Routines, Habits, Lifestyle, or Technology Addiction? · Compulsive texting toll Rush to Digitalize...


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Routines, Habits, Lifestyle,or

Technology Addiction?

Tech Addiction





Cell Phone Activities 2013


4-Yr old iPad AddictToddlers Need TreatmentToddlers Require Therapy


Visual Statistics on SmartPhone Addiction

Web Junkie

Phone obsessed parents causing problems with children

50% of Teens Feel Addicted

We need a cure

Digital heroin

Generation X-ray

Chronic detachment

Drunk on Wireless

Apple Woos Educators

Addicted to Technology

Teenagers brain atrophy

Compulsive texting toll

Rush to Digitalize Toddlers

When You Text Till You Drop

People receding into fantasy

Technology, Trauma, and the Wild

Digital devices rob brain of downtime

Brain differences in Internet addiction

Japan fights children's cellphone addiction

Internet addiction treatment facility in China

Tsunami of content, we are all distributors

Fear of Getting Caught Without a Cell Phone

Technology trumps caffeine, chocolate, alcohol

The Kids Can't Stop: Is Internet Addiction Real?



Digital Detox

Camp Grounded

Addiction tips

"How I Quit..."

Unplugging my way

Recognize the problem

Symptoms and Solutions

Net Addiction Recovery

Reset Your Child's Brain

Web addiction center, Korea

Computer Addiction Services

Addiction treatment Spain, Britain

Japanese Internet "fasting camps"

Penn. Hosp. Internet Detox Program

U.K., 66% Nomophobia

Brain changes in Internet addiction

Cellphone addiction, depression

Review of studies: children, college students

Brain abnormalities, internet addiction disorder

Survey on addiction

Cell phone addiction

BlackBerry as Black Sheep

Addiction in college students

SmartPhone habits survey

Cell phone vibration syndrome

Addiction reaches new heights

iPhones and iPads dazzle babies

SmartPhones creating mental illness

17 signs, relationship with a smartphone

Addicted to iPhone, more than Facebook

A special sidewalk for mobile phone users

Children take iPhones to bed, don't sleep

10 Ways Smart Phones are Ruining Lives

SmartPhones should carry warning of addiction

Health, environmental effects of mobile addiction

Cellphones replace cigarettes, addiction of choice

SmartPhone addicts more anxious than nature lovers



Virtually You

The Shallows

Glow Kids

The Plug-in Drug

Failure to Connect

Are You Addicted?

Four Arguments, Eliminate TV

Mobile technology, SmartPhone, iPhone, Internet addictions: these are socially acceptable but may become socially devastating addictions. This map offers links to articles and studies which describe the problem. It also offers links which provide individual examples of awareness, breaking free, and community support.

IAD: Internet addiction disorder

Nomophobia: fear of no mobile phone

Cell phone vibration syndrome: feeling the vibration, even when it doesn't occur

Low battery anxiety: panic about losing power to cell phones


Home: OscillatoriumNewest version this mapDate of this update: 10-07-16

As a meditation teacher, I've come to realize that people's worst fear, perhaps even more than dying, is being alone with their own thoughts and feelings. Technology distracts us from ourselves. It keeps us from going inside. Sura

