Rugar 10 22 Carbine Full Auto Conversion Manual


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Full Auto Ruger 10/22

Full Auto Conversion Manual



Tile leg.l COftstrllctton Ind possession of I fully .~t_tic ~'pOn Is controlled by tile "'re.1I of Alcohol . TONteO, and Fi~.",s division of the U.S. Trt.sury Deplrt.ent.

Proper appli cation t o tile B.A.T.r., ,ulnorl. Zltton, and pe""lsslon ... H bot secured before coostructing this or any other silll!l.r device. Locil and state laws VIrY and lilY restrict owner­ship of thts Or sl~11lr type weapons.

Senrt penalties I rf Ilithoorized for vlol.tors of these laws. IIlnut~n Publications offers thl$ Info ... tlon for ,c.dfllic study of flne • .-.s 4tstg" and dlscl.I_, Iny responsibility or It.bil. ity for tn.e illproper or Illeg.1 lise of this or other sl.tlaT devices.



Table Of Contents


Introduetlon ............. . ................... 1

ClMpter I ~uen(e of Oper,tion .................... 9

Cillpter 2 P,rU 10 Be Remoyed Semi-AutOllllltlc ....... 17

Cillpter 1 P.rts To Be Modified ... ..•.•.•.......... 19

Clllpter 4 Puts To Be M1nuflctu~ ......... ....... 2'9

P,rts list ..................... . ............ 39




Tile purpose of this .. nu~l Is to pro.lde tile necesslry Ins tructions .nd .. nuf.cturlng d.t. re-qulred for conversion of the Ruger lo-ZZ, se-I-Iutout lc carbine , IntO. nlecttve fire .uto-.tlc unit.

When IIOdtfleli to the specific.tlons gtven. tile we.pon re(llfts tts se-t-autOlllltlc lIOde of operation and .lso .11ows fully .utomatic fUnctioning by .,. Ing the selector luer In to tile proper position.

The Ruger 10-22 .. de its debut In 1964. and hIS become one of t ile .,5t IX'Pul'r flre .... s of Its type In the world.

These we.pons are 10gicil choices for nt_tic conversion bec.use they hive proven theltselves to be well IIIde. very rugge-d. IIIln­Uln • reltthely light ..... Ight, Inll Ire IlIlpt­.ble to .. ny different sighting Irrlng~nt$.

The Ruger 10-22 is .n eeon .. leal ...... pon to pun:lllse , thereby Increasing its awllhbility to .. ny persons h'rlpered by tile strugg11ng econ~. New prices for the stanllird carbine run In the S9O.00 to $110.00 rlnge. Good condition used Cl rb i nes can 1M! purchued for .ppro~lmately $45.00 to $15.00.


Another dhtlnct .dv.nt.g<t of t he syste., Is t"'t , ... nltton expoensu Ire held to I .I nl_ when ca.parf'd to nrlDlls centerflN' syst_.

The .12 l.R. cartridge Is U.tttd In Its pOWer and ran!lf! . but In tile fully aut_tic .ade. the 10-ll Is a for.ld.ble weapon for .. ny appllc.tlons.

The "'IX\II Is wll adaptable to silencer construction lnd use. KIo ny vlriOUS stock conf l9ur. t lons IN' ... tl,bl e , p~.ldlnfl greater f lulbility for Intended use.

~uMtrou s high capacity .. gazlnes Ire lV.llable for use with the Ruge r 10-21. The EATON SUPPL Y. [IIC. lS rd., CONDOR 25 rd . • "nC~Ell SO rd . • and THOMPSON style SO rd., do. .. gulnes p~vlde ... ch greater flexlblllty over the shnd.rd 10 rd ... gulne .



Sequence Of Operation

A loo~ th~ugh thoe ICco-p.nylng drawings wtl l ghe the enct orientat ion . nd N'lltlonship of the pflrU con t rolling the firing cycle .

To .ehleve posl t l . e and relhble functioning. the trigger group for the selec t ·flre Ruger 10-22 11'' ' redesigned Incorporating tM butc ilnl sn of the Belgl.n FN-FAl . nd llest Genu.n H-G3 le rifle hili lies. Soth of thoese weapon systlMlS .re legendary In poerforunce . nc reltabllity.

