Rose E -...


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Puttie 547-845

Rose E


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: Fire Company Held Dual Purpose Party

Plans had been put into motion for a farewell par­ty for Prank A, Moore who will be taking up liv­ing quarters nearer his job and as it turned out, also plans were finalized for a 20-year anniversary of the Putnam Volunteer Fire Company.

There were 40 fire com­pany officials, wives and members of the ladies auxiliary present at the gathering on Saturday, September 12. 1981 in the firehouse at 6 and with a buffet-supper honored Prankie Moore as a dedicated person to the Putnam Volunteer Fire Company.

To throw off suspicion that anything was being done to honor Moore, he was brought to the firehouse for a 20th year celebration of the forming of the company in the town of Putnam.

Mr. Steve Moore in­troduced the gathering as a 20-year anniversary par­ty gathering and turned to Rev. Floyd Freed over the reading of the initiation of a fire company being formed in the Town of Putnam. Floyd Freed read off a prepared speech and welcomed everyone to the 20th year of the fire department. On August 17, 1961 22 in­terested citizens of the Town of Putnam gathered in the Town Hall at 8:10 and a meeting was called to order by temporary chairman Frank Moore. The purpose of the meeting was to form a volunteer fire company.

On September 15, 1961 $55 was submitted to Judge J. O'Brien for the is­suance of a certificate or incorporation fee.

On October 13, 1961 a motion was made by Ken­neth Smith and recorded by William Petty to have a parcel of land 200' x 200' purchased from Russell Moore situated north and adjacent to Bernard Granger's and purchased for the amount of $200.

On October 20, 1961 a resolution was introduced by Sec. Frank Moore to read as: I, Frank Moore, Jr resolve our Company adopt the formerly prepared plans for the size of the firehouse 60 x 30 of cement block walls, however, until such time as the board of directors deem the company finan­cially able to finish the 60 x 30 building this com­pany proceed with a 2-stall building 30 x 42 in size with 2 operational 12 foot doors installed. This was seconded by David Iverson with 22 in favor and opposed by none, with resolution carried.

On November 2, 1961 Harry Startup fire chief, reported on the purchase of a 1938 pumper from West Dummrston, VT and a motion to borrow 500' of 2V%" hose from the Fort Ann Fire Depart­ment.

Then following war » discussion of a telephone or alarm system. Moving on. the 22 member com­pany proceeded with the reality of a young fire department. To thi| date there are 51 members ex­cluding those who have since deceased. Tp^ty there is much better equipment, n -lirger building, much faster alerting system *nd: of course many more bills.

The Ladies Auxiliary was formed] lit October 1961 and Mr. Freed added that the auxiliary in­stigated the get-to-Rether for the dual assemblage. With the cooperation of tluj fire company the buf­fet supper emerged.

Following the buffet meal, and the speech just read by Rev. Freed there came the honoring and recognition of 20 years of outstanding work and ser­vice of one of the first members, Frank A. Moore. On August 17, 1961 he was chosen as the fire company secretary, an office which he held for one year and then went on to president and holding such office for 11 years. In 1972 Frank declined an office which was deter­mined as Fred put it to regroup his troup for a period of 9 more years, which he so gratiously performed the duties as president.

Frank Moore showed dedication, right from the beginning, firstly from the fact that he was the per­son who forked over the incorportaion money from his pocket ad for which at a later date was compensated. Incidently, the company didn't wait to long to pay this bill as it was at the next meeting

. - ' f ,• ?•<,;;-;-?;'!' W'v-u^v''--;L-•

wxt»:oitOc! VillMaiuk*

ry. To have a «ub contract wUh American R«d Cross for the Friendly VWtor program and E.O.C. for transportation and also 3 taxi compaaiet. • ' WatWnfton County Of­fice for the Aging hu a v e i ^ g o ^ working rela-tionsMp with Social Ser­vicer to - & i ^ f l i e $ n r

tijmt*,, Social '• Security,

Vete^aiv Adminfstratioii.

senior c l t i«as

day with' many blessings, added.

Happy anniversary greeting to Mr. and Mrx. William Beiden «w Sept* 27 and to alt other couples who. will be celebrating one at this time

In the Hospital ' John Craig has recently

undergone surgery and we all wish htm well and a

recovery His ad-js-f* Chestnut Hill

Hospital, 8835 German-town Ave , Phil, PA 19118. Room No 367 B. I'm sure lohn would like to hear from friends and r Jliilvesy. while he is a pa­tient or recuperating.

Social Cohpaui -%0fooi Day weekend

gtil&s. ol Mr. and Mrs* Victor %eadway jwere

m^MA Mrs. Brad Wright their," children John and Upk and Mr and Mrs. Russell Ktggins, all of FSffiAmi

Katherine Crammond m the Labor Day weekend were her grandson; Mr. and Mrs. John Crammond of Esperence and their daughter Laura

Janet Belden, daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Belden of Pulpit Point spent some tune with her parents while on a 2 week leave from the Giffith Air Force Base near Rome, NY Janet is associated with the Medical Ad­ministration.

Yours truly enjoyed a scenic trip on the Ticonderoga on Wednes­day, Sept. 16 from take George Village in the company of 86 other Red Cross volunteer workers of the Adirondack Chapter of the Red Cross. The buffet meal was ex­cellent and meeting all the other workers, was very pleasing, aboard the Ticonderoga from Warn ren, Washington,* and lower Essex County.

which was a prompt_^jed

b o d y / ^ M ^ ^ "'*'"" MneTttj

JillTroqtbie in Grade land,<» 2 .wtthvMrs;p Hathaway as jj£

in grade 4 wit I Forest,as the i.,™,,,.^..,.. teacher, 9 in fif.h grade and": iW$t&Mm?^ • Mrs. Daffa, $$^&.tif , homeroottSleabMreV^?* <'* Are Yo.Hlg.bfc for

At this tirn^ *^th.^ar torn nations' and talk of another *$*> ^ " t t , e

quip formatters! A draftee, some time

ago , made his way through the chee.k-up sta­tions for his physical ex­am, and he complained of this and that aihnent. He came up for his eye test and the doctor in, charge, asked turn to. close one!, glimmer *nd squtnrat ihr ' chart. Everything ijites; okay. Btit when the other eye was given aftrial/the gily chirped that he couldn't make out the large letter E. It was Blur-

Px»mt,vi«^de^ a l s i i l l LW:A£$&W$

• fWemlwrihlp

gesture on the part of the company.

To add to Mr. Moore's dedication the company has been greatly influenc­ed by his help, skilled leadership, willingness to help which all added up, are worthy to copy or follow.

For all serv ices rendered and fo(. his dedication to the Putnam Volunteer Fire Company, Frank A. Moore was awarded a gift of a clock and a miniature fire truck seWing along s ide , mounted on a plate.

The fire company and ladies auxiliary wish Frank A. Moore, the best and will be looking for­ward to his visits and wish him luck in his new apart­ment, which he will in­habit on bis working days.

The Putnam Volunteer Company has been credited for being called to many chimney fires and some of the spectacular fires of the company's past history are the Glen-burnie Club which burned in 1969, the Putnam House on March 29,1973, Dieters on Octboer 28, 1973, Darling Hill Dinet on May 6, 1974, Charles

The Doc, learted over, whipped out a plcJce of glass, and pladisd it 0*er the offending eye and ask­ed if there was' alii im* provement. "Yep', clear as a bell how;" was the reply. The doctor qiiipped quickly, "You'r^rin roy friend," The glass ,-used was of a n e

variety and couldn't possibly have addled yi-SiOn. , „ • ;h ' r

Sealer CHIien lafo Here is the la l of ser-.

vices provided -; thrdugh the Office of thfcAginj for the benefit o/tS](e.elderly or serlior •citizeni' ;

SMb^nlriet^g;'^.!* a cc^fn9J^Y^':ia)iri$|) in which .Washington * ty\.offtfe^ort"iiftS"

P^I poir

.. ,_,-.....,. -...-,. - „„Jv* ,;^.A,n>emb^rsWp^|ive f»»r aVMve and inac i iv t -

Jrtiembers""' for ' fle\'"-.vne»-Moses Ludington|Ho.s]piial is, underway and?,Ruse Blood is chairwonritn fi.»r the Town of PatnanV-aml is,looking-for votuirieerv who will pick up niernber ships in or around slu-u neighborhood.

The purpose of Hi.-drive is to initiate tn«>iu-\ from a $2 fee from <Nuh •

t^waro^^equipmeni: u\w ' vided ,to patients''Th ilu-

1 new* M.L. hospital. Ii is also Used for iletm m make patients more com fortable through various ways:

please call Rose BU»u! 547-8452 either wav. n> become an active or an in active member of the an x iuary and 'or to be .i . volunteer for. distrihtiii.xi Of the membership.

Pood Sale 'The" BeitrtConLerned

Citizens Committee will hold a food sate o n Thurs­day, September 24 af 10 at Burleigh's Pharmacy

» ; ittrthday's and x Aaatvertariei

s,Happy, birthday to James P. Harris, Peggy Supry, andJames Hirst pn Sept. ^jtp^EUeen GTeely on Sept/ 2 8 / to James 3

Bushey on Sept.^30, to f

JennuTttr Belden on Oct. i , tovIo&i Moore, VTfedbert RoCjk and to, my, sister

^Fannie Gregory on Oct *** ^^Ka^eyjO'Cbnnor'on

each & special

Cheek our everyday Low Prieet!

Hudson Falli Hock Ct. ALL SIZES 4 SHAPES"

North St. Hudson Fsils, off Dot Aw. Phone 747-47ai



Oocn Mon-Frf 7 s.m. • 446 Sat. 'til Noon

Tony's Ticonderoga tslnc.

PhiMli. »**'i»*»^ "' wlnat^ll liiliart'Tliikfliirnfn

* imumwirm **<*» • I Sfi f^fmmr '


The All la»ee has workaliops

a#aBa#aaa^a^B^ ^ ^ P ^

ttds fall, which will begto during the week of September 28.

Dried flowers. The art of creating pictures with dried flowers will be taught by Lena lulhano. There will be two classes offered: the first will be 4 Wednesday mornings mom 10 to 12 beginning on September 30 and run­ning through October 21; the second session will be on Tuesday evenings from %% running from Oct. 6 through Oct. 27.

90it% sessions wilt be held at the arts center in the basement of the com­munity btiilding. The cost

riod each session will he $8 f $ 2 j » r olass)* Students ?hottto bring ghte, scissors arid tweezers with them to the first class, ,

Creative,. Dramatics* Maureen Montbrmnd wilf direct this workshop for childeeW they witt>par-ticipate tn activities designed to stimufate im-•gtttatioln, 4uui 'develop sensory av^arehesss and concentration. Iniprovisar tional theatre techniques,

ifstory telling, and Imime. waUall be incorporated in-|hus program , v~rVfi%y Wontbna)id has just oompleted her BA tft Theatre 6qA is interested mfdeveloprag programs" in

dramt^ct aM $ theatre to the J

workshop t$ open to children ages $ to 12. It will be held on two con* secutive Saturday mornings-October 3 and 10 from 10 to 12 in the communty building. v

Movement Workshop: This class wilt involve techniques from several dance and exercise pro­grams to help you get In shape. Dances from aerobic dancing will be a major focus of the ac­tivities presented. Peggy Dargan wilt lead this workshop Which will meet on Tuesday evenings from ?t30 to 8: 0 beginning on Oct *3N The toaitjcrf the workshop) which will run for f>wee*$ wittl?* $ $ .

