Roleofalgal eukaryotesin subtidal columnar stromatolite formation · the subtidal and intertidal...


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Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 85, pp. 1327-1329, March 1988Geology

Role of algal eukaryotes in subtidal columnar stromatolite formation(cyanobacteria/Proterozoic/Shark Bay)

STANLEY M. AwRAMIK* AND ROBERT RIDINGt*Department of Geological Sciences, Preston Cloud Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106; and tDepartment of Geology,University College, Cardiff CF1 1XL, United Kingdom

Communicated by James W. Valentine, October 22, 1987

ABSTRACT Columnar stromatolites were abundant andwidespread in the Proterozoic but are exceedingly rare inmodern seas. Consequently, the stromatolites at Hamelin Poolin Shark Bay, Western Australia, have been widely inter-preted as unique modern analogs of ancient stromatolitesconstructed by complex communities of cyanobacteria. How-ever, the Shark Bay columnar stromatolites contain sedimentthat is unusually coarse for stromatolites both ancient andmodern, and the subtidal columnar stromatolites have asignificant component of algal eukaryotes dominated by motilediatoms with mucilaginous tubes. This suggests that SharkBay columnar stromatolites are not strict analogs for mostancient cyanobacterial stromatolites, least of all for those fromsubtidal environments. We argue that algal eukaryotes mayplay a substantial role in the formation and maintenance ofsubtidal columnar stromatolites at Shark Bay and are capableof trapping coarse sediment. In contrast, cyanobacteria havedifficulty in trapping coarse sediment and produce essentiallyrme-grained stromatolites. We propose that there are twomajor types or end members of Recent marine stromatolites:(i) eualgal-cyanobacterial stromatolites that are generallycoarse-grained, and (ii) cyanobacterial stromatolites that aregenerally rme-grained.

Algae, in contrast to cyanobacteria, have usually only beenregarded as minor components of stromatolite communities(1) and it has even been suggested that algal (sensu stricto)stromatolites are improbable (2). On the basis of enclosedsilicified microfossils and comparisons with Recent exam-ples, it has been generally assumed that Proterozoic stromat-olites were the products of microbial communities domi-nated by cyanobacteria (3). Unequivocal benthic algal eu-karyotes are rare in Proterozoic stromatolites, and their rolein construction appears to be negligible. Concomitant withthe biological crisis for stromatolites caused by the appear-ance of burrowing and grazing metazoans near the Precam-brian-Cambrian boundary (4, 5), there was a sedimentolog-ical crisis for cyanobacterial stromatolites due to the adventof abundant coarse-grained skeletal sediment produced bybiomineralization processes in shallow marine carbonateenvironments from the early Paleozoic onward (6). Wepropose that eualgal-cyanobacterial stromatolites representa Phanerozoic response to these pressures. "Eualga" is usedto denote and stress the eukaryotic algal component withinthe microbial community. The ability of eukaryotic algae totrap coarse sand in areas of mobile sediment in concert withcyanobacteria allows this complex community of eukaryotesand prokaryotes both to deal with coarse bioclastic materialand to occupy environments in which metazoan grazers willbe limited by sediment instability.Both cyanobacterial and eualgal-cyanobacterial columnar

stromatolites are present at Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay,

Western Australia. These are superficially similar yet funda-mentally different. The intertidal columns (Fig. la) areprimarily built by two communities of cyanobacteria, onedominated by Entophysalis and the other by Schizothrix,with numerous other cyanobacteria (7) (Fig. le). Algaleukaryotes are inconspicuous. Our study agrees with studiesof others (8) that the sediment composing these intertidalcolumns (Fig. lc) is largely fine-sand size (0.125-0.250 mm)peloids and ooids, with some coarser bioclasts, lithified byaragonite cements (9). All intertidal stromatolite samplesexamined petrographically (11 thin sections from four stro-matolites) showed distinctly finer sediment than that formingthe subtidal columns.The subtidal columns (Fig. lb) have a complex community

that includes diatoms (7, 10, 11), an unidentified colonialcoccoid eukaryote (10), an as yet unidentified coccoid en-tophysalidacean cyanobacterium (7), plus diverse cyanobac-teria. Abundant amounts of gel are produced by this micro-bial community. The dasycladacean Acetabularia commonlygrows on the sides of the columns (8, 12). Diatoms (e.g.,Mastogloia sp., Nitzschia sp., Amphora sp., Diploneis sp.)(11) are conspicuous in our samples collected in March 1985,although we do not rule out the possibility that there isseasonal variation in dominance among the diatoms, otheralgal eukaryotes, and cyanobacteria. The diatoms buildingthese stromatolites function in a manner analogous to that ofcyanobacteria in that they produce extracellular gel, aremotile, phototropic, can trap and bind sediment, and pro-duce surface irregularities of the mat. The diatoms, how-ever, in particular Mastogloia (Fig. lf), produce copiousamounts of gel. In our study we estimate the gel to individualcell ratio to exceed 10:1 for some of these eukaryotes.Broad, branching mucilaginous tubes, averaging 65 ,Am indiameter, produced by the diatoms (Fig. 1f) are common inthe upper 1-3 mm of the mat. Diatom mats are importantsediment stabilizers in nonmarine environments (13, 14) andin subtidal marine settings they appear to be capable oftrapping and binding coarser sediment than do those domi-nated purely by cyanobacteria (15).Our sedimentological and microstructural study of the

Hamelin Pool subtidal stromatolites (slabs and thin sections)revealed that the sediment (Fig. ld) is mainly coarse to verycoarse (0.5-2.0 mm) sand-sized bioclasts and ooids withsome granule-sized mollusk fragments. Differences betweenthe subtidal and intertidal columns also extend to grossmorphology and microstructure. The subtidal columns arepoorly laminated with coarse laminoid fenestrae. They ex-hibit a variety of cylindrical, domical, and club-shapedmorphologies, and they occasionally branch. The intertidalcolumns have fine to medium laminoid and irregular fenes-trae, and they are either finely laminated or lack lamination(8). The intertidal columns are commonly club-shaped,broadening upward.

