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The masses of neutron stars are limited by an instability to gravitational collapse,and an instability driven by gravitational waves limits their spin. Their oscillationsare relevant to X-ray observations of accreting binaries and to gravitational waveobservations of neutron stars formed during the coalescence of double neutron-star systems. This volume pulls together more than forty years of research to pro-vide graduate students and researchers in astrophysics, gravitational physics, andastronomy with the first self-contained treatment of the structure, stability, andoscillations of rotating neutron stars. This monograph treats the equations of stel-lar equilibrium; key approximations, including slow rotation and perturbations ofspherical and rotating stars; stability theory and its applications, from convectivestability to the r-mode instability; and numerical methods for computing equilib-rium configurations and the nonlinear evolution of their oscillations. The presen-tation of fundamental equations, results, and applications is accessible to readerswho do not need the detailed derivations.

John L. Friedman is a University Distinguished Professor at the Universityof Wisconsin–Milwaukee. A Fellow of the American Physical Society, he recentlyserved as chair of its gravitational physics section. He has been on the editorialboards of Classical and Quantum Gravity and Physical Review D, and he was adivisional associate editor of Physical Review Letters. His awards include the TelegdiPrize and the Marc Perry Galler Award.

Nikolaos Stergioulas is an Associate Professor at the Aristotle University ofThessaloniki, Greece. He has a large number of publications in relativistic astro-physics and has released a widely used public-domain code for constructing numeri-cal models of rotating relativistic stars. He has also served on the governing councilsof the Hellenic Astronomical Society; the Hellenic Society on Relativity, Gravitationand Cosmology; and the Virgo Ego Scientific Forum.© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information


General Editors: P. V. Landshoff, D. R. Nelson, S. Weinberg

S. J. Aarseth Gravitational N-Body Simulations: Tools and Algorithms†

J. Ambjørn, B. Durhuus, and T. Jonsson Quantum Geometry: A Statistical Field Theory Approach†

A. M. Anile Relativistic Fluids and Magneto-Fluids: With Applications in Astrophysics and PlasmaPhysics†

J. A. de Azcarraga and J. M. Izquierdo Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and SomeApplications in Physics†

O. Babelon, D. Bernard, and M. Talon Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems†

F. Bastianelli and P. van Nieuwenhuizen Path Integrals and Anomalies in Curved Space†

V. Belinski and E. Verdaguer Gravitational Solitons†

J. Bernstein Kinetic Theory in the Expanding Universe†

G. F. Bertsch and R. A. Broglia Oscillations in Finite Quantum Systems†

N. D. Birrell and P. C. W. Davies Quantum Fields in Curved Space†

K. Bolejko, A. Krasinski, C. Hellaby, and M.-N. Celerier Structures in the Universe by ExactMethods: Formation, Evolution, Interactions

D. M. Brink Semi-Classical Methods for Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering†

M. Burgess Classical Covariant Fields†

E. A. Calzetta and B.-L. B. Hu Nonequilibrium Quantum Field TheoryS. Carlip Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions†

P. Cartier and C. DeWitt-Morette Functional Integration: Action and Symmetries†

J. C. Collins Renormalization: An Introduction to Renormalization, the Renormalization Group andthe Operator-Product Expansion†

P. D. B. Collins An Introduction to Regge Theory and High Energy Physics†

M. Creutz Quarks, Gluons and Lattices†

P. D. D’Eath Supersymmetric Quantum Cosmology†

F. de Felice and D. Bini Classical Measurements in Curved Space-TimesF. de Felice and C. J. S Clarke Relativity on Curved Manifolds†

B. DeWitt Supermanifolds, 2nd edition†

P. G. O Freund Introduction to Supersymmetry†

F. G. Friedlander The Wave Equation on a Curved Space-Time†

J. L. Friedman and N. Stergioulas Rotating Relativistic StarsY. Frishman and J. Sonnenschein Non-Perturbative Field Theory: From Two-Dimensional

