS is accep ng applica ons for the 2016-2017 school year. Please visit our school website, and click the Apply to SPS tab. For more informa on Please contact Michelle Cano, Director of Admissions and Advancement, at 609-921-7587 x149 or

Supply Lists Supply lists for the 2016 - 2017 School Year are now posted on the SPS website. You will be able to find them by clicking on

the Academics tab and then clicking Supply Lists.

Summer Assignments Summer Assignments have been posted on the SPS website. All grades have summer reading assignments. This year, as last, students have to read three required books and need to complete a school log as well as a class assignment. The Upper School also has Math and Science assignments. All have been posted. Please contact Mr. Chiaravallo with any ques ons at schiaravallo

Playground Volunteers 2016-17 It’s never too early to sign-up for playground duty. Playground is a wonderful opportunity to wacth your child and his/her friends playing all while earning credits towards the PTA 15credits! Sign-up online by visi ng the SPS website or e-mail at Hillary Schmi @ hillaryjschmi

Calling all SPS Alumni It’s me to turn yourself in!

If you have not been receiving our alumni mailings, please email Michele

Cano at with your current contact informa on. We

would love to reconnect with you and let you know of events and happenings at

your Alma Mater!

A 2012 National Blue

Ribbon School of Excellence

Mr. Ryan Killeen, Principal (609) 921-7587 ext. 101

Mr. Salvatore Chiaravalloti Vice Principal 609) 921-7587 ext. 142

Mrs. Michele Cano Admission and Advancement (609) 921-7587 ext. 149

Mrs. Karen DelleFave Administrative Assistant (609) 921-7587 ext. 100

Mr. John Wandishin

News From Our Parish School visit us: or

informa on. Registra on for the Sacraments can be completed by visi ng our website and following the registra on link in the news items. Then go to Sacramental PREP registra on.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a special opportunity for children at 10:00 am Mass to share the Word of God in an age appropriate reflec on. Children from 4 years old up to second grade will be invited to come forward a er the Collect to receive a blessing and process to the Parish Center

where they will celebrate a Liturgy of the Word and then return at the offertory. Prepara on of the Gi s. New volunteers are always welcome. Please contact the Religious Educa on Office if interested.

Sense Sensitive Mass Our parish welcomes families with special needs to a end our weekly 5:00 pm Sunday Mass. Music, sounds and sights will be welcoming to those with challenges. We gather as a community to celebrate the Successes,

Uniqueness and Challenges of all God’s children. For further informa on please contact Barbara Confor at: 609-688-6880 or confor

Registration All students entering 8th grade in any of the schools served by our parish are eligible to register for Confirma on. Please visit h p://

(case sensi ve) to ensure your child has a spot in our program for 2016-2017. Please email Kait ( with any ques ons.

Get Involved This year’s Confirma on program was a tremendous success and we couldn’t have done it without those who worked so hard with us throughout the en re year. We want to con nue to grow for the 2016-2017 year and are offering various ways for parishioners to support our Candidates with different degrees of me and commitment. Volunteers are needed to serve on our Leadership Team (for teens and adults), Environment Team,

Hospitality Team and Intercessory Prayer Team. Training and support is offered for all of the posi ons - if you feel God calling you to any one of these roles but are in midated due to lack of experience, step out in faith and trust God (and the training!) will equip you for these ministries! Anyone interested (don’t worry! You’re not commi ng to anything yet!) please email Kait.


School Supplies Drive This year the Office of Religious Educa on will be accep ng

school supplies for our annual backpack drive. We will accept, backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons,

folders, erasers, and other materials that our 4th grade Summer Academy students will assemble for less fortunate students for the beginning of a new school year. Dona ons will be accepted during Vaca on Bible Camp and Summer

Academy. The last day for the drive will be on Tuesday, August 9th. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Page 10

Mass for July 4th Our parish will celebrate Mass on Monday, July 4th at 8:15 am. The parish offices will be closed on Monday for Independence Day. Enjoy your holiday!

Summer Parish Office Hours Our parish has begun summer office hours. The Parish Office will be open Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 12 noon. As a parish family we are grateful to our parish staff for their service to our community.