Subtidal stromatolites up to 1 m tall, with a significantcomponent of algal eukaryotes, have been reported fromoolite shoal environments at Eleuthera in the Bahamas (16).

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FIG. 1. Intertidal (a) and subtidal (b) columnar stromatolites at Shark Bay, Western Australia. (c) Fine-sand size peloids and ooidscomposing intertidal columns. (d) Coarse to very coarse sand size bioclasts with a granule-sized mollusk fragment composing subtidal columns.(e) Schizothrix with some Entophysalis from intertidal mat surface. (f) Diatom Mastogloia sp. in its mucilaginous tube from the surface ofsubtidal column.

In this case, the dasyclad Batophora, together with cyano-bacteria, was reported to trap medium sand, which is thenbound and cemented by acicular aragonite and chasmolithicgreen algae (16). This suggests that there is an algal-dominated community capable of constructing coarse-grained columnar stromatolites in both hypersaline and openmarine subtidal environments, which includes diatomsand/or chlorophytes. Similar, even larger (up to 2 m tall)columnar to domical subtidal stromatolites have been foundoff Lee Stocking Island, Exuma, the Bahamas (17), whereooid sands (diameter, -200 ,tm) are trapped and bound by aeualgal-cyanobacterial community composed ofgreen algae,coccoid and colonial chrysophytes, diatoms, and other algaetogether with coccoid and filamentous cyanobacteria (J. A.West, personal communication).

Recent cyanobacterial mats in both subtidal and intertidalenvironments normally incorporate fine-grained materialeven when coarse sediment is readily available (18, 19). Therelative coarseness of the intertidal columns at Shark Baycan be attributed to biogenic trapping by cyanobacteria andby beachrock-type cementation, whereas the even greatercoarseness of the subtidal Shark Bay and the Bahamiancolumns can be attributed to the trapping and bindingabilities of algae in addition to cyanobacteria. Subtidalenvironments were the principal sites for columnar stromat-olites in the Proterozoic (20), and both subtidal and intertidalstromatolites occurred throughout the geological record (21).In the late Proterozoic some stromatolites, such as Tungus-sia inna, incorporated carbonate sand, including ooids (22),but the great majority are fine-grained. In a preliminary

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study on grain size in fossil stromatolites, we found that in 46stromatolite taxa (22-27) from the Proterozoic and Cam-brian, for which there are data on grain size in laminae, onlyfive have dark laminae composed of grains -100 ,m (max-imum, 2 mm) in diameter, and three of the five (including thetaxon with 2-mm sized grains) were from the Cambrian.Eighty-nine percent of the Proterozoic taxa have dark lam-inae composed of lime mud (<62 ,um).We postulate that both metazoan competition and coarse

bioclastic sediment have progressively restricted the exten-sive formation of marine cyanobacterial stromatolites tointertidal areas where both metazoan activity and coarsesediment are generally reduced. Neither eualgal-cyanobac-terial stromatolites (such as those from Shark Bay and theBahamas), nor the cyanobacterial intertidal columns atShark Bay, are general analogs for ancient stromatolites,presumed to be cyanobacterial, which normally did notincorporate coarse sediment, and least of all for those in theProterozoic, which exhibit delicate regular laminae com-

posed of micrite.Two sources of lime mud or micrite are possible in the

Proterozoic (excluding the micritization of grains by endo-liths): (i) the spontaneous precipitation of micrite fromoceanic waters (the so-called whitings); and (ii) the precipi-tation of micrite within, on, and immediately in the vicinityof the stromatolite-building cyanobacteria (28). Before theevolution of calcium carbonate biomineralization by animalsand algae near the base of the Cambrian, the oceans wereprobably saturated with respect to dissolved calcium carbon-ate and chemically it was a relatively simple matter toprecipitate calcium carbonate.At present there are no known modem marine analogs for

the great majority of Proterozoic columnar stromatolites.Coarse-grained eualgal-cyanobacterial stromatolites repre-sent a post-Proterozoic development in stromatolite forma-tion reflecting the appearance of a new complex communitycapable of coping with coarse-grained sediment. Reducedmetazoan competition caused by sediment mobility (16)and/or hypersalinity (5) would also benefit this association.Variants of this association have probably been performingthis function since at least the late Mesozoic (benthic dia-toms), and possibly since the Early Paleozoic or earlier(chlorophytes and other algae). Eualgal-cyanobacterial stro-matolites may be much more widespread than previouslysuspected, especially in Recent and Cenozoic subtidal envi-ronments.

We thank J. L. Dravis for unpublished data on the Eleutherasubtidal stromatolites; R. F. Dill, E. A. Shinn, and J. A. West forunpublished information and samples of the Exuma stromatolites;R. W. Holmes for diatom identifications; A. H. Knoll for discus-

sions on whitings; and S. Golubic, K. Grey, and P. Hoffman forcomments on the manuscript. The Department of Conservation andLand Management, Western Australia, granted permission to con-duct research in Hamelin Pool. This work was supported by NorthAtlantic Treaty Organization Research Grant RG84/0176 to S.M.A.and R.R., and by National Science Foundation Grant EAR 85-08984to S.M.A. This is a contribution of The Precambrian-CambriumTransition Consortium, which is funded by National Science Foun-dation Grant EAR-8721192.

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