Roy Dail - Senior Pastor From the Pastor’s...


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Roy Dail - Senior Pastor

Rodney Ayers - Worship Ministries

Christy Bryner - Adult Ministries

David Burda - Administration

Jen Conley - Children’s Ministries

Rigel Holmes - Youth Ministries

Roy Dail

Senior Pastor

Summer sure flew by fast!

But what a great summer – especially


Vacation Bible School was a blast. The

Three Rivers Festival of Hope with

Franklin Graham was a blessing. What

more can we say about the Corn Roast –


The best part of all of these activities

was the ease in which we related to the

unchurched people around us.

From the Pastor’s Desk

Inside this issue:

From the Pastor/

Lifeway Benefit & Luncheon 1

Vision Highlights 2

Sunday School 3

Church & Ministry News 4-5

September/October Calendars 6-7


Mongolia Connection


Alliance Youth 9

Children’s Ministries 10-11

We exist to grow in passion for God and compassion for people.

Volume 10, Issue 9

September, 2014

They need Jesus. They need a place to

belong – a church family who cares for


Fall is around the corner: back to school

– sports – after school activities. It is just

as easy to relate to the unchurched in

these spheres. Sometimes the ready offer

of prayer for a voiced need, or a simple

question, “Where do you go to church?”

may be all that is needed for someone to

discover our church family.

You will be surprised how easy it is!

Pastor Roy Dail

On Sunday, September 28, the

Christian Action Committee will sponsor

its annual Celebration of Life Benefit for

the Lifeway Pregnancy Center of

Latrobe. Lunch will be served in the

Fellowship Hall beginning at 12:15pm.

The main entrée, rolls and beverages

will be provided. Please sign up at the

table in the Lobby indicating how many

will be attending, and If you are able,

bring a salad (vegetable or fruit), side

dish or dessert to share.

A shower of gifts for clients and babies

of the center will be held during the

luncheon. If you wish to bring a gift, it

should be new and does not have to be

wrapped. Baby items currently in need

are diapers (sizes 4, 5 and 6), baby

wash, comb/brush sets, diaper bags,

baby monitors, breast feeding cover-ups,

Lifeway Pregnancy Center Benefit & Luncheon - September 28

and baby medical kits (medicine

dropper, thermometer, diaper rash

cream, etc). Items needed for moms-to-

be are maternity clothes, extra large

sweat pants and tops.

Monetary contributions may also be

given. Checks should be made payable

directly to Lifeway Pregnancy Center. If

you participated in the baby bottle

donation campaign, bottles may be

returned to the Welcome Center at any

time or to the luncheon on September

28. If you would like a receipt for your

donation, please include your name and

address inside the bottle.

Thank you for your generosity as this

important and worthwhile center strives

to save lives and make God’s will

known. We hope to see you for lunch!

Church Picnic - September 20 - See Page 2 For Details

Page 2 FOCUS

Our Core Values

Communion with God: We believe in the importance of a personal relationship with God.

Competent in the Word: We believe in the importance of knowing and obeying God’s Word.

Consistent Walk: We believe that how we live is important – in all areas of life.

Connected to the Body: We believe in the value of relationship with those who know Jesus Christ,

especially those with whom we regularly worship and serve.

Compassion for All People: We believe that no one is beyond the love of God, and so we are to

extend His love to all.

Committed to Serve: We recognize that God has provided each believer in Christ with gifts and

resources with which to honor Him.

Vision Highlights

5:20 - Our vision is to see 5% of the unchurched population in a 20

minute radius of our church become fully devoted followers of Christ.

1 every 3 - We will reach this goal if each person reaches 1 person

every 3 years who becomes a fully devoted follower of Christ!

Community Corn Roast Report This August brought a lot of opportunities to our church, and the

Corn Roast turned out to be a fantastic day. We were able to donate

more than $2400 to the Fort Allen Fire Department.

Over 170 people from our congregation got involved in volunteering.

It was so exciting to see God provide in so many ways - from the

perfect weather to the positive response from the Fort Allen VFC and

the community. The fire department treasurer said, “No one has ever

done something like this for us before”.

THANK YOU to all of you who volunteered and prayed to make this

event happen!

Church Family Picnic

September 20, 6:00pm, on the church property Please join us for our Church Family Picnic on Saturday,

September 20, at 6:00pm. The night will include hamburgers,

hot dogs and mountain pies, as well as games and activities.

Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Whether you’ve just

attended our church for the first time or have been coming for years,

we would love to see you there!

Page 3 Volume 10, Issue 9

Sunday School - “A Place for Growing… A Place for YOU!”

Our kid’s small groups meet for Sunday School at 9:15am (see bulletin board in children’s wing for classrooms)

and the Youth Sunday School class meets at 9:15am in rooms 225-235. Adult classes are offered at 9:15am

and 10:45am. Be sure to note the time that the class you choose is offered. Pick up a brochure at the rack in the

Lobby for details. If you can’t be here every Sunday, that’s OK - come whenever you can. It’s never too late to join

a class. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn something new and connect with people!

9:15am Classes

New Testament Class: Jude Have you ever wondered how a believer should

respond when society recognizes sin as good? This

epistle addresses this very important question in

light of changes in our own society. Though it is

short, it is very relevant and packed with explicit

instruction that can be helpful to us today.

Teacher: Tom McGarry

Location: Room 230/240

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take

Control of Your Life

By Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy,

balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property

line that marks those things for which we are

responsible. In other words, boundaries define who

we are and who we are not. Boundaries (physical,

mental, emotional, and spiritual) impact all areas of

our lives. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

offer biblically-based answers to these and other

tough questions, showing us how to set healthy

boundaries with our parents, spouses, children,

friends, co-workers, and even ourselves.

Teachers: Mike and Becky Buriok

Location: Conference Room (Room 550)

10:45am Classes

To Live is Christ to Die is Gain by Matt Chandler Using Paul's radical letter to the Philippians as his

road map, Matt Chandler forsakes the trendy to

invite readers into authentic Christian maturity. In

this disruptively inspiring book, Chandler offers

tangible ways to develop a faith of pursuing, chasing,

knowing, and loving Jesus. Because if we clean up

our lives, but don't get Jesus, we've lost! So let the

goal be Him. To live is Christ, to die is gain - this is

the message of the letter. Therefore, our lives should

be lived to Him, through Him, for Him, with Him,

about Him - everything should be about Jesus.

Teacher: Lee Calisti

Location: Conference Room (Room 550)

Faith Lessons on the Promised Land and Faith Lessons

on the Prophets and Kings of Israel

By Ray Van der Laan

Faith Lessons #1: Promised Land

Filmed on location in Israel, Lessons on the

Promised Land is an in-depth video tour of the

buried, distant, or otherwise forgotten places where

the stories of the Bible actually happened.

Faith Lessons #2: Prophets and Kings

In Old Testament times, it was a common practice

to sacrifice children upon the altars of Baal and

other false gods to ensure that the land would be

fertile and yield an abundance of crops. Are we

sacrificing unborn children today on the altar of the

false gods of convenience and prosperity? You'll be

challenged as the Old Testament comes to life in a

whole new way in Faith Lessons on the Prophets and

Kings of Israel.

Location: Room 225/235

Fall Adult Sunday School Classes - Beginning September 7

Page 4

Men! It’s that time again - our 5th Annual Outdoor Break at Tom Keller’s home! If you haven’t attended

before, this is what you’ve missed - good food, lawn games, campfire, a brief message, lots of fun, and,

oh yes, throwing of sharp objects (knives, tomahawks, stars)! Men of all ages are welcome. Bring your

sons, your dads, your uncles, and your friends!

When? Saturday, September 6, at 3:00pm.

Where? Tom Keller’s home, 701 Arona Road, New Stanton.

What can you bring? A covered dish and camping chairs… and good aim!

Any questions, please call Tom at 724-610-0829 or email at

Prayer Ministry

Every Sunday morning prior to the worship services, men come together to pray for the services and

our congregation. All men are welcome to join us in the Prayer Room located near the Sanctuary.

Bible Study Fellowship

All men and their sons are welcome to join us every Tuesday at 6:30am in the Conference Room 550

for the Men’s Bible Study Fellowship. We talk, pray and study God’s Word together to encourage and

equip one another for service to our families, church, work and community. Weekly attendance is not a

requirement - drop in as your schedule allows. Resolve yourself to get into the Word of God and let the

Word of God get into you!

Men’s Ministry - Don’t Miss our 5th Annual Outdoor Break!


If you are in your twenties - or a little before or after - we would love to have you join us for our

activities. Watch future Focus newsletters and Sunday morning bulletins for details on our upcoming

events. You may also contact Christy Bryner,, or Tom and Karen McGarry,

724-925-8377 for additional information on our ministry.