Child Care/Nursery Ministry The Child Care/Nursery Ministry serving the

10 AM Sunday Mass will be closing for the summer un l the Fall. The last session was Sunday, June 26. Please keep an eye on the bulle n for the Nursery's opening date in September!

SVDP Meeting The next mee ng of the St. Vincent DePaul Society is Tuesday, July 5 at 7:00 PM in Spiritual Center, Rooms 1 & 2 below the church. New members and interested par es are always welcome to a end our mee ngs or contribute to the Society. The mission of SVDP is to offer temporary financial support to those in need.

Women's Evening of Recollection This Wednesday, July 6 at 7:30 PM in the church and parish center.

Eucharistic Adoration Each Friday following the 8:15 am Mass un l the 12:10 Mass

in the chapel. Please note that we are beginning our summer hours. Please consider spending some me before the Eucharis c presence of the Lord by signing up for a period of me. The sign-up is located in the stairwell near the elevator. The church will remain open un l 9:00 pm each day for private prayer.

St. Paul Fall Sports Registration Online Registra on for Fall 2016 Sports is now open through 7/31/2016. Registra on is open to all St. Paul parishioners. Offerings include CYO basketball (Girls/Boys grade 3-8), Cross Country Girls/Boys grade 4-8), and Lacrosse clinic (Boys/Girls grade 1-3). Register at or If you have any ques ons about our program or are interested in volunteer coaching opportuni es, please contact Andrew Roberto at

Lectio Divina: Praying with Scripture Lec o Divina is the prac ce of praying with scripture; it combines reading the text in its context, listening to phrases that speak out to us, medita ng on the text, and engaging with God in prayer over it. Through the richness of God’s Word, we are calmed, refreshed, and strengthened. Join us for an hour of praying with scripture every Tuesday, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Conference Room in the Parish Center. No prior prac ce or prepara on necessary. We usually read over the first reading and Gospel of the following Sunday. For more info, email Claire at: cgmachl

Adult Faith Enrichment Speaker Series – Your Input is Needed As we are planning and making arrangements for the speakers and topics of our Adult Faith Enrichment Evenings for the coming season star ng in September/October, please send us your input on topics that are of interest, tell us of excellent speakers you have heard someplace else, or let us know anything else we can do to make these evenings more engaging and interes ng. Please send your sugges ons to Claire at

Spirituality Day for Adults 55+ The diocesan Department of Pastoral Care announces a “Spirituality and Educa on Day for Maturing Adults (55+) on Wednesday, July 14, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in St. Dominic

Parish Announcements

Mass Intentions Due to Parish Office staffing changes and the desire to respond to numerous inquires about Mass inten ons in a more mely manner, a new procedure for reques ng mass inten ons for the upcoming year is being ini ated at St. Paul Parish. Our mass inten on book for 2017 will be opened on July 5. If you wish to schedule a mass inten on for 2017, you are invited to fill out one of the Mass Inten on Request Forms located in the ves bule of the Church, the Parish Office or downloadable on the parish website. Please return the completed form to the Parish Office either through drop-off, weekly collec on basket, mail or email. Please limit your requests to 4 Masses in order to accommodate others’ requests. The office staff will date and record the inten ons in the order in which they are received. The form may be returned prior to the date of the opening of the inten on book. There is no need to wait in line. This is a paper process. It is always possible to obtain a mass inten on for the deceased or living as the need arises, such as a the death of a friend or loved one. Simply contact the parish office to arrange a mass inten on. In order to con nue the prac ce for the reader to announce the mass inten ons during the Universal Prayer (daily masses) or the beginning of Mass (Sundays), you are requested to limit the individual names listed. If a long list (3 or more individual names are listed), it could be formulated as the “deceased members of the Doe Family” or Mr. & Mrs. John Doe and Family or Mr. & Mrs. John Doe and children or John and Jane Doe. Your assistance is formula ng your mass inten ons is greatly appreciated. The requested dona on (s pend) is $10 and may be submi ed with the form. The offering of a s pend is a means whereby Catholics may contribute to the upkeep of the clergy, and the Church in general. However, so as to avoid even the appearance of commerce in sacred things, the Church regulates the prac ce of offering and receiving s pends in the Code of Canon Law. In normal circumstances, a priest may only accept one s pend for any one Mass even though he may offer up the Mass for several inten ons.

