Ron Duchin Conquer and Divide National Cattleman's Association



Ron Duchin, who'd later join forces with STRATFOR, delivers his famous "conquer and divide" speech at the National Cattleman's Association national conference in 1991, as cited in "Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and Public Relations" by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton. The plan structure would be carried on into the STRATFOR days by Jack Mongoven's son, Bart Mongoven, originally learned by Duchin and Mongoven's former business partner, Rafael Pagan.

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  • 7/14/2019 Ron Duchin Conquer and Divide National Cattleman's Association


  • 7/14/2019 Ron Duchin Conquer and Divide National Cattleman's Association


  • 7/14/2019 Ron Duchin Conquer and Divide National Cattleman's Association


  • 7/14/2019 Ron Duchin Conquer and Divide National Cattleman's Association
