Roof Renovation at Sarah A. Reed Children's Center June 2016


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Roof Renovation Project at Sarah A. Reed Children’s Center’s Main Campus

Home of Our Administrative Offices & Residential Treatment Facility

2445 West 34th Street Erie, PA 16506

Celebrating 145 Years of Service!

On June 27, 2016, we waved goodbye to our old, leaky

roof and celebrated the brand new roof that the talented

crew from Paterniti Malena Construction installed over

our school, gym and sections of the administration

building at Sarah A. Reed Children Center’s main

campus! This is the site of our Residential Program,

which houses approximately 60 children ages 5-18, many

of whom have behavioral or mental health challenges

and have experienced some form of trauma or abuse.

The roof was in dire need of repair, and we wouldn’t

have been able to fix it in such a quick manner

without the generosity of our friends at Erie

Insurance, The Erie Community Foundation and the

Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority. They

contributed a total of $35,000 towards this project,

which really meant a lot to us and made our dream of

a new roof a reality!

In the following three photos, the team from

Paterniti Malena Construction is hard at work

replacing the roof over our gymnasium. The

children use this gym daily for exercise,

special programs and social events.

The photos below show the crew tearing down the old roof over our school’s five classrooms and

installing the new shingles. The children in our Residential Program attend classes Monday-Friday during

the school year and attend a reading/math program during the summer months. Now our children and

staff no longer need to worry about leaks!