If you are interested in participating in these classes, yoU may register by sending your name and. phone number to Mill ,R|ver Arts Alliance, Box 18ft,' Ttcondcroiia. WY

SALES B \ ^ V I C 6

24 Hour Service ¥

CALL COUECT^ 561-2020 OR .


Wortft C d i w W -Shopping ^Mu^r

% P/attsburgh, N T .



Diane Hart, president of the Punuun F i f ^ D e p ^ ^ Ladies Auxiliary^recentiy presented former FDpresi* ;

dent Frank A.* Moore (right) with a ct,nclr and, miniature fire truck gift. Current Fire Co. President!'' Henry Drinkwinl is at center, (Photo by Rose Hood)

Sentinel Want Ads Get Results

I would like to sincerely thank the 215 Town of

Morlah residents wtio recently supportedme

w|th f ihelr votes in the September^ 10th Republican Primary.

Warren F. Dobson Warren Studio , Port Henry, NY,



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1010.71 O o j g i M j w w t * A m tU.Ol-Ot-41 000


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JmltBT, Koran C OITUHK-iefl Mtee^leoauB 007J*4tt.l3i *ft«Hlli| DuUeJT Jfrjsjaaet.

«-5?eoo COUKII OavM W ACaaaeU 037764)1 16IHO 4wyeii l a ja laeWTMH*! Monaco Arto*. GJa#j*035 (

Monati) fane* 035OMN-I2J Moody KCTirtte ACl ir . 0400-20 04» 5l«;lklnte.Alt*ftA # 9 00«QJfli-4600« SheUrtie. Albert AS*eW 0070*0>4)1000 Nwiueni TtoojJorf017C Cr.i«,W»I»eA,Crtaf.t -OI24000) , Perry Bertel'r Jr «*)BO FutahrHielltthdIityref


10l7.«|4».r/.OO0 . - . , . - .i,t*V,»7 / L I O I I M , A8C#C,

tl7.lMM-2f«00. . . . . . . • - . , . . . . . . , ' : M7XI8 vraffp^nsi PMfram w. pt wtsfjen, M. »t7,«l474>5J0O ,:,•.';.... •wnaaa.h. wpa»» . A Ev^»« 8 . OI7.304I42.000> . , ^117.05 HwtMua, RMkiV) U. • MoiteaM*. Caral 1. Q17.«»mi.OO0 .,»••:;;.. SAtfT. • ' CbajMr, SuuHl} . A Cooper.- Dorlt J-017.9I4V03.000 i,...,",. 117,05 -.. • W.H.. Kaiktoea A WiW«a«. R<«» P. .' 4l7.SA«l4T,0«f,~....... --::,..;.."•. 417.05. i S«luli.ltoaaMM.«Sea«ti.iadltliD;

W7.3j4i4«;0oo:.r:\,'..;.;., ; . . .wit*»7 -•-H»>^k^.lUyw^I.Sr.tl07.71424l.0OO . . ^ . ' - . . , . . 1 . . ; ' . . . ' . . . . . .-*.,'*i;'.1f.4l5$^ \ Aabtfe ACtM b e . 017 41^444.00016997 A t m 9fa.4v « I R M B . wajr-b^..;, - r : ..••% 58«fUjQ0O. .;.,„.t.,. •••. .».,:.VV^1M»-. ;>' Sprata*. #«»bMaX Jr.' A 5prtajt«.... s-' .••/ Thoatta*. Peter J|; J>n.4841^WI«».|7 B 6 ^ . * B t t a « - ^ # 3 1 - 0 3 4 ^ i B l » ^ , ; i - . Howe, Uawl & H«« , M«rir fc«4l»;a'j'S;..;;> 017i«J4tt»4:200., ;tyU,,,....; ' .^ » » . % - . Aiii^ibAei«Iw::o07.7a-ai4to.0OB284.W., AwaMe J^ii^03m@*05!l^^M!

Ha^Haaa- :lkaajhB~fB aTflfF^MjWJW"rtVI f*fHW>«'' -'. n t l*4

Anaahb Acre* loc. ^/Kfjkmmi^ti W%

!,Acrf»l»p.0tl7^|4ffl*|^T>^l-* .

McCray, Harry A MeCray. rVrfcia 8<7,UH)l-«,00O. .' 495-39 P»lfllp«, Bm« O47.04-O1-2O.O0O . 49.&3 toUUf. WUaja WWK.iBon; O47^)»4l42i09a , 327.24 PyWfar. M«r> 04* 04-01-15.000 .292.13 Unwre. Robert A. 4 Lamere, MiMred 1. CasS-ai-H-OW. . . . . . . . . 327.24 Ritchie, Lacy M. 047.O44i47.10DI 327.24 Sniih. WHO. A Mary Hoirtml 029,0042/22.000 . . . . > : . . : . 120.41 Spear. W«'A Toerew 047.02-0147.000 :; , ' . . , . . ' . . . • . . . ,....J,':.'":625,64 y^rta, Dab038.O44t-25.!)fl0...: .114:67.

'Dt*l«|»o?iTerryAI>ieliej*aa.te«ri'.' '• 03J.W41-t9i.W0., . , . . . ; ; : 292.13 WU(»«i«ii. Roberto. A WhiteniMi, AnnT. o#;i34ttri|.04l?,;,„,.-• :.. , . - .54^12 Bei»w»y, Eujene A Benway Melba ' ' • '


'th** Wi-fc-rJbawt T>«y«a.03U

Aaaabb Acta toe. 01 Aaaakfe Act«« Joe. 017. . . Aaaabte Ac^Tlae. 0 1 7 d f 4 3 4 ( . 0 0 0 l 6 9 ^ ItataWewica. Joaeph A . f c jm^^Alaa ^ «.

, OIT^O3-ISJ)(IOT:'.V . ! ™ s a % AvaaWe. ACTS Iae. 017^41-)2.Wigi69i"7 CeftH, Tuaoa B. A OrteBJ A J j ^ « , | f V ' ' 0!7^0142.«» . . . : ,? . , ^ S p t f A ^

017>4n41.|0L000 Aaatbte Aetcalftc. 0(7:. Aa*>b4e Aerea lac. 017.41-

. Aaaible Acra tac. 017.41,

. AujaMe Acre* Inc. 017.41. ,., . A*t«o1* Acres tec. OI7.4i47.02,OOpti ; AwiN? Acre. Inc. 017-4t,47^»;0gp! , A»«*We Aciw tac. 017.4(47^ S»'

tjjvlnl Pr«acu(C*>dnenne

128034(47000 t t i- 24432

72815 A..

j 65982 A Q u a e M

- 2112? A t U l l a n ,



{^ohB lohn W

Foun'titn Kobert 38X1544 t)0Q

Pufenon. Uoyd O

3^9 67_

004 0 4 4 1 4 9 0 0 0 19295

001 03 014)2 00O 374 56

A Dale 004 3J2JU

001 7644.1000O 162276

Ford Glenn A other* 004 0341-49 000 1 41824

S(etaoo Dennii J A Diane J 0 0 9 0 1 4 1 16XN0 22927

0 » r » e y W e n d e l l A A n n e ,B 0O-4 2 D 0 3 1 3 1 1 0

146(42 OkUmti EdwaW 0 0 4 4 3 4 1 1 5 0 3 0 65 7 9 0 « » l a w . Jamea V A Merl lda , 0 0 4 5 3 0 3 0 4 0 0 0

Wpod» Leonard 117^04)1^33000 151.M? Woodi Leonard A Lydia 128 01417600O

v n 67446^ Yordy Ckarlea A ABoydat George IO7O34144O0Q 44521 Skinner £Uaabethlt7D242-23 000^474 50 McCray Clarence A U \ m 1170341-3) 000 f •» 3 J 8 > >

AJhUae Betty 1 2 8 0 1 4 ( 5 9 0 0 0 302,59-, Wood' Arthur B Ir 128034128 000

*. * \ * « 2 1 St Kerre Oennaia Si (Tkrre EsteBe 117024343.000 69 W Provoncha Mel*in ALUbaB> , '" 128064543000 4I4S Whitford leanette, 128 0 6 4 5 4 6 200

J ) 4145-Euea County Tar-Sale-1.976 Lee Marcella. Pxo^t 128,014171000

Woodi Aibley , 070341 14000 +432t : f 149 03T

ConnRight Roxaaae Heart of 0557S434iOOO 7275 Croat, BdnidT 055 754134 OOd 5% 02 Drew DonaJdS ASylvbP 055 764111000 63174 Evan*, Marlon B BT 055 834243 OOO

, b S S Han Gerald CJr A Minim T 055 764141000 333887 Wfldey Donald M A Martha 055 84 4116000 / , 607t73l Bordo Marie A 0558444-15.000 .,26606 Kurtenbach HcarjrB Ktateabacli ^ Cobe^OSS 8443-14 OOO ,1>

127 31

"1 v l 6 ? 9 f Q36JXWI1-0) 2O00

\ 6*19 A Mildteil M

tftebaUi-tea^-AlJiaaa^^ 0271M4-32I20 . 32i»Ofi Aluafc<e Acre ( W r | ^ » 017424>4i 000

(\ ( - y ^ ^ Awbfcf Acre. pTojpert^*0l7 0342-02 ODD

, L •> ~ i 2176:0.1 AuiaHrAsret. 0'27 0I-O212 OitO

r l 4 J \ l 1 7 0 < , AuiaHeAcrciJnc 007 7042 7.IXK) !?s II AVoyo J1U10* Arroyn7 Yivuui 017 4-4)8 4M0O0-1',. n , \ ^ [WW Biran ElBabeitt A $>nli)17 23411-iMOni

X ^A, r-i^t B3 51 Ainatle A c t t r l n c D17.4044-1100011? 1» Ctiialdo ^LooUP A Castaldo Frartcu t ' 017 2347rl2|000 *- - ] ( « * An»Me<Acret(f(C 0 (7 lI-flH'MXXllW*^ AliaAte'Ae^t lair 0 l 5 KM)HK> 000164 47 Ciyleujameir 0 ( 7 ^ 1 1 UVtXK) -"S > Cooeiie Marilyn Beih 4 Ribert 017^041-44000 - . ll^O1! Euoai S y l * i a l ' « | 7 ' 4 4 3 4 6 - 0 0 0 \ltW> Whalen WilkastR A Whalen Lin.daB I 0I74343-2300O *• l t » f AuwUeAcrertnc 0(7 324444 O00I1" 0« AujaWe Acre. 017 4 9 4 4 4 3 000 117 OS Avsable Acrea Inc 017 234246 OOOIW 97 CJraaai Carolya M A Judith A Wdlltnu 017324J-nT0OO' * 117 05 Gutlaota RoiandA Iane017 404345 OOO

1 64592 AutaWe Acre. Inc 01749-04-11 000117 05 Atttaible Acna-Inc 017 5941 14 OOQI17 05 Jordan Eleanor H 017 2J4243 000169 97 Kuaap RenuaandJr A4Gbdyt 017 31-02 •07 OOO j 16997 AuaaHe Acrea Inc 0 1 7 2 3 4 1 1 0 000175 31 RlederDaalelB 017^4943-42000 J1705 M6aJey Join P A Veronica H 017 .

