Rotation of Earth in Holy Qur'an



Rahmanhadiq about Rotation of earth in Holy Qur'an

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In written and submitted by: Rahmanhadiq

Does the Qur'an can be proved about the rotation of the Earth, Sun and Moon? Those who deny the Qur'an will always find fault and mistake verses in the Qur'an. They stated that there is no statement in the Qur'an which indicates that the Earth is round, nor did it written that the Earth rotates on its axis, and how Al-Quran proves that one year was equal to 12 months? They rejected the Qur'an information that is incompatible with scientific evidence and science medern. They concluded that the information Al-Quran in Al-Kahf verse 86, 'when Zulkarnain watching the sunset at the sea of black. " Sunrise and sunsets which are written in the Qur'an shows that the information Al-Quran is a contradiction with modern science and scientifically unacceptable. Opponents of the Qur'an and blasphemer description laughing at it, an impossible sun and the moon ahead of chasing each other for each other (qs Yasiin 36:40).

The blasphemer AL Quran challenge muslims people to answer their questions: Is it possible that the Muslims able to think logically to conclude that the verses of the Qur'an can show the earth rotates on its axis?, Month over the period of the earth mengellingi a month?, and how to prove it 12 months a year?.

For this purpose, as a Muslim I will try to discuss and analyze the information Qur'an verses and then match them with natural events that are signs to analyze and draw conclusions from information written in Holy Qur’an.

Qur'anic verses that describe the relationship between earth, moon and sun of the most complete, contained in a letter Yassin verse 37 to verse 40 which reads;




40 ال

“ And a Sign for them is the Night: We withdraw therefrom the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness 37; And the sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is

the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. 38. And the Moon,- We have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old (and withered) lower part

of a date-stalk. 39. It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).

(Q Yassin 37-40) “. Are muslims able to explain the description paragraph above to prove the phenomenon of the relationship between earth, moon and sun? The words were composed in the verses above is the arrangement of words that contain meaning in order to consider further. Lay people will accept it with a paragraph description of what it is in accordance with what they see every day, whereas for the scholars of Islam will agree to this information such as a grace from God. While scientists will not be satisfied before these verses prove that the information must be consistent with developments in science and logic. Is AL-Quran verses revealed by God in the sixth century AD is still relevant to the evidence of modern science? How does the method of proof? The fact that the Earth is spherical and round are recognized after the 10th century AD (four centuries after the Qur'an is derived), whereas the Earth and the planets circulating a new solar rotate are recognized and discovered in 1512 by Copernicus (10th century after Al-Qur ' Years down). Then, further on into the 20th century found that the sun is only a small part of the cluster of stars called the Galaxy (the Milky Way's theory). All of the stars within the galaxy was moving around a point in the universe. So in this case concluded that modern science proved the sun also moves together with other stars in a galaxy. Qur'an in Yassin verse 38 above , saying that the sun is also moving or walking in place on the circulation to the sixth century AD, long before modern science proved it. But if you look also at the words in verse 38 reads "the sun went in circulation." The question is What does it mean " running in place? " Then added again with the " circulation? ". There is no other word that can be understood unless "quiet place and moving with a rotating manner" , which means that

the sun was moving at rest. So we can conclude that the sun rotates in a quiet position on other planets. Why does God not explain it very clear that the sun rotates, but present it with a confusing instructions for expert design? God might communicate with words allusion to the Arab community and a friend of the prophet not to be confused so would cause unnecessary debate, because what needs to be invested for the time it was the very foundations of their devotion and faith in God to build a strong Muslim community. According to the Word of God in surah Al Jatsiyah 13, that we must learn about the existence of the Earth and other celestial objects based on the visible signs and analyze clues that said of God, so that lessons can be drawn for people who want thoughtr and celebrate God's grace ;

“ And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heavens and on earth: Behold, in

that are Signs indeed for those who reflect. (Q Jatsyah 45:13) “. Notice the signs of natural events and complete with information such as the verses below; “ Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,-

there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,- ( Ali Imran 3:190)”.

“ He it is that cleaveth the day-break (from the dark): He makes the night for rest and tranquillity, and the sun and moon for the reckoning (of time): Such is the judgment and

ordering of (Him), the Exalted in Power, the Omniscient (Al An’aam 6:96).”

This means that the incident took place day and night over and over again and that is happening every single day and night cycle (24 hours). Which caused the daylight is the sun rising in the eastern horizon, while the cause tonight is the sunset in the west. Does that mean the sun rises in the east? Could the sun rises somewhere in the east of the earth? Vice versa if there where the sun sets in the west? Are these words in the form of figurative or literal sense? Had the sunrise-sunset in the east-west, there are two possibilities, namely: 1. shaped the earth a vast plain, 2. There is somewhere on earth where the sun out of its nest and then returned

again to his home in a place opposite. But why can the sun rises and sets at different places on earth? This fact depends on the direction of where we are and look at it? If we were in the middle of a vast sea, the sun rises and sinks in the sea, if we were in the middle of the desert, the sun rises and sets in the ground, if we were in a mountain then disappeared and the sun emerged from behind a hill.

