Rome was the most powerful empire the world had ever seen. Its architecture was ______________ and...


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Rome was the most powerful empire the world had ever seen.

Its architecture was ______________ and its road system was as impressive as that of the Inca in S. America

Roman Empire at its height 117 C.E.

Rome had a ____________________________________ sometimes

Rome had a senate where patricians could represent people

It means nobody is above the law, not the king, not the senate, not the people, not the police.

______________ are written down and must be respected

______________ was besieged by various tribes from modern day Germany and France.

Although the fall of the Roman Empire did not happen overnight, many consider its fall the beginning of the Middle Ages or Dark Ages.

A world without background noise: no factories, no engines, no traffic… nature in the countryside along with the church bells were the “noise makers”.

________________ (Greece and Rome) 500 B.C.- 600 A.D.

________________ (time of knights and castles) 500 A.D. – 1500 A.D.

________________________ (time of powerful kings and exploration) 1500 A.D. – 1776 A.D.

Medieval: the period between _____________________ (476 AD) and ______________________________ (14th Century)

Characteristics of Medieval Society:Unified church Limited _______________________________A very religious and closed society – Christianity

dominated Low level technology Primitive science The growth of ____________Crusades in the Middle East (against Muslims


In 410 AD the Western Roman Empire collapsed and the Germanic tribes that had destroyed it preferred to use the Feudal System rather than the Roman system of government

Fragmentation of states – The ____________________ in Europe caused a collection of hundreds of states each ruled by small lords and nobility.

People were isolated and lived mostly ______________ life living from day to day for survival.

The Gothic interpretation of this point of view was a monument that seems to _________ the man who enters it, for space, light, structure and the plastic effects of the masonry are organized to produce a visionary scale.

The strong empires of Rome and Greece that protected trade routes and encouraged science and personal liberties were fading away.

The Roman empire not only had to fight the plague but fight invaders from Europe and Asia.

or safety and for defense, people in the Middle Ages formed small communities around a central lord or master. Most people lived on a manor, which consisted of the castle, the church, the village, and the surrounding farm land. These manors were isolated, with occasional visits from peddlers, pilgrims on their way to the Crusades, or soldiers from other fiefdoms.

Why do you think everyone chose to be isolated?         

Plague was a constant problem in Europe between the 1300s and 1700s claiming entire towns. Illness would claim _________ of children before the age of one and _______ of children would die before the age of 20.

_____________ – seemingly endless conflicts, such as the 100 years war between France and England, made life difficult for the rules of states as well as for the peasantry.

Medieval interest in the human body was ____________. The internal organs were not differentiated.

Medieval people lived in an environment of fear and insecurity that limited their awareness and potential for independent thinking.

Challenged by: bandits, Viking raids, plague, famine, anarchy… man was feeble, God was great.

Water WheelEyeglassesMechanical ClockPrintingGunpowder

Invented in Pisa 13th centuryBy 15th century Italy making thousands spectaclesEyeglasses encouraged invention of fine

instruments________________Fine wheel cuttersPrecision tools

Undermined Church authority equal hours for day and night a

new concept ______________________ by the

church for a centuryEvery town wanted one. WHY?

Public clocks installed in towersConquerors seized as spoils of

war. WHY?Allowed individual autonomyWork now measured by time

increased productivity

Bern, Switzerland

Europeans improved gunpowder to siege castles

Europeans focused on range and weight of projectiles: siege warfare

With improved metal casting, made world’s best cannon

Built on _______________New ideas were _____________i.e. Duns Scotus (‘Dunce”) William of Ockham‘Okham’s Razor’ – “the principle that facts

should be interpreted with a minimum of explanatory causes”… separates reason from faith… opening the door to science

Period of witchcraft

Social structure dictated by _________________________…. Serfs run by masters… Men rule women, Church rules people

Punishment of crimes: hanging, mutilation, amputation.

Historiography was dictated by males, often priests or monks… most events explained by the “will of God”.

The Roman Empire fell due to outside attacks and disease (brought on by trade)

The Middle Ages began as the Church replaced governments as the central authority.

The Course of the Black Death in Fourteenth-The Course of the Black Death in Fourteenth-CenturyCentury EuropeEurope

"Ring around the Rosie” a red mark, supposedly the first sign of the plague"A pocket full of posies” sachets of herbs carried to ward off infection"Ashes, ashes" the cremation of plague victims Sometimes line three is rendered as "Atischoo, atischoo” sneezing, another sign of infection."We all fall down." -- The Plague was not selective in its victims; both rich and poor, young and old, succumbed.

Ring around the RosieA pocket full of posiesAshes Ashes We all fall down

Began in Asia… spread with speed due to increasing trade and travel.

Social impact in many cases was panic, to wild debauchery as the end neared.

Church suffered from loss of their flock to death and disillusionment

It is argued that 1 in 3 people died in EuropeBlame ranged from God to Jews to lepers.

Demise of the feudal economy, end of feudal eraFeudalism only works when there are a lot of

workers.Workers could demand better treatment and

payments Serfs became free peasants

Being free had its price, no longer a contractual relationship that offered protection from people attacking lands

The plague had given scholars a lot to think about
