rr The Evening Journal · 2019-06-06 · J rr r WEATHER The Evening Journal Circulation. Yesterday...


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The Evening JournalWEATHER Circulation Yesterday

Non Returnable

19,£87. 1Unsettled tonight und Sun­

day; iirohuhly snow turning to ruin, rising temperature to­night; grnlle east to south-

east winds.







I -K ■



Antis” Claim it Would Be Deceased Had Conducted Necessary to Amend Con­

stitution of Delaware

Copies of Declaration and U. S. Constitution for School



Wholesale Grocery Busi­ness for Long Time

.. u

o rT\

St Government Agents Are Now After 173,911 Wilful Army

Deserters and 151,354 Suspects

Friends of Act Claim at Least Majority of 10 Before






RAILWAY UNION MEN I Vigorous warfare against lied prop- | i.«adern of the anti-suffrage move­rs.» ft«nit m/t HTfi nmi ganda in the L’nlled Slate* wu de- ment In Delaware see In the arlion ofUuJlLI 10 WILSON dared today by the Capitol District of ,ho Mar>"|a"d '» re.f",ln*

1 : 1, . ., . . . .__ I to pass the Anthony amendment, and---------------- I the Kiwanls Club, which Is holding po|nta bro,lfrtlt 0UI In the dlscus-

WARHTNOTON, Feb. 21. Unlled lts Drst annual convention in Wllmlng- i slon 0p tbe amendment before the law-

Press).—A committee of railway union ton this afternoon, and will give a making body at Annapolis, pertinentofficials today submitted lo President brilliant banquet tonight. reasons why Governor TownsendWilson a memorial characterizing the As an opening gun in the struggle j should not put Delaware lo the cx-

.bor provisions In the Esch-Commins !he Klwmian* purpose giving each and ; pense of calling a special session of hill as ".absolutely unworkable.” j every school child In Delaware, Mary- I the Legislature In order lo consider

The Esch-Cummins bill is before the1 land, Vlrg.na and the District of Col- 1 the amendment. Delaware’s conslitu- llouse today for action. | iinibia a line fac simile ropy of the j lion limits Ihe rights of suffrage

The committee was composed of the Declaration of Independence, suilabie men. and consequently the anll-suf- same three men who Iasi week’ con-: for framing. I fraglsl, assert It would be unconslitu-ferred with Ihe President in regard loi Fuittur, the Klwanlans purpose dis- j tional so far ns Delaware is concerned, the wage controversy with Rail Direr-1 Irlbuting copies of the Consttulion of even If a majority of the legislators lor Mine». They are Acting President the United Slates lo older school pu- should be favorable to the Anthony Shea of the Bro herhood of Railway pj|8 and to offer medals and olher amendment.h ire men and Eng.nemen; President prizes for best essays or commence- Mrs. Henry P. Fro't, vice-presidentManfon, of the Telegraphers, and Acting ment addresses on Ihe subject of fun- of the Delaware Anti-Suffrage Aasorla- 1’resident Jewell, of Ihe Railway Em-1 Continued on Page Two Continued on Page Twoploye«' Deparlment of the American: = federation of Labor.

With strong and determined opposl-j lion demanding Its defeat, the railroad1 j

hill, considered necessary for successful! private operation of the lines, was up for (Inal action In the House today.

The vole, is was believed, will be very close althou.-h Republican sid^rs were confident that the measure will be passed by the House before adjourn-..aient tonight, despite the objections of i Ihe offer of Ihe former Grown Prince I documentary evidence lo submit to the «nhsemieni 1« „„railroad workers and the Democrats, of Germany to surrender h mself for German tribunal at Lelpslg. which Is ’ ■ ^!rdica!inff ihe unexpected strenirtti of frial before an A’lled tribunal on j lo try the accused Tntans as named In l0,s <>ln liarvey, «irni y^ars, founder fie opposition, thvt«o favoring Uie bill j changea of war crimes. It was learned Ihe lists submitted bj the Allies. of the largest whole»» V g-ocery busl--i.mate<l it wHl be approved by a ma- today. Provision for the trial In a German ness in the Stale of Delaware, died at

