rut Prlco~ PromJlt Atloutiull lJy A~lctlon - Treherne · against Bul!(arla. Disemhllrl{atioll 01...


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LIDensed Auctioneer 1 am now prepared to handle

your sale big or small ant! solicit youripatronage. \ViII sell reason­able and guarantee satisfaction. T. J. GIbbons - Ralhwoll


Appeal on Behalf of National Canadian

Patriotic Fund

'Ve Illwo now entered upon the second yoar of Lho wnl', und the ond HOCIllS as I'nl' off as e\·ol'. No ono imn~ined 11. ycn.r ago that 'by Sep­

Lomber or 1!Jl5, Onnndn would ho.vO sent across Lhe Atlantic nenrly one hundred LhousalHI men wiLh as mallY IllOI'O to follow ir lIcccssary. This magn i fiecn L cnlisLmen t, while primlll'ily duo to the loyalty of our peoplo, Ims buen, in a large melLs­lire, made possible by tho Oo.nmj­

iall Patriotic Fund. This grcntcst of ldl tho nlltional

Lencflletol's is now lIssisting twen­ty thonsand faJllilies of men who ha\'e enlisted, fOl' overseas service. Those lIIen Illwo gone forwnl'd with tho fnll IlHSlll·o.nCO tllllt Lho people of Oannrlll will see to it that dnring

theil' Ilbseneo theil' wi\'es, widowed mothers and IiLL\!) childl'cll shall be maintained in comfort. \Ye heal'

thllL the dmin upon the Fund is IIBsuming 11I1'f.te PI·opol·tions, that to meet Lho needs ot' J Illy IInel August $;00,000 WIIS expondell, tuat the I'osen'cs 0.1'0 l)()inf.( matol'­illlly deerellsed lI'ml Lhat tho nat­

ional Exeeuth'e Oomlllittec now finds iL nucessilry to lIIako 11. flll·ther uppeal La the Ollnadinn PuLlic.

Thel'() are nlliny funds, most of

them worthy, ImL of Lhcm all Lhe l~aLl'iotio Fund is the ono wo cnn­IlOt nllow to fail. '1 t is Lho dllty of the UoveJ'llll1ent.Lo Ilrlll, cquip lind maintain Lho troops. Not IL dollnr do Lho Federnl authOl'iLies give to t.he PI1.tJ-iotie Fund. This wOJ·k de­

. peu.d!\:~oloIY-l.)i)", ~l\fLpp.~~io~ism. ~nq generosity' 'cir '0 ill:' '0\\'11 people.

1'housnil'ds of IJI'nve men al'o fight­ing OUt: bl\Lt.les, belioving Lhat we meant who.L we Imid when we tolel

I, '1 "C' thom I\S they wont nrwal'(:- ,0 alld wo will care for tho wifo alltl kiddics." It would Lo to our eror-1llsLingly disgmc!l if Olll' plcdge was

brokcn. The nntiollnl ol'gnliiuLtiol1, with

Iwadqun.l'ters nt 0 t t It WIt nlld branchos 01' aflililLted associations

ill oVCI'y part of Llio Domini'lJ1, is 'worLlIY or alii' 1lI0~t gonel:ous sup­

POI't ill Lho trumondon8 alld C\'01'­grnwil1p; tllsk Lhat it hilS under­


Canadians Win Wheat Prizes in World's Competition

Snslco.tchoWI\1I 'fnl'mers won Loth the first and, tIll, soeond priZt'S for trio best bushel of wliuat shown Ilt tho dry fnl'ming COl1ghlRR held at Dcn VOl', ,Oolomrlo, ~on Seplol11 bcr 30th, IL competition opon 1;0 tho wodd.

'.l.n t his sweopstakos, Sneger .\V:hce\m·, of HosLhorll, Bnsk.,' a formel' winncl', cnn'ied ofr fil'st nrizo, alld Lho sccolld wcnt tIl J. A. MOOIICl', of .I1egilln, Sns\:, Thil:rl pl'izo Will' won by Howcll Bros., of

Montl'oso eoullty, OolOJ'nclo, thoil' oxhibit bcillp; pI'odnced [1'0111 iil1-POI'tOrl soed or Suskatehowan M ar-(luis whoat. •


Harvest Festival . ,

Har\·ost. Fosti VIiI sorvicos woro held in, St. ~InI;I"s Ohureh, Tre­herno, \a3t'Sltnlhiy night. A Jargo oongreg~\tion wns P-I'llsent to hoar

'he Rs" .. rI. 1I~0'cl!lpi;;I~'8 m'!!ssnge. , The collection wns fUI; mission wOl'k hi '.bho:~hurch, IlS is ~t;'stti~rl'ary in the Church 'of lJ:ngland 0I1\'J'luinks­gL\'inp; SUllday. nJnny h . hymns wel'o snug ho~l·tily, nn!! tho

t I '. •

Herneo WM l.hol·ollghly onjoyed. ~L'he Rc\·. 11;00dspitl.1 Hnllg ns iL'ROlo "Tho Holy Oily," nlld llis nile

nd~Q~\ stilL mul'C to .. Lh~ bl'anty the' llol'\'it)1) 1\8 n whole. ,Thc Indies hlLd tn .. qter,;lIi 'd~eol'lLtod the oh U roh


, . •

-THE-' ,

rut ).


AUCTIONEERING I .\8 I havo mO\'od from 'l' ruhornf) to'Vinufpo but intoud curryillg on lilY A~lctlon HOJt(UA. through tho Country, CnHlor • ..Jrtt will r( cJjvn PromJlt Atloutiull lJy wrltt.,.: 1110 III lilY 111 ollont ullllr088 or Phono SLaorbroolo';"'!'-17 on to\'orao (hock Prlco~ As Venut. t;IItlsfuCLioli Uunruntucd,

N. WILSON, M.A.A., 169 Langsido St., WInnIpeg.



No Summer in

Morc,_Wlns Arc Made by Brltlsh­French Gain In Air Ralds-Rus·

slans'Stop Hlndenburg's Attack

London, Oct. 4-0mclal tram Sir Jolin French: "We elellvered u' coun· ter'attack Saturday ulght and achlev· cd our objective. which was two Ger· mlln trenches soutinvost of Fosso (just nohh.of Laos), which tho enemy lmel recoVllred In his counter·attack of tho 26th. There' have !Jeen no other events on our front."

Great French Air Raid


1'ho o.lTay of tnlcnt procul'od by A map hn.s just heen iSSllcd hy tho Ladies' Ait! of the Presbyterinn Lhc Provincial Govel'llIl1ent show­

Ohurch Lo appeal' nt tho conc~rt ing cloarly all Lowns and \'illagos giI'ClIl under theil' nuspiccs lIexL o.nel countl'Y post officCR. It also ~.Ionday night, promises olle·of the' shows Lho territo,'y thllt has lately

best concerts e\'or hcard loealry. b"lcn added to tho proyine~. The

Oonsiderable expense has been it.l- f9110winp; intcl'esting illforlllation curred by bringing such Lalented wn.s also·given: lind wcll-known artistes hcre, bllt Gn.!l~ LhlS should be more thnn countcr-acted by tho exLI'I1. people Lha!; such Whent ............ a,Ij(J'I,2/ll n~:'es 11. concol't will donbtlcss atLrnct. It Oats .............. 2,121,/l45

Barley ............ 1 ,oan,s,w ,.

FIo.x ............. , .. 0,1,868 "

nyo ................. '/li,li!)n "

Pc as ................. a;S08 "

Russia Issues Ultimatum With an 1m· mediate Reply Required-Crisis

at a Climax

London, Oct. ';-Tho Ballmn sltlln· tlon has beon brought to Il crllll" through shllrp action hy IlllHsia, wl:ll'h yesterday sent all ultimatum to illll· garlll Ilcmalldlng the Immediate ex· pulsion of the Austl'O·GCl'lllan otlicers who reccntly arrived III Sona. and III' structlng the Husslau illlnister at So· tin to 101l\'c within t\l·l'nty·[our hours If this Is not dOlH'. At the sallle time 600,000 HUBBlan troops have heell CUll· celltl'uted nt Odessll i'or a Cllnt;HlIg'1l against Bul!(arla. Disemhllrl{atioll 01 the gl'ellt l~rallcll·l3ritl8h fOI·ce. whos!) nrrlval In tho Aegeall WIIS roported recently, hilS begun lit Salonll<1l, und King Constuntlne Is repol·ted on Iti~ WilY to thllt point to tllke churp:e of the Greek contingent. Ofrers made hy the 1~lltellte pOII'erB to Bulgaria for her co·opemtioll. to which sho lIlado no reply except the mobilization or her troops, have beon withdrawn. The Bulgllrlan Illohllization Is cOlllpleted.

the Year of 1816 --Frosts all Year

')'ho followillg ilem is tllken 1"'0111 til!' \Villllipl'g I.'roe PI'esli or Ool­nh'!I' :illl, I S iii, IlIIII shuII's 1111lL wo slill hal'o HOlllulhillg to bu t1lUnkful 1'01'.

Paris, Oct. 4-0fficlal: "In Artois we ha vo 1Il1lde progress, capturing a blockhouse and entrenchment~ to the south of the Woods of Glvenchy. 'ruere has been a hombardmen~ by both sides of 1I vlolont nature south of the Somme, as well as on the Cham· pagne front. In the Vosges the enomy has IIttomptod, but unsuccessfully, to direct jots of liquid fiamo on our trenches. Wo replied by shattering his mine works. A group of aeroplanes yesterday morning born bardeel the atatlon. tho mil road bridge and the military bulldlugs at Luxemburg. A squall ron of slxty·five .aeroplanes yes· terday bombartlcd the mil way station at Vouzlers, tho aviation ground near

is,but rnrely Lhat sueJI 1\ big I'e­spollsi.bilil,y is incurrod. by any society as Llle Ladies' Aid have

this year, by theil' IIfJ'ol't Lo gh'e R. concert that will 'be II.pprecinled and sllppor~ed by nIl. Tho people of lho Tl'eherne district IWO well~

Fonmm Onol's \ Three hundred and fifty thousand mon ure IInder IIrms. All artillery regl·

'Illonts hnve been sent to tho Serbian BI'oms gmss ........ . 28,650 acrcp Rye gr'nss·~ ......... 22;S(W- " -

"Sixl.\' yellrs IIHO waR lbu ),('111' wilhollt Il HllIlIlIll·l'. lei'osL OUolIl'I'ed ill l'I'CIT Ilion tb of the yen l' ] SI 0. 100 i'ul'IIIPrl hall' lUI iilCh lhiok ill ;\IIIY; SIIUII' fell to Lbe depLh o.f Lhrol' illcheR ill the interim' or New Yurk alld ill :IIIlSSlIcIIlIReltH in JUIIU i,~e was i'ol'lllod ul' tho Lhieklless 01' O'lJIIIIIOII window glllss throughollt

XUII' Ym'k Oil lhu 5th of JlIly; llld­lall 1.!1l1·1I was ouL down IIl1d tlJ'ied I'UI' I'lIdcll'r i II A IIgllst lind fnrlJJel'~ supplied thl'lIlsuh'l'M froll! the COI'II

1'1'0') IICI!d i II I H I;i I'm' the Sl'url of thu sprillg of lill i." • the tOWII nnd thc station at Challer· known 1'01' theil' approcialil'e tastes;

aage. AnoLhor bombardment cut In ' two II moving train near Laoa." aut! Lherel'ore a concert of Lhis cle-

Hlndenburg Brought'to a Check scription will donbtless mcan a Loudon, Oct. 4-Geneml von Lin· crowd eLI auditorinm.

slngen alone of lIle' Teuton commlln· ders Is pushing ahead In the cast and i\J iss James, the si IIger nnd ac­his gnlns arc trlvlnl compared to the companist, has cnrned rOJ' herself It formcl' Austro·Oerman operations In this territory, The advance of von wide rcnu tatioll ItS all artisto or Hindenburg on Dvlnslr has apparent- w0l1derl'l11 accomplishment. It iii l)- come to a full halt, While his move· ment anel that or Prince Leopold rightly said that ]\liss Jamcs is Iln against 111nslt also are at a stand· untertainmcnt ill herself. sUiI. In fact, tho Rnsslans apponr to havc wrested the offensive away 1\[rs. Onmpbell, tho elocutionist; (rom thc Teutons and to he delivering is no less woll-known. III her Snll-

Timothy ........... 137,802 " Olovel' " .......•..... 6,ilii:3 .. Alfalfa ............... 8,:38n " Foddor 001'11 ......... 52,713 I,


Potl\toes ............ Oi,3i13 acres Roots ............... ] 7,352 "

SU~IMARY OF OROI' AnEA Totl1ll1ndor grain crop· .. O,nll,340

Total under all crops .... 7,2ii2,017 vigorous lItlacks, which In plnces hnve ' fleen successful In terrltorlnl gains. day night rcadings at Lho 'Yalker LIYE STOCK I~ MANITOBA HI15 It Is bell eyed by military critics here 'r'o I ,n" I 1 f B f t I 31' 813

b I I ueaore, ,v JUl1Ipeg, S Ie eal'nct or ce Co. to ............... ' I, i thnt von Hindea urg s regronp ng his armies and husbanding hls sup- herself tho highest of praise. Horsos .................. 329,n9~J pllcs In preparation ·for n supreme as· lilt-. Probert. the tenor, nlld Miss Milch oows .... .' ......... 18:3,229 sanlt on Dvlnsk before winter brings a hall In operations. Tho huge de· Egleton, tho contralto, are well- Pigs .................... 286,433 maml for shells on the west has servo I I' t I k' f . Sllee!) . . 76 "'7~1 ' {nown nroll! os \1' lOse wor - IS 1\1111- ••••••••••••••• .' • • •• ,v ed to curtail von Hlndonburg's supply, . while his armleB are believed to have liar Lo and. appreciatod by ull Win- Thel'o are 23 (Jheoso factories, IWrl

frontier. while other dil"lslons arc can· centratml at Kula' and Bolo!-:l'IIdell;. a short distance back from the horder. Bulgllrln Is now pl'Ilctically surround· ed by potentiul chemlos. Sc:rbll!. Greece, Houlllllnia. and Husala on tilo Black Sea. !lro ready to Ilccept tl:e challenge which Bulgaria has so In· s!lncly thrown down. Whllo reports have been published of the Intention of the Germaus to push through 10 tho aid at Turltey, the allied' powers havc taken steps to meet such II can· tlngoncy. It Is reported from 80Jla theLt Radoslavoffist nowspapers cou· tlnuEl to affirm thllt Bulgarln will 1I0t attack Serbia. An Athens desp:\tch states that: "Tho Austro·Gorlllltll lit· tack 011 Serbia will begin October 6 anel 7, according to a report C!'OIll Vienna."

Russia's Firm Request Tho text of tho Husshm ultlmatnm

to Bnlgltrla follows: "'rhe events which are" taking place In Bulgnrln give evidence of II decision of King Pordlnand's Government to placo the Cate of his country In the hanels of Germany. The presence of German and Austrian omeers at thc 'Var Mln­

Tho iluIII uho\'u is 01' peculiaI' ill­tl'I'Ost I\~ said beforo, on I\UCOUllt ul' Lho fl'oq II ell L pl'eMS !'del'ollees to u

yell I' ill lhe I'ClllUtU plI~L thnt WIHI withollt a 81111I1nel·. II, WIIS Lhought thaL lhe sLul'Y hlld rel'erellco to tIll! Call1ldillll weHL alulI(" bilL it SeOIl!!1 that tho lIul'lheastel'll sLntes I'elf, the 1'1111 hellcliL (n vI' Lho clilllatiC!

The item was JlublillhuLl ill thu I,'r('e J'l'es8 lhi rt.y YOllrs aHa

Illst OCI.Uhl'I·, buL Iohe IUIIII yelli' ur history oUUUI'I'l,L1 uilleLy-ono yellrS ngo.

beon drained to meet the demands of . ,,~ " ,.. '. I 'p . the French front. Petrograd de. 111 . . '. , -.~~ ?~·e~m!::.~!,~!!v.~,~e" .. ,}:? .. y,~!!c:o· .. ppa!'(:hee--,pxprenn., olltlmISID;:::oVe.r.:7tbct~;':'i-;f~ll.'PI)PIJrl;lillitiY;"()f,:ltel\l'ing" blliit~, .'"'." .. :.:" .', , ' .

Iw,nr;y,,·<l. on, the'·:ataff :.or"the' army;

I u the tlnnienL issu!) 01' Lho !frco Prus>'! 1'1'0111 whioh tho stOl'y is tllk­ell, thurll appears dirllutly below ii, an ilem cuucul'niug the seizure ur

thtl' Oalladia.n Yl\\!h~. Oountells ul' "'! I'" -'. - ., •

or Dull'eriu, in Ncw York, for deLt. 'sltuntlon" nrtlUnd 'Dvhlsk, and' it Is I Creel)' prophesied that the Russians 0 IISS of talen t comes bu t ral'ely in will bo able tc hold the city, although this 10cl1lity; o.nd it'.is therofore lo ,Sale of Home Cooking there still Is danger of envelopment be hoped that the atlendanco will , • . In the German oporatlons to the a.outh. Rid G d S

Snowatorms Prevailing encoul'l1.go the ladies to give still ea lse 00 urn Rome, Oct. 4-0fficlal: "In the more eoncerls of this Bort in tho

higher mountain regions. where. snow fut.ure. Is now thickly failing, there have been small engagements, which end.ed In our Cavor. In the 'l'olmlno section italian troops repnlsc.d o.n attack dir­ected against positions recently can­qnered hy nB on the heights of Santa

IN MEMORIAM Tho salo of home cooki ng, ote.,

held at the rogular meeting of. th~ Homo Economies'SoCicty last Sl\t­l1l'llay nftornoon wlii! II. vel'y success-

M'arln. ". \ Canadians "Doing Their Bit"

Ottawn, Oct. 4-Major-Gepernl Sir Sam Hughos haB received tho tallow­fng cable from Sir. Max Altlcen, Can· adlan eymyltnoss: "Canadian Head­quarters In France, Oct. 3-Duling the Inttcr hnH of lhe period Septem­ber 20,30 11. combined British' and Ji'rench offensive hns beon steadily de­veloping. Progress has, b~on made on onr front. On the morning of Sep­tember 25 the G'C1:lIlan trenches were heavily' mauned, and our artillery

HUGH MacEWING " fill nIf.dl·. The ladies had noLly l'Illlied to the call ~nd hnd mude all

Is believed La· have caused numerous casualties. Tho enemy's omclal ,<am' munlQuo that ao 0 Uacle had been made by n9 aull harl boen repulsed Is lalse. Our working parties have re­paired the damage to o~ .mrapetB cansecl by shell fire. Our llatrol~ ooa­tiauo to' be very active."

.~ ,v

Hun~' Peace Terms .. :~~.

Germlln / .

