RULEBOOK OF INTERNAL ORGANISATION AND …€¦ · This Rulebook shall lay down the internal...


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Podgorica, November 2016


Pursuant to the Article 8, Paragraph 9 of the Law on Audit of European Union Funds

(„Official Gazzette“, no. 14/12 and 54/16), Auditor General with a previous consent of the

Government adopts:




Article 1 This Rulebook shall lay down the internal organisation and systematisation of the Audit

Authority and shall define organisational units and their scope, job positions and recruitment

of trainees.


Article 2 Organisational units under which activities from the competence of Audit Authority shall be performed are as follows:

1. Section for audit of the program – building institutions and strengthening

capacities; social and economic and regional development; employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality and development of human capacities;

2. Section for audit of the program of the regional and territorial cooperation; 3. Section for audit of the program of agriculture and rural development; 4. Administrative and Professional Service of Audit Authority

Article 3 1. In the Section for audit of the program - building institutions and strengthening capacities; social and economic and regional development; employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality and development of human capacities activities which are related to the following shall be carried out: preparation and


implementation of three-year audit strategies and annual audit work plans for IPA programs; performance of audits of management and control system, audits of samples of transactions and audits of annual financial reports or statements in compliance with the audit plan and internationally accepted audit standards in auditees involved in implementation of IPA II programs in the field of: building institutions and strenghthening capacities; social and economic and regional development; employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality and development of human capacities; performance of audit in auditees involved in implementation of programs under IPA Component III – Regional development and Component IV – Human Resource Development; preparation of annual opinion and annual audit activity reports and opinion on every final report on expenditure for the purpose of closing a specific program or its part; giving recommendations for improvement of management and control systems established for implementation of related programs and their follow-up and other activities from the scope of this Section.

Article 4 2. In the Section for audit of the program of regional and territorial cooperation, activities related to the following shall be carried out: preparation and implementation of three-year audit strategies and annual audit work plans for IPA programs of cross-border cooperation; performance of management and control system audit, audits od samples of transactions and audits of annual financial reports or statements in compliance with audit plan and internationally accepted audit standards in auditees involved in implementation of programs in the field of regional and territorial cooperation; preparation of annual opinion and annual audit activity reports and opinion on every final report on expenditure for the purpose of closing a specific program or its part; giving recommendations for improvement of management and control systems established for implementation of related programs and their follow-up and other activities from the scope of this Section.

Article 5 3. In the Section for audit of the program of agriculture and rural development activities related to the following shall be carried out: preparation and implementation of three-year audit strategies and annual audit work plans for programs in the field of agriculture and rural development (IPARD, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund); performance of management and control system audit, audit of samples of transactions and audits of annual financial reports or statements in compliance with audit plan and internationally accepted audit standards in auditees involved in implementation of programs in the field of agriculture and rural development; preparation of annual opinion and annual audit activity reports and opinion on every final report on expenditure for the purpose of closing a specific program or its part; giving recommendations for improvement of management and control systems established for implementation of related programs and their follow-up and other activities from the scope of this Section.

Article 6 4. In the Administrative and Professional Service of Audit Authority activities related to the following shall be carried out: preparation of secondary legislation acts from the


competence of Audit Authority, following and implementing regulations from employment; development of human resources; preparation of general and specific acts for exercising employment rights of employees; planning of professional development of Audit Authority employees; preparation of act of organization and systematization; managing and updating human resource information system (KIS); acting according to the Law on Free Access to Information; organization and implementation of measures of confidential data protection; receiving, keeping records and sending acts, keeping the subjects, acts and other material and archiving and keeping archived subjects, keeping basic and supporting records; preparation of the proposal of the annual public procurement plan, preparation of documentation for public procurement procedures, cooperation for selected suppliers of goods and services, preparation of public procurement report; keeping record of public procurement; activities of translation of general and specific acts and documents which are delivered to the European Commission ; preparation of the proposal of annual budget of Audit Authority, processing of requests for budget expenditure and payment, verification of payment claims, monitoring of monthly warrants and their use, keeping records of fixed assets, preparation and processing of accounting documentation, keeping business books, processing and delivery of statistical data, raising advance payment and keeping cash registers, requisition of office material and consumables, preparation of report for calculation of salaries, drawing up of periodical calculations and final account, organization of inventary in Audit Authority, drawing up of other financial reports and submission to Treasury and Tax Administration; monitoring and control of financial implementation of contracts concluded in the public procurement procedure; preparation of the annual report on performance of planned activities in the establishment and development of the financial management and control system and other administrative activities for the needs of Audit Authority.