Continued on Page Five The Prince’s offer, made tt a pm- court was made In the latest Allied note Ion war guilty to the German govern­ment, The Allies reserved the right to


Stf-d ; WASHINGTON. Feb. 21.Approximately 3T.,iT00 __________

i *1 lekers lia\e be n rounded up so far, i Ihe Justice Departnu nl let It be known i

• "day. In a drive l»> bring to book all "ho evaded military service In tbs vv r Th. se XiOUO arrests reprenait 111« a w irk uf months by department agents. a

who ire running down suspecta, the ran I - of vvliom are furulatied by tho 4 |

iljnlte Idraft



t’l ff

£\ rr

Notos pass to and fro and ull.rnat-, d<*mnn«li4 that Flume b»* part or a buff- " .ip Department. urns nil Ihe air rh.efly over the diapo- ,.r gla|„ hllt lhat lhu ,,0Pl luelf bP The lists of names arc divided Int i

sll.on lo be made of the two ports, j ..UjUnllt,1( • w„,k. Zara a fr).e port. . d a7 wJTrul .ies r eJ’Trom ! Fiume and Zaia, on the Adriatic Sea. 1 ..... . _ . . classed a* vviirul deserier* from the

Vs the friend and sponsor of ,he Infant i roprescnlcd In It* foreign nffdra by draft, and 151.354 being regarded as sus- ! republic of Jugoslavia. Pres dent Wll- Italy. President Wilson s proposal I* peris who must be quest* ned and in- son opposes Uio settlement of Ihe that Flume be given to Jugoslavia, d s- ' vest Igated

problem proposed by the allies, which pile D'Annunzio's coup, and that Zara would he beheves. give Jugoslavia no I be granted special autonomy us « free day they are irolng forward with the

outlet lo the se» Italy lo t. work of rounding up tha -u-p-m-i

of llI 11 gat 1 on ran handle Ihe rases.

uf the 350°0 so far arrested, hundreds j have b en convicted and sentenced to 1 jail terms in Federal penltenlhries.

’Others are awaiting arraignment. Some have been let off with little punish­ment because it was found that while Ihe'r registrations dhuld be classed as "irregular” there was no intention of

I fraud.The penally for violation of Ihe draft

Continued on Page Two. |

m’■ fit'??' t’

kiim■ V,-A. A


JiiHtloe D parlmcnl nfllotoM »»Id to-


.Vi■;JB I .

* a

TIDBIT BUREAU MAYOR OKHOLSTEIN HARVEY.PARIS, Feb. 21. (Vnlted Press).—The | the recenlly creat 'd allied commission

Mlles have decided not in respond to of Justicaries has begun Collecting After an Illness lasting for more than

ISMS BOOKLET NEAR EAST DRIVEhis home No. 1303 Delaware avenue at

10.20 o'clock this morning. Mr liar-1 vey's family. Including hit wife. Mrs I

Purpose Is To Be of Assist- Dr. Constantian Tells of Bru­talities Practiced by Hun

and Turks

vision that charges against other ac­cused Germans should be dropped. Itwas submitted recenlly by cable to the press their charges further if not sat s-heads of the principal allied and asso Owl with the Investigations and de-i^hza Harvey, ht. dêilüfllof Mr*. George: elated powers. It was also learned thaï ! lisions of Ihe Gfrman court. S. Capelle, Jr. and his three sons El-

wood. Holste'n Harvey, Jr., and Morton I Harvey were at the bedside al the lime1

of Mr Harvey's death.Holsl.-in Harvey was bom near West]

Chcsier. Pa, in 1847. H j Dr. Biwood Harvey, of Chester, Pa . andij hia mother Josephine Harvey, nee j Questions of vita) Import In aliens | The appeal of Mi« Near East for1

