Rose Tyler Boomtown Scarf



Knitting Pattern

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  • Rose Tyler Boomtown Scarf

    Fellow Doctor Who aficionados / knitters probably noticed the cute scarf that Rose Tyler was wearing in the

    Boomtown episode.

    I sure did, but I just thought nice scarf, and that was the end of it. Or so I thought! That little scarf burrowed

    its way into my brain until I was determined to make it. I browsed and found I wasnt the only one who had

    made the attempt. I tested out a few patterns and colours and nothing seemed quite right. I spent minutes

    (hours, probably) with my nose against my computer monitor trying to figure out the pattern. Harder than it


    I think that I finally have it sussed! Without further adieu, here is the pattern.

  • Rose Tyler Boomtown Scarf Pattern

    Size: One size fits all! You may want to adjust a bit if you are very short or very tall.

    Yarn: Four skeins of Manos del Uruguay Wool Classica Space Dyed. Pick the colours you like best; to mimic the

    BoomTown scarf as best as possible, use:

    one skein of wildflowers,

    one mermaid,

    one fruit salad or autumn,

    one mulled wine or pot pourri.

    These are not the exact colours I used but I would recommend those after seeing how the colours work

    together. Roses scarf looks a bit lighter in the photos but Manos doesnt make anything lighter than

    Wildflowers in that type of yarn.

    Needles: One set of size 10.5US (for cast on / off), one set size 11US for the scarf itself.

    Gauge is not important for this project.


    Ssk slip two stitches as if to knit onto right needle. Insert left needle into front loops of slipped sts and knit

    Yo2 double yarnover / yarnover twice (creates two sts)

    C1f slip st on stitch holder and bring to front; p next st; p st from stitch holder (I didnt use a st holder)

    C1b slip st on stitch holder and bring to back; p next st; p st from stitch holder

  • Using two strands (different colours) cast on 22 stitches.

    Row 1: K22 across

    Row 2: sl2, P18 across, sl2

    Row 3: K22 across

    Row 4: sl2, P18 across, sl2

    Row 5: k2 *p1, k2tog, ssk, p1* k2

    Row 6: sl2 *k1, p1, yo2, p1, k1* yf, sl2

    Row 7: k2 *p1, k2, k1bl, k1, p1* k2

    Row 8: sl2 *c1f, p2, c1b* sl2

    Repeat rows 3 to 8 until scarf measures approximately 8 feet, alternating colours every 2-8, changing one

    colour at a time (e.g., pink and purple for 4, pink and green for 6, green and orange for 5, etc). Finish with

    rows 1-4 and bind off using smaller needles.


    Add a long fringe (4-6) if you wish. I used five strands (doubled over so each tassel was ten strands) every 2

    stitches. Trim so they are even.

    Block the scarf

    Soak the scarf in tepid water for at least an hour.

    Gently squeeze out excess water and wrap it up in a dry towel. Step or kneel on the roll to remove as much

    moisture from the scarf as possible.

    Lay out of the scarf (right side up) on foam tiles, a mattress, etc and stretch it slightly until the holes are open

    and the scarf is even. Pin into place using pins, quilters pins, blocking wires, etc.

    Allow to dry for at least 24 hours.
