Saint Katherine · SEPTEMBER 2014 3149 Glen...


Citation preview


All Around the Town ........... 12

Bible Study (Adult) ............. 10

Bookstore ......................... 14

Book Club (Women’s) ......... 12

Book Review ...................... 6

Calendar ........................... 9

Catechetical (Sunday) School .. 4

Church Duty Roster ............ 12

Daughters of Penelope ......... 10

GOYA .............................. 5

GRACE ........................... 11

Greek Article ..................... 6

Greek Dance ...................... 4

Hellenic Education Center ...... 5

HOPE .............................. 5

Missions and Outreach .......... 8

Parish Council .................... 3

Philoptochos ...................... 10

Registry ............................ 7

Stewardship .................. 13-14

Support our Parishioners ... 15-16

. . . AND MORE!


Kyrie eleison. We hear it, we say it. Do we comprehend it? I just turned on the news and saw that, in Erbil, thousands of Iraqi Christians were

to be killed just for being Christian. They launched no rockets, shot no guns, did not revolt against the government, but they believe in Jesus Christ!

The words, “Lord have mercy” came to my mind when I saw the pictures and heard the words that people were about to be massacred by the Muslim extremists. The word “mercy” in English is the translation of the Greek word “eleos.” This word has the same root as the old Greek word for olive oil—a substance which was used extensively as a soothing agent for bruises and minor wounds. The oil was poured onto the wound and gently massaged in, thus soothing, comforting and making whole the injured part. The Hebrew word is also translated as “eleos” and mercy is translated as “hesed” which means steadfast love. The Greek words for “Lord have mercy” are “Kyrie eleison” that is to say, “Lord, sooth me, comfort me, take away my pain, show me your steadfast love.” Thus, mercy does not refer so much to justice or acquittal (a very Western interpretation), but to the infinite loving-kindness of God, and his compassion for his suffering children! It is in this sense that we pray “Lord, have mercy” with great frequency throughout the Divine Liturgy.

Our Lord showed mercy to people when their only prayer was “Kyrie eleison”: The Canaanite woman whose daughter was tormented by a devil. She persisted in her plea for mercy until her daughter was healed. The man whose son was possessed by an evil spirit that threw him into the fire. He came to Jesus with the plea, “Kyrie eleison.” The prayer was answered and his son was healed. The two blind men sitting by the road outside Jericho who cried out to Jesus, “Kyrie eleison.” That cry was heard by Jesus who healed both of them. A final example. Jesus is left alone with the adulteress. Misery is left alone face to face with mercy. And she hears from the mouth of Jesus the words, “Neither do I condemn thee. Go and sin no more.” That is God’s mercy!

In all these instances “Kyrie eleison” was not a prayer that people recited unthink-ingly and mechanically, but a cry of sincere faith that came from their hearts, a cry of desperate need and dependence on Jesus. Such a prayer God will not despise. We can-not pray for mercy without being willing to extend mercy to others. That is the point of Jesus’ parable about the two debtors (Matthew 18:23-35). Matthew uses a form of the same Greek word “eleison” in presenting Jesus’ teaching, “Should you not have had mercy on your fellow servant as I had mercy on you?” The mercy we ask for is the mercy we must give to others. Lord, have mercy and make us merciful.

A dying Christian was asked on his death bed, “Are you going to receive your re-ward?” “No, no!” he breathed. “I go to receive not my reward but God’s mercy.”

I pray that our Lord will give us the ability to be merciful ourselves. “But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenly plac-es in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:4-6).

Yours in Christ,

The monthly newsletter of Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church

Volume 12, Number 9

SEPTEMBER 2014 3149 Glen Carlyn Road Falls Church, VA 22041

DOXA Saint Katherine

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church 3149 Glen Carlyn Road Falls Church, VA 22041

703-671-1515 phone 703-671-1385 facsimile

CLERGY Rev. Protopresbyter Konstantinos A. Pavlakos, Proistamenos cell 571-213-1109, home 703-239-2627 Rev. Presbyter Panagiotis Hanley, Assistant Priest cell 571-421-6595

STAFF Assistant Financial Officer Anna Vassilopoulos 703-671-1515 Choir Director John Doulis 703-899-4131 Hellenic Education Center Director Presv. Eleni Alexopoulou 703-671-7715 Information Technology Theodoros Theocharis 703-671-1515 Protopsalti James Loizou 703-356-8220 Secretary/Teacher Sophia Tsangali 703-671-1515

PARISH COUNCIL President, Jim Stoucker 703-690-1050 Vice President, Maria Wills 703-948-7950 Secretary, Bill Polizos 571-434-7790 Treasurer, Maria Vargas 703-812-0286

Kelly Alexis 703-909-2256 Costas Mavromatakis 571-344-3634 Andrea Ballard 703-250-5419 Mallamo Mavromatakis 703-830-0224 Chris Christou 703-533-0055 George Moshos 202-409-2302 Dr. John Demakis 703-319-1610 Bill Porter 703-901-2404 Artemis Dimopoulos 703-723-3619 Pierre Tavoularis 703-573-6235 Peter Karounos 703-321-3009 Daphne Vaccarello 703-830-0892 Nick Larigakis 703-909-9078

SCHOOLS AND STUDIES Bible Study (Saturdays) Gregory McKinney 571-338-6929 Bible Study (Sundays) Bill Polizos 571-434-7790 Catechetical (Sunday) School, Adult Bill Polizos 571-434-7790 Catechetical (Sunday) School, Youth George Charuhas, Principal 703-999-2109 Women’s Book Club Fay Mpras 703-865-5776

MINISTRIES Acolytes Anastasios Galatis and Daniel McKinney AHEPA #438 (P. Derzis) Angelo Toutsi, President 703-281-0843 Bookstore Frances Kalavritinos, Manager 703-671-1515 Book Reviews Gregory McKinney, Contributor 571-338-6929 Daughters of Penelope Helle #283 Karen Polizos, President 571-434-7790 DOXA Presv. Pauline Pavlakos, Editor 703-239-2627 Facebook Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church Gregory McKinney GOYA (ages 13-18) Christina Kosmakos, President 571-271-6411 GRACE Fr. Costa Pavlakos, Spiritual Advisor 703-671-1515 Greek Dance Aris and Anna Yortzidis, Instructors 757-218-6991 Greek School Auxiliary Martha Lampros, President 703-536-4860 Hellenic Education Center Greek School and Paideia Preschool 703-671-7715 HOPE (ages 7 and under) Vaitsa Bousbouras JOY (ages 8-12) Tina Papamichael, Director 703-536-4711 Listserv (email list) Presv. Pauline Pavlakos, Administrator 703-239-2627 Missions and Outreach Dr. John Demakis, Chairman 703-319-1610 OCF (College Ministry) Fr. Costa Pavlakos, Spiritual Advisor 703-671-1515 Philoptochos Eleni Kanakos, President 703-938-8360 Prison Dennis Garbis 202-437-7299 Safeway eScrip Single Parent Fellowship Andrea Katsenes, Coordinator Website Presv. Pauline Pavlakos, Webmaster 703-239-2627 YAL (Young Adult League) TBD


AMONG THE MANY SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN OUR COMMUNITY that occur during the month of September, is the memorial service for the victims of the Hellenic Genocide—the systematic murder of over 1.5 million Greeks in Asia Minor (along with another 4 million Armenian and Assyrian Christian souls). These services also occur at this time as a means of com-memorating the burning of the city of Smyrna in 1922. Inasmuch as my father and his family were among the fortunate few to escape that calamity, I have always maintained an interest in that period and have read numerous books about that era and its history.

Partly because such heinous events must never be forgotten and sadly, because many are unfamiliar with this important part of our history, I’m pleased to tell you about a new historical novel, entitled Blessed are the Peacemakers? which brings that horrific era to life. Set in the period after World War I, the author, Constantine Papavasiliou, details the heartbreaking events made possible by the victorious, but tragically myopic allied powers through the Treaty of Ver-sailles. With great skill and dexterity, Papavasiliou transports readers to that horrible time of ignorance, chaos, deceit, tragedy, desperation and incredible human courage and resolve. Although I knew the main characters from other books I have read, this work brought them to life for me. On more than one occasion, my eyes watered as I read certain passages that related directly to the experiences of my own ancestors during their escape from Smyrna. The book, to be published in September, also prompted His All Holiness, Patriarch Bartholomew to call it “…a moving story…unique and person-al, so familiar and yet entirely unparalleled, especially inasmuch as it reflects the precious history of the Orthodox Church in this part of the world.” There are also plans to make the book into a major motion picture.