Mr/ Harvey a'lb n.l M (h.-* --hooTof1 m'ss ,,v,n» ln 'Vllmlngtnn arc answered In monev for food and clothing-will be Health Department, HoW- DUBLW. Feb. 21 (United Press).—The their attitude of refusal even lo eon- Emma Wo rail, at Wept Chester, after,« nf,«‘ compendium Issued by Ihe new ] presented In both Protestant and Gath- - c_ _ Conditions Are

military authorities issued a proclama- ; shier the Premier’s measure. j Continued on Page Five , Jy opranlzed "Iroiible bureau" of the chufche* of this city and Stale to- ! ’ ‘linn tndav ordering all residents of' "l’r,','rs "'ll wall and see what Ihe .TT __________ Delaware Amerlennlzatlon Committee, morrow. D'! ivv are’s campaign for »75, Not Alarming

Dublin to stay indoors b tween mW Çffi? O’BrieJISli nf thé™ f. D- J IV DUBJ |r|{ "Did, has .W he dquartvrs tn the Pub-; i™ ̂ ** >'WEATHER PERMITS ' ^a^Üiri”eïW,Bll> ‘ r '’ -W "'w‘.ini"*to know more about the UullfflLLl KLi LlLU bUrea'u’M^lnb^îllîTli b7ji!al vSub. Ho"'1 d l’ont and allhougti form..l" !-

______ I The order •will .........me effective, be- plan beio:...... we d- •• d- whether vve IMTYfl III! ■ girt ' 1,11 Imp i - . pl:ie< fe alien- (■, s i 1 ,,ll! !1 ! 1 11 "'dll MI ginnfnz Monday.. It follow d extensive ought to try to work it," O'Brien said.

Colonel J. P. Jervey. United Slates | r(tlds by lhP military Thursday night As l<, the so-ealled "Mon oe Dee- Engineer for the Wilm ngton district, I an(j Par|y pviday on various headquar- trine" for Irelard. as the London in­is busily engaged in preparations lo re- (rrs 0f t|)c s^'nn Fein vi lunleers. Many t rvlew quoted Dévalera as pivoi«is ng Siirnc Ihe-work of widening and deep- j bo,18e„ and business Arms were search- n a statement given .Mil In New York, ening Ihe Chesap-ake and D lavvareic(j and a |arae number of young m n O'Brien sa d he wished lo aw%M ofll-ranal from bay lo bay. As predicted in | arpeste(j> Armored cars and tanks were clot con Donation of Ihe Interview.The Evening Journal several weeks a«o. j uw(| by’the military. What Dévalera probab y had 'n mindColonel Jeney has received assurances j Discussion in Sinn Fein circles here O'Brien believed. Is that whether Ins

from Washington that Ihe failure of | rrnt,-rôo on Premier Lloyd George's land remains a subject nation or be- bids to come within estimates could,new [)0me rule b'll scheduled lo come cçmrs free, as long as Great Brila'ncause only lemporary delay ot «the ,up in |he of commons next week, has her grat military and naval Row , -work. He now has received word from , an(1 |h<, interview with Ernenn De er at her d srosal she will consdcr anv T\ IIS ANSWER MADE Colonel O. B. Pillsbury at Washington. | \-a]era prlnlcd in London. I warlike Inlervenl'on by a^ third powerto proceed with the canal improvement! g|nn'pein continued cautious In their! n Ireland as a hostile act aimed al irrespective of Ihe situation of the fommcnl on Ihe home rule plan. There her own aafety and this wllhout pro- Uivers' and Harbors' act In Congress, wa8 a noticeable change however, tn pounding a new Morr-oe Doctrine

ll Is felt certain the act will pass with a provision eliminating the 40 per

cent, contract clause.Speaking today of the work to be

done on the canal as rapidly as weather will permit. Colonel Jervey said;

"We first shall lake out the dry ex­cavations. rebuilding at the same lime all bridges along Ihe waterway, and then remove enough wet excavation, to

Continued on Page Five

NO HOLD UP ance to Aliens Living in City 21 CITY DEAF*




Col. Jervey Directed to Pro­ceed With New Water­

way Project



i the hundred* of volunteer workers who

have enl'stcd for the effort have

.begun their soliciting.