The .adttled 10- 22 sttll retains the clos­ed-bolt -ode of operation.

When f i r ing the .adified weapon. the follow­Ing sequence of events OCCur:

(1) COCll1l6 TIlE WEAPON

I. Ass .. lng the re Is a 1000ded IIIgulne In place. the UlI r rlUaetl the tlolt handle (.nd bolt assembly) whi ch rOhtes the h._r rea .... rd. This letlon ca.presses the recoil sp r ing.


2. As the hamer almost cOlllpletes its rurward rototion, the bottom of t~ hallll1er tonUcts the top of the disconnector which in turn pivots downward, releas ing the sear to ...,tate upward Into p<lsition against the ha_r. The engagement t>etween the halllller and sear is not yet set at this ti. i>ecause the halDer is fully rotated rearwaN.

3. [luring this saM Initial rearward IIIOvement of the bolt and halllfter. the relnse lever Ind catch also move rearward slightly. The travel of these parH is lilllited by the ejector pin which Is posHioned through a slot In the rel ease lever. Both parts have independent torsion springs which forces them to ...,tate rearward. The stationary arlll of these springs locates againH the ejector pin. As the bolt and hallfner cOIIIplete their rearward tNvel, the engagement surface of the catch is against the ha!mer rudy to engage the ' burst' notch.

4. When released. it forwa rd.

the bolt is fully retrac ted. it 15 Recoil spring tension then propels

5. At this $l1Il' In$tant, the hanner (re leased from contact with the bot tom of the bolt) rotates forward SlilhtlY and securely engages the sear and catch , both previously p<lsltloned) In their respective engageaent notches.

~. As the bolt Is moving forward, it strips a live cartridge frOlll the lIIagazine and begins to chami>er it.


7. At a given point just l>efore the bolt closes coopletely, the top of the reluse lever (havlny previously moved rearward) ~kes contact with a radiused slot ,",-chi ned in the ootto- of the bolt. As the bolt continues forward IIOUon, the release lever rotates forward, Through engag9l!nt with the catch by ~ans of a laterally pOSitioned roll pin, the release lever rotates the catch out of englge~nt with t~ hammer. (Soth the catch and release lever pivot on a COQlOn pin) .

At this pOint, the weapon is ready to fire .


I. The weapon is now in a loaded and cocked j)Osltion as established In the sequence above.

2. The safety should now be !lr)ved to the "OFF" position. (The safety i s unaltered in this MOdification and fUnctions iden t ically as before. By moving the safety to "OFF," the lower lug of the Sear Is provided with clearance to enable downward travel when the trigger is depressed).

3. The selector lever must be j)Osltloned In the rearward, or "semi" position. In this posi­tion iI lug on the b-ottom of the selector lever phot will be pO$ltloned In iI downward j)Osltion and will lIlIH the upward travel of the rur section of the trigger.


4. OrPn!" t~ trigger. t~n!by rele.s1ng t~ , .. r Ind h_r englg8l!'nt. T~ h ... r. under 'pring tension f .... t~ spring . routes forwa~ strlk 1ng t~ n!U of t~ firing pin '''<1 d.ton.t1ng t~ ,. rtrldge.

S. '~bolt •• ctlng on t~ preuurt '1Inented during the n!sult.lnt explosion of de ton.tlon . IIOveS ........... "'. utretttng . nd ejedln, the f ired u rtr ldge clSe.

6. As the bolt IIOves rUn<,rd . the releue lever lIOns IS previOusly eXII1.lned. As tile bol t cOIIIPletu run<'rd travel . the dlsccnnector dlseng.ges the snr enlbling It to be In position for re-en\l'gelllent with tile h._r (IS previous ly described).

7 . Fon<lrd bolt t nvel perfo,...s tile SUII! func­tions IS previously desc r ibed. For .notller shot t o be f i red. t he user ... st ... IUs. tile tr1991r Ind tllen depress It '1I,In to re,.,. tile sequence I' desc ribed.

