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RATlr'14'ATIOV 01 AU«*. )'. _B>* fcrg* *nt**5k*^o»':»rtie meeting ol" he vot»r« of th*

"Vlh. i 'jgraaMival Ila-ri t, C _)pr_i_g tha Ni-tb,Ftixteta b aad Tw*.tteJi Wardr, w*s n*ll U ( *v*o-

taoi. .1. -aB rqoar*. cotobt of F.ighth aud

ThlrttMBth *ir*e. A: 8J o clock, 0** Peckham, etq.,anmoi de aaai'Dg to order, and on bia noa.'»auju

W ia* ifigaB Sm th, e.q , wa*. iltMii io the PresiJ B88J,f tne me-rttog, a_l tne Joliiwi.g g*»tl-_ttn we.a

MB8B. Vi e-Pi.iilco'B aod 10888888(881, ,,-,-ir,. *¦_*.- Ninth Wa.-_-.la_** VV. fwt fi ..Meliw,

jjwr. ** S -hV iatomrn L Hull. J « Al'-n 8JJ?d M L.MM8B J Li.d..,.!S 0. H. VaBe*. v

wS B tttfThi*. lWl*_ W.'rf-D O Cil_T*ai W_fe**fl*r "~,t>, 'U.J-l li Uavliv Chailei A. Peatxiy, Johu Ua*-*

.'.V^r.Mit-NlntH Wvd-E. R. "-hr-p., 4. L.rl-8 AB.ii. A11 £<.¦_ Bbtraotk Wari-rra-kila Mi ib rhltoBlehari*io. H i Pa*** Tw-cii'-o Wari-dubaari ll St_^lUl»r-:Tajl-t, and Joia V. Oild . v

Mr. "jmlta, oa liMag tbe chiir, aaid they htd eome

t m herieiinfyfbt _o_d_aj.ea af -\ng. v. l'j-for

CoBgr*- fioa thia Co_i_Te*8:o__ Die ti:t. TbeirB i.. a J g.l ut e-.ud.rd oei'er, Ab***biin Lfaaeda,

ippurti i l.y tbe l.*p_blicau Ounse o. Repra-a-i.t.tiv.s. Li A.ig F 0 ia, w* preoented to oar

ii.ilr g'i a genU».«ii deeecviog of onr onited a-.idL« a- y tasaarta The nhon » of ibe lboa-ar de ..nd teie

ot v -diinm t**n_*jl***_:a m_8 _ad entttlttatlal*, -o ,-, NrW-Toib. Ho Bgaio remroed ma t,n*nks.Mr. S ediojan aivug " ho.- * .¦ ibe W.-i\"

Wxriiu i; bj " Od taa'aCtv Ir," a ..i ._.. a. C. E.'-bit:. a h i liowiig re«.olu'iaa:firtolrrf l-tf tbe BafftjBKeBB* cf tn* Mlt.i (__r_88)l

1 i tr. i i.i..ajt tuaa-tli-d aaaeuioleal, r.'..rTi-iu tn* prtuiplni, . ,i, . .> i---.r.ii. a.*'r-t-ai luii-R-i' '-

88t.fiii.oi iK.nve_.-B whi-h,. -f ln ...;.t,.l |, lno*Bl UM i-'*Boltlf>nf»t thvtep.-iDCip'. a i

tae .....rioti.i l F-ica of o-ir t ... t y wi'l BWBiraVid-fi"< ...*M ac.i protter.'.T tot >e eitte nt *» th* K»-p.i:.U '-e." wai t-v-r xpa-il.rcaai ... aVrDe rn tutir iii*-

/ . .. ,1 l,at th-r^c-ut KrpublK.u tiu-piit iu ren-in. i.

Bia Ub.o-k'dli Itfna a-tuie ua Bat tBaj Muplt *.» falIj ttoaaottc l_-i.. t..<..,-- f Hr p*iidlii* ootit. it, and prop.r./ th-i--..¦.i.,va:v»d'h-i*iti ibM*raM '.,-('''."'"""; *«.

wtn. ju.iiii.cioc. _iid-iiP*tbc<.*rtio-iofourflici-'u! *J. i-

Al. ali.ii. Lincoln aui llan-l-ail HaBtfia-- tlreaJj. ymt -I,tai a. awa.tii | *»iy .ha. «'. .'f Ma.-cli _ext to tive it in cro» a

*"? aaa-ai Tkat, i-co.,J odIj tf Irr.porUnce t thn a. .

r.-tld.B ialcana-a*.-! lt irieriectionv/t iep'eieijt»ti»-t t. t-i"

B ittm.INIvbo Wfll f»1tkfuUj *.«. t I-._.r-lv---l.t..pit.lf. . itdW* cf -. »- BBBI 8 piUMbt we rn*, the -byk e.." a-Vitad to the ad- '*¦- '»'<« ^Ator e-'U iBiport.i.t ataaa- or" .urB-B-nral l*Blala*Bia; thttaf.l M*.n thii ..'.**'.. aill *D*hi* th- opo .-;.¦ t* of ¥rv do nllehar- oi partv v.ith ih* le-pomibi Ity of u-jait tffl_»/.«. B.**ti oy th* e« win.* they wLi.vil.i_th'- ¦."'¦ «1 -LtctU. tb ¦-.>¦* t r, tw-na-ncii. lattir*.

_-..;,.. Tbatwri. ilwBk8*88**. ta* araa.Bl-Baia nm.tBlF Dcwfor r u.-rtl ln th« tllti, l n^r-»al iiil 'Utri t,h.r-i v p.dg-tohltuoj' r. it-d-'dcordiauupjort b. ii naa -

r» w- d , biU.wiliio. j,rov..-vc.-e._t'.i_bii aio*ed r.-.i'iL.-t.

P4 b.t6th a-HLi-tolvii^r i.aiaar tie leilrr.hip of IIo leit O,iA .' 'lit th-rl.ftoi* of o.-.i' til tr-au roly ipoj hi_ at oaa

arboa- \.ic, in th-hkltaof onr Natiom; Coui.u. a_l ever o«

k_,a tuttai-im tke ily' *."A <uw ,¦«.. ol -. i--**« "_i"1*1'-''' >¦1 otto.i. g tha. exU l.alo.. o! hmiirj. Slarery into *.h- Ttrtm riei.iv. f* r .! g ir.-* biiiuai to ibe yeo_e_ry »l tbe Uep-iO.ic.aud'- Jn t,nftn?.v.,y ttttnipt. .. the pnrt nl tJ.-nm .-il

8 ot_*i. S*ca.t.ioi i-t* le t**M tb- uidou tf tb- St-te*.lli.ttt ne_-.J .vriv drpait.ner.t of oar Oove-.i:r..nt raa-ll

wi'h fit-1 i-orfoptlLD, a.d tf atrottei Oy | >',"iait li witn p td« th.t wa to tb aarity ol toMIJ* _i ib**-a-t-i a iikto wonfiToir wrrthy and *bl* crlttlitot.ia B8.*a d a fai_a whi.h -va.n ht poliUc- oppo-ruli dme n.t

_(** **Tha. 1. iortlri, .. we do. tb* g "at ali Itr, HeiUr.g tftr ir,a.| *.,. ci ti:. -¦..- >i A ,1-t'i.1: i__w weai

cHr.. t f onr dl.trl t that I' »-*t*i Ma ott.. cl a* *»* w.!. o-

k *n-', .tto r.fl-it» t BB J irditaid B* i aa b .i-1'aid :be

*\ iUui t »bkh b« wil: itipr-i* t. b t alio «... b aa wilith* ctMMtrtl-1 ia--ieai of o.r o.y, w*,th whicb hc Im beea 11

tlunt *i d hon ra' ly conaec'-ei _¦,_.. .

Pt ov d, Tbatwep:-J*e o rt-'vei lo wo-k wit>i dBatl-<r,t, 10 p-r.,\erai - 'ol BB Wt_i4.I .eloalrj*oflb- pullaou t:.-bto J.J f Nov-ujOrr-rxt.

1I> C is time the Wide-Awake* from the three W.irJsfOtt-pcen-g tne dielnct ctiui in, ai.d he tqatl* w.i8

atrniplete'y llled] iheie conld n.-t u*ve baea less thuu_ bvO vo>r* pres i.


Mr. (-taa AM.a wasintrcdrj-td by the P.-et'Jeu* as

W, tlie br'ii.'nut ' Y U' g Ame7:c*n Orator. Ht was r.-

^^ c md cvith three eu*-;u8it<i-iic ebe«rs. Acr u f.-wI opc-if- rtttarks, he pr .e-d'.d to evy ihat BCOmp o-

Rr ni..* wn* to be dedd.d be'.weeu the Mertb anl tber Bootb. Lle laid, i\:'l1 us ticvenim«ut lB88M)lAat of

bo.iLiB- We rarrj t omm-ircia! i_t. n-nci Into all888 i k rtlaaa W'« BBBpUil our c_idid_t-;s witb tneBuue incUvtB that vre qa*B_ai the t:'!e t-o a hoiift lot,or tcm in z* the iidcn-r ¦: f a pro7ni*Bory note. lf hepr. n :.- *t-l! for the grt ;'. eucsi-l lii'e, fia, Uie y.-e.*-*B p-pular hdvaaiage, ae s-pport hi_ »i_ 7.»:A taitu> rg>. lf, on ihe twai'ttf, be promiaee tooppo e our

icteriei, we oapoae tim ai u ail the a'Uor cl i"oal,dignititd, vk'.orii c-i ttm.bood. {_o.d appItU^e ]Peibapa the gteatctt ciffi -nlty tbat as a l.uo., we(uve evar been c_le_ up n t . contsnd with anee?

from the fact ihet «i r.\*ii).)-d are we, tatri'iaria-T.U_l public cpiniou and iuterec's ccme in CODLtitt. Ifw* eoold . mmand th* lawe of im.u.e, we wou! i proo-ably *o (JiBpo-e ot t'ie eiem«nta IfcMlaMlBBBia, *.1,riters, aiid htobota nil th. -n in cia888888 d B irmon.ziand agree. Pot to onr weakuets| to producn thisharm i.y we fiuu tt'.t onr only Bale y rrs 8 npon tneexercireof tha; forb«_-_g aud coinp'i-ing spi it thi'.jildrtbt ieiocio tn* *il ofthe n-ai-ority. [Votdfai'*ooa aaa aUfc] Il .11 tv** g iwMaaaiata tfiaia .ust, ofB*t>iBity be conoe.r-ion aud 08888888888). Comp'o-Btobaa very ke. rt and e^iri. of a Kipnblic.*tVe ba>van onr c r-tr w th u coniromise aud tra Batbe B888M ty .1 a new compromife t.-)Lty. ComproBi.« in tbe kiaoliiic. lexie n ia c.-iity aud l.-rb. ..-iu.ce,and tne Repnblic-iri pirtj carTies tha BtB'laMBl u,> n

lla biua. r**nd weair it in :ts beirt. |Loud applanse |TieH-pnblian vu'ly prop-.ns iu the spiti. of iva

t>r>mjr'-.tfe, to lei Slavery al,ne whtre it ie, bu.hya'1-.eaiai-. ita p*iwer, come wh.t w.ll tbongh hefce,vtu*fal, ). w'UreB'tt its extsusion over torritoryBow free. (Log nnd lond appltn*e] Mr. Ad.ureonted ibe itiei ol di aolntion of the Ciuon bec-i..e ofth* Ctntaitntional eipreaeion of iha p-ople a choice.' Wdbi I Biid he, "will you rtBin 'hn will ofthe ..-

jony 1 Oo I no. Go bid tbe All-ghiuics remove fc mtb.irttornalb-.e; go bid old ot-an oeaee itscoiiBtiutwbjI; go bid ibe diparted epnil retoru to i a loraakaadu*t; commaiid all lidttire to obey you; at empt *ny-thii g i_losai Ir; bntoh! don't for a toink ofreaiB i gt»ewil of tbe mtjoiity uf tbe ireevoersoftiais _*|.ublic when legaliy ezp'ee'K'd. |lpp!anee.lDo y-o *ay y.n will airailve the l nion. Where?W^eu I JJow .' Shill we dissolve ic uow ? Wh le we

_tj*_ra* ibe qn*«ti . th* tones oi tlut bell from Ind'.-*p«?ud nce bai oro liuming the U c'_r.-ioa of Indi-p*t d«-i< e, are Ml l rnuivj;/ in mir ear-< tud crimions ca Woeie a an wedissiire it7 Here^ Istha re i> »pot wuhin .be limi'i oi the old thirtesn Colt-ni.B upou abich we can a_u4 uud eofi8BB8BB)8 onr

erime, wbere from i.e..e»tu «.ur laat f-e duat of depa'i-ed Ceroes will no". i_>ring agiin to life, aud w«Xk likegboe b befire our i'ioh H) 8*8J*>_aa8*888 the uorrjr

Bow at. ! we di,s Ita it ' By f >r e No, not, whiletbe *.*( nl of f.r.i.n des Kits over _, re-de tounii'e De K.pu'ti8 ihit, ever eiti tod, Bv. B>oa aa

w* ah l k ve bec.o . weak-iied br our own mrernalB rile. Mr. Allen advocatud adnertuoe lo Kcpubl-c»u-itm, atd end'd Biaid loutl cheeti.g.Mr 8. B. Dutb-7r aa* ihe n-*t epeuker; he apok*

arrvd a gerera1 var-Je of the Wi.Ih--Vwaaet. iocladlngI ar or _«ebai.ds >.i music arouud tne rjqui.e. Mr.I>ai.)cr Bbowod tiiat the Keputdiciu pt.'.y Wittmtwliite ibau b pirty aud pr.Sfnicd its vieva on tbeII,B)*<te-d bill aad th* Ic-ttnc.iou of S1 .very. H.ty... nded with a warm and generoae eulogiam oi" Mr.Dow.

