Roz Spitzer, Niki Mantas, Liuba Boyko, Judi Wise from Bellingham Technical College



Five Powerful Principles to Transform Your Class. High Structure. Intentionality and Learning How to Learn. High Challenge. Inquiry and Assessment. Intensity. Roz Spitzer, Niki Mantas, Liuba Boyko, Judi Wise from Bellingham Technical College . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Roz Spitzer, Niki Mantas, Liuba Boyko, Judi Wise from Bellingham Technical College Five Powerful Principles to Transform Your ClassHigh StructureHigh ChallengeIntensityIntentionality and Learning How to LearnInquiry and AssessmentRendezvous 2010 Yakima, Washington July 20, 2010The Five Principles and How They are Changing Our LivesHigh StructureHigh ChallengeIntensityIntentionality and Learning How to LearnInquiry and Assessment to make learning visible

Source: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Basic Skills for Complex Lives: Designs for Learning in the Community College (2008)Whats so powerful?The most promising innovations are shaped by an understanding that basic skills are not so basic, that even underprepared learners bring assets to their work. Basic skills must prepare students for complex lives.How did we get started?A synergy of things happened:The budget cuts!!! Promises, promises**Faculty Inspiration **A great grant writer $$$We got the FIPSE!!!(Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education)

Original Faculty Inquiry Group (FIG): Roz Spitzer, Niki Mantas, Ruby Butterworth, Liuba Boyko, Judi Wise, Connie Daugherty, Marcia Leister, Paula Girouard Key ComponentsTime & MoneyCommitment of FacultyCommitment of AdministrationOpenness to new ideasPersistenceJIGSAW ACTIVITY: Creating Powerful ClassroomsNumber Groups: LEARN YOUR PRINCIPLE!

Read the Carnegie Principle that correlates with the number on your color card.

Discuss strategies from reading and your own experience.

Be prepared to paraphrase the principle and share with others.JIGSAW ACTIVITY: Creating Powerful ClassroomsColor Groups: TEACH YOUR PRINCIPLETeach your principle to your color group members. (Limit: 2 minutes each/10 minutes.)

Discuss/take notes on these strategies. Which strategies have you tried? Which would you like to try?

Prepare for whole group report. Whats the best idea that you have discovered today? Prepare to share: Principle(s), Title, Description.

JIGSAW ACTIVITY: Creating Powerful ClassroomsWhole Group: REPORT

Each color group reports to whole group one awesome activity that supports one of the five Carnegie Principles.

How are we transforming our classes at BTC?

Metacognitive Reading Checklist & LogHigh StructureThese are reading strategies that should be explicitly taught. The checklist is to be used by students to practice while reading. By asking themselves questions at each stage of the reading process, students internalize a purpose and process for reading.Whatcom County Buses: Do They Deserve an Increase? High StructureHigh ChallengeThis can be adapted for any tax increase that a community is asked to approve.BTC Tuition Increase 2010-2011 (Math)IntensityHigh Structure/Challenge

10How are we transforming our classes at BTC?Carnegie Learning Cognitive Tutor

High StructureIntensityIntentionality & Learning How to Learn Blends collaborative and cooperative classroom instruction with Adaptive learning technologyLatest data shows that Math 50 students had a 78% gain in CASAS scores over ABE students

11How are we transforming our classes at BTC?Using Your Brain & Growing DendritesThis lesson (Using Your Brain and Growing Dendrites) is especially for ESL level 2-3 (and above) students, helping students think about how they remember new words and exploring how the brain works so that they can think about how to help themselves learn.Where Am I Going?How does one begin to explore career options and the education and training pathways in our state? This unit provides language support to help ESL students access the authentic language in Where are you going, a high interest, user friendly guide to career exploration. It includes self-assessment, career outlook, wages, and the training and education opportunities in Washington. Students reported relief at finding the answer they had been seeking, and greater sense that their goals may be attainable. How to Paraphrase Almost Anything(Level 4+)High ChallengeStudents at any level can learn how to put their understanding of a reading passage into their own words by showing them how to extract a mental image of the text one paragraph at a time, then reconstructing the image into words that are closer to their current vocabulary level. Student self-assessments show that they are more comfortable attempting their own interpretation because the product is more attainable than expected. 12How are we transforming our classes at BTC?Hayley Has it Down

Inquiry and Assessment to Make Learning VisibleHayley, an IBEST student in Allied Health, has learned to use flashcards as a means to memorize thousands of medical terminology word parts. By creating a class video, she makes her learning visible to her self and others.

How Much Energy do you Use?High ChallengeHigh Structure

This lesson is for I-best Electrical students. It can be used in any class where students are interested in learning about green energy and/or reducing their energy use.

13Everyone needs a little inspiration

Resources: with support from the Fund for Improvement of Secondary Education (FIPSE)
