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24 April, 2015 No. 284

Let Christ be at the Centre of Our Lives It is written that the Christ would suffer

and on the third day rise from the dead.

Luke 24:35-48

A Litany Lord Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of the world,

Be the centre of all that we are, and the life that we lead.

Lord Jesus, light in this dark world, illuminate our hearts and minds.

Be the centre of all that we are, and the life that we lead.

Lord Jesus, Bread of Life, feed us in those times of emptiness and hunger.

Be the centre of all that we are, and the life that we lead.

Lord Jesus, Water of Life, flow through our hearts and into our lives.

Be the centre of all that we are, and the life that we lead.

Lord Jesus, may ours be fruitful lives as branches and shoots of the one True Vine.

Be the centre of all that we are, and the life that we lead.

Lord Jesus, Servant King, may we understand the true meaning of service.

Be the centre of all that we are, and the life that we lead.

Lord Jesus, for whom death could claim no victory.

May we live in the knowledge and assurance of your Resurrection.

Amen. Source


TERM 1: TERM 3: Thursday, 29 January – Friday, 27 March Monday, 13 July – Friday, 18 September TERM 2: TERM 4: Tuesday, 14 April – Friday, 26 June Monday, 5 October – Friday, 4 December


Monday, 27 April Year 10 Camp Commences Tuesday, 5 May SCSA Badminton Tuesday, 28 April Year 10 Camp Wednesday, 6 May Dance Like No One is Watching 7.00pm Year 9 Immunisation Friday, 8 May Year 7, 2016 Acceptances due Wednesday, 29 April Year 10 Camp Papa Oo Concert 7.00pm College Open Morning 9.30am Saturday, 9 May RNDM Craft Stall Thursday, 30 April Year 10 Camp Lunchtime Music Concert Friday, 1 May Year 10 Recovery Day FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome back to Term 2 for what promises to be another exciting time at Sacred Heart. Already we have experienced a wonderful House Athletics Carnival at Albert Park, two days of Parent/Teacher/Student Progress Interviews and the Year 10s are eagerly preparing for their Outdoor Education camp in all parts of Victoria. Many students have participated in ANZAC commemoration services and still more will be involved in the Oakleigh Carnegie RSL Dawn Service on ANZAC Day. The Year 11 Business Management students provided a wide variety of food and treats as part of their study of establishing a small business. On Monday the Courtyard was transformed into a food fair with students eagerly awaiting some healthy (and not so healthy!) treats in the cause of raising money for the RNDM Sambayanihan Microcredit Project in Manila. This lunchtime activity was a culmination of many hours of organisation and preparation as the Business Management students undertake the development of their understanding of the enterprise of small business. The Sacred Heart spirit is very evident in the many and varied activities taking place both within and outside the school. I congratulate the students on their positive participation in all aspects of life at Sacred Heart. The College community received Easter greetings from Sister Sherly Sebastian RNDM in Kolkata and Sister Claudia Stecker RNDM in Manila. Sister Sherly writes: “Happy Easter to you all.

He was born in an unknown stable - yet the wise sought Him He had no servant – yet they called Him Master. He was the master - yet He humbly washed the feet of others He had no degrees – yet they called Him Teacher. He was the teacher - of compassion, peace, equity and justice He was the good shepherd - who took on the "smell of the sheep" He had no medicine – yet they called Him Healer. He was the healer - of brokenness, of pain, of loneliness He was the prophet - who was not afraid to be bruised on the streets He had no army – yet the Pilates and Herods of his time feared Him. His real weapon was truth - and they could not face that His followers were the poor, the marginalised, the vulnerable He won no military battles – yet He conquered the world. He did so by making people know the way, the truth and the light He summoned all to the "revolution of tenderness" He committed no crime - yet they brutalized and crucified Him He was buried in a tomb – but he rose from the dead And He lives today!!! Yes he lives today and forever!!!! May we truly experience the blessings of our risen Lord.