(l) FUU AUlO

I. The "u pon is In a loaded Ind coded posItion (as desc r ibed In '1-1).

2. Tile u fet}' 1$ -a.ed "OFF" (IS described In 12-2).


] . T~ selec tor lever ... st be pOsitioned In t~ fo .... "' or 'tlURST' position. In thts posi­tion. the lug on the botta- of the selec tor lev.r phot hn rotlted .......... rd enough to 1Y0id cantlct lng the upper .... IT ..... of t he tr l9ger. The trlner In thls position un be depressed further .

4. Ful ly depress t~ trigger. t~reby relnsln, the he_r-snr t ,nd result 1ng 1n deton,t10n of the CiTtridge (n dtlcribed 1n 12-4).

5. The tr1gger rHlat ns depressed IS the bo lt cycles .... n<.rd, extracting Ind ejecting the f ired tu. (1$ descr ibed in #2-5).

6 . The re lene lever and c. tch hive rotlted ... , ...... rd (n ducr lbed in 11-] ).

7. At the l'I"r'IIOst travel of the bolt .nd he_r. tile dlseonntctor pivots downwlrd .nd tile sur to phot upward. HoweYer. bec.use tile trlgger/sn r .u..,ly has rotlted further down th.n H did 1n tile "seIIl" -odt. the snr Is not high enough to engage the h,_f. The Cltth secu ... l}, the he_r "bur$t ~otch," the reby 1I01dlng t he h.llmer 1'I' ....... rd n the bolt beg1ns fon<,rd trlVel, stripping Ind eh.mllerl ng I 11 . e c. rtr idgt.

8. At the inSllnt be fore the bolt closes CQIII­pletely, the relelSe cont'c1$ the bolt , pivots fCn<lrd Ind disengages the tltCh (n descr Ibed In 11-7). This .llows the h._r t o strIke the f iri ng pIn Ind detonate tilt Ca r­tr1dge .


This cycle Is repeated until the trigger Is relused. The selr Cln then rhe. lnterupt the hp LT, I nd Interrupt the firing cycle.


~Iector Is set at ·SEM'", Bolt Is In closed position. H • .-er Is cocttd. se.r engaged. ~luse ' lnd t.tch han pivoted ro ..... ard. S.hty .(l~ •.

• Hoving safety tg · OFF" Ind dep ressing trtgger .. Ill fin welpon.

14 Ii



Selector Is set. t "BURST", S"ety ·OfF" . • 'pOII lin fired .nod bolt is .,vlng fo ..... r d ullder recoil spring tension. Trigger Is fully depressed, lowering the se.r nose low '_g" to not ha_r. ReIUSf lever .nd clteh han .. ved re ...... rd Ind cHch Is tn9'gtng burst notch.

When bolt contacts Ind trips t he releue lever Ind catch assembly, the balllle ' fills to detoolce cart­ridge.



Parts To Be Remov&d Se mi -Auto

Due to the deslg" and charlcterhtlcs of the Ru~r lo-n. it lin been necessary t o ellllll­nlte the use of t he bolt lock. and bolt loc k spring.

Th15 wu "e(nU TY !)toeluse the reI uS! lever . reI .. " lever spring . c.teh , Cltcll spring • • nod phot pin occupy the slNIce where these pITH or191~1 11 Ire lac. ted.

All other COMpOnents .re used In thiS conver-slon.



I I Bolt lock Spring


12 Bolt l OCk


Ports To Be Modified

For select-fire converston of tilt Ruger 10-22 •• Inor IIQdtftcltton§ to §h plrts of tilt slandlrd clrblne is Tequl~d. The IIOdtftcltton§ .nd purpose of elch t§ de§cribed below.




I UU'd. This

x .030 dHp such I "Mer

position of tilt

Cltch/~lelSe lever

requi~s t"'t I 1/8" the houstng u Indl­

usMbly of tilt Also. I 1/32" . Ide slot is

Illow u5Mbly hole and 9/16" lon9 x ~qutnd IS indtcl te:,;". of the selector lever G

IJ . be .lte~d u s hown to allow

selector lever Issembly.


4. Dnwln~ , 4. bolt ~qulres e slot to bt IIIIchlnee

or cut Into the botto- IS IndlcHed. This profldes 1 CO"tlct surflce Ind prQfler tl.ln9 for tonuct with the ~lu$l I.y.r .