Although details have as yet to be finalized, we are pleased to announce the author, Mr. Papavasiliou, will speak to our community in September as part of the observance of the Hellenic Genocide. His book will also be available to the com-munity at this time and through a special arrangement, part of the proceeds will revert to our church. More details will be provided on this special event as they become available.

Turning to other events in September, our Hellenic Education Center begins its second full year of operation. Our Di-rector, Ms. Eleni Alexopoulou, and her dedicated staff worked tirelessly and will be unveiling a new Greek School cur-riculum. Our Paideia preschool program continues to serve the needs of children from our community and the surround-ing areas and later this year, we hope to conclude planning that will help establish a proposed Kindergarten commencing operation in 2015.

As a closing thought and especially in light of our observation of the Hellenic Genocide this month, there is a well- known saying that “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” With this in mind, I am saddened to ask that we all remember those Christians in the Middle East who are currently being persecuted by terrorist forces. Please pray for their safety and salvation.

Your servant in Christ,


The Anchor (Orthodox Online Talk Radio)

The Rudder (Liturgical Chant)

Φαρος (Orthodox commentary and news in Greek)


President, Parish Council

COOKIES FOR PRISON MINISTRY DENNIS GARBIS, PRISON MINISTRY CHAIR, has asked for our hclp. He will participate in a 4-day KAIROS event, September 11-14, at the Sussex Correctional Center—a maximum security prison—and another one at the Greenville Correctional Center from October 16 through October 19. (See page 4 of the July/August 2014 issue of DOXA for more information on KAIROS.) This will be the first KAIROS event ever at Sussex Correctional Center. KAIROS needs 6,000 doz-en cookies (3,000 for each event). Dennis has asked that Saint Katherine provide 200 dozen for each event.

Please join Fr. Costa following liturgy on Sunday, September 7 to bake cookies for the September event. Fr. Costa would like to have 10 volunteers. Please contact him at or 703-671-1515, if you can help.

AGES DCS (Digital Chant Stand) HAVE YOU EVER WISHED you could follow along with the Or-thros and other church services? You can view and print pdf files of the texts (in English and English/Greek) for most church services by going to Links to musical scores are also available. DCS works on computers and mobile devices. Try this out and make your church service experience more interactive!

CATECHETICAL SCHOOL "God has children, but He has no grandchildren"

Kallistos Ware, Metropolitan of Diokleia


WHAT IS OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL, and why should every parent send their child?

The tassels at the bottom of the Epitrachelion (Stole) remind the priest of the reality that God will hold him ac-countable for the souls of the parishioners. Knowing this, how much more will God hold to account each parent who is with their child day in and day out? God’s simple and awesome truth is that parents are the catechetical teachers to each of their children. As such, this unique ministry and privilege carries with it all the responsibilities and duties of being a co-creator with the Uncreated Creator. Clearly, Saint Katherine Sunday School is God’s deliberate gift of a formal Orthodox education for our children. What then is the relationship between the Sunday School and the parent?

First, no parent should hesitate on any grounds to enroll their child. Compassionately, we understand family re-quirements and dynamics may not avail regular attendance. And, if you are not a member, still enroll your child and let the Lord show you where you can provide stewardship to His Church. So, make every effort to bring them when you can—everyone will benefit and Jesus shall surely be pleased, since he commanded to “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the king-dom of heaven.” With this important first step, our Sunday School becomes its divinely intended purpose—to provide a structured and progressive academic environment, where essential facts and understanding of the inheritance that is our faith, can be passed on in a concise and highly devel-oped manner. The Sunday School though is not the prima-ry source of catechesis. Rather, it is supplemental in its own distinctive way to the parent’s primary ministry as the catechetical parent. We therefore see and appreciate that the Catechetical School together with the Catechetical Par-ent forms God’s intended symbiotic relationship for the education of His children.

We can also see that the fullness of a child’s catechism necessities participation in School and Church. Through both, our children will be drawn closer to the Holy Trini-ty, and grow ever more deeper in Christian knowledge. Our schedule purposely falls between the first and second Divine Liturgies. This allows parents to bring their chil-dren to School, and worship with them together in Church. This is indispensible because central to the Sunday School experience is participation in the Divine Liturgy—for this

is where children see and partake, together with their par-ents, in the Divine Sacrifice. Unimaginable is the depth of sin before God to teach His children about His sacrifice, and then purposely not take them to it. And, while the children are in their classes, all can attend our adult cate-chetical class.

All classes begin September 21, 2014. Children, par-ents, and teachers will gather at the Meletis Charuhas Hall where, at 9:30am promptly, Fr. Costa will pray with us as we begin the 2014-2015 year. Parents may complete the registration form on Sunday, September 14 at coffee hour immediately following the Divine Liturgy, or the next week during Sunday School session in the large room where we hold assembly meetings and music instructions. Our parents have been very responsive to the Saint Kathe-rine Sunday School program, and we are very much look-ing forward to another great year seeing the youth learning about and worshipping the Holy Trinity.


Sep 14 Registration during Coffee Hour Sep 21 First Day of Class Registration Continues Oct 05 No Classes (Church Festival) Nov 30 No Classes (Thanksgiving) Dec 20 Christmas Pageant Dress Rehearsal in the M-C

Hall, 9:30am-1:30pm Dec 21 Christmas Pageant after Divine Liturgy in the

M-C Hall Dec 28 No Classes (Christmas Break) Jan 04 No Classes (New Year’s Break) Jan 11 Classes Resume Oratorical Festival Registration Begins Jan 25 Godparents’ Sunday (Godparents meet their

Godchild’s teacher, attend Adult Catechetical School, and Worship with

Godchild during Divine Liturgy Mar 01 Sunday of Orthodoxy (Students Bring Icons) Apr 04 Saturday of Lazarus Fold Palms Into Crosses after Divine Liturgy Apr 05 Palm Sunday (No Classes) Apr 12 PASCHA (No Classes) May 24 No classes (Memorial Day Weekend) May 31 Commencement (After Second Divine Liturgy)


THE BYZANTIO GREEK DANCE AND CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM will be offering Greek folk dance lessons at Saint Katherine on Tuesdays, 6:30pm-7:30pm, for all youth ages 4 and up. The Adult performing group will practice on Sundays from 6:00pm-7:30 pm. Please contact Aris and Anna Yortzidis at for more information or visit the website at to download registration forms.



AFTER A RESTFUL SUMMER, HEC welcomes our students to a new school year for the Greek Language Program with a new curriculum in place!

Last year was the culmination of a series of actions by the Board of Education—moved by the keen interest of extremely dedicated parents—to support their request for a long time needed “reformation” of the Greek School. The end result was the establishment of a carefully planned and up-to-date Greek Language Program that will address the needs of all Greek School students and make their time spent in the classroom worthwhile.

The new program, developed by our dedicated teachers whose knowledge and expertise shed light to a rather chal-lenging job, provides measurable and attainable linguistic goals in order to rejuvenate the long tradition of Greek education at Saint Katherine. Some of these goals are: a) students will be able to engage in casual conversation in Greek starting at the Preparatory Level up to the Advanced Levels; b) students will be able to express themselves ver-bally and in writing according to the standards of each lev-el; c) students will be able to learn about their Greek Or-thodox faith; d) students will be able to appreciate and val-ue the accomplishments of Greek Civilization and its influ-ence in the formation of the Western Civilization through fun and age-appropriate activities.

Needless to say, the new Curriculum is an evolution of the older curriculum of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese informed by current teaching methodology. The textbook series Ta Ellinika mou provided by the Archdiocese is to be used in the classroom along with material either created by the teachers or bought by the school.

Nonetheless, the emphasis will be on educating the stu-dents in the Greek values and ideals respecting their inter-est and natural curiosity and love for learning. Thus, the students will be involved in projects that highlight the Greek culture and ask them to fully participate and contrib-ute in many ways such as with family stories, pictures, memorabilia, and more. One such project—which was de-cided to be a school wide project this year—explores a well-known topic to all Greek families, that of the history and use of the olive oil in order to navigate our students in a journey from ancient to modern Greek times. We promise to keep you posted as we move along.

Finally, I would like to ask the parents who haven’t yet registered their children to please do so right away, as space is limited. No student should miss the opportunity to learn a language so great that is read and admired all around the globe.

Our teaching staff and I are committed to providing your children with quality education and cultural exposure of our Greek heritage, serving the community of Saint Kathe-rine. We are looking forward to your valuable participation in the upcoming HEC activities and events. As always, I am available to you and to any parent who wishes to bring up concerns or questions regarding this endeavor.

May this year be equally productive and fun for all—students, teachers, and parents! Καλή Σχολική Χρονιά!

