Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer -...


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Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Cyber Bullying Version

Today I will be telling you the story about

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Let me start when Santa was announcing the most exciting news everybody was waiting for all year. The news was who was going to lead the sleigh this Christmas. All the reindeer were overjoyed to hear this annual news.

“All you reindeer, listen up. I am about to announce the greatest news of all!” Chuckled Santa.

All the reindeer laughed and yelled, “Wooooh-hoooo, alright, yah!!!”

Santa began to announce the yearly news. “The leader of the sleigh this year is Rudolph!!!”

Silence struck the room. Everybody was disappointed.

After the thrilling news, Rudolph received lots of unexpected texted messages saying mean and hurtful words.



Rudolph felt bad and didn’t know what to do!! The text messages repeated and came over and over again. He started getting sad and dashed to Santa for help. Rudolph explained to Santa what happened. Santa was upset and got very angry. Rudolph asked many questions.

“What are they doing and why are they being so mean to me? I didn’t do anything to them.” Rudolph said.

“I’m afraid they are cyber bullying you, Rudolph.” Santa replied.

Rudolph asked curiously, “What is cyber bullying?”

Santa answered, “Well Rudolph, cyber bullying is when one harasses, embarrasses, or threatens a weaker target on any electronic device. For example a phone, computer, or even an Ipad. Almost anything you can communicate on.”

“Cyber bullying is worse than physical bullying because when you are cyber bullied you don’t know who it is, nor can you see them, and more people can see the chat.-which means more widespread humiliation.”

“ Santa, do you know the stats say about cyber bullying ?” asked Rudolph. “Yes, I do,” said Santa.

42% of kids cyber bullied other innocent children. That’s not good! They will be on the naughty list this year. 20% have been threatened online repeatedly. Did you know that there was a 50% increase in the reporting of cyber bullying between the years 2000 and 2005. Over half (53%) of children admit to saying mean and cruel things, and last but not least, there’s a 70% increase in your likelihood of being cyber bullied. That means more and more children are cyber bullies and victims.”

Santa explained, “13% of teens had a rumor go online. 38% of teenage girls say they have been cyber bullied online, and 26% of boys says they have been cyber bullied.

“How can I be polite online?” Rudolph asked.

“Well, you can use netiquette online.”

“What is netiquette, Santa?”

“Netiquette is having manners online.”

“How can I use netiquette, Santa?”

Santa explained, “There are many different ways you can use netiquette. One way is by saying please and thank you. It’s just like you were talking to a friend or anybody in person.”

“Remember, don’t use CAPS, because that means you are yelling or screaming online. It is considered rude. Also, if you are trying to tell a joke or you are just kidding, use emoticons to tell you don’t mean it personally.”

;-) <3

“And what ever you do, think before you type. Is what I’m going to say appropriate? Is it mean to say to others? Try to ask yourself questions”.

“If you are ever bullied again tell an adult and save some of the messages for evidence.”

“Don’t respond to a bully by saying you are upset and mad because they are bullying you for a response,” added Santa.

“How can I help others?” asked Rudolph


Santa answered, “One way you can help others is by making a book or even a club to stop cyber bullying. You can even make a website on cyber bullying to help others who need information.”

“You did the right thing, Rudolph. You told me, an adult. We need to talk to them and educate them about cyber bullying and tell them why what they did was wrong.”

Later Santa had a meeting with everyone. Santa told them all about cyber bullying.

He said, “No one ever deserves to be cyber bullied, and always tell an adult if it happens.”