(Continued on page 16)

The Annual Catholic Appeal: Your Support Counts!!! Thank you to those who have made a pledge or gi to this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal in support of our bishop and diocesan ministries. Our parish has pledged $ 139,111 towards our goal of $151,000 through 264 gi s. Our parish receives a 10% rebate when we collect our parish goal. Our parish rebate is primary used for financial aid to our parish school. Please consider a gi or pledge. For more informa on or to make a gi please contact the parish office at (609) 924-1743. Thank you.

Page 11

Parish, 250 Old Squan Rd., Brick. Featuring Rev. James a. Wallace, CSSR, Rector of San Alfonso Retreat House, Long Branch. Fr. Jim is a Redemptorist priest, as well as an author, teacher and popular presenter. He will speak on “The call to Elderhood in the Year of Mercy.” Don’t miss this wonderful day to be with friends. Entertainment provided by Moreno Fruzze , an Italian tenor who will share hits from the Good Old Days of American Pop and Italian Classics.. Day will conclude with celebra on of Mass. $12 registra on fee includes all ac vi es and boxed lunch. Sign-up TODAY as space is limited by contac ng the diocese at: 609-403-7157 or dsass@dioceseo

Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage! Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly figh ng or do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separa on or divorce? Does talking only make it worse? Retrouvaille may be the LIFELINE that you need! It is not just a social gathering or series of seminars but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving rela onship in your marriage. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by a ending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. The next program begins on the weekend of August 12 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. This is

General Information Get on our email list! Email Kait

“Sundaes on Sunday 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14, 8/21, 8/28 @ 6:00pm (following 5pm Mass) Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean the party has to stop! Each Sunday a er the 5:00pm Mass this summer, we’ll have Sundaes on Sunday - a make-your-own sundae party open to teens in grades 8-12.

Summit 7/12, 7/19, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30 @ 4:00pm in Rooms 1 & 2 Join us this summer for a new series invi ng

teens to dive deeper into their weekly Mass experience through games, discussion, scripture, and prayer.

Summer Film Festival 7/13, 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31 in Rooms 1 & 2 Join us for the 12:10pm Mass. A erwards, we’ll head downstairs for a movie and discussion. Movies s ll to be determined - if you have ideas, email Kait (

Splash Wednesday, July 27 - Thursday, July 28 @ St. Catharine Church, Spring Lake

This is a service retreat opportunity for teens in grades 9-12. During these short but impac ul days, par cipants experience opportuni es for prayer, service, community, and fun. Plus, there’ll be Mass on the beach! This is not an event to be missed. Email Kait to start your registra on or for more details.

Mrs. Kaitlyn Mayer Youth Ministry/

Confirmation Coordinator

(609) 524-0511

Youth Ministry Follow us! @sppym

General Information Like us!

Get on our email list! Email Kait (

Pray | Play Jul 5 @7pm in Aud. A Pray | Play is about as basic as it gets: We'll gather at 7pm for a short me of prayer and then have a game night. Snacks and drinks are on us :) Feel free to invite other young adults in the area to join us. This month, we’ll be praying the Sorrowful Mysteries!

The Name of God Is Mercy Jul 12, Aug 9, Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov 1 @ 7:00pm in Rooms 1 & 2 All young adults (18-39) are invited to join us this summer as we embark on our next book series. In his first book published as Pope, and in conjunc on with the Extraordinary

Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis invites all humanity to an in mate and personal dialogue on the subject closest to his heart—mercy—which has long been the cornerstone of his faith and is now the central teaching of his papacy. On Tuesday, July 12, we’ll begin the series with the introduc on (Francis’ Vision) and Chapter 1: A Time for Mercy

Sundaes on Tuesday!? Jul 19 @7pm in Rooms 1 & 2 Some of the young adults heard that the teens are ge ng ice cream all summer and were jealous! Join us for a special YA night featuring our regular Sunday/Sundae Ice Cream Bar - you’ll be able to make your own sundae!

