Rugby gym News



Randwick Rugby union (Gym news) July 2010

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Gym Training News Less talking more lifting


This time of year is particularly challenging on the immune system, there are many winter bugs & viruses around, particularly in the gym. Exercise whilst obviously good for us, actually lowers our immune system. We get stronger only if we allow our body to recover. Good nutrition is key to this process, particularly our intake of fruits & veggies. The minimal recommendation is 2 Fruit & 5 veg. This should increase if you are playing & training hard.

In addition to nutrition we also need to get enough water, The RDA is 2-3 litres. Caffeinated drinks de-hydrate our cells, so don’t count coffee / tea / coke as water. If you do consume caffeinated drinks you need to double up with the same volume of water. ACTIVE RECOVERY – If you are sore from the training or the game on the weekend you should still be in the gym, the focus however should change from intense workouts as per the program to: Foam Rolling, Stretching, Light cardio. This will help flush the toxins out of your muscles and deliver nutrients through increased blood flow. Hence a faster recovery.

ABC radio this week, confirmed that recovery after intense training or sport

takes twice as long if Alcohol is consumed soon after. In a recent study they monitored 60 males who did an intense leg session, then soon after 30 of them drank OJ, the other 30 drank Vodka (200ml) it took the OJ group 30 hours to recover and the Vodka groups 60 hours approx.

July 2010



Free massage at TAFE for all players – call 9469 8738 to book



Try some of the stretching techniques that target more than one muscle, you will benefit more by doing this at the end of the session once your body is warm. See Rob for ideas on how to use the swing gym (see image) on how to do this effectively. If you do stretching as part of your warm up go for dynamic / mobilizing stretches as opposed to the static (45 second hold) stretches which should be done at the cool down.

Who Should Prehab? Athletes of all levels should include a prehab program in their training. The more advanced the athlete, the greater the need for a prehab program. As an athlete's body matures within a sport, their body adapts to the physical demands of training. Too often repetitive movements and the daily stresses of training cause negative effects within their bodies. This limited training technique may cause tightness of muscle groups, imbalances of strength, coordination or muscle stabilization. These imbalances occur naturally with activity and are reinforced with each workout. These imbalances are often the root of many training injuries and may predispose athletes to greater risk of injury during training and competition

When performing any of your movements, be mindful of your posture, all exercises have their own considerations however there are some general rules that apply: 1. Keep a neutral spine 2. Keep your shoulder blades down and back when performing any push or pull movements, not up & forward 3. Contract your core prior to any other part of the movement 4. Prioritize joint stability over weight or speed of the exercise 5. Use the mirrors if possible (Gotta love the mirrors!)

Compound Stretching

Training Posture

With any questions or topics Rob Derbyshire
