Safe Routes Job Description



Job posting for new Safe Routes director

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April 27, 2014Steamboat Springs Safe Routes to School Director Job Description The Steamboat Springs Safe Routes to School Director is a contract position under Bike Town, USA. The director represents the best interests of Steamboats school children in all cycling and pedestrian related initiatives and programs. The director coordinates communication and efforts between several organizations and groups including; the City of Steamboat, Steamboats public and private schools, Bike Town USA, Routt Country Riders, Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club, the Steamboat Chamber and others to promote cycling and pedestrian safety and participation. The ideal candidate understands the benefits to individuals and to the community that self-powered commuting can provide including: general well-being, better health, less congestion and cleaner air. The candidate should be familiar with the many cycling groups and communities in Steamboat, be highly self-motivated, a good communicator, organized and able to plan and lead events and enjoy working with kids. Candidates might include parents of elementary school children, a business dedicated to cycling and wanting a project to give back to the community, a retired individual or couple.Steamboats Safe Routes to School effort currently includes the following programs, tools and events. The new volunteer would continue these programs as long as they are deemed effective, but also bring new ideas and energy to keep Safe Routes to School fresh and effective for Steamboats youth.Current Programs:Spring Bike Rallies at Strawberry Park Elementary School and Soda Creek Elementary Schools PE teachers at both schools organize these events and work with parent volunteers at schools. The Safe Routes to School Director coordinates efforts and timing between schools, city support and permits , business sponsors , orders supplies, organizes publicity for schools and community etc. (SPEs date is May 30, 2014, Soda Creeks date is June 6)

Hike and Bike to School days For the past few years Wednesdays have been hike and bike to school days for all schools. Hike and Bike to School days start after Spring Break, and continue until October 1st (or until weather shuts it down) in the fall. The SRTS Director recruits and oversees a group of community volunteers who patrol cross walks and Butcher Knife Trail, communicates with Safety Patrol officers to patrol some cross walks, communicates with schools & school bus director and promotes program.

Promote safety, convenience and fun of cycling and walking at a booth at the Spring Bike Swap and other bike oriented community events.

Future Programs: Safe Routes to School Map We have enough second edition maps to last another year and a new map is not funded for 2014. The map will need to be updated when maps run out and when new connectors and routes have been added. The first map was funded by a Colorado Safe Routes to School grant, the second edition was sponsored by LiveWell and local businesses.

Additional duties of the Safe Routes to School Director:Communicating with the community about programs, needs etc. Prepare a bi-annual general report about Safe Routes to School to present (1 page, 5 minutes), be sure community programs include a youth element, be alert for opportunities for youth.

Attend quarterly meetings of Bike Town USA group

Attend Route Country Riders meetings twice a year

Communicate with Steamboat Today to keep community informed and alert to programs

Communicate with Principals and PE teachers at school so families know about programs

Work with City Engineer and others to report and solve unsafe routes, incomplete routes, etc.

Fundraising as needed to support projects.

Funding: The City of Steamboat has earmarked funds for 2014 to support the director position and the Safe Routes to School programs. For 2014 $2400 is dedicated to funding programs including the elementary school spring bike rallies and assemblies. These funds are available through Bike Town USA.Time commitment: The hours required for this position vary widely over the year. April through June is the busiest season with the bike rallies (20 hours each) and weekly communications for and participation in Hike and Bike (3 hours a week). The rest of the year the commitment might be 10 hours a month to attend meetings, raise funds, communicate with bike groups etc.Pay: Bike Town USA has designated a total of $1600 to pay the Safe Routes to School Director from May 2014 to April 2015. Payments will be made quarterly Transition plan: We are looking for the right person to take over this program and the responsibilities. Paige Boucher, who has held the volunteer position for the last nine years will mentor the new director and help as needed to successfully turn over the program and insure it continues. Volunteers should commit to at least three years. Wed like to fill this position as soon as possible. Interested individuals should contact: Paige Boucher, 970.291.4155, paige@insidout-pr.comOrChris Sais, 310.344.5458, 970.439.1871,
