Rotator Cuff Surgery



Rotator cuff surgery is a complex and highly technical procedure.

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Torn Rotator Cuff Symptoms

The rotator cuff consists of four muscles: the Supraspinatus infras pinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis These muscles are responsible for the stabilization, lifting and turning of the humerus

The rotator cuff tendons. A tear of the rotator cuff is characterized by a tear of Torn Rotator Cuff Symptoms tendons or tear in one of the individual muscles of the rotator cuff. This can happen as a result of the fall (chronic rotator cuff tear) or as a result of a traumatic event (acute rotator cuff tear). This method is known as a mini-open and repair is the most common surgical solution.

Rotator Cuff Pain

• The main symptoms of a rotator cuff tear are pain , weakness , stiffness , popping or catching , and the inability to sleep on the affected side. Rotator Cuff Pain tears, whether complete or incomplete , Rotator Cuff Symptoms using an MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging) . With this method, a physician can create to see the severity of the injury . One digital image of the damaged area Arthroscopy is surgical procedure designed to the inner workings of a common vision .

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