TI ree cheer* nere then gi- en n>r Anguatus b. Uowand ihr>e Jiore ftar Abr.uam 'lu.

Mr. Jaa. Fainuan wab then iaMadotad. He aaidUst 'o rpeak f*_ the eleition ef Abrabati Iataaolawould b* aord* .brown awav. Bfil ta* am liortii >n

of ibe 88888-aa of (ha wo' conld b n-dra yby ihe.j'iof a li-pab'.i i- H.-us- ol '¦ ."

Uuklii.i. Or«_'. and gl'.ri^a* as «-aoi c-r-iijiiy,ftill ibe cordtion of tbe la»>«riiig ahlBaal lere WMwo M i--in in bii* o-her conntry in Cbnsteudogn. I"

onr State, 1 Tan-iot of every 11 wasa .mifier, and ofthe

eatj,eaoBBTintk ftba r -aatoHoa wai i-mi-'r. n-re

w-r l>-g_iry ai d whue ri tvi-rvg-'-at-r ibtu MyWlMW*«W on ihe gl ¦)>«. Aniyeilhia 8-8-7 awaoapahla ol

¦ ir.g 1 ;/00,ii4jO Ooo peop'e. How ara* 1. tbat web«vd l-IO 000 oaoiie.B iu Ne*--. crk .' Jlov W8tttta.itthe Hlat-kb'dl iiee of ptcke'e went baeh t) Ire-_udi-iowdtd wnb emigranr* .' B-rcao-e thry were beUeroti thare; there w*s Ouly cties«ven'h -.1 th* )Bt-

ageof i-oi.-i8'n Jr'lmd tba) toere was iu N*W I ara.

Wfw»re dJil'ting betood b.Uikrnp'cy Bl thenteorBvJO 000 000 aytar. Wh.t o.d t'ie O.-mo r.'.'.c pidyproi;. -a to do for the W0i-t8g8>88 of the i

_BoU__a:. Tl.e Kepublican pvtf alme wfotwi tttm-

«dy. Mr. f-.kirrj tu ejpl.niid the . ompleteQeet- ol tbiar-i-idv, *Ld paid an atf qaeat BlbaM io ibacaa-i-t'atjt tnt C-Bi-aa lor (*. Augostas t. Uow.

Tb*BJ*e»ing aa* Buhrequeaily aliremed by B le*ii.ou L IIull, eerj., in a .ig roua and eflectire epeccb,itfter »hicb it aojoorrjed, fijilh hearty a-8888 8*88 all th*

t ndidates and tbe Widc-Awak-s oi ( a DM8*i ', B88I

to J 000 of whien were on d .ty io IfffM of tbe BBjJ ia

lheBM4M4B,f(moadandni'MC-edibroiig»i the pr.ocipiltttxtta ot tbe di-tii- Many of tbe honaet were BMr

Diicattd, aid tbe reception witb whicb they met vi!_

_.obt jr-itifyiog.I) hTtm.

At another atocd a nrnati'ig we* orgini/ed before I

. clock, and apeacbea w»re mad. by Dr. Fay, S bmon

L. Hull,et _, A. J. lJil^*idiC*'**er, ea,., and T. Ji. V«

ijaitii, et'^.THIRD «'

_ta tbii- rtiirid a meeiing wa* org_iio*d about I

8'clock, aiid from it tbera wae jubilaat ainging and

gpamui* Tb* fdra8_r- tftkkn Bl b-b .»«* «»

Chail-r. S. .-ffaaa., *a>, waa mm mtbai w-i 1^*t-t-fl-.t _...lfl'f tf***t*ttnke-a_va^a__flrl bm ttbt§*t*a a grnt mbm-b

andad*Bia.gelyt>f'e yrt??*n thi', Mr. Dflfl .*

«Brry tha -iatih'o-- *B* tftrntttt, vrb-t.e : dr.-'de-'ned.



vi-n.i 11 oi l-U__M Ta BR.i»., BM_a.WO MBBB-I-OIl.MH l li BOB,

Ti!0>h/eard Bc-ioke of Bevml ) >n_re«, f.ha lier**

glart, of _.-k;.t_d_.oni rcek-M __oendiag ekyw+rd. themfMmtanhaa_ p.-ti nkiad )i**itoi' mbmm lloir.or.i.dle*, tbe load call i.i" tho MHM-aBal DaMBMM-l0 ni_*t«e," MapM with tho pronH-e ttiat Janea T

B.ady, «»']., wruld rx'sitlvelf addreBRtbe penpla, aidIMI tJno.h not leart the mu-icoi BtMaMMBBBl BakMlliraaB Band, aU eombined on lait evening. drew

tBflM-M ala-"^ f.rowd, .>mn,ieriti_* p**rhapi '.',00() i-r-

Boui-, iir.a'. ai-il aaiail. in f-o_t of tho i*v Hlil, Bra-k-lv_. CluB'eiinir on the Mafl '>:' *h* (J-ty Hall andi/raiwd: -.; u'mn. lha Maad en-. led for the r-v. tkfltl_oa?8of peope wait-d aill _ )'ci»ck, wheo MrBinj.n.iii b* Sawjar :''>dilie Baaating to order, audno__in_U-d Mr. ilonej-h Wihun t.s l"e_;-niin, wuo waa

el»c.-d _Oa---rdir»rlv, andnnde a few Mna-ki, »-»idcnee tor ¦' lltvdy'. A loi g lie! al VlaB-PtaMaMMaid Br."iet.ri.p -were re__ aud api-taMd. waaaMr J.aiesT. Bradjr WM aaBoaaoad, Bad m deu.ri.ltbiee akaafl weie given. Six more were given as Mr.

Bradj atada aia aftpatf*aaa. ... _, _.Mr. Himly bad Bcucely .'<m_.e_.ed before t'ie ^ev-

enth Wai- (Jlnb marcbtd laM Iba PBtfc, cariy.'giraoaaanaekfl a:.d baarorka Aflar tbtatt'tntoiitta,"_,-. Br.dv agaJn begio lo speak II" _p* nr

iBBflnakBeM "¦ nt itdaa, at*d B-tid Baal tne vora

adnm.-e to proiht-i ihe q-alili.av.on of Ilreckiinil--.rd LaM wcr.ld Biari'e the eai.h. He h.iprd MMIBMMg the f-ierda of Brecki-ri.a-e and Ilii'*rir plmi-e whieh followed fis .*t .rk f?e_'d to a»Birf

limi rh. nach w*? the ca*»' ] lie woald M-BBBB_bm : >

iryefi who cxrreH-ed no mai-h r.rr.w, tlut h. would|)3vefi-3w vo-es M MMf iito BB uerabip «ith theB-lUk-cra, .^c, to fa«_J-h BMkM baaa-MNaaffl formonrai-rs V tbtir OWB 8-iaBt, If the Do»oer« t* wonld b.j i n the prin-j-il-^ of Bre.Hnj.di*e iino ( \ luuid ol' ai'iaic aoproathiuK*, M-Brady aflil the . »k "i-s *ere BBM-Bg -nd uever wou

B'. »p ai tney had sbown the-.r iMflBgthat lha ball*.b. >; and fortonar-ly fbf the acnmey nf bm Bta' ¦¦ t. "Ireproved lo im a bai d (*f \ goiaflto th" W-gwam oppotit*e.) Wheni e ori.r/naN d, a^tiedMr. H.-id),t-ie p!_E MgltathaBaaiBM MHBM -'T-

iqual pti':r,i^o with the white uim ? Yt'ts it B I'-u-ocmti . DataBiire ? As for me. he pr¦_. aM, 1 -,'*-e I-ould tou»».'nt to ha\e lha ne^rm i_J_ed toa PorUouf,|ii .liiy *nt_ the white man ou tbn eaaB-BaaB 1 tne whole negro noe eat rmm-t-d ia b'.o.iiIVhm -re my MlillM-Blr. a-id I wi-h then M baknown itaad-Bg a« MjMMf_*d daelaiat-oa,to aflaMBBB, m iny bouible Caiia-:.<y t- *. .i'id thronuii all tiwe.Aid 1 w int no aa_ociafiou -vitii i.riy "Thi;. m-iii MMwil', sav, BBOB hi? hunor that b* baNavM taeui-g'0, v. r bm, cr ever rhanld be admitt**<l to fu'l aqaafl-Jwi'h bin..

Mr. ll ndy went on to B.vtbatMr [iaootakdaaailv. -in' '.. j_vfi(.frQchr(in-iiify. Heh.aLeen*v /.

:,i.l w-ir iow willBfto i::'o his ua_i"* wi__riVfl11 in _b« c mittA il" aay boj-- .'' ."ii!db- n ade. l'nt the pany o(.v ni 11 Mfll WOaM BOOBpltt no ternjp. He liad ..tiere.l in pahlic a< d rrr- -tt-t t.

le'-ireaid kave Mr. Kelljthfl 88M" 8Baa*_-_M ii theyMO-Mb .> th-n. tae L .'rn.. i^r.erpor. [A Ikimd«-lr:'r,!.'(ii: f-OBI t'fej Fit'li V\ ird ti< re added thMf 11Q-J-

»,..,r .., tl"> 'tiri-adv laiBjaMandaMr. Iindi MMthflN a_tho_1 -riy offia..- ti *

wbo advocite the p iocipkp ot wh.t ;'i.y c-ll IMtiiHiit, he won'd iike to rk thaai arMtthay th**a_iofthiBtliant. He wishtd to .ofTi_i th 0 t'i it n i Ot-

I.- one Ji>hn C. Br« fklai_4|8 MaaM b* J iGi:mt Killer to the whole of be_i Hat the p.rfyop-ofed to bim hfi'J refneed to trive atiyih'.:''.-; aad ri.w,bacaaie (-'it.'r'''r vl'd a-__M_a____ araal > oaru tha a i.lititate cf Ke« Ycrk Ilra-ckioiid..,' a.d l.w* inon a'Hull. Mr. Kelly wh* i'i. op*n fnmd of tln. N-~ FarkC'entratl ltaitro.d bnt J e wa« ita irr .otciii'ild .:.c_j?,:,nd hr «hould alvva)* preveut thia graM Stite neiTj.ivrncd and ^.'overiitdbyarailr,-.d.. rporathak Hfl hadbrflSMkad *' WhMillhB BM of yoar rnmiiuf-, Mr.Ii'.,dy / ta reply be raii*.*. aek wh.' i. the nse ia Mr.)>, pilai rnt.nirfi. WhM BMua ''-n be l .rry ? A Tiir,*,'BabapMtoMrrjObio. | Ba hofM to carry OHi .

dotflbe/ How Mr Wadt w uld Iflnifh at that. llo~Mi. Gnelej ol Tur T n pbi wt* i nin to kaar U|t*A\ how the o'd Baahaja S-aro won'd i'ssid-sat anco a tntcettion. Mr DottfM ttvght po a blycury Mi.-Bonri, bnt that wi.b don'oiiul. Bat nnder auycircunistjocea tbey would s'3nd I.y their httly pirtytllthej aiad.tiie U/c-kiui-lve-.n.l J.: por yro»j ''-laidhuDored all over the Uaioo. Mr. Brady eloaeaBa "I I'tid .tppla-i0e, havin? mide oolv a sbort, 8,>ee< n,

.;.- BiUa-flaa ai which havealready oren MMM inXBxTaiBi .ne.


Mr (.'. L Smait, pres-it editar of TA' Volnn'.rrr,loimeilv c/innfctfld with T'u tktily Ntmt, then madea *i"ci_, atd rtad p'rt of B 1-tte; WOM the H.m. Dan'lS. Iiivkin-on, nr^iig t. their owb fclectaralTicktf.

Mr. MaMaaa ;.*id reveral other gent'.emen mtdeiptsthraaad Ihi entlmj'.-m wa? kep* npt'llalateInnr, txbto tbe m»-tir:,* BdjiaraB. wi h cr.eer* forllr-.kiarirjgoand I_ane a_d '¦ Gov. BraJy.


.David Uudley Field and W.W. Maifhtap will a4-d'f-B a Republi. nn Mi*.- meeCng at Waehingion Hall,Moni-^iLi- tliseTCDiog.

The Yeterare *f I8W \rt invited to bear the Hon,Tromui Smith and Wm. H. Anthon tyt*t thi« eveu.

Mfl ra lha i_fln-B al the conteet, at So.M llroadway,. Ila'irication mtetiap** aeem to bfl the Bfiar of the

day in the llld OMflUMiOBBl Dietrict. Tbo frimda ofMraWD-hUMBMhalthaif meeting on Moaia*/aJfht;Wood onTnt"day, and new we uotiM B iBB-bflealfor a maes roeeti-g to-ni^ht to ratify the MM-Mfd >n ofJohn C Mather. Some of the MMM nied a« otfi ¦ rs

of the Wood maeting we are aeeured were wiih-ont auth.rity.