HOPE IS YOUR CHILD INTERESTED in joining HOPE? The Holy Orthodox Primary Education ministry is an opportunity for children ages 8 and under to meet, socialize, and inter-act with one another. HOPE children will have fun through crafts, games, and special events while learning about their Orthodox faith. The first event is scheduled for Sunday, September 7, following liturgy, in Founders’ Hall. Contact Patricia Rader ( to register. For more information, visit the HOPE webpage at under “Ministries | Youth Groups.” GOYA GOYA WILL HAVE BASKETBALL PRACTICE following cof-fee hour on Sundays, September 7 and 14, and following the second liturgy’s coffee hour on September 21. GOYA will also have basketball practice on Thursdays, September 4, 11, 18, and 25 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Practice is open to both boys and girls and to experienced and not-so-experienced players. In other words, all teenagers are wel-come! If anyone is interested in coaching the girls’ team, please contact Fr. Costa.

GOYA has church duty on Sunday, September 28 during second liturgy. GOYA will have elections for officers im-mediately following liturgy.

All GOYAns must submit a health/registration form (available on the GOYA webpage at under “Ministries | Youth Groups”) along with $30 dues to join GOYA. An online calendar and oth-er information regarding GOYA is on that webpage.

If you would like to receive GOYA emails, please send your request to


October 3-5: Saint Katherine Fall Festival


A History of the Monks of Syria. Theodoret of Cyrrhus, author). R.M. Price, translator. Collegeville, MN: Cister-cian Publications. 1985. Paperback. 223 pages.

Syria. What can you say about what’s happening to the ancient church of Antioch during the 21st century? It is a place where Christians lose a little ground every day and the West looks away. In what was long ago a Christian country, it’s hard to imagine that more than a handful of the faithful will remain there at the dawn of the 22nd cen-tury.

Written by an important, yet relatively unsung, theologi-an and churchman of the 4th century, Bp. Theodoret of Cyrrhus, A History of the Monks of Syria consists of por-traits of the men and women he calls “athletes” and “wrestlers.” It is a time machine back to the days when Christians were struggling but ascendant as they contested against their own barbarians—demons of old Rome, Mar-cionite heretics, and Ishmaelites. Living a life largely un-believable to us today, these anchorites (solitary hermits) color the modern image of a “prayer warrior” a pasty white:

“. . . the nurslings of piety have devised many and dif-fering ladders for the ascent into heaven. Some, contesting in companies – myriad are such communities, defeating enumeration – enjoy unageing crowns and attain the de-sired ascent; others, embracing the solitary life, practicing conversation with God alone and receiving no human con-solation, enjoy in this way proclamation as victors. Some living in tents and others in cells chant hymns to God; oth-ers embrace the life in holes and caves. Many, of whom I have recalled some, have not been induced to have a cave or hole or hut or cell, but giving their bodies to the naked air endure contrasts of temperature, sometime frozen by unrelieved frost, sometimes burnt by the fire of the sun’s ray. Of these again the life is various: some stand all the time, others divide the day between sitting and standing; some, immured in enclosures, shun the company of the many; others, with no such covering, are exposed to all who wish to see them. I am obliged at the present juncture to proceed through each of these . . . (pp. 177-178).

Maris, Macedonius, Aphrahat . . . what strange figures they cut, living in holes, eating once a week. The famous Symeon Stylites is here, the saint who spent forty-seven years atop a pillar and advised kings and councils. Many of the ascetics profiled by Theodoret were personally known to him. His own mother’s life had been trans-formed by more than one miraculous healing. She brought him among these holy men early on; later, as a priest and then bishop, he had access when others were sent away.

“Myriad are such communities, defeating enumeration,” Theodoret says. Imagine being able to walk no more than a day’s journey out of the city in almost any direction and come in direct contact with a wonderworker. This is their record. Some would call it a catalog of freaks. I found it to be a book of wonder.

BOOK REVIEW Gregory McKinney


(Συνέχεια από το προηγούμενο)

ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΕΧΙΖΕ Ο ΠΑΤΡΟ-ΚΟΣΜΑΣ να κηρύττει Χριστό και παιδεία, λέγοντας: «Το κορμί σας ας το κάψουν, ας το τηγανίσουν, τα πράγματά σας ας τα πάρουν, μή σας μέλλει, δώστε τα, δεν είναι δικά σας. Ψυχή και Χριστός σάς χρειάζονται! Αυτά τα δύο να τα φυλάγετε, να μην τα χάσετε». Κατ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο, αναχαίτιζε τον χείμαρρο του εξισλαμισμού. «Την Κυριακή να μην κάνουμε εμπόριο, γιατί βάζουμε φωτιά στο σπίτι μας». Μιλώντας με θέρμη και πάθος για την ιερότητα της Κυριακής, πέτυχε την καθιέρωση της Κυριακής αργίας. «Όσοι δεν αγαπούν τα δέντρα και τα φυτά, θα ζουν φτωχικά», έλεγε άλλοτε. Κήτυττε για την χαρά της εργασίας κι έπλεκε το εγκώμιο των τιμίων δουλευτών. Συνιστούσε την κατάπαυση της ληστείας, την δε αγνότητα της καρδιάς σαν το μεγαλύτερο κόσμημα. Και έπειτα από το πέρασμά του, ο λαός μετανοούσε, τα μίση σταματούσαν, καθώς και οι ληστείες. Οι ανελεήμονες γίνονταν ελεήμονες και το χωριό γινόταν μιά οικογένεια. Για τον πατρο-Κοσμά, Ελληνισμός και Χριστιανισμός ήταν

έννοιες ταυτόσημες. «Η Εκκλησία είναι στην Ελληνική και το Γένος μας είναι Ελληνικό. Διατηρήστε γενναία και ατρόμητα την ιερή μας θρησκεία και τη γλώσσα των πατέρων, γιατί χωρίς αυτά το Έθνος καταστρέφεται». Η βλαχική διάλεκτος, χάρη σ’ αυτά τα κηρύγματα, εξαφανίστηκε σχεδόν τελείως σε ορισμένες περιοχές. Οι Έλληνες μιλούσαν μόνο... Ελληνικά. Εγώ δουλεύω για το Γένος επαναλάμβαινε. Ο πατρο-Κοσμάς ήταν ο κατ’ εξοχήν άγιος της κλεφτουριάς, γι’ αυτό και εμύησε τους κλέφτες της Πίνδου στην Μεγάλη Ιδέα. Ο Δίπλας και οι Κατσαντωναίοι μαρτύρησαν έχοντες στα χείλη τους το όνομα του πατρο-Κοσμά. Κάθε φορά που τελείωνε το κήρυγμά του, συγκέντρωνε κοντά

του τα πιο δυναμικά άτομα και τα μυούσε στην ιδέα της ελευθερίας. Κατ’ αυτό τον τρόπο, δημιουργούσε πυρήνες απελευθέρωσης του Γένους. Γι’ αυτό ακριβώς το λόγο, η εθνική του δράση ήταν πρωτοπορειακή, που κανένας δεν μπορούσε να συγκριθεί μαζί του. Δεν φοβόταν το μαρτύριο και έλεγε: «Τον Χριστό μου παρακαλώ να με αξιώσει να χύσω κι εγώ το αίμα μου για την αγάπη Του», και φυσικά το έχυσε, αφού οι εχθροί του, οι Εβραίοι, ακριβοπλήρωσαν τους Τούρκους, που αν και τον αγαπούσαν, εν τούτοις τον σκότωσαν, μη μπορώντας να αντισταθούν στην λάμψη του μαμμωνά. Ο πατρο-Κοσμάς, προικισμένος με προφητικό χάρισμα, το είχε προβλέψει, όπου τον Μάρτιο του 1779, λίγους μήνες πριν το μαρτύριό του, είχε γράψει στον αδελφό του: «Δέκα χιλιάδες χριστιανοί με αγαπούν και ένας με μισεί. Χίλιοι Τούρκοι με αγαπούν και ένας όχι και τόσο. Χιλιάδες Εβραίοι θέλουν τον θάνατό μου και ένας όχι». Τον κρέμασαν κοντά στον Άψο ποταμό, στη Βόρειο Ήπειρο, και απέθανε στις 24 Αυγούστου 1779, όπου εμείς κάθε χρόνο τιμούμε την μνήμη του την ημέρα αυτή. Και ό Άγιος έλεγε: «Από τί παρακινήθηκα, αδελφοί μου, για να

βγω να κηρύξω; Μελετώντας το Άγιο Ευαγγέλιο, μαζί με άλλα, βρήκα και τούτο το λόγο του, που λέει ο Χριστός μας, πως δεν πρέπει κανένας χριστιανός, άνδρας ή γυναίκα, να φροντίζει για τον εαυτό μου μόνο, πώς θα σωθεί, αλλά να φροντίζει και για τους αδελφούς του να μην κολαστούν... Έτσι, άφησα την δική μου προκοπή και βγήκα να περπατώ, από τόπο σε τόπο, για να διδάσκω τους αδελφούς μου». Περιόδευε και στην ύπαιθρο, όπου οι περιοδείες του ήταν

