S ’lichot - Temple Beth Shalom of Annapolis/Arnold, Md...yavo eleinu, im mashiach ben Daveed. ו...


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Rabbi Ari Goldstein and Nashira

Temple Beth ShalomSeptember 12, 2020



Hinei el, y’shuati evtach v’lo efchad, ki

ozi v’zimrat yah Adonai, vayi’hi li

yi’shuah. U’shavtem mayim b’sason

m’mainei ha’yishuah. L’Adonai

hayeshuah al amcha virchatecha selah.

Adonai tz’vaot imanu misgav lanu Elohai

Ya’acov selah.. Adonai tz’vaot, ashrei

Adam Boteach bach. Adonai hoshiah,

hamelech y’aneinu b’yom koreinu.

ל ישועתי אבטח ולא אפחד כי עזי הנה א

זמרת יה יי ויהי לי לישועה: ושאבתם ו

מים בששון ממעיני הישועה: ליי

הישועה על עמך ברכתך סלה: יי צבאות

י יעקב סלה: יי עמנו משגב לנו אלה

ח בך: יי י אדם בוט צבאות, אשר

נו: הושיעה, המלך יעננו ביום קרא

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech

ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen.

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech

ha’olam, borei minei haeish.

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech

ha’olam, borei meorei haeish.

א ינו מלך העולם, בור ברוך אתה יי אלה

פרי הגפן:

א ינו מלך העולם, בור ברוך אתה יי אלה

מיני בשמים:

ינו מלך העולם, ברוך אתה יי אלה

ש: י הא א מאור בור

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech

ha’olam, hamavdil bein kodesh lechol,

bein or lachoshech, bein Yisraeil l’amim,

bein yom hashvi’I l’sheshet y’mei

ha’ma’aseh. Baruch ata Adonai,

hamavdil bein kodesh lechol.

ינו מלך העולם, ברוך אתה יי אלה

ין אור לחשך, ין קדש לחול, ב המבדיל ב

ין יום השביעי ל לעמים, ב ין ישרא ב

י המעשה, ברוך אתה יי, שת ימ לש

ין קדש לחול: ה מבדיל ב


Eliyahu hanavi. Eliyahu haTishbi.

Eliyahu haGiladi. Bimheirah b’yameinu,

yavo eleinu, im mashiach ben Daveed.

יהו ל יהו א ל יהו התשבי. א ל הנביא. א

רה ינו עם בימינו הגלעדי. במה ל יבא א

יח בן דוד: מש

Torah Covers Changed

Hashiveinu Adonai elecha, v’nashuva.

Chaddeish yameinu k’kedem. נו ינו השיב ש ימ נשובה חד ליך ו יהוה א


Help us to return to You, O God; then truly shall we return. Renew our days as in the past.

Eternal God, what can we say in Your presence? How account for our sins? We

speak of repentance, and yet are slow to change. But we turn to You with the

prayer that Your love will abide with us always, turning our hearts to Your ways,

our feet to Your paths. Hope is food and drink for us; hope sustains us. And so we

pray: Do not turn us away empty-handed from Your presence. End our darkness

with Your light and turn our passions to Your purpose. Help us, in this hour of

turning, to make real in our lives the words of our mouths, the meditations of our



Return, O Israel, to your Eternal God;

return, all you who have stumbled.

For thus says the Eternal God,

the Holy One of Israel:

In returning, in peace, shall you triumph;

in calm trust you shall find strength.

You are a stronghold to the poor,

a shelter from the storm,

a shade from the heat.

Infinite God, reach out to me:

let me return to You,

let me come to You.

I am alone.



Afraid of myself.

Let me come to You.

Reach out to me.

You are a shelter from the storm,

a shade from the heat.

Return, O Israel, to your Eternal God.

Behold how the Eternal One does great things

with this people!

Behold the Most High,

who heaps miracle upon wonder!

Return, O Israel, return!

You are a stronghold to the poor,

a crown of glory to all who stumble and fall,

to all who rise and return!


Shomeir Yisraeil, sh’mor she’erit

Yisraeil. V’al yovad Yisraeil,

ha’omrim shema Yisraeil.

Shomeir goy echad, sh’mor she’erit am

echad. V’al yovad goy echad

ham’yachadim shimcha, Adonai

Eloheinu Adonai Echad.

ל רית ישרא ל שמור שא ר ישרא שומ

ל האמרים שמע ואל יאבד ישרא

ל: ישרא

רית עם אחד ר גוי אחד שמור שא שומ

דים שמך ואל יאבד גוי אחד המיח

ינו יהוה אחד: יהוה אלה

Guardian of Israel, guard the remnant of Israel. May none perish in Israel, the people that

proclaims, “Hear O Israel.” Guardian of a unique people, guard the remnant of that people. May

none perish of the people that proclaims: “Adonai is our God, Adonai is One.”

As clay takes form

in a potter’s hand,

so do we in Yours.

Mold us into human form.

You are the potter;

we are but clay.

As words are shaped

by a poet’s hand,

so are we by Yours.

Make us Your song.