Rr.ri Bl i. an li y.< I 1 Coaa i !>.....This Com-mi'toeriel ItMaiflhl at No. 618 BroadMBJ,8B_I re-

Hiilvtd t'j att*Dd in a body the great demontt-a ion at

l'-l.ce (,ard*n ou Friday BJflbt Arrat flBBMBM wei-e

aleo ma-e for printirg tk-MM tfl., for the elec'.ion.Tm. Wiaa-AwaBB P-*ai>i it Pbi aci Gabbbs*--

Tlie Widi -Aoiake C'entrbl Committee m.-' last night atNt. idE Hroadwa*., and [Hirfected thtir arr-ogm -nta

fi..- tiie parade on FiiJay B-fl-t, M the oc_ii«ioii ..I the

RaaahbaM maBu xvti'wy to be held at PalBM (Urdea.Trero .\ iH he fonr diviuionr, fbe [M divi.ion t'> be

cm^ofltdof the Fini, Secoud, Tc'id, Fourth, Fifth,and BisihWai- WiJe-Awakt.; tba Ud divi^.on oftheSa.venth, Eijjbtb, Nin.h, Teulh aud liloveutb Ward(f.ur lon-paiie*), and tho KoitkeiL-ckor Wide-AwakeAitillery, the llld divi*ion ofthe Zonave \V. A., thoTwtlltli, T-lrt-flDth, Fonrteentli, Uteenth, and S:x-t»t-nth Ward Va'ide-AwakeB, a. 1 tiie IVih of lheStvmteenth Kifilitcunt'i, Niueteenth, Twenty fu.t,T*itL'y--e<oud Wtli, m,d the T.rlaerty WiJe-Awak^B.l!annera and tranrijiarenc.iea with the uaxes ti all tiietarit idatefl will he borne Lu the t_nk_. Tae lioe ofmarth will be thmugb Foirkenth MMM. Broadway,CVii! Y'Ti.":t, Bowery, Fourth avenue, atd I'nioni(joai-, iD review 1 efore the fpeaker atad ytxteta of theBtaal §, IH IBBBB.B-,IBU llf)BBBBa1 tl niTfl IM peradveitirjement thia eveniog.

1 ,Mii ih Waaa laacata taa ____n.ti Cim-Ci i ii..Oneof the l-u-_-eet ii'id most enthuriastic

mc-riii>j8ertr htld by tiie l{eptib!k__ia of the Twen-tieth Ward wa- held by ili_ CWb, on Tueaday even-

iigl.irt, ut L-iBartiue Hai), oruer of T«ontj-niathflt/iet aLd the EiL-btb a\enn«, Dar.iel l» ('nnover e-.

rriaidaiit, in the Chair. Cn. MohM, ti WlBMMifl,mid. an unuBiial'y powerful aad B-RtwttTB MMBh. Itwa'-n-pltte wi hhuiiiT, and tlicitrvl, from^MJimiDgK. ii,d roiitdeof ajplanBe. Tl.e met tiPflJ^BMiud<lrt-(dly lhaf lloatoggMtlamani Tt.¦- H

Bnrin, tba-h.-B S. Si-niH, J. tTelBM\N. BrsckeM, Dbbm Ii. Gavk, and,\-, r ( Iii ;i give ol' their in.olai.lUiel..rgeandien.ce.|**.l bt alate lionr.alwriflpeittedtheer-lirthe !.'¦ uoaadWitflfl.TvVBBTI -Utt* D W l nn Kk. iiflfP_n»a.«.Tl.- Kpab-

lican Auxilmry ___BBBB_P Clu) ___¦-B_aaln _MM_B|on TiieBdaj eve_ii.g at the MBMB HMB, ttt the por-MM (f ratilying tho Kepublican nomirations. TfieII .u. TlBBBH aSiuiUi made oie cl' Li« higli-tou-d con-

,,M.r v,; ,.. - wiii muat have been tloion^ilyc n-rin'-iog to ai y MBMtiBfl miud pre»i ut. Addre'RaBBtBTfl bi.o i.ade hy R___a F. Andrews, 88C|.,tha Haa.Abraa Wb-OMBB. Dr. Kor, the Baa. W. R-J'":'1""' Uiidr-ll, ai.d BrB-f-ad ll.ivil.tnd, cb(|. Ihtfullown fc' l-aolotioi r. w*re p Bf.'d iiiiaoiminisly:

/., ,l,,,i llut Ikfl iion.lna'Kii. of < t Blrd*.11 fo r, prea. nt

UL. lii.tii.tii. Ibe flflfllI li|M Mflfl M ttmottl run .im. (I l'> IH

Duba iiii-l.' rep.ilalion, ui,<|..e_Ua,ni,d ability. ai.d ato ll-f lutafl-riiv . nliiJr liiin U, iii. *.* u*«t tnd . ordial »ujiport oi ev.-ij K«-

(, l *t tb> iflfl ..!. olion, . ,

il.t.ho' Tliatavecrtn.n .< tb»y d*n>rv« thoflfl '. ¦.' y\.. ,,. ti .,'.'.

laat W Int-i ...H. *t"' 'J l|- "»',de, ilil. BilJ -u,ii.i..*..'lrd WB**

La B-woiMd, by»lane-B-joiii; n iw IM iafM iTiiBathy

ll." T." irtr Iti 'r* .-1 »v*ry oh-i tlvitn n ,o- t" -i

li,r <hi. .., wai v te' ic bj i-., n thr. loar..i to itfflfl *Unt-ili Ik* IV.- .) :a|fl*f th* ." L . '.t rr.

Bafi T-8108 I I -i e fl-rmitiii -ai'u

B_'"'-rI-.-.--lv aitoI--1 i y tha i'> Bitta fal (haaapperti f*-* iiG apar (aad Te

.'t.t. T ,j tx-r -r> *td '.y (f*8Wa_idc tf, .Itt'-n.O'f'r, Baaba g r, Iii i_% aud o'her*.

Vfi-TBBTfi CosBB-BbbBB.t DiifRiT. .Tti*'Com-mit'i* BfipaaBtaa* to dtcide whki. of the liemo-ratisc.'.i'ae i. 881 Uif-'r: BB8_ wi'hdmw, have de-

iaa Hr. Wai .* i t* a" Bt. Wmri i th* be O«ii.ocra'.ic aid Cni.u candida'e oft..e Dlstfafi-

i:, isTPATinv oi \, iv -YaBtarlay b.-ing thel*ft. day f-or th* r^jiisrr^t'on of Y0t-i*. iu 888888*888888 ith tl o 'aw, a brisker Imrin.sB aaa done than on tbe

pr-c. li - ieai'1 of tho K-'i'rare. In reveral h-M boaaa v iterr, atiemp'*.! to g»' th*ir namea

tloliBts, bnt they .lid no* *no «.ed in bo Iriag.iflaflaetf- ilbb tha fefaaa af tb* varion* weaaa

w ol* u.'ik. 18881 B bf (8jl8f»afh8f the nnmher of

j.ereoi.1 laaj-BMtd a'. Pfdice Head-i'iartern hateveriing,but they MM to do to, Ihe o|K»r»tor infomiing our

re|. Ttcr tbat o orde-v tad een tec. ivea in re-ird t"

:.e BB BMi*

t iiitiiEt tion.¦; Bt - '¦"- ' Tkt A. 1. IVitBB*Bta: h fisi.«*bbb*4 _i year aalaahla i u>er of to-lay

l!.e i'tn -...'t'ie .na. r Bt r-U.;. tf li.i- Oui'ia'di M. 1- IwaV-clnb Ka.TITBieaJBaj -. ilibave 1.ilt*8»-.rM...*****I'. Naiirro. Imt. *J of Antoril", oi-ip, BM* ii '"ir mntoto$

CIIARLKY O. LA r_TA, 08*8-8Bm '¦ "4, OM. '¦


o ¦

CcneipjL.eL.e ..' Ib.- N Y Tilbj -

\v an n .-. DaL, 0*__J, \BB\Tbe 888888 Bl I'f-la-van- .j.lici'-stoat ncrro S'a\e--y

ic ou (ha detl oe. b Itt8. the elavei nuxbered S-B,To-J..y aebave 1 hW* diapeise-l ss followp: InXe*/-Cmi.e Ctinty, tM| in K*nt, _B. in Sosiex, I ,'»»"¦>.Only fcor ilavet are held in thi* city. nnl toey are too

ola* 01 wiU BBiri for to run away. 'J he nnm-aer efii. n owinvt in ihe 8aJ* is Ui. Of theee, Na.v-C..4'.lebat B-j B-88B, Mj S.i.-*ex, lll Wnol* namlier ol

fr ,. ar--,-.> BBB |_a*a>a_aj fro* ro^-.-vr?. of vahici thereurer.t ea'..oan li 000 (1054., The porri.atiin oiNaw-Caittf Ocaaty i-- 54,-1.4, nemly one balf of thewhole Hta'a, stiri yet i*»* I is barl th* mhw raaeaaaaBa*n. n iu t.-e I.- _i '--tn'--- BB n;v7h of t^e othf-r coau'iaa.Wo .rn ealkd, too, a SUve S».te, where ouly oa* m.n

in Hi i i* B BK»*bolder, a_b le** tlun four 8.88888 an¦ivtr :'"r' alaa tba)

is wonh ! Bthlg 8888 np. Ett-W as 88888 or etle.',RipebUe t.M b-ia K.ard )ar<«ly witUa a fewyeaif. ln '.'..'' we phve Freooont M. aa***Ne.t, BjMO. we r-ln! [br* Ltoeata M leaM 3,000Bfid88888 ol en. i-:ii..''iio* 'riends are pcadil M BMBaecri _Jad Bai I doaot autioipuetoefa i refr* tbtoa reeoh qalto ea aaaa. Tbat Delawat*wil) be a l.epnbl can S_»e h»forelo*g Ihavono^-nht.Tb* R*1 10. KM iocreasinir 8888*8884 "¦.4to ro ..: ¦¦ ru i i- r' i--.1 888 for this gfawlh oi' Ih*Kepnbit'iu pir'v io Deltiwire ilnn to l''.lw*H CBradfoid, f..| ofth'i .:'\ iliowa'uii^oi'ihe aaritf

_ tbe oaa.a, aod aatdetl Irat Baefiblieaa',-.-, irirei _*f_ M-. Il7ifdi--ril wtt i. in-nihor of

iba Na i nnl Kepubli *m Convent'on of 18-41, and c*n-

TBiiid N *.v CaaaaCoaaiy (orttoBtoaaM.«aBekatla' _11 teer. Hb was elected a dalfgato to tbaCbieago

t*_titi trd tb.e tbe drat orgaoixit.a of tha ae*' -,n '. i-tv hi's l">.n 8 or-'is^ir, BealefiB, HI 1 MB8

idv-xa'c 8f .I pnr.iii'l. A B8B letriin of nnex-

capl oaaoto Bbaraetor, uud of ssa*.Jabad rapa Mka M.h- b "*. i'is pera-on-il bfla BH *iud e'o<|-i ai irg i-uenfriI .,| > .1 b':L,'irg ooj-tato into iha1,',-rui ,. Doring toe i>'( at aoath, M-.Ii. Meadelrc aad ptttnl aaaatiaaji ia thal uraaaawM. ooDli j ca tba D*l aara.'

i;-i._, *t\e prepura'ioua ar* btiirir made for a BJfiMn :.".' in ihis t_7 on We.1ntrd.y next. to c ,'B-

it ._' p. rr.. ;;:''! M a : d np w'h a graod to*c!'-Hgbtp _d iDomtoarJoe. Four ie.73 Bg* i'

rupiii-d 84MB8 tirciBesa ro slaii'l od for the K*poW-*aIli_*t p 'hij ngior. 8*rbw,tth not oato r*eper>aM*to be y li.tnblica., bnt, more ;har. al' fl is c-*diuMa.

'_ BltANl)VWlN_.

A BfiSTOl B88-IS8 BPfifil888,*.TaBeve',i:g 1 i-tcctivea K 8*h and J'ool aireat?.! th.L»onotirioDB Ep.l;.-b burgl_rs on euapicion of havingb.-en en iged in itmo of tbe bor^latit-a re'entlyreporlt-d i-t Tmmm Ba8i*8jafiBBB- The llicsrs follj»re.Jthem about the chy from olsce to BBM8. ani in'o theFifrh W?ti1. wnere fotne "888888 in formed them hy a

c;_niLa' (888 deteeli*ea **ve*e wfitehit g t'at-ir move-n.anii. The trio fontiiin'Ci their way in a seeminglyi_difl*r*B< maiinti,-. bat in reaHtv watcbl ig aa oppirta-nity to ellji awiy. The ofh.ers, dkoavariaj; the

v.-r, to 1; taea) hito cn = t dy tti'li'in' (a theraad eoovryed ihem to J'-.f.ce Il-a-i imirrera

wh.t- they wara laeaadap, to await Ubaa-**d «, if-i.. bjtbe paaaaaa wB_a*ptoo** were robbcd.

(.tuy ,m.i M.ilw* B'ilaa liaaa.narkaBaitktt allaa BotariaoB, and Joha Urya-it.Two i then: iuve done me St.ite iei-vice ai S ng 8;ngPriso..