ανεμοσίφουνας, που σάρωνε την αμάθεια, την βαρβαρότητα, την (Continued on page 7)


Weddings Sarah Elizabeth Dunnigan Palacpac

and Naoum Elias Anagnos (July 12)

Koumbaros: Alexander Antzoulatos

Renee G. Lurker and

Zachary R. Carr (August 30) Koumbaros: Andrew Lurker

Baptisms Alexander James (June 21)

son of Nicholas and Courtney Moraites Godparents: Elizabeth Moraites and Christine Nagy

Alexandra Faith (June 21)

daughter of Marcus and Ellena Talbot Godparents: Paul and Stella Pekarsky

Dionysios (July 1)

son of Nikos and Roxanna Papaloizou Godparent: Panayiotis Karamanis

Nikolaos (July 5)

son of Michail Kiaoulis and Tiara Adams Godparent: Despina Kiaoulis

Ariana Nicole (July 5)

daughter of Keith and Aspasia Wooldridge Godparents: Alexander and Christine Papadopoulos

Alexandros (July 12)

Son of Philippos and Brittany Marinakos Godparent: Michael Grinnan

Leslie Elizabeth (August 8)

daughter of Carlos and Rosa Bragayrac Godparent: Tadios Gebreamlak

Baptisms (cont’d.) Aaron Alexander (August 10)

son of Matthew and Stephanie Paulson Godparent: Alexander Sirpis

Andrew Athan (August 23)

son of Chris and Constance Soves Godparents: Peter and Nikolia Hasiakos

Georgios (August 23)

son of Theodoros and Christianna Brotsis Godparents: Panayiota and Joanna Kozakos

Elias (August 23)

son of Theodoros and Christianna Brotsis Godparents: Subir and Eleni Jossan

Maria Calliopi (August 23)

daughter of Stergios and Antonia Zissios Godparent: Zoe Skindilias

Olivia Athena (August 24)

daughter of Scott and Eleni Sherman Godparent: George Theodossiou

Niko Alexander (August 30)

son of William and Alma Katsikes Godparent: Alisha Fleming

Congratulations! Na mas zisoun!

Funerals Paraskevas (Peter) Yianopoulos (July 10)

Thomas (Athanasios) Chris Sarris (July 17)

May their memory be eternal.


κακία, την πολυτέλεια και το μίσος και έσπερνε την αγνότητα, ξυπνώντας την εθνική συνείδηση σ’ ένα λαό, που είχε ξεχάσει τον προορισμό του. Ένας από τους πολλούς βιογράφους του γράφει: «Έπλαθε ανθρώπους για την αναγέννηση και την Επανάσταση». Για την Ελληνική Επανάσταση, ο άγιος Κοσμάς πρόσφερε τόσο πολλά, όσα λίγοι πρόσφεραν. Τόνωσε τους λεοντόκαρδους εκείνους

Έλληνες, που ζούσαν σαν θηρία στα βουνά, τους αρματωλούς και τους κλέφτες. Γύριζε τα λημέρια τους στην Πίνδο, Όλυμπο, Χάσια, Άγραφα, Σούλι... Ακόμη και αυτός ο καλόγηρος του Σουλίου ήταν μαθητής του πατρο-Κοσμά. Τόνωσε το θρησκευτικό συναίσθημα του λαού και συσπείρωσε όλους του Έλληνες γύρω από την Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ας εμπνέει όλους μας και τον καθένα χωριστά το έργο του Αγίου Κοσμά του Αιτωλού!

(Continued from page 6, column 1)

MISSIONS AND OUTREACH Project Mexico Mission Trip. As this issue of DOXA goes to print, our team is still in Tijuana Mexico. They are stay-ing at the St. Innocence Orphanage. Fr. Panagiotis leads our team including Ray and Nick Vazquez, Bill and Ariana Porter, and Jesse Cherpes. They are helping to build homes for the poor and disadvantaged. Please keep them in your prayers for a safe return.

Cuba Mission Trip. Fr. costa is making plans for a sec-ond mission trip to Cuba. Tentative plans are for some time in January or February 2015. Please watch future issues of the DOXA for more information. The first trip filled quick-ly, so be prepared!

Missionary of the Month, Jesse Brando, to Speak. Jesse Brando, OCMC’s newest missionary, and our missionary of the month, will visit Saint Katherine on Sunday, September 21 and speak briefly after both Divine Liturgies. He will also give a presentation at the Adult Bible Study, 9:30am in the board room. Come hear Jesse speak and pray for his mission work in Guatemala to be successful. A brief biog-raphy is at the end of this article.

Women Urgently Needed to Serve on a Short-Term Mis-sion Team to Albania. The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) is seeking clergy wives and lay women leaders to serve on a short-term mission team that will plan and lead spiritual retreats for women in Albania. This team will serve September 7-29. For more information or to vol-unteer, please visit or contact Presv. Renee Ritsi at 877-463-6784, ext. 141 or Only two or three volunteers are needed to make this much-needed ministry a reality!

Saint Katherine Medical Ministry, September 28. We are starting a new ministry at Saint Katherine—the Medical Ministry. We invite all physicians, nurses, EMTs, etc. to a meeting immediately after the second Liturgy on Sunday, September 28 in the board room. We will discuss our emer-gency response capabilities—what we have and what we need. Please spread the word.

Food Pantry, October 19. The next date for food collec-tion for the Food Pantry is October 19. On the three Sun-days preceding the collection, we will distribute our blue collection bags again after church. Please use these cloth bags to prevent tearing. Please bring non-perishable food or canned items to the church on Sunday, October 19. We have hit 1,000 lbs. of food for the last three collections. Thanks to all for your generosity. Let’s do even better in October. Get the children involved. What a wonderful way to teach our children to help the less fortunate.

The shelter is open every Saturday from 9:00am-12:00pm to distribute the food. They need volunteers on Saturdays to help distribute the food. If you are interested in donating your time to this worthy cause, contact our own Rebecca Leung, Spanish speakers are espe-cially welcome.

Monumental Mission Walk, November 15. Our next mis-sion walk on the National Mall will be Saturday, November

15, 2014 starting at 9:00am. This year, our tent will be on the corner of 15th Street and Constitution Avenue. Our annual Monumental Mission Walk will benefit Orthodox missions internationally and locally. Specific details will appear in next month’s DOXA. In 2013, our inaugural year, we had 184 participants. Come join us this year! Meet us on the National Mall!!

OCMC Benefit Dinner, April 26, 2015. Next year, our OCMC benefit dinner will feature Rev. John Chakos, our long-term missionary in Guatemala. Fr. Chakos has served for many years in Pittsburgh, PA but now he and his wife are working with the new Orthodox Church in Guatemala. He will share with us the exciting events occurring in Gua-temala as hundreds of thousands are converting to Ortho-doxy. Learn how the Church is ministering to them. Save the date!


Serving Dinner on Tuesday, September 16. We will serve dinner at the shelter on Tuesday, September 16. All are welcome to come. If you would like to join us, please let Dr. John Demakis know (

Hygiene and Survival kits. Each organization of our par-ish was sent a letter in early June explaining which items for which they will be responsible. The items are due on November 23. Please bring them the foyer of the Meletis Charuhas Hall. We will put the kits together after the sec-ond liturgy on Sunday, December 7. If there are any ques-tions, please contact Dr. John Demakis.

Clothing Collection. We continue to collect new or used (clean) clothing and unopened toiletries for the shelter weekly. Please leave in the foyer of M-C Hall.

Diaper Collection, December 7. We will collect diapers on Sunday, December 7. Federal food stamps cannot be used to buy diapers, so this is a great help to mothers with infants. Collections will take place in the foyer of our Me-letis Charuhas Hall. Please bring unopened packages of sizes newborn to 6. No pull ups, please.


JESSE HAS LIVED throughout the United States but finds his home in Michigan, where his parents and one brother live. Raised in the Orthodox Church, Jesse was inspired by his family to pursue a life of ministry. His father, Gerasimos, was born in India to missionary parents and now serves as a

(Continued on page 11, column 2)


NEXT MISSIONS/OUTREACHMEETING, SEPT. 9 THE NEXT MEETING of our Missions and Outreach Com-mittee is Tuesday, September 9, 7:00pm, in the board room. Our meetings are open to everyone. Come join us and be involved in spreading the Word of the Lord. Bring a friend.