Conformal Field Theory to QCD in Four DimensionsJ. Fuchs and C. Schweigert Symmetries, Lie Algebras and Representations: A Graduate Course for


J. A. Fuchs Affine Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups: An Introduction, with Applications inConformal Field Theory†

Y. Fujii and K. Maeda The Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation†

J. A, H. Futterman, F. A. Handler, and R. A. Matzner Scattering from Black Holes†

A. S. Galperin, E. A. Ivanov, V. I. Orievetsky, and E. S. Sokatchev Harmonic Superspace†

R. Gambini and J. Pullin Loops, Knots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity†

T. Gannon Moonshine beyond the Monster: The Bridge Connecting Algebra, Modular Forms andPhysics†

M. Gockeler and T. Schucker Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories and Gravity†

C. Gomez, M. Ruiz-Altaba, and G. Sierra Quantum Groups in Two-Dimensional Physics†

M. B. Green, J. H. Schwarz, and E. Witten Superstring Theory Volume 1: Introduction†

M. B. Green, J. H. Schwarz, and E. Witten Superstring Theory Volume 2: Loop Amplitudes,Anomalies and Phenomenology†

V. N. Gribov The Theory of Complex Angular Momenta: Gribov Lectures on Theoretical Physics†

J. B. Griffiths and J. Podolsky Exact Space-Times in Einstein’s General Relativity†

S. W. Hawking and G. F. R. Ellis The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time†

F. Iachello and A. Arima The Interacting Boson Model†

F. Iachello and P. van Isacker The Interacting Boson-Fermion ModelC. Itzykson and J. M. Drouffe Statistical Field Theory Volume 1: From Brownian Motion to

Renormalization and Lattice Gauge Theory†

C. Itzykson and J. M. Drouffe Statistical Field Theory Volume 2: Strong Coupling, Monte CarloMethods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems†

C. V. Johnson D-Branes†

P. S. Joshi Gravitational Collapse and Spacetime Singularities†

J. I. Kapusta and C. Gale Finite-Temperature Field Theory: Principles and Applications, 2ndedition†

V. E. Korepin, N. M. Bogoliubov, and A. G. Izergin Quantum Inverse Scattering Method andCorrelation Functions†

M. Le Bellac Thermal Field Theory†

† Issued as a paperback© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

Y. Makeenko Methods of Contemporary Gauge Theory†

N. Manton and P. Sutcliffe Topological Solutions†

N. H. March Liquid Metals: Concepts and Theory†

I. Montvay and G. Munster Quantum Fields on a Lattice†

L. O’Raifeartaigh Group Structure of Gauge Theories†

T. Ortin Gravity and Strings†

A. M. Ozorio de Almeida Hamiltonian Systems: Chaos and Quantization†

L. Parker and D. J. Toms Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime: Quantized Fields andGravity

R. Penrose and W. Rindler Spinors and Space-Time Volume 1: Two-Spinor Calculus andRelativistic Fields†

R. Penrose and W. Rindler Spinors and Space-Time Volume 2: Spinor and Twistor Methods inSpace-Time Geometry†

S. Pokorski Gauge Field Theories, 2nd edition†

J. Polchinski String Theory Volume 1: An Introduction to the Bosonic String†

J. Polchinski String Theory Volume 2: Superstring Theory and Beyond†

J. C. Polkinghorne Models of High Energy Processes†

V. N. Popov Functional Integrals and Collective Excitations†

L. V. Prokhorov and S. V. Shabanov Hamiltonian Mechanics of Gauge SystemsR. J. Rivers Path Integral Methods in Quantum Field Theory†

R. G. Roberts The Structure of the Proton: Deep Inelastic Scattering†

C. Rovelli Quantum Gravity†

W. C. Saslaw Gravitational Physics of Stellar and Galactic Systems†

R. N. Sen Causality, Measurement Theory and the Differentiable Structure of Space-TimeM. Shifman and A. Yung Supersymmetric SolitonsH. Stephani, D. Kramer, M. MacCallum, C. Hoenselaers, and E. Herlt Exact Solutions of Einstein’s