You are the singer;

we are Your work.

As a ship takes its course

from a sailor’s hand,

so do we in Yours.

Set us on Your chosen course.

You are the sailer;

we are Your ship.


As threads are patterned

by a weaver’s hand,

so do we by Yours.

Weave us into Your plan, O God.

We are Your people;

You are our Guide.

We are Your people,

You are our Guide.

We are Your children,

You are our Parent.

We are Your possession,

You are our Portion.

We are Your flock,

You are our Shepherd.

We are Your vineyard,

You are our Keeper.

We are Your beloved,

You are our Friend.

נו. כי אנו עמך ואתה מלכ

אנו בניך ואתה אבינו.

נו. אנו נחלתך ואתה גורל

נו. אנו צאנך ואתה רוע

נו .אנו כרמך ואתה נוטר

נו. אנו רעיתך ואתה דוד

Ki anu amecha, v’Ata Malkeinu

Anu nvaecha, v’Ata Avinu

Anu nahalatecha, v’Ata Goraleinu

Anu tzonecha, v’Ata Roeinu

Anu charmecha, v’Ata Notreinu

Anu rayatecha, v’Ata Dodeinu


Sovereign God, whose throne is mercy, You guide the world with steadfast love,

forgiving the transgressions of Your people; You pardon all who sin, are generous

with all who live, treating them with compassion.

You have taught us, O God, Your compassion and Your love. This day remember

Your covenant, revealed from of old to Moses, the humble one. As it is written:

The Eternal One descended in a cloud and stood with him there and revealed the

divine nature. God passed before Moses and said:

Adonai Adonai El rachum v’chanun

erech apayim v’rav chesed v’emet.

Notzeir chesed la’alafim noseh avon

vafeshah v’chata’ah v’nakeh.

ים רך אפ ל רחום וחנון א יהוה יהוה א

סד לאלפים ר ח אמת: נצ סד ו ורב ח

א עו ה: נש שע וחטאה ונק ן ופ

The Eternal One, the Eternal God is merciful and gracious,

endlessly patient, loving and true,

showing mercy to thousands,

forgiving our sin, and granting pardon.

Our God and God of all generations, help us to overcome the impulse to do evil.

You have created us able to do Your will, but in our nature there is a wayward

spirit that hinders us and keeps us from doing what we should. Eternal God, help

us to subdue it, so that we may, with a whole heart, make Your will our own.

Hashiveinu Adonai elecha, v’nashuva.

Chaddeish yameinu k’kedem. ינו ש ימ נשובה חד ליך ו נו יהוה א השיב


Help us to return to You, O God; then truly shall we return. Renew our days as in the past.


Your mercy, O God of all life, extends to all who live. You turn away from our

transgressions, that we may turn to You. For You love all beings, despising

nothing that You have made. For how could You hate what You have established,

and what would endure without Your love? All things are touched by Your grace,

for they are Yours. You take delight in life, holding us in Your arms, for Your

eternal spirit dwells in all that breathes.

נו ם שמע קול ינו חוס ורח יהוה אלה

ל ברחמים וברצון את ינו וקב על

נו: כי אל שומע תפילת תפלת

ותחנונים אתה.

Adonai Eloheinu chus Shema koleinu

v’racheim aleinu. V’kabeil

b’rachamim u’v’ratzon et tefilateinu.

hnunim Ki El shomei’a tefilay u’tac


Hear our voice, Eternal God; have compassion upon us, and with that compassion

accept our prayer.

Help us to return to You, O God; then truly shall we return.

Renew our days as in the past.

Consider our words; look into your inmost thoughts.

Do not cast us away from Your presence; do not remove Your

holy spirit.

Do not dismiss us when we are old; as our strength diminishes,

do not abandon us.

Loving God, do not abandon us; do not be far from us.

For You, O God, do we wait; and You, our God, will answer.

Our God, God of our mothers and fathers, grant that our prayers may reach You.

Do not be deaf to our pleas, for we are not so arrogant and stiff-necked as to say

before You, we are perfect and have not sinned; rather do we confess: we have

gone astray, we have sinned, we have transgressed.


חנו ין אנ נו שא נו, ואל תתעלם מתחנת יך תפלת ינו תבא לפנ י אבות ינו ואלה אלה

רף לומר י ע י פנים וקש חנו ולא עז ינו צדיקים אנ י אבות ינו ואלה יך יהוה אלה לפנ

אנו: ינו חט חנו ואבות אנו אבל אנ חט

Our God and God of all generations, help us to overcome the impulse to do evil.

You have created us able to do Your will, but in our nature there is a wayward

spirit that hinders us and keeps us from doing what we should. Eternal God, help

us to subdue it, so that we may, with a whole heart, make Your will our own.

