Rollup activitatea 7 modelare - Danube...


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Department for Water and Fisheries

Cross BorderCooperationProgramme

Common borders. Common solutions.

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Investing in your future! Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 is co-financed

by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund

Danube WATERIntegrated Management

MIS ETC code 161Project Manager: Mary-Jeanne ADLER PhD

Complex tehniques for simula�ng the liquid flows, solid flowsand pollutant transport on the Danube River

Bloc scheme of the DANUBIUS model

Graphical visualization of the parameter K of the Muskingumrouting model, that is variable according to the input discharge

on the river reach

Graphical visualization of the rating curveat the selected hydrometric station

Results of Mike 11 HD: water level

Results of Mike 11 Sediment Transport: solid discharge

Results of Mike 11 AD: oil product concentration in different locations

Results of Mike 11 AD: CBO5 concentration in different locations

Danube WATER Project is running through the Roumania-Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation. This project support the Danube Basin Development Strategy implementation, being one of the strategic projects for increasing the Danube Water Quality and has a common strategy for water management on the lower Danube.In terms of geographical area, the study area of the project is located in the Danube Floodplain along the common Romanian-Bulgarian sector between Gruia and Chiciu/Călăraşi..In order to improve forecast and warning models for hydrological phenomena and water pollution on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector, the project framework was to developed a common warning model, based on the use of mathematical model

The Danubius model, hydrological model is used for the forecasting of the Danube discharges on the Romanian-Bulgarian reach, downstream the hydropower system Iron Gates I, and is used within the new common forecasting system, as the main hydrological forecasting model for the Danube.The model allows the daily elaboration, with a 7-15 days anticipation, of the discharges forecast on the Romanian sector of the Danube.This model is made up of a simulation model and a updating procedure of the simulated discharges.The results of the hydrological model represents inputs for hydrodynamic model.

Generally, the numerical models used in simulations of water quality, sediment transport or accidental oil pollution,are based on hydrodynamic models. The hydrodynamic models used to simulate water flow in a river can be one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) .In order to establish a mathematical model able to meet the requirements of the project were considered a significant number of models. The MIKE model (bought in framework of Danube Water Project) is software selected to be used for the Danube WATER project activities implementation, and is used for water environment modelling and is having two modules:- HydroDynamics module with input data: river network, cross sections, roughness coefficients, discharges, water levels, rating curves and results: water levels and discharges along the river network, velocities and calibrated roughness coefficients;

- Water Quality (Advection-dispersion) module, with the input data: mass of pollutant, initial dispersion coefficient interval, initial conditions for pollutant concentration, decay constant, values for the cohesive sediment transport (fall velocity, deposition, erosion, consolidation), initial conditions for cohesive sediment (height and density) and results: the concentrations of pollutant variable in space and time along the river, dispersion coefficients.

The results of the hydrodynamic model represents the first set of inputs for water quality, sediment transport and spill oil modeling.

The results of the water quality model are: runoff and geographical and seasonal variations of water quality parameters. Regarding the spill oil modeling, it was be used a mathematical model focused on the management and control of accidental pollutions.

Results of Mike 11 HD: liquid discharge

Interface for viewing and updating data corresponding to rating curves within the

hydrological forecasting program on Danube.

Results of Mike 11 AD: NH4 concentration in different locations