Article 7 For performing tasks from the scope of the Audit Authority, job positions with 32 executors

shall be determined:

Ordinal number

Job position, name and conditions for performing tasks in certain vocation – general and special conditions

Number of executors

Job description


Auditor General

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits (VII-1 level

of qualification in the field

of economics, finances or

law or another equivalent

education level in these


- at least 7 years of work


Manages Audit Authority in accordance

with the provisions of the Article 8 and

13 of the Law on Audit of European

Union Funds.


experience in audit


- possession of licence for

audit performance

- B1 level of English

language skills;

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed.


Deputy Auditor General - higher education of 240 CSPK credits (VII-1 level of qualification in the field of economics, finances or law or another equivalent education level in these fields), - at least 7 years of work experience in audit activities - possession of licence for audit performance, - B1 level of English language skills, - professional examination for working in state authorities passed.


Replaces Auditor General in case of absence and inability in accordance with provisions of Articles 8 and 13 of the Law on Audit of European Union Funds and performs other tasks delegated to him/her by Auditor General.

1. Section for audit of the program – building institutions and strengthening capacities; social and economic and regional development; employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality and development of human capacities;


Authorised auditor – head of the Section - higher education of 240 CSPK credits, (VII-1 level of education or another equivalent education level), Faculty in the field of social sciences – Economics or Law - at least 6 years of work experience in vocation, - possession of licence for audit performance, - B1 level of English language skills, - professional examination

for working in state authorities passed,


- manages and coordinates work of

the Section;

- prepares strategic and annual audit


- supervises timely execution of

strategic and annual audit plans;

- assigns audit tasks and composes

teams for performance of audit,

discusses deficiencies determined

during audits and participates in

drawing up recommendations for

the purpose of improving the

business in implementation of EU

programs from the competence of

the Section;


- computer literacy.

- monitors performance of single


- prepares annual audit report and

audit opinion on program

implementation from the

competence of the Section;

- discusses with auditors in the

Section deviations and problems in

performance of certain audits and

helps their solving;

- considers replies of the auditees to

the audit findings and


- reviews working documentation and

audit reports;

- is responsable for timely, legally and

quality performance of tasks in the


- monitors implementation of

regulations, manuals, internationally

accepted audit standards and

guidelines for audit performance;

- gives instructions concerning

methods and procedures for

execution of particular working


- exercises control over

implementation of given

recommendations from reports on

performed audit;

- participates in establishment of

efficient mechanisms of quality

control of audit activities;

- prepares opinion on every final

report on expenditure for the

purpose of closing a program or its


- cooperates with other organisational

units of the Audit Authority;

- proposes adequate education of the

employees in the Section;

- submits reports to the head of Audit

Authority in case that concrete

cases of regulation violation are

identified by audit;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.



Authorised auditor – for programs building institutions and strengthening capacities - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education level)

Faculty in the field of social

sciences – Economics or


- At least 5 years of work

experience in vocation,

- possession of licence for

audit performance,

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.


- prepares proposal and participates

in preparation of strategic and

annual audit plan for programs

building institutions and

strengthening capacities,

- based on the request of the head of

the section and work plans of the

section, performs the most complex

audit tasks;

- prepares plans of single audit;

- takes care of execution of annual

audit plan within activity which was

assigned to him/her by the head of

the Section.

