Russian rev soviet union




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Fall of the Russian Fall of the Russian Empire & the Empire & the Soviet UnionSoviet Union

1905 - 1950s1905 - 1950s

Soviet Union = USSR = Soviet Union = USSR = RussiaRussia

Thanks GSILL

THE FALLTHE FALL PROBLEMS in Russia: lack of freedom, PROBLEMS in Russia: lack of freedom,

poor leadership, major economic poor leadership, major economic problems, large gap between the rich problems, large gap between the rich and poor, & food shortages.and poor, & food shortages.

EVENTS that challenged the Czar’s EVENTS that challenged the Czar’s authority: unionization, authority: unionization, westernization, defeat by the westernization, defeat by the Japanese in the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese WarRusso-Japanese War, , ““Bloody SundayBloody Sunday”, and lost battles of ”, and lost battles of World War I.World War I.

The First RevolutionThe First Revolution

Peasants, workers, soldiers and Peasants, workers, soldiers and intelligentsiaintelligentsia all called for radical all called for radical change. change.

Street demonstrations and Street demonstrations and protests became widespread. protests became widespread. Leaders began to question the Leaders began to question the government of the czar.government of the czar.

““Bloodless” Revolution Bloodless” Revolution (March (March 1917)1917)

The Czar had no choice but to step The Czar had no choice but to step down in the face of rising casualties down in the face of rising casualties in WWI and food shortages. in WWI and food shortages.

A Provisional Government was set A Provisional Government was set up to rule. The new government up to rule. The new government combined democratic and socialist combined democratic and socialist elements -- elements -- sovietssoviets were developed were developed to govern in local govern in local areas.

Provisional govt. affirmed some Provisional govt. affirmed some natural rights and chose to continue natural rights and chose to continue war so that Russia might secure its war so that Russia might secure its borders and become a liberal borders and become a liberal democracydemocracy..

Provisional Government Provisional Government in Crisisin Crisis

Continued losses in WWI, Continued losses in WWI, continued economic crises, and continued economic crises, and the provisional govts.’ decision the provisional govts.’ decision to release all political prisoners to release all political prisoners led to radical movements gaining led to radical movements gaining support and and momentum.


Eventually, the Bolsheviks (one of Eventually, the Bolsheviks (one of the radical communist groups) the radical communist groups) and their leader, Vladmir LENIN, and their leader, Vladmir LENIN, gained enough support and power gained enough support and power to seize control of the to seize control of the government (Nov. 1917) “on government (Nov. 1917) “on behalf of the people.”behalf of the people.”

Lenin found support among the Lenin found support among the soviets – urban worker groups soviets – urban worker groups that had formed that had formed

Changes made by the Changes made by the BolsheviksBolsheviks

The Czar and his family The Czar and his family were placed under arrest.were placed under arrest.

Bolshevik party took Bolshevik party took political leadership. political leadership.

Land and labor reforms Land and labor reforms were enacted. were enacted.

Russian troops withdrew Russian troops withdrew from WWI. from WWI.

CIVIL WARCIVIL WAR: 1918 - : 1918 - 19211921

Civil War began between the Civil War began between the Red Army and White Army.Red Army and White Army.

RED - Bolsheviks and other RED - Bolsheviks and other communistscommunists

WHITE - Nationalists, Monarchists, WHITE - Nationalists, Monarchists, Moderates (with outside support)Moderates (with outside support)

CIVIL WARCIVIL WAR: 1918 - : 1918 - 19211921

Civil War period caused a major Civil War period caused a major famine and suffering for civilians.famine and suffering for civilians.

Bolshevik leaders executed the Bolshevik leaders executed the Czar and his family as the White Czar and his family as the White Army gained control of more Army gained control of more territory and scored victories in territory and scored victories in battle.battle.

Led by Leon Trotsky, the Red Led by Leon Trotsky, the Red Army finally took control of most Army finally took control of most of Russia.of Russia.


Prolonged civil war deepened the Prolonged civil war deepened the distrust between the new communist distrust between the new communist state and its Western European state and its Western European neighbors, who had supported the neighbors, who had supported the White Army.White Army.

The Bolsheviks now had a powerful The Bolsheviks now had a powerful army, the Red, the Red Army.

STALIN!STALIN! As General As General Secretary of the Secretary of the Communist Party, Communist Party, Stalin exerted total Stalin exerted total control over the control over the details of party details of party structure.structure.His rivals were all His rivals were all removed violently removed violently or politically.or politically.

And then came . . . And then came . . .


"Ideas are more dangerous than "Ideas are more dangerous than guns. We wouldn't let our enemies guns. We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have guns, why should we let them have ideas?" --have ideas?" --Joseph StalinJoseph Stalin

Changing History

Four... Three...

Two... One...

Changing History

Socialism in One Country

• According to Stalin, the duty of the USSR was to first create strong socialist state - must be able to ward off enemies!

“We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it or we shall be crushed” – Stalin

Socialism in One Country

• Industrialization– Series of 5 year

plans– Fantastic results -

by 1930’s USSR was the world’s 3rd leading industrial power!

Socialism in One Country

• Agricultural Revolution– 1928 seized 25 million

privately owned farms

– Established gov’t owned farms called collectives

Socialism in One Country

• Costs– Brutal techniques were

used against workers and farmers

– Secret police coerced population to meet economic goals

– Massive famine killed 5-10 million

Socialism in One Country

Soviet Mentality• Promises of prosperity

and something great coming soon were believed

Soviet Mentality

• Brutality of the state was for their own protection (similar to Tsars’ control)

• “Politicals” - Enemies of the people who were arrested for alleged spying, disloyalty, etc. Received worse punishments then common criminals


“To choose one’s victims, to prepare one’s plan, to quench a strong desire for vengeance, and then to go to bed . . .there is nothing sweeter in the world.”

Josef Stalin


The Great Terror 1937-38

• Arrests - about 7 million

• Executions - about 1 million

(Stalin’s signature appears on death warrants of over 600,000)

• In prison or camps in late 1938 - about 9 million

• Died in camps - about 2 million

Full Circle...

• Stalin died in 1953

• “All of us around Stalin were temporary”

• “Destalinization” of the USSR under Kruschev

Full Circle...

USSR- Changes in the FamilyUSSR- Changes in the Family Same changes as in the Same changes as in the

industrialized nations of the west.industrialized nations of the west.• Urbanization Urbanization • Family ties loosenedFamily ties loosened• Birth rates declinedBirth rates declined• Greater emphasis on children Greater emphasis on children


USSR- Women’s StatusUSSR- Women’s Status ““Legal equality” with men.Legal equality” with men. Women joined the work force in Women joined the work force in

industrializationindustrialization Women gained ground in certain Women gained ground in certain

professions – such as medicine.professions – such as medicine.