“God’s Creation” Calendars

With summer just ending, it’s hard to believe that 2015 is fast approaching and it’s time for our Annual

Calendars for Camp Sale. Order forms will be available Sunday, September 14, through Sunday,

September 28. Take a moment to stop by the table in the Lobby to see a sample of this beautiful “God’s

Creation” calendar. Payment is needed at the time orders are placed. Calendars will be delivered in early

October. All proceeds benefit the Children’s Camp Fund for Greensburg Alliance children who will attend

2015 Children and Youth Summer Camps at C&MA Western PA District Camps.

Young At Heart - Lunch at Bob Evans in New Stanton

Young at Heart will meet for lunch at the Bob Evans Restaurant in New Stanton on Thursday,

September 4. Please arrive at the restaurant between 11:00am and 11:30am. We will enjoy a good time

of fellowship together. Bring along a friend or two!

Page 5 Volume 10, Issue 9

We received a letter from the Salvation Army regarding our recent food collection: “Dear Greensburg Alliance

Church - Because you and other volunteers generously gave time, talent and energy on behalf of the

disadvantaged, The Salvation Army was able to help over hundreds of Greensburg families, children and shut-ins

with emergency food. We particularly appreciate your consistent efforts to support our food pantry; without your

help we could not serve the amount of people we do. Our prayer is that you experienced joy and satisfaction as

you shared your resources with others.” The Christian Action Committee thanks you, our church family, for your

generous donations to this worthy cause.

The monthly visit to Weatherwood Manor Assisted Living will take place on Saturday, September 20, between

2:00pm and 3:00pm. A spiritual program will be presented, as well as a craft and refreshments. We began this

ministry in the fall of 2009, and it continues to be a blessing to the residents as well as our members who


The next regular meeting of the committee will be held on Sunday, September 21, following the second service

in Room 220 at 12:15pm.

The Lifeway Pregnancy Center Benefit Luncheon and Shower will be held on Sunday, September 28, at

12:15pm, in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring your baby bottle donations to the luncheon or you may return them

earlier to the Welcome Center. See page 1 for details on the benefit.

Christian Action Committee (CAC)

As summer is approaching its end, and we gather backpacks and pack school lunches, we are excitingly

gearing up for our new season of Moms 24/7. Please join us for our first meeting on Tuesday, September 9, at

9:30am, in the Fellowship Hall. We will meet for two wonderful hours of encouraging one another, equipping

each other, and growing together in faith.

Our second meeting in September will be held on the 23rd at 9:30am. Continue to watch

Facebook, email, texts and handouts for our upcoming events. Please be encouraged to join us, even if you

have never come before, have come to every meeting, or somewhere in between. God has created all of us with

a gift to offer to someone else.

Moms 24/7 is a ministry for moms of ALL ages with children of ALL ages. Whether you are a first time mom or

you have grandchildren, Moms 24/7 is for you. Whatever your schedule or stage of life, we hope you make Moms

24/7 part of your life. It is not only an opportunity for you to get refreshed and encouraged, but also a chance for

you to refresh and encourage other moms. For questions or more information please contact Joanne Kreinbrook

at 724-850-7828 or email at

Moms 24/7

World Outreach Conference 2014

Our annual World Outreach Conference will be held November 2-9. This is a great opportunity to meet our

international workers up close and personal and hear what God is doing in the mission field! Our Kids

Konvention will be held during the World Outreach Conference for children age 3 through grade 6. There will also

be activities for Jr. and Sr. High students. Watch upcoming “Focus” issues for details.

The first meeting for our 2014 Choir season will be on Wednesday, September 17, at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.

If you are interested in Choir, please join us for this meeting. Hope to see you there!

Music Ministry

Page 6 FOCUS

September 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Church Office


Labor Day Holiday

2 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

3 1pm Adult Prayer

6pm Awana




7pm Adult Prayer

4 11:30am Young at

Heart Meeting @

Bob Evans, New


6:15pm Missions



7pm Thursday

Night @ The Well-

Alliance Youth (AY)


6 20 Somethings

Kayaking Outing

3:00pm Men’s

Outdoor Break @

Tom Keller’s home

7 8:30am Bible Quizzing

Practice Begins

9:15 & 10:45am Worship,

Communion &

Sunday School

“Moving Up” Day for

Children’s Ministries

8 6:30pm

Elders Meeting


Governing Board


9 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Mons 24/7

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

10 1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana


7pm Adult Prayer

11 7pm Thursday

Night @ The Well-

Alliance Youth (AY)