I when in trouble.

Ariong the questions answered in.

already The weekly repo* of health rornffc

vos In th

j»Ü» LjL.iL/ iS I.the booklet, which is h Ing s- nl to all alien resid ’nta known lo the committee ! The campaign has Ihe support and aging

show ve-y enrour- Durlng Ihe week end*

were 58 deaths In Iho

eond't'on.under direction of Miss Helen Hart, art ; sympathy of all faiths In lies .......... loda, y ,how lo send money or parcels to Eu- itn,| most of the workers are from the r«p , how lo make sound government Investments ai^d Information concern­ing the hanks of Wilmington and the

Will Vote Against Suffrage Amendment if Special

Session is Called

city, 21 from pneumon'a and 10 fromchurches. broncho pneumonia, which may he cx-

Mayor Taylor, chairman of Ihe Stale p(.r|Pd at lh^

drive presided at the im etlng yesterday number of dealhs ex.season of lh- rear. Thu

<1* that of tha

corresponding period of last year

by 15

There vve-e 23 eases of transmissible

requ'remenls of the income lax."The safest and cheapest way In send and .turns the luncheon the Orignal

money lo friend* In Europe," says the s|jl orchestra provided tn.is'e and Irving ■a V in«« TAr, , -, booklet. “Is through the American Ex- Casier, song leader of Ihe Commun'!)’BY HIM 1ÜDAY press Company, or a reliable American «s^vice led the workers in the singing___________ j bank " American Express money or- community songs, 'diseases repo led—swlet fever 2 and

jd.*rs are for sale at No 21>yVest Seventh Mnnv of the workers have eontrtbu- I measles 21. The measles, however, arein replv to a letter from Mr* Flor street nr No. 411 M.’irkeJ^Derl, Amerl- „(,ns 'radv ^ r(!I,firt at tho nrst n„,rl. (lf a iiKt,t fo-m. and while It is well fn#

cnee Ravard Hille«. st ’1" chairman of Ihe can Bankers' Assoriaijffi cheeks are )ng for that purpose on Monday. Being every one to avo d places where theNational W men's Party, asking fer a for sale at leading Wilmington banks, # ,,,ïa| horday will not stop these vol- disease exists, there Is no special causedirdet an wer to the question of-would PostoDlee money #len are rterlar«!^. unteers from ’ proceeding with the'rlfo- alarmyou vote in sunnort of ratification of "safe." but they cost mnrP than ,.an,rn|gn *stiff* iee.” should Onmap Townsend press or Iwnk money ortlers when ‘T1‘ ..' w *. Habbert Invoked dl- a* compared with 23 for the eorresi>oiu)-

m"nV ^#,M _________ J v in** l.l—sl'ng on th .......In.’ d* m, vwk of Iasi v.ar

- tf anyone finds a fish disporting it 7)TLI PI0NFFR OFFICERSwho died suddenly at his honia, No. Inj^eckless manner In the waters V wh 1 he - if , .p. ,| *«k|on L 011111 ! lUllï/Jah Urrlt .115 £ ldmo,t to put the e.mpalgn Ing w..-' of i-i ; From these flg