Field Equations, 2nd edition†

J. Stewart Advanced General Relativity†

J. C. Taylor Gauge Theories of Weak Interactions†

T. Thiemann Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity†

D. J. Toms The Schwinger Action Principle and Effective Action†

A. Vilenkin and E. P. S. Shellard Cosmic Strings and Other Topological Defects†

R. S. Ward and R. O. Wells, Jr. Twistor Geometry and Field Theory†

J. R. Wilson and G. J. Mathews Relativistic Numerical Hydrodynamics†

† Issued as a paperback© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

Rotating Relativistic Stars


University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

cambridge university pressCambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,

Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City

Cambridge University Press32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA

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c© John L. Friedman and Nikolaos Stergioulas 2013

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exceptionand to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,no reproduction of any part may take place without the written

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First published 2013

Printed in the United States of America

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Friedman, John L., 1945–Rotating relativistic stars / John L. Friedman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and

Nikolaos Stergioulas.pages cm. – (Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics)

Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-0-521-87254-6 (hardback)

1. Neutron stars. 2. Stellar oscillations. 3. Gravitational waves. 4. Stars – Rotation.I. Stergioulas, Nikolaos, 1967– II. Title.

QB843.N4F75 2013523.8′874–dc23 2012036771

ISBN 978-0-521-87254-6 Hardback

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Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

To Paula

To my parents, Christoforos and Evangelia© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information


Preface page xvList of symbols xviiConventions, notation, and mathematical preliminaries xxiii

1 Stationary, axisymmetric equilibria 11.1 Perfect fluids 21.2 The spacetime of a rotating star 101.3 Einstein’s field equation 171.4 Hydrostationary equilibrium equation 181.5 The Poincare-Wavre theorem 191.6 Equation of state 211.7 Rotation law 261.8 Equilibrium quantities 27

2 3+1 split, action, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian formalisms 312.1 The 3+1 split 312.2 Action for perfect-fluid spacetimes 37

2.2.1 Summary of results 372.2.2 Lagrangian formalism and Lagrangian displacements 392.2.3 Gravitational action 452.2.4 Action for the Einstein-Euler system 472.2.5 Hamiltonian formalism 47

2.3 Gauge freedom and trivial displacements 532.4 Symmetry under trivial displacements implies

conservation of circulation 56

3 Asymptotics, virial identities, and nonaxisymmetricequilibria 59

3.1 ADM mass and angular momentum 593.2 Asymptotic behavior of equilibria 64

3.2.1 Asymptotic behavior of the metric 643.3 Virial identities 71

3.3.1 Virial relation for stationary spacetimes 733.3.2 Virial theorem associated with a pseudotensor 753.3.3 2D virial identity 77© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

x Contents

3.4 ADM mass = Komar mass 773.5 First law of thermodynamics for relativistic stars 803.6 Nonaxisymmetric equilibria 85

3.6.1 Dedekind-like configurations 863.6.2 Jacobi-like configurations and helical symmetry 94

4 Numerical schemes 984.1 The KEH scheme 99

4.1.1 Field equation 994.1.2 Integral representation 1014.1.3 Iterative procedure 1024.1.4 The CST compactification 1034.1.5 Numerical issues 103

4.2 Butterworth and Ipser (BI) 1044.3 Bonazzola et al. and Lorene/rotstar 1054.4 Ansorg et al. (AKM) 1064.5 Direct comparison of numerical codes 106

5 Equilibrium models 1095.1 Models in uniform rotation 109

5.1.1 Bulk properties 1095.1.2 Sequences of equilibrium models 1115.1.3 Empirical relations for the mass-shedding limit 1165.1.4 Upper limits on mass and rotation: Theory versus

observation 1175.1.5 Maximum mass set by causality 1205.1.6 Minimum period set by causality 1225.1.7 Moment of inertia and ellipticity 1255.1.8 Rotating strange quark stars 126