- participates and takes care to

provide efficient and rational audit


- cooperates with responsible

persons of auditees for the purpose

of more efficient audit performance;

- prepares audit report;

- takes care of implementation of

regulations, manuals and guidelines

during audit performance;

- cooperates with other organisational


- prepares and participates in

preparation of annual audit activity

report and annual opinion for

programs in the field he/she is in

charge of;

- participates in preparation of opinon

on every final report on expenditure

for the purpose of closing the

program or its part;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Authorised auditor for programs of social and economic and regional development - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education


- prepares proposal and participates

in preparation of strategic and

annual audit plan for programs of

social and economic and regional


- based on the request of the head of

the section and work plans of the

section, performs the most complex

audit tasks;


level), Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law.

- At least 5 years of work

experience in vocation

- possession of licence for

audit performance,

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

- prepares plans of single audit;

- takes care of execution of annual

audit plan within activity which was

assigned to him/her by the head of

the Section.

- participates and takes care to

provide efficient and rational audit


- cooperates with responsible

persons of auditees for the purpose

of more efficient audit performance;

- prepares audit report;

- takes care of implementation of

regulations, manuals and guidelines

during audit performance;

- cooperates with other organisational


- participates in preparation of annual

audit activity report and annual

opinion for programs in the field

he/she is in charge of;

- participates in preparation of opinion

on every final report on expenditure

for the purpose of closing the

program or its part;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Authorised auditor for programs of employment, social policies, education, promotion of gender equality and human capacities development - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level), Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law

- at least 5 years of work

experience in vocation

- possession of licence for

audit performance,

- B1 level of English

language skills,


- prepares proposal and participates

in preparation of strategic and

annual audit plan for programs of

employment, social policies,

education, promotion of gender

equality and human capacities


- based on the reqest of the head of

the section and work plans of the

section, performs the most complex

audit tasks;

- prepares plans of single audit;

- takes care of execution of annual

audit plan within activity which was

assigned to him/her by the head of

the Section.

- participates and takes care to

provide efficient and rational audit



- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

- cooperates with responsible

persons of auditees for the purpose

of more efficient audit performance;

- prepares audit report;

- takes care of implementation of

regulations, manuals and guidelines

during audit performance;

- cooperates with other organisational


- participates in preparation of annual

audit activity report and annual

opinion for programs in the field

he/she is in charge of;

- participates in preparation of opinion

on every final report on expenditure

for the purpose of closing the

program or its part;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Higher auditor

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level), Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law.

- At least 3 years of work

experience in vocation

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.


- Participates in preparation of single

audit plans;

- participates in collection of audit

evidence, conducts account checks

and testing in compliance with the

adopted methodology;

- implements regulations, manuals

and guidelines for audit


- implements instructions and

guidelines related to performance of

audit team work scope;

- regularly establishes contacts with

other employees in audit team and

exchanges information and

experience from audit;

- participates in field work and audit


- performs activities related to

collection and arrangement of

documentation on auditees, creation

of data base, arrangement of audit

documentation and completion of

audit file;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


12 Higher auditor

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of technical and

technological sciences -


- at least 3 years of work

experience in vocation

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

1 - Participates in preparation of single

audit plans;

- participates in collection of audit

evidence, conducts account checks

and testing in compliance with the

adopted methodology;

- implements regulations, manuals

and guidelines for audit


- implements instructions and

guidelines related to performance of

audit team work scope;

- regularly establishes contacts with

other employees in audit team and

exchanges information and

experience from audit;

- participates in field work and audit


- performs activities related to

collection and arrangement of

documentation on auditees, creation

of data base, arrangement of audit

documentation and completion of

audit file;

- participates in work of audit teams

for which specific knowledge and

skills in the field of construction are


- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Higher auditor

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Electro-technical

Faculty or Faculty of

Natural Sciences and


- at least 3 years of work

experience in vocation

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state


- Participates in work of audit teams

in audit of information system at

auditees for which specific

knowledge and skills from

information technologies are


- participates in drawing up audit


- takes over electronic data base from


- performs activities related to

implementation of tasks of Audit

Authority in the field of information


- cooperates in the process of

information system, subsystem and


authorities passed.

application maintenance;

- follows and analyses novelties in

the field of hardware and software;

- performs controls of risk

assessment of the information


- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Junior auditor

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 1 year of work


- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed;

- computer literacy.