, A tolcgmm was reeoived ori SI\(,.: urday by J. S. MacE~l'ing announc~ ing the denth of "his fathcl', Hugh MneEwing, at Pnlmel'slou, Onto

Tho Into lVIt-. ~llleEwing was ono of the earliest settlers of that Lown settling thore forty-three y~ars ngo. Iror somo yoars • he eond ncted a genern.l slOl·e. business, bu t. for (,he PlIst thiJ·ty yeursl other finnllein\ intol'(~sl6 lui,vo tl\l~ell lip his timo.

Ho held for manl' yenrs 'tho high­est ollicos in tho gift of tho peoplo in Lhat. ~own, and 'was prominent

ill poliLieal, Church '.and frnt~rna\

ubulltlunoe of eakoR, eookios, cund­ios, bread. ote., nnd all endloss \'ar: iety of shad os l\Jl(fhues and fla VOl" ings awaited. the many customers that attended dUl'iJlp; the aftornoon. Actor' 'Lhe good things hnd beon

disposed' of, the g~tl~eril1g adjourn· ed to an nppm' room, w hero Lhe fol­lowing PI'Ogllllwof songa, etc .. rondol'cd: Mis~ ,11', Smith and Mis~

Anstey, piano duet; .C:<,J. MOI'eau; solo; Miss. Irene" Sti-tith, ronding; J. Murray, Bolo; AlI's. Gr"ahnm I\nd

~:liss G~orge, duct; Miss V cI'n Alid­orson, plano solo. ' "

. I, Under.Secretary Gives Out cirelos. ,Whllt They Want . }

Died· I •

A Terse Verdict D,erlln. Oct. 4-ConcllUons on which

Germany wonld be wllllnJ:i', La ~ako llcace are sot fortb In al'l'" Interview granted Py Herr Zimmormo.n • .under· Secretury of Porolgn Affairs. 'rheli8 Included: .

(1) Gnaranteos assuring Germauy of safety from f\lturo uttacK,

(2) ScttlenlJlnt of the Bolglan q\lcstlon In SlIch a wannor as t" &8· slIre Germany that tho Belgian ll,I'l1,1y cl1nnot serve ns the vlluguard at Brit· Ish forces la tho lutllre.

(8) Stipulations as to tho . {\ltllre of Poland. which will JTlalc .. that JlIl­tlOI1 a ~'buffel' Stato.'! provontlng at­tacle on Germany h,y Russia:' , _ .... ,. .

British Ship Sunk' ,

\ ,

MAclJ;WllW-At Plllmerston, Out., on Sntul'duy, Oetobol' 2up, Hugh MacE wing, nged 75 YCIU·S.· , '

, '

Born ,.1

WHALEN - :Noal' TrellOJ'ne, on ~'Illirstlny, .. &oplombei' :301 h,' to

~fJ-. nnd Mrs. E'. :Wlui\OJi, !l. SOli, .' ,

A' GOOD EXAMPtE .' San FranciSCO, Sept. 4-'rhe British 6hlp WIlliam T. Lewis, owned by Hind, ROlph & Company ol"San, Fran- The cisco, w:in Bunl. yestorday oIT 'Q~leens-I


df tho town by 'a ·s;lbn\a1'lne.. All the ,crew Houso were oaved. ,.' , _ ' 0


__ -"-,....,...:....,.,,....,.._' •. ' • ""'-1"I!I';\ · · .. • .. ,:.:t~ ,

Ono would conclude .from the well-kno)wlI pI'ocli vi t~:' or't it 0 edi'tol' o[ the Oulgary Eyo-Op'enel', Llllit

Lhnt P~P'.lI' wou!d' bo 0;113 of thc staunchest supportel's of tho liquOl: interest. Tho follo\\'ing 'waR clip­

ped from a rocent. issllo oC that. papol',~ and ·.in tlio "Ilneou\'ontional phraso~logy fOl',whioh it' is noted, sums lip .b.ri~fly and'::forcib'ly the t;'affio in •. this 'iuBn'nOl': "Whisky is 0.1\ right: in fts pluce,lll~'~ its place

i~ in ho)) ... The liqu'Oi··trn!lic ilaim'l . ,. . ~t • " ,J ~ ,

on.e leI? to 'stal1d,on;~"" -', . ' . ~ I ' , ..' ", ...

, . I . ',' .... ' .,_' ~ , r0-

T reherne We~t~er Report I , ..-:. ' , , . ,,,, ..

j" I' ~ " •

the concentration of troops on the Serbian border. ancl the extensl ve IInanclal support accepted Cram our enemies by the Sana Cahlnet no Ion· ger leave any doubt as to tho object ot tho military preparations of Bul­garia. The powers of tho Entonte, who have at hoart tho reallzlltion oC the aapll'/ltlons pf the Bulgllrlan pea· plo, have on llIany oecaslons warned M. Radosla voIT that Iiny hosLllo act against Serbia would be considered as directed against thomsolves. 'rhe as· Blirauces given by the head of the Bulgarian Cabinet In reply to these warnings Ilre contradicted by the facts. 'rhe reprcsentative of HusBla, which Is bound to Bulgaria hy the Imperishable memory at her IIbor· allan from the Turl{lsh yoke, cannot sanction, by' hlB presence, prepar­allons for frntrlcldlll aggression against a Slav anwallled people. 'rhe Husslnll Mhilster,"thcrofore, has re· c.elved orders to leavo Dulgarla It the Bulgarlnn Government 1I0GS not. with· In 24 hours, openly brealt with the enemlcs o[ Russia. and does not ill on co proceed to Beml away omcers belonging to tho urmles at States wblch are at Wllr with the powors of the Entente." ,

First Game on Friday

Oates' Set For World's Series-Phlili' delphia Gets First Two

New York, Oct. 4-Tho National CC'mmlsslon, nt Its meeting au Satur· day, decided that tho first game of the world's serles'shall bo played 'In philadelphia on Friday, October 8 . The second gllmo Is sot tor the next day, October 9, In tho same city. The third and fonrth games wll! be played In Bostou Oll Oclober 11 and 12, reo B/iectlvely, tho fifth In Philadelphia all October 13 and the sixth In 1J0ston on October H. Tho seventh game, If OIie Is ·uecessary. will be played on Prlday, October 15. The placo lor thIs game will be chosen by the toss oC n coin. Tho 'Cour umpires who will arbitrate lu the field and on the toul lines wore selectell by tho prosldontB of the two leagues. Prosldent Toner 'llIl1ned , CllI\rles Hlgler and W. J. l<Icm as the Nallonal Lengue represen~a· lives, while ProBldcnt B. B. Johllson solectcd \Vm. Evans and Frank O'Laughlln to act Cal' Lhe Amerloa\l Loague.. ' ,

Grain Reaches Port Arthur Port Arthur, Aug. 14-'rhe first 1915

crain· to reach Port Arthur camo In ,he shape of threo cars of barley from J!.arlapolls, !Han •• on Saturday.


Bulow that nguill iN tho I\lh·el'tisu ..

lIlell L fOI' 1111 lIuotiun snle or Lown lots iu Emul·Roll.

The clipping SUllt to thi~ omeo is diaco\OJ'cel wiLh ngc, bnt the printct! Imittel' is legibl!), ~eal'ing out Lho

sLaLellll-:uL tlm~ in so 1'1\1: us pet'fecl, o\eal'IHlss alld legibiliLy is eoncol'lleel

110 stl·ikillg ad vanco hus beon lIladu ill I'ecellt yeurs in t hu 1\1 t of print­i Ilg.

.-------READ, MARK,


The local News of the District by Reading The TImes, and the News of the World, the Home, the Farm by Reading the Farm­ers' Weekly Telegram.

Hondel's or Lhis papol' \11\\'0 not heon slow at gl'nsping the signifio­aneo or 0111' clubbing l\IInOUnCOlll6nt wiLh, Tho IrlLrmet'S' 'V'ookly Tele­gl'lLlll of \Yinnipcg. 'Vo diet not alltieipltto in thuso busy days 01 I'al'm and humo that I'osults would . , . I'ollow so soon aftel' t.ho nnnollneo-niol~t, but tho gl'eat valuo of theso two ¥,ublieations to 4ho end of next year fOI' $1.75 could no(, fuil to impl.·css tho II \'omgo ,·elldet·.

It is in Bubseribillg now Lhat givcs tho greatest \'lIluo, fOI', by tnking ndl'antago of tho 011'01' Ilt

this time you got, the hellcflt of 11

aubsCl'ipliOIl fOL' the romainder of this YCIlI' lo both pnllClS. Tho pricu of boLh pIlPOJ'S hilS been'won­dorfully I'ed LJued o.nd tho sooner you snbsul'ibo' Lho bcttol' vnlue 'yo;1

'. • . , will get. How long these pnpers '.:' Teutonic Armies Part ~', .' • Lo~don" Sept., 4rThe Gorman an" will bo a\'lIilablo at this pl'iee wo

Austrian armlos on the eastern front· c U\J1ot, sLnlo to:day, ns this is IL arc 'about to part cOIllJlany, according ,to Amsterdam. Archduko Freclerlck, '\mbscl"ipLion s'pocial." . " commallller·ln·chiot 'or th_e._ Austrian . \:\1 e will continuo to gi ~·o tho armies yesterday bade' farewell" to.: ';" :..

.. Yon lIIackensen at Brost-Lltovsk. ,It~ I'ondel's '6£ LllIs e\Jaklct a1\ .,tho 10ulI\ ,Is bellev~d the, AJlBLrlal1 armles ..... wlll, liril~:S t. IIhd tho }?arlll!lrf!' 'Yeokly ,shortly bll removed.: III tho dlrcction,pf' .' 'Serbia.",' , ,', .. ,," l'c\egl:nm in pagcs o[ nows of. tho

, , f _ I r"r:~ f I '. • I • .'

" camp .. ~til.~<!,' wodd 11I,ld ,Illllnol·olls. s)J\!cIIII I'eut-sop~'~ ures 01' :ill1mil!J\\ 'i'lIlerost, to' I'UI'IIl

. ~ 'i f·_ •

[rom"Tor., I\ud h01\W" proyieles' (\' supply I,f, "Thoro ,,', f 'fll 'd .. and; l'eUlling .1llJ\ttm· 01' 1\ 1\11 Wlllt"I'

, with seasblllLLI!l fluillfund oureals.'. , ,

Wl'aiS' lil0nUili;',L!1J\t ~dll saU~l'y t!.to 1l10bL , . cOJ1sisteut"'readl!r~' .' .

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By Cyrus Townsc"d Brady Copyrllht bJ CyTua Town.end


3.rms and carried her ns i! she had oeen a baby, and, Indeed. she was no ,fI.., "'''. ., ' "reat burden {or me ,Her head drop' COUld ,P.II(Qv:(r~30o~'iloitsol~i'e .

Non-Agricultural Lands

ped to my shoulder •• 1' didn't know • ~,. . PreSf:nt Waste l.and SholAld be Uti liz-whether she had Calnted or not' Her Y ,', ~::.'J,;'t~ld t",,, \ ed For Growth of TImber, ayes \lero cl~ed I rnn Bwlftly acrOS3 In refuslJlg, (0 ,aUOI'/i',Germanyand Opthn,stlu as \le.huvo been 111 til a.

ICont':tuedj _he Inclosllre, descend cd the steps and Austria to send wunilions or wllr . "II Is k I country, \\ e Ecom to havo Deen UIlUl),1) "Ithout hesitation turned to the edge e through Roumllnla to 1 ur ay t 10 Ilou· Jf the cliCr. I stopped there, cursing tie cllQ.nge manian government gave strong proot to suo allY ,ulue '" orth caring [01 .IL

If f t 1 I b u ht all" Afrlcall days to or Its friendly attlullle tolvards Ure,lt our non agricultlllal lands Ullr I IS lOlL "Come," said 1 at last, br~aklng the

silence "We will have a nenrer loolt at theae gentry" •

~'It see11ls !lke the temple of a van Ished mce," breathed Ill)'.. lady softly, staring about hel In growing wandel

"Aye, and of a ~anl9hed God'" 1 said extending my han(1

Il ytse b °tr Bnlo tolpapVendgsheroop~ned heJr I b This Is how a Canadian emlglatlon Britain ami .Ier alllos. This has now \las broad enough )ears ago, \\lIen.

,vo cr, U a s and een a success officer serving III the Secllnd King we bellid of Ilgt:ICulLlllal lall(\s In lha

S " 1.."'A"p"n 1 I dl d tl t been (allowed by slmlllll action on th J I eye lave Ian e Ie vaclln ,nward's llor.e describeD Sir JOIIII /, 'eace l'I'er Valley to reco"nlze tn t.

Y [.. Id I tl "T' e I tem tic r - part oC ,nUlgalla,IKlng r'erdlnand liav ' , , " " , au are sa 9" sa .;on Y h.1 n a aya I a woune, "'rellch aflor his Inspect!·.l oC the Ill" a8se'litcu to a mlllls(erial lieci ee such lallds, while unused at tho time,

horrors are all'uel'lnd us Soe, t ere secured lesu \s commeusur- Canndlan cavall"'. His llarrJltl~e " would \\Ithln a decade or t\\O grolv I t b t th b tlf I tl t C nd d

' few days ago fOI bidding the nassage I IS berore "au I U 0 eau u ate to Ie a11l0un a energy Ilxpe e slion. wllat severe experlen( es the ' till ClOpS all( support a popullltion \\ 'l

J lId d to II I Itt t I ... oC war supplies to lurkey Houg I h s g

reenery of the s an , an _ come, by a 01\ ng 11 eres a ag, cavnlry lias recently undergone In tbo d I I II 1 f I' may look ncrosa Lho (utUI to. the timd There was something weird and

eerie about the pln,tenu, ,lnd wo Celt !Jetter for the tOUOII of each other's hand, at least I did I alwayo felt hap pier when I touched her lillie hand, but In this Instanoe tho Ceellng wns somewhlLt different In a certain sense It seemed lIko pJ'ofnnation for us to be there yet we wont on tseadlly, !C slow· Iy ,Ve passed by the colonnude of statues around tho luner platform and dellbClately mounted the stairs

I f tit d h b I tl It B ( I country V lewe n tIe g III a rerl· I

An express on a gra u e came ave een on Y par a y succe s 11 front 1IIIe as an ulll.1\lunted rorc", and w len our [,lr northern mlncml 110-

I I L .. lilt t " ler Asqulth's outspokeu remarks I 1 I

nCloss her face othels"a so, c rcums ances ul a· also tile' arnl commendation, their I effuct:i pas ts, t IOUgt. naccesslble IIl1d Inc,lll-

II d "w I h I the house at commons to tIe "Le~ us go down," she rep e e ed agaUlst success n t Jlt .Inemp oy· blavery has received [rom the Com· Great Brlt;lln was preparing to give able oC development at prescnt. \I ilL

must never come near here again" ed men'took l:P the cultivation of vac, Illander.ln Clll~C. "'bn lot. or, date:! develop centres of Indu3try But \I 0

t d VI I "I W., 'f ,.. Imanclal assistallce to one or more I

"PleaSe God no, I repell e as e aut lots, and, upon secUl n" emp oy· August 26, alreadY censore ,says. neutral countries \\ hlch \\ ere 1IItely to travel dal y Ilcross the n,,11 agrlclll-retraced our steps down the cliff and ment. neglected thEm ,On UIIl, -,vllole, "We (eel that great events are close be drawn still closer to the allies. th!~ Lural, logged Ilreas and burneU oy~r along the winding path, Mistress Lucy howe\ el, L.le movemeut Cllll be re- at lland Ever" man wants to sbal e 11 I bl 1 lands \\ hlch surround man} or Olll"

1 dl I N tl "' step by the two Bn tan states s g I· I I I I I

gaining strength and co or us \Ie pacs gartled liS a slnct success • a es . In wem. ,"Ye [ee<l so well that I tlnd Illost dense y sett cd commun t oa UII" cd out at sight of the hideOUS plat· Illate o[ the value of the product 13 sonle difficulty In Illaklng my tunic ly significant lie acloss our transcontlllcntlll rail

1 b t j d I f tI Military observers agree that no I 1 I d

[arm avallab e. 11, U g ng rom Ie en· buttO!) up, which Is rathe_ sad, and harder blow has been struck at Tur. ways and \Ie see n suc I In s 110 a> It II as necessary to go ba{!k alOng thuslasm of some of the vacant lot certainly uncomfortable sct. This attitude Is both d,lngel 0, s

the path of the (oat o[ the stairs gardeners, the total value Is large "Gen French's'speech. to us has Itey than this cutting off of her sup· and unfair to tho country We 11111!lt

Something, I know IIOt what, matle me bid Ill} mistress pause befol e we reached the top, and I looked to my pistol and loosened my sword In Its shel\th as 1 did so, although \\ hy I did so aud \\ hat I anticipated I cnnnot say. At auy raLC, I n ounted to the top alone There beCO! e me lay a platform which wna sunlt JJCneath me [or a depth of two feet nnd which wns sur· rounded by a low wnll, on the top o( wh Ich I stood The three Imnges rose from a smaller plat/aim on (L level \I Ith tho top oC this l~a1! In the midst, anti the wholo place was filled with a horrlhle und frlghtrul maGS of human bones Slmlls, legD, thighs-and small· er bones, heaped In terllblo con(uslon, lay blenching be [ore me and the space bet" een them waa lIlled wUh a One dust, doubtless the dust o( enrller bones which hnd mouldered away through qenturles Those that still prescrvecl their shape were tho top layer and were bleached pe"fectly "hlte They Iny In nil directions, as If they had been cast uslde cal eles81y anli at rllndom, yet there II ere Indlc;l' tlons that there had been a path flam \\ here I stood to the platform of the three Imagos, which 1 perceived \vas just about long enough to lay a human body on

h d tl T I d f tl t Plies, and thc prediction Is made that 11 th ttl d r There were savannas ete all lere hele s one anger rom Ie vacaO! gleatly cheered everybody. Address' re:o. ze a our pres en sun some'

1 t d nd a 1 d h t 1 I I atten ' Austria will att&mpt to force a pass· 1 t bl tl b t t

In the way w lere we res e a at gllr en, o\)'ever, a WI C I . Ing the Canadian Cavalry Brlgad" kl b d SIc mn a e m er canllo suppor 0 Ir

lovely }}roolt of cool, dellcloua wator, tlon llIust be drawn, namely, thJ gellclal sa.'d ' age to the Tur sll or er uc 1 an grolling Imlustrles Indcllllltely 'I,ll)

1 h It I d I 1 I effort would reilult In disaster to tl:e I d d C f

where we broke our fast, t lOug growth of nox ous wee s n t 110 new Y 'I -.m very u~lad of !;he opportnnlty hi growing Amer 'nn emnn or 01 (S" , h I 'I I d T Ct th enetn", Cal the slightest olfellse In t B d hi I I [I was not, et nooll, but t e open ngs [.. culth ated an 00 a en, on e ra- to caIne Ilere tbls morning, because .' pro ucts, to \\ c Ilia vel) ew I ," J h I 1 f t J tl d I I " direction would bring a declnration of I 11 dd I stollped before they reac ee tIe 00 moval of the crop, Ie gronn s g veu 1 '''ant to tell yOU how vory highly elll es \\ I be a (d' muc I gl Cllter

t Idd I'd a I tl " war from botb Bulgaria lind Hou· I I I 1

or the II all which was almos h en n over ,to the wee s rgan za ons 1 appreCiate all the services you I~a a I I If malltet n Europa t 'nn 1I0V; ex st" II I tl th I t k t Id

mania. It will not be SUI pr s ng Idl Itt vegetntion I remember 10. pa S Hlandl~llIg the vacant a war s IOU rondered All the troops from n- I pr) I np ~ w pe au our cns 01 n "I( r

1 Id C f d d t tl these nations lose little time In elltet I l' N

which had led oCf on cit lOr s e ram ti~. matter a wee es lUC on ",da hnve shown 1\ very magnifl el,lt r I t chantuh c fares s hvcn nOlI ,( IV the stairs too, \Va followed one of Ilttentlon, otherwise, the lots example to the whole empire. In vol· Ing tile cO.ltllct allyway, orl t llln~ Brunswlclt, speeded up b) forpl£1l them easily ~ at only prov!! a. menace to tbe I unt,BCl:lng to come hero In doing bo plain to tllem now that twlr on 1 markets, Is cutting each ) c lr [10' 1

I t I I tl vlcl It by the spread of I' h tl t hope of gain Is In actively OPlloslng crall n Illnds Illore thnn the anll\l tI f(,r

'rlle'wa: a our e n 10 n l so you performed per aps Ie grea - the Teutons and their ally 1'here Is aeeds, but oreate antagonism to est selvlee of all, that of rlvettlng to· I 1 eAt -II Il ~lucMl\I,lll. nt 1



I stared appre)lenslvely, I must can fess, at this frightful cllarnel house or the centurlcs '1'he only evldonces oL hlllnnnity we had dlscoverad were these frightful alteletons I would hll\ a prevented It, but my mistress 8l1d(lonly c~me and stooel by my side Then I thought she would hn\ e falr.t· cd us the (ull horror of the scene'burst upon he-I' •

"Men havo been hel e." sho faltered "lIorrlble, cruel men"

"Yes," said I. "but centuries al;o, Loolt, Lhe bones are bleached white } au have naught to feal "

"Let \IS leal e this frightful place," sho said.