5.2 Proto–neutron-star models 1275.3 Magnetized equilibrium models 129

6 Approximation methods for equilibria 1356.1 Slow-rotation approximation 135

6.1.1 The nonrotating limit 1356.1.2 Stationary axisymmetric spacetime in

quasi-Schwarzschild coordinates 1366.1.3 Slow-rotation expansion to O(Ω) 1366.1.4 Slow-rotation expansion to O(Ω2) 1376.1.5 Physical properties in the slow-rotation approximation 141

6.2 Spatial conformal flatness and quasiequilibrium approximations 1436.2.1 Spatial conformal flatness: The IWM-CFC approximation 1436.2.2 Irrotational flow and helical symmetry 146© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

Contents xi

6.2.3 Waveless formulation for binary systems:Beyond conformal flatness 148

6.3 Exact vacuum solutions 1516.3.1 The 3-parameter Manko et al. solution 1526.3.2 Other exact vacuum solutions 156

7 Perturbation theory of relativistic fluids 1577.1 The perturbed Einstein-Euler equations 1577.2 An action for the perturbation equations 1637.3 Energy and angular momentum 1667.4 Canonical displacements and the symplectic form 171

7.4.1 The symplectic form 1717.4.2 Perturbations that preserve circulation and canonical

displacements 1737.4.3 Existence of canonical displacements 1747.4.4 Canonical energy in a rotating frame 1777.4.5 A stability criterion 178

7.5 Perturbations of spherical stars 1797.5.1 Spherical (radial) perturbations 1797.5.2 Nonradial perturbations 184

7.6 Multipole decomposition of energy radiated in gravitational waves 2027.7 Eulerian perturbations 203

8 Quasinormal modes 2068.1 Quasinormal modes 2068.2 Frequency of short-wavelength p- and g-modes 2118.3 Effect of rotation on quasinormal modes 2138.4 Computational methods 214

8.4.1 Nonrotating stars 2148.4.2 Rotating stars 215

8.5 Axisymmetric modes 2198.6 Nonaxisymmetric modes 222

8.6.1 f- and p-modes 2228.6.2 Rotationally restored modes: r-modes and inertial modes 2258.6.3 g-modes 2358.6.4 Crustal modes 2378.6.5 Alfven modes 237

8.7 Neutral l = m f-modes 2388.7.1 Numerical method 2388.7.2 A variational principle 2448.7.3 Neutral-mode configurations 247

9 Stellar stability 2509.1 Introduction 250© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

xii Contents

9.2 Axisymmetric stability and turning points 2519.2.1 Turning-point theorem 2539.2.2 Extensions and applications 2599.2.3 Dynamical instability to collapse 259

9.3 Stability to convection (local stability) 2619.3.1 Canonical energy of local perturbations 2649.3.2 Convective instability due to differential rotation:

The Solberg criterion 2679.4 Instability sets in through zero-frequency modes 2719.5 Nonaxisymmetric stability 274

9.5.1 Generic instability 2779.6 Implications of the CFS instability 282

9.6.1 Instability of polar modes 2839.6.2 Instability of axial modes 292

9.7 Viscosity-driven secular instability 2999.8 Dynamical and shear instabilities 301

10 Nonlinear dynamics of rotating relativistic stars 30410.1 Numerical methods for nonlinear simulations 304

10.1.1 Evolution of the equations of ideal hydrodynamics 30410.1.2 Spacetime evolution 307

10.2 Stable equilibrium 31210.3 Nonlinear pulsations 31410.4 Nonlinear development of rotational instabilities 317

10.4.1 Dynamical instabilities in rapidly rotating stars 31810.4.2 Shear instabilities in differentially rotating stars 31910.4.3 Secular instabilities 320

10.5 Damping of nonlinear oscillations due to formation of shocks 32610.6 Mass-shedding–induced damping 32810.7 Postbounce oscillations 33010.8 Collapse of rotating relativistic stars to Kerr black holes 33110.9 Collapse of rotating supermassive stars 340