Thinking of you all and praying for you. With love Sherly”

From Manila Sister Claudia writes: “Greetings from the Philippines, where we are well and truly into the heat of the summer. Copies of the school newsletters and yearbook arrived a few weeks back. I always enjoy your publications, filled with interesting updates, inspiring messages and youthful vibrancy! We are looking forward to welcoming the teachers and two student groups during the year and trust that the experiences will be as enriching for the participants as they are encouraging for us here. Your dedicated commitment to the Filipino people and the RNDM mission among them are truly inspiring. Words are inadequate to express our deep gratitude for the financial support the school generates annually for the Delesan Kailawan in particular, as well as for our Sambayanihan micro credit program. Please convey our heartfelt thanks to all who nurture our partnership in so many ways. Delesan Kailawan has recently celebrated graduation, with seven Dulangan Menubo girls graduating from elementary school and five from high school, always a time of great joy for the families and for our sisters and staff who accompany them throughout the year. Know that we keep a special place in our hearts and our prayers for all at Sacred Heart, Oakleigh. Attached are Easter greetings sent to you all on behalf of RNDMs here in the Philippines region. May you be blessed with abundant joy as we celebrate the wonder of resurrection! Blessings and love, Claudia” Sister Theresa Parish RNDM, the last Sister of Our Lady of the Missions Principal of Sacred Heart, celebrated her 101st birthday on Tuesday, 20 April. Sister Theresa lives at St Catherine’s Aged Care facility in Balwyn. The Sacred Heart community wishes every blessing to Sister Theresa as she journeys through her 101st year. What a remarkable achievement. Congratulations to Nicole Unwin and her husband Chris on the birth of their first child, Henry Nicola and to Glenn Lovegrove and his wife Natasha, on the birth of their first child, Willow Rose. We welcome Ms Julia Stokes as Year 9 Co-ordinator and Health and Physical Education Teacher into the Sacred Heart community. In our prayers we remember the members of the Sacred Heart Language College of Wealdstone in London at a time of great sadness. Mr James Pettifer, the Year 11 Co-ordinator at the College died suddenly last week. Sacred Heart Language College Wealdstone, like Sacred Heart Girls’ College Oakleigh, was established by the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions. Sister Madeleine Barlow RNDM was visiting Sacred Heart Wealdstone at the time of Mr Pettifer’s sudden death. Miss Geraldine Higgins, Principal at Wealdstone visited our community in 2012. In her email to me, Miss Higgins said, “It is of great comfort to our school community, and to James’ parents, when I told them earlier that James has been remembered and prayed for across the world.” As we commemorate ANZAC Day this weekend, we pray

God of peace, God of life May we learn from the suffering of our past And strive to live by the values of Your Kingdom; The Beatitudes values of love, peace and forgiveness That leads us all to the freedom We ask this through Jesus who shows us the way of peace Amen

Every blessing for the coming fortnight. Christopher Dalton Principal “We need to care for the earth so that it may continue, as God willed, to be a source of life for the entire human family” Pope Francis@pontifix 23 March 2015 FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – FAITH AND MISSION ANZAC Commemoration Services Oakleigh-Carnegie RSL Sub-Branch Sunday, 19 and Saturday, 25 April On a bitterly cold Sunday members of the Oakleigh community gathered in Warrawee Park for the ANZAC Commemoration Service. During the ceremony Ella White of Year 12 read The ANZAC Requiem, written by C.E.W. Bean, the Australian War Historian. In 2015, in recognition of the centenary of the first ANZAC Day students from local schools participated in a moving ceremony, the Laying of the Poppies. This ceremony was created to honour the 372 women and men from the Oakleigh district who served their nation during the First World War. The poppies, created by members of the local community, were placed in the garden surrounding the Cenotaph by students from local schools.

Lest we forget

Papa Oo and Sr Mary Aung Seh RNDM

During the ANZAC Day Dawn Service, Sarah Sullivan of Year 11 read In Flanders Fields, with Alana Hanney assisting with the laying of the wreaths. The contribution made by the 31 students of Sacred Heart Girls' College to these ceremonies was acknowledged by Ann Barker, the Secretary of the Oakleigh-Carnegie RSL Sub-Branch.