. Inthelsit foiiikm newB is the annoiinctment of

(ba aaah ef Jasaee flaaridiB TfTaitTlfB. a_k leeaan >ion board tbe K.e-mer Aici.:, ou u v >vai_t. Ircm Hnh >

Cwaaadt Jlewasbcrniu (,'ork, [888888*, in (784In 17'jr. he prodn*«d h's Hrert phiy, 8*8M8l was p»r-form»d kj a aaatbai efyoaag bbbbbb-a iu Lonion t)wl i. hplic--iin fa'her, James K owleB, a lsct-irer on

aaoeeB.a, tt aaeaai in 1792. At th* ag* of .-.i youngKaawla aur, ^n ibe MBfB, ani f.r ten years led un

urj"e't't'l life. In 1815 ba eaaaaaaaai wiiiiDg, und

pfadaeedtbe Mlawhf p*8Bjai C_qb Oiaoehaa, Vlr*giLios. Bepg** oi Bethaal Otaaa, Haaehieah, 1*1*1*8,Lon Cha»e, W«*-8a'l W it. Tl;s Maii of MaiBBBdarf,Ixive, (rd Maida, Jolin o! I'.vJtiJa Tne li me of Ar .-

pon, er.d UB Ba tti' Biy. Ol' |aM yesra Mr. KnowloaIad 888-8*8 ne.l the B8fl Ut the pu'cil, and h888BM 1

BBS-BTjeaaBdaleqaaal pia c!.cr ofthe IJai i*t iaaaaa*:ia ;on. Jlewro- »ta8*r*8*8_dea1 8aaB8iMThaBsahof Kome.'' ar,d "The Idil 1)-lU'liBn-d hy iie 0488Piir.t. AIbo, two novthi, " (k >rge Lovel ani' Henry FeetaaetB.''

f.,, m ('.,%.(, H n.- rv-e OafiBefi of Iha Jlolyc.iiuiuri--. Puaghkrapaa, was Boaaaarasai aa FaBraiofttht - h in U, hy the I'ro\i_ionul BiibOB of tbeI

''..- -; ed by "hou t'uirty dergv ln *urpliv.«.

Tb-Cbur. is of gray Mone to th.-1>|. ef iheBpBJBjvtnb d aad*, und wleaew tr*.c»-ry at,1-r-i-v Ir.iMii B'oia The r ol ia 8888884 with atoanaof varitn» colorB, arraDg.d in pHUern* J'ue chi***Jm apalial, aad 1» at taa wtst end the anl splreBetogfa)'BB tn.le b«»ween chania-! _id nave, a*. theB-atBtfde. lo .a la»*i i-w, 1*8 aaaaaala* . b rkblyhdorr.i d w*»h color. and tbe blt.e of th* r*lll-ig is bril-bHntly »e.l eved 7.1'h nd a-^il gol.l. Th* furuituro ia >.llofbla.-k aalpnt. Tb" gli** wi.djwsare of We't )l'oomti.-ld, N. J. The I j." ii i-s Boa. The eaet ef tbe wb le is 8888816,tJW aad the Chi-.-h hn* been'"eetedat th-Hill i

B-peaee *" lf'. U ilH._) A. Dark* ol J'ongike888*8, ..(

amemoiitt bf hie departod a fa.

The aaa i '. aM _»a a fl*eresMaixKa l.*Alofabooi narerffa tl- iaaaaa*. 'I mnis, we bt-lev*, t '* ttat in«tance m H e hiuory of t'ie. iiiitry whara tl.e p.opui.ition of a Suto liiis raeeaadin tbe coaraa f ten > ..<.

-^a. ¦ ¦

1 iiiuliritllai- i'i'laa.I illnrlttl.ln . W. T.Tbii . Iti r

\v-i *r_BB«v, iift .'I ISMWbaM bbmI'ii at 4.K)a tf mm>tot, IJ8 ; abaat Ijtfa B*aaaa

i |¦

, ki .- Oaaa, UUek i aw*. a.Joi*, twe, ir-d '1 M.11- '

,_]< K- ¦. M )l *Bt BBBI ' '

8_i ,r.ffitj ,( *Ilty, *li .'¦', '¦-. 4>. M| oidiiiB.-j,f/ '.-.

i-,. cbi Btobi > . ktfi ".. ". p- r p,,4 t T ,, I . .) V.irii- |i.8*4i 8'.¦ "

¦ ..*«_.._, 818B8.h l.wapaaaa*!**, fiMti * 17.

I ka rain) I.ii iba,' ' j" ;'. *'7: _ BScaakj r .t....

.-, 11 r. f |M*k-. " (1


t.! 1,110li..


i7.-. .... paC_Jld».I'I '.'¦ ....

Tofal.l^Ha "tno 7.-i)M,f .. t r* v. jc. |»lt,. Pella, *>,

-. lll.^ II tl. rl 1 Itt* 1' 'i I il' ai:'. im .ln i,r,-.h!nr lii.ttll*

|.,il IB"-'- lat -t-iIliJU.t'i e, ,|.i.

c,« i Vi) Oi. B Da* t» -' lUll fei ' oott, Bl * 1. . l>-«t 'hr..- laat*,1 Si-.n OrJiairy .mi.i.ti of Bulla aj d tf.* i.lnte of fla

, ,,, . uivl., auj nl,,,, ihoa.. ui inlerl ,t,| wn out



V'. ;¦ _ 8 '^C^ViArMi-Miylt.rMatTatfl .BBVl A' MtMi'l, l.mrfiUnd Bfl**£***.¦*''

. ii ii'. ,. *.H.V J 'ti" " B'tUlD < I'

T^l'-of J .¦..-. 18 flfl-ttfll-BBBB.¦ *J_ Wi- ROl mtB-Oa Ta«*Jav .venlng, OM BB, fl8****hu i mtt ¦' BflBfca-. «. --nei'tf-iit kjriifl ._"¦ wT I?^.J.h' M i" Ul-v.-t t.. tim* C da-ghter of -il*ph_u H l-flfl*.

.... ,11 i I anbury..,.,.¦. uiiT'l-US' L ik-'a Cb-r ;i Ito-br-'-o*iSw__^__>3_few«»Saji ',:,. _f ihe HflB E PoMMfl BbbI h al Bfl MMM.

ri-tr- rHILM OB Bnnday, Fept l by Mb K-v w. b,,,.,--:t-- -io »'vu. UflB Carr. *n£itmnnaa,B.t,uMMn F'i._C CB'Maflf Haw-faak_-_r.

Q**m BBADIlWt-O" Tliuajay Or-/. M, a'. St P'';**'¦C_-i._i D* a. ... bj UieRev. Mr Hpaldln*. L .tlier Ori.t t>

II i, .ne Br* flflr. _^

BiaMAB-BICHMOND-AI Ue by Li..-, "a .ue.da-, Os*"l? ,i_ ¦., Ooodraflflflk Mr Dti* Hinnmn of ll.xt n,2_-l_U-UTt-Mh-M-S,d.u,h-.«r..f -r. H.:.i

u,irt;,.TiT:."' I>'-''J '-'"¦**_*_._*Bn-lMOBB-BEADXIr- Ib MB city. on Ta«*Uy, Ort M, M

NT '.> » li.cel by ih*. kev. Hr ¦!¦.SjaWbT H-fllrl Bflfl/MB iy.

m>I VI'T-' I K'vVH-flri __-_-dS},0 t. ll.a'.7o ink » ro,

\\£ J'l'i''v.R.!.-.t. 0' I ri". ..n J W*VI-.inlBM.o! ;y aatttt*" '.". K'v JjUwi-°- kJ" N"*r Je""1 Loai"'

Th.7'rl*V1.1-C1iKVr-nn Wrdneidaj, Ot 31 b7 tue Rev\\l'i'a_. P CerMl Mr. EfS-BSfl Ti-u-b.ll lo Mn. BJ.Mll.pp. aii.' Je.a-ylity

WFBaTTB-MoELRATB In tht- city M ThfllBdaj, Oc'» By tkfl b-v. U. Mi:'- B Mr JaaflfB Wni.ter m Mr*.

Maiy' HII TT-IIONNK.AU- O.i Toeidiy, ().- 10. *t !_. CJjorck of

I e ..!.-, by "ie Rev K. ii. ChflB<». Mr. WJ'U u

vv ,/i. ol .'.--.rk, aewJfli_-y, _> Maay c, daighur of_-,an la Bfl in.aao, riq o' thi* city._

DIED.AI.I'.IKTIR-On S-.'.nrd-y «>,nl_|.Oa. V, C*ro__a T.eker,

mit* B UM Bflfl J » aiiB-rtlfl.T>,-r*'iHtlve._nd l'ri.nd. of 10. ft-rily. aid inoae of h*-r a i.a,

KoV.d K .nd .*****% W.Aibaril*, flfld Mflflfl tt b.rifltfl,., |...|_w riHWidtV Kar-lay, are r-i i>- t r.l , ',,vi ed r.

att, I -. I fui.eral f'om St H*rt_o:mnew'a t hoicii, on Jb ir«-

dav, No,. 1 at .1 o I. ck. witi-*iit further invltUton.

AM'iiKAS-f)nWeJcead»y,0.". II, Ado phua. u* of Jolin Mfl'lfl 8V. A-adi.aa "» d4 m ara and 1 ... fot-.

Ti,. fri nli nf tbefam'ly aielovit*. t*>Btter,.ll'* fur.-ral iTflfl"l.ii'fV'i'.'r'.re.i.l.r'-i- Biihty-foBiM *t-flflt, rn _r T*nUi avenufl,n J njay, MI tfttttt, p- AB.

BBOW5-IB MaiflBB. ~ajn a f'on.-.ty, P... oo Tne.dfly Od 9.,., ,r..r,...,,ptio." tft.I*abflllfl M. Bre-i ard *****-.¦

She ..*d kroa bafl-ffl fni-1 ul me.. b.i ¦¦' *tt l r.-' Ok* ttt,a-,j boi- !i»( ii'' aaa arM. CMBBM BiUMIa a .1 r«.ig'.atio i.

triVl'.In tbi- -iry, M Tiie-.tay MflraMa Oct -JO, Job-iT*..», on j .oa cl Wi.iiaii ai.d g_M KaaBBB, BfM 10m-t'ii.

CIBTEI^Ia thi* ritv, on Monlay, OM Ti, *tU- * ib'j.t Ul-

l.eri. C. L. Cflltrr, for'aierly ol Ki'.ui'.oii ('e,r.ia.

cnMsI.IN-AtMattllu.k. _od» Ialand. Oflt *', IflBBBI L, wl.e

K-i'.. .*.' t.flfl- l.-r'laf r P m., to Jay (Tl,.ir,day).LiAiTON-Oa Tueaday, Oct. M, Maj BBBB C^Mtl-H-fl_?.-.- f BdwlflliLa-fll ******** ¦ C:*.t...:a|-d5ye_.a

ij, U . a' d f) daj*.(lil (¦ fl-On Wedneidfly eveninfl, Oct. 31 M:*. Ma*y Citter.

la it* tl yaa'of b.-aje. _

T,efi i.r >"i M flfll bfl l.rld »'. the I ome 01 bri BflB-*. IflW,ktr p*. .into H. TpoiimI No IMC-il-l_ftf*flratr.-et, aa Blld'.y Ifl. *t '. o'clCL'k. Tlifl .-ei_*in* »,U be UKhii lo

U * .< N. J.F.i ri KSH.iI.L-ln Brooklyn, F*. I), flfl Monday, Oct. D

J, ,i I >,l,-i:, _fed4- ). -fl

jj(,(ili.O;i MBB-Bfi Oflt 2'. Mi'-, the .elov-d wlfe fllMi Ua-1 Kicod, r, tl.e " tk fl r I ber age

OUlfCK.Al lii-" raaUeBfla.. lJaaliwick, O.t 31, Stmet A.,,, k. ln tne'.'tli y.a-of I.Uaufl

,,. , . wi he hell a-. 1 o'clork. on Frldny a ...

,1 I. t.ii.r i. H--ro.ivii-. TBfl frVfl-flfl- thfl lanil'a * ir vi ei tflflM-M Cfll __»-, Ur.nd ..-*. t a...lP ,-l i'i|> Bi rle- eveiy len inlnritei Tflfl r. naiiifl will bfll>k»BnMogifloaM OflaMy, N- J MM___bbM

IIKNIMO-I n Tn«,i'»y, O-t ?<\ a*. We.t BleoaMell Netr-j. ,'y, r",.iy C.,dan_.-.Ui cfh .tut M.. and Lar.iiC. Heniiij,l-iii BaatfltM,

porOSO-f.Ofl Mflfld-T BBflialflfl Oct. 29. .Idin Ilij.-oo,,)d--r .o.-' .i'cr,e_iid ilarr... ii.di*ji., »4ed I frtxcadi-(.liii.

Hl-Mi.- ln V illi'.'Mbiirgb. on Mouliy avenlnf O.t 2 1, '.l il-»m IVear II- Bl] '.' MflflBaJBa

KK* M-I''- 't'i 8Vflfl____BJt, O-t 31, AilJ'aon o .ly am ofw .rdr,i_b-i M»-aady, BflBdakaMiyaar aad I

1..*nt; a. . ..

., ,i , i'l take plie from tbe re,idence ofhn pireit*, on

,le MftB -He tf Kl.J--'fliiH.i "'?..' hrlween *e oud i.H1 biil a-.D e on Kr'day m .nlng Nov. 'i, a', 11 o tIo. k. __«,

.,'. 'lil ih.ii':-,'!)"" (nv.Uil to afenj.