2202 Boulevard, last Wedne*dsy, M»oK fih. Christiana this afternoon. It may be J •' 'll ' ■•' •"■In * ' A ra|in Tft fall? ITT AT RAN/NIGT icro.s and then ......... ni I Dr. Con uf * It will he *, a that while the death, I. , ,h. afternoon from j0.,„’. aUrlhute.l to the fact that Ihe police rat o„ ,.f ,h.; r- ... ..«f .............ImAi" IU 1V1Ü/E/1 Al OA!lI|Ufil V|n..,„ ' rale „uv I» hluh. r. Ho hu-lh r./l- alsoplace lAl^ornoon from St Johns M "nin( m[, ' m.nlliyof Mn Hilles' .e... r Hlitor *mley \ __________ H Ti.is Armenian during Ihe war was l- »"«h.-. Tai.n as „ wh. , the

P. E. Church. The Rev. Af.iati niche) intoxicating beverages down the sewer. Continued on P p Five * 1 ih,. , ffv-ini Interpreter between the Health Department Is very well Mttia-reetor, was In charge of 4he sendees, this morning ------ l Former . officer* of the Fifty-ninth (>pfran Turkish eommander* In the tied with health Modifions.

assisted by the Rev. Edmund Steven-.: The slock, consisting of 900 hollies of IIAVTVn TOO MlTPU Pioneer Idfaulry will give a banquet N>#p Rai1 w„ lhP,.n nnt hv choicerector of Calvary Ohuroh. Interment In !«•"•£• ^r’ »*■ ,,of ,eld,er’ n/1T,11U ■v > tomorrow evening «I 7 o'clock at the of hi„ own. but hv expediency He re-

•he Wilmington and Brandywine Jeroe "b'1 ltir,e J«r? of nu;,'' 'x W',1 TA CAV rYDTMCIl/I? Lambros. Mo-e than nrty guests will how he de*er(ed at a lime whenlery. |*®fi W,ai hî; I"O^pAl ililiolVfli he present fi«n Now York. New Jersey, • the Germans and Tu-ks were plann ne

.„mated into lU mySflous Noah'sf *"£”7 Sol ---------------- | Pennsylvania. fMay.and. Virginia *nd ' •

Ari on Monda/ evening, at Odd Fel- r‘ ^ ,y* j, M,arl 'an<' ,|„ ™^ ? .street, and was said lo b2Hked al Apparently IllfiP <mp-e«ed hy a fine IHuvvare. A épeei.u program of mus.O t|)ff (hp dralh and ,ortlirP nd en„i|vHy|

lrî:.H"AT*T.a.nd.ÎJln?* rrt!jTh: Gierung Past Masters of Temple Lodge.*7,erâl h*|?drwl dollars. -, 'mr'n,,“d "" h'T *|n ha" b,’rn "nirtged. , th- t Ihe Him and hi* Moslem colleagueNVah's Ark Not 1. Is the social side of A: and . M ant. «y I Harry, the former owner 4 of Iho rna-y 4 on a eha-ge of d'so-derlv eon- Governor John G Townsend. Jr., S’C- had In m'rd 'or themOdd Fellowship and.was founded oev- • V„mnn., i,lninr Warden of H«|UOP, Is spending some lima at the duet in the Cap (ol pool .pom No. 508 relary of State àre ett C. Johnson, Ad-• ral month* «to by number of in m- ^ ' 1 ' workhouse for having had ll fch rre it Market street, Walter Vlonre went hack Julnnt Generalbert of Delaware Lodge No. 1. The ,,le san"' loa° ’_________________ could be readily obtained by Öflilrsly to the place last Saluhlay n’ghl and and Mayor Will"Arkite*' IniPlde niemb rs from every i .. ... ... v tvirvnnrn i niin v*i public. ” , "*ed such abusive language toward Ihe the hono ed guOdd Fellow Kb nd tin WEr-Hl.T ». • -------------------------—— m J proprietor that 1 sledpopularity of the r anixatlon Is show- VSHINGT'iN. F' b. 21 I n.ted Pres- /xaji V Ponft I FUT on a rharg-» of d'-e u lv conductin Itself b' Uic large Increase in —Weekly forecast. North and M ddli »pOl/l/ Lll 1 J, When guen a h < ns in Municipal other of'lhe clllci of the ,ist. j Aus-