- Participates in field work and audit


- participates in collection of audit

evidence, conducts account checks

and testing in compliance with the

adopted methodology;

- implements regulations, manuals

and guidelines for audit


- implements instructions and

guidelines related to performance of

audit team work scope;

- participates in creation of audit files;

- participates in carrying out less

complex work during audit


- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.

2. Section for audit of the program of regional and territorial cooperation


Authorised auditor – head of the Section

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 6 years of work

experience in vocation

- possession of licence for

audit performance,

- B1 level of English


- manages and coordinates work of

the Section;

- prepares strategic and annual

audit plan;

- supervises timely execution of

strategic and annual audit plans;

- assigns audit tasks and composes

teams for performance of audit,

discusses deficiencies determined

during audits and participates in

drawing up recommendations for

the purpose of improving the

business in implementation of EU

programs from the competence of


language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

the Section;

- monitors performance of single


- prepares annual audit report and

audit opinion on program

implementation from the

competence of the Section;

- discusses deviations and

problems in performance of

certain audits with auditors in the

Section and helps their solving;

- considers replies of the auditees

to the audit findings and


- reviews working documentation

and audit reports;

- is responsable for timely, legally

and quality performance of tasks

in the Section;

- monitors implementation of

regulations, manuals,

internationally accepted audit

standards and guidelines for audit


- gives instructions concerning

methods and procedures for

execution of particular working


- exercises control over

implementation of given

recommendations from reports on

performed audit;

- participates in establishment of

efficient mechanisms of quality

control of audit activities;

- prepares opinion on every final

report on expenditure for the

purpose of closing a program or

its part;

- cooperates with other

organisational units of the Audit


- proposes adequate education of

the employees in the Section;

- submits reports to the head of

Audit Authority in case that

concrete cases of regulation

violation are identified by audit;


- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.



Authorised auditors

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 5 years of work

experience in vocation

- possession of licence for

audit performance

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.


- prepares proposal and participates

in preparation of strategic and

annual audit plan for programs in

the field he/she is in charge of;

- based on the request of the head of

the section and work plans of the

section, performs the most complex

audit tasks;

- prepares plans of single audit;

- takes care of execution of annual

audit plan within activity which was

assigned to him/her by the head of

the Section.

- participates and takes care to

provide efficient and rational audit


- cooperates with responsible

persons of auditees for the purpose

of more efficient audit performance;

- prepares audit report;

- takes care of implementation of

regulations, manuals and guidelines

during audit performance;

- cooperates with other organisational


- prepares and participates in

preparation of annual audit activity

report and annual opinion for

programs in the field he/she is in

charge of;

- participates in preparation of opinion

on every final report on expenditure

for the purpose of closing the

program or its part;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Higher auditor

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field


- Participates in preparation of single

audit plans;

- participates in collection of audit

evidence, conducts account checks

and testing in compliance with the

adopted methodology;


of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 3 years of work

experience in vocation

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

- implements regulations, manuals

and guidelines for audit


- implements instructions and

guidelines related to performance of

audit team work scope;

- regularly establishes contacts with

other employees in audit team and

exchanges information and

experience from audit;

- participates in field work and audit


- performs activities related to

collection and arrangement of

documentation on auditees, creation

of data base, arrangement of audit

documentation and completion of

audit file;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.

3. Section for audit of the program of agricultural and rural development


Authorised auditor –

head of the Section

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 6 years of work

experience in vocation

- possession of licence for

audit performance,

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.