(Ul I.. thll ci-.y. la.ld.-r.'.y. on M.nday. M H, j .... ,| J .im and J-ne \ K- '. I -J 11 m >____

L\NF-la U-i, r'.ty, ea Slo.d./, QMflkafl tt, Thi-ia* QL'.r.

M ! (i*f 4N.In H'i'l I'.'-^.reh on Tueaday, Oct M, Kraarefl' '|.: y ot Al l.-'d K. Marabui m. ..?ed 'i'l J* u*. 4

iba*_dlday.Mll-LIIKN-Ia Bl-Ok-TB, cn T iday. O.t. 10. .f.e- a ih"rt

a; d IB-tia V'f-t', Ka'9 Mil ike_. B^ed 4 ye*r* and »

mi. 'Li.MBDBUBBT-Ofl Ti-'i.lay, OatM, John Jam»* Ri-lnrd th*oniy »nd l»l r»d ae al JaM aai laaa.l -UMaaal, -«ed iveai- ai d /U diy*. , , .... ,. .,

tte li. inreir*. lu^ed i.irn B-U, <»«'d, the Almifcuty I-t.i.roi'a..l *.(lb b-lt r. a-id ifc Mflfl BflflBB

MAM-EMME-ln thii cltv, on f___d_f mirriiir, Oct 30,O. flfi N. .Vanf-vill-, aged .Ul yeari and 6 tuo'itha.

P.'Rlit.At Yorker*. on tt'.ilr.cadiy rno.nlng. Oct. 31. .IchnM i'n aly, i', _M of Andre* Furdy, jr., aged 3n year*, i),. oi Iflfl and I.'*. day*

.i eial will lake p.we from in* late ic.'ilin-e, Tonker*. on¦ f.,,.. 2. t: I'i t'' '. k. .ii The relative*and frrend*

flf ,le 'i n.lly are al... tli B it ly ii.-.i:. d to attend, withon*. fjr*tl a .. e Ihfl rerr.-ir.i will be interred at Eist Cn**t*ir.

St'OLl ON-On Tiinlav OM r*", Mn. Annie _:o'li-,n, __*. ofFi r ii J Bcl'ofl, »nd lawiMai oi Jaiii.i and C:t:lia.'neMi (J i -y. BfljfllM ye*'*.

VAN I'A.M Ou Tuetday evening, Mr, De'u.rBh Vai. Dru. litba i':b year of b*r age.

Tlie r*liuve. and l.i*j,d»cf tbe fauiiiy are reipei-tfuily iuvitedto alta d li.r I'nner-il fr.-m Mfl BMflflflBflfl of Bflfl nn in-law,JobL \V. Man'ey, Bfl. J b, Brooklyn. on fridaya r.'i ". ii, Nov. _, a- 2 oVlo'k, ni'.hout fii.tli,-* iuvi'. : i

YON I'li.H-A: Havaua, . ul".. of ye'ioa- lever, on Fiilay,(. I', -.(nilaiatiii Kotli, a native of Rnaala, ag-'d 21

Dti iitern.rt l»aok rbace OD Sundav, O-t. 21 at'ended by na-

BJfliflflfl fr.t-d*, wbicn kfl bad aaOBBBl 1_, .bort lUyt * ie

tt KbT.OB Mrvdr-y, IM M Wiliaui 8. Weit of Fatenon, N.J., of cci,*u_.ption a.*a d i. year*.

iTtfl-l-rtfl.C*H»ri:i-LT Re.ukt-P r.K Tui N. Y. TitrnriflW KTI-illAT, Oflt 31. IHOIl.

flB|Hrg tt/jk Hnii are 'n Mr dflmflfld, aad tbe maraet i*«t-a ':* IfWi of I'.itl a.J i'ear . at rf t2j.

Iir r htt'AX. a a il.iva i, i. f"r deaaiiJ, and p.Ice* »re >u(-

11 it ¦!. «.!*. aiet.V'ii 16 .S'.jtbe.n at 3'jiiio:., and I.OjOIb ttl.l. 'I*'!

t AN DLBB.Tkfl B-tlkat fflfl Adan intine ii i|iiii)t b'lt tirni; thei.t a 1 Mi(l lioiai S'atin la.i I >..* ',- N,i-rn are illUl. a'.- rn| ' ';- l flflM

, (lr (¦> K.'Jheraa ii ii.t llttle J lafl. ln. tht. rnar'iot ia&rui;a-lei rflN.lagibt Domlngo at I2i '.Iir., cmh IMbig* TriireI.*(i<aifl,fltl2'., flfll 32->nga Hi,. at ll.c IflflM Nov I lKoll:

. |* Rio, IV, ,». M..--..i. ., ITO ba,- '.e>li:i . b»**.». flflfl o ra*. I.MB l.aiiJiu, IM iii-.ti-tota!, 1 r.U7 bagi »n 131*inata. \*- * q" te:J»ra Whlte l» Ib.l*'i( I*' Mirae-bo.UliilbiHio, fa'i toprii..'.ll -1', Janifliea.ll.uliRio ordinar).II BUll-t. Don iugi, ca«h.12.u ,3_**_*)» .MfXJTTON- Tkfl B__rk*t ea lln aa kkoM a'i«i'.y bi'.firr.

,r M ig p'ind*, and 12: lor New Orl*>_n» aniTi x ¦*

( OAL. I'otreatic cout-iue* in good demand. a d pri et ar«4i 2 k) tkfl efl-l 4- * I'ro.ii ya d **

tiia KonkjB b M kflttar t*ffj, **i Ifl fair rrq"«i >*. B- t**'Bi i. i,, ,._ ..,.. i.i.. .1 -.¦.- i ::. f.r flf I i'ii, ,,. i., .III,.!:-. i u n- L ui 1 t 2 11 ..,':, f'.-r ai. Oa* Cj ( Oi'l'l" lt.'Ib Bflikl. f»r ai! IflfletiftlotM eontiiiiie, ijir.'t:N.w .-ii.ialblirg in ii I i in»y Le qfl flfll .! .. flfll Se'l.,* Melilat I'.'t a oa 11 h: -J Iiijut l«,'i., i-, ii *i\-. a'lJa ibid*-loaver;*_)*.( I W,0OB Ib l.»ke.t '.'IiDTK-t'OODfl IkflMflikvt raa i Ike imall de-

ir J I). ;r g fll tri'-- iv ''¦( I....' .. ¦' aa'.* ol 2WI t ini M Hon.'t +i2 -.:..< ril, Mdfl ¦' .!' -t #13.Bll 25 I "!.»!.'.-I. a. '.". '» I. *:l.l l.'nl dj. pii..eLi" a v. .n,i at *n ', n oa. *KLOl il ANIi MKAI.-T MflflfcBJB Mfll MaM

n, ,., i»... ra '!'.¦ aol p,.'i flflt an Ullr of tbfl flflfl*diTiu *i»Je, Mfl r* -ijii- *ie u,. :.-,.« -I li.-aaaort nen*. of».' ii |i « l.raii'* i, li a* flflflaraklfl; the ial"i irn 13 400 hfl.. '/.'.,/ rf.'i Jlfor S..|*rhi'e ,<tit., an I \\ ...tern +¦.. 111,1+.'. tSfai K,tri Stst-. f .'?".' aS'i ".' mr Oii f ..u .-:> rlll forUie |. aa Bfldflfl fll Ue.V.u Kln 1., .IdMlflfl' r.nita o! r und T"p Kl(r» Oblo; B- /. +7 ib f ir the trade****** if d auJ .1. Iiaai ..) '11 St f.nul* Kitra*.I'l.-r.. Iai. 1 ir ia (j il.'t, ni i 111 llmiWd .'iinla;; , J-. tf |,*i BMfltt IS'ilr-fl.* .'*0 L.r > x'.rai bai Ki u li in ijtm flctived'.iinl Iflfl 1, .1 :n Ki-:)'-- flflB h I'V Bfll i- « ll,. without

II |l n.liedtig'idi.i. dacai laailu* BflMan-fl,Be. aad BHIBB'TMraatb- ..(.l.r.r-i B*fl I "r i- -t -. -J> *n.| Ifl -. , ',. ,1.1. n ih . it ? t a' ,.., M «] || n in-aBgfld

im bbli. *t *»_ _*¦ I.r Jei»..y d Mai.h'.lalori'," j-idBr*.

. 1 "¦ ., l .. St Lo..'., o*m'* n¦_.. 1 rn-.»'. -'. I. n 1. i-x-.ra.7 -.'"

S'_l«. gcc..'1 I 'I t 'i'i Can idi *i'n .'..'-,1 Tflflitrai. f .. 1 | Pa l.5 1 fl tn

Ohio. ion: d li ..p...f I l ity.i (,.,. '.

OU -_-!».' '. .'¦ MI 7- a.J Klour.3 Mi l ."¦

Mlek -fl i¦. .. ri ._!

(,-. -. e |. ¦_ I, i. U -, 'I ftYY ITIIKB8.Tb* saarkH -..nt i.u., q*il |, .-all tm* ot

OrM l-lve Urew at fll ttt* m d Taufle** . tt 4 afi-. ca*hK.SII- l'r) I .i li

Q. . at Bla-BS M .i Ui' k, Iad *l /+! M ffll I' Oeirge'i..I ar.- in l.i ,1,, .' ¦,.-.) ,, ,r |aa|.

,i .: Bt B "" J-1" M laa No I Bltdl. So f-.''*>'-,'*- .for Mfl .. ».i.l 4*.« ::,</+. o. ui. i. .1

d .. )'*..! Bfkflfflbfl*.! aoflVrflMrj ,t I prlcei.!¦>. La A* Ol .' NO. I, _|l.i 3", ...*ied.

Oi ANO.1» aafltflii-u 1 to t tm.t, *f>b

i. tu Ifl b flfllt iOtnaa, "."i \ca«L ,' tun of 2,240 DI to Bi> tun*, 61

j. 111 M MMflB, M1 :l lo ioo l_n», ."'- le*» I f M l.1 raa IM M 1 .**" t_n ?.'" Ifl .. { 1"- tkY (.uu I.MO BBBB opward, *>o<>.Vm i tr" cent.

-¦i u \(..i-T_r n.arke'. la Mfl, aad aai eflfli, aoari.:>ted.

_0TH.Tbfl taqnlnard ii H

0BA1.N- r_r dri .-I..I f«r Wbflflg Ifl | ii.' aol |i ... have adll a I.I. I ttlB I J'" br tO fl .:.¦¦ paii'aam pa t .¦¦¦ Mipi .> b Mi', t-*. n

¦ ( fll M-BI -:l I"r' I'1 Btfllfll ll_Ba bi'li A'n'ier |..wa **i\\ .,,,.,.( Bl ...../... M; . 100 both. Bfld tfUU«l rl-,.411 I,,. i. |.,-r I."ii» I lai"l t*l 7. IMIBW1 l\ h.t-. H ..i ...

fla ii .. »'. +-1 'i. 11 ti li i*\\ , |. oii,, hm.I liTluna ut *l 4lij *il 4i 'ii -n*b. WbltaUl hlii.n at +1 fJ'i +1 "fl "«* bi.!.. pd tt l.ite li.-ntu.-ky atal... ai.l ./'I. !. h lt-d tt *.liT'i 'rnia m'j I-, -1 r 1 V0- Ikfl pfl'i a»e- a , fflfl '-.'" M 1'u-ley li

¦.,, i. M tb" rai'raa ,(.- .1 (ln- ....,'..... I ail,<* t'tt

t nr fflll lOflO-dBtallaat Bfld t* tor too* 0.Bfl** 8V flflt Bv l.loaa.- tad U fairr.-.'u«at, ra>. i if J.i''- la.l_.BUl* »:.J Caludi-U ti .-:. Oii'.*


tr, ,.'»r trci le fl-d.-rtnd a-'k*t 'f IV-rtaam *-. CinaHtan atei'iir\ : an.) e't-t* tt iTa)_i*«i Cttbtatathttrmor.aoi tt lni-t taormtai, m t».t <|.» tl«*. b .-. -h-.-«ly tot t'.- b _*a d

|*i*-, tb* a,>,8* 1'i7'f.', l.h ***.... ,, M ,d, all tt; «?. f"r DouMtt:.'. ar.i T- f'.r BBWl tftf 1,.aai f* "«. W*.|n t"V«.',.il IwWl.liaa 'O ta, 478na.liin. 818) Ia- i, > Whlla M". K »' an lla Ne* J ,r -, I,. t U I 1'" ...I -I' 1 1 '0 ,11. t, ~»a.n. 81*1Wh ?. WMt"'"'.' 41 « M o .t* Hci'.t.<n.. 81 ''- *»H

Wh-a-.t n. l..b..l 2" Bll M lattf 4>tf. 878 JTj\1, Whla»,'J..1 18 «>l 4'J j'O.t*. i'hlc-*o .... .'-,

BflBM.* IU..1 'I fi attii.t R lll '"-Iii I 30 »l ».v btat, whi * Ho.) *" 81*1a taat, itrd Be.. ) r'imWhril, Am fi*W | .'< Bl W tt. tflfl.l 37 -1 MII. ( lnl..l I*" "I

' orn, V*i|ow 8a... jCan, V.l J-ra*y.. fi 73'.-rn. V-l U-rt 11 " I

., ,, M ,«i '..-..... fi(orn, MU-d Ho.... «v

C.rii I! 'in.l N'.r... '7.