1 * - u7oi

R v e n Al^eg4>360IM)l

nuhoi* Jai fcnUaThel (1117 7 M W « « f i f ( lyal?liMf?>inj77VMB StVag«]*»ulD£AiCei 43-10Opn. Sctagiiliinliy f san* A 027O24L4?OI}f See-Ainu Robert L IrS 1

027 6242-13080 Poland •^TO•*0tt!|0^34t SheWrtae Albert A Del

S!mp«n A8a,O27104t 5lnj>«on ^ 0 2 7 1 0 4 1 •imuli D»v|d0360fMir Simil) D)«nil*)87ttl Smilti. Pwna!«j 0271 S m u t / b . n . l d 11)7 < Mnml] DKintKO »-V> Smutli tJtiiildOi? 5(U«h N e l A ^ w l i h

297446 7 5 9 2


(2714 fetal AlyceJ)

S593 0 > " 3504Q


« <&<» 1)0* * %»10

looon 9 (HO I t)M)

Slant N.pM»C<>l?J Mut.ll N«hl |M DI7J smuii N)rM*C « (BO n

t r e n u < M<n< h &

If4l 100 WIS H inn V W I H

OIMI»«24IHa0l) / 2 4 0 | W

•Ql-m ODD 48.0" J«l*«0OO 4B0» j .mri 01702-01-0?


ln-ro-uboa) S5974

fell. 0271


315.33 34302

S7 4S

476 25



mo>ot?i3'XBo... .*•,-...;:.. f:. .'f 283.75 ---••-•': "-a''- v, .r:.:.:~ k a a i l o n i t , Leo- S.' A' Shirley N

Lobdel l .

.$34H4;OOOJ.* 65.79 i l i e l . l o n n i ' R . , 004.20-02-05.000 »-".<'...: '. 30.38'

El. le . OOl.75-01-01.OOO ^ . . . ^ . . . . . . 4 6 7 ^ 9

Faatrt^Arttur" ASMrley," O04.>44243.000 ... - „ * v ^ ,..„.„.:•.•:-. 251.06 Laplcr, Gerald; 004.14424i.OO0 .301.91

NfcL'eari, Howard T'.A Dorothy,

04J4V5 3j-0 3 - 2 5 . 0 0 0 , . - . ; . . " . . „ * L . U 100.31 rtejerett.lDoro'thy H. A MUtaenABchael.

-iOD4.544J»(6JDjOQ, , 62.16 Sfjpooer, Gilbert A Georje.

' OXM^PSilflOd „ -• 937.67 Prime, P.W., 004.034146.000, 113.01 CSueUctte,-Ga, 001.674141.000.'.. -338.25 RomteU.-Robt H. A Ruth M.. 0Ol!7frO342.OM.. 489.49 Ddjle, Joteph'E. Jr., 010.0841-10.000 . . . . „ ' . . . . . . . - . ; 65.79 Doyle. Jr. Joteph E.. O1O.OB42K13.OO0. . - , . . , ; 138.44

l l f^,;I^e«a,(j08;004143.000 174.79 . Jaquiih, Jobs S.'- Sr. A France' 1.

0O4.034JM8.<)«L. i.-...' 338.21 D M , syfctprrW^A Id»M.;

. O0('.6740i-(0i)00.. .".J. 391J6 Stone, Richard E. A Ethel. 404.0441 •26iW>.:-..<•,...•',:., 374.56 Straight,. Charlea n , 010.0842-16.000 , - . - > , . . . : . . . .';^.V'. t,.<... . , , . . • . 1391.49, So11i»»n, Wil l iam t. A Bet t$ . o> 64 ,50 .2* Q'lSMvSLOja

Sullivan; Win. J. O04.024l4?.p00 .62.16 Sniliran. WiatJ, OO4.424i-21.00O.. .36.75 S B l u V a t f ^ n i ; O M p 4 l - 2 5 ; 0 0 0 . .36.75 SWilran,'Wm. J. O0i'.O44l45.000.. .83:97 StdUvaa,Win 1 001754247000 Solhyan Wm J 001844245000 T*» CarlF 004144242000 Van xStockom William P A 0042043-3X000 Adirondack Aquifer Inc 001 04-0147 000 Wri|ht TbotftuB O(016-0i41 030 HipKW, Brian M AMelanieS O1043-0125 00O Kroha.JohnW OOl 03-0143 200 Gorman Denni . P OW 04-0145 000 ,-Strickbnd.CharletPi 010014127000

43.61 30 28 192.95 Carol. .83.97




44724 Vincent C


1 66519 33e*»,JKctor„4 = Ida J ) W 6 7 4 U 1 <X»

v 99947 Sogaer, ERic B A Patricia F 010-16 - 0 1 4 5 000 , 44724 -Muca Sandra 001 674115200 33825 Anrajr.JodiU ,004 2043-13 300 22927 ariokaAtadcUle.,004024111000 109 « T&iokaAaiocUWa 004024241000 6579 loylbaVUbCorp 001684241100 * » 3 2

•l*yota/VUb,Corp0016S414111(t 3028 "WUltboro, Buildert, 001 684)241 500

> 49J0 JJtoiowrti, tiOrbatt O * J u t n i U t . 018 .004143120 , , 3 7 4 5 6 "WWioto Buudart,. t i c 401674) 170&0

v lOEttjl iStvm WeodtllAAnne,0*l20-0i-13ilO

, , / v* •*> * w

ri»rT«y, ^|V#^11 li A 004^20-03- . )6 040 Cartay, WaadaD t, Anita B, 0O42O-OW-OOO t , » 9 7 Qamy WaajaaVAAaM 0042043-26000

" ~ ^ 5 7 9 :atta*al JCaQtatilia M 0W 244247 OOO

Qafct^*~mmi'qm torn

Anna) B ,


f r l # t *T»

V *

lata Kal 0»t2^Olfl00

A « r o a ^ A«diiclavr ,40(444i'«H.O00 * y 102.11

Hin*h Srterrt W».*?*OM4 200

iaMaL Uolaard t *, Zoaiuaa I t ,

ojjj»4>ij.iae ^v tV. wot 14 A l b . ^S4a^ aj> i^A%aaa. I b a i 1ft 0104*341,-7,300 . i408.t3

l>aaM««bl « a i a a , 1 l a n m . l » 4 » i l o o « . 9BA8* t^a.aiar, ajiaa IgJXIiOtjMB 3M-59 wBWe^w^BJBH tW»4f aua^aaaa^ f i i n 11 1 Jfc taaiMJa^ ldhi Tit,,, , • L « « M ^

Bodt, JohaB.CM.. Hptet;MildKd,T. ; ^ -055.74414S;000 .'rf.'.*; "\-29.>SB Croat, Gloria O55.754I-O4.000. . \ . . .2723 DennU,Nkk, IJennU Helen 065.02^)4 * ' 47.000.. . . , 4 . . . » . . ! ; . ; „ . , 24633. Beede. Lotte 064.0441-08.000 447.77 Boeni. Charolinc C. Heira ol 074.0741-25.000... A 135430 Carpenter. Cart M A Woler074.0241 -42.000...;. 16238 Dawaoo, John P. Ir. A bmea P. *• 075.7041-11.000 28.08 McCoy, Bernard J. A McCoy. Dorothy R . 074.074148.000 112.132 Garondah Bnterpriaei lac . 065.014)1-18 .000 : . ' . ' . . . : 179.17 Garondah Bntetpiiaet b e . 065:014)147 . 0 0 0 . , r 1522-17 Garondah EnterpriMi b e . 065.0I-4IM7 ,000 j . . . . 48134 Garondah Entetpiiaw b e . 065.01-41-16 .000 . . 1 :•>•..., 24633 G a m y , Charlea P, 075.7041-24.000(5232 Graham. Howard A Graham, Marptet' Blame 056.0141-11.0OO 279J90 Graham. Howard 064.024l-28.000 313.40 HaO. Gerald C J r 4 MirUniT. 055.764341.000. .-; .v. (12.02 Hanley, Lawrence 4 Haalcy Evcreit075. 014146.000 J . . .179.17 Hanley, Lawrence A Hanley Brenstt 065. . 034M7rldO.':.' , . . ' : 279r,90' Haadtine, Warren B. IH056.014M7.OO0

» . . . . : . . . . ' . ' . : . . . - . . i . 4 i 4 j o Garvey. Cbirle. P. 075.7041-23.O00I52-32 ' Peterion,Jc4ttM;C.A.MacCnMdy.-EitlKr Arm 056.0l4(4ji:oil6i...'.". .'Mj* Kortep<i«r,C«iti i«ACvnthik ' •' 0744741^2,000 '.,. ..„,,. .v,76».52 Kslbnan. Paul J. 074.0241-21:000.1052.15 McCoy Henry B; A McCoy. FbrenijO 074.0241-12400 *.-. 179.17. McCoy Bernard 1 4 Dorothy R 0 7 4 0 7 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 462.55* McCoy Bernard T A McCoy, Dorothy R 074 0741 11000 112.02 Ota Mountain Ski Corp 064 0 4 4 1 20 OOO

7 8 41 Otit Mountain S b Corp 064 044121 OOO

53503 Puhafer, Donald A Agnej V 0560141 14 QQ0 447 77 RCllh Rohald K 056 0 2 4 2 4 3 OOO GO 12 Somett Danlr 065 0 1 4 1 4 0 0 i » 135430 Somen EvelynH 056 034148 O00192S08 Dawaon Jamea.0757041 27000 4 4 8 9 Somen Erelya 0564341-46.000 . 21276 Somen Everya 056 0 3 4 1 - 4 5 4 0 0 ^ - 9 6 26 Somen ETelyn 065 014122 .000 ,17917 Trombiey. Helen 075 7 0 4 1 2 6 000 , ; ,44 Q Turk,GeorteAHtauKloreH 074 v

0 2 4 ( 4 8 0 0 0 " 4 i,6ta;«z Wallace JO&BH Ar*«ne053,764J4S.O«)