Ashamnu, Bagadnu


Dibarnu Dofi

(ya la la)





Tafalnu Shakeir

(ya la la)

Ya’atznu Ra






Avinu, Pashanu


Kishinu Oref

(ya la la)






דנו. מנו. בג אש

לנו. גז

פי. רנו ד דב

ינו. העו

ענו. והרש

דנו. ז

סנו. חמ

קר. לנו ש טפ

צנו רע. יע

בנו. כז

צנו. ל

דנו. מר

צנו. נא

רנו. סר

ינו. ענו. עו פש

רנו. צר

רף. ינו ע קש

ענו. רש

תנו. שח

בנו. תע

ינו. תע

ענו תעת


We have all committed offenses; together we confess these human sins.

We are










and Joyless.

We are

Keen to see the faults of others,


Loathe to correct our own. . . .

Our sins are an alphabet of woe.

Now may it be Your will, Eternal God of all generations, to pardon all our sins, to

forgive all our wrongdoings, and to blot out all our transgressions.


נס וברצון: יך בא אנו לפנ טא שחט על ח

The sin we have committed against You under duress or by choice.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט בזדון ובשגגה: על ח

The sin we have committed against You consciously or unconsciously.

תר: יך בגלוי ובס אנו לפנ טא שחט על ח

The sin we have committed against You openly or secretly.

יך בשנא אנו לפנ טא שחט ת חנם: ועל ח

The sin we have committed against you by hating without cause.

יך במשא ובמתן: אנו לפנ טא שחט על ח

The sin we have committed against You by dishonesty in business.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט ע: ועל ח את ר בהונ

And the sin we have committed against You by hurting others in any way.

V’al ku-lam, Eh-lo-ah s’li-chot,

s’lach la-nu, m’chal la-nu, ka-per la-


נו. וה סליחות. סלח ל ועל כלם אל

נו: נו. כפר ל מחל ל

For all these, O God of mercy, forgive us, pardon us, grant

us atonement.


יך אנו לפנ טא שחט על חWe have sinned against life by failing to work for peace.

We have sinned against life by keeping silent

in the face of injustice.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט על חWe have sinned against life by ignoring those who suffer in distant lands.

We have sinned against life by forgetting

the poor in our own midst.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט על חWe have failed to respect those made in the image of God.

We have withheld our love from those who depend on us.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט על חWe have engaged in gossip and in repeated slander.

We have distorted the truth for our own advantage.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט על חWe have conformed to fashion and not to conscience.

We have indulged in despair and trafficked with cynics.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט על חWe have given meager support to our Houses of Study.

We have neglected our heritage of learning.

יך אנו לפנ טא שחט על חWe have sinned against ourselves and paid scant heed to the life

of the spirit.

We have sinned against ourselves and not risen to fulfill the

best that is in us.


V’al ku-lam, Eh-lo-ah s’li-chot,

s’lach la-nu, m’chal la-nu, ka-per la-


נו. וה סליחות. סלח ל ועל כלם אל

נו: נו. כפר ל מחל ל

For all these, O God of mercy, forgive us, pardon us, grant

us atonement.

God before whom words must be true, we acknowledge our

faults and our failings. Help us now to strengthen the good

impulse within us.

Help us to care about wrongs from which we have been

spared; to seek forgiveness for the wrongs we shall do; to

forgive the wrongs that are done to us.

Create in us a clean heart, and place a willing spirit within us.

Shed Your light upon us, that we may see the goodness in

each of Your children.

Keep me, O God, from bad intentions and from excessive pride;

Help me at all times to govern my passions and master my inclinations.

Against melancholy and bitterness defend my soul;

guard my tongue against slander and deceit, and open my eyes

to the virtues of others.


ין בנו נו חננו ועננו כי א אבינו מלכ

ה עמנו צדקה וחסד מעשים עש

נו: והושיע

Avinu Malkeinu, choneinu va’aneinu ki

ein banu ma’asim. Aseh imanu

tzedakah vachesed v’hoshieinu.

Malkeinu be gracious to us and answer us, even though we have little merit. Treat us Avinu

generously and with kindness and be our help.

א לנו ינו שבשמים דרשנוך המצ אלהGod within and beyond, we seek You: grant that we may

find You.

ינו ה כבוד מלכותך על ינו שבשמים גל אלה

God within and beyond, reveal to us the glory of

Your deliverance.

נו לעבודתך ינו שבשמים קרב אלה God within and beyond, draw us near to Your service.

ינו שבשמים צוה אתנו ברכותיך אלה God within and beyond, grant us Your blessings.

ינו שבשמים צוה אתנו ישועותיך אלה

God within and beyond, help us with Your saving acts.

ינו ינינו אלה שבשמים שית שלום ב God within and beyond, let peace reign among us.

ן שלום בארץ ינו שבשמים ת אלה God within and beyond, grant peace to the earth.


ן שבע בעולם ינו שבשמים ת אלה God within and beyond, grant abundance to Your world.

לה ץ הגא ב לנו ק ינו שבשמים קר אלה God within and beyond, hasten for us the day of


Hashiveinu Adonai elecha, v’nashuva.

Chaddeish yameinu k’kedem. נו ינו השיב ש ימ נשובה חד ליך ו יהוה א


Help us to return to You, O God; then truly shall we return. Renew our days as in the past.

Tekiah G’dolah