September 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

12pm Deadline for October DOXA

1 Ecclesiastical New Year Labor Day (Office Closed) 9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy

2 4 7pm GOYA Basketball



7 Sunday before Holy Cross

9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy

12:30pm HOPE 12:30pm GOYA B-ball 5pm Adult Greek Dance

8 Nativity of the Theoto-kos

9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy

7:30pm Deuteri Deutera

9 5:00pm Conversational Greek6:30pm Grk Folk Dance 7:00pm Missions 7:30pm AHEPA

10 117pm GOYA Basketball

12 5:00pm Greek School

13 9:30am Greek School

14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross

9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy

12:30pm GOYA B-ball 5pm Adult Greek Dance

15 6:00pm Daughters of Penelope

16 5:00pm Conversational Greek6:30pm Grk Folk Dance

18 7pm GOYA Basketball

19 5:00pm Greek School

20 9:30am Greek School

9:30am Challenge Litur-gy at Saint George

21 Sunday after Holy Cross

8:00am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Orthros and Cat-echetical School

10:30am Divine Liturgy 12:30pm GOYA B-ball

22 235:00pmConversational Greek6:30pm Grk Folk Dance

24 257pm GOYA Basketball

26 Falling Asleep of Saint John the Theologian

9:30am Orthros 10:30am Divine Liturgy

5:00pm Greek School

27 9:30am Greek School

28 1st Sunday of Luke 8:00am Divine Liturgy 9:30am Orthros and Cat-echetical School

10:30am Divine Liturgy

GOYA Elections PAIDEIA Pancake Breakfast

5pm Adult Greek Dance

29 Prep for Festival

30 Prep for Festival 5:00pm Conversational Greek6:30pm Grk Folk Dance

Please check the online calendar,, for the most current information.


October 3—5


PHILOPTOCHOS (by Eleni Kanakos, President) I WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A WARM WELCOME to all our Ladies and prospective members to another season of the Ladies of Philoptochos. I hope that everyone enjoyed the summer break! I very much look forward to kicking off another successful season with all of you!

Thanks to all of you for your hard work and dedication in making our Spring Festival a huge success! It’s already time to start preparing for our annual Fall Festival. The Festival will be held Friday-Sunday, October 3-5. Volun-teers are needed to help with baking—an email will be sent with dates and times.

This year, we will have our first bake sale ever for the Thanksgiving holiday, as a result of the high demand! It will be held for just one day—Sunday, November 23 after both services. Call Mary Varlas with your order at 703-965-4161 or email her at The deadline for orders is November 16.

On Sunday, September 21, our first general meeting will take place in the board room directly following the second liturgy. I hope all of you can make it.

Saints Constantine and Helen will host the Agape Tea this year, on Sunday, October 12 from 2pm-4pm. I hope everyone can be there to support this great cause.

On Sunday, November 9, Saint Katherine will be host-ing the Annual Dinner Dance at the Hilton McLean Ty-sons Corner. I am pleased to announce that our church will pay a special tribute to the Ladies of Philoptochos Society, as one of the honorees for its philanthropic work. Please be there to enjoy this special moment, as this tribute is for you!

Ladies, please don’t forget to send in your stewardship. Thanks again for all you do and, again, I look forward to another successful year with all of you!

ADULT BIBLE STUDY BEGINS SEPT. 21 Who We Are and What We Believe: A Journey Through

the Orthodox Faith Guided by the Words of the Bible This Year’s Topic: The Letters of St. Paul

This year's Adult Bible Study sessions will focus on the Epistles of Saint Paul. Who was Saint Paul? Once a perse-cutor of the early Church, he is later confronted with the resurrected Christ and is transformed into one of Christi-anity’s most brilliant proponents, fervent saints, and blessed martyrs. What was his message? What do his let-ters mean for us today? What do they tell us about Jesus Christ? What was his historical context and what is Saint Paul’s place in our Holy Orthodox Tradition? We will explore his life, missionary journeys and message with the goal of enriching our knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ.

Classes are held every Sunday at 9:30am beginning on September 21 in the board room of the Meletis Charuhas Center. For more information or questions, please contact Bill Polizos at 571-434-7790 or All are welcome!!!

(First class on September 21 will be a special presenta-tion by Jesse Brando describing his missionary efforts for the Orthodox Church in Latin America.)

WE HOPE EVERYONE enjoyed a relaxing summer. We ex-tend thanks to the Saint Katherine community for the gen-erous amount of backpacks, calculators, and monetary donations we received to donate to Our Daily Bread for their Collect for Kids Back to School Program in Fairfax County (Jeb Stuart and Fairfax High School pyramids).

Helle Chapter’s next meeting will be held on Monday, September 15 and will start with a potluck dinner and guest speaker from Doorways for Women and Families. Doorways is one of Helle Chapter’s annual philanthropic projects. We will learn about the work they do to provide safe shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence and how the donations they receive help to continue the services they provide for these families. The potluck dinner and presentation will occur during the 6:00pm-7:00pm time period, with our meeting immediate-ly following. Please bring a dish to share.

We proudly congratulate Rosalie Georgeadis and Jane Moore! Rosalie was honored in July at the DOP National Convention in New Orleans, where she was awarded sec-ond place nationally for being first endorser of new mem-bers initiated into Helle Chapter; Jane was re-elected to Lt. District Governor at the District 3 Convention held in June. Helle Chapter’s 2014-2015 slogan is “Together We Succeed” and Rosalie and Jane are perfect examples of this!

Thanksgiving Bake Sale Let the Ladies Philoptochos of Saint Katherine help you dress your table with sweet and savory treats that will make any Yiayia proud! Choose from Kourambiedes, Melomakarona, Diples, Baklava, Kataifi, Koulourakia, and triangles of Tiropita and Spanakopita.

Where: Meletis Charuhas Center When: Sunday, November 23 Time: After both Liturgies (no sales

during services)



HOW TO COPE WITH GRIEVING The greater the loss you’ve experienced, the greater the emotional pain and turmoil that you're likely to experi-ence, although it’s important to remember that even the most minor situations can lead to feelings of grief and grieving.

Here are some tips for coping with grief and grieving: Grief is a completely natural response to the loss of

something you loved. When you are grieving, you may want to isolate your-

self from the rest of the world. Do not do this. Make sure that you work hard to let people know that you’re strug-gling and how they can help you.

Ask for help—even if it’s something as simple as picking up some groceries or bringing over dinner, it’s important to ask for help when you need it. Most people want to help someone who is grieving, but may not know how.

Not everyone grieves on the same timetable. What may be “nothing” to someone else can be a major blow to you—so don’t expect more of yourself. Allow yourself the time and space to grieve your loss.

Be patient with yourself. Even if you think you “should” be better by now, getting through the grieving process isn”t something that can happen simply because you want it to happen.

Do not ignore your emotional pain. While it may feel easier to stifle the pain, push it way down there, this is not a healthy way to handle grief and loss. In order to heal, we must face our losses head-on and cope with the grief.

Don’t hide your true feelings by putting on a mask of “strength.” You’re not protecting other people from your pain in doing so—you’re denying it—and that’s something you don’t need to do.

There are no right or wrong ways to cope with grief and grieving—only the way you feel.

Grief is a very personal experience, which means that it's different for everyone.

The manner in which you grieve may depend on other factors, such as your personality type, coping mechanisms, life experiences, nature of the loss, and your faith.

~from the website Band Back Together

(The remainder of this article will be in the October issue of DOXA.)

Saint Katherine Greek Orthodox Church offers a grief support group, GRACE (Grief Recovery: Accepting, Coping, and Evolving). For further information, please call Fr. Costa Pavlakos at 703-671-1515. Thank you to Maria Papageorgiou for contributing articles nearly every month for the last 10 years.

MANOLAS 65TH ANNIVERSARY DR. SPIRO C. AND CAROL (MIRTO) F. MANOLAS, Charter and early Founding Members (1961) of Saint Katherine were married in the Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Boston, Massachusetts, on September 4, 1949, with Bishop James Coucouzes (later Archbishop Iacovos) officiating. They departed for Greece on September 6 and remained there through July 1950—Spiro taught at Athens College, a boys’ boarding school preparing them for university studies abroad. The Communist “guerilla war” was winding down, but conditions were not yet safe everywhere. (Note: Spiro wrote and published a book on that period and the war, American Arms, Greek Blood.)

Spiro entered Boston University graduate school in September 1950 and received his M.A. in 1951 following which he was recalled to active military duty for the next 2½ years (he was in the Army Reserve) assigning him to the joint U.S. Military Aid Group, Greece! Fortunately, Carol was allowed to accompany him to Ath-ens. Returning to Boston, Spiro received his Ph.D. from Boston University in 1960, as well as a collateral assignment as Assistant to the Chairman of the History Department, Graduate School, Boston University. They moved to Alexandria, Virginia in 1960. Spiro started his civilian government career at Andrews Air Force Base, HQ USAV Research and Development Command, then Bolling AFB, and finally the Pentagon, Internation Security Affairs, includ-ing assignment in Secretary McNamara’s Office assisting in writing Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara’s speeches and testimony to the Congress.

