Safety by PSM.pptx


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1SAF ETY SAFETY ORGANISATION ON IRSafetyOrganizationonIndianRailwaywas createdontherecommendationsof KunzruCommittee.ShriKunzruwasthe ChairmanofRailwayAidentCommittee! 1"#$%Itwasfurtherstrenthenedand e!"andedonthereommendationsof #anchoo Committee $%&'.Thisoranizationisamu(tidisci"(inar) oranization.The oranization is a(so assined to conduct Safet) Audit. $Chairman* Rai(wa) +oard,em-er Tra.cAd/iserSafet)E01Safet)2I 3S4T5E01Safet)2II 3Tra.c50irector Safet)2I3E(ectrica(50irector Safet)2II3Tra.c50irector Safet)2III3,ech.50irector Safet)2I63Ci/i(5At +oard7s 8e/e(& SAFETY ORGANISATION ON IRAt 9one7s 8e/e(CHIEF SAFETY OFFICER CHIEF SAFETY OFFICERDY.CSO(TRAFFIC)DY.CSO(TRAFFIC)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (TRAFFIC)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (TRAFFIC)DY.CSO (MECH)DY.CSO (MECH)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (MECH)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (MECH)DY.CSO (ELECT)DY.CSO (ELECT)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ELECT)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ELECT)DY.CSO (ENGG.)DY.CSO (ENGG.)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ENGG.)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ENGG.)DY.CSO (S&T)DY.CSO (S&T)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (S & T)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (S & T)ADSO (ONE OR TWO)ADSO (ONE OR TWO)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (TRAFFIC)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (TRAFFIC)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (MECH)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (MECH)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ELECT)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ELECT)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ENGG.)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (ENGG.)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (S & T)SAFETY COUNSELLOR (S & T)SR.DSO / DSOSR.DSO / DSOAt 0i/ision7s 8e/e(At 0i/ision7s 8e/e('CO,,ISSIONER OF RAI8#AY SAFETY(CRS) (1%11%1"#1) .An inde"endent oranization* head:uartered at 8uc;now The accident is to a train carr)in "asseners .If "ersons in the trainor the occu"ants of a road /ehic(e at a (e/e( crossin accident * are either ;i((ed or serious() in?ured* The estimated /a(ue of damae to rai(wa) "ro"ert) e!ceedin Rs. @ crores.o2ernmentmailand s+eialtrainsarealsogi2enindetail%The oranization*o-?ectsandfunctionsoftra.cand train contro( area dea(t with in this manua(.1'Safety of Our Trainsdepends upon proper functioning of Signals !1*3.02. Kinds of Railway signals.2The signals to 8e used for ontrolling the mo2ement of trains shall 8e%(1Trains s!all "e wor#ed on one of t!e following syste$%&2 The A-so(ute +(oc; S)stem.2 The Automatic +(oc; S)stem.2 The Fo((owin Train S)stem.2 The Fi(ot Guard S)stem.2 The Train2sta= and tic;et S)stem.2 The one train on() S)stem.(2 T!e'"solute (loc# Syste$ and'uto$atic (loc# Syste$ alone s!all "e used e)cept * if any ot!er $et!od as $entioned a"o+e * is sanctioned under special instructions...H1'H1*$'$*.H1'H1*$*On! o* g!og%a+i"al ga a%oa"+,Absolute Block System,of train working.$#.H1'H1*$#SECTION TO BE DEVIDED IN TO-A.Station Sections. Under unitary control of concerned Station Master.B. Block Section. Under dual control of both adjoining concerned Station Masters.Station AStation ++(oc; SectionH+(oc;SectionMmeansthat+ortionof arunningline8etweentwo8lo0stations ontowhihnorunningtrainmayenter untilBineClearhas8eenreei2edfrom the8lo0stationattheotherendofthe 8lo0 setion?0eGnitions28Station section I means that section of section (imits2 381N I 01853$5 at a class ,(, station"ro/ided with two-aspect signals * which is inc(uded2 3a5 on a dou-(e (ine * -etween the uardshall immediately+rotetsuhad9aentlineHlinesin rear in manner +resri8ed in lause (i) a8o2e%

.H1'H1* *$&.ABFROTECTION contRiiiOnamu(ti"(e(inesectionwithunidirectiona( tra.c on thenominated (ineRR.Contd.Ifitiso-/iousthatanad?acent(ine1(ineson whichtrainsnorma(()runintheo""osite directioniso-structedandno(ineonwhich trains run in the direction of the a=ected train is o-structed*Guardsha(("roceedaheadtoassist andensure"rotectionofthead?acent(ine1(ines onwhichtrainsrunintheo""ositedirectionas "er c(ause 3ii5 a-o/e. If in addition to the (ine on whichtrainsruninthedirectionofthea=ected train an) other (ine on which trains norma(() run intheo""ositedirectionisa(soo-structed*the "rimar) dut) of the Guard sha(( -e to "rotect the (ine on which trains norma(() run in the direction of the a=ected train* in the rear. On() after ta;in thisactionsha((he"roceedaheadtoassistand ensure"rotectionoftheo-structedad?acent (ine1(ines in front on which trains norma(() run in the o""osite direction.

.H1'H1* *&&.ABFROTECTION contRi/ Onsectionwheretrainsonthead?acent (ine1(ines run inthe -oth direction.On(essitiso-/iousthatnoad?acent(ineis o-structed*the8ocoFi(otsha(("rotectthe ad?acent(ine1(inesinfrontandtheGuard sha(("rotectthead?acent(ine1(inesinthe rearinthemanner"rescri-edinc(ause3i5. On()afterta;inthisactionsha((theGuard "roceedaheadtoassistandensure "rotection of the ad?acent (ine1(ines* in front.Frotection of(ine on which the a=ected train isstandinonsectionofdou-(e1mu(ti"(e (ines.On()after"rotectinthead?acent(ine1(ines inmanner"rescri-edinc(ause3ii5*3iii5and 3i/5a-o/e*sha((theaction-eta;ento "rotect the (ine on which the a=ected train is standin -oth in front and rear.

.H1'H1* *'&.ABFROTECTION contRAction to (ocate and remo/e the cause of sto""ae.Actionto(ocateandrectif)an)defect eitherintheenineora/ehic(eorto remo/ean)othero-structionwhich mihtha/ecausedthesto""aesha((-e ta;en*if "ractica-(e* on()ha/inassured thatthetrainhas-een"rotected "ro"er()inaccordancewiththe "rocedure (aid down a-o/e.Remo/a(of"rotectionfromad?acent (ines.Ifsu-se:uent()*thead?acent(ine1(ines arefoundto-efreeofo-struction*the "rotection ma) -e remo/ed e!ce"t where itisdesiredtosto"ana""roachintrain to o-tain assistance..H1'H1* **&.ABFROTECTION contRIn the case of train without a Guard* the dutiesoftheGuard*as(aiddowninthis ru(e*sha((de/o(/eonthe8ocoFi(otora rai(wa) ser/ant de"uted -) him.Inthee/entofan)disa-i(it)ofthe8oco Fi(ot*thedutiesde/o(/inonthe8oco Fi(ot*as(aiddownintheseru(essha(( de/o(/eontheGuardoronarai(wa) ser/ant de"uted -) him.1//M. .2./M. .2//M..22/MDC ,.2./M. .2//M. .22/M 1//M.1//M..2//M3.2//M3 .2./M3 1//M3 $@@A,.Frotection of train in A-so(ute +(oc; S)stem
