S outh- E ast A sia L aboratory NET work Objectives: standardisation and calibration of soil...


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South-East Asia Laboratory NETwork


standardisation and calibration

of soil analysis.

fits with GSP ‘Pillar Five’:

fits with recommendations 1 and 4:

ongoing activities (1/2):

1. Harmonization of methods and results

When sending the same soil sample to the different laboratories in Asia, we must get the same results!To reach this objective, SEALNET is implementing:-Standard Operating Procedures (SOP),-Standard analytical protocols for all basic parameters (pH, Carbon, NPK, etc.),-Standardised units to express our results.

ongoing activities (2/2):

2. Quality control

Soil samples certified by international laboratories are used to control calibration of Asian labs (they must provide same result as international labs).

needs GSP support:

SEALNET is an initiative of individual researchers from Thailand, Vietnam, LaoPDR and France.

To be sustainable, and to connect more Asian countries, SEALNET needs:1.To be officially recognized by GSP,2.To get financial support (to train our staff, to buy certified soil samples, to cover the high cost of ISO certification, etc).