tn mbershlp since n- , ;»„rt existence. Stat* *: CAD CTAPUTTA! IYJTC Cou-t Hr* mo n uv he d d not f.i-e *o tin Ell son. whu .w - a leiil nant-eol-Chlef Na' isal/ r Noah had r .piesl<'d i n-eUlbd first of week w th snow Fl/ll U1 vtlUlULI/WU well ns on hi* Il -I ■; > n-ie- h"'ore nnel In Ihe 59tljRls lr.nl of Hi. localthat all “Arkites" "be on deck" by g,:)l in New England Monday, temperature __________ HiP court, a* he was (ln"d *10 and cos’s, committee that (*r anp d the dinner,o'clock. /. abov/f normal; snow or rain again ~ ' JBi 1 Moore pP ad ’d guilty r-mnrli'ng that

Ttie entertainment committee, of Tlm -sday or Friday, moderate temper- Register In Chnneery No-man .1’, he ‘o-iiessed he had a little loo much tö | INCRUAsMM Fl’Otll 0"tli:RCrouch has finished 11*1 n .- the daw gay." In MunidpaK/uil this morn ll* ih •

'of stockholders of the Peoples Gbbl ------ ------------------------------ | ont r a-aiii«ÄTh. ma* Marl, fur theCompany (tied ns against Hie hnlalk rerl'fled M Ik fur inf inis—Clover support of h *,[fuurt n-vear utd eh’ld In the hands of the receiver due slooi- 1J(Hry (-„_x.iv vv.is iiier.-asgflr’ n< <fi In fVGholders. Thee are 583 stockholder owning full paid stock, agg egal ing 15,-i

KSÏÂÏÏ SENA TOR LODGE PRAISES ip .... s ■>■zWWi',?.to 34C 4-5 of full pad stock, making 1'"" .« Ih" faral1/ ;'lf,Pd B ." ".

vlded among the stockholders the: e will SENATOR BALL S ABILITY laT-Sbo only about 1809. _________ • « " Gicndaü cl. From Ba t.mor

-------------------------------- Id'strlet several coses are reported, aPOST NO, 1 DANCES. In conversation with a prorn'o-nl ■ ity As a member of Ihe Naval Commit- " U a* in I'.igsboro and Gumhoro di

Post No. J, American Legion, gave an L Delawarean In Washington reeently, tee, he ha« been to Charleston In regard enjoyable dmee In Hie Armory last Senato- Henry Cabot Lodge, of Ma*si- nlght. TTie couples danced until a late ehusetts. j-eeognlzrd Republican h ad r hour and were much pleased with the In the United Slates Senate paid themusic by the post orchestra. following tr bute to Senator L. Hclsler which you perhaps have seen,"

Other dances are planned for the Ball of Delaware. Many other persons who have read .. .near future ( * "Wa are very glad to have him in the Senator Ball's report on the Charleston a qua anime is b. Ing plae cl on trie i

Anale, a* he Is not only hardworking navy yard also have made favorable homes and everything that Can possibly iCLOVER imd Industrious, but a man of excel- comment upon It because of IU critical | h- done i* being resorted to in an cf- !

é.nt good sense and a good deal of abll- .clearness and fairness. ifort lo stamp ll out. _____ L ‘


WILLI AM J. FISHERIS BURIED TODAY ! There were 34 marriages this week.


HELD UP, RUT HE’S HAZY ABOUF THIEVESFrom present Indications Miere will

probably be two nundred Odd Fellows

J R Trlvetls of No. 515 West Fourth street reported In Ihe police this morn-

: Ing that hr had been he'd up by two m o .at Fourth and Tatnall streets at 130 o'clock this mn ning and relieved

i of a small amount of rash.He was iionblf to give Ihe pofee sny crlpt o*v o' ‘be men who a:-« said to

have robbçd h m.