JPII Movie Night July 26 @ 7pm in Rooms 1 & 2 Tonight we’ll watch Part II of the Pope John Paul II miniseries (2005). Join us for the film, a discussion, and snacks/refreshments!

Young Adult Ministry (late teens 18-19, 20’s & 30’s)

the last weekend in 2016. Our next weekend will be held in February 2017. For more informa on, or to register for one of our weekends, visit our web site at or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confiden al.

Parish Counseling Services Through a joint effort of the Diocese of

Trenton and Catholic Chari es, licensed professional counselors are available to help parishioners with difficult issues such as bereavement, mar al and family problems, elder care, stress of job loss. The service can be accessed by contac ng a parish priest who will provide addi onal informa on and a referral. The fee is $75 per session. If needed, financial assistance for this short

(Continued on page 16)

Page 12

Intenciones: Por la Pascua Eterna de:

Tereso Garcia, Esmeralda Rodriguez de Corso, Noa Pa no (nino)

En Accion de Gracias por: Aniversario de Bodas de Alexis Chavez y

Dora Marcial.

Proclamas Matrimoniales de Luis Antonio Castillo- Luz Maria Nagua: Su matrimonio se realizara el dia 9 de Julio a

las 7:00pm. En la Iglesia de San Pablo por el Rev. Miguel Valle. Les auguramos desde ya los mas sinceros exitos en su Proyecto de vida matrimonial.

Necesitamos Catequistas: La catequesis es el proceso mediante el cual se forma en la vida de los ninos la vida de Jesus y sus ensenanzas que dejo a traves de su Iglesia. Interesados favor comunicarse con la Sra. Sara Cortes a

Pastoral Hispana Mensaje del Padre Miguel Valle El evangelio de la misión de los 72 discípulos es peculiar de San Lucas. Algunos rabinos del empo de Jesús, imitando a los an guos profetas, solían enviar a sus discípulos en misiones de entrenamiento y de formación. Jesús tomo la inicia va al enviar a sus discípulos; la Iglesia sigue hoy en ejemplo de Jesús, porque la mies sigue siendo mucha: niños, jóvenes, ancianos, familias, enfermos, drogadictos, grupos marginados, inmigrantes, ovejas negras o descarriadas, los alejados de la Iglesia, y hasta los no creyentes. El papa Benedicto XVI, refiriéndose al templo de Jerusalén en el que había un Atrio de los Gen les, a donde todo el mundo, judíos y paganos, podía entrar para rezar, hablar o dialogar, decía que en la Iglesia debe haber lugar y espacios para dialogar con todas las culturas de nuestro mundo, y con aquellos grupos que se dicen agnós cos o no creyentes. La Iglesia seguirá dando tes monio del evangelio y proclamando a Jesús por medio de un dialogo abierto y respetuoso. Para ello la Iglesia seguirá enviando nuevos misioneros que se acerquen a esos grupos no creyentes para ensenarles la belleza del evangelio de Jesús. Todo Cris ano debe considerarse mensajero o misionero, porque la abundancia de la mies exige mas braceros. No hay que entretenerse solamente predicando y alimentando a los ya conver dos, sino que hay que ir de un modo especial a los alejados de la iglesia, “a las ovejas descarriadas de la casa de Israel”. No hay que esperar que este trabajo lo hagan solamente los sacerdotes o las religiosas; son principalmente las personas laicas las que pueden venir mejor en contacto con esas personas que se han alejado de la iglesia. Hay que seguir invitándolas a regresar a su casa, a la Iglesia. Jesús envía a sus discípulos de dos en dos, por

parejas, para apoyo mutuo, para dar tes monio viviente de paz y amor, y para ser tes gos creíbles de la verdad. El espíritu misionero es uno de paz, alegría, reconciliación, perdón, desprendimiento, esperanza, urgencia y compromiso; hace su labor con sencillez, tanto en los medios materiales que usa como en el vocabulario que u liza; el misionero hace su labor con sencillez, rico en mensaje y pobre en equipaje.