They have one son, Constantine, married to Kathy and two grand-sons, Spiro (wife Jess) and James. Their daughter, Stavroula, is married to John Alachnowicz and has one daughter, Jaclyn Katherine Myrta.

deacon; his mother, Abigail Lydia, is an artist and icono-grapher in the Church. For Jesse, the love of ministry and mission work drew him to Latin America.

Jesse first fell in love with Latin America in high school, where he befriended students from Mexico who had immi-grated to Michigan. Through these friendships, Jesse felt the call to attend seminary and do ministry in the Spanish language. He attended Thomas More College in New Hampshire and, in 2009, briefly traveled to Guatemala as a short-term missionary through OCMC.

After college, Jesse attended seminary, studying at both St. Vladimir’s Seminary and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. In 2012, he returned to Guatemala—this time for a full summer—where he traveled with sever-al indigenous Orthodox priests along treacherous mountain roads to minister in the Mayan villages. After finishing seminary, Jesse worked as a lay hospital chaplain in Read-ing, Pennsylvania, where he used his knowledge of Span-ish among a majority-Hispanic population.

Now, through the continuing support of people through-out the United States, Jesse returns to Guatemala as a

. His love for Latin America fills him with hope that the ancient seed of Orthodox Christianity will not be merely transplanted from other cultures, but will sprout with fresh roots in the soil of the indigenous cul-ture. Offering his theological training and his talents as a writer and photographer, Jesse hopes to play a small part in the growth of an authentic—and beautiful—Mayan Or-thodoxy.

(Continued from page 8, column 2)




THE DUMBARTON OAKS BYZANTINE COLLECTION contains objects and artifacts from all mediums: ecclesiastical, imperi-al and secular. On display at the museum are clay bowls, colorful and imaginatively painted; woven wall hangings of mythological figures like Hestia; incredible jewelry, set side-by-side with Roman jewelry so that the distinct Byzantine aesthetic of the Greeks can be contrasted with the more “grand” approach of the Roman designs; reliquaries from a Byz-antine altar and more objects to demand attention and careful scrutiny.

There is a very beautiful icon of Saint Peter, from the early 14th century. The intensity of expression on his face en-gages your attention and draws you in. Saint Peter wears the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven around his neck and in his hand he holds a scroll and a staff with a black metallic cross on top. On one wall is a large reproduction of a fresco of Saint John Chrysostom which originally was in a monastery at Constantinople. It shows him in a customary white robe covered in black crosses. This type of robe would have been worn by bishops of the middle Byzantine period, the 4th-6th centuries.

Another wonderful piece is a marble frieze of the Theotokos, Mother of God as Intercessor. Here we see her hands raised upwards indicating that her prayer is addressed to Christ for the salvation of mankind. In this image, we see her hallowed status emphasized by the crosses on her veil and cuffs.

These are just a few of the wonderful pieces of Byzantine art at the museum. The gardens outside beckon you to stroll about and contemplate all you’ve seen inside. The one painting I did not see but is permanently housed there is El Greco’s Annunciation. This is one more reason to visit Dumbarton Oaks!


**One Liturgy Only**

September 7, 2014

Kelly Alexis Chris Christou Peter Karounos

9:30am George Moshos Bill Polizos Jim Stoucker

**One Liturgy Only**

**One Liturgy Only**

September 14, 2014 9:30am Costas Mavromatakis Mallamo Mavromatakis Dr. George Silis

**One Liturgy Only**

September 21, 2014 Pierre Tavoularis, Captain

Andrea Ballard Bill Porter

Dr. George Silis

8:00am Jim Stoucker Daphne Vaccarello Maria Vargas

September 21, 2014 M. Mavromatakis, Captain

Artemis Dimopoulos Dr. John Demakis

Costas Mavromatakis

9:30am George Moshos Bill Polizos Maria Wills

September 28, 2014 Chris Christou, Captain

Kelly Alexis George Moshos

Bill Porter

8:00am Pierre Tavoularis Daphne Vaccarello Maria Vargas

September 28, 2014 Peter Karounos, Captain

Nick Larigakis Bill Polizos Maria Wills

9:30am Dean Campbell, GOYA Cap-tain and Epistle Reader, plus 5 other GOYAns

WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB AT ITS FIRST MEETING THIS FALL on Wednesday morning, October 8, the Saint Katherine Women’s Book Club will begin reading a new book entitled, Father Arseny, 1893-1973: Priest, Prison, Spiritual Father (compiled by the Servant of God Alexander). Father Arseny, a former scholar of Church art, was a prisoner in a Soviet Union prison camp; but despite great degradation of his soul and body, he reflected the light and love of Christ to others who tell the story of their spiritual father in this inspiring book. The book will be available at the Saint Katherine bookstore. We invite new members to join and look forward to resuming discussions with existing members. The club meets every other Wednes-day from 10:30am-12:00pm in the education center to discuss several chapters at a time, not the entire book. The discus-sion, guided by questions sent out the preceding week by email, explores the Orthodox faith slowly and patiently in a forum of love. This thoughtful exploration facilitates individual spiritual growth and creates a spirit of oneness in Christ. If you have questions, contact Marilyn Rouvelas ( or Daphne Vaccarello (


STEWARDSHIP SHOWN BELOW is a list of families and individuals who participated in the 2014 Saint Katherine Stewardship Program through July 31, 2014.Thank you for responding to the needs of our church. Any questions? Contact Anna Vassilopoulos at 703-671-1515.

M/M Evangelos Abatzis M/M Christ Adams M/M Constantine Adams Donald and Irenelee Adams Mr Frank Agnos M/M John Agnos Mr John Agouridis AHEPA CHAPTER No. 438 M/M Vasilli Alafogiannis Dr/Mrs James Alatis Ms Karen Aldana and Mr Matt Olson Ms Joanna Alexis M. Alexis Rev/Presv Stefanos Alexopoulos M/M Dimitri Alexson M/M Peter Aliferis Ms Artemis Anagnos M/M Larry Anagnos Mrs Georgia Anastasiou and Mr Jose Perez Ms Janis Anderson M/M John Andre Mr Alexandros Andreou M/M Paul Anson M/M Tasie Anton Mrs Voula Antonaiou M/M Antonios Antonis Mr Nick Antonopoulos Mr Pericles Apostolou Dr/Mrs Nicholas Argerson Mr James Argodale M/M Nektarios Athanasiou Mrs Panagiota Bakatsias Ms Emilia Bakopoulos Capt/Mrs James Ballard, III M/M James Ballis M/M Andreas Baltatzis Mr Richard Bambacus Dr/Dr George Banks Mrs Sophie Barfield Mrs Mary Basiliko M/M Thomas Bean M/M Tom Beck Dr Dean Bellas Mrs Jill Beverly Mr Lambros Bisbikis and Mrs Georgia Siozios Mr Florian Boci and Mrs Irene Kasotakis Boci M/M Joseph Boehler Mr Bokis and Papadopoulou-Bokis Mr Basil Boobas M/M Demetri Boosalis M/M George Boosalis M/M George Boosalis M/M Peter Boosalis M/M Jeffrey Borst Mrs Barbara Bosworth Ms Beth Botsis M/M James Bouloukos M/M Theodore Bousbouras Mrs Stella Brackman M/M Lewis Brickates M/M John Broening M/M David Buddendeck M/M Elias Burton M/M John Calamos Mr William Camarinos M/M Edward Cameron M/M Michael Campbell, Jr Mrs Catherine Speleos Canard Mrs Gisella Caparell M/M Aggie Capsalis M/M Manuel Capsalis M/M Thomas Cardamone, Jr M/M Alexander Carr