"Presently," I allawered, "but yOU will I emember the dlroctlons oC the chart 1 must stand UpOIl that altar and get my bearings The treasure cnve should be In line wllh the statues\ lind a nick or depression In the ~\'all on the fIll the! aWe"

"Yes," she replied, "I remember" "WeH. then," I said, "will you

down to till: platform out oC sight tbls horrible place ahd walt [or me

"No," . sbe answered' "Muster Halllpdon, wherever you must go 1 can never lie le[

I tried gontly to dissuade her, bu~ IlS usual, she \~ould ha~e her way', sd thllt at last I gave In. '0.

"\Yell. then," said I, "at least let me go before"

J stepped down Into cnptacle to II Ith my ItltJKIlIg layer at :e:dellulng; my

1 t r tl C every Indication that the new Y e ect I ' I ( C I I [ C

the movement on t Ie par a 10 o· getllor the banda tbat bind our great • k I I Annun "leet ng a omm Sb on a 011

I 1 b I I d ed parliament' Of Greeca 100 s at t n I

cuplers oC the ne g I or ng ,an. empire, bondL that can never bll that wa}, so [ar'as Greece Is concern scrvat on severed ed and Its attitude undoubtedly Is -----....,.~====~

"Surely In this great service of the I,a'vlng a tl emendoua Influence \I Ith Overseas Dominions, at the head o( Roumanla and Bulgaria, Tho latter, them all comes Canada 1 wish to military observers believe, will t.hrow express my appreciation oC the splen· i Its lot with the al\!es In spite of cer did mllnner In which you responded taln railway concessions that Turlley to the call early In the year when Is reported to havc made to the Bul· arllved from ",ngland, and the tre- garlan government m~ndous losses sufCered by this If Bulgaria should enter the war on Canndlan cavalry brlgado by giving tho side of the alllts It would be In II. up your horsea and coming out here position to put between 300,000 an:! to serve_ 400,000 Urst class soldiers In the field

"'The tllird grent service yoU have While t1le populc.tion Is only 4,400.000, rendered Is the greatost since you about 2,600,00 less thun that o( Ron· have been here, namely the promln· mania a very 1r.1 ge proportion o( tho ent part you took In. the Daltle of male population Is trained to fight lin Festubert, where we not only gained the women are ready to talte tho considerable ground, but captured a places o[ the mel. In all·lt/mls of domes· large quantity of material Then at tic work The Bulgarian navy. oC Olvenchy yoU kept uP the same tight· course. Is o[ littlo Importance, ns It Ing record, and up to a few days ago consists only o( u torpedu boat or two

B,. maklnJ: tlle blootl rich lultl rell Dr. CIHlSC S ~ eI \ C Food torm" n<'l\

you have been dolr.g very,hard work and few smull steamelS But It In tile trenches. at be the mllltury ~trellgth of

" 'I tnke this opportunl,ty oC express- that II OUll mean so n1uch to

cclls anti tissues !!.ltI

nnnll!olhes the Shlly(·,1 ncr>eA h,lell to hellllh And. ,Igor.

lly no LIng your 10-cronse In nelghl \\hllo ll!:lln~ It l UU ~nn 1)[ n\" po"llll c"l) the bl'nl'lIl iJ<'in:; 'Iorl \ l'tl fI 0(1),

this ~rcul tootl CUI c.

Ing to Col Seely my great apprecl:o.· the ames It would be the ease \\ It'! tlon of his fine wl,rk On many oc' which allied (o"ces could pas~ over cnslons he gave, mu n:ost valuable Bulgarian territory to the Dardanelles

1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ formation, and never spared hlmselI,·1 that lIoulll count most \-Vlth such a lily personal thanks are due to him passuge at Uleh dls[ Jal tho British ".'It Is not the fil st time I have [nd French soon "auld be In posses·

IaIHE,,'n boen with the Canadian cn vnlry 1 ~Ion of constantinople -Dally '1'ele-

of they


was with tt.em five or six yoars graph, St John ago, and Iittlo thought that the llext ------time I should be talking to them Harry-Paw, what Is a henpecked would be here. WeH, 1 only wish husband 7 to tell you 'all' much.I appreciate paw-A man whose nelve Is In his the splendid worlt you have.. done wife's name You have eafll_d the gratitude o( the whole empire.'

---------'~===.===:== ,= , '


Value of Alfalfa

Among Other Recommendations Is Hatn1iton, Ont ~"Wlllie I have not Said to Destroy Canada Th\stle

oeellHlon to use Dr. PlOree's Golden Curse MediCal Discovory, I hllve observed Ita Al(alCll Is not a curo all It \\ III

.. 'One spllclal-word 1 wish to say on a subject that has come to m" knowledge. 1 believe before you left England there was some under· standing that ')'ou would get your t orses within a certain time I am quite sure you are prepal ed to leave

rm .. ~;.1 It to my judgmel.·. 1 am moot ._ .. , .... ,. sP!lclal t~"oc,' anxious to seo you mounted as cav·

good er.~cts. My brother used It for not CUI e all the Ills to "hlch 1ll.1lI ::;t. Vllus' Dance. A neIghbor reco~- Itlnd Is heir, but It Is making ql1ll~ mended ~t and brother began taking It IL record as n remedy [or 1\ nUlllucr at the age of ten }}e had tned different of tr) Ing condltlolls It llssured.y remedIes but they dId not help 111m per" will gl eatly Improve Impol erlshell aIry but the time has not yet come

Wl1l1never that time does com.!, then 1 will see wha~ fine cavalry soldiers you are 1 am confident th\lt whatever you called upon to e.o In the be nobly carried

go down to most spl. n· ,

non·com­of the

will Un· offer you for tllO

m&llcnUy. We used 'Golden Medical salls It will lessen the evil at, Dilleovery' for nbout thr~ months and spending farm earned money fill he had no return of hl8 trouble. lIo 115 nitrogenous feeds It will cure t,1(', nmctccn and hIlS been well 81lleO "- trouble that comes (rom feelling un· MISS MAllGAllll:T HADDOW, Z'1.7 Murray balanced I ationa It will cure tho St, Hamilton, Onto mental habit o( believing thnt on,V'

,< ____ ono crop a year .may be tnlten fre ilL

:.t. HUMA' N MATCli"'ACTORY the ground It will cure tho oxpo.· n .r diture or thousands o[ do11al8 !(ll~

Tho body conta1llS phosphorous BUm· nltlogan I;tccently It was ,averl e I to make 483,000 matehca Phos- tbat tht! tlnctUi e of alfalfa \I 0111<1

pll,Or()UB is one of fourteen elements com" cure, tho blues Whethet thllt Is

. .

,~::::~gri~~~~:b~~ody-dIVlded alllong bonee, truo or not, IllOSt cnses at blueg .i $ystem and other organa. come [rom n nat pocket boo".

health of body reqUires 1\ or at least the cerulean huo Is lIlUCll of Lho elements Theso mitigated by the 10SY glOW of a c 18.1

como from the food we eat- bank balance, such as results from 3 to. stomach extract8 and dlstnbutes 5 tons or llay to the acre And nOIV'

comes cumulatiVe ovldence thlltalfall;;l.

•• • • • • • • •

th'i3~t ir the stomaoh 'is deranged-the will curo the Canu.da thistle curse. balance or health 18 destroyed the No little spaoe Is annuall' gl\ en 11, blood not. the cle- papers to alleged remedies lor ments widely dlsti'lbuted weetl tronblu. 18 blood trciuh,lc-''--ncn'e l~ro'ubllC::--rhlcum.n... no. one has yet been tiel'lsCll );,,,h','" Is more effective an(1 more

thnn all alralla field seed­thlstlo patch We Itno ...

CUI e It Is sometimes get the men a[ter tI'e scytne or mower. but

must be mall cd, 1I1Hl, together "Itll.

the thlcltlY­will fin Is\l thnt.

pest - Breeders' o a",

Expectations londlng mlliors. o( a 300 OOO,QOO

as a posalbllity fOI" this year, It Is about.

public woke up to 1\

r;I~I'~,~,~!j,'i:I~ 'C'LI,UU measure of sueoes>J. .... '!:===.=::;:#:=;:i:=#===r;=~#=:::::=l·" the present sea-: (ar. exceedod

of us darod IIn,"'I. II hleh It.

will lr.fiuencEt enormous elC-

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- ---

I ~ig L?ss ~ht:()ug~" ~aii • Sa~katoh~wan ,i~~nier8 ~ave I:;ost

,-,~I';':'~'C'i I' " '~Heavlly TI1I~ YeAr' : ~ Saskatchewan farmers have lost Is riabt Ihtlv' this year, . through hall, over $2,I)QO,· ! . J' 000, accordlili; to 'a conservative !Sst!-

.HeAdllche, and Oi,lr" ••• fter Eatine. I .small Pill, Small Do.e. Small Pri~ ...

mate made by the Saskatchewan hall commission." J>E. Poynter, cbalrman of the hall Insurance commission; In an Interview stated that tbls' estimate had been made only after·a comp'1ete survey of tbe province b~- the .hall commissioners and Inspector.

Mr. Poynter estimated that not over fitly per cent. of the loss tbrough hall to the Saskatchewan farmers was cov­ered by hal! Insurance of any kind.

The loss was considerably grenter lhan that of last year. There werll several reasons for tbls. In the Cenuin~ mwl bear Si2nature

,~~~~.Zl! place, the area under crop ,this v".n ....... was much greater than In any pre­,'Ious year. Another factor which tended to make the loss so much

~~f-~W'i~""~~fVW~~~~~~~"~'~U~"~;CS~A~~.~C~A~'~Jgreater was the splendid crop" Wh\Cb ~ ________ hnd been 'brought almost to matur ty - before they were d~aged by frost.

In an ordinary year: In many In· stances, $10 per acre would cover the damage to the crop, while this year

lit \'iould tnke double this sum, owing . Of T~day I to the heaV! yield In most 'districts.

Is the perfected product of 'Catarrh Cannot Be Cured willi LUl:AL Al'PLicATIONS, "" they

over 60 years experience in CUHnot I each the Heat u( the dlsenaa. Ca­tall h Itl n ulood or constl tu tiona. disease,

The Match

the match making business. nnd In order to cure It you must (Ilke In-temul ,emedles. Hall's Catarrh Cur9 18

EDDY'S Silent Parlor I (correctly held and struck Oil any rough surface, is war­ranted to give a steady, clear light, first stroke.

The E. B. Eddy Co. LIMITED

, Hull, • • • Canada

MOTHERS! Dun l fnll to procure

rr.RS. WlNSLO iV'S SOUTHIN G SYRUP for Your Children While Teething I, Root hes tho Chlld, Suttens the GumH, .All'''" tho l'uln. Dispels Wind Colle, nnd

:1. ,1.0 13CHt llemcdy fur Infantllo DIIlr­a hoca.

, I'lI'ENll-FIVE CENTS 'A 110m!

WATERPROOF OOLLARS AND OUFFS SOIl .. lIlln~ better' Ihun IIn .. n ontt lIlr

.. a"n~n lIlll> Wa$h It willi, soap .n~ .... 'er . hll .wr"~ or tllr.ct. Stale styl. .nd tlte ""r ?~~ w, WIll mati you THE ARLINGTON OOMPANY OF OANADA.

Limited,." .', -., _. ~ 61 Fr •• .,. Avenue, Toronto., Ont~l. ~

<ll!2 t $5 A DAY·nn I commls­otp 0 SI,,01 )laid. Local rop­:r~sel1tatlves. mlther sex. Experience 'lIlnecessary. SparCl time acceptud. .N:c.hols Limited, Puhllshers, Toronto.

FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If rulol (IInl OUT of 10K 18 'aU" IJUWH' 'Gar Ihe _L.UKi· "uP'n:Jt tro • ., KIU"KY, aLADVER. H.:RVOU5 1111':'\"'1, t HICONIC W~AI(~IU,ULr;JCM:.,,)CUC I."U'T,orcl,rll .. IU, .... rH. 'ur P'ttloi!E CLUTH II ,UIIO Wr.U1CAI •• oor. OM thu. dhu.u nl1 woHDKkP'UL CUklitS .'.ct.1II lty '1 , .. ~ 1~e.\V "utNOH RaMIlDV. 1'4.1 N.2 nt.3 ...... H --R ·"PION .. ddoc,drln, t ~ 6-ll lourselliliti. tl1t! nmedJ' for VOUk ow~ .U",,,nt. A .... hat." P'''I!I! i"u (01111_ up clrellla". No ... lIeall.u. Ua.I .. KCL&ICQ ).I r.u ';O.tiA\·IItITOCa; "p.H ...... "5 I ItAP LOJrfDOH,!.NO WI. WAI'CT 10 rKOV& TWI:ItA'UU( WILLIe ... 101.

Never GIVe In Some boys are apt'to "give up" ,a

;groat denl too easily. After al1, If you fltll In one thing, you have 11ft) .ttnd health for something never .Slt down under tllllurc and mIIS[()rtuntl. "Go to worl, at 'somethlnt; .. wove, all keep up your spirits, .you'll be up In the world again.

talwn Internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mUcous surCace.. Hall's eatar, h Cure 19 not a quael, medicine. It

presc, Wed by one u( tho best physi­cians In this countJ-y for yenrs a.nd Is n rellular III escrlptlon. It 19 composed oC the best tonics Ilnuwn, comblnt.!d with the best blood purUler,' aetln/: directly on lhe nlUCOU8 surfuces. The P(H'tcct combina­tion uC tho two Inll,.dlent. I. what pro­duces such wonder'Cul re8ults In curlng cntarrh. Send for testimonials, free. i". J. CHENEY & 1:::0., P,·ops., 'l'olcdo, O.

Sold by Drugl:lsts, price 7&0 'I'al,e Ualt· s i",unlty i'l1ls Cor Constipa-

tion. '

The War the Kaiser Wanted When the Emperor declared· the

other dny that he never wanted war, he said the tUng tha~ was not, but !f he had sligh tly varied his phralle and said that he did not want this war, we should have had no dll'[!culty In beHev­Ing him. Ho wanted the short, sharp, crushing war of the German text books with Great Brilaln out of It with the seas at hi, disposal, with splrltlesr. enemle's who would have been taken by surprise, ber-ten In detail, and 'ac· cepted the lerms which he In his mag­nanimity might have been pleasea to propose to them.-Westmlnster Ga.· zette.

Cheapest of All Olls.-Conslderlng the· curative qualities of Dr. Thomas' Iilclectrlc Oil It Is the cheapest of al1 preparatlous offered to the public. It Is to be found In every drug store In Canada from coast lo coast aud' 11.11 ':lUnlry merchants keep It tor sale.

So, being easily procurable and ex· tremely moderate In prloe, no should be wilhout a bottle of It.

Cost of Stopping Trains In the compalgn which the Ohio

railroads made tor "higher passenger rales In that state aU' klnda of sta­tistics were llIed with the legislation committee. '

Probably the statistics dealing train stops, flied by President lard, of the .J3altlmore and Ohio, among th&" most Interesting. Thin memorandum asserted lhat It costs from $1.35 to $1.85 to stop 0. pasaung­er truln at a station on. the Ohio roads, or at an average of I)-Ifout $1.80 a stop.

In other wordr, says the Wal1 Street Journal, with 0. tral:! making 17 stops there would be 11 cost to the railroad of $27.50 for the starting and stopping alone. Among the Items en­tering Into the cost of stopping a train, the ·most Important Is coal, rs when a train Is stoppeu the air brakel are applied and the coal Is used to generate the steam which compresses the air. .

'rhere Is a great wear and tear on equipment because of tlWlse stoppages, nnd tbe car wheels, the bralte shoos and the ralls are worn away because of friction. In ,starting arter a stop there Is 0. great expenditure of ateam In getting under headwl>Y, and there Is more wear and tear on' equipment.

Worms cauae fretfulneas and rob "the Infant of sleep, the great 'nourish­~r. Mother Graves' Worm Extermln­.ator will clenr tile stomach and Intos· :tInes nnd restore healthfulness.

Minard's where.

Liniment for sale' every.

• • • •• • • .* • • • • • •• • • • .. •

i~~~~~~f~The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into lhe system just as surely as food the ehild cats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the

,cheap ointments contain) 'ret into your child's blooo I Zam­Buk is purely herbal. No pois­onous coloring. Use it always_ 50c. Bu .. , All Drullid. and SI.,u.