14 8:30am Bible Quizzing


9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

12:15pm Deacons Meeting

15 6:30pm

Elders Meeting

16 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

Young at Heart

Sight & Sound


17 1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

7pm Choir


7pm Adult Prayer

18 7pm Thursday

Night @ The Well-

Alliance Youth (AY)


20 2pm Christian

Action Committee

Visit to


6pm Church Picnic

21 8:30am Bible Quizzing


9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

9:15am Children’s Program


12:15pm Children’s

Captains Meeting

12:15pm Christian Action

Committee Meeting

4:30pm Alliance Youth

Ignition Trip


23 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Mons 24/7

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

24 1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

7pm Adult Prayer


6:30pm Trustees


7pm Thursday

Night @ The Well-

Alliance Youth (AY)



28 8:30am Bible Quizzing


9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

9:15am Children’s Program


12:15pm Christian Action

Committee Benefit Lunch for

Lifeway Pregnancy Center

29 30 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

October Newsletter

Article Deadline -

Wednesday, September 17

District Prayer Conference - Mars PA

Page 7 Volume 10, Issue 9

October 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

7pm Adult Prayer

2 11:30am Young at

Heart Meeting

6:15pm Missions



7pm Thursday

Night @ The Well-

Alliance Youth (AY)


4 Bible Quizzing


5 8:30am Bible Quizzing


9:15 & 10:45am Worship

& Sunday School

9:15am Children’s

Program Practice



8 6pm

Evening of Prayer




12 8:30am Bible Quizzing


9:15 & 10:45am Worship

& Sunday School

9:15am Children’s

Program Practice

12:15pm Deacons


13 6:30pm

Elders Meeting

7:45pm Governing

Board Meeting

14 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Mons 24/7

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

15 1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

7pm Cantata


7pm Adult Prayer

16 6pm Alliance

Youth (AY) Corn

Maze Outing

(No meeting at

church tonight)

17 Hempfield


Parade Outreach

(details TBA)

18 2pm Christian

Action Committee

Visit to


19 8:30am Bible Quizzing


9:15 & 10:45am Worship

& Sunday School

9:15am Children’s

Program Practice

12:15pm Children’s

Captains Meeting


21 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

22 1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

Grand Carnival

Fall Festival

7pm Adult Prayer


7pm Thursday

Night @ The Well-

Alliance Youth (AY)



26 8:30am Bible Quizzing


9:15 & 10:45am Worship,

Communion &

Sunday School

9:15am Children’s

Program Practice

12:15pm Christian Action

Committee Meeting

27 28 6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Mons 24/7

10am Ladies

Prayer Group

29 1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

7pm Adult Prayer

30 6:30pm Trustees


7pm Thursday

Night @ The Well-

Alliance Youth (AY)


AY Jr High - Jolt Retreat

AY Jr High - Jolt Retreat

Page 8 FOCUS

Mongolian International Workers & Families - Celebration Time!

Anniversary and birthday greetings by either postal mail or email are greatly appreciated.


September 28 - Jeremy Bergevin - P O Box 945, Darhan Uul aimag 45000 Mongolia - Email:

October 1 - Cinda Wood - P.O. Box 945, Darhan Uul Aimag 45000 - Email:

October 3 - Angel Lee (9 years old) - c/o Jason Lee & Ruth Kim - P.O. Box 2603, Ulaanbaatar 15160 Mongolia

Email: Ruth:

October 8 - Clara Bergevin (7 years old) - c/o Jeremy and Renee Bergevin

P.O. Box 945, Darhan Uul aimag 45000 Mongolia - Email:

September Birthdays

1 Dean Ambrose

Paul Obringer

Karlee Schneider

2 Eleanor Raffle

3 Melissa Iarussi

Colleen Peterson

4 Kathy Iwinski

5 Mariann Gault

Hillary Piggott

6 Logan McKivens

Spencer Schaus

8 Olivia Bolyen

Vernon Brewer

9 Ryan Brautigam

Mark Dillon Jr.