The conclusion was that the words sunrise and sunset are euphemistic words to state the direction of movement of the sun. For while we can infer that the sun moves round the earth's surface. Is this true?. For people who think, will take another conclusion. Because there are two possibilities, the sun moves round the earth or possibly the earth rotate itself. How do we prove it.? Sure we need a statement from al-Quran verses another. Because we can not choose one of two possible conclusions, but there is only one clue. So we need information from other verses.

Verse that we use to get clues is Yaasin 39-40, which reads;

“ And the Moon,- We have measured for her mansions (to traverse) till she returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a date-stalk. 39. It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the

Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law) (Q Yassin 39-40) “.

For people who think, then this section is a sign and also instructions for answering the question "Did the earth or the sun moving? And how the relationship between the movement of the moon, earth and sun? Conversely paragraph above will provide an opportunity for opponents of the verses of Allah and His righteousness and then lied saying "How could it take the moon and sun night if possible preceded the afternoon" Like the sun and the moon was racing in the toll lane? Or whether the moon and the sun was the brother of current neighbors romp? A question to the childish, a silly question, questions from people who have always ridicule-ridicule the Koran.

If we observe a description paragraph above, then we can take some lessons and then summed; a. At the time of the change of moon light on the moon, we can observe that the moon always faces toward the bright sunlight coming. At night, we saw the moon shining on the west side or direction of the place of sunset, and when we see the moon during the day then we see the moon that glowed in the direction of sunrise (east) side of which is subject to our perspective to moon, sun and earth. On the surface of the moon-stricken section for light and other parts are not shiny. This proves that the moon is bright part that reflect the sun. This means that the moon gets light from the sun that is the same light source is received by the earth. The sun was certainly very far. This was proven when at night we can still see the light of the moon and the earth is not possible because it would cover the vast plains, or blocking its rays toward the moon. Light of the moon's size will always change once in a period of 24 hours during the month. This is called a light of moon is always changing. If the moon was observed amounting to 28 changes shape. Ie starting from the crescent shape - to a full round (moon) - and back again to the sickle shape that direction opposite from the first crescent shape. In the above verse, the Qur'an give special meaning with “stalk” of words, because the crooked sickle-like bunches of bananas. At the 28th day following the same cycle will occur and then start again from scratch. Changes in the form of moon-light moon moon and the direction is always directed to the source of sunlight, then there is only one possibility that is "moon-shaped ball" because the only ball that can produce crescent-shaped shadows or bunches of bananas and it is not possible in a circle (like a circular mirror). b. We've made a conclusion that the moon-shaped ball. Now how to prove the earth was spherical and whether the moon rotate the earth or vice versa?. If we look at the statement that the light of moon is always changing from day to day (lunch and dinner) for 28 days. Then while watching the moon changes, we also observe the journey of the sun (rising and setting) that its movement always towards the west each day. So we can conclude that the moon is what surrounds the earth for 28 days. Moon and Earth are both spherical and receive a single source, namely from the sun rays are very distant places. No way the moon and sun around the earth once. If the moon and the sun rotate earth together, of course, light of the moon will always changes every an hour in a 24-hour cycle, depending on which direction the sun shining on the moon visible from earth. c. The next question is "whether the sun around the earth or the earth rotates? 'If the sun around the earth then ,of course , the shape of moon light will change during the 24-hour cycle. While we are witnessing is the moon changed its form only one time in 24 hours. Then the following conclusion was that "the sun around the earth is impossible". Then why are there day and night? So the most appropriate answer is "the earth rotates on its axis" while the sun is still far away. This is evidenced by the occurrence of day and night alternately in accordance with the rotation of the earth. So we can conclude that the Earth rotates on its axis with a cycle of 24 hours to rotate once. When the Earth rotates on its axis, this means that the Earth moves around its axis and people like being active on a large vehicle. The question is: Is

there any information in the Qur'an which indicate that the Earth is moving?. As already explained above that there are no verses that affirm on the earth's rotation in the Qur'an, but God delivered with euphemistic words signs that always raises the puzzle as a clue. Paragraph that can be used for this analysis that the earth moves, we can learn from An-Naml 88 which reads;


“ Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away: (such is) the artistry of Allah, who disposes of all things in perfect order: for

he is well acquainted with all that ye do (Q An Naml 27:88)”.

Of course, this verse is a description of the signs or instructions. God delivered His word with the word allegory with a very broad meaning. This verse does not mean that the mountain was still in place, but moving. Based on the results of the discovery of geological experts, states that the plate layers of the earth is always moving which can cause tectonic earthquakes are caused by the collision, the folds and crevices, although its moves only a few centimeters per year. But this movement is too small to compared with the motion of the Earth due to rotation. This means that this verse also explains that the mountain was moving because he is above the earth that moves. This also means that whatever is on earth will come to move because he is above the earth's movement. Even the clouds in the air also moves with the earth's rotation, in accordance with the instructions above Al Qur’an verse. 3. Been able to conclude from the information Qur'an verses above that the earth rotates are ball shape and for 24 hours on its axis, the sun still give light from afar, while the moon moves around the earth forever and 28 days, and finally we can also conclude that the earth and months together do not produce but receive light rays from the sun. Question was: Are there any verses in the Quran which explains that the moon is reflected light from the sun produce?. Certainly God does not explain in detail about the moon that reflects the light from the sun, but Nuh 16 states;

"'And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp?”