10.9.1 Numerical setup 34110.9.2 Dynamical evolution of the reference model 34210.9.3 Sequence of Γ = 4/3 polytropes with fixed central rest-mass

density 344

Appendix A: Lie derivatives, forms, densities, and integration 349A.1 Lie derivatives 349A.2 Integration, forms, and densities 355

A.2.1 Introduction to integration on manifolds 355A.2.2 Forms and densities 357

A.3 Gauss’s theorem and Stokes’s theorem 359A.3.1 Integrals on a submanifold 360© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

Contents xiii

A.3.2 Stokes’s theorem 366A.3.3 Diffeomorphism invariance 368

Appendix B: The Newtonian limit of the two-potentialformalism 369

B.1 Introduction 369B.2 The two-potential formalism 370

B.2.1 The numerical method of solution 373

Bibliography 375Index 405© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information


The masses of neutron stars are limited by an instability to collapse, and an instabil-ity driven by gravitational waves may limit their spin. Their oscillations are relevantto X-ray observations of accreting binaries and to gravitational wave observationsof neutron stars formed during the coalescence of double neutron-star systems.This volume pulls together more than 40 years of research to provide graduate stu-dents and researchers in astrophysics, gravitational physics, and astronomy witha self-contained treatment of the structure, stability, and oscillations of rotatingrelativistic stars. Numerical and analytic work are both essential to the subject,and their interplay is emphasized in our treatment.

The book is intended for more than one audience: Readers who need to workthrough mathematical details of stellar perturbations and stability theory will findthem here, in derivations and proofs of principal results. More commonly, a readerworking in relativistic astrophysics will want the principal results of the theorybut will need only a few of the derivations. The text is also designed to providea coherent treatment for this second audience, with an exposition of the resultspreceding the more mathematical derivations. Although our primary concern is withrotating stars, we begin our discussion of oscillations and stability with sphericalstars for completeness and to make the presentation accessible to readers with noprevious knowledge of relativistic perturbation theory.

Those intending to work through the mathematical derivations should have abackground comparable to a semester of gravitational physics at the level of MTW[480] or Wald [715]. The rest of the book should be accessible to students who havemastered Schutz’s First Course in General Relativity [595], supplemented by theappendices here on Lie derivatives and integration.

We are indebted to all our long-term collaborators in a large number of jointpublications, the main results of which are presented in this book. We are especiallygrateful for their contributions in several research areas that are presented here inan abridged form.

A number of colleagues and collaborators have read parts of the manuscript,made suggestions, answered our questions, and caught errors. For this we thankMarek Abramowicz, James Bardeen, Emanuele Berti, Demian Cho, Piotr Chrusciel,Matthew Glenz, Eric Gourgoulhon, Stephen Green, Brennan Hughey, PanagiotisIosif, James Ipser, David Kaplan, Kostas Kokkotas, Lee Lindblom, CharalamposMarkakis, Ben Owen, Andrea Passamonti, Eric Poisson, Bernard Schutz, and KojiUryu. We are indebted to Kate Valerius for typing parts of the manuscript. Wethank the editors at Cambridge University Press for their support and encourage-ment and Aptara, Inc., for their careful typesetting. Finally, we would like to thankour families for their patience and support during the time of writing of this book.© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

List of symbols

This is a global glossary, restricted to symbols used in more than one place in thetext. Local uses of symbols that appear within a page or two of their definition are ingeneral not listed here. For example, h is used globally to mean specific relativisticenthalpy, and that definition is listed here; h is also used on a single page to meanthe amplitude of a gravitational wave, and that local definition is not listed.