Padre Miguel Valle (609) 924-1743 ext. 119 o 146

Sra. Sara Cortés Coordinadora de Catequesis

Sabados: 1:00 pm a 4:00 pm Domingos: 8:00 pm a 9:00 pm

Martes y Jueves: 7:00 pm a 9:30 pm

Sra. Nidia Beltran Secretaria; 609-475-2216

Horas de Oficinade de Padre Miguel Miercoles y Jueves 9:00 am a 1:00 pm

Martes, Miercoles y Jueves 6:00 pm a 9:00 pm

Pero para una mayor organizacion, resevar una cita a traves de sus asistente, la Sra. Nidia


Servicios de secretaria Domingos, 8:00 pm-10:00 pm e Lunes

Grupo de Adultos Alianza Reuniones cada segundo y cuarto domingo del mes de 8:00pm a 10:00

pm en el Centro Espiritual. Acompáñanos a orar con las Sagrada Escrituras.

Grupo de Oracion Carismatica Maranatha Lunes de 8:00 pm a 10:00 pm en el centro espiritual de la Iglesia.

Recuerde que la renovación carismática no es un movimiento más, es la iglesia en movimiento. Te invitamos!

El Grupo Lectio Divina se reúne todos los jueves de 8:00 pm a 10:00 pm en el Centro

Espiritual. Acompáñanos a orar con las Sagradas Escrituras. Grupo Mariano María es la intercesora por excelencia de nosotros los cristianos ante el

Padre, Dios. María es la fiel discípula de Jesús. Nuestro lema seria: "a Jesús por María". Ven y disfruta de este refresco espiritual en el horario indicado Todos los viernes de 8:00pm a 10:00pm en el centro Espiritual sección “B” Acompáñanos a rezar el Santo Rosario y déjate llevar a Jesús de la mano de María. Para más Información: Nidia 609 475 2216 o Jorge: 609 947 2941.


Liturgia Ministerial: Altar Servers Lectors Extraordinary Ministers Colectores

Roselyn Figueroa Evany Guerra* Rodrigo Guerra

Maricela Garcia Edgar Garcia

Rosemary Figueroa Giovanni Figueroa

Raquel Herrera Ramiro Davila

Manisha Jethani

Faus no Alberto Raul Calvimontes Antonia Munoz

Eva Alberto

Liturgia de La Palabra Primera Lectura: Isaías 66:10-14

Alegraos, Jerusalén, y regocijaos por ella todos los que la amáis, llenaos de alegría

por ella todos los que por ella hacíais duelo Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 66:1-7, 16, 20

Del maestro de coro. Cán co. Salmo. Aclamad a Dios, la erra toda

Segunda Lectura: Gálatas 6:14-18 En cuanto a mí ¡Dios me libre gloriarme si

nos es en la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, por la cual el mundo es para mí un crucificado y yo un crucificado para el

mundo! Evangelio: Lucas 9:51-62

Sucedió que como se iban cumpliendo los días de su asunción, él se afirmó en su

voluntad de ir a Jerusalén.

Page 13 o phone number 609.218.9157

Proceso de Registracion Catequetica 2016 -2017: La catequesis es el proceso mediante el cual se forma en la vida de los niños la vida de Jesús y sus enseñanzas que dejo a través de su Iglesia. Las registraciones para la Educación Religiosa empezaron el 29 de abril y a los padres de familia enen la opción de pagar online mediante una tarjeta de crédito o débito. Los que elijan están opción deben ir a y ubicarse en el link respec vo que los llevara a la registración. Lo que se decidan por la opción tradicional, por favor, pedir una FORMA de registración en la Oficina de la señora Sara Cortes ubicada en los bajos de la iglesia. Horario de Registraciones: Lunes y Jueves de 7:00pm – 10:00pm; Sabados de 9:00am a 12:00 del medio dia. Costo $130/nino $390/familia mas $60 por el sacramento hasta el 2 de Sep embre. Clases empiezan el 11 de Sep embre del 2016 – 9 de Mayo del 2017. Domingos de 5:00am – 6:45pm

Campamento Bíblico: todos los niños (as) entre los 4 a 12 años están invitados a este gran evento bíblico vacacional. El evento esta programado de julio 20 al 24 y la donación es de $50 por niño. Para mas información por favor, visítenos at on-bible-school. Interesados hablar con la Sra. Sara Cortes.