» . " . M l * Pitaraadolph Peter A..Anaemane' •' Cbipman Bnic* A Pamela L 06402-0149 OOO v1^ ? IS777 Greew Harold A Van HoOtChrlrUaa* 4550441(0000 , 27991a Uataowa Otmer 064 404(-29.OO0 27990 Oatoa^a1tJB*brprliwa1iKO6S01-01«S.03p)

C* , <166 Gatono^Entciprieeabc«B.01-<)l48(lOO


Garondah EatermiaealjKi 065 014149 OOO 448»

Garoe^aaEnbrpriaaa b e 0 « 0141-10030 t * » »

Soman, Byetyh 065 014( 15 OQQ U « 2 8 Itbade tottoOM 044146006 . » 0 » *«eCoyr Bernard ( AMcCoylPorottejlt 065 0341-17 400 112,03

iBaax Agaew §taait*E. AVTOdaB 448.014148400 , ' , 490.7© >a(ia<«toiaMad0^014H4tU»b T5I5* Ra*y.TBW»la«0«654343.000 1*2137 Baker MoydW A B W y a A W ) ^ ' 0*4HAP» . 4434«

$ai*,*tmQ tTap AaJwN 0*>.73}«>l«j»}» „ , v v -701* Raaway, •rancal* Satbty UtM 039044143000 47743


„.,....,.. . ...n7;os Aaoble Acrea Inc 017.42-0146:000.117.05 Shaanpeny, Richard B. 017.7941-03.000 -,. . ; „ • . . - ; , . ; . „"->,tfi. 2 . . ! . . . 4 , . rt222.84 Auaable Acrea B e l 017.234+07.000169.97 U i m m i . G t r y X . 027^2343-12.000 100.57 Oroeobcii. Barbara M. A Welch, Nancy

" ^ " .169.97

. 117.05




M. 017^342-14.000 Polter, Sooln Sulfii A Alpen <niMmMXc6,..iK'.-Poiter,SonkSun5.A-Alpert O17 i i04 j l43 .0p4 . , .^ . , Polter, SooinSu'tn. A-AIpcrt 017 iS04 l4W»0 .1 ' . ( »%. . . Auaable Acres 0)7.3244-13,000.. . . 117.05 Rbiille. U o A . 4 RouiUc.-Sylvia B. 0135.404S46.000.. . , . . . . ' . 4 , . - . . , , - H 7 . ( & Oare'nt, Stanley J. O17.4l.dl42.O00,. 55.93 Ausahfe Acrea Inc. 017.364243.000169.97 Auaable Acrea Inc-,OI7^1-41;0&iit75.3! Ausable Acres inc. 017JU43^19.bopi69;97%

Anaable Acre»bc . 0i7.234342.036.t69.97 AailMfrAcre* toe. Olt2345-t4.000U9-97 Auiibte Acrei Inc O17.324644.00OM?iOS Tietjen, Eugene H. 4 rietjpn.Carol Aon

0l7.584)(-12;o66 .. 117.05 Tmilejr, VlrgieEV £- Eleanor H. Ionian -0I7.234244.O00 - 169.97 0raino,.JohnJ..MD017.3142-t7.00rJ ' ' . . : . . . .• .-: .-A ..-,•. v.. 994.95 Virtull, Doininlck.C 4. Jtaephine 017, . 3 2 H O + % O O O . L 4 1 . „ . . . , .;,< ! & „ „ , . . 117.03 Amilto.Ac>c*Ini;:.017.234+p6.()0l)l69.97 MMnint .^m-EteaOI7.404245.000

:.-. •;::...., i$4i::? ^':V«M^» •Wiia^raoa,-*d|ar'Wf>f1«Ideribnri, -.'-ptorence. A^ioaJio^^OOOv?,', «*22i,84

ttotenc*.X;-M|S4m00j) -,v:r(75.31, vraijyWrEa^tvif^-^oeraoo, ,;'i Fk)^ce^'O0ff75WtO8"M):: / .1753*'' WikUraon,.£di«t-Vv4 WllldeTOP-" -• " " Florence A 017414145000 117*05 Aikler. Ctnaina.0274+01 35 000 64 19 Abo VenaMay008Q34M3QpO .482 72 Arto Monaco. Land Of Make BeWe •" Inc 03502-05-iS.OOO 1 ' 632 93 AztoMonacoa Land C4 Mike Beliew Inc 035064X345.000 '' < 153082' Baackbint Lenita Bitot 027 (O0+O3 OOO

BUlae D«»id 4 Denlte 008 034114 000 402O5

raowoteaUd Paul E 0270141 25 OOO 127 M

Hwadiey, Howard L AJblalle 035 0244. J0300Q , < i _5$"43 Ward, RithanlE W? 764344 0002031,66 Kennedy EuptieJi^A Kennedy CfrolnM j W 007844213000 , 11IS92 Soper.ClareWtJ 01A 5op»r,KwetiP^ 007,844541 OOO -. 1547.06 Cirnea, Fred Ett Of 017424)46 0*0

^ - 185SI Canes, Wiilred A'Audtey 017024145 OOO

" '* * iJ35-0! WTaUace Robert Lj 007 764145 080632 W CoUa»«,Ralpb^.)r 4 C0U1M. Deborah V , 036014(44 006 , . 4 0 1 3 9 WortliaautBailProdilotrtlnc 0)7,0+01-07 MK 4»« ,k 709,31} Motttwa^tBceiProlucwibc 1 . x O17O44I4J6O0O , 4 x 15M-W Cm* Raipat AColliaa DelK)rah,V^ OJ60141.53000 693) tiwJtafta.Itoaald J A^Oottc'ie.-Palrfcb., s

14 O36.0HBl-i2.O00 ,w . 6»33 Corabk C*»u&*H^IC>027100143,00)

S n tr JBulsellli A,thitbP Otf? M-om«>qi)l i Uetlenf Hi xaul 4 Sellers Edith 0l»7 W-Ofl-fl? OW Sitoiy James H XT? 8441-05 OOO Snow James H 107,8441-06 000 Sor«ll tTil ma G AlueUle M 027 J04>4-Wi CXXl , s

Sprague JBen 4 Sprague Irene 02^1041+32 11 44301 Vincent U rra ne L A Vincett l e w L 036.0I'-J>.1J|7.I(X) . . . 3Snjo Wall.ce- Ribc L 027 t 0 4 2 4 l l]0O

1312 00 Ttraills limes 027 104+06 000 44341 MSller Piuta 007 84-01-03 OOO 442 4.S Snuw lames S Snow E\eIyoOD7 H4-0I4I . 0 0 4 ' ,,»V 536.60 Ttnlerfand Inc >027 0242-65 00012 <JB2 12 Gkxliemkl Stephen T A Gtxllewtki A;U(frcy E, 007 764121 tttO 2953 <4 •praban .rMf r« Wr^kpoi flfJOt^ J482 44

'.'.' l l» l |^' .M f a b u l^'^ c^ , ^ ^ 7^ ? '^ , 4

:in ,. .oooiyig . •, 4i6s.°7 Traey'. f fcbaraF. O18.O34ll3.000 12(1.62 Wnll.ce.Robei'l L. 1136.0041-03.000381.50 Shamptiey Aaiociaies Inc. 0I7.O40I-J9.000

68631 Shimpney Aisociaics Inc. 017.tMmi-4O.0OO

>#, M l 9

Tarratace, R>6«n .4 Torrance. Kathleen O27.l0r44rS(|§) 293.56 Nolttf. beneKi^ A Nolan. Louise A O27.02-O146.2(J6 44)91 ScslguIinsU. Frank 035.084)1-17.000 A Pomntnn^hanti Rudolf I73A.05

AtaalHe Acrea Inc. Ol7.4241,-I0|p0(}7f|!» AuaableAtraabc. M j ^ l - p W I7J« Alaable Acrea Inc. 0(7.42^H5,0M)17.O5

. Aaab le Acre. Inc. 6 l 7 . 4 m - i 2 . 0 0 0 l 17-63 - A l^bte Acres Inc. 017.4*42-13.000117:05

Aostbfc Acre. Inc. 017.4(W)2.M.O00117.05 AUaaMe Acrea Inc. 017.4H42-I5.000117.05 Ausable Acres Inc. OI7.484>I6.000117.05 Austbk Acrea Inc. 017.4S42-I7.OD0117.05 Awtabb Acres Inc. 017.494r47.OD0169.97

' AauMe Acres b e . 6l7.49424t.000l69.47 , AtisaMe Acres Inc. 017.494347.000117.05

r Aaiable Acres Inc. 017.4WB4H.OO0117.05 AwaMe A c e s Inc. 017.494349.006117.05 Ausable Acres Inc. 017.504)242.000117.05 Ausabfc Acres Inc. 017.504341.000117.05 Ausable Acres Inc. 017.5044-1.5.000117.05 A««aNe Acres Inc. 017.504+24.000117.05 Ausable Acres Inc. O17.584t-I4.000l 17.05 Aisable Acres Inc. OI7.S04447.OOOII7.05 AusaMe Acres Inc. l)l7.SfH)l-31.QOi)117.05 AuaWe Acres Inc 027.234)14)2.000222.84 Ausable Acres Inc. 027.234I47.O00222.84 Unkifuivn Owner 007.7541-05.000 78.65 Unknown Owner 007.75414X2.060 78,65 Pul-dfer. Rlctianl 4 Wile 0OH.03-O!-70.000

65.97 ' tlnknown Owner 01H.OIHI2-Z5.0O0 I7S.3I

' .Schultr. Sanilra (I27.t12-02-36.000 275.73 Hseae

Miwse. Rupen A l-:i Al 062.12-O+29.0O0 24.32

Aliwi. Anthony I). 044.02-01-44.100224.33 Augusitine. Robert V. ir. 4 Soma 044.0442-35.000 3(>4.22 Keene Lookouts Ine.

983.24 29.73

Wellscroh to^lte Inc- 03S.02-O3-I6.O00 ,'f . 28-r 59

WeUscroIl Loj'»e Inc. 035.02-O341.000 * 46 8 . 7 8 . S . WUher. dusrltailN. * Katheruw L. WUhe», Charle^N. )r.

Ausable Acres, jnc.


120*62 * ( . 2 2



Q»|tbV4^«ilJfft iM^J» a l l * **** CatUa* t ^ M. 04t034«lXO» 4133* Q>oaa* RarataW.O4totM4JS.006 54135 M- tiay Ttlalil • Tliiailai *J'iiaj 0«8.7(4t4H4w1)t <. v

II344'14.0» „. \Mm McMaBat lauat 04%73 02-66-6Q6 .321.10 SMa^OaraWR AbRniilaatO

fcliaf,A*ap0«l(414fc»»f 14*7 06 ttnMMwf tthlift MbarttJL AaUb

t)arl*t, Carclya W,76^ l40 ,0>j B a ^ A AJaaed. 017024111-400.