Paul Smartnick

16 David Colligan

Larry Darazio

Dan Hoffman

Kelly Kiesewetter

Valerie Schomer

R. J. Tonks

17 Betsy Danser

18 Luke Coughanour

19 Lisa Smith

Lottie Stevenson

20 Joanne Kreinbrook

Karen McGarry

21 David Marquis

22 Joel Momper

Bob Schoenfeld

10 Nolan Beres

Gene Cilli

Denny Fellers

Aidan Tressler

11 Gavin DiClaudio

12 Linda Bolyen

David Burda

David Tomko

13 Elizabeth Sellers

14 Jennifer Dail

Phyllis Kaylor

15 Logan Helms

Evelyn Kauffman

Florence Leeper

Duane Sutor

September Anniversaries

2 Tad & Sue Kelley

9 Tim & Jocelyn Fox

11 Carmen & Cheryl Dott

Rigel & Julie Holmes

12 Zac & Stephanie Cross

14 Ron & Peggy Longsdorf

15 Rusty & Christy Bryner

Michael & Michele Shuey

18 Jason & Debbie Mickinak

20 Todd & Kelley Brautigam

27 Tom & Eleanor Raffle

30 Shawn & Melissa Iarussi

John & Jennifer Thoma

23 Martha Arblaster

24 Isabella Arquillo

Karen McKivens

Kathy Wills

25 Melissa Bartels

Jonathon Kraynak

Emily Ukasik

26 Steve Beres

Shannon Colligan

Dawn Darazio

Ed Kerr

Sue Szurek

28 Sierra Jones

Marilyn Tressler

29 Tim Myers

30 Carissa Graziani


September 18 - Larry and Krista Lain - Hovd Aimag, Jargalant Sum, P.O. Box 130, Mongolia 84000


Volume 10, Issue 9 Page 9

GAC Youth News & Events Rigel’s Contact Information ~ 914-830-6970

Operation Christmas Child Last year our Youth Group was able to pack and ship over 100 shoeboxes with toys, candy, hygiene

items and gospel materials to children overseas. Reaching and surpassing the 100 shoebox mark was

something that we were able to accomplish through strategically planning ahead. This month, we will be

focusing on “back to school supplies” and toiletries.

School Supplies - Pencils, erasers, color pencils, sharpeners, pens, small boxes of crayons, small solar

calculators, pads and pencil cases all make great additions to our shoeboxes (this is the best time of the

year to purchase these items).

Toiletries - Toothbrushes, toothpaste, bars of soap, washcloths, combs and hairbrushes.

Church Picnic - Saturday, September 20, 6:00pm Come join us for our annual Church Picnic on Saturday September 20, at 6:00pm. This year, the picnic

will be held on the church property. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family for this great

time of fun and fellowship!

Ignition - Sunday September 21, 4:30-9:45pm Ignition is an annual youth rally with awesome speakers, inspiring worship and a powerful time of

corporate prayer. The event also serves as a kickoff for “See You at the Pole” (SY@TP). This year’s

Ignition will be held at Franklin Regional High School. The event will feature Jason Ostrander as the guest

speaker, a show by the illusionist Brett Myers, and worship by the band, Red Letter Hymnal. Tickets are

$5.00, and have been pre-ordered, so there are only 20 spots available for students. We will meet in the

church parking lot at 4:30pm. Sign up ASAP; your $5.00 will be due at sign-up. We will return at

approximately 9:45pm.

SY@TP (See You at the Pole) - Wednesday, September 24 On the morning of Wednesday, September 24, thousands of Christian students from all around the

nation will meet at the flag pole in front of their schools before classes begin, for 30-45 minutes of

prayer for their schools and local communities. We encourage our students to participate in this great

nationwide event. The times and locations vary from school to school, but it generally takes place about

45 minutes before school begins. For more information, check out the website:

Jolt Junior High Retreat - October 24-26 (Registration Deadline - September 14) On October 24-26, all Junior High students (Grade 7-8) are invited to a District retreat called Jolt in Erie,

PA. The retreat will feature amazing speakers, awesome times of worship, great opportunities of

fellowship and tons of other fun stuff. The total cost for the retreat is $99 per student with a $25 deposit

and completed registration form due to Rigel by Sunday, September 14. Please see the brochure for

more details which may be picked up from Rigel or downloaded from our website -

Page 10 FOCUS

What is Awana? Awana is fun with a purpose… to reach and train kids for Jesus Christ. It brings churches

and parents together to raise kids to know, love and serve Christ for life. Our club is

comprised of four age appropriate Awana programs for children age 2 through grade 6:

In many circles, “puggle” is a common term for a baby platypus. In children’s ministry

circles, Puggles is an enriching program for toddlers (older 2 year olds and younger 3 year

olds) that introduces little ones to God’s love! It presents basic biblical concepts through

teaching cards, activities, music and games.