RICA: Registraciones: Sacramentos de Iniciación Cris ana. El “RICA” que es un proceso de acompañamiento a los fundamentos de la Vida Cris ana siempre está abierto a recibir candidatos o catecúmenos. Interesados favor comunicarse con la Sra. Nidia Beltrán 609 475 2216 o a su correo electrónico

Ministerios: Una comunidad Cris ana se caracteriza por la presencia y dinamismo de los ministerios en la conducción de la comunidad. Pero los ministerios enen que estar del todo coordinados. Nadie es mas que nadie. Todos hemos recibido dones del Señor para hacer crecer la comunidad. Interesados en ser Ministros de Eucaris a, Lectores o nuevos acólitos favor comunicarse con la sra Nidia (Nidia Beltrán 609 475 2216 o a su correo electrónico o venir los

domingos después de la Santa Misa para hacerse inscribir en la oficina de ministerio hispano.

Celebración de Bautismos: La preparacion bau smal son los terceros sabados de cada mes, pero la celebracion del bau smo ha sido trasladada al ul mo sabado de cada mes en el horario de las 9:30 am. Las siguientes son las fechas de celebracion: Julio 30. Sep embre 24. Octubre 29. Diciembre 31. En las siguientes fechas NO hay bau smos: Marzo, Agosto, ni en Noviembre. Bau smos privados no hay. Si alguien desea tener un bau smo diferente al de las fechas propuestas, por favor hablar con la secretaria hispana para hacer el rito bau smal en la misa de los domingos a las 7pm. Pero no se admi ran mas de dos bau smos en estos casos.

Niños de la Liturgia: Todos los niños de esta formidable catequesis volverán a par r del primer domingo de Febrero. Y si algún miembro de la comunidad, sobre todo los jóvenes quienes son bilingües quieren ayudar con este magnifico programa, no dude en contactar a la Señora Lisbeth Arrué al 609 240 5997 o a su correo electrónico

Bendiciones: Los primeros domingos han sido elegidos para la presentación o bendición de niños recién nacidos. Los segundos domingos de cada mes es la oportunidad para la bendición de las quinceañeras mientras que los terceros domingos son las bendiciones para los matrimonios que quieran darle gracias a Dios por la alegría de su amor. Mas información con la Sra. Maria Villegas al 215 526 7097.

Servicio de Información: Para aquellos casos o situaciones comunitarias como violencia domes ca, robos, sectores donde se expande el consumo de droga o cualquier otra situación irregular que usted (es) observen, favor comunicarse inmediatamente con el Oficial Jorge Narvaez al (609) 510 4222 o

Proceso Matrimonial: Por disposición Diocesana el Proceso matrimonial es de un año y las parejas interesadas en este Sacramento deben contactar a su sacerdote al empo debido. Se pueden comunicar con el Padre Miguel al o llamándolo al teléfono 609 924 1743 x 119. Así mismo, la fechas para el Pre-cana o Cursillos Prematrimoniales para el 2016 son como siguen: Abril 18, Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Lourdes. Noviembre 19, Santa Rosa de Lima, Freehold. Interesados Favor llamar a Jossie Ruiz al 609 406 7151 o jruiz@dioceseo

Adoración Al Santísimo: Cada Viernes después de la misa de las 8:15am hasta las 5:00pm en la capilla. La Iglesia estará abierta diario hasta las 9:00pm para oraciones privadas.

Womenspace: Es una organización que te ayuda a prevenir la violencia domés ca en las relaciones de parejas. Cada persona ene derecho a llevar una vida libre de violencia y de miedo a los abusos. Todas las personas enen el deseo y la capacidad de controlar sus propias vidas. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce podría estar en peligro, estamos a su disposición las 24 horas del día, 7 días a la semana. Linea de Crisis: 1-800-281-2800

Nuestra Misión Parroquial Nosotros, la comunidad Católica de San Pablo,

en Princeton, honramos nuestra tradición de ofrecer la bienvenida a todos los fieles,

hijos e hijas de Dios de diferentes culturas y orígenes para que conozcan y vivan el Evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Bautizados y formados en Dios como su pueblo,

seguimos creciendo en la Tradición Apostólica de Celebración Litúrgica, Sagrada Escritura y Servicio.