1 3 « o T A t t W * . J r A'Drttorahgtt03431 •4(U>00 j »j fe. h ( , ,y 7A.29

l b j t * ^ a l d # a f « » be.v»7'044)I-4»jQ(lO

Bai<*'i(ar**o^^.TJ^.;oi7 iO>il-5I.«i*

j » | i K l M a « ^ C ^ | K 4 ^ 6 ^ | M M

C e r ^ . C 3 ^ 0 ^ l 6 ^ W O ( ^ ^ M

Hatfcaway.llajfBtt o« 027 0141*24,400

MkM,CobD.A «nM3-a39jtW»..

»**l|f% Wlw

008.03-01-19.000 442.45

Wo|(e. ThmnatrA W.Ofe. Emm. 02".01-02 -10.000 . ;'•' 339.18 Wright, Clark A (lden O0B.03-4I-43.000

65.97 027.1043-01.000

„ 8M-22 Ausable Acres, (nc. an 7942-20.000

j£ 17531 Tllisley.^gic E& Jordan. Eleanor H

txn,Tt-vi^, 2M.&3 UnirK>; Iphn J. Mt) 4 llrsino. Maria G. 01731^2-18.000^. 169.97 White, Carieion S f « Mirii D . 007. 7l-02«Atio0 l 4 }$ 122-90 Wilton', turner PiUjprald 4 W h o o Turnctjlean Mari|.0l7.3342-O7.0O0"

. . . . A ,.._jii; , IW.97 Adaau„AiinM. 6H.58-01-l8.O00 117.05 Bltciwelt Alan'Dl>I7 2346-03.000 • '-•••'.", , - . . » i - •• HM.18

CpchariOi Earl Ni007.7V02-34.0OO 175 J l Auiable Aires Inc:;007.7<MI2-50.0fJ0175.31 ' Aulifcle Acres lnVn007-7<M)446.000175 J l 'Awabie'Acrea Inc;4Sr7.7W)2-54.000175Jl Ktllca PaulF A K a l t b GeraliiaeD. 617 3601 17006, % .169.97 Ausable Acre , b e 00? 794)2-52 000175.31 XiiaatSe Acres b e 007 794)2 15 000175.31 McC3enasj)un Robert S & McCbaatbasi B i r b t l i E 017 41424J1000 169.97 " Abacm James D A AWra Done C 617^141-06000 * * „ . IW.97 Ausable Acrea Inc 007 7902-47 000175 J l Auaable Acres b e 0O7794H-44 OOOlTSJi'l Auaable Acre* Inc 007 7>02 36 000175.31 Auaable Jtcrea Inc OOU'WO-n O00(7Sdl ^orn.lcl ChtHet 0270142 35 OOO. ,{64119 Sorby GcorfC0270147;)I OOO . . .64.19 Fttbadeta, Maryin D ALueUsB. -027^0341-49000 ,, ' .296.57 Fubitei' Arthur R A FTUOICT Karen Lee 005-O34J-6SO0O- 1 ^ 4Jli97 Tbompson Granirilie A BCTCTIJ A.'j >;

OIT 234249000s ' .169.97 Ausable ACrealac 0077*02-29000175jl Ausable Acrea1 h e 0O77IWH-28 O00175J1 Hurt Moat A 4 Reginaa Lncob <'" l)6*OJ4)M9O0O " » • > m * 3 Tracy Richard P 0IB 0 3 * 39 000. .65.97 I^Vfia«Vi««AUiVujti>0(r'794i23

oo» } ,-w ..m® l^or^yookYickANiSetwiltaTi ' ; ^ oi 4i4»-2tooo -a ia*S7/! Hs F»Woa.A,PiaYlngO)ft4l4>ltV«» ^ tatcn Rayamid] AKtretfR "%; ,6l?4l-0843*OQ v 9Ift3S ; Ataaabte Acraalae 0173040-11 000169.97 Asjalibb Acra+bc 007 79*1-59 000175.31 AwAtbta Acrea b e 007 794IUS O00I75.3I AaaiMe Acrea inc 017 304)i04 000169.97-,Woci KUOK &k Shin Kwaa%7J2242-07 OOO , , , r r im#, Vr«i|HubWl<wWooAJMt«a DSrT794>443.O0 . 17531 Aeta.MeAcret'bc 0077940.18011017531 Asaa4bi«Atra*IirC. 047 7>4l-t9 000175.31 Craal.M MlciiaalACraak^DaricaeJ.

- 017304149000 Y*-T ..16J9.97 Gauloa«.»>)%UAQiJao«a.Ali«C 0JT5»4»»O0O t . 117.65 rtaWlar. WtHaat A iHaaba'/SHwrltn (ff71644-12060 ', ,338,06 OttaiataHWbc 617.384)143.000 169.47

••• AatatlsaAaraa-bc O17,3Ml-0»J»0169.47

OAy484n43,O06 .169.97 (ieWlx. HMMM»8 * JacAaoa, MlclutalL. 017 5l-l>315460 169.97 • » « 13aaa*p;t 6lt414>J^tkO» 1*9.97! O t w a a ^ W ^ I - A C o n a i May-O»74l-O34»«>0 ^(.1*9.97 afcatttaae' W o M . Ata«tfba«,Uaw«<X 0«7Jl^ia.K>09* .I69.97 "rWmuwtt |J0flp|afA#» WllwWf A/ttf 00803-01-52.060 ..I75JI CavaawaV Kobart A <>w«aMajfcOarol W0AJT4K42J6W ..393.9A

Cusick. Cynlhia T. 06J.00-O2-65.OO0 MeiM-r. Cynlhia Ely 044.03-01-49.000543.87 Etkart. George 4 Bckan. Betsy tMtO+OI-lb.OOO 930.00 Estcs. Arthur H. 4 Regina F. O62.I244-69.0OO 141.04 Esses, Arthur H. 4 Regina F. 1*2.1244-72.000 376.S.) Files. Arthur H. 4 Regina F. 062.124)4-" I. OOO 111.52 Esles, Arthur H 4 Regina F. Oti2.12.44-73.00ll 19.02 Esta . Arthur H 4 Regina F.

.«C.I2-04-*ll.01ltl 19.02 E \ m . Arthur H. 4 Regina F.

Rutherford. Joh/n 4 l^t la^prdiCawltoeGo) tr2.O2-OI-20.OBO 109.49 Peacock, tlreyory L S Peacock; Robert ) ' ' Oh2.16-uV2K.OU'.) . 410.74 Gordon Oil Co. lite Ot>2.12-01-04.IKX) l"45 Gregorv. Luuis G- A Beverly P. 054.Q3-OI-lir.OO0 . 17| 07 Guinan. Lorraine H..Peter B.. William U . Genrgc. Hll 062 12-04-lb.HOO 69139 Hudson Alton 1 Estate of OW.0O-02-P OOO

60.'b Hudson. Allon I Esule ol 062.1241 -V.000

160.20 lohnsun. Wllutm F. 062.1642-06.000

' . 207.6"' Estes. Art'bur ADegina 062.I2-O4-70.0O0

I34.b5 Knapp. Frederick I O44.O34l-55.000224.3J Knapp, Frederick I O53.02-01-O3.00O916.65 Knauth. Chrittopher 071.0041-03.000

147.26 Krraulh. Christopher 071.004144.00071.99 Lowenlhal. Esther O62.O44I45.O0O 967.80 Estes, Arthur H. 0*2.12-O1-14.O00 102.26 Miner. Oarence 044.02-01-47-.000 450,48 Mondy. Paul Howard 4 Moody. Deborah Joyce 044.024)1-11.000 . . . 64.56

Notman. John H.0b2.164)5-48.000 . 38.01 Rutherford, lohn 072.024)1-22.000.240! .9! Otia, Sidney A. 072.O34I-I9.000 284.14 Wtokiewict. Albert P. AWatkiewicz. . Deanna-M. 062.16-0+18.100 . . 868.80 Resny. Call B. 4 Patricia A. 062.12-0+34 .000 . . . . 63.27

Reaan. Brian 044.4341-5X000. 250.95 Sniiui.Sicnard063.6042-l5.IOO 133.42 VagnareMi, Frank « Sadie Ett. of . O44.04G2-36.O00. 1270.81 Vtuniarelli, Frank A Sadie Ett. of O44.OW24&O00 1640.96 TarfcSafl. P. P b w 053.0a4!-29,0fjO.344,14 Graire, Norman A Grove. Marmot G. 044,034)145.000. , . . ' . . 131.14 dark. Richard W. Jr. 044.63-01-34.o6o

. . : . , . : . . : - . . . w > ' # . ' & * . ' « * . . - , . 186.98 GeU, Barbara 053:0242-16.000 650.39 Seaman,' Stepbeh t i«;034i -36 .20d: . . 37.92 Mora^ Rupert AbEtAl 062.1244-27 . i..^TVi.'KJfcnM>'*••'•• - - 4• •• .> . ' f -141 J2

Wasluewjc*,' Albert P. A Waaklewki. DeannaM\662.164+l8,»Os,tS.!|^1358.S0

. 410.72

Boyd ArtesiaB Weh C .444.O441-49.2O0 . . .^ .\ A . . . . : r. . . . ^ k a f t i v . . 398.82

.Obey. Peter'M,« Stacey Lv'AUott 0S3.0O-O1-27.060. „ i X , W . K ^ , ; . . .

Fredericka, Waller P38:6l4ttl5:100485.22 Duraotid', John b . ^ 3 3 W p i a \ - Unda < 048.6t-424't443.^.2;S|ft1 . . . 5i;49i )JjwiKm.ElroyAltoV*7 '024 I ; :«0-000 ' . . . . . . . . . v r . , JVffiSkh'®,?* .362,35

•Browa, Karetrp47l|QMy)6j,'. -csS7#S dark. A)notid(H7.024lMd60... .-2S:84:

Croat. AttnjSr't. Wl&fM'k. '••


jQoa. ^wMmwmWs^^ • -s80* •' "Cron. e a ^ t « « p | l | ^ 6 i 2 4 l 4 ) 9 ' M - - .

