Rules for Offensive Line - Youth Football - Blocking Scheme



Examples of Rules for Offensive Line - Youth Football - Blocking Scheme

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Attackside and Backside – Attackside refers to the side of the line to where the

play is being run. The backside is the side away from the point of attack. The

center is neither backside nor attackside.

GAP – refers to space between the linemen.   GAP rule is to block the GAP toward

the ball or playside for Center.  A defensive player is shaded on an offensive

player, he is considered in the GAP. Linebackers in a split alignment are also

played as if playing in the GAP.

On or Over – On refers to the defensive linemen who are head up or outside

shade of o-lineman, Over refers to Linebackers

Inside or Outside (also known as Down) – Continue blocking the next man on the

line. This is any defender playing in the gap or on the next offensive lineman

either attackside or backside as dictated.

Linebacker – block most dangerous linebacker AWAY from point of attack.

Fill – Tells lineman to block any defender in pulling lineman’s area

GOD – Gap ON Down or Downfield on the attackside.

GOO – Gap On Over attackside

MOMA – Man on Man Away

GOL – Gap, ON, Linebacker

GOOL – Gap, ON, Over, Linebacker

For Example:  Sweep Right – Buffalo (Buffalo is the Blocking Call)

PSE   – Inside, On, Linebacker

PST   - Inside, On, Linebacker

PSG  -  Gap, Pull & Trap

C     – Man On. Man Away

BSG   – Gap, Pull & Lead

BST   – Fill

BSE    – Inside, On, Downfield