The Ode

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning.

We will remember them. Lest we forget.

SHGC Outreach - Term 2 The Papa Oo Benefit Concert Friday, 8 May 2015 During 2013 Sr Catherine Brabender RNDM, a former student of SHGC, told us of a teenage girl in Myanmar who is vision and hearing impaired. This girl, Papa Oo, lived in the RNDM Orphanage in Yangon, Myanmar. Papa Oo’s greatest dream in life is to attend school with other children her age. In late 2013 Papa Oo, accompanied by Sr Catherine, travelled to Australia in order to be assessed by Australian medical specialists. During her time in Australia, Papa Oo has met with many specialists – she is currently undergoing a series of operations to improve her hearing. Papa Oo lives with Moira Kelly and her family. She attends a local Catholic primary school in Brunswick. In 2013 a concert was conducted in Kendell Hall to raise funds in support of Papa Oo during her time in Australia. On Friday, 8 May the second Papa Oo Concert will be conducted in Kendell Hall, commencing at 7:00pm. Papa Oo’s ‘brother,’ Emmanuel Kelly will be the headline act with support provided by Split Stroke and a collection of current and former SHGC students. Tickets can be purchased online – Michael Smith Deputy Principal – Faith and Mission FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – STUDENT WELLBEING WELCOME BACK TO TERM 2. I wish all within our community a very Happy Easter and hope that all students have had a well-deserved break after what was undoubtedly a very busy Term 1. The first two weeks of Term 2 have been no less busy with a number of key events such as our Athletics Carnival, Parent Teacher Interviews and preparation for the Year 10 camps already taking place. Term 2 is a long term of 11 weeks, however, I am sure they are going to fly passed us very quickly as well. I look forward to what the coming term promises and wish all staff, students and family all the very best. IMMUNISATION FOR LIFE PROGRAM The Monash Council Immunisation for Life program started this week with Year 7 students receiving their HPV-Human Papillomavirus last Monday. This is the first dose for the year with subsequent immunisations taking place on 15 June and 22 October. Next Tuesday, 28 April Year 9 students will receive their dTp (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine. As you will recall, last year changes to the Secondary Schools Immunisation Program were communicated to us by the Catholic Education Office and Monash Council. For this year, the dTp vaccine has been offered to all students in Years 7-10. From 2016, it will be offered only to Year 7 students.