. . . . • . ' . . . . . . . . • hiiu3&... >...344;79 Croo.RlcnardH.*^r«^an French ' 047.l34}|t,K6(»-4£«§K::.. , ; .V,miO Gtndroo. Ray R.t«5toty5.00p,;, 151.73 Gendroe. Ray R. 055|Ml4)6;04oyi37.87

^I.wfc,..157.05 ir'lOjbOO 186.60

p..-* 81.52 MllOO 309.71

.MS.OOO 28.84 i imobO 169.29 1*6.000 327.24

' OOO 81.52 .000 204.38


0t ."'-. . ." V.,.,.17.03-|R|«to(Bid0W^l-4246.',. %-:-<-:---'< •' « * f t 9 t JjOfraine 0 4 7 . 0 2 4 1 , 1 6 , ,

v . - . i - .^ . . ; . . - . .... . 67Ai9'-«»^ute,!A•Jl^jw, > .-. •••:•'--. ••'

_ , . . . '^.OOo;...',.;.;.. .; :::.36;i35 CBae,WWi.*ABailbW7.()44l-tT7.20O

..ajVv-•-•••"• • ^ ' J ' - ' - '--572,98 (raoa. Terry A Dickerapn, Jerri Jo W$fKb-... v...-..-.. V.. .994.24 k1Wa%d'Ar.Jooea.J»ABae ' *&mm: j " • 'T^;.:.292,13 .,*>oa«|3. A Steller. Edna May .'

y | p , , . . . < ' f - •"'-,.-..:32l0.10 UiWiMilC038.4l4l-l5.26D.. 186.80 s4tier.»tai«Rronrtein047.u44I-27.|00 -. . § i » i ^ v . : . :.-.•*. .::... 994.2+ I%«l,'lObn A Gerald 037.0t>02-53.000 '

p f M | * ; v , : : . ' .V;.»- •.,-46.41'-Ojlgy^« |<tB.4» .024I42 .# . 63.95 ' Unk«^*C)^r.0J8,024l47.O()0 544.22

- Bcnwky, (TU|«»ie A Benway Melba 04§,ta4laidrio'- . . : . '*) ' . . ' '103.18 I\|!jid#j#(B55.024)l-l64QO . 116.63 MartyiMieliael). A Robert A Maria N. 0ree|p!«it«l04.0l)0 2279 Faae«Rt$bejtA.OI9.044244.l20. 81.52

, -' **• P. :,.'..- Mbarra

. Amdil, Chtrle. 4 Riu B. RFD lM;fll42i477:0i». 228.67

.Matber, Agnes' 154.0+0341.000 190.74 Btackbum, Elevet. 164:234544.000

412.21 Blackburn. Charles 164.0143-29.000 47.19 Burinut). Jelfrey P. 154.1541-25.000154.87 Smith. Wayne'4 Smith. Otctchen L. 164.014+23.000 459.02 Cotlard. Franklin Peter 163.024245.000

81.87 Colltrd. Franklin P.Sr. 163.0242*8 000

48.01 DanleU, Francis 1 A Edna M 154. 0441-18.000." 161.14 Dimlck. Edith 154-154149.000 258.46 Dimlck. Edith'154.154146.000 19074 Dougherty. Wjllltrn Thomas 163.0041-10 .000 226.65 Gregsun, Blair 4 Gregson.DenUe 164. 01-04-19.000 302.09 Punk. Dontld J. I63.0O41-I8.00O 148 65 Galusha. Dennis 164.014)343.000 287.41 Galusha, Dennis A Joyce .164.01-0342.000

.' 265 41 Galusha, Dennis R. 4 Joyce M-IS5.03-OI-59.O00 99.40 Galusha. Dennis R 4 Joyce M 164.014)2.27.000 378.35 Rose. William 164.01-04-28.000 48.01 Gereau. Junes 4 Nancy IS4.O4-O1-15.00O

368.18 Hageman, John W. 4 liegeman, Yvonne I54.10-OI-I2.000 298.41 Hatch, Margaret E. I64.01-O1-17.000302.O9 Outlier. Robert 4 Gunter. William C. 164.0I-O+33.O00 48.01 Kelley. Edward 162.0041-09.000 54.38 Leddick. lohn M 4 Rita M. 164.01-04-32 .000 . 412.21 Lindbald. Alvar 154.0041-03.000 83.09 Wallace. Danie'l'D. 4 WalUce.Eltabeth M. 154.02-01-22.000 585.53 Martin. Ernest 4 Ruth 164.024147.000

585.53 Martin. Ernest 4 Ruth 164.0241-06.000

47.19 Martin. Ernest 4 Ruth M. 155.0441-36 .000 154.87 Mtther. Agnes 1S4.O4-O2-O4.000 298.41 Arnold. Harry 1. 164.01-02-23.000 155.29 Owen. Victor 4 Jacqueline 155.0341-21 .O06>!'1^' • A " ' J Krl " i . - " 264vS3' ' -

«'^a«.Ke*ftaai^»rfiB^^rit^,-RidetroV l3m%%®j?& 4 Ictii 15S.u341rLT.O0O- •„!.?«, r . , P 190.74 RyweUki. Joseph 154 00-01-12 000 147 67 Cuz*acrea. Steven D. 4 Cuzzacrea. Patricia A. I5.t00-0l-43.ap0 980.34 Cuzzacrea. Steven D. 4 Cuzzacrea. Patricia A 154.0041-41.000 47.19 Sullivan. Donald 164.0141-13.100 341.61 Tougaw. William 163.02-02-12 000 64 94 Warren. Dorothy 155.03-01-62.000 48 01 Williams. John 4 Williams. Kathy 164.23-01-62.000 211 T> Shimar Inc I44.0mi-09.000 4353% Woll. Charles H. 4 Wolf. Elizabeth K IS5.O4-0I44.00O 44198 Montegomery, James 4 Zeppetelli. Peter 154.0241-31.000 47.(9 Brewer. Lauretta M. 164.01-04-47.00048.01 Rerron. Maurice 4 Noerr. Debbie 164.01-04-51.000 121 42 McNally. Thomas I. 4 Norma E 164.01-02-05.120 S56 |7 Funk. Donald J. 163.00-01-17 000 23.78 Cowles. Charles 4 Dor. Ik4 01-02-25 000

I02JI Mottak

Staple.. Linwood A. 4 Staples. Joyce H 097.6446-04.000 897 J2 Baker. Robert 4 Theresa 097 71-01-11.000

1208.41 Teriele, Theodore G. 4 Catherine Bamea, Prancia 4 Georgianna 097.6442-06.(100 49.14b Boyle. Ralph lr 4 Barbara 097.64-01 42.000 835 27 Boyb,Robert097.64-OJ-l6 000 7SS 88 Stsples, Linwood A. 097.72-OI-08.000

524 t* Breeyear, Benedict 4 Constance 097.7942-12.000 398.J8 Carpenter, Edwari 097.64-06-05.000242.65 Staples. Linwood A. 097 72-04-04.000

. . 2321.88 DuBoii. John R. 4 DuBois. Karen L 097.64OJ-O6.0OO 408.86 Donahue, John 4 Fiances 097.6441-23.000

320.98 Drake. James N. 4 Sylvia 097.6+0642 .000 389.24 Vanderhoof, Joeepb A. 4 Vuderhoot. Marilyn E. 097.5642-10.000 270.39 DuBois. John R. A DuBois. Karen L. 097.634346.000. . 475.81 Flebnskb Corp. 097.63-06OI.OOO 2404.77 Garvey. Cnarle. P. 097.6446-18.000

; . . > . . 2158.49 Gkteii'Sonnan 4 Christeen 097.71-01-66. OOO'.C 488.52 Glbbi, iOnald M. 4 loan Ann 097.7943

' y 3 . 4 0 0 . 192.72 ^Reafe :WilburtaJJ4Jlarland. JoanL. -£> i ,p^6442*3i006^ "N ?(.'V,.' V-".»269B kOttavio. -Vincent 097.6441-49.000 228949


299.55 210.33

I>nWa;.r4arttri .' Blis, Steward A 4038044)^21606:,^, '-;-' "TemdhmBttmm^ ".Jf, ^raneJi^«inas)gi V*".' 'Oarreyiirplte ffcf>

XJarrey.'AaineE; CJaxrey,4«neE;,

, i f jar t%i{ to |^ ' '

•^of^SpS5StL-HuHcaiw, Art^A3^'O47.OI*2.1«.O0O

., :^...<M^r^M. .-.14S»,45' J K U M , PKliipt355.i3t3ya-15.00O. .362.35 JttkwaO, I*iuip64^f3+01-l2.00O ...99.06

l lWbaJ«^*:i^^$ .0^,t|^t-4Mi%.

GrbaMFaratLbutedl'atDunli -'

SoaJm, EV»lra'047.134241.0tO 1046.01 '. Malo*,HabWI)^u47.02^1-28.406.99.a6 .. Mtaoa, H a b ^ WO47.024)l.27.000730.94 -'

' JvUaoa,Rwp»rtt>47.0342-IS.W.-..: .693.84

' ' W ^ I 4 » . 6 Q o U . t v n " ' > '<•>•£>-;-«».27 I*ldi«U,Row^O«,O44l4)»,00O .,.81.52 Mora*, U a a o a RaWr43t424148.600

. • , . . firf>-ii>>vi.i.,, *. 31106 Moaaa, U a a o a ttaaar 03*^024r49,.O»

. . . * . . . 64413 iMjacti vMaiwKr* * upnmof

* . 0 4 7 J 0 J 4 1 - 1 K ) O 0 ,.-.,: . 801.18

. .166.37

Datri. James A. 097.71-01-29.000 S44.36 'Sellrcne. Sslvatore R. 097.7243-47.000

9688.31 Johnson, Prancia 999.3641-12.000 79.33 Joyce, EUlabetb 097.6344-17.000 2552.19 Defelice, Gasper A. A Defelice. Miry E. 097.72-O3-I2.O0O 858.36 Staples. Linwood 097.6344-20.000 453.47 Kimball. Earl A Kimball. Marion 097. 5 6 4 2 4 2 . 1 0 0 . . . . 388.13 Staplea, Unwdbd A. A Joyce tT97.724i349.000 . . . 64.92 Abbey.-AInb3o097.794246.rj00 243.53 Brook* Glet Long 097.794347.000.423.73 Staples, tinwobd A Staplea, Joyce H . , „ . 6»7.7l4)i45.164 - • 98U5y Marcotte, NapcJeoo 4 Dori.097.6443-17'- . OOO . . - . ! . . ' 347.20T Northern Terminals Inc. 097,724344.066

. . i'h.. 396.38 McDoeiarld. Helen 097.71-0148.000.669.33 McDoaaW. tteten 097.7+4147:000^ 50.62 DuBo^.3ounR AKarenL. DuBoiai John L. A Thelma I. ' • 097.«fO>20.OQ0 . - 6393.77 Capaaao. loaephP. ACaputno, SuaanC. 097;6344-19.000 .117.13 r4apoew. Mr.. Leo097.644)1-31.000 556.03 Staptat, linwood A. 097.6441-35.000

. ; 4i-:'- • - , • ' •'• '2«5.»6 SUplet. Luiw«sod*.097.6441.S9.000 .;':. . . . ' , . . ...,.,.«63.lS. Provancba, Herman 4 Nancy 097.6+03-19 «K» . . . . . . : , . . r . . . .7t64r ;

SWpIaa.Unwocd 4 Joyce 097.644247.000

.•.: ,....>(v.: ....^..mss. Staple., Linwood 097.71424B.000. .672,16. Stqat, Mafia 697.644Mt.000 -745.82 StralMa.'Maty M. 0^ .7141^ .000 5(7.47 Swatt. DeO* 097.634+14.000 . 2 4 3 . 5 3 Vetirie. Barry L A Vaane, Doaaa M. ;

097.714)345.400 132.25 Vclez. Loola A Margtret Jean 097.6+ OI-24.O0O Veler., tuit 097 564543.000 Velet, tuhO97.5o4542.006 Vd«a. laa'097 «A4rt42,O0l!t.