Sparks is for children in kindergarten through grade 2 and builds on the material taught in

our preschool clubs. It ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the

people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.

Meetings combine learning with fun to create an atmosphere of irresistible excitement for

churched and unchurched kids alike. Children love their red vests, the exciting games and

spending time with leaders and friends!

Truth & Training engages grade 3 through 6 students by answering their questions about

God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life state to grow in Christ’s grace.

Handbooks and large-group sessions deepen a child’s knowledge about God and His Word

and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life. Weekly meetings expose

kids to the gospel message, Scripture memory, Bible study, team-oriented games and loads

of fun!

In order for our first night of club to run smoothly, please remember to complete a new

registration form for your children even if they attended Awana previously (see article on

page 11). Parent handbooks will be available which contain information about our club

policies and procedures as well as a calendar of events for 2014-2015.

It’s not too late to volunteer for Awana! You can help as often as your schedule allows -

every week or once or twice a month - you decide. There are various positions available

from leading a class to listening to children recite verses or just basic classroom monitoring.

Training is available. If interested, please plan to attend the informational Workers Meeting

on Wednesday, September 3, at 6:00pm in Rooms 310-320. If you are unable to attend,

contact Jen Conley at the Church Office (724-837-1122) or Lisa Coughanour (724-961-

0185) for information.

Begins Wednesday, September 10 - 6:30-8:15pm

Volunteers Are


Info Meeting on

September 3

Cubbies is for 3 and 4-year old preschoolers (must be 3 years old before September 1 and

potty trained). Last year, the Cubbies curriculum was updated with special focus on what

each story teaches about God’s character. It is designed to help moms and dads give

children a biblical foundation for faith at home. During meeting time there will be Bible

stories, games, puppets, crafts and other activities that make for a lively weekly experience

where fun and learning go hand in hand!

Page 11 Volume 10, Issue 9

The new quiz season is already upon us. This year we will be studying the book of Acts. Practices are held on

Sunday mornings, 8:30-10:00am, starting on September 7. Quiz Meets with area churches are held once a

month, usually on the first Saturday from October through April. Anyone in grades 3-12 can participate. Those

in grades 3-6 would compete in the Junior Division. The Senior Group (grades 7-12) is divided into two

divisions - one for the experienced, more competitive quizzers and another for those new to quizzing. It’s a fun

time learning God’s Word and growing in our relationship with God.

Please contact Jayne Obringer (724-861-3548 - or Jen Conley in the Church Office

for additional information.

Bible Quizzing

Rehearsals for Sing Noel will begin on Sunday, September 21. We meet at 9:15am in Rooms 310-320.

Parents, if you missed the informational meeting in August, there is still time to sign your children up to be a

part of our celebration. Please contact Linda Bolyen, 724-635-0408, to register and receive a copy of the

rehearsal materials. We are so excited to begin work on this very special celebration of our Savior’s birth!

Children’s Christmas Musical Rehearsals

In a continuing effort to keep our records correct and up to date, all parents must complete a new registration

form for their children even if you completed one in the past. The information is kept confidential and is used for

church business, safety and emergency purposes only.

Registration forms are available in the Lobby and at the Children’s Ministry registration desk. Completed forms

need to be returned as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation!

Registration for Children’s Ministries

Kids Konvention is a fun missions event held during our World Outreach Conference November 2-9. The exact

dates and times will be announced at a later time. There will be many activities for children including crafts,

games, international worker interviews and much more. Our theme this year is “Super Heroes”! Be sure to check

upcoming issues of the “Focus” for details. Registration will begin Sunday, October 5, at a table in the Lobby.

Kids Konvention

Children’s Summer Camp Support - Calendar Sales

“God’s Creation” calendars go on sale beginning Sunday, September 14. See page 4 for additional information.

Thanks for your continued support of this ministry!

On Sunday, September 7, the children’s Sunday School classes and Sunday Morning Worship classes will

“move up” to their new classes. Be sure to stop by the table in the Lobby or the Children’s Ministry registration

desk to complete a registration form for the 2014-2015 year.

“Moving-Up” Day - Sunday, September 7








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4428 Route 136

Greensburg PA 15601



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Lifeway Pregnancy Center

Benefit Luncheon & Shower

Sunday, September 28

See Page 1 for Details!