M/M Todd Carr Mr Zachary Carr and Ms Renee Lurker Ms Olympia Carranza Mrs Anna Chaconas Mrs Georgia Chakeris M/M Pete Chambers Mr John Charalambopoulos and Hourig Ishkanian M/M Demetris Charalambous M/M George Charuhas Mr Telly Charuhas M/M Constantine Chelpon Miss Ekaterina Chelpon Rev Dn and Mrs Harry Chelpon Mr Mikhail Chelpon Rev/Presv Theodore Chelpon M/M Mark Cherpes Mr and Ms Peter Cherpes M/M Emmanuel Chiaparas Mrs Emerald Chiotakis Mrs Helen Christ M/M George Christacos M/M Constantis Christofi Mrs Christofi and Mr Arias Dr Andrew Christopher M/M Aristotle Christou M/M Chris Christou M/M Christos Christou M/M Paul Christou Mr Themistocles Chronis Miss Ljiljana Ciric Mrs Mirjana Ciric M/M George Clapsis Mrs and Mr Stephanie Coleman Dr/Mrs James Constantine Mrs Ileana Constantinescu Dr George Contis Col/Mrs Harry Contos Ms Christine Cope Dr Susan Coronis M/M Gus Costas Adm/Mrs Robert Cowley M/M Zachary Cuca Mr Michael Dakes M/M Stephen Dakes Mrs Theodosia Dampier Ms Elena Danigelis M/M Ivan Danzig Dr/Mrs Nicholas Darzenta M/M Kostas Daskalakis Mr Dimitrios Daskalakis Mr Lycurgus Davey M/M Michael Davey Ms Dorothea Davidian Dr/Dr Elias Debbas Mr Apostolos Dedes and Mrs Evangelia Tzanavara M/M John Delta Dr/Mrs John Demakis Mrs Antoinette Demeres M/M Christian Demeter M/M Demetrios Demetriou Mrs Elpida Demetriou and Mr Bruno Cardoso M/M Lambros Demetriou M/M Peter Demetriou Ms Venetia Demson Miss Alexandra Diapoulis M/M Nicholas Diapoulis Ms Georgia Dimitras M/M Alexios Dimopoulos M/M Arthur Dimopoulos Dr/Mrs Harry Dinella Mr Stephen Dinos and Dr Evie Cavros M/M Brad Donaldson

DOP Helle #283 Mr Nicholas Dopuch M/M John Doulis Mr/Dr Steven Doulis Ms Mary Drakoulis M/M Stavros Drosos Mr Paul Economou Mrs Catherine Edgington M/M Christos Elefantis Mr John Elefantis M/M Michael Emanuel M/M James Enos M/M James Eskinzes Christian and Olga Esteves M/M Christopher Euripides Mr Richard Euripides Mr Ferssizidis and Mrs Ferssizidis Zorbas Ms Irene Fineskos Mr Sam Fischer M/M Dennis Floros Mr George Floros M/M Nicholaos Floros M/M Pete Floros M/M Stephanos Flossos Mrs Dianne Kavros Fogarty Ms Despina Foster Mr John Fotelargias M/M Vasilios Fotinos Mrs Vasiliki Fotopoulous M/M James Francis M/M Stephen Francis Mr Demetrios Gadonas M/M Dimitrios Gadonas Mr William Galanis M/M Demetrios Galatis M/M Richard Gamble Ltc/Mrs Dennis Garbis M/M John Garbis M/M Martin Gardner M/M David Garnett Mrs Effie Gasparis M/M Lampros Georgakopoulos Mrs Aspasia Georgatos M/M Evans George M/M George Georgeadis Ms Mary Georghiou M/M Frank Gerow, Jr Mrs Helen Gianelos Mr George Giannakos M/M Christo Gkougkoufkas Mrs Eleni Goldsmith M/M Arthur Gomez M/M John Gouvis M/M Peter Gouvis GOYA Ms Joanna Greig M/M Spiro Grivas M/M Mark Gull Mrs Christina Kehayia Hadigian M/M Andreas Hadjichristodoulou Ms Thecla Hadjidamianou Mr Peter Hadjigeorgiou Mr Menbere Haile M/M John Hall M/M Donald Halstead Rev Panagiotis Hanley Mrs Antigone Harocopos Alexander and Victoria Hatjis M/M Peter Hatzi Ms Diane Gatsis Havinga M/M Karl Hickson M/M Bryan Holloway Mrs Agoritsa Holmes M/M James Howard Mr John Husak Ms Alissa Iatridis

Mr Michail Ignatiou Mrs Kiki Ikossi Mrs Eftihia Ioannidou Mrs Hariklia Ioannou M/M Iacovos Ioannou Mrs Kim Johnson Isaac Mr William Jackson and Mrs Maria Liakos M/M James Jatras M/M Scott Jemison Mr James Jeweler M/M John Jeweler M/M Timothy Johnson M/M Adam Jones M/M Tom Jouvanis M/M Benjamin Jurado Mr Christ Kacoyannakis and Mrs Nancy Thompson Mrs Irene Kakaviatos Mr Kalamatianos and Mrs Adamopoulos M/M James Kalaris Mr Mark Kalaris M/M Christopher Kalavritinos Mr Michael Kalis Mr Nicholas Kalis Ms Andrea Kallas Mr Peter Kalos Ms Naomi Kaloudis Dr/Mrs Stergos Kaloudis M/M Tim Kalyvas M/M Tom Kanakos M/M Paul Kanaris Mr Constan Kanellos M/M George Kapetanakis Mrs Konstantina Kapetanakis Mrs Anastasia Kapranos M/M Bill Kapsidelis Mr Ntinos Karaiskos M/M Dimitrios Karamanis M/M John Karamanis Mrs Helen Karambelas Mrs Lula Karas M/M Peter Karounos M/M John Kastanis Mr Spiro Kastanis M/M Anthony Katsakis M/M Stavros Katsakos Mr/Dr Efthimios Katsapis Mrs Andrea Katsenes M/M Dean Katsikes M/M George Kavarligos M/M George Kavros Mrs Stacey Kazacos Ms Despina Kiaoulias Michael and Tiara Kiaoulias M/M Nicholas Kikis M/M Michael Kiklis M/M Christos Kiros M/M Mike Kiros M/M Thomas Kiszka Mrs Anastasia Kitsantas and Mr Stephen Willett M/M Konstantinos Kohilas M/M Andreas Kokkinis M/M Costas Kolas Andreas and Lauren Kolazas M/M Steven Kolias M/M Konstantinos Kollias M/M Alexandros Kolovos Mr Nicholas Kolovos M/M Peter Kolovos Mrs Barbara Koltos Ms Penelope Koltos M/M Panos Konstas Mr Vitali Kopylov M/M Dionisios Korkos

M/M Ted Kosturos M/M Peter Kouchis Mrs Danae Koulizakis Mrs Marika Koumanelis M/M George Koumarianos Mrs Paraskeve Koumarianos M/M Dimitris Kouretas Mrs Maria Koustenis Ms Christina Kanakis Kouteas M/M Constantine Kowalski M/M Gregoris Kozakos M/M Peter Kulic M/M Ken Kunec M/M John Kushner Ms Christina Kutschenreuter Dr/Mrs Andy Kydes Mrs Maria Laliotis M/M Sheldon Lampert M/M Arthur Lampros M/M Michael Lampros Mr Nicholas Larigakis Ms Anna Lecos M/M Vassilios Lekkas Mrs and Mr Christine Leonard M/M Konstantinos Liatsos Ms Elaine Ligelis Ms Tina Ligelis Mrs Georgia Lindroth Ms Julie Lippmann Mr James Loisou M/M James Loizou Mrs Koula Lolos M/M George Louvis M/M Allen Lyubinsky Mr Joseph Macekura Mrs Aspasia Makrigiorgos M/M Vasilios Makrigiorgos M/M Peter Malek Miss Gaye Mallis Ms Rebecca Malone and Mr George Ralis Miss Alexandra Phass Mandarino Dr Thomas Mandes Ms Glykeria Maniatis M/M Frank Manno Dr/Mrs Spiros Manolas M/M George Manoleras Dr/Mrs John Manolis Mr Nagi Mansour M/M Kevork Marachelian M/M Peter Marketos M/M James Marko M/M John Markogiannakis Mrs Anne Masters Mrs Stasia Mastorakis M/M Georgios Mavromatakis M/M Aaron McKain M/M Gregory McKinney M/M David Mentis M/M Peter Mentis Dr/Mrs Joseph Michalowicz M/M Peter Michos M/M Brett Miller M/M Yannos Misitzis Mrs Evdoxia Mitchell M/M Louis Mitchell M/M Demetris Monis Mr Scott Mooney and Mrs Eleanor Galifianakis Ms Jane Moore M/M William Moore Mr Nicholas Moraites M/M George Moratis M/M Christopher Morin M/M Ralph Morris M/M Robert Morrison M/M John Moschopoulos