- manages and coordinates work of

the Section;

- prepares strategic and annual

audit plan;

- supervises timely execution of

strategic and annual audit plans;

- assigns audit tasks and composes

teams for performance of audit,

discusses deficiencies determined

during audits and participates in

drawing up recommendations for

the purpose of improving the

business in implementation of EU

programs from the competence of

the Section;

- monitors performance of single


- prepares annual audit report and

audit opinion on program

implementation from the

competence of the Section;

- discusses deviations and

problems in performance of


certain audits with auditors in the

Section and helps their solving;

- considers replies of the auditees

to the audit findings and


- reviews working documentation

and audit reports;

- is responsible for timely, legally

and quality performance of tasks

in the Section;

- monitors implementation of

regulations, manuals,

internationally accepted audit

standards and guidelines for audit


- gives instructions concerning

methods and procedures for

execution of particular working


- exercises control over

implementation of given

recommendations from reports on

performed audit;

- participates in establishment of

efficient mechanisms of quality

control of audit activities;

- prepares opinion on every final

report on expenditure for the

purpose of closing a program or

its part;

- cooperates with other

organisational units of the Audit


- proposes adequate education of

the employees in the Section;

- submits reports to the head of

Audit Authority in case that

concrete cases of regulation

violation are identified by audit;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.



Authorised auditor - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another


- prepares proposal and participates

in preparation of strategic and

annual audit plan for programs in

the field he/she is in charge of;

- based on the request of the head of

the section and work plans of the


equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 5 years of work

experience in vocation

- possession of licence for

audit performance

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

section, performs the most complex

audit tasks;

- prepares plans of single audit;

- takes care of execution of annual

audit plan within activity which was

assigned to him/her by the head of

the Section.

- participates and takes care to

provide efficient and rational audit


- cooperates with responsible

persons of auditees for the purpose

of more efficient audit performance;

- prepares audit report;

- takes care of implementation of

regulations, manuals and guidelines

during audit performance;

- cooperates with other organisational


- prepares and participates in

preparation of annual audit activity

report and annual opinion for

programs in the field he/she is in

charge of;

- participates in preparation of opinion

on every final report on expenditure

for the purpose of closing the

program or its part;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior


Authorised auditor

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 5 years of work

experience in vocation

- possession of licence for

audit performance

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination


- Participates in performance of

audits determined by annual plan;

- takes care of execution of annual

audit plan within activity which was

assigned to him/her by the head of

the Section;

- participates and takes care to

provide efficient and rational audit


- cooperates with responsible

persons of auditees for the purpose

of more efficient audit performance;

- participates in preparation of annual

audit activity report and annual

opinion for programs in the field

he/she is in charge of;


for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

- participates in drawing up of internal

procedures, written instructions and

guidelines for audit performance,

monitors its further implementation

and gives proposals for their


- follows regulations and guidelines of

EC significant for successful audit


- cooperates with other organisational


- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Higher auditor

- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 3 years of work

experience in vocation,

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.


- Participates in preparation of single

audit plans;

- participates in collection of audit

evidence, conducts account checks

and testing in compliance with the

adopted methodology;

- implements regulations, manuals

and guidelines for audit


- implements instructions and

guidelines related to performance of

audit team work scope;

- regularly establishes contacts with

other employees in audit team and

exchanges information and

experience from audit;

- participates in field work and audit


- performs activities related to

collection and arrangement of

documentation on auditees, creation

of data base, arrangement of audit

documentation and completion of

audit file;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Higher auditor - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education


- Participates in preparation of single

audit plans;

- participates in collection of audit

evidence, conducts account checks

and testing in compliance with the


level) Faculty in the field

of agricultural sciences

- at least 3 years of work

experience in vocation

- B1 level of English

language skills,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

adopted methodology;

- implements regulations, manuals

and guidelines for audit


- implements instructions and

guidelines related to performance of

audit team work scope;

- regularly establishes contacts with

other employees in audit team and

exchanges information and

experience from audit;

- participates in field work and audit


- performs activities related to

collection and arrangement of

documentation on auditees, creation

of data base, arrangement of audit

documentation and completion of

audit file;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Junior auditor - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –

Economics or Law,

- at least 1 year of work


- B1 level of English

language skills;

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed;

- computer literacy.


- Participates in field work and audit


- participates in collection of audit

evidence, conducts account checks

and testing in compliance with the

adopted methodology;

- implements regulations, manuals

and guidelines for audit


- implements instructions and

guidelines related to performance of

audit team work scope;

- participates in creation of audit files;

- participates in carrying out less

complex work during audit


- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.

