Roman gods



'Roman Gods' as related by a furiously cut'n'pasting eight year old. This took him all Saturday morning. (he is lamenting the loss of his animations upon upload to slideshare -count your blessings ;-) )

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ROMAN GODSSection 1 Jupiter

Made by Dominic Harris for year 4

Jupiter was the king of the roman gods.

Jupiter threw lightning bolts down to earth to punish humans.

He was married to Juno queen of the gods.

He was the child of Saturn and Opis.

Jupiter had a temple all to him self called the pantheon.

ROMAN GODS Section 2 Juno

Juno was Jupiter`s wife (and sister)

Juno was introduced by the Etruscan kings.

The month June was named after Juno.

Juno was also the god of childbirth.


Section three Mars

Mars was the god of war.

Mars was the agricultural guardian.

The planet Mars is named after him.

Mars was the father of Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome.

Woodpecker and wolf are his favourite animals.

As he is the god of war he is usually shown with a helmet and spear.


Section 4 Neptune

Neptune was the god of the sea.

Neptune was also the god of horses.

Neptune`s symbol was a golden trident.

Neptune was thought to be the force behind earthquakes.


Section 5 Pluto

Pluto was the god of the underworld.

Pluto had a three headed dog called Cerberus.

Cerberus was once defeated by Heracles.

To get to Pluto you need to cross the River Styx

ROMAN GODSSection 6 Apollo

Apollo was the god of the sun.

Apollo played a lyre very beautifully.

Apollo rode across the sky daily in a chariot of fire (the sun) .

Apollo was the son of Jupiter.

Apollo, like his father kept on falling for nymphs and girls

ROMAN GODS section 7 Vulcan

Vulcan was the smith god

He was also the god of fire, smoke and lava.

His most important job was to make Jupiter`s thunderbolts.

He once made women out of gold to do his bidding.

Once Vulcan was thrown out of heaven down to earth and became lame.

His Smithy is in Volcano Etna.

ROMAN GODSSection 8 Bacchus

Bacchus was the god of wine.

He was always accompanied by Maenads, wild dancing women.

The Maenads had staffs called thyruses covered in ivy with a pinecone on the end.

Bacchus was the god of theatre.

ROMAN GODSSection 9 Mercury

Mercury was the messenger of the gods.

He was also the god of thieves, when he was three he stole the cows from Apollo!

He was the god of Science as well!

ROMAN GODSSection 10 Cupid

Cupid was the mischievous god of love.

His weapon was a bow anyone hit by it fell in love.

Cupid was married to Psyche.


Centaurs: Half man half horse the most famous is Chiron.

Minotaur: half man half bull.

Sphinx: A female monster with the head of a woman, body of a dog, tail of a serpent, wings of a bird paws, of a lion, and a human voice.

Typhon: 100 headed dragon.

Hope you enjoyed From