If parents/guardians have any medical enquires regarding the immunisation program they should contact Monash Immunisation Services on 9518 3534. For general queries please contact Mrs Apostolopoulos at the College on 9568 5488. NEW NO SMOKING LEGISLATION Under a recent amendment to the Tobacco Act 1987 (Vic), from Monday, 13 April smoking within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in Victoria is banned. While we already have a policy preventing smoking on College premises, this new law will now apply to all schools thus ensuring a consistent approach. Council officers have been charged with the responsibility of enforcing the bans. In the first instance they will take an education approach; however, an infringement penalty could apply to those who wilfully break the law. While we have not experienced an issue with this in the past, it is important that all families are aware of this recent change. PARENT SURVEYS As a College we aim to provide information that may be of interest and works to support the needs of parents/guardians in the education and wellbeing of their daughters. At our recent Parent/Teacher Interviews, parents/guardians were invited to complete a questionnaire which sought feedback on areas of interest. If you did not have the opportunity to complete the questionnaire and would still like to do so, you will find a copy attached to this newsletter. Please complete and return to the College Office via your daughter as soon as possible. WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Our recent Whole School Assembly celebrated a number of achievements and experiences which we have enjoyed since the beginning of the year. Ably led by our College Captains: Phillipa Iatrou, Kristyna Stepnicka, Natasha Chun Fook Lun, Gabrielle Stinear and Liz O’Gorman, the assembly reflected on the work of our St Vinnies Group with reports on Caritas and Project Compassion. We also heard about our very successful RNDM Cake stall held at the Rotary Festival in Caulfield Park in March. Our Sport report reminded us of our wonderful spirit-filled Swimming Carnival. This year’s eLeaders and Media Managers were presented and we were entertained by our College Pianist, Melissa Ah-Kan and the Year 12 Theatre Studies girls with their performance of a scene from The Tempest. We were also very pleased to welcome back Erin Tully and Rachel Starr (Class of 2014) who shared their post Year 12 Crossroads Experience. Year 11 students Cleo Nguyen and Larissa Nguyen also shared their Melbourne Youth Music Summer School experience. Finally, we were fortunate to welcome Mr Graeme Rowlands and Mr Greg Mills to promote the Catholic Education Office 2016 Time to Shine Gala. A number of our students formed part of the 2014 cast and we look forward to continuing our participation in this wonderful celebration of youth talent. COLLEGE UNIFORM In 2013, the College introduced changes to our College uniform, in particular, the summer dress and the winter shirt. The changes saw the design of the collar and top button altered to provide more comfort for our students. This is the third year since the changes were made. Given that dresses and shirts do not last for more than three years, from 2016, all Years 7-10 students will need to ensure they have the new summer dress and winter shirt. Please note that second hand uniforms of the former summer dress and winter shirts are no longer available through the uniform shop. MONASH YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES PROGRAM Attached to this newsletter is information about the upcoming “Parenting Adolescents 10-15 years” program that may be of interest to parents/guardians. This is a free program but bookings are essential. Tina Apostolopoulos Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing FROM THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – LEARNING AND TEACHING This week marks the centenary of the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli and the students have represented the College at a number of local ceremonies to mark the occasion and to commemorate those who gave their lives in World War I and subsequent theatres of war. Students attended ceremonies held locally in Oakleigh, the City of Monash and Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance. ANZAC resonates with Australians in many different ways and the girls’ reflections on their participation in these ceremonies will feature in a later newsletter. As we look towards Term 2, there are a number of forthcoming activities in the coming weeks. The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests for Years 7 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday, 12 May, Wednesday, 13 May and Thursday, 14 May. The NAPLAN tests are conducted by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) on behalf of the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Please avoid scheduling personal appointments during this time to allow the girls to complete their tests as set.

Students in Years 9, 10 & 11 will complete their first semester exams in the week beginning Monday, 1 June. Further details and the exam timetable will be published shortly. The girls continue to engage in a range of activities, including the Year 11 Business Management Market Day stall, which saw the school courtyard transformed into a thriving lunchtime market this week. More details follow in this newsletter. Thank you to all those who attended the recent Parent Teacher Interview evenings. The opportunity to share your daughter’s progress is a valuable and important aspect of school life and being able to meet parents is greatly appreciated. Fiona Hyslop Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching SCSA DIVISION 2 DIVING A small team of 11 students travelled to Melbourne Sports and Aquatics Centre on Thursday, 19 March to compete in the Division 2 Diving Competition. With the assistance of coaches Kellie-Anne Bear and Kate from Diving Victoria, the students used their warm-up time wisely. The seniors competed first, followed by the intermediates and lastly the juniors. I am proud to report that all of our divers received a ribbon and we finished the evening with 4 firsts, 4 seconds and 1 fourth. This led us to win each of the three divisions and also the Division 2 aggregate. It was another successful night in the pool led by diving captain Kristyna Stepnicka. Congratulations to the girls below who represented the College in SCSA Diving.

SENIORS INTERMEDIATES JUNIORS Kristyna Stepnicka Tia Stoforidis Alexandria Fenton-Mathews

Bonnie Hesse Elisha Duckett Mia Diamantopoulos Izabella Kendall Meg Stewart Alyssa Nguyen

Felicity Carlson Caitlin Cairns YEAR 8 NEWS Year 8 students have continued to participate in a range of activities. Sporting pursuits have engaged many with students trying out for Badminton, Soccer, Indoor Cricket and Basketball with numerous girls being successful. Other students have become involved in the Bridge Building competition, Interschool Diving, joined St Vinnies, the choir, the orchestra, the aerobics teams and attended the Walk with Mary Mass and ANZAC Day commemorative services. It is terrific to see so many students challenging themselves, demonstrating perseverance and reliability, and involving themselves in school life.