<7.,ni. raound. BtJB

1 1. f-pt.l M -'1 21 \Taaa IJwbtTra- .**Ky*, Northem .... 15- ID ba«.-rib..*Ii.... 3'".

Ii.-l-v. 7.1 .1. M ifeaa Mi'rowrat...l I" »l MP.ri.v Mii. . ... "VI it, R....01 WM«* ¦**.-.. *' "*l IS()..? St**.. ti W Beana Whit- -o .. » »..WDKS »r* "inlt* doll. ard we aat* loty to notlce a MM «.'

HB I)r* 8i*ct'i*in (i'i pr'tt* t*1UJl.HOPS-Tr.* m*rl>*t (rr n«w vior'

witbrot * hacii. The aaln to div »_* «S" bll**U -.; 1 ¦."- tr* 11. at..avaa r*a .--*.; »«''. of '"i *>*¦'"¦ »»* ;"';-.

l(/.V-'I---.l.mai.df rtbicpln* la active, and prlc-aa.-Iii."'Tii.ta1,i*d; ai'.i.t 3 Wi ba'*j it TOttl'C., a_d ur cl'.y un-, at n

HK.'v P-TI.* 1fli*f Btt ti.'U** fliUt: we hf-a' "f MBBBjaf 1_BBbai- M afltf -x K..*Tr-l-r*tl.i7. ti-ij-. tai . pij't' *i_i»rnio of S.tal tnoat, tf 8* I" moa Tb*- bav- 1-*« .-Va at ocja-t.D .f (i-.ii n_-.iv -o trrha, .? 8210 I bbji Maiili'y oo th-

tp.,t *tfi. ,fli......; Jute, toarilie,..t*l, I *Ma aud do., on

ffiON-TtaBBM***eajartf.**_l Bai inn'.'v* Ssotch PI<Uanl.-t »? *T2 8 11 4 XI li ro«a ttom rard -nd v. «*el A 1.. n ia

Pi! lt linn ut un Ucil'd prlci. B*.» 4te , reai f. T.,ry io.t-ttfl,U1d io tl* itfB* f "lt pr!, rl ar.- BB-Btl. We o »:

M1*«l >l> II*. Ofa.l-.l-. ar-n .m-iin... -.... --.-_»INDIA-RI BriKR- Th- mark.t con'.luiei 'f let and piiTei are

LtTIlV-Th* demond I* mc>d«rv*. tad Bttotl BM w'tboatv»ri.ti r-: ul*. .if »'0 0"i ,t 81 *. 3 ".¦

I I *) HKR- Kiateio Spruc* aed Plse Ti_b»r li 'n mnra a-t-v..

d*t_»nd. a.idwithlir.*r ar/ivali. pr'c-i ar- t'eaay ff"-.?;* .ihi.irlvrd Juri -'li*'Mt tbrw diyi. the ofuhi h b..w-v.r b.a h**n aold T*l,- *. t-i-', «^ »";5,ir.ofOfr.tit fiB n_)8Maatala_BbiBBtl H**e,_4 1 ¦' ot.

Piii. 0- p Ivitrtrruia. S -jth*rn Y-l'ow Pin- ia n r.:tf.* n-

..u*t' llia, ra-f.itt. rintipri*. idht *nd p'lc.l ar* liruily *¦*>t'a B*-t*tl*l of1'.,.i)<ir-t(i-'r--i4 StloPhiiUBt 82 i, ***-,*Bilw. 11 inoa-t ofHi.f.riif. Iloiidannp-ivi'..¦ terma.LIBK fia-tfei is lo nor.- .-tl?.. dcrna-d: i_e« or -,*><")

b-it. ( i.ifi. 1, it .,-. l.ii. p !..).' *J lo.1 1--A1 HKR-llec. | 8 1- itdil tai nnchaiU'dIM 1 '. "

2«'c. f rlin 111.0 M Utf tf, uil 21 B-tf. for R 0. iV. ». A. d'.-.0*1 !. tlrtdv at 2 I

,....,. ..n,MOL»*af?KS-1lie .n'vaale w* I*ttTl of l» 40 bbii N*w ()r

'eam new crop t).- lir t tf tb* wMiin at Ma Btfeb B*a I,ISM Vi-.-iidn, 4,".?4 hhdi ; flaye-), 416 bhdt Por-o Ki -,BB Nrw-Oriear* 2 2l"4 bllai Miiacovado, 1,7-j-j uIm.

Tvitll (i7Mhh 'a m,d 4...17 bb'i. We«B*8*: _

N.w 0.;.»d*.« f_Por.oRi.i.J2 '''fubiMfiic vado.2* aU( ibif!av-d, Wtt

NAtAj. S1'()R.-.S- Hplr'ttTurp-ii'in* bai.- b**ti r*ry oa1*'.md pri,.. firn m,i>il.: Him nin inal Bf.. BM 8M..*** r-

i. -,1.:a *.J-S-Mc f r m-rcb*at*b. fiJ al.ipp.i.r »ii-441.- forN.w-Yi-lk bh't Tli* ail*a r,,r v .elc .notlit to I 500Ml8 At Ihe cMte we bear of eil*l 0" lfO bbl*. at18* f*vr*je'tliE* C-nd* ia luai-tive and iioinif-ai Pur* Rain l>*a li**nln tiir r-fl-ieit. 'be . l-t aioiii'ing to-Mflt a1 81 »"" *»t ,,.. it »t -b- t* we n-t* aat-i of 3'ffl bblt. at -Pl BO de-

1'vt-red; IMitl low Ba lat' 8M d" at .8*8do ('. niroD Ro inh-ib**n infi1rre.|.i»tti ta'.** o' .(a.ihblast 4*1 42/7*1 l* arloa' ad from »»rl A' th* r!oa» tli* a l-iar*'-'0,.bli it *) 45 fiom yiird, and HH 81 42, ailoatTarr*> I...:. iu ',.r r. q 1-- m-l li tt-xdr Pltek I* fltri**-Nilll 8- ¦". tar* ln j? od d*m»nd uud hrtn *t BB. Weqoit*

( 1!'.|. i'li:OIU--l.ii ap-d i. .jui.t it Br»_4Ba Ciude ^|)-rm re-nalat

d.l). t rn.-e 8 h»... bit '.-ni .oiite 8e.T8, I.I .nl-t |r»r tbe lntf. ,. iayeaa oui 'i % o :¦,''(". bl, ... a*.'"", -. .*:.. Ollva Oila ana lani ij-r.t-r. ._ e t .*. narqu-titioni. Other dft.r!ptioniCoatlnue

Hprrm,W'rBi'd.8157»cTl Ki\rjo.,Hp'«l'iVd.. 1 60 _

L*.'d Oil, No. 1,Wln'Hf. 95 c-1 OO

R-dOl! Cl'y ... M * 53t'nn pb-iw. 8.'i. 41lir u.d'g- 4. Co.'l

lll'.K*ro«e'i*.. . & 30Cotfi. P»*d Cr.. H » 50Do. R*f, W. B.. ». 85

,11 b»l«. 50 B 55"ii'l'.'yir \Y..Tr-* t pp'« iilr***rd tb- ,|. n*."d fil»; iile*of W**t*-;i it +' M ano Btatatf +1 821-81 '.' f 1°" B.OIL CafiC Th* d-nrnnd lt moderat*. and prl-ea ar-boti'

ral y nnrhana.d a». +87 r,r H'e«'-rn f-tf, and i-. a 4>;j8 forci'* do Tl i, j, rtcuu-11» t7»ic-,i_d in d-uitnJ.PROV1SIONS.1h-Pcrk bm kMl* VroaoMv, the itock li r-

,lu .-d -ui i-b jI Ibe nilm* ofl**riit (. of oidi'mrv qnslltv. nnd

tb*r*f*awM*taa_a_ pr1c*a; ik*ifltfaata8Bbb *t *'" "^

8811 itiorr-w M.iti 814 2SB814 Tai i'.r 1,-w Pn-e *'4 75r Kitrn to 1 4-13 '25 f ir -i'd du. H^e*" ii ln falr r*qn*at lir Uiai

tnd' »f d witK 'l.i,itc4 mivel, piic^i *re u.r>cba >g«d n'ei r.l300 tb',. it *SitPef rCinn'ry M"''1: .14'.8'» 15 for rid R-par|»d .'.ii-ia. 8.0frnewdo, and +11 *** new Kxtra. rt-BBMmi i. qatft at *lt K <r * 7 M. BW liima ar* ur r» pl -i.ty.j beivi n1*i of 70 i.»aii Wtmn at *Ij*-fi5 BS. OmM.a'i«re.|nl-7 aa!-a of 31 »"bdi at M*. for Pick'ed Sbou d-ra,edll-i for i'o llarrt Bai-on ia In h'r d-Titn-1 fir .4-1* d-liaer- t-*t *f 8 0 boxei Lor* Cl.-sr Mlddlei (cilyl for Dec»mkeraai Jaaaary .i-' >*fa I..-l I. *.tiy, and lo falr de-n.a. .1; afl'flanfMBbbla an-) ?<¦* atl2a)12|i. for new. end '37f r Prin e old and 34i) ittt o'd at lle Bntt»r li in fal' detn»nd,ard tl- mark-t favon UM bayavi aa -iu..te State at '4^19c,(ho'cedo at2e«.:i7 .aud Ohio atllcln' Ch aaa lt I" mid--r.r- r.q.i.'.t and tb* aupply ii larg* talea of Ohio at '-"/ lU|C,an4 eta *at "".¦11,. Wa qaetaB**f M.C'y,bbl.85 00 O 6 00R-«f Prlo*(71ty 4 00 d 4 258»*f M*ti City. noml"*l.B.ef PrltneCiiy-8 4 378.r. M.taWrit 9 aa _.o onP**r M.i»,*xtr* 10 74) 11 00B*ef, Pri-j:eM*ii 18 "0 Bll MPork Prini*M«n M (*¦.' '-'7 1)0

P>rk,M-ai 1V-n818 OO mi 08Pork i*Tlm W'n..l3 25 -14 75P'k T'nMi W-nltl 70 3..P*-f Ui.ii.atn'.l.ll .5 »15 ?5I.ard, bh'.i 4> UJ.12 «?18B*_*,*n__-.1 '^iiH*ini DrySa't*d.11 .*».flhooldert Pi-.kJ*d.81- 8,

Pork 1 I'i iv#,t. |8 75 « 20 00 Shonlden. D-y Silt*d.. IfB-POTATOKS ,'rtin"* in f ir t ipp'y. th- d-inani ia ..ltu't*d,

b't rrlCBaraaa'cJily W* qnote Ja.-ks) 1 '«,'h,t«aat *lc?*l l'J.|)ak.-in .r«, OVit 81 121: 5f*f-en 81 .V8 *l'"*r'-; P*arh Btowa.+ 1 -'

- 8' '2' J.111.--." *.l 2o anJ Piak Ky ). »t *1 '. a f f.)a 1 I.I All k'iuda of Swcet isay be quotod ot ifl BJ.fii ?¦',4> hh|

l( II K.Tl - rrark-t It qoiet, bnt unchaoied, st $4 11 <> 81 75a^ion B.aflto0_tB-H7. . .

81H.AR8.8«w SDiwri r*maln .ln'l and Inactiv*. and the mar-

ket 'a t.iva. \\ * buve .".,ly to pctic* itlet of 475 hhJt. Ci.b. at''./7>.,inJ2."5 b..».t HivinaotC.'^-'.c. 8tock Nor. I, lRlKl:Cabi B4.8Mba.l P-ro Rlco. 2 7?71 hlida K.-.ji.h Mand 42bbda.; N-w Oil-a-» l.s bhdt total 57..'.47 hhda.; 120,^46 bagt;82 122 laox.t md 5 f-h', t.hd». Melado. W* qnote:t'nt'edS-teiLo*,.- -101 N-w-Orlc-.n. .ti .'!00 Htatet A CrnkhrJ ... 'ef 91 Cnba Maacovad0. .TtlSDo _nuirircle A t'i..- tt <-l Porto Baa*.MB NDo etit.a Pow'd.. _ 91 Havina, UTtit* \»Do H.»t-a (>rannlat-d... B 8* Uavana. K'wnand Y'w. .8 81Do Hta*tA ('*..* 9.181.II. Wblte._.-Do BtatetC AC/tT.*.. H .0 nrarril, Brown.6*)7» 71Do 8ltt»i B Ofl**.- it :| Minllia.I 8D- Hiit*. .-'off**.i\,t <f\ M-!ado.3*.* 448ALT W-11'fBta)** of ou.- -tjoSi. Mirtin'tat about23-

ai ISI I I'U-li Tnra'a l-'and p*r D Tro-fbriJi;.. 011 pHva'-t-r >h.

BXEDB. A B_a*i i.qiiiT pr.val'a fcr ('lj"-'*a-ed at 10810form-w ard"J»'J.' froM, Baaab 81*. ** to ********M 81 tty l.utb. Tun tiiy S*'d tt 1« Un it*d tupplv tlu- d..ui*ii.l iiM*aV*MM 4-2 '¦¦'[ Bfltk H-t-iroi iti.t at BoiIju of 1,(1001 in CaJetitta Lii »-. d for I'a'ti-nor- at 81 I '..

