SAFETEA-LU Implementation ITS & Operations ITS America 2006 Annual Meeting and Exposition...


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SAFETEA-LU ImplementationITS & Operations

ITS America 2006 Annual Meeting and ExpositionPennsylvania Convention Center

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

May 7, 2006Jeffrey F. Paniati

Associate Administrator for OperationsActing ITS Program Manager

Federal Highway Administration U.S. Department of Transportation



ITS R&D Congestion Management Real-Time Information System Management and



Overall Observations Strong support for ITS R&D. ITS Deployment mainstreamed. Significant focus on congestion

mitigation, including: Congestion management Real-time information ITS

Incorporation of system management and operations.


ITS R&D Research and Development (5301-5310)

Program reauthorized and expanded. $550 million over 5 years.

Road weather - $20 million (5308) I-95 Corridor - $35 million (5211) Rural and Interstate Corridor Communications Study – $3 million (5507)

New advisory committee required. New 5-year program plan required.

Advisory committee charter recently posted in Federal Register; members of advisory committee to be named soon. Program Plan to be completed by August.


ITS R&D: Road Weather (5308)

Serves as a catalyst to change surface transportation weather and operations. Provides the resources to develop integrated solutions. Creates demand for these solutions by building bridges

between the transportation and meteorological communities, and promotes technology transfer of effective road weather scientific and technological advances.

Leverages public sector resources to build markets and improve private sector services.

Provides $20 million in ITS funding.Program will expand on the success of MDSS, complete Clarus, integrate Clarus & VII, and build weather-responsive traffic management tools.


ITS R&D: I-95 Corridor (5211) Adds a new section (511) to 23 USC 5

To promote regional cooperation, planning, and shared project implementation for programs and projects to improve transportation system management and operations.

Grants to States to continue ITS management and operations in the I-95 corridor coalition region initiated under ISTEA.

Provides $35 million in ITS funding.

Continue working with I-95 Coalition and its new Executive Director to advance ITS and Operations programs that not only benefit the corridor but also provide support to national initiatives and activities.


ITS R&D: Rural Corridor Communications Study (5507) Study the feasibility of installing fiber optic and

wireless communication infrastructure along multistate interstate route corridors for improved communication services to rural communities.

Corridor locations: I-90 thru rural WI, southern MN, northern IA, and SD I-20 thru AL, MS, and northern LA I-91 thru VT, NH, and MA

$3 million provided; Report to Congress by 9/30/07.Acquiring contractor by summer to assist in conducting and documenting the study. Study will consider potential impacts of national deployment of VII.


ITS Deployment Funding Mainstreamed throughout Federal-aid

program; including high priority projects. Eligible under NHS, STP, and CMAQ. Categorical NEPA exclusion (6010).

NPRM by summer to clarify ITS projects in NEPA

ITS Deployment funds in 2005 only. $100 million, over 4 years, for CVISN

deployment (4101(c)).Guidance package issued in March to FMCSA division office.


Congestion Management - Pricing

Continues Value Pricing Program (1604(a)) $59 million in new funding, including $12 million for projects not involving tolls.

New Express Lanes Demonstration Projects (1604(b)) Allows tolling of new or existing lanes to reduce congestion and/or improve air quality. 15 projects, no separate funds. DOT to establish interoperability requirement for automatic toll collection.

HOT Lanes Mainstreamed (1121) Requires States to certify that they will monitor operational performance, enforce HOV restrictions, address seriously degraded operations.


Congestion Management – Pricing Office of Operations designated as lead contact

for all pricing/toll programs. Value Pricing Program moved to Office of Operations effective May 1.

Reviewing 06 VPP applications; 07 VPP due in summer. Expressions of interest for other programs received anytime, per January Federal Register notice.

NPRM on ETC interoperability to be issued by June.

HOV Guidance to be published in the Federal Register by early June.


Congestion Management - Research

Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions (5502) $36 million over 4 years for research. $3 million over 4 years for training and technical assistance. Focus on:

Congestion management system effectiveness Congestion measurement and reporting Effective congestion relief strategies

Future Strategic Highway Research Program – SHRP II (5210) $205 million over 4 years for research. Managed by National Academy of Sciences. Four focus areas, including:

Improving reliability


Real-Time Information Real-Time Systems Management Information

Program (1201) Establish capability in all States to provide real time:

Sharing of information Monitoring of traffic conditions

Purpose – ease congestion, improve response to severe weather, accidents, and other incidents; and enhanced

security. Eligible for funding under NHS, STP, and CMAQ. Must be part of regional ITS architectures. DOT to establish data exchange standards within 2 years.

Request for Comments on Program Description published in May 4 Federal Register – 60 day comment period with Program Guidance to follow.


Real-Time Systems Management Information Program – Request for comment

Timeframe for establishing program Outcome measures Major highways Traffic and travel conditions Real-time Information quality Existing systems’ capabilities?

More information at Session 45.


Real-Time Information

Transportation Technology Innovative Demonstration Program (5508)

Two-part extension and expansion of Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Program established by TEA-21.

$2 million per city available to support deployment of traffic monitoring infrastructure and commercialization of data.

Twenty-two new cities + thirteen original cities that have not received prior funding are eligible.

Part I: Existing contract with Mobility Technologies will be completed as planned (11 additional cities).

Part II: Create and complete new program to use any unobligated and any new appropriated funds.

Solicitation issued in February, closed in April. Part I and II cities selected; negotiations underway.


Transportation Technology Innovative Demonstration Program

Atlanta San Jose Denver NYC / Northern NJ Minneapolis / St. Paul Charlotte

Sacramento Portland, OR Indianapolis Salt Lake City Las Vegas

Phase I Cities:

Houston [declined] Dallas-Fort Worth Orlando

Phase II Cities:


Real-Time Information

511 Travel Information Deployment (5306) As a priority area for the ITS Program in

addressing traveler information, SAFETEA-LU included a goal of:

Ensuring that a national, interoperable 511 system, along with a national traffic information system that includes a comprehensive Web site, is fully implemented for use by travelers by 9/30/10.

511 Conference – 511… Where Travel Starts – to be held July 17-19 at Westin Horton Plaza in San Diego ( for more information).

Continue to work with the 511 Deployment Coalition – AASHTO, APTA, ITS America, et al – to develop and deliver assistance specific for targeted locations.


511 Deployment Status = 511 Operational (“Live”)

= Planning Fundingas of April 1, 2006

Accessible by 32% of Population

Accessible by 55% of Population in 2006

= Expect 2006 Launch






System Management and Operations

Transportation Planning (6001) Specific requirement to include “operational and

management strategies” in metropolitan transportation plan.

Renames CMS as Congestion Management Process and includes specific reference to the need to provide for “effective management and operations” and “implementation of operational management strategies.”

Specific requirement to include “capital, operations and management strategies investments, procedures, and other measures to ensure the preservation and most efficient use of the existing system,” in statewide plans.

Regulations under development; NPRM to be issued in summer 2006 with guidance to follow. Will include a strong push to create “meaningful” Congestion Management Systems.


Implications of SAFETEA-LU on ITS and Operations More $ for ITS and Operations. Maintains strong ITS R&D program. Increases focus on congestion relief. Puts strong focus on managed lanes and

pricing. Establishes nationwide requirement for

real-time information systems. Advances system management and



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