I:"r()hlitntion of Sale of Game

Attitude of Hunters Towards Proposal -Game Guardians Favorable

Total prohibition of the sale of game la II. measure which, however urgently requlrod, has hitherto not received, In Canada, the organized and \ energetic ad \'ocacy necessary to ensure Us carll' adoption and wldespI'ead, sympathetic support. Nevertheless, the cause Is steadily gaining recognition among off.dals ulrectly connectpd with tho work at protecting wild !Ire. The following extract from the latest report o[ the chief game guardian of Saskatche· wan Is Important, as Indicating the favor with which hunters as well as game guardians view the' proposal to prohibit absolutely the saie of game:

"The agitation for an amendment t:l' the Game Act, prohibiting the saie of gnme, Is gaining strength. Last year we put the question to our game guardians, nnd they were almost Unn!l­Imous In prohibiting the sale of all Idnds of game. Tllis year we though t It would be advlsu.ble to get the opln· Ions of big gamo hunters regarding this matter, as'lt was from this qunr· ter that we expected to receive most opposition to this proposed amend· ment. Out of 153 replies received, 88 favor prohibiting the sale of game al· together, 46 favor the sale of game and 9 favor the sale of game under certain conditions." ~uch an encouraging response from

those who, as a class, stand to gain most from the commercial exploitation of wild Jl!e suggests that more wholJ hearted efforts only are required to over<lome all obstacills to the removal of this evil. T.he time Is ripe for 0. Domlnlon·wlde campaign, enlisting the aid of aU agencies directly or Indirect­ly Interested, In checking the Inroads on our game resources.

Duty of Americans In Canada Americans wbo have emigrated to

Canada, those who have not already volunteered fOr service In the Prln· cess Pats, are In' 0. quandary as 10 what they should do If Britain deter mines on conscription. 'rhey "are loyal to the cause of the a\1les." They are "bearing their ahare of the taxes." But they didn't go to Canada because It was Canada, but because there were wlieat lands there to be de­veloped. They wouLd nevertheless "fight In a second for Canada were she In' peril," but flnd themselves coldly Indifferent toward fighting for a King and Hoyalty. We can but bolleve that they will, above all, avoid hypliena­tlon. If they accepted homestearls from tire Dominion and swore the oath pf feally to Great Britain, renouncing allegiance to America, their sln~lo duty Is to be true to that oath to their last cent and tbe last drop of tbe eagle blood. The only alternative Is to come home, If this la where their heart Is, resume their place and stand faithfully with us to whatever fate. --Boston Transcript.

An Amsterdam dispatch to the Ex­change Telegraph company says tho Krupp company of Essen: has sub­scribed 40,000,000 marks, ($10,000,000)

the Oerman war loan. The dis­palc~ adds that the record subscrip­tion to the loan carne from the Co!­ogne Savings Bank. It was for 45,000, 000 marks. ,

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~ Unique Exhibit C.P.R. Atrnnged a Novel and Inter­

esting Exhibit for the Toronto Fair .

. In arranging Its exhibit at the roronto Fnlr, the C. P _ H. has entirely ,oresworn the old fashioned style or ~'heat und grain decoration, which In Its flrst appearance indeed had all the charm of novelty, although It Jsually meant the cruel sacrifice of a carload of good grain. 'l'hree entirely lew features have this year been In­.roduced-one being the representa­.Ion In fac-slmlle of a standard C.P.a. IInJ:ng car kltcnen, the mysteries o[ .vhlch explained to the Interested lonsewlfe by two C.P.R. chefs. 00-;upylng 0. space of only 27 ft. x 8 ft., .he dining car kitchen has to turn out ~eventY'lIve 0. la carte meals within an hour, and as a result space Is econo· mlzed to a marvellous degree, and the pantry Is a masterpiece of convenl­Jnce and Ingenuity. The sanitary con­ditions under whlcb the food Is cooked are here visualized as they can never be In the most highly colored folder, and on the opening dny the attendants Gild a busy time explaining to the lady visitors how the C.P.R. had made It possible to cook two eggs where only one had been cooked before. T.he skill ~f the cllefs 1J Illustrated also by 1 display of pastry and confectionery, one cake representing Warltworth Caslle in Northumberland protected by two guns, all made of sugar Icing, while !Ulother bride's cake consists of six Llers representing lhe six a11led naLlons. The Dletellc Dlended Menu" of course. Is not forgotten, and tI.e visitors carry away wllh lbem an amusing lillie pamphlet entitled, "Taking the Break out of Break· fast." Facing the dining car kitchen Is a realistic representatlb:: ot the bow oC a C.P .R. Great IJakes steam. er, approached by a gangway, with the inVitation, "All abroad [or lhe Soo, Port Arthur ,md Fort William." Once on decl., the visitor Is able to Inspect an ordinary cabin, a cabin de luxe wllh four poster bed, a private bath­room, and the Vemndah Cate, which this year hilS been Introduced with great effect Into the C.P.H. Great Lakes Service. The nautical char· acter of this exhibit Is ItcJlt up by the sailors In charge, who take observn­tlons nnd-strlke the bell nt each hour -three bells or six bells, whnte\'er the time mny be. Nothing of lhe kin .. so realistic has ever been shown In Toronto, or, Indeed, In Canada, ba­fore. 'l'he third section. oC the C.P.R. exhlbll Interests the sports­man Ilnd thll small !Joy, for It Is an actual hunter's cabin from New Bruns­wick, built of logij by Harry Allen, of Fredericton, In the Interests of the N{lw Brunswick Guides' Association and the St. John Tourist Association. The cabin Is placed In a setllng of roclts, spruce and pines, with 0. very fine display of moose, carlhou r.nd deer horns lent by various sportsmen, while a touch of life Is adde(1 by lwo rac· coons, a pair or owls which apparently talee as much Interest In lhe small boys as the small boys talm In them. It was also the Intention to exblb ,llereitlome-war relics whlcn- G:' McL. Brown, European manager of the C.P.H., had ser_ ~ ove~ from Lo1!ldon, but these are displayed Instead In the government building with the other war relics collected by the exhibition authorities. The C.P_R. exhibits thus loaned Include all Iron CI'OSS, Incendi­ary bombs dropped from a Zeppelin, German soldier's helmet, specimens of German comn:.unlcat!ons, Austrian bread tickets, the models of the crulfrcr H.M.S. Glasgow, the torpedo boat destroyer H.1I1.S. Mosquito and the auxiliary cruiser, Empress of Russia. , ---'---

('Jerman Rapid Firers Each foot that the German gains,

he waHs In with' an Immense bar­rier of barbed wire and concrete.

Behind this jungle of wire, which Is almost as Impassable as a moraSB,

planted machine guns by the well protected with con­steel a.rmor, and hidden

from any but the sharpest eye. The' machine. gun, used on this

scale, Is a new element In land war. In Its ball of bullets charges wither and casualties by the thousand are plied up' In II few minutes. By the method of Its mounting It Is gener­all7 Invulnerable to any but a direct hit, and with it 'a single good sbot and 0. couple' of attendants can do the work of fifty or sixty marksmen.

On the Fren<lh front by tbe lowest estimate, the enemy has 50,000 or these guns: by the highest published 95,000, whiCh would give' one to erery hundred yards of front. ,

Minard', Clnlment Relieve. gla. ,I

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.. .; .' ..

.spread the Bread

with 'CrlroU1l Bralld' Corn Syrup nnd tile cbildren's craving for sweets will be com pletely satistled. lJrend and 'Cr.lull B~aild fonn a pcrf~ctl1 balanccd food-rich in the clements

Edwardsburg that go to build up sturdy, healthy children,

'Crown Brand' Corn Syrup is so economical and so good, that It is little wonder that millions of pounds are eaten every year in the bOUles of ClUladll..

-'Crow" Bralld '-the children'S favorite-is equall)' good for all coo1.:ing purposes and candy ma1.:iug.

"LILY WHITE" is a/Jllre wlrileCortl Syrtlp, 110t so />rolloutlud ill flavor as 'CrowlI Bratld'.

You may /V'ifer it.


The Canada. Starch Co. Limited, Montreal Manufacturers of the f.unous Edward.burlZ Brand.


WANTED In every town in !l!anitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta


Apply to District Offices of

THE EXCELSIO~ LIFE INSURANCE CO. At 'VilJlripe~. Rc:~lnu. Saskntoon, Cnl!:,,\ry nnd Htlmontoll

Generous Feeding

Dairymen Should Feed Their Cows All They Will Eat

There arc certllin fixed charges, often caUet! overhead charges, that nre comparatively uniform In milk production. For instance, the cost of stabling, the space required per cow, taxes, Insurance, delivery of milk, ctc., will be very uniform. The ono Cactor that will fiuctuate will be tho feed given. If the amoun t of foed consumed by the cuw will give the results Indicated, then It certainly Is to the Interest of our dairymen to Ceed their cows all they will eat and yet keep up the 1\, w of milk. 'l'h.)r'1 nre dairies where the cows are being ret! to tbls economic poin'. Some of the dairies have enormoua overhead charges, yet In spite of this they were able to produco milk Cor fifteen' cents per gllllon. The secret lay In the extraordinary yields per cow. Onll dnlrymnn has rather low ovorhead charges. lIe also feetls his cows the least nmeunt possible. His mille fiow per cow Is very low, du~ primarily to bla skimp method of feeding, and ns a result It Is costing him over forty cel) ts po:' gallon to procluce his milk.

H the milk flow Is Increased, U:o cost of production Is lowered very rapidly. Some Investigations have been cnrrled out nlong this line' which cost of production records wero kel>t. It was found I .. one particular Instance lhat the cost of producing a gallon of milk wltl the 3,000 pound co,v was about twentY'five cents PCI' gallon, with lhe 6,000 pound cow It WIl;S twelve and one·half cents, and with tile 9,OOO·pound cow It was only Il trine over six cents. This great, )­crease In the cost of milking per gal­Ion Is due to the Increased now per cow, with the overhead charges re­maining the same. The only Increase i cost was for Ceed, which went Into the production of milk. ,

No better protection against worms be got than Miller's Worm Pow­

ders. They consume worms and ren­der the stomach and Intestines unten­able to them. They heal the surfac,') that have become Inflamed by the r.t­tacks or tile parasites. and serve to re· store the strength of the child that has been undermined by tile draughts that lhe worms have made upon It, and that their operatioIt Is altogether health giving. ----

Signed by Allie, and Greece The Athens- correspondent of the

Hn vas Agency saY'll that a final agroo­ment has. been signed by the Entente Powers and Greece concerning naviga­tion and commerce.

Greece agrees to take the strictest for tho suppression or

e In contraband articles, nr.d the J!l:~~.~t~~tI~n~~atlons ccy_sent to the !Tee e of tobacco and' raisins on

of export statistics. prov-to e war and the Importation

nrom the British colln()8 of IJI goods, exclusively reserved~ for In­dlvldual consumption In Greeco.

'l'he search bv allied warsblps of bonts go!n!:, from one Greek

port to anothtor, tbe correspondent says, will cease Immedlatc1y,

Cures Burns, I

WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE Licensed and Boncled Dealors'

________ ~DI~£CTORY ________ _

Lot the Pioneer F.rmer.' Cotnp;tny handle )lour grain on track 01' nn conlia:nm"'nt. Absolute lecurlly. CDurt-ou, Htt~nti"'~. UfOmQt retUrtn. THE GRAIN GROWERS GRAIN CO .. L.TO.

160 McDermot St., Winnipeg, or 100 OoluJliU Block, Calgary ----...

It p~ys to .hlp your grain to R reliahle COUlmi •• ion IIiI'm. Besl attention I;h'eu to cousigntnents.

GOODERHAM .. MIrL.AOY co. L.TD .. Excb:llaltl. Winnijlall -----

Ship te"'SAIwttm.. S1-'Nk. Pi"nect Gnin Com .. ml .. i.n Morrl;!ha.t. ,.., bost relulte. Cat.tlt'l ure­lully watt;h"d-'s"les I"Slde t~ belt adyantR~e­Prompt rohun..I. Tty us. Shiprinq; bllb no request.

208 Grain E1ch~nRe. 'Vinnipl"!ll. Man. Rderc.ncc:-Unlon an" Royal 8.111". ---

ShIp Your Grain To BARTl. ETT • L.ANGILLE

Cuin Commiulon Merchant" 5 I 0 Grain Exd,ltnq. A. reltahle Ii,...,. who .iw to I1ve .ahllh.ctlon, S!'«"ctal .ttentlon riven l. Kr.dinK. Uber.t advancel mnde.


Grain Excha.nge, 'Vint1ipc~ ?triu ne"lXllia. D .. 111 lith

THOS. BRODIE, S. A. IIARGRAI'T, Manaeer Sec •• '·reAI.


002 £Xch.nro. \Vinnipc", Man.

THE CONTINENTAL GRAIN co. L. Tt!I .• I ic:cn.e.l, Bonded, .. Hdh yOW' IlraJn conaiunmenla. Liberal Advance.-Prom,l teturns.



For "ood rClulla .nlil beat aerv1ce Ih'p your R'rnln to thll .. and .xpcricnce~ Comml,alon HOUle, alw",.. read,. to \'u,. ,.our «roln on tral!k.

I!L.ACK!lUIIN I> MILL.S. 535 E:J.cDana:e, \Vinnipel



Factory distributors for Mnnltooo Rnd Saskatchewan for Shtdelxo.l.:cr Cars. Good .territor), open for live_DJ:euts. _____ _

THE COCGE IIROS. MOTOR CAR "The car t .... t .pea".lor IboU"


DillriHtGfI f.r M.nitoba .awl Sa.k.tchew.~. Send .... de.uipU .... IhM.lUle. Some lerritory .tllI open i.r Iocel "."OJ. llupmobue LOWER IN PRICe:

- .-.-~ Greeter In V.lue

eel 11 •• 101. Calal.c ~OS"'H "AW II c._ LIMITED. WINNII'£Q


You .... ould be Burpn..ed to know how IltU. mOtley would De noce •• nry tQ P' n­toet your t .. mlly or ... tate. lC you "'ould 11k. to know without oommltllnt: )'ou,'­."It fill thl. blank and mon 10 H. B. Andre .... , b .... nob m"ullcor. ilnpcrlal I~lte AJIOunLnco Co., 806 Union Blink Building, Winnipeg. My full n*-me Is _. _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Occupa.t1on.......... AddreM •••••••••.•• a. wu born on ...... Clay of •••••••••••• 19 ••

'Increase Age Llml~ of Germans The Folehlatl, of Holland, a frontier

journal with excellent sourced or In-1._, .. tL," •• ou 111 uUr!1111ny, slates tllat

waB an . 1.ltercalion ill .t, national

the German papal's to discuss. , .

wl1\ Increase the age 11m­newspaper says. "It nuth.

calling out oC nil me.n wll.) have been l'ejected on ac­their physical condition: In­

even those who pr'H10uply

1:/;;""'>"'!~~~~~~nlili~.~~~~i'I~~~;I~;iic'Iri;&d been considered !It [or the ",!"",.u,.• Lar.dsturnl." ,

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.~ ""1.' •• .' ,

The Treherne Times M. B. l\lcOAlJSLAND '

l'UlH.lSJlMlt GEO. NOH,FIELD, lj}Dl'l'OR

SUUSCH1L'TION ltA'J'I,:-Ono YOllr, In Ill\' '"IUlee, $1.OUi t4ix 1lI0nt1Hl, WCi threo lIlouthl3 2jc; U. S. find toroh:n, }lor yel\l', :$1.60

Enemy Losae3 Colossal Dvlnski Aug. 30-Wounded mem­

hers of the former garrison of the; fortros8 ot. Ossowotz, recently, ovacu-:


ted by·the.Russlans, who hos-I !tals here, ~ declare that tho' Germ:m, 6sses'~before' that _ fortress surpass' inaglnatlon, . German prisoners are

T reherne High School S.tudents prepared for Third and Second Class l.'encher:-;' Certificates, ond University Matriculation Examinations,

All noW. Intendol\ lor puhllcatlon "nould reaoh thlli ot1lcu nu laler Llmll 'l'UUriun.y.

.Ad vortising r(Ltod Hunlo lu\pwn on I\ppUC(l~ l.Ion.

liat· tne fortress had cost them flvo:


"OPTesented as 'declaring that officers mong the :,attacklng forces declared:

Imes-more mell than. wore In tho gar­Ison. The Oermans expended; moro

Low rates and special induce­ments for lIou-resident stu­dents.

Yearly contrllct ndverLlslng to ho p"\1\ (Ol'''~ cnd or unoh muuth. FOll I' hUHlOri to eUJlHlit,llLO IL 11lonth, uxtl"" immw will uu chnrJ;cd tm',

Job work or ILny dC!jCl'illUOIi lIcn,U)' n.n'd prolUpllY UX"cuted.

Alh'ortiKClnuntf! unnccCntlmnlcIl with In· ~lructlontt lU~Ol·tod until (Ol'but nUll chlln:ctl nc~ cordltlgly. Notlccl'I, of I11cuLtngi'l Illitl ontlH'Ulln·, 'trom which tL l'C\'uIHlU L'i llcrh'cu, In local columns. 10 COJlt~ POl' lino. ,

N.ll,_AllvorLlHomofl()J with Hothl 01' hc(1.VY oOUlpOHltlon ",lIlue C1H\l'gCJ. for eXLl'U at 11"tO or.'51.10 \'CI' hour'

FmD.A.Y, OCT. 8TH, 1!H5,

~an 2,000,000 shells, ;,;:):,i' ..... _ i I ...... , .. .' .-.- ... --.... -.---- .. -.~ ..

Huns Rounding Up Conscrlpt9 . Copenhagon, Sept. 20-All Germann

up to 45 years o( ar,c, and who Ita ve lived In Denmark (or twenty years and nrc established In buslncss, havo boen tailed to rejoin the'Oerman army.'by \bo: Kaiser. '

Bulgars' Won't Fight

Write Jar illustrated booklet

R.J. Mills J. French Sec. School Board Principal

-,... .... .. ............ ¥ ...

? -----


London. Sept. 27-Reuter's corres, pondent at Moscow telegraphs t11fl~ Bulgarian colonists In that city have declined to obey the _call to colors. 'rhey telegraphod to I<lns Ferdinand j\lld to Bulgarian statosmon messages t1cprecatlng a campaign agalnst'Sorbla staUng. tliat ,they ,vould nover' particl' IJIlte'in a fratricidal war.

LIVERY BARN ',Tribute to Canadian Gnllantry-Tho ~ ,. Battl" of Vpres R=told-Confl- We cater especially to T rayellers.

: ~i dence Expressed :( I Otln wa, Sept. 20-ln a review of h hi icxpcrleneeR and Impresolonn gained 'during bls recent imporlimt visit :) !Oreat 'IIrltaln ami the battlefields at 'Franco and Belgium, given before " I 'gaUlcrlng of hundreds of o[

Germany's Fleet's Brief Trip Pal'la, Sept. 27-A potrograd Bpecla\

says: "Russian and British submarines have drlvon all tho Oorman battloshlps and cruisers back Into Klal (rom tho eastern Baltic. The Moltka, whloh was torpedoed several woeks ago, was towod Into Klel wllh a huge hole In her hull."