4. Administrative and Professional Service of Audit Authority




- coordinates and manages work of


- higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty in the field

of social sciences –


- 3 years of work

experience in

management jobs or

other adequate jobs

requiring independence

in work.

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,

- computer literacy.

the Service;

- performs the most complex tasks

and takes care of legal and efficient

performance of activitites of the


- supervises and controls execution

of the budget of Audit Authority;

- takes care of promptness and

legality of managing accounting,

financial and general affairs;

- follows regulations in the field of


- prepares financial budget plan and

report on execution of financial plan;

- carries out control of spending funds

by concluded contracts;

- carries out control of calculation of


- prepares quarter and semi-annual

reports as well as Budget Final

Account of Audit Authority;

- preparation of financial statements

and submission to State Treasury;

- verification of accuracy and validity

of proposals or payment claims by

state money.

- participates in preparation of public

procurement plan and report.

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Independent Advisor I - lawyer - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty of Law,

- at least 5 years of work


- computer literacy,

- A1 level of English

language skills;

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed,


- follows regulations and general acts

of Audit Authority;

- prepares individual acts on

exercising rights of employment;

- keeps CKE (Central Human

Resource Records), human

resources and other records in the

field of labour;

- prepares annual public procurement

plan, performs public procurement

tasks and prepares contracts with


- conducts administrative

proceedings upon requests for free

access to information;


- professional examination

for working on public

procurement tasks,

- cooperation with competent

institutions with a view to providing

more efficient work performance;

- prepares and implements integrity


- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Independent Advisor I – Translator/Interpreter - higher education of 240

CSPK credits, (VII-1 level

of education or another

equivalent education

level) Faculty of Human

Sciences – English


- at least 5 years of work


- computer literacy,

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed.


- prepares and translates complete

oficial correspondence or Audit


- translates general and special acts

of Audit Authority and documents

which are submitted to the

European Commission;

- translates laws and by-laws as well

as other materials from English into

Montenegrin and vice versa;

- simultaneously interprets from

Montenegrin into English and vice

versa, if necessary;

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.



Independent clerk – technical secretary - Secondary education of

240 CSPK credits (IV

level of education),

- 3 years of work


- computer literacy,

- A1 level of English

language skills;

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed.


- performs technical preparation

(completes, delivers, puts off

and stores) materials for the

needs of holding meetings

attended by auditor general and

deputy auditor general.;

- mediates in making phone calls

and reception of parties at

auditor general and deputy

auditor general;

- activities related to reservation

of hotel, tickets and necessary

correspondence regarding these


- . performs other tasks at the

behest of his/her superior.


32 Clerk

- Secondary education of

240 CSPK credits (IV

level of education),

- 1 year of work


- computer literacy;

- professional examination

for working in state

authorities passed.

1 - performs administrative and

technical tasks for the needs of

Audit Authority;

- receives and distributes mail and

intakes and outtakes acts in the

register book.

- submits the acts in work through

internal delivery books;

- keeps supporting records envisaged

by office business;

- archives and stores archived


- handles and stores seals and


- multiplies and distributes materials,

- performs other tasks at the behest

of his/her superior.


Article 8 In the Audit Authority one or more trainees with higher or secondary education may be

employed for professional training.


Article 9

Reassignment of employees of the Audit Authority, pursuant to this Act, will be performed

within deadline of 30 days from the day of entering into force of this Act.

Article 10 An employee of Audit Authority from the Article 7 of this Rulebook who is reassigned to job position no. 29 will adopt Decisions in administrative proceedings from 1 July 2017.

Article 11

The Rulebook on Internal Organisation and Systematisation of Audit Authority no. 10-4040-186/6 from 26/02/2013 is no longer valid starting from the day of entering into force of this Rulebook.


Article 12 This Rulebook shall enter into force the eighth day from the day of the announcement on the notice board of AA, and after approval by the Government of Montenegro.

Number: 3016-06-365/1 Podgorica, 30.11. 2016.


Mila Barjaktarović