5. lrlgger- Onwlng , S. TFit trlg9tr ~ulres • 511111 cut to bt llllde In the uppl!r . ~.r portion nur tile dlsconr>ector pin IIole. The web .ru .ust be rnee (IS Indlc.ted) to pl"OYldt rurtl\tr rohtlon of the trigger asst.t:>I),. Tile dr •• ln~ can be used as a telllll.te for 10Citlon. Also • • s-/lll .1!)(J • . 0:)(1 shl. 15 epo.ted In position tn the slot It the posi tion InC/cited . This 15 neeusar)' to I the upw.rd tnvel of tilt sur when It dhen~agn fro- tile dlsconnector.

6. l4_r- Drlwlng , 6. A "BORsT" notch Is cut Into the ha_r IS Ind lCl ted. Thh engages the tltch when ISst.t:>led.



o o

1--/.015 -

1----1.415 ----,~ i

' .000


Selector P05ltlonln~ ~tents

Drill 1/16" diameter, .030 deep



1-- ,430 _


Drill 7/32" (.2187) dtuleter hole th...,~gh right trigger housing only

If>" /16


Ilr1l1 1/S" (.lZ~) dh­meter holt throul" trigger IIOI/sl"9 for R. Lner ' e,ten Pivot Plnl

Selector AsseMbly Is Inst_lled In Trigger Housing by .11901"9 the lugs and slot and Inserting. Sel­ector is rotated upwards go' ,


1---1.60C --I .BOO

, I .400 I - --, j r-- -------, +---,- - -- ----'-- __ .J I

Inl.t stoc k in this 6rt' to provide f or Selector Antllb'"



Depth Of Slot

I_ 1.00 RADIUS


Thickness of Slot



T .200


Diagonally shaded area represents the flat surhces of underside of bolt.



The bolt design for the Ruger IO-ll was changed at SOllie point. SeIC* are shown examples of eaCh. For this modification, each bolt can be used or in t erchanged.

---- ---Old Style Bolt

( U

( -----

"~ Style Bolt


II ¥ ...-- '){6 ( 687)

I 150 X 030

Epo~ the shl . i n this Ire,.

File web down In this .rea.


" )8 ( .(25)


--l .750 ,..! .. --

• •


B~rst Noteh is to bfl gro~nd to t ne dimensions Shown .



Parts To Be Manufactured

T~ fallowing ITt the new plrts reqijl~d for selec t -fire tonotrslon of the Ruger 1()" 22. "'tefl.1s for their cOl1Struction are also tn(l ud­... L


to be IIIde _tal. Thi s

part hilS • ' tlb ' whi ch Is bent around .I-05t double. proYldlng I notch for location of the working .,.. of tile reI use lenr $prtng. The Ii"'~ can be tr, nffe ,red by uli lng tilt dr • .!ng IS I teql l lte . The di.en­sloned lrelS should be IS accurlte IS possible to ensure proper t l.ln9 of lIa_r dlntl9l'9f­_nt .

. ~::: · 'i~~"· :1 cln be _de by bending I p1ece of .05(1 slH!flt _tal Into • chlnne ' shipe o f tile pr o"" , width , and the n fillng the p!'(Ifne t o .. tell the dr •• l ng . A 3/32" I .510 roll pin Is pressed throll911 both stdts of the c. t ch IS indiclted. (Press • longe r pin through and then grind to rtnhh­ed length.)






Dimensioned surfaces .. st be IS possible to ens ure proper with the hl_r.

Drawing ' 9.

n I ,curlte engl9flllen t

Is to be .. <Ie f~ .OJO equivalent. It un be

.. de I lt ttle prl, tl ce. lise • appl"(l xl .. te dla.ter rod ,la,..d In I vhe fo r an Irbor . Cut lbout a l" long piece of wl~ Ind clup bot~ endS with vile grips. llhen the IPPl"(lxl .. te Ingle IS shOWl1 In the drawing Is Ichieved. ~lnse t he sprt nS Ind !>end the t .. o curves IS shown. Cut spr i ng IntS t o the approxhl/lte l ength IS shown on the drlwing .

Drawing # Ill . In' 3.

Drawing' II. lever cln be .. de fro. .OSO

st~1 spring stock, or t..nd lng nlillble). If neither 11 IVlllable ,

~:~: IS used for t he ~lelSe lever Ind ( 1$ sufficient.