Clearing Out the Rubbish




So E. Pollon 'l'RElIERNE !the Ottawa Canadlall Club last week,

:Prcmler Sir Robert Borden expressed .hls :I.ldo at whal the Canadian lroopo !bave dOJlI) for the Dominion lind tho IEmplre at the front, Shortly aCter Ito 'landed he saw evldenco of wha: tho ,war moant to Canada. (or there were Bomo wounded Canadian officors on tho dock to moet him. Continuing. Sir ,Rob'ort said tbat later he was sivcn 'an opportunity to visit l,'rancc. On 'arrival on F'rencil 80\1 ho anll hill 'party were met by Icrench omcars, 'From Boloungo he went to visit a cemetery whero some o( ,the Canadian !omeers who had fallon In battle were :buried. Noxt the trip extended to the hel1dquartern of Goneral l~rench, "I 'do not" thlnle that any CanadlaR, or iindeed allY Briton or Frenchman," ,sa.ld the Premier, "could loole upon ~ho va\ley or Yproil without being moved. Ia tho country.towar.: which 'Wo loolted we were told that 20.000 men had fallon and founel their sr:1 ves ,sInce tho commoncoment of this war.

Ottawa, Ont., Sopt. 27-',llbe Inter· national, a monthly paper edited by George Sylvester Viereck of New Yorlt Is prohibited (rom circulation In Can· ada In any way. Any person In pos· sosslon o( this publication from now on is liable to a fino not exceeding i6,OOQ and Imprisonmont.


- '

Echo of Bath Tub Murda.-,

Original Wife Marries a Cnnadlan In The Royal Engineers

London, AuS. 1G-Great Interest surrounded the marrlago Saturday at LolceHter, o{ tho real widow or George Smit It ("brides In .bath"), the mur(lcror who paid the dent.h penalty only two duys ago for tho murder o( Miss Mundy. It wlil be rememberod that Smith married as his I1rst wlro Caroline Beatrice Thornhill. Shortly afterwards he deserted his ~;even~een· year.old brldl~, WIIO emlgratc,1 to Can· ada, where sho met hor pl'llsent hus· bnnd. The hridegroo'll1 was Thomau John Dnvles, New, B.C:, ami now or tho lloyal Engineers. Among thoHc present at the coremony was the hrldegroom's fl\! hcl', Oeorge Davlos, whLl travelled specially from

I hopo there will never come tho day iwhen any. Canadian can loolt down .iupon that yalley without feelings o( emotion. Picture to youl'self for a moment ~ho condition. Tho Turcos 'and Aiserianll, who were holding that 'llno next to the Canadians. bellevod i\'erltably tlmt the deluge which cnme 'upon them ,had rea\ly come fTom ho\l ~lBelf. No one who has not been 'tbrough the hospitals can r~all,z" th~ 'etroct of that awfnl sas'attaclc. -, Then ,was the time Whl)ll tho· test camo to the CauR!lIall troops, mon hnvlng no previous experlenc(-]' of war. Then oame a test to tlHlIn ouch as perhaps has never boen applied to any troopo

."In .tbo world boforc. And to thoso 'who 'J,ll"OIIhesled that .ur raco was ';'eca· dent, let me point to the fact 1 that :the Cana!llans stood firm' not( for hours, but for clays. Men lay'down'in qony under the ;:;:-'11 which 'Was pour· :ed upo",thOlll, 'but they did not,ret!rc. ~he,. herd 'on: anll from those'who aro bcst quallfic!l to ju!lgo. from tho mlli· ~ary.,commaoders o( the British and French (orces, from Lord I{\tchener him so\!, from tho King, from the jPresident or the !lepubllc of I~r[\nce. ~ have had but one Vlord as· to what the Can~dlanR did 00 that day: 'rhey 'Baved tho r.ltuation (or tho Empire 'and fol' the u11les." . I _ Visit to the Trencheo

the west. '

. Interned j'Hun" Ships Attacked Doston, 'A Ug, 1G-The gatlli-)ring yes,

terdiLy of 1.aOO italian resei"'lists, who wore to sali on tho steamer Canoplc was mltrklld by demoIlstrations against the Interned German steam· ships, Amerllm and Cincinnati. as a result o( which scv'Jral .pollcemen were severely Injured. Sailors on tho German vosoels were struck by lIylns stonos and Ijtlcks.

~'-----New Railway's First Victim

St. Thomas, AuS. IG-The first fa· tallty ou the newly electrified London &' Port Stllnley Rallway occurred Saturday when a spechtl car, convey· ing Sir Adam Deelt to Port Stanley, crashed Into a buSgy occupied by Wm. H. Derry and hlo daughtAr, Eulth,' at, the, level erosslns.· ,Mr;' Borry was Itllled, and his daughter rendered' un­conscious. - ,

-B'asKatciIO\v'';'a';'n--:--~''-6,000 acres or

w. S. Kirkpatrick Agent for

Sterling Tailoring Company

Sterling Clothes


Agent for Canada Stock Food Co.

EiIlPLoY~mN'l' AGEN'l'-

Help of all kindA Fnl'lll Help, DomesLic, Etc.


Ha'ving IL .:

First Class"Sto'~k~-'of;' ,

Hats on Hand . I clLn suit 'You in style, color

and price. Call and set!.

Also the remodelling of Furs

Miss. E. McCreary

Alfred. ,Sandell -Photographer ,{ .



", , .....


Livery Stable A first-class Livery ami 'F~eu Business j good RellaHle Horses j sty­lish rigs j:- everything


Prompt and obliging service.

Draying and Teaming

Special a,tten tion to ·Commercials.

A utomobile for Hire.

J. H. Smith Phone 17


MARKET Begs to announce Llmt Lhoy are prepared to

Deliver Meat to Country Cus­tomers the day ,after orders are received.

As we are headquarters for Lhe choicest ments in taWIl, we nre sure this ,viii appeal to Olll' many cllstomers


Veal, Lamb,I.Celery, Tomatoes

CHAS.ROUX Wholesale and Retail Butcher

"- ~

Everything For the Farmer

, in tho line of

Implement!S and Ma­chirlery

Anything from n Wheelbnrrow to ILIl Engine, G as or


Prices nl'e Right and Reasenable

Repairs •



'TREHERNE' Flour Mill

Reti,lrns fro111 N9. I Northern Wheat: Purity JJatcnt, 36 Ibs. flour per bushel, 6 Ib~ 3horts, 12 Ibs. bran Straight Grade, 40 .. " 6 /" 12"

Returns from No.2 Northern Wheat: .Pllrity Patent, 35 lbs. flour p'or bushel, 6 Ibs. shorts, 13 lbs. bran 'Straight Grade, 39 \I \I 6 " 13"



'-.. BREAD AhD

- Purity Patent Flour Stays with the Leaders Plll'ity P(l.tent nom is HOW blenehed .by I\n eleetricnl pl'oeess that

is nbsolutely IlIl.l'mless, which nges and purifies it, lUnldng Ii it beautifully white, pure and wholesome -

c. Wiechman .. RE.HE.RNE. MANITOBA


f ARMERS--When Hauling Grain To Town, or when in Town on Business, go to the

ONTARIO HOUSE For a Good Meal at any Time

F. J.McFarlane Proprietor

, SHORT ORDER MEALS NOW SERVED To accommodate the Farmer

--........ ----_ .. _--

Mr. Business Man---We are prepared to handle your business in fall stationery at short notice.' Give us a trial. . Our prices are right. - - The Treherne Times


MEASURE Fit Right, Hang Right Look Right,.f'eeIRight

Agency for The Art, Crown and Consumers' Tailoring Companies .

T. C. DELGATY pounds'o( flour tOllll,e~J[mlpelrlal~(lo1~c'l ernmellt. . . Alan H. Bowland, Ii railWay, mall clerlt was found, guilty of, ste'allng $8,000 sent by tho. Royal'Bank to·tbe

Those wishing work done in any Lhe above lines clLil' get pl'ices


TREHERNE • • • IIAN • - Prossing. Cleaning and Repairing , , by ILpplying to

Thossaloll I .. umber· Co.' , 1; R. Scott, Harnessmaker, .Treherrie "

I Sir. Robert' told of having visited the Cimadla\l'tren(;he~, which wero In somo 'places only thirty y_rds away from tho Gi)mllms. Tho Premier said ~hat the' day ho and tho party were ln' tho trenches the Om'malls ro~ .. aln· ed from firing any sllella. Howover, thero wau 110 doubt they had It yery fino Inte\llsenco dCllIlltment, .(01' on tho day following tho Premler's visit they fired some five dozen shell; at tho Canadian Headquartors building; ,b\lt did no (Ianmgo, the party .havlng left by this time. Tho l'rolll:"T also' paid a glowlns trlbuto to tho work o(

i Dr. Dumba, the Austrian envoy at .\Va'shlngton, has charged the Unltod States wlUt showing fo.voritlsm to tbe Allies' cauae. ' '.

A big patriotic rally .was ·beld 'In,tho O .•. nd Opera . Honse, Toronto last night at. which Arohb[shop' Mathoson lUld Mr. N. W. Rowell were tbe' prin-

W Iri.·' Darling ~e~l==a~~===~~=~~~====G~=~~~====~

;' "".


• a .'

~e~~!~n"~ . i A. Glgnntlc' Task , In conclusion, Sir Robert said: "And 10 I como back to you from the mon at the tront, from the French people: from .the nrltlsh poople, with that. message-with a message not only. of lietermlnation, hut of confidence' as j\\.eU. One cannoL teU' what· may' In tho flnnl result come' from the wr.r. rI'he events 'through' which wo I~ro pll.ll810g arc so tremondous, so worl,l­eompol1lnc, that we can scarcely realize their significance. One' 'of my eollealtues said to mo' It; 'year ago that 'this war seemed to him as ·the suicide of cIYiUzatlon.·· Let'"!:us ,hopo" rathor, tlll~t it may''death of muob that, marredhandj;hlnderod tha pro.ress ) nnd'~ dev.olopmont': of. olvlll-I'&Uon:'aDd'-dem~cra()y •. ':· . -,,~: " j .• . ,," _ . • " ·S.,

I ' ! ~uc'.thon !

• • • • ® ~ -.

• • • o • ...

• ..' 0-. . . . . :. ~ .

cipal speakcrs. ' , . A number or delegates at, the Angll'­

can Synod objectod to the word "tem' peranco" ,belns Insarted 'In' the day School curriculum, and' the Synod nlso decided. that t110 second verso pf tho NatIonal Anthem mo.y be lIung with· propriety. :, . ' ,


• • •• 0

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• • •••

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.0 • • • • @ ••

, , , -.A LL kind, of alrlcultural,

, _ implements.and machi.- -. -er, on I.a.d. Full Ii.e of "

'" "\ ' . . repain in lIock'-

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,'. - I

J .' r

• • • . ...... • . , ·0 ..

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" • • •

-. New' Fall Merchandise. Now-Arriving Daily

• • • o •


• • • • 'I ••

o and' wear,

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• '0 •


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" '. " ... : ' . . ...


. A Spring Tonic N yaH's Digestive Tonie

'fhis Tonic tones up the Stomnch and Digestive FUllctions, promptly overcoming that fecling of Unrest, SleaplcssllCSS, Nervous Irl'itnbility, Loss of Appctite.

A Bracer Price SOc and $1.00


. ''''

JAMES FULTON Suc:c ••• or to Andrew. and Andrew.



'Lending and Ueliablo COlllpanies repl'osentcd by tIle undcrsigned •

I.Jiat your applications

Money, Loaning ·Resumed The Hndcl'signed has been illstl'llCted by the Toronto General Tl'usts COrl)OrlLtiolt to aocept l\pplicn.Lions 1'01' I.Joans on well

,improved farm properties in this district at'


James Fulton .. , r reherne, Mari.


Whcat pnces continue to go up and Flour will follow NOW is the time to lay in a, stock of that

well known brand

"Royal H~useh~ld' ~H', ; "




, .

, IN~'AND~OUT' OF~ TOWN~! . , Ite~1 o( Spe~ial Local Interest to T reherne ~nd District ~ ~ " • ..,..,. _ .. , ~ • ....,.........,. :oI"'lorW"'" ....... "M ...... ~ ...... " ...... '" """" ,....,...,..,...,.,." •• ",.,.~...-.. ..... ...,..

For 6utin ••• and o,h., an"ouncement. comin. within ,h. cal_wory of .due,U.ln, appeari", under ,IIi. la.aJin. a char •• o( .

Ten Cen" per count line i. mad.

D.T;I:Iil'd.1cft on Mouday night's train for Rtith,vell.

Miss E. McCrcary returned Crom Rathwelliast Monday noon.

Alex Redfo~'d returned from,\: T. 9~ StillRon" was a ,:isitor to C d 11 1\1 I t 'S t d ," Nllllllpeg last Tuesda.y lllght.

ran a, all., as a Ul' ay. ' . , : Mrs. Mills waR a Cypress Rh'cr

J. Gliertin, of Somerset, ,vas a visitor between trains on Satlll'day. visitor to town lnst ,veek-end, ,

. I· N. 'Vilson I eturned to i to'~n

Miss Florence Smith was a Rathwcll visitor last Friday night.

from the ci ty las t Tuesclay. :' T. C. Stinson shipped a cal' or 1\1rs. J. rio Palmer return cd from Ih'o stook on Tuesday, Ootobel' 5th.

a visit to 'Vinnipeg last Tuesday MI'S, J, J, Staples returned fl'om noon. a visit to 'Vinnipcg last Saturday

Miss Stevenson "returued from II. noon, visit to Rathwcll last Tuesday Mrs. Andrew Myles. rcturned noon. fr0111 a visit to Carman 011 "r ed­

\V, V. Cal'l'oll returned from a visit to \Vinuipeg laat, Tuesday noon. ,

, 1\11'. and nil's. Thus. Delahunt re-

turned from a trip to the city ,laRL IPl'ic1ay.

, l\It-s, F. Scmnmell spent a' few , '

days in the city Inst weck, rctllrn-ing Friday lIoon,

Alex Chambers lert last wcek for Toronto, where ho will aHcnd a Vetei-inal'y College.

'Ve have a limited qnantity of onions at $1.25 pel' bushel while they last.-C. Roux.

J. Cowie, of Carman, alTh'ed in tOWI} Thursday noon on 1\ visit to his parents.

Although s0ll1e~vhab cold. tho weathel' has tltkliln a distinot tupn for the-.better. May it cOiltinuel

1\[1'. and nil's. J as. lnack 11.11(1,

l\~rs. J. H. Hobertson rcturned from It t!'ip t,o th~ oity 'l'hlll'sday. noo n .


l\~I'S. Christilaw was a Holland visitor between trains on, \Vednes­day.

1\1iss Minnie Emmolld left last \Vedncsday night for a visit to the city.

I 1\'[1'. and Miss Moore, of Wa wn-

nesa, .... isited 'with MI' .. ,and ~11'S. R, Gillan ovm' the week-end.

l\h-., and 1\'[rs. J. G. MoGowan 1'C­tlll'ned from a few days' visit to Winnipcg last Fri4ay noon.

'MI" and Mrs. \Vm. Green rotUI'Il­cd ft'om a visit to thc city last Monday noon.

1\11'S. Ln.mont was II. 'Vinnipeg , ~

.... isitor on Friday night's train, rc-tni'ning Tuesday noon. '

1\'[l'S, Ed. Smith and 'daughter, Evelyn, paid I\, visit to the city last \Vednesday night.

1\1rs. Kissick' and ohildren, or Fanuystelle, arl'ived on Sl\tlll'Clay on a visit to ~fr. and 1\1rs. Dietrich.

J. P. Straube has just installed Mr. and 1\it-s. Fl'ed Greenwood a n~\V alltomobile gasoline fillin~ visited in 'Vinnipeg last week, ar­arrangement in front of his store. riving baok in Treherne last 1\1on-

:A'll'..... I' t" dav_nQQn. . .' " ' .. ' ' . "4 "COUlhry-'corl'espOll( en 8""1:e" ~' -l'equesbed to make a speoia( effort R. W. Faulkner, of Winnipeg, to send in cOl'l'espolldollCO i'e~ull\l'- from Friday until 'fuesday ly. ,,',. as the gucst of 1\1",. and 1\11·S. 'V. J.

1\1rs. ,Canll: who has beeri'visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harland, re­turn~d to liel' home in' Sa~k'atohe­wan las~ Tuesday lIOOll.

1\11'. and Mrs. J. T. N attl'ass and


'Geo. Chambers, of Winnipeg, ar­rh'ed in town on Fddf'Y and is spending a few days with kIt-. and Mrs. W. J. Chambers.

=======§§~§§§§:~~=§~==§§~§=§§§~\M:isS Gel·trude'Nn.ttrass were pas- )Iiss Louise Rome returned on

;' . '.

People of Ample Means find the greatest satisfaction in the identical shoe chosen by

those who must economize.

Both the demand

for style and the

neceuityfor endur-. mg wear are com~ plied with r mO!t

satisfaction III our

High Grade Shoes


Good looks, good wear, and unsur­

palsed comfort are BUILT iRto them

by craftsmen who "know how."

Will you not let us have the oppor­tunity to show you the new season's styles?

Have y.ou seen our regular $1.50 Men's Working Gloves for $1.00 ?

J.' 'R~ SCOTT PHONE No. 60 Treherne


_________________________ __ X±% ____ _

ffiJHE F~ R ~II TU"R E " " " ill STORE


CROCKERY WARE Suitable for Harvest and Threshing.

- -II

We have on hand the latest creations in

VELVET AND PLUSH Including the popular blacks. A fine range of Misses Flop Hats and Tans. Delineator,

Butterick Fashions and fancy-work designs

for October now in slock.

Mrs.~ A. E. SMITH, Railway Avenue Phone No. 94


Millin~r and Dressmaker

Trellerne, Man.


Send in Any Local Items You, May Know---Phone 116

;. scngers to tl?~ oity on ,Thursd~y Monday from a two weeks' visit night, returning 011 Saturday. with Miss Fern Flatt 'at Portage :----~---------------------__:.

Miss A~arireturned to ller home la Prairie. and oousinsin Winnipeg. The Grain Growers' Grain Co., Ltd. Ship Your Stock·· Through me.' I ship regularly and pay '~est

PHONE No. 110 • prices.