(Q Nuh 71:16)”. In the above verse, Allah (God) has given instructions to those who think that there are two different terms of understanding of the meaning of light. The above paragraph uses the term

("Nur") to the light produced by the moon and ("Syamsa Siraajan") to the sun that shines like a lamp. This means that the Sun is like a lamp, torch or lamp which is the source of light for the month so that he reflects the light. God has given the correct guidance of the theory of "Reflection rays", long before the design can be scientifically evident. 4. So what is conveyed by the true of God in the Qur'an verses above. A God in the Qur'an does not contradict with the findings of science. Only people who believe and think that is able to think of the riddle or clue in to say by God in the matter of the above verses. 5. The next question ; whether there is the Words of God in the Quran which explains "How long month in one year? For that we refer to the Taubah verse 36 which reads;

“ The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year)- so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are sacred: that is the straight usage. So wrong not yourselves therein, and fight the Pagans all together as they fight you all together.

But know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves ( Q At Taubah 9:36)”.

Description of AL Qur’an above indicate that if the change of moon cycle light has been running as much as 12 times (12 x 28 days) then it is said as a matter of months a year in the calculation. In observations, there are about 29 months and there day totaling 28 days, and this can be indicate to determine the number of days in one year. The question is whether it is true that one year was equal to 12 months? Are no more or no less than these numbers? To answer this question, we must pay attention to the signs of nature that is how the position

between the moon and the sun as seen from the earth in accordance with the description of God in the letter Yasiin 40 which reads, “It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each

(just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law). (Q Yassin 36:40) “.. The meaning and the sense of the verse above indicates that as if the moon and sun move together from the East to the West. Both never precede each other and both also never collide. Except during a solar eclipse events. Incident solar eclipse is an event that could provide clues that the position of the sun was far behind the moon and they do not collide but odds. This means that paths route between the moon and the sun is different, in accordance with the words " Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law) ". The next question is: "Why are there events lunar eclipse or solar eclipse? How many times have eclipse events in a year at one place?. If we notice and observe in one place on earth, a position between the moon and sun in a year, so one day in that year we will see the positions where the moon and the sun is at the closest position. When it reached the nearest position, ie shortly after the sun and moon together, then look towards the sun precedes month to sunset, as if the sun to finish first in the West (sunset). The next question is: If the rotation of the earth rotates from west to east, should not the moon that moves faster than sun movement to the westward because the sun was very far behind the moon? Imagine when we are in a car that was speeding, where as if a tree or power pole beside the road seemed to be moving backwards faster than a mountain far behind that tree. So by logic, should the Sun that are far away will be preceded by months of moving quickly to the westawed. But we observe exactly the opposite, that is where the sun was moving more quickly toward his sunset. How can we explain this phenomenon? To explain this phenomenon, then we should be able to answer the question; in the direction where the moon orbits the earth move when? Whether toward the east or the west? Even if it remains silent the months in the sky and not orbiting the earth, then surely the moon seems to move more quickly to the west of the sun as the moon was closer to Earth. Conversely, if the moon is a satellite of the earth which moves follow the direction of rotation of the earth, the sun should appear to move more quickly to the west. So when we see the Sun move faster ahead in a westerly direction, then we can infer that the moon moves follow the direction of rotation of the Earth that is toward the east, while sun Silence in distant places. Because the earth's rotation toward the east causes the sun is moving faster to sunset.

Which direction the moon orbits the earth? To answer the question of this, so once again we have to observe natural phenomena " It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law). " Attention during the full moon appears, then mark the position of the moon in the sky and record again on what time we watched it, and noticed again the next day that month position at the same hour as yesterday. So we will see that the moon was like back a few degrees to the east. This shows that the moon orbits the earth moves eastward. Or place the Earth on the left (opposite the direction of clockwise rotation). Just imagine when the pilgrims were performing “Tawaf” around of Kaaba. So we can conclude that the Earth rotates on its axis as movement pilgrims circling “Tawaf” area as well as the Moon around the Earth is like the pilgrims around the “ Ka'bah”. In writing "Revolution Earth" we will discuss about the movement of Earth around the Sun, according to the Qur'an. It can be imagined, if Allah SWT give you some fruit satellites to the earth, like the planet Jupiter has 16 moons. So the calculation time will become more complicated. Or vice versa if the earth does not have a month like the planet Saturn which only has a few rings, then the time will be very complicated calculations. That God with great care verses convey information with grammar and calculating neatly arranged so that anyone can accept the truth either by obedience and faith in God is logically thought. In fact this verse was revealed by God in the 15th Century ago and until now proven true. Hopefully this information will be reflections and increase awareness for those who believe in Allah. True God Almighty with all His Word. In written and submitted by: Rahmanhadiq / February 2, 2010