Dr Constant's- «aid wh-n the srml«- I’usey Wicke sham (’PP was s|cne,| lie'Nv'd ehar’e of "51

i O, Taylor will bo ^ urphans All of the parents of the chll-

Cuntlnued no PTwoIIt Is planned loliave an annual gath­

ering of Ihe fo ider officers in one or 25 ITTMnRA rvs L’J TICîSE F VTIILI 3 |

Increasef since ils t’borl existence. States: ator Noah had requestedkites" "be on deck" by 8.30 in New England Monday, temperature

aboviy normal; snow or rain again entertainment committee, of Thursday or Friday, moderate lemper-

vvhich FfJd W Lewis, Jr., is cha'rmnn, ature.

has prq

gram j refresh

» ■ -

uH InforSt'rvingTctsCunlrl' «Hors to ihr fund f< p

'■e rel ef of s' rving eh' Jrrn u i,r- irnl »ml F.» Urn Euro e mil i ! a ii ng port ons of \sia an' >c i ou e rd by The K.m ug Jour- a ns fol owa:

lohn E. Borrows .............I’r «!»• I r rn g •« and Flossie Kuhn

i'ng lon-n'lCpe-'s' »o m*,- rc li:A|n-e Hi '• j


GEGrCETi ANN, Feb. 2'

nf In'lnen ti have de.fljlsed the memb.’P* a good pro­of »nlerlalnmcnt followed with■er.

30 en1Ceda Creek d!sl-!cl In the »le nity «• JCardinal Urges

Moderate Dress»cts Itweek.

■V ral of the sufforcLincoln nod

arc 'n a crit ral condition=t=

% 5 .M) ;m.(M

TODAY'S TEMPERATURE\t#T!i • Evenng Jou-nal /'fflee. .

1201 p M... 1.00 P. M...

There aF rs Ihn*, orratr U. H cMUioerg .. lelfepsi n Lodge, 1. O. O. F lulu J. Larasc h ........................

2 00inslitulions are the8G1ÏA: M....... 2010.00/A. M....... 30

Amer cun“hope of liiimanily.” according to a pastoral letlir to the 101 Catholic bishops in the United Stales. The •otter is signed hy Cardinal Gibhons.

Cut hi,He women are ealled upon lo he moderate in dress and éther

forms of display and thus enrlt Ihe “er.»ye for p'easupe.”

.33III (W2'>.00 W»

■5.Msl'X AND TIDE.toonCush .......................................... ..

Elizabeth Heath, 4 yrs oid..

ILirris II nkson...........................\ friend ........................................friend ............................................»1rs. (', J. Raymond, Smyrna

! friend ............................................*

friend ............................................( lin ks should he made payah'e lo

the Ainerlean Relief \dmmlslralioa, H<*1 ( mss. The need is great.

.8 47 A. M.

.541 P. M.«mV rises ..

2 0(1Sun ...5.00Moiilh of Christiana. trlels.

. .. ■ Mne casts arc reported in this oil;*" ,’le discontinuance of ih.- navy yard and aboui forty in the rural scellons

there and wrote a most excellent report, s0 far no deaths have occurred In thi-

ilistrlot.In some of the sections of .the county

•»s.o*H gh water ...125H A. M. I 10 P. M. T.OW water .... 82"» A. M. 8.4'l P. M 3.0*\( pres« Iht

"ppeserijitions of plain deerney and even the slightest restraints of con­vention too often are disregarded,”

5 0*♦ *:wI (KI AM» I Ot Mi

OST ÂmT:tiivsi~ ThnKT TT'ESDAT

evening, uf the Lippincott dance, In tie ladles' dressing room, at Hotel dupant, nitinls E. It B. Reward If relume I to ÎI» otHce. feb21 2t.

GoutmueU Ob Eleven.

*'. 500

i.■ the h'tler says."The good sense of our people"

will solve (he labor problem, Ihe letter says.

iThe Safe, Sens’ble Drink.