T. . C. " Stinson, LIVE STOCK DEALER,' ,


in Ho~land Ol~ Monday, ~ftCl' act; , Mr. and 'Mrs 'Vm. Henders and ing as, olerk in J . .o:. McGowan & Wylie returned hom Ox~ow? Co.'s store for,the p'ast month. Sask., last Friday night, after at­

tending the funeral' of Ml', Hend-er's'mothel·. "

Owin~ to "the ,fad that wet weather has (relayed' threshing ,to suoh an' extent~ all the elevators in A. W .. Kelly. of Detroit, Mioh., TrehEll'ne 'will remO:i~l 'opcn 6 n arrived in town last l.'uesday noon

, Thl1J\ksgivingDay to reoeive whe~t. on a visit to his bl'Other-in-law"and 'fhe semi-anilUBl meeting,of sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. Buohbaoh.

Treherne Curling Club'~vill be Mr: Kellyis interested ~n lands' in !!!!!'!!!!!!'!~"""'''';'''==='==''';'''=''''''''';''''='';'''!!!!!'!=''''''''''''=~~~!!!!!'!~7~' 'I'" ""1 ' "H' '. b 'Id' the west on a "ery large soale, bU,t

" lll' " Ie "f, a!l/!ey- arrlS, m mg 'on , ' , , ' ' , F 'd '0' ') b 15' tl' , J 'c Ito reports tlll\t salcs are not numerous

t 1'1 ay, oto el" 1. • OU 1', , , " ' . " " . at present. '

c:===:=======7=.=~ )[,resilient; Ge'). Graham, seoretary. '" , Mrs. Todir i~f~Ylast i:l:~;lclay nigl;'t J as, Perrie was fOl,tunate enough

We are now selling the famous

GLADSTONE GOLD DROP FLOUR Our prices are' always the lowest market prices-and we sell on a closer margin of profit than any other milling company

Ma~es the Finest Bread a~d Paltry

, We Also Handle BRAN 'AND SHORTS

~nquire at the Elevator

J~I. Adair, Manager " - Phone 27 , t~., wluire'iMl', Todd th~esh teri staoks of ,vheat dlll'-\OI·.,b,U1ll\ml",.fu , . ing' th~ short sp' aoe of, fine weather .... __ .... ______ """:" ___ w ______ "!""" ______ ..

• ••

:'an e,levato, 1', Miss ' this week. 'Threshi~g commenced = T{;esday 'inorning 'alid 'c~ntin~ed for a short time after dinner; when

~';f,4cirJ~~::~~:i~,~~~:~1i:~ ~pec,,.; further soaker put," -sto'p': to c:ip~ _...;--..;..,..;..,...;.;~-~~..;..,;.;..~--~~~~ ..... ~~~~__:_.,;;,,~'i:' '!~~I">",,~ el'ations: '.M~r the' first fe~ ,iayers

'ilad beell taken 'oft·:: the top of.':the , , tlui sheaves 'were qnite'dry, . ,.. '

• • • . " • , " . ... . """ " .. I'. • ... ~

'OU~ STOCK OF , , ,

• . ""

Winter 'Wear , , ,

.ls €otDplete , " ',. ('

leE~ce''"cLlneICl:' Underwear


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Dealing With Enemy

,.Oe,lartmcnt of Trade and Cofnmerce Asks Firms to be Careful

The department of trade and com· n.erco has issued a statement nrglng ll!at Canadian lirms conducting busl· ll".~ w',Lh Uruguay should do so through I3rlllsh or neutral lirms rath· '~r than tllI·oug .. the agency of Ger. UlaU !irms, howaver much they may \'0 dIsguised by working through G ermall SOUl ces. 'I'he gOl'ernment lias been adVised of hides [rom Uru· tuay being shipped to United States lJurls [01' transshipment to Canada through German /Inns In Urguay. 'I'hls ,Irtually means trading wltb the ene·. my.

There Is also evidence of Germans "luI,klng through Dutch Ilrma and ,,{wrIng to supply goods tha~ forl~' ~ j'ly CRme ~rom euemy countries. Warnings have ber,n Issued agalast Cauadlans patronizing such houses IlI)~rating under tne guise of Dutch manufacturers. -

~ ." .. ~ . ' .. . '. ., , ..... .. ....


Off the Narrow Way On the first Introduction of Tractar'

lanlsm Into Scotland, says Dean Ham· say In his reminiscences, the full choir servIce was established in an Epis· copal church, where a noble family who lived in lIle neighborhood had adopted High Church views and car· rled them out regardless of expense. The lady of the house was very anx· lous that a favorite servant of lhe Camlly-a Presbyter.ian woman of the old school-shot.ld hear the new ser· vice. Accerdingly, she took' hu down to church in the carrage, and on re· turning aslted her what she thought of the music and ihe service in general. "Ou, It's verra bonny, verra bonny," admitted the old Sco~swoman; "but, oh, ma leddy, Il's an aw[u' way .If spending lhe Sllbbeih."


.. ', 0° ' ••

, . ':: .. :".~ . .

• 0.' .. .. .'

.. ,

In .'~r{i;~~:~~~i~~~t~li!l\~t:~!~~lj of a ... rnwl. many over achieved by the ine is an article

naval expert of blatt;. publlshed in Its of 10. The article Is more notabl'e/~U!~UElt Oapf4ln Perslus has ·In • the' past bee:.. on!'l.~f the most ardent C,hamplons and praisers bf the U boat warfare: '

"It Is to be' recalled," he says "that In the beginning of Februllry hopes in the snbmarlne warfare rose high, and it was widely believed that just as the British fieet had cut orr our imports from overseas, so' onr submarines would have little dlffl· culty In doing the sume' to England. A part of our press, unfortnnatelr is responsible for the axaggerated 'ex. presslons whIch the ilUbllc frequent· Iy hItched to the rnbmarlnc warfare on merchant shIpping. It was often emphasized here tlat with an expert estlmILte o~ the submarhie weapon and particularly wIth consideration of the quantity and so forth, of our submarine fighting forces, the reE:lIl[ and effects of tho new method of warfare could, be gathered only after a considerable time. Ever and again we counselled patienc3. .

"How necessary this was is shown by the simple fact, which it IL today considered un wibe to conceal, that the result of ihe activities oC our submarine in warfare on com mer.: .. Is regarded in wide circles-let us say-as very modest.

" ,

• ... ,,: .0' ,',

, .' , .

-. ' ....... '., ".~'" ",;;,.,:. ',\ : c:, .. /:. ',:: .,'.. ! .......... : :' ..... "


• •



No need to apologize to' family or guest when J • _ ,.

. MOONEY docs it! ,MOONEY'S BISCU ITS are ,1 always !ight - every biscuit inspected before it is 'packed-and they are as fresh as the prod~ct of your

own oven. ,


'SODA BISCUITS are the great favorites for every day use, ,i

'They are made in the big sanitary factory in Winnipeg and come to you jn air-tight packages or

'n sealed tips a~ you, prefer.


------ - .~-

- Moving the Crops B,C, and Yukon Send Many Soldiers Fighting for the Right

• •


"AcCQI'dlng to an announcement by competent authority there "vere sunk up to Jllly 25 by our submarines 220 British and 300 other hostlla ships, tilat, is to say about .1.5 ships a day since February 18. The line of the submarIno warfare results ran In' strong curves. There have been woeks in which scarcely a sln3'lo enemy ship was torpedoed, others' in whloh ... one or more dozen ships wer ... destroyed. 'l'hus the Reuter Burea'l reported that in the week ended AU!I' ust 4, six British merchant and ninJ fishing vessels were sunk by Ger· man submarines. It was added that 1,435 ships had arrived at the ports of the Un lied Kingdom, and departed from them. One ·may regard thia number as possibly too high, and Big Crop Will Swell the Earnings of

British People Fighting for the Llber, ty of All Mankind

, . , .! 'A' Foe to Asthma-Give Asthma half

a chance and; It gains ground rapidly. But give it repeated treatments of Dr. J, 0, Kellogg s Asthma Remedy and It

. tall baclt even faster. There Is no Jlaif way measure about tbls remedy. It goes rlgh,t to work anu drives asth' lila oul. H rellches ihe Inmost breath· hn: passages a'nd leaves no place for L'e tronble to lurk, Have it by you LUI' relllly use.

The Great Suffering of a may think that probablr they weI''' Railways In many cases the same ships. But Aft I ' It I b bl t t b

er a ong period of decreasing Calgary Lady Be"'ore s pro a y no 0 e doubted ihat 1.' In aU events, at lens't, one thousand earnings, broken o:Jly occasionally by . Relief Was Found ships trafficked with British ports Improvements whiCh wore not main·

In a week. If we consider the' . e. talned, the Canadian ralhvays are There Is still a very prevalent belief snits of our suomarine activities' up lIltely to receive a long hoped for and

that rheumatism Is due: to cold or wet to now, that is to say, of these one well deserved increase In earnings weather. This beilef Is probably due thousand ships ten were ,ie1!troyed- as a result of the enormous grain to the fact that when the lilood is thin (t is understandable that many IL one crop this year. It Is estimated that and watary there is an acute sensl· will not declare himself satlslled. In moving the total grain crop of tlveness to atmospheric conditions "To attaclt one thousand five hun. more than half a billion bushels the and a change. to wet weather often dred vGssels which visit English ports tHree roads will earn between' $40, means a return of the excruciating In a week requires 'not a small num- 000,000 and $50,000,000, and the cr· pains. nheumatlsm, however, Is root' ber of subma1·ines. According to th) fect of this both on the roads them-

Military district No. 11, comprIsing British Columbia and the Yukon has raised 21,1G1 troops, of whom 17,370 have cnllsted for overseas service, ac· cordIng to figures' published by hoad· quarters. Already 12,000 troops h~vll left British Columbia and are either on the firing line or !<ot Shorn cliffe. 'I'lle aggregato strength of the oVI·r· seas battalluns and other units for the front now in train lug In the povluce is 102 oITicerJ .. nd 5,178 men. On ihls basis ot enllstmen', to population, h all Canada responded In the Bame rILtio, the forces of the Dominion would number 400,C' men.

They have gone Into lhls war wilh a good conscience, and they Ilrmly trust that ihe help which never fnllet! their fathers wlll not fall them In their need. Not frol11 hale or from lust or aggression have they unsheathed tho sword. 'fhey arn fighting [or tho right; for the defence of their o\\'u shores; (01' tho protection Qf the weale; [or ihe asslstunce of their al· lies unjustly assailed; and, nUol'e all, (or the Ylndlcatlon of Justice In thn dealings between nations 1111(1 for the upholding of public law. It Is becauso tlley al'e striving for these great mol" al ends that they carryon this war In a spirit of unl.1\l and of resolution, scal'ce appronched at any former time. In, their determination to wi'l the war the peoplo at home are abso· lutely one. Party Q,nd class have dis· appeared from amongst them. And behind them the young nations of the Dominion stand marshalled wllh convictions equally deep, nnd )lurposll equally firm. ,Ve are together as we never have been yet. ,Ve feel that we are one people with a new and a moro penetrntlng sense. And as one peo· pIe, unrivalled in our traditions, nnd sustained by many noble and exalte(\ aspirations [md hopes, we shall Ilght We shall Ilght until, in the words nC the prime minister of Australia "through ylctory, IIberly and laatlng )leace for all mankInd are secnred." 'I'hat Is tho goal for which the British people aro striving. ·That Is the goal which, with ihe blessing of lIea ven, they are determined, at all costs anti th rough nil dangers, to attain. 'I'h e I'!' resolution to reach It is firmer today than It was iwelve months ago.-Lon· don Times.

--'---u!lRS Miranda Drown and Angelina

Johnson were In the midst of a rather Ilcntoll argument as to the meaning of "circun\stanLlnl cvldence," when olt! Uncle \tIlstus poked his wooly head in Ilt f.he, door. lie was immediately be· 1112ged to give his worthy opinion on tnc IIIlltter In question,

';Uo < WRY Ah und'sland It, f'um de 11I1.y:,t!rs .,been 'splnlnetl to me," an· lIiJ'1ln6el1"the old feliow, "clrcumstan l'il.t)!3y,ldence Is de fedders dat yo', l~llv~ii 1'yln' 'round."

"; i '1'he Norwegian natnralist, Johann , ., " l-~ol'en, who lett Seattle In June\ lUH,

011 Lhe GO foot puwer schooner Eagle tv uolieot(slwclruens In'the Arctic for the Smithsonian InstitutIon, sulIered los~ of both handd by freezing last mlllwintcr, while Us expedition was rc:st In the Ice in Kolyma HiveI', SI. borla. The uews waij brought to Nome, Alaska, recently, by the walrus l\untlllg steamer Corwin.

. ':wln you be' mine for ever ever'I'! he timidly Rsked. "No, Bob, ,hat 1 am a sulfragette I can nev be

-, yours. But you .may become min'e when yOU will," she replied In a mat· tur.of"Cact sort o~ way.

ed In the blood, and it' can only be Nautlcu1!, of lOU, we had in selves and on other branches of driven from the .system by building 1914, 28 finished submarines. commerce will be very great. From up and enriching the blood. Hot baths statements of the book are also based the wheat crop alone It is calculated and outwarll applications of liniment upon orricinl sources. _ Now it is often that a sum or $24,000,000 will be may give temporary relief, assumed that 'such a little submar. earned. not cure. If ihe disease is not 11L"l1C'''·.1 Ine' can be completed in .the briefest For a long time the steady drop ed through· the blood, it simply fas· time. But a modern high seas sub. in railway has been a tens Itself more firmly on the system, marine IsDy·no mllans '1!mall.' It dis. cause of some concern. Various and the suITbrer ultimately becomes places. one thousanc: tons or more, and reasons haVe been attributed [or the hopelessly crippled. 'I'he truth of this Is thus considerably larger than a tor. situation, among others being the Is proved by the case of Mrs. Franlt pedo boat. failing olt in Immigration, the busi· Ford, of Calgary, Alta. , Mrs. Ford "Inasmuch as It represents ness depression and the increased says: "I was an almost helpless crlp.. lectlon of the most subtle mlnIAoI.1I1r",1 competition of one road against an· pIe from rheumatism. It seemed to mechanlsms, and in view of the other. have settled In evory joint. My arms ihat everything aboard a submarine In no one branch of commercial and hand s had to be bandaged. My must be fashioned for the smallest activity, .however, does the harvest ankles were so swollen that I had to nossible space, it becomes evid,ent so greatly rellect prosperity or the usc crntclHlo. After doctoring for a that the period for building a U reverse as In the Canadian rail ways. long time' and growing steadily worse, canno,t, be quite as short as we These roads, whope western busl· Lhe doctor advised me to go to BanIT wish. There Is' no more ness, although beIng developed and Springs. I stayed there 'for eight Instrument .of battle than increasIng wIth 'the growth of_ ihe weeks taking dally, baths and return· Ine, and that me)lns also Its country is not of enormous propor· ed' home 'poorer in pocltet by about direction and manIpulation cannot b, tlons during the entire year, depeud ;150 and 110t one bit )mproved In qulclcly learncd, and that before a to a large extent oa the harvest. health, I ihen entered a local hOB' commander and hIs crew are entrust· pltal,. but !lId not derive any benellt. ed to their Doat and before it can 1 was In BUC).' constant pain that I reported ready for service, a consid· almost wIshed to die,' and I felt sure time must elapse. ' . I wQnld be a lifelong cripple. It tile beglnplng of the war our at this stage that a. friend who laid low 0. series of war· been greatly benefitted by Dr. . IIams' Pink Pills" urged me to now we hardly hear of them. I began the use of the pma' of that sort. We speak at after takh~g them a few weeks the 'naval heroes of the submar-swelling began to go Is no better school than

relleyed. This is regrettable that and 1 con tin· learn it. To ra-

the course with ''Poor was com. of '& child,

t to , defend

cru ches, now they have my own " better in a measure of uo'

ent time, It Is made" 'e'ver the use oi our submarines 1:J

,'1 have also of 'the eneml daughter who a.torpedo. and she has outside

become, a strong, ..... . ,~

- ...., st. Josepb, LevIs, July 14, 1003.

Minard's Liniment Co" Limited. _ Centlemen,-I' was badly kicked by my horse last May, and after usln~ several preparations on my leg noth· Ing would do. My leg was black as jet. I was laid up In bed for a fort· nIght and could not wal~After usIng three bottles of your MINaRD'S LIN!-

I was perfectly cured, so that I could start on the road.

JOS. DUBES, Commercial Traveller. J

A certain nobleman, talking to an American friend about the antiquity of his family, was told roughly that he was "a mere mushroom."

"How Is that 1" be asked, indignant· ly.

"'Vhy," said the other. "w1wa I was In Wales a pedigree ot a particular family was shown to me which filled more than live large parchment skins, and near the middle of It was a note In the margin, 'About this time the world was created.'·"

A Cure For Fever and Ague.-Dls· turbance of the stomach and liver al· ways precede attacks of fever ami ague, showing derangement of the dl· ge3tve orga1lJl and deterioration In the qualily of the blood. In these ailments Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have been found most effective, abating the fever and subduing the ague In a few duys. 'I'here are many who are subject to these distressing disturbances and to theSe there Is no better preparation pr,ocurable as a means of relief,

"James, dear," said a careful moth· er to her seven-year.old insurgent, "your Uncle Edward will be here for dinner today. Be sure to wasil you'!' face and hands before coming to the table."

"Yes, mother," bcsltatlngly, "but­but suppose he doesn't come?"

The optimIst is a man who says "Pass the cream, please," while the pessimist is one who says "1s there any milk In that jug?"

• o

Minard's Liniment. Cures Dandruff. ----"Boche," the French soldlel's' slang

name for German Is no doubt derived from "tete de boche," which Is a com· 'mon expression vulgnrly synonymous with "lhlclt head," something 1IIte tho "blockhelLd," or "fat head" of Drltlsh 1:se.


