Roy Osherove TDD From Scratch




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TDD from scratch


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Courses on TDD, BDD in JS, Ruby, Java and C# TDD (EpiServer TDD, MVC TDD…)Courses for Team Leaders ( & coaching through Bouvet

Team Agile - All rights reserved

Unit = Unit Of Work

Starts with a public entry point

Returns a ValueChanges System StateCalls a 3rd party system


Unit Testing vs. TDD

Writing the testsVs.When to write them

TDD is NOT about testing

It is aboutDriving developmentPlays a role in design and aestheticsFocusProductivityIncremental Delivery & early Feedback

I do not use TDD to test the whole system

Create a skeleton of a working systemSimple use cases, simplest inputsDrive development

Rest is covered byIntegration testsAcceptance Tests

I do not use TDD if

I am working on a proof of concept One-off that is short lived, or easy to maintain and fix without testsStartup with min. viable product

I do use TDD if

I am working on code that someone else might have to maintain at some pointI know this code will leave in this application for more than a week


This is a test line

Looks like you’re doing fine

Time for a song of mine

Bad Test

All around me are familiar classesNo test passesNo test passes

And I swear they passed the day beforeThey passed beforeWhat are you crying for

And I find it kind of funnyI find it kind of sadIf we didn’t catch this earlyThen project would be dead

I think the test had saved usBut my manager disagreesThere are clients running circles It’s a very very

Bad testI’m stressedHe’s not impressed

There’s a testing framework I am usingIt was hard choosing And very confusing

And there are many mocking frameworks to choose fromI tried them allAnd It’s killing my soul

And I find it kind of funnyI find it kind of sadThe tests that I’ve been writingAre the worst I’ve ever had

I find it hard to tell himAfraid that he will seeI am hiding from my dev lead It’s a very very

Bad testI’m stressedHe’s not impressed


Thank You

Coaching, mentoring and trainingFor team leaders, developers, architects and product owners