.sMI'TIa ejui-i it<*_.,7,: foi Droo an.l Bi. k.8PEL1 r'.R.The maikrt it tt*ad>, with tniill B_M from ttore

at to. (i ui01HK1NS (iout a,* in b^tt-r d-mand and pri.'-t hv.v rn.- a

1 Igltadvi'.. U>hearo- .a'-* *f lOmW) r,ri--"at 57-8*8.ia.a., 88 *fa_fi**,ltTB nt 44"c , *nd ISM Baa_*afl__ on

pri^at*vrni tiipp'-ti-1 tobe Me H mot D'lararr in r*-

-1' i- t tud BtMt* tre ittidy taln of 1 21)' 16 S.i-I aod 75,1 Oo tbPara. mi piivat* t- rn.t, acd 2,.'i< 0 Ib Hollvar Cltv. 011 p. tUN.Mril»« lafirm a. 31i/32j,'. ti oici witho'it anv t*l*t of

imrcrtanie W* quo'* Bancs at I1W/31.C , CM.. Tbata**..BB*** . alrjobblnji J-inanl lur Plit.-a a'. lirui and tiuc._i|elp-ii. .TA I LOW -Tb* xark. t bta improv-1: ttfot o' SO 001 Ib *t 10».-.rOBACCO- .MN ll lit 1- d^lir*. but th* rnark-t ia tirin |for

all 4.-,-itpfl..-! St'i.k Ba*. I, Ba*, 1,300 balea Havani. 1,401ba:-. Cnba, toi »¦ * b«lei Vura.

¦A 04 iL-The ruark*' Bt*8)*flB8 du'I and liat. tb. Bt.Btf. .¦ ~-

rlt.n.l t wliicb Beat prevailt hai a v. ry hu-l a8a*t np ri tbe *«¦k-t BJ.l B-Blafi*rttM c'ec.ilon no may b* >p.-'t*d toh-d.m-; tbe 'rantactiona which lik* pl.ce .** ttill flatiti'i-d toCtliforiiaatid Dcn.-ailc W**|i, paitl.iululi tlii'fon tr wbi,h ia

h in t'av.iri Iha aal.a R r tlie 11 ou h &.nouutt .3*5 00 ItKor-'r IV*. li h.v- _»*a qui-t a itn t: a neofUoo. [..-Ii-pa. ofth» bn. t id.>, whliii h^ve 111-t with better ial« than 1ik« daa-. rlption. »f U im.atic W* ..urt.a D-itn*itif Fl*-*.** at 8fl.*8*.,aaii 11 a .ly i' ,". ,1 W'n.A- at .'.'-r., do Cal.fjrni* at 1"_.,4a ('a|,* at ¦'¦¦),,' (-..' d.l. S.iiitU Atiii-il. ai. lt 1" .. H'c Jo.,an.l Hn'vrrii at l.r27 ¦. do87BALBBOMB- Th merk.-t la tti'l inacth*. p-iidlii* tbe ar-

itval f lli-.i*wr»',hWHal KKOOTS-B !»iof 12,14-0 m for*xport «t 7 '*., iiah.vMllUKV.Tn.. ma itt ta frrrlj aunnlMi. audiilo.a«ra tbe

cltae, ittl-iof lOObklt. MB8*8to.

111 . .-ipta Of I'ro.liiraToM. hy ,dl Pkmtm, Oot 31 IMfi-i.MJI bblt. rear, l IM

bhl.. Cor* *8*al, 18,848 bnth Wmom 1->.2wbnth. Com. 1 8111.'1 l.'.l lt¦ b H-r'-T, Ml pk|i. l'roi.itea*, 'll y.*r,t.

Wliiaky l'.'pkiri. Lard l'.Jpklt S.-*d.*>

TlaiUeta. RrporfrJ hy Tf'iirrfiph.Plfrii.,, O't 31 li p ui. Kl .11 K q11i.1t and at-*.ly. IV'i.KkT

Irmvr; *_*. 17.MB bu.h N > 2 t'bi.-ati Hpri r it 81 '+1 o|;1.7(0 I. .al, Kvtrad... «t 4*1 M8 4-1 18; ..'>. 11 * No. I Mdwau-.-* I labat +1 07, U.IK'Obutb I'r.l-*Viu.i nt +1 IB| 1488katb WbBt B/|| Mr at 81 tl Cobb Jnlh iaat«,M8Ba*b M.1.'.- OtTaqol-t *¦ 27j .-¦:¦<: 11 (Hi ki WB*b*r;*i l .vo'-ithic." HiK ii'ilri.; a.h t :i.(l hutb aif">... Wiii-a- n-in.i.ial atlla Caaal fbbivbvi Ba, aaBnkato;18.eaCaaa tofiew-Vrk l»|..mi I.m.i hl-la Kiour l"..i'.ii! cb. Wh*al, IOimibuali Oa». ClPOBTa: 8M boli. Klour, 21 mil bi.ih. 8i i','¦ rai i. ..I. (, ia, 1 tae imh o*ta

(1 (M .,1 1. p. n.. Kt nn.-haiiaj.d W.i.irq-.l.-t,au v ,1 MB Ity 11* b.ala ..i.vl l.i^hrat. a nl firtflbtl aal.l "I 1,8*1

baik pr ma IA lll- 4 a-i.IU11 it B1ML L'OBfl .. ;"t Ba.lbii.ll talea ol'l.lii'ii hutb. Toriuiloat 71.'. Cvii

Ii .iti'l tt 4').' on K.o'ir. Iu." on 1". ". iv (.'....-rl M N.'-ari**rb laratTt tf IMk__ Wb***, 8.M8 bttfb bnii.y, 6,.aii'. 1. Ki-, ;i,iiii».,i.1i. p...,. Eibobtii 8,400bblt l*io.hutb. Wh. »i :,..-ii . h. BarlMr.

1 no 11,., Oct .ll--..p. in M .11. lla***} W IB41 rteidy,t '.-a,.,, -a'.. .1' .||I0I hu-li at l^l./'l, ..: .S.,,;'|i

U...-H, I :?,; H.,/ 'I M' Nn. 1. rl',,.1,1- rNallai*8i*. 1 p,i 1, 1-.-. .I ll),.!*)buih atSV On.tiri It,

bbla ".an OU baab tAbesi) |l 0*0 baaa. (..ih ().,'i. Baibbi

d Iin.d I.i No. B.r ExCB.tUfl oa 1 B*V-T* a I a ctautp-i-i, 101li.' 11111. 08. .'..Klii kdull a'. «-l :!l)cj .1 ',; \t',iKii

iin.i. 11 lai 81 4-1 11,, Wb)|* t-I lo 81 18 P .viau.atJu'i aat* ix-aint*a Hmli*i to ¦nvietii ratet Wbibin advanca-d_c, ai l*_ s.otKk biBB*aaB*W'V*.Ba**a88BB.

i^Iaieuii-nii ul ...-*.¦¦ .ie.iiii.ia,.IO OKPAK*!'

'"ti'.,i. ' , Fiw )_!,a-./ la.Ut.N,.w vurk.B*B_.flfljaaa..81 » IllHnoil.,N. w-V.irk.llavr*.Nov 8

*«ia.N-w-Toit...1*. tp-icl..,¥lltOU.N'W 1 Uk.Itivca.'Ipv. ll

4i.rp...Ilo.ton.I.larrpool.Nov11ll.i.uiit>, la.N-«Yoik.t4,a.ihainutou.. N ,.

«'.a>U(7.N*w-Vo.k.Ila-.n..N.,» |0P*ril»....BaW'Tort.I.i»..iva,ii.(f.*,;|Br»in*B.....Naw lorU. Houtbiuiptou .N¦»¦ U(i-y «.f lt aihiifton.... No-Voil.Uvriwoel.N'-r. .N..« Voik.i.-i'.aay.N ,

Jtib-ttrll.N.a Y.rk.tila^ow.Uok.U

PflMBBBBBJ-Ba arrivedI* tte itmtMp Vutt, a, /r*i**i t**r***d Mfl rflimj,'*;-..Jfrfl.

A. tt.tto*. ai**W0,*nn ard l»o i-rvia'fl, Mr tVI'eoi, vj.K*-e, Mr **,*, ne |wA .Ifi d t«"»*e .a ,t*; Mr. I,-*;-.,'tl r.. 'hi:*ti»a_ .M a»r»a-1 ii 1'ei.U 'T'i O.b tt aifl rla*4r a'o. (....d'fff Mr8_ir>. ider Ma Hfl.i-flflflfc*. M-. **._ u.'H.r.,,V[* ,¦,¦«-, (.,,*), tf,. Mt.* v.r. f_TT.t \_* tM|i>r *Mf<r.i>j, Mr l.**e M'.|','k Mr« Coat i aar] -kj *Mr «i Mr. Ke r-.i M'.M... Mii* Ofl'in, K l.-**a«_.,»*II. M. Ba-Wf-ad. K I* l/i'.o*, I P Horben Mr t-dtalT r-orl Y. Uo.r Mr. md M Haner-aiel, Htf-n.ily, M, .....I Ml.a va-;.«..*., Mra J tleVer Mr IWmMM. I, Ori. banBI, Mr K ttr. I, J i-TrnWii, _,.) taJktl*VCi.pp Mr auo Mi* Haoiaon ao 1 er.l'd U Uoidw,,, u Li. iM H VrNary, Ot m*> Pln k it "'.o'fl M*,,,,,," -J.TJm,*Angri. Mr. fl-d Mr*. Mamillinn Mr aad M|« Mar-lr, _*___.Mi.. il-ir.y, M » « IU. t, * Ro /.. a. p^w u .£ *' "^h e-.r. ,1'i-iii*! M. !'--. hi.*l..|, Mr R*.-ai|*,tmV*__'' '

R Ile*)g..,..l,lfaW>l.y M-.FfliroL.fl aod ¦.nav..d. ___!?' .'Moran, r* 0_l beflS tvi i*r* tornat*. D-lpr*. R. _cVaiu!btothet Yi.ti.ier. Righ Rev Mr Rippe /. | Bj*\*l\,ti''V.ll__,..!- T.... ,,111. II.*. \tr M.*,.- dV-*' t'*!-

Mr*./. J leler-iiii .iiliree biJren, Mr Wo ad, _*r_-___, B***Ri.l-onr 'ri,.'laflMia C_"Mr I.oi dbci-Tcnel*.. J Mi-- ..rt, L w ri-bie ia-r

lm_t, rf -7 Mr Ho.ifl_.i_l Miaa C C Hop.ay Ur.' Mr aod Mra J., Mla* K.rr. ..-.* Waaa,Ifl, r'i'h-r Kanlv, Mr and Mr* J -BM*, Mr ao.

ilill Mi.aKio.l. Mi** U-oi \ J .M«r-aVe', B ij ir.tte, .Mr.a A M.rin iii hio-k Mr o.j,*>#| -fo.-' -".">

/r, ,1'iimthip harunk, Jrim S lttnu. Kdflrard Ron.efl, rlpai'*biJip'oo itli Minl.lrr Mr- ¥.. Ro.*'.t»o childxen Arnfli Hfi»l*B CaaflBl :',r'»'../>/o»'.a. Capt A aniMr* f" tt. J Y. II. CHmb-B, Mi«M arrte Chapmaa aid fltrvant,B*. Hidir A Met Inre C Har .*.'.

l.i ihip V**m\tr*m t***fm**.Ut* B J. Walib. Mn. ¦'. A.MeLfli'*- (witb tbe rernalci ofthe late C*pt C. A. M-.-el'an, ofahlp F.r.kt Eagie) _______________

-iflia.UBB aiaairao.S_B.R!»*t....-r21' kVu. t:.,|Mo_B..»-_*... fl

. !<*. . iTfllt TBIt Jat

8__dy Kerk.. ltlT|Mflfl laia-l. I *| H»B-0-te.....*l:M


Otaaaai*Seam.hip. Star o.'tbe Soat-, Harfiou. Indi-DflU, .*--__ i«.

Mitibtll KflflBr._i Babtiflfl, F.-anrei, Cork, T. Jamaaa; Ot r.. .-. . ...

ar I, '"aci*. Hb'l) eB Co. .1. 5. U.'.a, r'aireluld New Ot'.,*.K b-on Rr*Ji-k

.-A. J". Lline.I, P r il, Malag-, t*. H_ek#r*oB.

Aill BBi*M-flBMhfo Kiit'.n, tt'i.rwn 11. vr- Oflt IT. Bfld

;- .. and pa*a to Fcx 4.- M'K. ri¦-. BfllBflBOBflflMB flfltevere VV ?a.. « fr> ¦ llavre to ( apa BBBB.

