Rom 5:6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly


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How To Have Peace Of and With God

Rom 5:6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for

the ungodly.

How To Have Peace Of and With God

These blessing are called the: Fruits of Justification

6 Basic Fruits of Justification

We have these blessings because of the price Christ

paid on the cross. Our Daily goal should be to pursue

and rest in these fruits daily.

1. Peace WITH God – 5:1

1. Peace WITH God – 5:1

1. Peace WITH God - 5:1

Christ’s work on the cross has paid

our debt and settled all claims

against us.

*Ex. Eagle in the cleft of the rock

2. ACCESS Into His Grace – 5:2

One who seeks an audience with the King must have a right of ACCESS. Such ACCESS is given by Jesus

Christ!*Ex. Coming to a

King unannounced

3. Rejoicing in the HOPE of the Glory of God – 5:2

Romans 8:17-23Philippians 3:20-

21I Peter 1:3-7

4. Rejoicing in Tribulation – 5:3

Rejoicing in such experiences is

NOT natural … it is supernatural.

Justification give us the ability to

respond in order to improve/learn/grow through life's


4. Rejoicing in Tribulation – 5:3

…We can …1. Grow in

patience2. Be refined in

character3. Develop a

hope that doesn’t let you down

5. ASSURANCE of Future Deliverance – 5:9-10

We have become God’s children

and He Loves us and will Protect


5. ASSURANCE of Future Deliverance – 5:9-10

1Co 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such

as is common to man: but God is

faithful, who will not suffer you to be

tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

5. ASSURANCE of Future Deliverance – 5:9-10

1John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and

have overcome them: because

greater is he that is in you, than he

that is in the world.

6. JOY of Reconciliation – 5:11



Restoration to favor and

harmony with God

Close – Romans 5:20-21

This is the Triumph of





Triumph of Grace over Sin

5:1-5 Therefore (because of what we have just studied) … we have

peace with God

5:6-11 For (the reason) … Christ died

5:12-21 Wherefore (was so that) … the free gift came upon all men

Romans 5:1 (Mark’s Version)

“Therefore, being made innocent because of our reliance upon Christ’s

work on Calvary, we possess a quietness and rest and are strengthened in our

relationship with God as it’s channeled through Jesus Christ.