Selector Orl wing , Ii . Tlils lug I ny IVlil lbl , steel stock. i n t he selector lever . Insert II flatten the . 1 ~5 x .060 dlUleter lever. The ch ... fer In th' will allow the lug to .. shroom Ind be secu~ly fhed In pllce.

7. Dr ... ing I 13. knob can be IIIde of the SI_

I IS the l ug i n # 1. The knob is to pl"(lvide a better gr ip. the .09(1

,i; •• ,.~ •. 040 "t..ll" f l ... ly IIOsltlons the selector ISs!llbly by lilti ng wi th the llIdenh In the receher. To ns!llbl. the klOb. either brue the kn ob In phce. or fll~ the 3/ 16" (.181) dla_ter into the ch.Jlfer In the lcYcr after the two .re In position. Use a piece of steel rod with I 1/8" hole In the center IS I punch to f lue t he knob sec urely.


, i 1f; ( 87)

~ ,II+-- .200 , .330

I Ii. I @G--

T .050


1 Fold lib over to prov ide • not ch fo r ~­len! levu spring .

NO 7 I

. J75~

• • •

Drill 3/3l" (.0931) th~ugh 'Itch (Roll Pi n LO<:ltton)

, 0 I I T /75

.275 • ~ 1--- I I , I

Dr111 1/8" (.125) hole through titch


• , , , , .395 .510

J/JZ' dhnetu by .510 length J Roll Pin



--( 850

Y 140

. ~ ­

.550 .-L








-L ~_! • 'T e ~ ••

.187 --II- .050

1. 250

I € '

-it6 118751 T 1570

" !Ieflcs ) I t c..L

"'" =~t~ ~ " Cha.fer syrflces indicated

.030 K H "

I :~ ZC:, : EToRWG. NO. /I I 125 ---I r-- -I r-- 0 90 .300

t fl-r-l, I=:--Lj .500 L!-!----r.

~ l ~ 732

( 2 18 7) 045

.115 .250

~ 060


@ . .

S.lector Asse.oly


II .090

FI,re this l urf'ce when I ssenbled In S.lector l ever



.0 40


I. ReIns! Le~er 2. Relene Lnlr Spring J. CHeh 4. C.tch Spr ing 5. Pivot "n.R,lnn Le y.r

and Cl tch I


"1 I ,



• 'A'. This curv.d .re. on both springs Is to be IOCHed 'g.lnst the rei ' side of the ejector pin. This provides tension on both spr ings t o forcl the e.tch elld release l ewt r re . ..... n:l s .



1. Receiver 2. Trigger Guard Assembly 3. ~rrel

4 . Stock 5. Receiver Cross Pins (2) 6. Bolt Assembly 7. Bolt Ha ndl e, Guide Rod, and Recoil

Spring AHellbly 8. ~rrel Retoiner 9. Sar rel Retainer Screws

\I). ~rrel Band II. .... gazine 12. Trigger Housing 13. Hanner 14. Hanner Strut 15. Hanner Spring 16. Hanner Bushings (2) 17. Halm"lf!r Pivot Pin 18. Halm"lf! r Strut Washer 19. Pivot Pin- .... gazine Latch and Ejec tor

"" 20. Ejec tor 21. Bolt Lod Spring 22 ..... gazine Latch Plunger 23 ..... gazine Latch Plunger Spring 24 . Bolt Lock 25 ..... gazine Latch 26. Safety 27 . Safe ty Detent Plunger 28 . Safety Detent Plunger Spring 2'1. Trigger 30. Trigger Plunger 31. Trigger Plunger Spring 32. Disconnector 33. Disconnector Pivot Pin 34. Sear 35. Sear Spring





36. Trigger Pivot Pin )7. Bolt )8. Firing Pin )9. Firing Ptn Rebound Spring '0. Flrl"9 Pin StOfl PI" 41. btnctor 41. Extractor Plunger 43. Extrac tor Spring 44. Bolt Stop Pin



, , , • •


.' • , , , , ,

. I -' ~ ' '4<'" / .. ~: . "/" . . , .' : - ", . '--' I I •


-.:. 11

.' " -- , -- ,

" 10122 CARBINE