¦OBBMkflB Kjinnk IBr., ac-Bar), Browabaa N_*a_j, N. P,Oi t 27, n.ffie. ai:d Bflflfl, to F, C-Ttarfl

.-:t i. IpM i.ayi,. ¦'.', laMflflBBB. ~i*e. flud pw«.to H B. Iron-well Jt Co

S-e,i;>l,ip Farkemoirf. Powell, tt'llinJEitoa, N. C, .'i daya,nfl-^i i'or*. to Ii. (':

Bklfl *a Nyn ph ( .f New Bi-rora)., Ma/-.*!fln, tt-rtComof M-ibo JflflOU, dyewoodito Hargoj* Br i*. Jily ';ofl 1 |.. 0, ti'-k a b .r*l -ane froin S. E to rf. VV., wh:cb b e*f

away ».i'i rairled aw.y forrat'd, twi'ted rjdd-r Vfld badly,ic wai 2. la»i fn.u. M._,ii! m to tbi. liflfl; very l;f-t ai.,tiad**, f om Ma/at'in to lhe Bflt w«a 74da)i, av.rag ig oo^y 71niifla ferd-y Ang. 1. oft Eatei:, IiUnd tiok » h ir ii_n_» fronifi. fl, f ttt, '-V omtotCiife H^rn btd » day* head eflaterlyw'nd.:Se|t 1" .ffl peHrn *aw a f-eatmrt-y v>iw?', a*

W all Ik* .bpaofl be Hornleud**" previon* to S»pt 10 m.:* d weatn.r and . cti'i.e'.o go ro'iad .p-eli'.) ; i«;. . M I t" k id K -id witb Mgh h*r-im»ter ap.l -ar \ _i_-tance ot o .... lui'-fl, wi'h \ery iittie variatlon t) New Vork tbflIfltt '.' 'O tr'l* . '-. reen reiraikaMy pleMant and . _'otb Ifl Iat.2i 40 N n Iflfl flfl *4V , taflfl Br r,a*k Rhodrrick Dh i MeP:...r-acn fiorr; M»_it'_n J'lPe 2*1 lor ('o*e»; Sept 9 (apc li.rn b«_r-ln« N tt .'Jiuiia* taw *hipSiiiii,rf New Lordon tUerieg °V.;I'.b, l*t tn "2 V. l.-ii 4t:i5 uw i Bi b«ra ahow!n-< M»r va'.t'fl?»>oiddli''g pei.a.v MM, reatiflfJL W.; 20.1 n t_ i*v» t'e Virginia Prlc«, E'.diidge, fr.m IJibrfllUr forN*w .ork 1-davioTit.Sblp Maiiao (iir.. ot (ilai.i w>. ia-.-ron, Bom^sy Ji'y ?¦ ".-

*»ad, *c to N'1'i-r vv, -. r.l i Ranken. HiJ eo_.i la ral..elijbt nialfl thio-.g*) al Mb t***t*- ¦.M.aSkB.MMI iia. 244'; E en btnjod .i^i.ali wi'h U itch b'U8wi*tlen n4-i»y*froraR tavia le, R.-fariiaoi. Ttfc. lat. .!."> 10 8. Ion 22 30 R eaebflBflfld»inr»la --ith P.r t-'kLac) El.lD.t )u; O. l. 5, lat 3 10 .-J l_n. Nll. e.ihanred al*»ral* wi h 8r. baik Kl'_ib,tb H.rgrave, from lb«Uowia or C.ldera MdflBflAflti 'tb, UtlJS-.. Mn 30 4S. e«-

changed .ig: aii with Dr.tcb birk M-iay, I'r.ia Cardirf Mfl flflp.pore 3fi dajt outShip Fi itaiflanl Tma. Calcutta Jnee "0, Sand Heid* J-'.y t,

liuaeed, Ic to llnb-.-k k Co. Wa* 2" dayt from tb* Headi toUre Konaior M tb« Pachc. and iu the beart tl whi-h tb* 6. tZ.tradea bonld Iflve been bad I4day« W wttAt: p*»»ed Capfl o

On.d Bi peS-p'. 7 atd lhe Kdaatrr Oct 3 Oct 37, l*t MBBIon. 70 m* a 1 aik ite, B W., ihoarlng . while riag anthBUflfl *.' i' "ei'.' r

Sb'p (ot Baltirncrel tt l]*y. Shanghafl May 31; paaiedN. nb Bflfl Hfl June'T, t-aa and alla* to ttiimerdii.g A Monnt..Iune26. lat 1" N., Ion 1 80 E., »-prlenc«d a typhoon. aad heveto ui tli the J^th ii- -e have had a continnstlon of ilght birB; :g»ii'. A i ", r .- *d ihrc-h Al!»«» Sfaita; 124b, pMM -apejOood Hope Oit 4 .gallBal t>e EflBBtBC..hip-«u _a»o(if Boa,>n| Ear.iei Padang Joly 2" p_»*edCape

(f Co. d hoie Sap -o.-el the Eqnatorln tbe At'tntic io Ion.37 pepper. _e to DO k W B Bflcon. Oet 39 Ut 3530. lea.74 2.\ *aw t veaiel. auppoaed ihnn, hrig, ariik 'o** of f.rem-it,.tflbO-Bfl B(.par*i..!v wa t. d no aaifitaure.Ship Wsvriley (of boalo_), %**i VVbainpo*and Honr Kong

Joieil. ndae. »i, order. T n.'h-d at Anjier A..| 7; BBflBfl- Cip-o' iiiio.i H.ce Sept. If. d-iio* MM week previoi* eipaariencedaome tt |*]__ 8ept 28. lat. 1 fl, Ion. 19, iigna.ed ibe Br. *hipCbnioiite. 'rorr. Sb»r«hae tm L ifldflB,6Mp l_i.eb*c(Hr, of Qaebac), bernier, Liverpool Sept. 2).

t*l* -nd Mfl) to orderSl.ip 'alverje, Uewar, Llvrrpo, 34 d*y», i_i*e and 4'.'3 pai*.

to tti. r.a- . _ G.iouBkiBCaBeflBtBt*, of Liverpooi). Htye*, Calcutta HOdtyt, Ub-

.»ed fce ,to Brown B»o* k Co.btip RtcoHaa (Auitriin) Fflik.-arifh, Sanderland 53 d'.yi, C0»1

to ricerBtik Fllen Mi-iriion Pla't. CaflBBfla M dav*. nlt to H. M R«-

bert*. O.-t 25, l-.t 3rt _fl |~u 71 pu^.J a'oo'.'. three mi fl, to thalreward f a ihip itandir.g to tlie ,. vitwar I, witti roa'n aad nlir-omiaifg.n.', a m tbe f..retrpg*Uact m-i:. had a jury oalnmutup, with .|t::ker *' d gerTtooiaii tt'. but notbing *et on tbfl n.ur-r*n a|i»a'ija be maki. gfor berauda.Bark Virginian (of Ri-I uioml), I.owrey. Rio Janelro 49 day*,

ciff*ear,d ro»» w ood BflflMBflBI -"''Pt. 24, '*t. l!JS.,l*.n »> 51fl-cbai ged lignala with a ba'k atrerinf VV., abowint . wkttet'.tg i. hi, kkK aaoaflHark Ziega.el'a. Binke'. Rio Jan»'ro Sept. 19, coBe- to Ayrtir

fc Co Oct. 24. 1 t 24 H. Ion t>7 M, ,aw brig B. _ L. Arm-tronj,of New-Ilavru, iteerii « 8Baik Criar (He'.i*-) Condera, Itio Janrlro43 day», ecrTee anJ

loaewnod lo (.* oobue fc CoBiiftS O Adaun\o' Camden). Dri-ko Saato* Srp: Ifi ooffefl

to Uratt SrnfcCo. O. t 21. .' I . B «p'ke *'oi t'Nrk, (f ^ew.Vork teider to Kev Hoiibrero 'rim Bal im* ie, ard wai kindly nipplied with provl.i n* **me day ln !,_.BM 1 n 18 3a pa.i.d 'he ,hio 'I 'orf W*«hlrgton, of Boaton.aVerri--tt' Had va ry Mght winda.aiK] Talm* tVonr ial 1 N ap tfl17 ,in e vabub ti_,e bad atiorg windi from N. E. aad E., withn ii h rainBri* Aorlphl. Jobaion. Or»nd Tnrk O. t. 14, ia!tto R-eh- Bro*.

fc Cotlry. Oet IB. 'at 21 2b. Ion. 71 M, u* aberui bng iteeriflgS VV ahowug white llai rer, cro.a: 24th, lat 33 01. Ion. 7J (ft,ipeke tti, Nri.\it,». fr.m Tu'k'. ialand f.r Ne»-Yo*k.

biig Mazailan (of B*otn bay), K ed, Rio Oraude gepl.* _>< ol, fcc »o J. | Wmi k lo. Oct 6, lat. 9 B Ion (4W apekc al ip lp»rklin| *A'»ve, freni Nicaragoa f r N"W _-_,

fiiiv H banl-'i (. davannahl. Hi |M| Savannab 'i iay*. yel-low pii e. I> ri,iiii..l to Kenn.buuk .pnt Into thia auiton aoa-ounlof .ait. f ihe rew being ii.k

II. i_ ?. C Bioiki, -lieniil, Sa,t Key 11 dayt, talt to M-l"all ilFrlth

Bii* laat. Fbkflfl IcfEaitport). SUplea Eait ll_;hor Oct. 21,talt lo lt* .tt. Son fc to.Rni Ki.'hui n.l (o* Hangcrl, Clark, OB-MM dayt, trice. cork,

Bfl. to R I* B' k .- lo.HilgSpiite, Pn r, hio Jau.iro 4J dayt, _.___, ke.. te Slrfaen

k In.ii.l". .

Bill Aiale I.a, LinJiley, Aipiuwa.i 2*i d.iyt, eocoa, -ItoB, BBaatoJ F Jrv.b i* Aib-troi* Rniall, Fli/aretlipirt. coal f->r I'orti-i.nth.Hii* fltk, t l< lou, r.,__..iet.i[>. :t, COfll .'or _a.«

Briflf-flflB ler Ha*k*ll. t flaia (.Iay* lnmber to Jed Kr u*., ti, St Mutiu'a Oct. 11. ai.ttoT. GU-

otrliu (> t I'i.'ai '-> r.'n, ion 7u 1', ipoke »chr. Vli-rai-.ler M,fr. rn N- rloik, hound C. Albrrto (Port-l, Morlert, OfflflMM day*. wi.e aad

coik io I. K. AnSi l.r Par_D, Claik, a,t M*. hifli 3 day*, lnmb-r lo 8inip-on r. Conteit(Br,, I haw, M-igl ..daji I

to order.Bel r Venlo.v CMflB-B, Fl'/ab, tbrort, ,i_*l for BangorBebr C L. BM**, t l.ik. Eli__fl-thM«t ior ;<._.. Riv«r.8 I r. N Tv'er Smrb, Briat.1 i'a r EiUabelfiport.Bokl Vu plie, Ltivell, Bi ati.ii iuai*a t'or Aloany.Bekr . hr. . ire, Bcolth, li-eei,p.,it f >r Pbl'*delj,hlHcl-r 4 oiini i M. Jone* tii..uce.ter i dayt t»b to _ia,wr.S. l.r Krai.dyv.lie S..i h. Newil ,ven J .laaiBflkT. Efllfl flTfltUfl Ma>.>. S. a H iv '. I'..' Virginia.t-rl r i Cfl p»r. loup-r llaifer 1 fflf Ki .a'le-.hport.lekl I'abi.t Ti ley Norihimit i l'r rt Ewea.S I V aktfl, biaa li, l.rre' pail f.r i'aliadfl phia.lekr I oi n*»iv, Clark MachiaapoHti daya, Inmbflr lo ancl.Bekr HflBlfla ll.g«'u* Ca'fl* n.l.y. Inoiber to 1. it ard.: an.

Bckr. l'.-".i!eaa Yittei VI a hiafl i day*, tp«nMnip Kaahn ... Yonng r al for F ***e*\.-^teau-.r I'awn, P.rry, Mflflr Bfld/flfld, uidafl. lo HariM* k

poj».fiteamer Potomflkfl, 1S-*. NewBedford,*. aad paat. Ba


T.opkia, B, I' nid*e. to Lor-r Kai.patitak¦MaBBflfl Pe-i».|Vi. Wllllani*. Provldeive. nid*e. t>l OdeiL

Hii atuer Hap »». Rei'iiv ProvM.-- ,..1-e. ¦ la»_.» Odel'BBLOW«dMfOflMfllaB,ttt t .i ,i'..iJ.,.i*.l(i. Ai».,ib*rk

ard I t -i_llii* Na,., Bov, l*i day* from Tnik't IdanJ. |Bvp'' ID

Ml< )- liNo. f)l'-rk t Iiri*i.i»i,a, frjni 8t Martli.'i -'By pD-t-b >at «__-__*.arajk.SAH KII r"t,ani,hl|ia S'ax of th. Soutii, for ludUioa ;w tkim i'-i, Ni -ii.i.i. ( barlaaiaBttI.Mi_DurtiigUied»y,B I K.

By Tarla-tfi-Mpa.IAVAMNAU, OM M Tb- MiaaaMf \ tto, tto* Na.w-

V.'il, a-i i( i, city a' a .

I'a . tr-nr Maflmr ip B K. I .yv., ir.mi .New-\.ia, arr. a. h*rBrhar* ai. ,. .i llla i.aNrtt ORLI \\- I ihlpj ll,N,wT.'ik;J.r,

VS I, li y |.,.l_I . :, h,r_i*-fl', Brltto!

I>la_atr,i, LaBflftfl, Mfliniiui, tiipt. i. Ti!" ihip 0.i_r»a llal'.ett,

P'eai ti j i, [ ,,r , ,| ,u flilflfl flt'flktl Bfll *lhl *'irvevaa,l it Wflflli Bflfl .he ,.| _, be i-i aii .¦ ?

... e I a.J » . .. a -i Iay h ill, ipv* rl| (ni an. iioi .. fm »4,!.v Uii laila >a ill ta ivld *.i. a Uiua tbi*Wark.