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)i~r~l\J~ij~~~J~~J~~J~~d "'by the Minister of the Interior gives some



Prices , \

For erops BankIng and BusIness Interests

Allies Playing Gigantic Game

Russian Retreat and the Delayed Western Drive

• • •

• •


Should 'Co operate With the Farmers

From the time that the Russian re­treat became a definite and establish ~I'ie f~~~ar~}~gl~U~~~~~I~na a:r~ar~~~~ GERMANS TRY TO CONCEAL DAMNING EVIDENCE of the world ~ b J:l asklug Wh .. t about tho driVe of the allies' on tho II est front?' Like. many another ques tlon, It was very easy to IllIk, espec lally as It had been looked for to start In May As the Russian retreat con ;~ • acts and Figur~s Concerning the ImmigratIOn

• ! 'I, f Wo,rk Camed on by the. Dominion During the Past ,"~I;. - ~I 1:' ' 11' '.l1Cl!P.u9a ll,ls' expended thirteen and masterners have a pleasing bablt

At a meeting held ~ecen t1y In Win nlpeg at \\ hlch representatives of the farmers' organlzatlons of Western Canada. were present, the matter of prices likely to he received for the Ilresent crop was dlseussetl It was tho unanimous opinion of those pres ent that a heavy movement on the lIart of tho farmers to sell their grain at the pres en t time would be almost certall to force prices to a lower levol and that If a more leisurely method of mar ketlng were followed by the farmers In the disposal of their grain a better average price all round would be se­

tlnued and dally seemed more danger ous, the qnestlon became more and more persistent As tho fall of War In reply to recent Gorman state glum In 1913 that we should not land

troops In that country except In th) cnse of violation oC Its territory by another power Assurance WIIS not ollly given to Ule Belgian mlnl"ler but Sir l" Vllliers gave Sir bllw ml Grey s rocord at It to tho Belgian gov~rnment lit the time '1 he assur, ance appeared In the collected IIII'll>­matlc documcnts Why Is It doubtor\ T It Is becnnso the Germans have ntt allowed the reprod uctlon or LIt (} document, IIhlch Is 50 damning ta their case

r' W' hal~ m{hl~n dallal'S In tho. past 11[· oC telling the people west of the lakes t, t\l1.l,n Yllars on Immigration wo~k In ull that money which Is spont on Imml '/ Plllla at the I\orld and tne result ha~ gratlon Is a direct contribution to the

';" ; b2en a direct. Increase In populatlo 1l11lng up at the west and that we

saw became certain many thought the ments relating to the origin of tho blow In the west would be Stl uclt to II ar, the British foreign orrlce Issued sa\ e the Polish capital But, It has the followmg often been argned that the fall of War 'Flrst-l he Germans maintain that saw la not nearly sO serious a.'I many the reason which led 10 lho rejection people Imagine and that lhe further of the proposal for a conference was lhe Germans penetrate Into Russia the the mobilization. of Russia In J'aper more n I I Ib II h Number 43 of our White Book, Sir"

'~' ,,1# R.ilw a~rlvillli, ot about three million shOUld be correspondingly grateful to ,~~~e; .nl~bllll \lln~.a Whole lot more them for allowing the monoy to be

~ n[Ol'mat on' ~concernlhg Immigration appropriated - • _ prk1.1f" contalncd in u. very Interest A glance at the flguros given re :1 ng IItUe booklet Issued by the dlrec gardlng tho destination of tha Imml

tlon Of Hon W J Hoche, minister of grants shows tbat the eastern prov

cured ror It WhUe It was recognlze4 that the

matter at giving advice on the selling of grain Is a dlfrtcutl one, It was thought advisable by nil present to make a public statement advising the farmers of Western Camtda as far as possible, to store a portloil of their grain on their farms, and, In this way, spread the marketing of It over the next eight or ten months, rather than place It In Immonse quantities upon tho market In the next tew months with the certain ty-as rar as the pres ent outlool, Is concerned-of bringing prices to a considerably lOll er level

oar y mpoBs Ie wi be t elr Guschen (Brltlsll aU1bnssa·'or at Bor return It Ig said that the German U army Is on Its lIay to Petroglad and lin) reported a conversation with tile

the Intel lor, called Immlgratloll Inces got about halt of the new arrl }'acts and l~lgures .. vals

Immigration has' been encouraged '\ here Is ono class of Immlgranta from tho British I~I"B, the UnltB<l that Is directly. beneficial In a flnan States and certain European eoun" 010.1 ,way-the ChlnG1!e In head tax tries, but, 6f course, at present thO' tile Orientals have paid very large campaign Is not being carried on In amounts particulally In the four years GermanY', Austrla" l"lnland or Ruasla following 1910 In that year the Ie Southcrn Europeans or Asiatics have cclpts wero $2,257,000, 1911, $3041 not been wllnted at any time 000, 1912, $.3,539,000, 1913, $2 639 000

1'hel e aro various ways In "hlch while last yenr there was only $577: tho attractions at Canada arc set 000 This money~ Is collocted from forth to the,. prospectll e emlgrnllt each Chinaman at the rate of $500 pel Regular agencies aro established Dead newspaper publlclty, distribution or While there hav\) been 0\ er three pamphlets oxhlblts of grnlns and million peoplc admitted, It must not other products, and In Great Britain be Inferred thnt all who make appll exhibition wugons 0.1 e sent around cation are al!bwed to tlllle up thelt through the country districts In the rcsldence In the Dominion In th" United Stateh exhibits 11.10 mndc at past 12 yenrs there have been 123 the big ralt s and expositions In 500 rejections fOI IlIrlons reasons Great Britain and eUlollO arrange ranging from slcllllest or lack of mcnts are made with stellmshlp nnd [unds mven altel dmlsslon has

Lake and oGean bont space Is more scarce than fn lIrevlous yeal s, rates [or such space aTO higher than over before, rates at cxchange between this countl y and Eu ope are also more ,l{\verse than thcy ha\j! even been and undoubtedly the fioodlng o[ the mar ket II Ith grain Immediately after threshing will mean that these charr;cs II hlch ultimately have to be paid by the [armer, will go higher than el el

that Russian Is preparing to transfer German seci ctary o[ stnto, refusl1g the capital to Moscow as France a con terence transferred her capital' to Bordeaux 'The secletary of state said that for slmlhPr rensons 'l'he drive toward the sUllgested conrerence would pi ac Pnlla and Calais hnd the double object lIcnlly amount to a court of arbltra of capturing those til 0 cities and split Uon ami conld not In his opinion be tlng and smashing the French arm}- called together, except at the request especially the latter It was a mighty of Austria and Russia lie maintained costly failure So, the German drl\ 0 Ithat such a conference was not prac In the east the most pow errul \ll~st lIcable lIe further said that If Hus extensive, ~nd so far most successful I sla mobilized against Germany the lut launched by Germany and Austria has \ lei would have to follow suit Aa the two fold object of capturing s~ver when he refused a conlel ence he ro al of the moat Important strategiC ferred to tho possibility oC Russian posillons at V6\ y heavy sacrifice They 1Il0blllzatlon It c lDnot now be mnln are pushing onward tuward Petrograd tallied thaI the reason for the refusal and using every Itnow n tactical movo II ns tho fact that Russia \\ as moblllz to drl\ e a wedge throngh some point Ing of the Ilusslan line Time 0.11(1 again As a mnller of rnct, tho proposnl

'I hlrd-rho !lnal Interview bo­t ween SIr Ed 1\ ard Grey nnll Prlnc!} Llchnow slty (German .unbasslldor nt LOlldon) '\ his Illtorvlew, purely prl vate, was held nt a private house nn.1 n:> reeo\(i IIns made of It But SIr b Grey Is certain thnt he IIcvel mIld!) lhe statclllent quoted by tho Norta German Gllzclle with rogard La thu decisIve fnctor In GI eat Brltnln s /lll­lIclpallon In the w~r, nor 111<1 he spealt of medlnlloll In [ulor 01 Ger many If noed be, a ruller stl ClJlcnt \\ \II he mnde In parllamen' 011 tho ~ !lubject

\ booiling agents, whereby n bonns Is been gained there ha 0 been during pnld for tho omlgrants which aro dl tho past dozen years over 10000 I ecled to this country Hecords In the people rejccted

II Il!lmphlet go bacl, as far as 1897, but III classlryng the occupntlons oC , In tho majollty of nstances they Ilro the Immlgl nnts It Is show n that those

not complete [or all thnt period, as fr<}m tile British Isles and others [rom more dotalled ani! accurnte IntornllL the contlnent are about equally dlvld t'on regal ding new arrh nls In lhe Do ed between farmers and genet 0.1 lab n\lnloll8 are constantly being Intro orers, as there "ere a little moro d uced than 600,000 ot each A very great

During the past 15 years there was majority of tho Americans II ho have a total Immigration oC 3060000, tho conle aorosij are farmors, there being largest number from any country be almost a huH million, while the labol Ing those from the Brltlsh Islcs, 1169, ers do not total 200,000

It lias thought advisable to publicly request the co operation of th" banlts and business Interests genorally In the matter Their co-operation might take the form of exlJlndlng the time for flay ment of lIalJllIties thnt [0.1 mcrs might have to snch banks or buslnesa Inter ests, rather than to force the falmcm to sell their grain at a sacrifice' In or der to meet liabilities falllng due In October and November The ban Its particularly by talting ad, an tage or the powers recently conferl ed could make advances to farmers on tho se

they havo used every fOI ce at their for a conference was made July 26 command to push through and lsolato 1911 and \\ ns rerucetl by Gerrnnn~ a large section of the RUSSian forces July 27, 1914, IIhlle It lias not unlll Never ltale they succeeded evon In July 31 that orders were [;I\en ror the smallest degree FurtllC~ and fur- a general mobilization In Russia On ther they follow greedlly In the trail that dny Gel many PI esented an ultl of their wary and formidable foe get matum to RussIa roqult Ing 1n under ling dnlly more distant from 'their tniling that II Ithln 12 hours the Ilus b,lae nnd maio dangerously 1m olved In sian forces should be demobilized lhe enemy conntry 'Second-Doubt Is thlown In Ger

No\\, since the outbrenk of the war many on the assnrance we gave Bol all countries 111\ 011 etl have been In venting and lIeveloplng the gleatest possllJle engines oC destruction [or their own use, as well ns all possible means of protection against tho eno my It Is rumored In many circles

French Airmen Use Liqmd Air Bomts

t'ourth-Tho Immedlnto cnu 10 of thIs wal \\ ns the dispute botw( (n

Anstrla lind SerbIa II hlch then turn­ed Into a dIspute between Ausll n and Hussla Yet Il Is wOllhy or nolB that It was Germ my who dot l,rC>Il wur agnlnst Husslll and ~'rance I ho Austrlall ambassndor remained In Petrogl ad aftel the German amb IS sador left Germ,lI1Y declalotl liar on RUSilhl on A l1gUSt 1 and A uSlIla 011 August 6 1911

The Part Played By the Dominion

628 IV Ith Americans a close second,' '1 here aro a great many com pari 1 0.8,000 Of lhe remainder the Aus sons tlIat cnn be deduced from the tro Ilungarians which Include the little booklet, which contains a lot of GllllclllllS, numbered 200000, Gor Interesting Inrormatlon for those \I Ito muns 38,000, Italians, 119000, and might be Inclined to give a little study Husslans 07,000 These ure the round to the material from which the future

\ figures Canada Is to bo constructed

,u. S. Flee Can Tra,erse Panama in a Day


Considerable Impetus To General Trade

curlty of grain on the tarm If this method of marketing can be

followed, wo feel cel taln that It w\ll result In a greater monetal y return ror the crop to the farmars of Western Canada than wlll otherwise obtain, and It secms apparent that sllch a ro suit will be a direct bencUt to evCl y business Interest In tho conntry, and at the same time will Insure a steady now of grain SUfficient [or the necus ot the empire

More lelsl .. ely marltetin;; ot our Proof of ThIs Afforded In HandlIng Prospects Are Warmly grain has always been a!lvocl.ted by

of Naval t'ractlce Squ:ldron '::uloglzed the leaders of lhe fal~ers orgal1lza Proof that the entire prosont III.UI1-\ The London Obsorver has a lengthy tions and we make this statement at

Alllerican battle!; Ip lIeet madc up I. article eulogizing the tInanclal pOSition the present time for the pnrpose of dt fOIll divisions of live shl(ls each and a and prospects of Canada.. It says rectlng attention to this very Import flagship, a totul of twen\y one, coultl Tile Canadian harvest news Is much ant matter at a period IIhen our crop be passed through the Panama canal 1I1'ed d I t II I I Is just beginning to move We belieVe

I .1 I ,an s no. ura y la V ng a ·n1>II.·" that If farmers follow our suggestloll

n on8 uay las bccn aliorded by th J Infiuonce on prices With a I hundllng oC tho Naml Acudemy prac surplus and high prlcos current owing In large numbers that the resu t wlll Uco squadron In tho canal locks on t tl 0 d 11 b I till pro~ e thnt the sphem

o Is far mOl e

I 0 Ie ar ane es e ng s unfol ced practical tl1an any other thot coul·1 be

ts wny to nnd from tho Panama Po. the Dominion sholold greatly benefit ~ u clflc Expo~'tlon l\1or~o\1,.Cr, It Is t1lstinctly encouraging suggested to InsUi e a fair return for

" that England has recently pel fected It Has ContrIbuted Largely to Success and satisfactorily tested an enormoua of Recent RaIds Over German cannon far superior to anything of tho German al my-a 17 Inch gun with a range of twenty five miles It Is also rumored the all!es In the west have a number of these guns with ample am munition and that nn Is propared for the long expected western 0 Iva as soon as tho ploper tilDe arllves None of the warring countries Is anxious for a second winter Cllmpalgn Many emln cnt thlnltCi s arlO looiling for an en~r mous eliort on the II estern front at 0.1 most any time now One thing we may rest assured of there Is a thor ough understanding between the allles They 0.1 e playing a gigantic game and each of the allies Is fully posted as to nil moves of the others So, when th , German dtlve against Russia has reached a predetermined point we may he sure of the move In the west, with Germany In a very tight box, hel final stlllggies close at hand and the peace of the world not far off


Canada Is Not Unduly Feeling the War Burden

SIr GeOi ge Fos C\ minister o[ tHida and commorce In the Call1ldinn cabI­net, In on Illten lew s Iys

Qne huntlt ed nnd Iltty thousanJ Canadians aro on the bliltle line h mnrope or being reCrulteu and tr,lincil 101 the \\ar 'J his s~utel1lent Is tho Ilrst omclal annouoncenlonl con' ern In~ the conlilbution ot lIIe I Canuda has n,ade tu the 1111

U)I Lo the plOfcnt lillie Canlld I hns trained 0101 3C1 enl lhollsalltl lIIen nlld senL them to the I unt or b ,s" "tlLions In 1.111 ope for fnrther tlllil' Ing SII Georgo contiullcd III III dillon, eIght) lhollsan,l lIIell nro hell J" recruited and trnll'ed In C lIlILd I It occasion demands Cllnud I can III crease still fnrlher her nSHldLln,,, Canatla does this not sImply to help tho MothO! country, bllt hCCllUSC the \)omln.on Is part of the ~l1Iph e ,Ind shal es Its Ide LIs and pOllia e<lU LIly

The squadron, composed or to learft\ that a considerable Impetus the crop .... hatllqshlps Missouri, Ohio and has been given to genoral trade, and Slgbetl on behalf of tho farmel s' or cons In the largest ,~al ships that tho volume of orders from coun ganlzatlons Children Given War Names have so far used tho canal, woro tr dl tit I I I I I Jas ffpellkman, Pres United Fo.rml·,1

tl b tl I k d Y s r c s s _ncrens ng arge y ers of Alberta, P P \"oolbrldpe,

A well known French n~ lator de scrl bes how a UO ye,lr old \llo[essor at science jolnod the air service as sub lleutenant to tn ou a new liquid I Ir bomb he had 1m ellted A member of tho Academy of Sclen{:o IIl1d an ofl'lcer ot the LegIOn of Honor the plolessor offered his bomb ft ee 011 condItion thut he be allow cd to dlt e\;._ the Ilrst n Illltl.lY tllal, but as the regulations forbid anyone, sa Vb a melllber of liD army, taJ«ng war filghts, he promptly ,01unteCied and lecUlved Il COlli 111 Is slon lIe took the observer s seat In a IJlplano during operations neal Be buterne and accurately dropped n bomb weighing 100 pounds, on a chat oau, tho local Get mUlls headquarters When tho smJlle cleared awa~ he saw the chateau hnd heen practically dc mollshed The nit IIIlIn asserts thnt the bomb Is tenfold more dest uctive thun the saUle wclght of dynamite 'I he professor Is now dllOcting the manufacture of these bombs which have contributed largely to tile suc cess of the recent raids by l:' ,II r men

'Altogether It Is probahle lhat out of thIs co operation In I ht struggla ror existence of tho I3rltbh cmlllr!> relations betll een the evel Be IS Do­minions and the ~Iothar Counlty wlll belomo clober than a, er What melhods of organlzlltion II III lJC ncc.l­ed to bring this about anI! give It Ir­licullte rOI \\I are not worth while dl~ cussing no\\ That wlIl remain for after consldellLlIon

Iroug 10 oc s at Pe 10, Mlgu 'The Immedl t It I tl t " ., d I

a a resu s 10. United "armel s o· Alberta John Many BabIes Are Now GettIng Names [In M rafiores, the Missouri n nd Oh adlan PacifiC a d th < L simultaneously In parallel, ,vtlh road seeulrtlesn a ~r har~ Pres Sask Grain Growera' F.rom the W r Wisconsin dltect\y In thlll rear and bU1!lncss Is soclalion, J B Musselman, Sec Lusltanla llepplethwalto Is the 'I'I.e Grain GroWElrs Association, name at a healthy baby gIrl who has

lIenders, Pres Manitoba Grain ".nm. just been chrlstencd In England, sa~ s ---

American Tourist Traffic

Patriotism and Prices ers' Association R McKenzie, Sec the Montreal star Lnsltanla s father, Will Prove the Best Kind 0\ Aclvertls Man Grain GrO\\ers Association C accoldlng to the Information, Is a Rice Jones, Pres Alberta Farmels' Co seaman," ho, at th'e beginning of the Ing for Canada operative Elevator Co, Chaa A Dun war, belonged to the crew of one of The annual repol t of tbe Canadian nlng, Gen Mannger, Sask Co op the fishing trawlers which were tor Pacific Railway Company proves thnt millvator Co , T A Crerar, Pres ur'aJ[I,1 pedoed by a U boat Ho wanted to Callada has rccblved dUilng the pust Grollers' Co, Ltd give his child an opproprlate name, I twell e montus unprecedented allen

Facts and Figures but It was Imposslblo to talle tbe tion [rom American tourists Pal t ot name of his old ship, which was 'l'he this tlafflc came to Canada, no doubt,

S sters of Yarmouth' So the because at tne uncertainty or Impos chlld was callet Lusltanla slbillty of EUiopean tlavel at plesent

HundredS of children have received alld pal t was due to the desire of names derived [rom popular war he those bound for the PllIIamll. Pacific

not only In England, but III Can exposition at San l"ranclsco to enjoy as lengthy and as attractive a trip as possible "

A trip through the Canadian West Is an education for foreign toullMts

It Is an Inspiration tor Canudlans Canadr. contains 1(\ the unrivalled bcenery of the Rocltles un asset cap able of catching the Interest ami the Imuglnatlon of all who see It, while a trIp tin ough the grain belt Is an en lightened experience as wcll If, Is estimated, fifty thonsa I Am"ri<,nn visitors have enjoyed this ex ence during the past year, Canatla hns a new and powelful ad\crtlslng forca at

today In tho United States \ this means a step forwurd In 1Iio

IcoUlltlrl growth and strength 'rhe peop Ie being l"l!;ely 01

Allglo-,~;a~:on stocl, are wolcome sat nda Since the war began,

they have been po.) Ing IlI1usual atten tion to thIs nation because of hor par t1clpatlon In tho ccnl!lct, and the ex ample given by tho sturdy Canadians on the battlefield Is constantly held up to Amellcans by such men us 'rlleo dore Roosel elt. The klnt) of Amerl cans Canada Is attracting as settle

kind Cunadn wants most A'lv"r",'RlI'. has done Illuch for this

l-uUada s resources and nevcr been over ad

to know Is at Wllr,

IP~I~~~~fl~r~'c:~~:lilV~~~~ III

Canada Is no' unduly fC2l1ng lho burdeu of war, owing mainly to our ,argo a!;llcultur,11 resources, and f, r the surpltls or \I hlch the t nil Is con lInuously and Insistent, 11111 \I hatcvcr burdens Canada may be IC<luIIPlI L<) bear ns a consequ~lIce of Ihe III csc It condlLions the wll! bear chel fully and without murmurlnl!