In the final week of Term 1, volunteers from each of the homerooms assumed responsibility for the development of a special well-being lesson where they prepared and presented an opening prayer based on the Way of the Cross. The examples used were pertinent to this year level and incorporated themes such as bullying, forgiveness and relationships, how to care for those having a difficult time and facing challenges with hope and courage. Music was provided by a number of students who demonstrated their developing instrumental and singing skills. These students were then asked to play at the whole school Lenten Liturgy on the last day of Term 1.

Year 8 students continued to display commitment to a range of activities in the first week of Term 2. Very few students were absent for the Athletic sports and most girls participated keenly in a wide range of events and enthusiastically supported their House.

Over two lunchtimes last week, vast numbers of Year 8 students worked collaboratively and with great zeal in small groups to make hundreds of poppies. These now adorn the internal staircase leading from the Year 9 area to the Year 8 classrooms. The poppies were our way to remember and reflect on the sacrifice made by so many 100 years ago in World War I. Kate de Lacy Year 8 Co-ordinator MARKET DAY In the final week of Term 1, the Unit 1 Business Management students worked in small groups in create their own Small Business. The girls decided on a product, set the price, designed the promotional materials all in the effort to compete for sales from the school community. They negotiated with external suppliers and internal staff to prepare for a lively Pre – Order Day where students and staff had the opportunity to buy goods which would be delivered on Market Day in Term 2. The students made decisions and problem solved their way out of business dilemmas. They now have a

Mia Diamantopoulos Katherine Peacock

Jessica Lazaro, Natalie Sullivan and friends

Isabel Martin and Lisa Vu

Volunteers for the Year 8 Level Assembly opening prayer: Zoe Quinn, Alana Younes, Claudia Poloni,

Julie Tran, Katherine Peacock, Gemma Pisano, Sesadi Swaris, Fiona Boulous, Ella-Rose Dissegna,

Jenny Tran, Mia Diamantopoulos, Jessica Tod, Abi Rayen and Quine Dias

Musicians during the opening prayer Mrs Lewandowski, Tiffany Vu, Santhuri Reddy, Mai-Anh Nguyen,

Petra Bartha, Lisa Vu and Kiara Cristiano

Chanuki Asirvatham, Claire Pham, Tiffany Vu, Santhuri Reddy, Mai-Anh Nguyen, Petra Bartha,

Lisa Vu and Kiara Cristiano

Year 8 Poppy Making Alexandria Giagtzis, Natalie Botros,

Arabella Howard, Petra Bartha, Ella-Rose Dissegna, Jenny Tran, Aleena Mathew, Snivedhitha Kiruthiga Ilango

and friends.

Build A Burger Hannah Sawa, Mary Konstantinidis

Jacinta Formoso and Vanessa Perera

greater understanding of the importance of being a loyal and committed team member and the value of clear communication. I am very proud of the work undertaken by the students so far, and look forward to reporting on the successes of Market Day. All profits from the sales are donated to the Sisters in the Philippines, in support of a Micro Credit Program providing small business based loans to marginalised women. Our SHGC business women make it possible for other business women to flourish. Thank you to Mr Peter Stewart and Ms Trudi MacDonald for their leadership of these classes. Emma Young Head of Humanities YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE Work Experience: 15 – 19 June 2015 All Year 10 students must return their Work Experience Arrangement forms to the Careers Office on or before the 11 May 2015.

Work Experience is a compulsory part of the Year 10 program and all students must participate. Work Experience can help students find out about themselves, in particular, their:

Interests Talents Work values

and about the world of work:

Jobs / career areas Different workplaces Types of people

The opportunity to work away from school in an adult environment also helps students to develop a range of skills including:

Initiative Perseverance Independence Margaret Connolly Careers/VET Co-ordinator


Invest in your most precious asset......Your Marriage!

Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the closeness, intimacy, love and romance that brought you together. Recharge your relationship batteries and explore the precious nature of your marriage, allowing you both to share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit.

There is no group sharing. Couples and a priest present the weekend. It is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome.

2015 Melbourne weekend dates: 19-21 June, 21-23 August and 23-25 Oct

Starts 7pm on Friday. Ends 5pm Sunday. Accommodation and all meals provided. Information/Bookings: PH: Marianne & Marcel (03) 9733 0997 Email:

Dogs and Donuts Tayla de Niese, Tehanee De Mel, Raina Raju,

Hashini Satharasinghe, Michelle Le, Jasmine Parthimos and Yasodara Hewavisse

Shakes and Cakes Nicolette Nalbandis, Amy Sezenias, Vittoria D’Angelo, Emily D’Angelo

Nicky Stephanou and Adriana Catanese

Peaches Pizza Palace Zoe Tripi, Sarah Som, Olivia Rodda

Mayeesha Moyeen, Danielle D’Souza Ranuli De Silva (absent from photo),

Catherine Beltran


Dear Parents/Guardians As a staff, we work to meet the learning and wellbeing needs of your daughter(s) but we appreciate that we do so in support of you as her parents/guardians. In the future we hope to provide information that may be of interest to you. To ensure we are meeting your needs, we kindly ask you to provide us with some direction. Please complete the following by ticking the boxes that may be of interest. Please note, you may tick as many as you think are relevant to you. I/We are interested in gaining information about: Cybersafety and managing social media Helping young people manage stress Maintaining a healthy body image Self-harm and depression Eating disorders How to support my daughter in the subject selection process Careers information for Years 9-12 How the College addresses learning and teaching

I would also like subject specific information on _______________________________________________

Other areas ________________________________________________________________________________ My/Our preferred method of receiving this information would be: Evening sessions with guest speaker Evening sessions with College staff presenting Information sent home to read at our leisure Online information we can access at our leisure

I/We are interested in opportunities to meet and get to know other parents/guardians in my/our daughter’s Homeroom

At an event organised at the College

At an alternative venue – my/our suggested venue might include:_________________________________

I/We are interested in seeing how the College operates on a normal school day Any other comments _______________________________________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________________ (Please print) Email Contact: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Daughter’s Name and Homeroom: ___________________________________________________________________ Please complete and leave in the box as you exit the Hall. We thank you for your input and we will endeavour to meet as many needs as possible.



12 months on!

Students of the VCE class of 2014 and

Members of Staff

are cordially invited to a reunion at the College 113 Warrigal Rd Oakleigh Vic 3166

On Tuesday, 1 September 2015

5:00pm to 7:00pm

Refreshments will be provided

RSVP: Tuesday, 25 August 2015 Enquiries: Lynne Evans at SHGC 9568 5488 or


Students and Staff of

1965, 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2005

are warmly invited to our

College Reunion Day 113 Warrigal Rd Oakleigh Vic 3166

On Sunday, 13 September 2015

2:00pm to 4:30pm

including afternoon tea and a tour of the College

Please come and share your memories and all the latest news. Spread the word amongst your friends and acquaintances so that as many as possible

of your classmates know about this special afternoon.

RSVP Tuesday, 8 September 2015 Lynne Evans: 9568 5488 or

Parenting Adolescents is a program for parents of young people aged 10 -15 years of age. Over 5 weeks the program will cover a number of topics including: - Understanding adolescent development- Setting boundaries & limits- Consequences- Strategies to deal with adolescent behaviours- Respectful communication- Problem solving - Anger- Self care

In addition to these topic areas, the program will give parents the opportunity to share their experiences and learn from each other.

When: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 May 2015

Time: Friday’s 10:00am – 12:30pm

Where:Monash Youth and Family Services14 Bogong Avenue, Glen Waverley.

There is no fee but bookings are essential as places are limited. To book call Libby or Emily at MYFS on 9518 3900