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Setting Goals 1

Setting Goals

Hunter Rose

Texas Tech University

Setting Goals 2


In this paper I will be introducing you to my long term goals of one day completing my degree

and joining the ranks of the FBI. I will be doing so by identifying and discussing three short term

objectives that will each help me on my way to fulfilling my long term goal. I will conclude my

paper by bringing my three areas of concentration together and connecting them in a way that

will relate to my long term goal and allow me to summarize my future plans.

Setting Goals 3

Long-Term Goal

Ever since I can remember I have spent my life running around outside, playing sports,

and generally seeing how just how much grief I could cause my parents in one days’ time. I

haven’t really changed much since then I still enjoy being outside and playing with any kind of

ball I can get my hands on. I have always been an active person which is why it is surprising that

I chose to begin my college career on the path to becoming an engineer. When I first set out with

my original goal in mind it was based off of my love of being outside and building thing, which

in my mind was what and engineer was all about. As I soon came to realize that isn’t exactly

how the world works and under the threat of being stuck behind a desk for the rest of my life I

made the decision to pursue a different career path.

Many of the games I played during my youth revolved around good guys and bad

guys and bringing the evil doers to justice. Since my sophomore year I had a pretty good idea of

what I wanted to do after college but it was only recently that I truly made the decision. I want to

be outside and I want to be stopping bad guys, so with that in mind I decided to pursue a career

with the FBI. I have spoken to many people either working with or that have relatives in the FBI

and I always get the same answer, the FBI isn’t looking for a specific degree what they want are

people with analytical minds, people who can take any situation and figure out the right course

of action. I believe that by developing my interdisciplinary skills I will be moving one step closer

to achieving the level that they are looking for. I will be graduating in May this year and after

that the next step is simply to apply. Along the way I will be in contact with both our local FBI

office and my friends who are a part of the program, I will also need to stay in shape in order to

be ready to meet the physical requirements. It is my hope that through the proper preparation I

will be able to join the ranks of the FBI upon completion of my college degree.

Setting Goals 4

Short-Term Objectives

The most important and meaningful objective on the way to reaching my long-term goal

of entering the FBI is the completion of my schooling. I am on track to graduate with a degree in

University Studies in May and I have the opportunity to continue in college for one more year

after that and complete a degree in industrial engineering as well. I have not yet decided if I will

be staying to get a second degree here at tech or not yet but as of now I am planning on

completing college this May and am preparing for that prospect. I will of course be pushing

myself and doing my best to attain all A’s in every course from now until then in order to give

myself a leg up on any competition.

Another short term goal I have placed on myself is getting physically ready and staying

in shape for any kind of physical requirements I will need to meet for the position. I began my

college career at Hardin-Simmons University and while I was there I played football for them.

During my time there I was in the best shape of my life as I had coaches pushing me every day to

be the best I could possibly be, in the recent years I have taken a few steps back in that area

however I have kept in decent shape and am in the process of returning to that level. It is much

harder to push yourself and hold yourself accountable when you are the only one on the team and

while that has been an obstacle I have encountered I am doing a much better job now that I have

a set goal in mind.

The third short term goal I will be working towards is meeting with the local FBI office

and just getting a feel for what they are looking for. I will need to call and schedule an

appointment with them and do so soon so that I can get started working on any pointers they may

Setting Goals 5

have for me. I will be holding myself accountable for completing all of these goals and through

the support of my family and friends I am confident I can achieve them all.


My three areas of concentration are mechanical engineering, math, and military history.

Each of these concentrations is important to my goal in their own way and when brought

together provides me with the skills necessary to tackle any problem. I have only recently

switched into the University Studies major and coming from a mechanical engineering one I had

already completed my math minor and only require two more classes for my engineering one.

My military history minor however is a different story, when asked to choose a third

minor and pretty much already having engineering and math set in stone I decided to go with a

passion of mine and finally learn about something that truly interests me. I have always had a

love of history and in particular military history and when I learned I had the opportunity to

really study it I simply couldn’t pass it up, and in what I consider a plus I will get to spend the

last semester of my college career almost solely in history classes which will be a pleasant

change from the engineering classrooms I am used to. This change will also provide me with a

different viewpoint and the INTS classes I am taking to tie the three of these together will both

contribute to my problem solving, which is what I am told is tested in the FBI. My engineering

and math allow me to analyze a situation but my history will allow me to see it in a different

view, it will provide me with an understanding of what has been done before and what has

worked or failed in the past. I will not be able to achieve my goal without a degree and my first

and largest step in attaining my goal is doing well in school and graduating with my degree, only

after that will I be able to pursue my dreams.

Setting Goals 6

Setting Goals Grading Rubric Criteria

Points Possible Points Earned

GeneralPaper adheres to APA formatting (title page, citations, references page, etc.). Filename is correct. This rubric pasted at the end of the assignment.


Writing is clear with appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Headings are appropriately labeled


Long-Term Goals (300 words)Student clearly identifies a long-term career goal.


Student discusses how the identified goal is measurable/achievable.


Student discusses the timeline, resources, and meaningfulness of the goal.


Short-Term Objectives (300 words)Student identifies 3 short-term objectives which are clearly related to the long-term career goal.


Student discusses the importance of the goals. 15Student discusses a plan for evaluation. 10Connection (300 words)Student identifies three areas of concentration and their relation to the long-term goal.


Total 100