Celebración Litúrgica, a través de nuestra participación en la Eucaristía y la celebración de los sacramentos;

Sagrada Escritura, para promover y apoyar nuestra identidad católica a través de la palabra sagrada y la catequesis;

y en Servicio, como discípulos que comparten el amor de Dios con todos y

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THE MATHER-HODGE FUNERAL HOMEAnthony J. Correnti, Dir. NJ Lic # 5030 Albert D. Correnti Jr., Mgr.* Parishioner NJ Lic. #3538 Albert D. Correnti III, Dir. NJ Lic # 4886 John A. Oliveti, Dir. NJ Lic. #4012


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term counseling (up to 6 sessions) is available though the diocese of Trenton Parish counseling services.

Thank You from Anchor House It was a privilege to worship with you and to be able to share with you the work Anchor House does with young people in distress and to solicit your prayers and support for the Anchor House Ride for Runaways. We are gra fied to share with you that St. Paul Parish’s generosity was reflected in dona ons and pledges totaling $3,600! All of us here at Anchor House appreciate St. Paul Parish’s past par cipa on with us, not only at Ride

me, but through the year. Your partnership with us has been a blessing. Many, many Thanks!!

St. Ann Novena Saint Ann Parish, 1253 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ will celebrate its annual Novena in Honor of Saint Ann, grandmother of Jesus, from Monday, July 18 to Tuesday, July 26, 2016. The Novena Preacher is: Father Ma hew Bonk, C.Ss.R., a Redemptorist priest, preacher, pastor and member of the Evangeliza on Team located in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. All are invited to take part. Services will be weekdays at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The candlelight procession in honor of Saint Ann will be held on Tuesday evening, July 26th at 7:00 PM. For more details or direc ons, please call St. Ann Parish at (609) 882-6491.

Position Available Driver/Food Pantry Maintenance/Part- me Mount Carmel Guild, a social service agency in the Diocese of Trenton, is looking for an energe c person to join our Emergency Assistance Team. This part- me posi on is cri cal to the daily opera on to our Food Pantry. Du es include but are not limited to: Driving a Guild vehicle to pick up food dona ons; unloading food trucks; delivering food to the EA building; stocking the pantry shelves; loading food to/from the walk-in freezer/refrigerator; keeping the grounds and buildings trash free and in good repair. We are seeking an individual with the following abili es: Ability to li food crates with the minimum capacity of 50 pounds; Possess and show kindness and compassion to the popula on we serve and follow the mission of the Guild to Provide Hope and Preserve Dignity; Possess a valid NJ Driver’s License; Able to work 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 8:30

a.m.–3:00 pm Wednesday. All interested applicants should submit a resume and three references by mail to Mount Carmel Guild, 73 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ

08609 or by email to informa Applica ons accepted un l Mon., July 25.

Most importantly, the person who has offered the s pend has not "bought a Mass," a thing which is patently impossible. What has happened is that the priest has commi ed himself to celebrate a Mass according to the inten ons of the person making the offering. This inten on is most o en to recommend the soul of a deceased person but may also be for the

personal inten ons of the living. Because the inten on is essen ally a spiritual act, its publica on neither adds nor subtracts from its efficacy. Indeed, publicly announcing the inten on is done for the comfort of the living and not for the benefit of the dead. If you have any ques ons, please contact the Parish Office.

Mass Intentions (Continued from page 10)

Celebrating Our Parish Community Sunday, September 18th on our parish grounds

Multi-cultural Mass at 11:30 followed by Traditional American Picnic, International Pot-Luck Dishes,

Games and Entertainment Celebrating Who We Are and Where We Are From

Fun for all ages!!!

Parish Announcements (continued from page 11)