Phosphates of Lime Depos If

A Valuable DIscovery Is Mado In t 13

National Park at Banff Frank D Adamo Ph n delln of th"

facult~ of npplied scIence at MeG ill unlversl!y loporls a valuable disco -ar~ of phosphate of lI\11e mndo In til l BanIT National palll by him, In COIl1 pany wltll \V J IAcll, mIning cngillelx ot the commission or ,0nsOI ValiOlri The dlscovelY may hale II [ar react Ing errect on thc graIn 1,;10\\ Ing lndll tlY of Canad,\ In view of this suI. stance beIng the bert IIDolV fertilizer Its epeclal IlL lie to woslurn IJlllladll lq that It Is practically the onl~ lllll!; lh It can be used to ka IIi' the /, rlility of a soil thllt Is being conLlnllal'y ped

'lhe 1\\0 men were sent out to loolc for phosphllte of lime, 10lio\\ Ing I ~~ cent dlsGoverles In the slates " Idaho, Utah WYJm nl\ and ~Iontnn:l 1 hey belle\ arl t,l,lt o,llJUItJ Ille '(OCI<Y Mountains oC Canada cuntaln similar geological [ormatlons liS lhe loculi lies whore the lime hlld beoll tils covered they lIould also IIIHI deposIts of tho lima

'\ Ills pro\ ed to be the caRO '\ hey IV ent to MOlltan!l, eXllmlnlng tho d&­posits near Butte then pBased Il1to Canada, 1111 ostlgatlng the stratn uC tho mountllins III the North Kbotonuy pnss, the Crow ~ Nest PIlBs !Il1d lho JJallli National parll In tho IJark they found the dcsh (II geologiC LI horizon, and eventually thl lime

Dr Adams thinks lhe 111110 oxlslJ

Is 110 other Ilnoll n dOJlOl ta nlong the north shore or the Olta wa rh or It appeal s only 011 the eastern slop9

f the Rocklec, wholo the roclta are C!lrbo~aCeou6

Another l/iteroJUng discovery mad,. was the exlstenco of thrce hitherto

coal Sealll& nour th" the South Koot 3nLy PllSa..

have reported to thlt conscrvlltloll and "i

lilt ely bO Is !uod

• •


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Always on tho ollLlook for'Bnsines we now -flllly stookml for the Fall Trade. ,

Dried Fruits, Farmers' and Threshers' Supplies

of all kiilds i Ilclllding

Boots and Shoes,Overalls Gloves, Shirts, Ready­made Clothing, etc.

Always a few bargains on hand ----.... ------------.. -~----.~---~--~-----------------------

SMITH BROS.' Succcssors to D. G. McGowan.

Telel)hone No. 39. .. Rathwell, Man.

-===""'.=-.. ='"'"=.-.=.-.. ..""".,=-= ... -;-,.~ --- ---- ---­, ~-----...... -----~-...... ~~----------.---------------.



• • •

t ,

A purely vegetable Laxative, Pleas-ant to the taste and efficient in action .. Especially adapted to the wants of delicate women and children. Price 25c and 50c per bottle. '

(j] Prompt attention and civility given to all my customers

(j] Phone, Drug Store, 28 tJI' Residence Phone 30

]. J. _ RANS()N The Nya! Quality Store

\ Rathwell ~---..... ---~ .......... ----,-----.-------------,------------

- - - - Man.

--------.--~-- ------- ---

.' .




. . . . , -'" . ..

LOCAL ITEMS Some ronds!

Scvernl new "Fords" aronnd,


British Commander Praise!: His Men For 'Gallantry-Special Mention

For Indlan"':'-Klng's Thanks ,

Signs of clenring up! At British Hcadquarters In France, Oct. 4-The special order of the day

so the weo.ther prophets sny, was Issued by Sir John Frend, and dated September 30: "We havo now

• Jno. A.· Onmeron ,11l1.s 11. shooting i'r€,aclled a 'deflnlte state In tI\O great

Po.r~y 6~aying ,vith him this week. ba~t1e whlcll commenced on the 27th hlst. Our allies in the south havo

S I I . t t d pierced the enemy's last lIn9 en·

evera mac lines s 11.1' e up on trenchments, and ell'ected large cap· Wedllesday, but the grain wfis too tures 'of prisoners, guns and tents.

The French army all our immedlato tough. right has been heavily opposed, but

On Snturday the goods o.nd chat- has brilliantly succeeded in securing an Important position. The IIperations

tels lit the Russell House will be of the British forces have been most Kuccessful fmd havo had &reat." and

~old by nllctioll. , Important results. On the morning of

H Tl' 1 . the 25th the lIrst and fourth corps

The nlllluni nrvest Ian ;:sg1\'- attaclted and carried the enemy's first ill~ sel'vic'os will be held in St. and more powerful Ihie ot entrench·

d . ments, a distance of 6,500 :\Ulrds. This

Capital Authorized $5,000,000 CapItal Pal~ up •• $3,000,000

. Gurplul •••••• $3,750,000



Security? o.r Uncertainty? Every man can feel a sense 'of safety for his family, i~ he will make small regular savings. Open a Ba!lk Account in our Savings Department. '

G. ·V. HANNAH, Manage~ Treheme, Manitoba

's Ohm'ch on Sun ny ~VeUlllg position was exceptionally strong, con· n ex t. s Is tin g of a d ou ble lin e which I ncl ud· ",=======";"'====';""""''';c,..,,,,,,, __ ==''''''==''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''"''

ed some large redoubts and a .net· " Don't forget the sewing meetings work of trenches and a bombproof ~~--..... "".." .... .".."...,...-.",-"..,.""-."...-,...,,,-. ..... ,.,.--.,.."' ....... """"'''f'''.''' ............ """...,. PIWFESSIONAL OARDS

nbovo 1..110 phono office evel'y 'Ved- shelter. After the vicissitudes atten· -----.:.....:'----------v dant upon every great fight, the

nesr1ny Ilrternooll in aid oE the'St. enemy's line and second line posts , were taken. A commanding position

J ollll Ambulance Association. kI1l~wn as Hill 70, In advance of Loos, . 1 was finally captured, amt a strol:': line

Severo.l pnrtil~s in senrch of t Ie established and consolidated In close "wily chick" l~aye beon out this proximity to the German third' and

last line. The main operations south week with varylng results, but up of the Las Bassee Canal werc much to the timc oE going to press no re- racllitated by subsidiary attaclts de·

livered by the Indian Corps. We also cords have bePll broken. are much indebted to Vlce·Admlral

Bacox and our ,naval comrades for the valuablo co·operatlon or the fleet, Our captures havo amounted to over ~)lree thousand' prisoners and Romo twenty-flvo guns. 'rhe enemy has suf· fered heavy losses, particulllrly In many counter-attacks by which he has vainly endeavored to wrest back cap· tured positions, but which have /!-ll been repulsed by' our troops. I desire

On Tuesdo.y evening, whon the oxpl'ess from tlJo west pulled in, :J.

large and dcmollstrati vo crowd wns assembled on tJle plo.tforri"l to sho\V' their varied 'affections for foul' "single" young people of this dist-

I '

rict who wero <lmbarldng Oil' the onst going tl· with the evident intention of coming b a c k in "pnirs." Bush~ ls of ~'ico, confetti nnd other objects served to remind the o~lookers of an old time: hnil­storm: Reports from .down the lino so.y thllt'the young people had un exciting time and many Clqier-iences.,

. ,

to express to the army, undor my cemmand my deep appreclution of the splondld work ~'ley have accollll>lIsh­ed anA my thanks for the brilliant Illjtdershlp' of General Sir Douglas Haig. In the same spirit ot a(lmlr· ) atlon I wish to comment upon the ~ magnificent spirit ami dogged tenacity, ~ displayed by the troops'ot tho old and ~ new armies and tho Lcrrltorlals, who ~ have vlod with one another In the heroic conduct dlsplaye(l throughout tne battie. I feol the utmost con· fldence that the same spirit will con­tinue lUltU our efforts are crowned by final victory."

Summer Excursions

From T reherne Voncouyer Victoria Westmi.ster SeatU. P.flland

• Dnily to N O\'Olll bel' 30


Sa. Francisco \ Los Angel ..

$50.50 $83.00

Return Limit l'hreo 'Months, but not later than December 31, 1!l15. S top·overs' nllowcd

on all tickets. Toronto $53.85 On Snle diiily Montreol $58.95 Juno 1 to Quebec $63.8' Sep. 30, Limit St. John $69.4. H.lifax $74.4' 60 dnys


DR. '1'. J. LA1IONT 1II.n .. C.M., Unh·oI·.lty of ll1nnlLooo. Uonor

grlUhln.lo. Ollleu nnd l'o.ddeu.o, BOT no ItI·eet. Phone 9-1


PllY81clllll IIml Surg.oll, lh\Dltoba liodloo.l Collcgo Orllliunio. OlUeo. 001'. Iloyn. lind Ul'lIwI\Y. PhODO 1I1l.

• W. A. lIlO'.Ul', M.D.


~ro.d"aJ aatbw.U, Man.

-0, A. BOWlIIAN, V_S., 1l.V.I8O.

VETEUINARY Surgeon ond Denll.I, Oftl •• III tlmlth'. Llvor, !lIable.. llroad".,.

OUl.o pbou. No. 17, nlKbl phone, No. 83. TREIIEIlNlC, .. .IN


, DR. A. W. llYLEll

Dontist, D.D.S •• L.n.S. Olll •• til 10[,,1 ... DIed<. 'rJ'chornc. .

1I01lrs: 9 to 12 ".tII.: 1.00 to 6 p.w. ; En.hlp Rmll:iluultL,,8 by G.llpoinLultmt.

~----------------'~-----------... ------ .... --.--~----~ Rev. Maggrah I

Royal Congratulations "The Field Marshal has received Ule

tC:mg'i\'\lIg message' from the King: 'I hel1'l'~lIy ,Congratulate you and all rankl!> Of my army upon tbo success which 'ha.s attended their gallant ef· forts' I reoognJze that this stl'euuous, 'dete~lned~ fighting Is', but the pre· lude to greater deeds and further vic­. tories. I trust the sick and wo~nded

Tickots 'nre good either one or both wnys' betwcon Fod \VillialU and Port MoNicoll via Great Lnkcs stenl11el'!", in­cluding mealA and borth, ,on pl1yment or $9.00 additioill11. Four magnificen~ steamers weekly, lea'(e Fort William 2 p.m: Sunday" Tuesday, Friday

F fuits, Confectionery, Soft Drinks

D. Robertson Rathwel\, rv1an. i

i -, Phone 41

~--------------------------------------~--------------~ Furniture, Woodwork; Undertaking

, 1 ______ ....; ____ ~

~------------------------------------- .... ._----------- - - .. --~ -.------.----.-- ,--

, , The Autocrat oft.l;~e Breakfast Table of the Toa Tltblo, -ltllU, 'in. ·thousands or: l1Omes, ?f tho Diuncr Table, too, is'


And W'ny!! Beca·.Il~e J 31u6 Ribbon"roa is a delightful' beverllgt3-hcl' :lth[ul -inildly stimulating-pure, a~ t..ho':W estern b' reezes-' -and ulmost ns chcap. , :DI'ink :u .Iue Ribbon Tca fol' yonI' henlth'~ 'sako. Buy_','

\' it for YC'Ill' pocket's·snke., ,...... ; " . -, " And ,n! oto' the new pnclmgc-n ,perfept pI'otection

, . " ago.insf.) tho olleinics of good. ten-dust a~ld ]J1oistl~re,.

L . A money;~ack guarantee .'goe's :with . , : , . , : ' i,' each packet. ,'·Ask. your Grocer_'.'" : ',/

; . - " ~ .' . . \ ".: . . -." ;,"


, '

'. , II'

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

New Rural Dean • t . ':, ,)

Rev. Mo.ggmb, of Holland; was . . . '. .~ ! ~"~

olected Rural Dean 01" the Rural Dllanery of Dnfrerin at a _ ineeting held in Belmont'ruesday and Wed. l;esclpoy, Sept. 28th and 29til. The position wns rendel'ed vacant the removal oE Ruml Dean And~r-son to Stonewall.


DURiNG WINTER While it cnnnot be rightly claim­

ed that winter feetling of steers common on" most Manitqba farms, yot ljl'actic!l.lly every western 'OX­pel'imeu't ~onduoted alOJlg this,line Ims proven 'conclusively 'that dlll'! iug the ~vel'age year' the lIndel'tak·

" ,

ing ill profi table .. During the win tel'

were 'expm'imentally fed n..t, t.he Ilitoblt Agriotiltllral Co 11 ~ g

arc. doing well.-'-'George R. and a. The following reply has' been lIent. to his Majesty: 'Your Majesty's forces are deeply' grateful for your message. 'rhere Is no sacrlOce the troops are not' prllpared to' make to uphold the

and Saturday .. ,·· '. , , Oorrosponding , farcs fro!p.

all stations in ···Manitoba o.nd . Saskatchewan aud· to many

, oWer points. ' .' Full po.rticulars aud Lickees

ft.OlU auy Oo.llo.diml Pacifio Ticket Agent; or write-

J. A. McDONALD. , \

District Passenger Agent, . Brandon, Man_

honor and traditions of your Mates· ty's army and to securo a final and complete vlctol·Y.'..-J, D. P. French, 'Field' The Field Marshal 'has received the following from Earl Kltchenor: 'My warmest congratula, tions. to you and all serving. you on. the sublltant\al success yqu have , ..... ~ .. -• .,.'!' ........ '~ ...... - ........ ..,. , Ilchievell, aud my best wishes f?r pro­gress in your Importa,,~ OpllratJons . .:.... Kltchener.' " .' ,


World'. ,Metropolis ShoWB Old Fight. Ing'Splrlt III' Not Dead . - . .

r'- .

London, oct.t 4-"-AIUlOUgh drlzzlhig rain (marred the spoctacular otl'ect of IIo111,l0n's' final e[fo~t at recruiting on Saturday five parades of men. In Itha· kr marching through Its thoroughfaros croated a deep Imprcsslon. The par­ades. fra versed 120 miles of, ~treotB, and In the marching lines were 10,000 soldlers.- It· was London's last huge

Condensed' Advertisements , , r ,.

" J '

. " A II vcrtisolllcnl8 unilor th Is hurullng B", 'cbBrllcll {,(Ic ror ono insol'Lion, rour i h)8ortiooH ror 1.00. 'fho CItUl6iflcd lid. wlly.tH lin cconomlolllmcUlOd or solllnl:, buying or rontlng.',' •

» •

STRAYED " : ,>' " : , • .' I " "', ,(

A two-yelU' olu red. bull. Stray-, _, • ; I

eu from pnstllre ,sonio time' ugo. • " • J' j

Inforfnution ,regarding would 'De tlUl111dlllly l·ccei\'~tJ. Ph~ne 8'5, 1:'4.'·: '



ANDREWS' & ANDREWS J • : BAIl.tST ••• 60, .

OFFICES Rall.nJ Ave., Treherne, MaDll.lta :101101101'. lor tbe Oanadlan HaUl< 01 0...­mer •• , Hank oC BumllLon, and Cor Mu*lolpall,¥ 01 tlol\lh Norfolk,

•• • • I

F. n. lUTODELL, 1l.A..

ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0lne8 ft' A. M .. ",,'8 ."OllCr, Broad way, Troheruo

,. • • RINN & WALLAR

At\.OrllO)·., Sellcltors, Etc. 1..onll0 aea-o"""'. nlld EHtalo8 hamll.d.

110111111<1, Mnll. ,

·.MORRISON & DU~COllDJl . . Ul\rri8tOl'l\, Soll.I\.Ol'I\, Notarl ... Pllbll8, .I.e.

Ollleo: Myles Dlock, 'l'r<.horno, MIIR. J' W. Morrll!OlI, L.l ... lI. ,0. M. DUllcombe, H • .A

, '


Itelll ERtnte, lItorl""go l\Ii~ :In"~ ... nce Agent. HO\II'CsoIIUhg aovOlnl or tho boot Lonn Iln~ I.· HUllltlCO COlllllfUllclJ. - COllluuGlJloner, Olnre B!'tllUIwIlY. .

..... l·

, T~IllIiERNE LODGE NO. 61 . ,A. F. &. A. ),{.

• , "I 1

witli the following result :- ~ Those getting .oat 'sheaves. ro.l­

lied 'at' $10.00 per tOll.,retllrned :11

'profit uEtor, paying. for; ,the fee~ ~r $3~OO 'POl' steer.,', Those ,fed ~ont straw' and 'oat aild bal'ley of

rally Iiefore' the dGovldelrnmenht tthakes up " W. J. Dnm~ Ule problem' of ec ng·w e er con- . -scription I must come or If the .volun· 2-3 .c. Indiu.nfor~.

I s to provall. The W ar _~"':"'~_..,...:."";;"':"',-:-:--'--:-"':"'-:"7""';­

Moob Frl,IBY 011 or beCoro the flllllllooa Lho MIL"olllo Hnll, 'l'rohorllo.· Vlllltll\&' bnIW1rell co!'tUnny W<lIOOlllo. , .

give Ule· figures of the In line to be" measurod

many. ,thousands of

;:~I't~~f~j:li~:~n~~tl~iY;'Bbeforo nlght,to the

'Vor. HI'O. J. O;Stnplo., ''lOarelca", It. W. nro. Johll COUltcr, <



, ,~. • :-to

Trehcrne 1.o.lllc No.4. meots In Lho lfuocle

equal 'part~· rOl".!Il·~~U cost of·f~e~:of this'.caBe tlie IlBIi ovory 'l'llll11«IBY cvonln/C nL e p.m. t'.A1I

'':::==r=========,=;:;;::====#~=:=; OddfclloWH In good standln/C Il", welcome. .~ H. J. l'Blfruy, N. O. II. A. Adnlr, Hco. Seo. I,;. :'" ~ ,~ ... "

• , 0 ... -• • • • • • . . • • . • o •• • • , •

.' • '.' .. "j p , • • I 1/'" '~, t; .. • ' .,;. I" BOYNE L.p.L ':. ,

• ... , I' _ I • '. '

moots on Tucl!d"J', ovonlnr,on or be

iiiil:-br,U,t.l!r9n l\lwBY8w.ICOIl10;., :., ;,.~ •. W.II{. , H. Delahnnt, ...,.,.

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