A a generic constantA (Aα ) Schwarzschild discriminant (vector version)Aα electromagnetic vector potentialAab trace-free part of extrinsic curvatureAab related by conformal factor to Aab

A,Aa generic densitiesa constant in asymptotic metric of rotating star

J/M in the Kerr geometryB metric potential of rotating starBα magnetic fieldB bag constant in quark interactionsb constant in asymptotic form of metricC generic constantCμ gravitational constraintc speed of lightcs speed of soundc(τ), c(λ) path in spacetimeDlm mass multipole momentDa covariant derivative of spatial metric γab

Da covariant derivative of spatial metric γab

d exterior derivativedσα , dσa dSα/

√|g|, dSa/


dl element of proper lengthdSα , dSa elements of (hyper)surface areadV, d4V 3- and 4-dimensional volume elementsE energyEc canonical energyEc,r canonical energy in rotating frameEαβ Gαβ − 8πTαβ© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

xviii List of symbols

Eab spatial projection of Eαβ

Eα electric fieldE injection energye specific internal energy (per unit baryon mass)eμ contravariant basis vector of ZAMOeab metric on a sphere of radius r

F the scalar utuφ

a generic functionF function in Eulerian perturbation theoryFαβ electromagnetic field tensor (Faraday tensor)f a generic functionfα 4-force per unit volumeG Newton’s constant

occasionally a generic functionGαβ Einstein tensorGαβγδ metric expression appearing in δ(Gαβ


g specific Gibbs free energydeterminant of spacetime metric

gαβ spacetime metricH thermodynamic quantity, lnh for homentropic fluid

metric potential in slow-rotation approximationH Hamiltonian densityH0 ,H1 ,H2 potentials of polar metric perturbation of spherical starh specific enthalpy (per unit baryon mass)hαβ metric perturbation: δgαβ

h0 , h1 , h2 potentials of axial metric perturbation of spherical starI moment of inertia

actionI null infinity (scri)J angular momentum

Jacobian of a diffeomorphismJc canonical angular momentumJc,r canonical angular momentum in rotating frameJlm current multipole momentJα generic currentj specific angular momentum of fluid

J/M 2 , a dimensionless measure of angular momentumj ρ


ja momentum density of fluidconduction current for heat flow

jα baryon current densityK polytropic constant

trace Kaa of extrinsic curvature

Kab extrinsic curvature© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

List of symbols xix

k generic constantpotential of a perturbed metric

kα helical Killing vector: tα + Ωφα

L angular momentum of free particlelinear operator in perturbation theory

L Lie-derivative operatorL the operator |g|−1/2L |g|1/2

L Lagrangian densityl label of rotation group representation, as in Ylm

proper lengthM gravitational massMADM ADM massMK Komar massM0 baryon mass of starM manifold of fluid trajectoriesm angular eigenvalue, as in eimφ

m(r) mass within Schwarzschild radial coordinate r

mB fiducial baryon mass: mass per nucleon of 12Cme,ms electron mass, strange quark massmn complex multipole momentsm0 ,m2 potentials of a slowly rotating starN polytropic index

baryon numberN Brunt-Vaisala frequencyn baryon number density

neutrongeneric integer

ne electron number densitynα future-pointing unit normal to hypersurfaceO an order symbolo an order symbolP point of spacetime

period of rotationpoint along a sequence of stars

P a parity transformation (diffeomorphism)p pressureQ scalar quadrupole momentQ set of variables of perfect-fluid spacetimeQab tensor in Newtonian perturbation theoryqα heat-flow vectorqα

β projection tensor orthogonal to uα

R circumferential equatorial radius of star3-dimensional Ricci scalar

4R 4-dimensional Ricci scalar© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

xx List of symbols

Rαβ ,Rab 4- and 3-dimensional Ricci tensorsRab Ricci tensor of γab

r radial coordinater position vector (Newtonian)rc circumferential radial coordinateS 2-dimensional surfaceSab stress tensor: spatial projection of Tαβ

s specific entropy (per unit baryon mass)sα entropy currentT temperature

rotational kinetic energy of rotating starTs superfluid transition temperatureTαβ stress-energy tensorTa1 ···am

b1 ···bna generic tensor

T a subspace of the space of trivial displacementst time coordinatetα time-translation symmetry vectorU effective potential in two-potential formalismUαβγδ tensor in Lagrangian perturbation theoryu null coordinateuα 4-velocity of fluid or particleV αβγδ tensor in Lagrangian perturbation theoryV 3-dimensional regionv magnitude of 3-velocity measured by a ZAMO