' - . 'I.

VOn. Lata097.5*4541.000 . . . . . » » . • » VrJas. Paataa 0»7.a*0a-10.009 79.80 Vein. Pawla, 097.634849.000 94.69 Joyce, Wiatasa 0 . 0 W . 7 2 4 > « 8 . 0 f » 678.36 Maple.. Unwood097.6443-18.000 686.07 Staple., l inwood A. A Staplet.IoyceH. 097.724)342.000 • . ' . . ; , ; , . 6 4 5 . 5 9 White. Robert R. A Unda 1.097.6441-29 -OOO...' ', •.,•.. ,1215.89 , Cohen, Wilfred 5 . A Cohen. Frances 097,644)Wl.6T)0 ,3823.02 Sl.plea, Linwood A. 097.72*3*0.000 -

' -/': v . . . , . , . , . . : . . 4 1 3 . 0 Menw..'Fortt»l.>A; Stancti. Barbara ' W7.644lrW.00o:.....' , . . . ; > 640.07 Gatet.BMbaial. 097.634842.000 50.02 Pou*r, deorge A Pflttet, Norrine TO7, 23414)6.000 , ... 50.02 Ab«»."Wiary 096.514)245.060 36.04 BtUter.IJomtiiickR. 4 ludilb 107.0641 .15.606. ; . , ; . . - ---' 200.03* Stone. Vernon 106.O24I-34.000 124.82 «W«e. Athley 056.204+15.006. IS70.76> Brigg., RiWrd096.0241-S7.0(» 588.19 Staple.. Linwood 097.1441-20.000 233.99 Caraon, George Jr 4 Loreen 086.0+02-58

- .600.:.;;>.:..; . • - , . . . - . • . . s07.64' -Cosgrove; WUEam A Cosgrove. Elaine H. 086444346 .000 . .-'..: ".'.'"- 377.61 Chanuk, Michael 086.814348.000 129.06 Conway. William'A Flora 086.0341-21.000

. . ' . • - • : 199.75 Conway. WilKam A Flora 086.0341-23,000

438.66 Cook. ZeUn. 066.024348.000 34.84 Cowin. Ralpb 097.0641-15.000 351.85 Decker, RolUn l66.O24148.000 .283.73 AndenoB, Kenneth l£Jr 096 5141-15.000

. .444;64 Drake. PrancU 4 Marian 097 134246,000

168.12 , Drake. Milo A Michael 087.0341-21.000

79.39 Sherman. Donald D 4 Sherman. DonnaG. 086.0244-30.000 61.06 Drake. Ronald 4 Phyllis 086 75-02-O3.00O

160.59 Easter. Lorraine 4 lohn 086 81-03-16.000

324.37 Pisk. Richard V. 107 OS-02-01 000 313.40 French. Robert A Grace 086.81-0246.000

•548,27 Oark. George S. A dark. Julie A. 086.81-O4-0S.O00 115.46 Garvey. Charles P. 096 02-01-14 000

1014.24 Gilbo, Robert 096.20-03-16 000 252 64 Goodspeed. Francis 4 Ooodspeed. FJiaabeth086.754l4)l 000 583 49 GumlaW. Ralph F. 086.81-0243.000 587.70 Hammond. Yvonne E 086 044)2-39 000

459.10 Kargett. Jack 1 4 Patricia 086.7544-10.000

498.53 Sherman, lames 4 Shirley 086 0442-07 OOO

358.34 Webber. Roaie 086.02-04-28 000 270.42 Hartman. Elizabeth 4 Ervin 4 Ursula Laing 096.1642-28.000 1080.13

Hucstis. James A. 106.0241-32 000 102.11 Hughes. Louise 0% 15-01 -II.000 261.25 Hughes. Louise 0%.204)2-17.000 Yelle. David W 4 Yetle. Marie E 0% ,20-04-11.000 Linwood. Staples 086.73-07-07.000 Provoncha, Gerald 4 Provoncha. Eva 097 10-01-16.000 238.35 Genier. Micluel 086.81-02-12.000 210.J3 Boyea. lames 4 Boyea. Sherlene 096. 1641-28.000 286.42 Lacey. Paul 4 Kalhryn 096.2O-O4-16.0OO

949.72 Laing. Ervin & Ursula 0%. 1642-23.000

69.15 LaPier. Homer 4 Dorothy 086.81-0l-08.000

217.24 Coons. James 096.27-02-39.000 308.62 Wright. Gary W. 4 Wright. Tula L. 086.82-04-07.000 473.63 Smith. Ronald F. 4 Rebideau. lean A. 097.17-01-21.000 291.81 Marcil. Thomas R. 4 Margaret 096. 02-01-26.000 894.13 Merrill. Elmer E. 086.8344-08.000

235.20 Merrill. Leo 4 Sadie-a86.74-O6-O3.000

548.27 Clark. George S. 086.81-04-06.000 13.91 Mitchell. Herman 086.81-02-t5.000 336.05 Monette. Norman 4 Monette, Shirley 096.16-01-32.000 336.78 Mbriih Etrdle-Jr. 086.82-03-O4.0G0-349.16..

Ouofthcllt Merton C 4 Odonnell. ' • t Jeannette E. 086 75-04-17.000 S48.27 McCo'nley. William 086 04^)2-09 0003O9.8I ODeU, Robert 4 Rose 086.82-OS-O6.0O0

523.39 Patensude. Raymond 086.82-04-09 000

4S8.53 Patterson. Mrs Mildred 087.IS-OI-01.000

1373 S2 Pottison. Lews 4 Gilds 097.17-01 -OS.000

504.80 Potter George 4 Norrine 107 06-02-05.000

374.56 Potter George A 107 10-02-12.000 397.27 Ponet. George XT 1O-02-10 00O 2156J Potter. Geo IfT 03-01-08.000 79.39 Pratt-Charles 086 8I-O3-01.000 299.50 Putnam. Lawrence & Laura 097 13-02-01 000 344.44

Putnam. Lawrence 4 Laura 097 09-02-05 000 28J.73

Riddle. Donald R 4 Riddle. Bonnie M 086.7S-04-2.1 000 448 76 Drake. Ronald 086 7^2-04 000 308.62 Rogoza. Anna 09"7 09-01-01 000 246.88 Slatterv. Michael 4 Joan 0% 27-05-1 I OOO

MO.Ob Russo. lohn 4 Jean 086 02-04-29 OOO

408 1J Savage Ales 4 Maud 106 04-02-1.) OOO

192 9 J Simpson Robert 4 Ruth 086 82-OJ-OJ OOO

349 26 Slattery. Rollin T 096 28-01-07 000 260 22 Smith. Roger 086.81 -02-04.000 448 7 6 Spechock Michael 4 Sally 086 83-01-05 000 647 78

Sprague Laura 4 Sprague. Walter & Patricia 096 OJ-OI-58.000 215.63 Sprague. Laura 4 Sprague. Walter A Patricia 096 03-0!-S7 000 238.35 Staples. Linwood A 0% 19-01-09 OOO

456.22 Allen John F 4 Phyllis 086 04-03-09 OOO

548.27 Trotnblee John N Jr 4 Pamela 096 51-01-19.000 1)1.93

Trornbley. Raymond H 4 Trombiey Katrinka A 086 81-04-11.000 23.74 Trombiey. Kathryn 086.74-04-O2.00O3S9.59 Trombiey. Ovdi 096 16-01-33 000 286.42 Trombiey Raymond H 4 Katrinka 086. 81-04-10.000 299.S0 Monette. Norman 4 Monette. Shirley rj96.20-04«2.000 1541.70 Witherbee. lohn D. 4 Marcial 086. 74-0441.000 448-76 Place. Inet O. 097 13-02-17.000 506.17 Wright, lohn 4 Elizabeth 086.8245-IO.OOO

375.21 Feith.XUrl C. 4 Pe'ith. Lois M. ,06. 0442-20.000 601.58 Riddle. Donald R 4 Riddle. Bonnie M. 086.7S-O+26.O00 23.74 Cot. Robert 4 Co«. Terry 086.814)2-11.000

. . . 205.13 Raymond. Anne S. 086.O+O3-10OO0374.12 United Railway Supply A Service Ltd. 086.02-O345.000 . 2280.96

> Jordan. Edward 086.0443-12.200 34.83 Simpson. Robert A. 086.044147.00034.83 Drake. Ronald W. A Drake. Phyllis A. OB6.7S-O242.00O . . 58.43 Genier, Michael T. 086.814249.000100.47 Oark, George S. 086.81-4447.000 .13.91 Clark. George S. 086.814+08.000 13.91 dark. George S. 086.81-04-09.000 13.91 Canon. Ronald G. A Canon, Cynthia O .

(»6.28-03-ii.6q6 . . . . y . . . . 322.10 . Carton. Ronald Q . 4 Carson. Cynthis O.

O%.28-O3-12.00O,. , » / v . . . . . . . . . - . 117.78 Carton, Rooald G . A Caraon, CytHMs O. (B6.284B.i3.O30. V. . s>. . . 1I7;78 Jo1|IW)n,.FiMcUt»7,l4414»4.00O 37.21 letter. G=«|«IfJ7.10-02.14.000 56.72 Hai in . Daniel B; A Haran. Patty L O8S,0a4)+t8ilK)r.'.<. :•;.. 577.35 M a c r j o u ^ , Wlliam W. A MacDougal. fttfeia J. 1797,094248,060 19293 Baaex Co. Walter Xbare 1973 Taa Prop.

»4cCab«.Sl«4rioa 106.0241-16000 175.79 " • , , -S ity 'iMtiiiiewaBaBBai'4 P- ' '

Ore»<)«y, WUBaaa Sr. A Gregory". Helen i<$&&t&X&:luti:;.-.:..... 41.25-Ottlnk,He.«Ea<l09.1541-23.OO0 4125 C^imaiHaator019.154344.000 . 29.26 ArtwiiContlriicaoo Corp 110.1841-10 :.<&. .-ii,.-... . . . A :-A - . . . .:.>39OS,50 R j ^ , l W a M I » . l » 4 M 5 . 0 0 O .173.07 Noiak; Joaepb A Jankel09.l64M-13.O00 -•'.•.••&•'.'.,.,., \ . . , , - , . : . . - . . . . . . («5,04 Seaty.Clafiord * Shirley 110.18-04-IB.OOO .?,\' . . ; \ . ' . .«. . '• .•: . .; .; ': , ' , .- .••.•nam.. VaaAlstyoesRieaard A Beverhy lil,»|j4asi|»30S6-.-: .x'.......-,....-, -.;., I9tm Wemlell, f>. 12I.O74141.O00 . B3.2I Weat. Warren A Betty 110.1349-15.000 .:.j'.:...S'. .^.>..-K l:V.;,:234.71

RlWd,KorasaaF. A(%la«,Viohtfc . ;


P A ^ M N l


584.52 212.34 681,57 175.86


Ayrtalaa Mae Km A S*e«ri|, TlMaaa C«>«43.000 . :. 1203^6 '. " alrjwawll, StaaMoa A Heloon, Joan T. D323U342-OT.001). .449.33 lliaach, Owndd P A to Asa 032.OC42 -25,000..: ' . . . . . . - . •- . 98.oi fWky. Bradley f A Pttllty, lacqueline M fi»iH3»4m0i».. 4SS84 S«iito«?,ll«tr1cet03a.tK;4l-iQ.orj|).