Mr Stylianos Moschou and Mrs Efthymia Rapti Mrs Anna Moshos Mr George Moshos M/M Gus Moshos Ms Tina Moshos M/M Nickolaos Moustakas Ltc/Mrs Matthew Mowery Mr/Dr Michael Mpras M/M Nicholas Mpras Ms Mary Mullekom M/M Kenneth Myers M/M Nicholas Myseros Mrs Mitzi Natsios Maj/Mrs Sean Neagle Mrs Erma Nettles M/M Veldon Newtson M/M Demetrios Nicholakos M/M Harry Nicholakos Ms Virginia Nicolaidis M/M George Nicopoulos Mr and Ms Clayton Nightingale Mr Gregory Nightingale M/M Nicolas Nitis Mrs Eugenia Nobes Dr/Mrs Constantine Nonas Mrs Roula Oktay M/M Crysilios Orphanides Mr Evan Owen and Dr Joanna Athanasopoulos Owen M/M Anthony Pagonis Mrs Vanna Panagoulias M/M George Panteleos M/M Nickolas Panteleos M/M Chris Papachristos M/M Odysseas Papadimitriou M/M Alex Papadopoulos Dr Mary Papadopoulos Mr Panagiotis Papadopoulos Mrs Maria Papageorgiou Capt/Mrs Michael Papageorgiou Dr E.C. Papailias Ms Crystallo Papamichael Ms Daphne Papamichael M/M George Papantoniou Dr/Mrs Alexander Papas M/M Panayiotis Papasavvas Dr/Mrs George Papastergiou M/M Gus Papathanasiou M/M Dennis Papathanasopoulos Mrs Agatha Papathanassiou

Dr/Dr Chris Pappas M/M Jim Paras M/M Dimitrios Paraskevopoulos M/M Haralabos Paraskevopoulos M/M Charalambos Pashiardis M/M Christos Passakos M/M Dimitrios Patrianakos Ms Alexandra Pattaras M/M Matthew Paulson Rev/Presv Costas Pavlakos M/M Pavel Pekarsky M/M Nick Pekatos M/M Theodoros Pelekasis Mrs Kathy Pesavento M/M George Petalas M/M John Petalas Mrs Eli Petrova Col/Mrs Daniel Peyser Mrs Catherine Phass Dr/Mrs Dean Phass Mrs Loiza Pieri Mrs Pezounou Pieri Mrs Androula Pikrallidas Mr Chris Pikrallidas Mr Demetrios Pikrallidas M/M Kostas Pikrallidas Mr Dean Pilarinos Mrs Frances Pilarinos M/M Nick Ploutis Mr Jerry Pnevmatikatos M/M Bill Polizos M/M John Polizos M/M Manolis Ponirakis Mr Pete Pontikis Mr John Pors M/M William Porter, Jr Mr Pete Poulos Mrs Stella Pristouris Mrs Sylvia Psarakis M/M Nicholas Psaros M/M Anthony Quebral M/M Stephen Rader M/M Mitchel Raftelis Dr/Mrs Demosthenes T. Rantis M/M Theofanis Rantis Mr Dimitrios Rerras Dr/Mrs Jerry Rich Dr/Mrs Adel Rizkalla M/M George Roiniotis Mr Spiro Roiniotis and Ms Julia Young

M/M Dimitri Romais M/M Basil Rousos M/M Emanuel Rouvelas Mr Aaron Rusnak and Mileva Sturgis Mrs Evangelia Sabbarese M/M Anastasios Sakkas M/M William Salavantis Mrs Aspasia Sapountzis Ms Christina Sarris M/M Michael Sarris M/M Milton Sarris Mr Thomas Sarris Mr Saul and Mrs Pavlides M/M George Jr Sauter Mrs Kaliope Sauter Mrs Katherine Scourby Mrs Ann Sedor Mr Andrew Sessions M/M John Seward M/M Panos Siatis Mr Perry Siatis Dr George Silis M/M Panagiotis Silis Mrs Katherine Simmons Mr Alexander Sirpis Mr Charles Sistrunk M/M Thomas Skuce M/M John Smaragdis M/M Eleftherios Smirniotopoulos Mr Christos Snear and Mrs Dawn Terminella Mrs Helen Snear M/M James Soiles M/M Alex Solomos M/M Gregory Soter M/M Spyridon Sotirchos M/M Dimitrios Sotiropoulos Mr James Souvagis M/M Chris Soves M/M Harry Spanos Ms Helen J. Spanos M/M John Spanos Ms Stella Spathopoulos M/M Antonios Spiliotopoulos M/M Eleftherios Spyridis M/M Nicholas Spyros Mrs Rhea Stack Mrs Vasiliki B. Stafilatos M/M Teophanis Staflilatos Ms Panorea Stalter

M/M Nick Stames M/M John Stamos M/M Apostolos Stamoulas Ms Stephanie Stanga Mrs Helen Stassinos M/M Odysseus Stassinos M/M John Stathis M/M Peter Stathis M/M George Stathopoulos Dr/Dr William Steele M/M Peter Stefanou M/M Gerasimos Stellatos Mr John Stepanchuk M/M Demetrios Stergiou Mrs Kalliopi Stergioulis Mr and Ms Ken Stewart M/M James Stoucker Dr/Mrs Tom Stoumbos Mr Clifford Stouts Rev/Mrs Milan Sturgis M/M Nicholas Superina M/M Gus Svolis M/M Marcus Talbott Ms Samantha Tannure M/M Alexander Taousakis M/M Panagiotis Taousakis M/M Pierre Tavoularis M/M Ted Theocharis M/M Leonidas Theodorakoglou M/M Athanasios Theodoropoulos Mr Pantelis Theofanidis M/M Craig Thomas M/M James Thomas Mr Robert Thorne M/M Gene Thornton M/M Jackson Toof Dr/Mrs John Topping M/M Philip Toumazatos Mr Angelo Toutsi Dr/Mrs Michael Trahos Mrs Mary Triarhos Mr George Trifonas Mrs Fotini Trikaliotis M/M Basil Trikas Dr/Mrs Basil Tripsas Ms Sophia Tsangali M/M George Tsempales Mrs Anna Tsimbidis Mrs Helen Tsintolas Mr Fotios Tsutras M/M Constantine Tzafolias

Mr Nick Tzirimis M/M Thomas Vaccarello Ms Ann Vaffis Dr/Mrs Charles Valases Ms Nikki Valavanis Mr Peter Vamvakaris Col/Mrs Nicholas Vamvakias Ms Catherine Vangellow M/M Christopher Vargas M/M Stratis Varlas Ms Sophia Varnasidis M/M Constantine Vassilopoulos M/M George Vassilopoulos M/M Stelios Vatikiotis M/M Ramon Vazquez M/M George Veletsis M/M Stavros Veletsis Col/Mrs James Velezis Miss Joanna Veltsistas M/M Pete Veltsistas Mr Thomas Veltsistas M/M Jason Vines M/M Larry Visos Ms Tina Vokos M/M Demetris Voudouris M/M Sakellarios Vouvalis M/M Colin Waitt Mrs Galatia Whittemore Mr Carter Wilkinson and Mrs Andrea Gevas Mr Eric Williams M/M Donald Wills Mr Keith Wooldridge Mr Jack Wuerker and Mrs Effie Triarhos Mr Peter Xefteris Mrs Aliki Xepapas Mr Panagioti Xereas Pres Athena Yachnis Mr Jason Yianilos M/M Theodore Yiannarakis M/M Aris Yortzidis Mrs Mary Zakia M/M Nicholas Zangos M/M Enea Zaro M/M Nicholas Zavolas Ms Alexia Ziants Capt Christos Zirps M/M John Ziu Mrs Theodora Ziu M/M Athanasios Zuppas


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God,

which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6) SAINT KATHERINE BOOKSTORE OFFERS several outstanding books on prayers to guide you at the beginning of our new Church year. Here are a few of our newest titles:

The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology. Igumen Chariton. Paperback. $18.00. A spiritual anthology drawn from the Greek and Russian traditions, concerned in particular with the most frequently used and best loved of all Orthodox prayers—the Jesus Prayer. Texts are taken chiefly from the letters of Bishop Theopan the Recluse, along with many other writers.

Praying with the Orthodox Tradition. Kallistos Ware. Paperback $12.00. “I hope that the prayers in this book, designed for the different hours of the day, will help us ... to make our prayer not just an intermittent activity, but a dimension present con-tinually in all that we undertake…” ~Bishop Kallistos Ware, from the Preface.

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year. St. Theophan the Recluse. Paperback. $17.00. Saint Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894) was one of the most prolific and beloved spiritual writers of nineteenth-century Russia. His works, which comprise over 20 volumes, include such classics as The Path to Salvation and A Commentary on Psalm 118, as well as many volumes of letters. Although he lived the last 28 years of his life as a hermit, his impact on his homeland was immense. His articles appeared in the popular spiritual journals of his time, his books were in great demand, and he personally replied to an average of 30 letters daily. In the present book, Thoughts for Each Day of the Year, St. Theophan takes us through the yearly cycle of Gospel and Epistle readings, humbly and reverently offering us brief but powerful daily meditations on the word of God. He also addresses the problems of his day lack of faith, coldness of heart, trust in the rational mind rather than in the revealed Truth of God which are problems of our day as well.


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