null coordinatev, va Newtonian fluid velocityvα spatial part of fluid velocity uα

generic vectorW gravitational potential energy of star

symplectic structure (form) of perturbationLorentz factor

Wαβγδ tensor in expression for Δ(Tαβ√

|g|)w function occurring in Manko formalism

function occurring in Eulerian perturbation theorywα unnormalized tangent vector to fluid trajectory

the vector huα

generic vectorX generic variablex coordinatexμ spacetime coordinatexp proton fractionYk fractional number density of kth species of particley function in Eulerian perturbation theory

coordinate© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

List of symbols xxi

Z Zerilli functionredshift

z coordinate

α lapseimaginary part of mode frequency

βa shift vectorΓ d log p/d log ρ; polytropic exponentΓ1 adiabatic indexΓλ

μν Christoffel symbolγ determinant of 3-metric

Lorentz factor 1/√

1 − v2

γab 3-metricγab conformal 3-metricγa

α pullback of vectors on M to vectors on ΣΔ Lagrangian changeΔ the operator |g|−1/2Δ|g|1/2

δ Eulerian changeδ the operator |g|−1/2δ|g|1/2

ε, εc energy density, central energy densityεαβγδ , εabc normalized totally antisymmetric tensorsεab normalized antisymmetric tensor on sphereζ metric potential of rotating starζ Newtonian vorticity vectorζα , ζa generator of gauge transformationζa generic vector fieldη coefficient of viscosityηαβ flat Minkowski metricηab flat spatial metricηα trivial Lagrangian displacementΘ step functionΘα vector density from variation of actionθ spatial divergence of uα

angular coordinateκ coefficient of heat conductivity

a generic constantΛ the Λ hyperonλ metric potential of spherical star

parameter along sequence of starsμ metric potential of rotating starν metric potential of rotating or spherical starξa Lagrangian displacementΠ the internal energy of a Newtonian starΠα momentum conjugate to ξα in perturbed fluid© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

xxii List of symbols

Πa momentum density of fluidπ trace, πa


παβ momentum density conjugate to perturbed metric hαβ

πab momentum density conjugate to spatial metric γab

π0 , π± pions� cylindrical coordinate radiusρ baryon mass densityΣ 3-dimensional hypersurface

the Σ hyperonσ the complex frequency of a modeσαβ shear tensorτ proper time along a trajectoryτb bulk-viscosity damping timeτGW gravitational wave damping time or growth timeτs shear-viscosity damping timeΥ scalar occurring in expression for fluid velocity uα

Φ metric potential of a spherical starNewtonian gravitational potential

ΦI one of a set {φI } of fields on spacetimeφ angular coordinate

potential in conformal factor e4φ of 3-metricφα rotational symmetry vectorχ, χs diffeomorphisms describing fluid configurationΨ velocity potential of irrotational fluidψ diffeomorphism

metric potential of rotating starΩ angular velocity of rotating starΩK Keplerian angular velocityω frame-dragging potential of rotating starω ω − Ω, used in slow-rotation formalismωαβ vorticity tensorωi real mode frequency measured by inertial observerωr real mode frequency measured by rotating observerωα vorticity vectorωμ covariant basis vector of ZAMO∇α covariant derivative operator of spacetime metric gαβ

∇α covariant derivative operator of flat metric ηαβ

∇a ,∇ covariant derivative operator of flat spatial metric ηab

∂μ contravariant basis vector associated with coordinate xμ© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