, ' . - , , , .;-, -- • J75.S2 Dviett,EdwardJ.032.JB42-l9.(»O 527. II l^toistensea,. TBlW«t 032.HB41-I3.000 . , . ; . , . • . . . ; . ' , , , ; - - . . .. -..: m:u OMtWer, AlJnjd $.* EfcaW 032.OB-OI 4)1.000.. . . . . .-,- 229 M 43re*iaiOo«UML032.C^414ri.OOTj 399 79 a^nnc»Bi)il«toO324B4l-17J)06 6J.J2 Salraon, Arnold W A Salmon. Dorothy

o&mw-itLm- • - •-••,'- WM Clarkw Oli«ory032.HlW)VlO.OOO 1576,40 WiUuaimj, Sandra Joann 032.JB42-03.0Ot) . . ; . . • . . • ' , :>. • . . . : ' . . ' . i . . . . ' ; . . . . - . . , . 460.H

Clark, Cre«oryPO32.HB41-14.000 496.91 ChriatenKn. Tbomai 1032.MJM>> -. ',;.;;. . 2 8 i . « . Moodhy,Mik>WO32.NC-02-30.00O 26JB 47 Stratsnc Lake MarinO/MUo Moody 032. MC43-20.O00. . . , .^ . . 97 is f»y«. Oe4>tl»032,ia»4)2-IO.01)6 529 42<3eoT«e032.1CI>01-10.000 .138 W ftye. G»orte032.KD-O149.0CI0 532.06 Ptye. George 032.KD-02-1ZOOO 65 24 laBra1iej«arry032.iaJ4l-O1.0OO 1379.95 Rice, FtyEM032.NC-0246.000.. .832.80 Rice. Vivian Lee Bt A! 63i,WOO2-38.0O0

. . . . . . . . . ; . . . , ; , . : , .23-46 Chriatensen. Thptriti I O32.MD4243.OO0

' , . . ; . , . . . . . 1 3 3 5 J 4 Chriatenteo. Thomu J 032JTO4141.000

, . . .,-.". j A. . I262 .65 Moody, MUo W A Decker. John P 032.NC-03-O3.00O... 879.94. W N B Z Inc 032.LC4M42.O00 871.1) Christenten. ThomaaO32.tlB4l-12.00O

. : . : . . . '.. 98.01 WNBZlncO32.tC444S.O00.. 108.40 Simnac Lake Marine inc/! Milo Mood;/ 032.NC42-40.0O0 - 638.80 Fanning. Eileen N032.PC-OI-28.O00

1414.10 Panning. Eileen N 032.PC-4l-29.O00

1522.85 Cheresj. Alfed A Cheresj, Mary 032.PC-0141000 US1.75 Panning. Eileen N032.K-O1-3I.O00143J.B8 Fanning. Eileen N032-PGfll-32.O00l279.39 Schroeder, Matthew 032.NC-04-O1.200

. . . . 326.94 Ecrcu. Robert & Ecret, Patricia 032.NC 42-12.000 691,16 Moody. Milo W. 032.NC43242.O0D 254.11 Stickney. Beatrice L O32.GC41-11.0OO

35.58 Norton, John W 042.EL41-12.OO0 3342.67 Beeckel. Alice O42.HK4t-4l.00O.. 146.50 Huae. Terry R O42,HL-07-27.200 .842.47 Peterson. Robert 4 Peterson. O Rte 042.EK45-I9.O00 . . . . 36.91 Mibili. Kenneth I 4 Mihill. Phyllis P 042.MJ4K-03.OOO 267.56 dark, Reginald F O42.EK.-O6-O3.000

2611.16 Conklln. Richard S & Bernetta L042. JJ-O2-11.O00 . 512.51 Covert. Michael 042.KJ-O2-01.000 64 06 Culspsr Inc 042.BL-O247.000 . .780.08, Culspar Inc 042.BL-01-l4.000 .4983.36 Miller, Beverly 042.HK-01-19.000 517.53 The Woodshed Enterprise. Inc 042.HL-01-02.000. 4758.49 Walsh, Charles E 4 Lansing, John S 042.JK4345.000 66.2S Kelly, John F 4 Kelly, Patricia 042. CJ-O3-O7.O00 . 16O09.4S Peacock Gregory C. 042-CK41-13.0O0

1586.64 McOreevy. Carol E. 042-EL-01-03.000

2922.05 VTaun, Carol 042.DJ-06-O1.OOO 159.11 Hanson, Albert & Haruou. Larry 042. KJL42-O3.000 231 !S0 Mill Hffl Operating Co Inc 042.JK-O3-O6 .000 369.57 Hare, Schuyler Jr 4 Hare. Judith P O42.HK-O1I5.O00 137.98 Clark. Reginald F 042.DK4IO4.000

1922.21 Jubin. Arthur W 042.OL-O218.000 416.59 Jubin. Arthur W 042.OL-O2-16.0rj0 650.01 Vl.un. Carol 042.FK-02-44.0OO 32.41 VTaun. CsroL042.FK-02-05 00O 243 55 Berg. Marianne 042 FK -04-03 000 2752 9S Kilbura. Erwin J 4 Patncis J 042 LM -01-13.000 1764.63 Lake Placid Mountain House Ltd 042 EK -O5-I4.000 433.S9 Summerwood Enterprises Inc O42.HL-07 -02.000 16070.28 S and S Tiffany Ltd 042.MM-OJO3.Oa0

6407.94 Equipe Sport Ltd042.DJ-05-O4.000 2370 74 LaPountain, Moses W Jr 4 L*Fountahi. Antoinette 042 EK4S-2I OOO 1698.91 L P A Associates 042.DK-04-O4.00O

71082.83 Clark. Reginald F O42.DK-01 -03000

731.57 Peterson. Robert V 4 Peterson, O Rte O42CL-03-11.000 1292.61 Beaney. Philip A & Donnl L 042.JK-03-16

OOO 825.10 Lawrence. William H A Lawrence. Janis R O42.HL-06-11.000 894.79 Wyhe. William 4 Wylie, Judy 042 JJ-02 -03.000 608 58 Bruce. William042.JL-O7-03.O00 182.60 Mills. Frederick A 4 Mills. Robert P 042 HL-05-O4.00O 1486.4) Mender, Sergio 042.LK-01-O2 20O 780.'» Mirror Lake Inn Inc O42.DL-O1-06.000

23.726 72 Mill Hill Operating Co Inc 042.JL-O9-I0.O00

948 26 Kelly. Patrick 4 Kelly. Connie 042.JL -01-03.000 216.13

Kelly. Patrick 4 Kelly. Connie 042 JL-Ot -02.000 370.90 Sirack. Franco V 4 Strack. Patricia Louise 042.JL-02-03.000 190.66 Yuskiewici. Elena 042.CL-0541.000

9484.74 Yuskiewicsz. Elena 042.CL-O5-03.O00

395 69 Twichell. Jon R & Twicheli. Marcia O42.DL-O1-I2.0OO 697.52 Robert Case Bennet Corp 042.FK-OM1 OOO

31.564.50 Norwood Lakes Inc 042.DK-OJ06.000

3178 42 Norwood Lakes Inc 042.DK-03-05.000

6345.58 Huse. Terry R & Moran, Wayne 042.HL •0541.000 502.13 Speck. David 1 O42.EK-04-I6.Q0O 49.74 Brace. WUliara Robert 042.JL-O7-11.0OO 5 0 7 . 5 4 Peterson, Robert V & Peterson. O Rae 042.PL41-12.0OO. 6417.7rj Equipe Sport Ltd 042.FL41-08.OO07671.77 Vallieres Vtateur 042.EK-O443.OO0 411.30 McGreevy, Carol B 042.CL4145.000

43JI.80 Peterson, Robert 4 Peterson, O Rae O42.BK45-20.OCO S23 82 Walton. Ruth O42.KX4I-O2.000 494.69 Harbick, Daniel L 4 Harbick. Carolyn M 042.EK4S-I8.0O0 1097.19 Winterwood Enterprisei Inc 042 HI 4T7 •03.400 )205.69 Duke, Loais p & Dtike. Margaret L 042.ML4144.0O0 875.12 Deighsn Real Estate Inc O42JL-OS-O7.O00

165.05 Conklin. Richard 4 Vemetta 042.JJ-02-05 .000 795.16 Swiss Miss Limited Partnership 042.CL43 44.000 236.09 Manufacturer. Hanover Trust Company 042.HM424t.O00 7547.01 Betters. Ethel O42.BL47-27.I0O 528.14 Stowell, Gerald M & Stowell. Mary Jane 042.EJ41-O2.230 1282.64 Kemmerer. William J Ir 042.CK42-t2.3IO Kemmerer. WiUlnm J til 042.CK-02-12.320

267.56 Kemmerer, Willitm I Jr & Kemmerer, Muriann 042.CK42-12.330 .267.56 Kemmerer, Robert 042.OK42-12.340

267.56 Robert Caw Bennet Corp 042.FK45-10 .600 ..'... . . . . ,523.82 Hmctley, Utter R. 042.JK424N.OOO . . . , . , . . ; . .» , . . . . , . . . : . . . , . , . . , „ . . . . 9 M I Barney, Hoover 4 Barney, itqrce 042;

•6641644.OIJ0...... ...:,176.79 Norwood lakes h e 052.004347.000I24 77 SMaoakly. Muaitta O33.I9424J9.00O

.'• . - . „ - ! . . , . . . , 2821.23 Cofcta, Frtncea P A RuDi P Stnllh . 033.1542-11.000 . , ;SI7.0B luWo. Ajtta W05a.0043-I8.000 1S7I 32 Co«per.St»u«llO33,084)l-0B.000. .713,77 OtmpKitkareuicO42.564141.000.2Il 98 Culjpwliic042.26-Ol.21.000., 5 l6t i» CNOap*rI«c042.2a-0144.«!0 130503 Clal^»rIi»O42.i641-23J)00. - .863.95 Cautrjartac042.264141.000.,... 3131.60 r>a1il»l«,I)aniel)i033.15424e.OOO 236.13 Wri|M-SlaW Co to MI .0141-17.000 , •.;;-. .- . .„?i. .- ,;;;. . .; , . . , .„ s:. . .«e*3«i