Conventions, notation, and mathematical preliminaries

Units, metric and physical constants

Throughout the book, gravitational units, with G = c = 1, will be adopted in writ-ing the equations governing stellar structure and dynamics, whereas numerical prop-erties of stellar models will be listed in cgs units, unless otherwise noted. We use theconventions of Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler [480] for the signature of the space-time metric (− + ++) and for signs of the curvature tensor and its contractions.Spacetime indices will be Greek, α, β, . . . , whereas spatial indices will be Latina, b, . . . . (Readers familiar with abstract indices can regard indices early in thealphabet as abstract, whereas indices μ, ν, λ and i, j, k will be concrete, taking val-ues μ = 0, 1, 2, 3, i = 1, 2, 3.) Corresponding to a choice of coordinates, t, r, θ, φ, avector uα has components ut, . . . , uφ ; its components along an orthonormal frame,{e0 , . . . , e3}, will be written {u0 , . . . , u3}. Parentheses enclosing a set of indicesindicate symmetrization, and square brackets indicate antisymmetrization.

Numbers that rely on physical constants are based on the values c = 2.9979 ×1010 cm s−1 , G = 6.670 × 10−8 g−1cm3s−2 , � = 1.0545 × 10−27 g cm2s−1 , baryonmass mB = 1.659 × 10−24 g, and M� = 1.989 × 1033 g = 1.477 km.

Derivatives and integrals

The covariant derivative operator of the spacetime metric gαβ will be written ∇α ,and the partial derivative of a scalar f with respect to one of the coordinates – sayr – will be written ∂rf or f,r . Lie derivatives along a vector uα will be denoted byLu . The Lie derivative of an arbitrary tensor Ta ···b

c···d is

LuTa ···bc···d = ue∇eT

a ···bc···d − T e···b

c···d∇eua − · · · − Ta ···e


+ Ta ···be···d∇cu

e + · · · + Ta ···bc···e∇du

e . (1)

Our notation for integrals is as follows. We denote by d4V the spacetime volumeelement. In a chart {x0 , x1 , x2 , x3}, the notation means

d4V = ε0123dx0dx1dx2dx3 =√

|g| d4x, (2)

where g is the determinant of the matrix ‖gμν ‖. Gauss’s theorem (presented inSection A.3 of the Appendix) has the form∫

Ω∇αAαd4V =


AαdSα , (3)© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information

xxiv Conventions, notation, and mathematical preliminaries

with ∂Ω the boundary of the region Ω. In a chart (u, x1 , x2 , x3) for which V is asurface of constant u, dSα =

√|g| ∇αud3x, and∫


AαdSα =∫



|g|d3x. (4)

If V is nowhere null, one can define a unit normal,

nα =∇αu∣∣∇β u∇β u

∣∣1/2 , (5)

and write

dSα = nαdV, (6)


dV =√|3g| d3x, (7)

where 3g is the determinant of the 3-metric induced on the surface V . But Gauss’stheorem has the form (3) for any 3-surface S, bounding a 4-dimensional region R,regardless of whether S is timelike, spacelike, or null.1

Similarly, if Fαβ is an antisymmetric tensor, its integral over a 2-surface S ofconstant coordinates u and v is written∫


Fαβ dSαβ =∫



|g|d2x, (8)

and a corresponding generalized Gauss’s theorem has the form∫V

∇β Fαβ dSα =∫


Fαβ dSαβ . (9)

If nα and nα are orthogonal unit normals to the surface S, for which (n, n,∂2 ,∂3)is positively oriented, then dSαβ = n[α nβ ]

√|2g| d2x.

Asymptotic notation: O and o

We will use the symbols O(x) and o(x) to describe asymptotic behavior of functions.For a function f(x), f = O(x) if there is a constant C for which |f/x| < C, forsufficiently small |x|; f = o(x) if limx→0 |f/x| = 0. For example, if A is constant,A/r = O(r−1), and A/r3/2 = o(r−1).

1 Note that in the text, nα denotes the future pointing unit normal to a t = constant hypersurface,nα = −∇α t/|∇β t∇β t|1/2 . In order that, for example,

∫ρuα dSα , be positive on a t = constant

surface, one must use dSα = ∇α t√

|g|d3 x = nα dV = −nα dV .© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-87254-6 - Rotating Relativistic StarsJohn L. Friedman and Nikolaos StergioulasFrontmatterMore information
