Role of leadership in employer branding



Article discussing the role of leadership in employer branding

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  • 1. (16) HR FUTURE 07.2011INTERNATIONAL WATERS employer brandingRole of leadership inemployer brandingEMPLOYER BRANDLEADER VACANCIESSET TO INCREASE.brett minchingtonThe biggest influence on thesuccess of your employerbranding programme will bethe strength of the leadership(at all levels!) responsible forthe development and implementationof your employer brand strategy. Thisis no different to the impact leadershiphas on innovation and re-invention,corporate reputation, financialperformance, customer relationshipsor performance management strong leadership is central to thesustainability of your business.DIFFERENT LEADERSHIP FORCHANGING TIMESThe following were named among the20 Best Companies for Leadership ina 2010 Groupsurvey included: GE, Southwest,3M and Procter & Gamble in the topfour positions. It is no wonder thesecompanies are also household brandswith a track record of success. Anothercompany at number sixteen on the listis online retailer, Zappos.Both GE and Zappos with theirrapidly shifting environments facesimilar challenges in motivating andengaging their employees. For Zappos,its about creating and maintainingpassion in a call-centre culture. ForGE, its about keeping people engagedin a changing climate. Both GE andZappos put a premium on selecting,developing, and retaining strongleaders at every level. What setsthem and the other companies on thelist apart, however, is not just theiremphasis on good leadership, but alsohow they approach it. They carefullytailor their developing leaders to fittheir unique business strategies andorganisational cultures.STRONG LEADERSHIP IS LINKED TOFINANCIAL RESULTSWhen Hay Group looked athow the Top 20 organisationscompared to the S&P 500 in termsof shareholder returns, they foundthe Top 20 outperform in boththe short term and long term.Over a ten year period the top 20companies had a three percentreturn compared to the S&P of1.4 percent.CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIPBehind many strong employerbrands you will also find acharismatic CEO who has atribe-like following. A standoutcharismatic leader is Tony Hsieh,CEO of online shoe seller, clearly a talented leader whounderstands the value of creatingtalented tribes. Prior to joiningZappos, Hsieh co-founded andsold LinkExchange to Microsoft for$265M in 1998. In 2008, Zapposachieve the $1billion sales revenuemilestone and on 22 July announced theacquisition of in a dealvalued at nearly $900 million.Such was the level of brand equitybuilt upon Zapposs unique culturethat Amazon decided the brandwould remain as an independentsubsidiary. Hsieh set a very cleartAny company tryingto compete, mustfigure out a way toengage the mindof nearly everyemployee.- Jack Welch, former CEO General ElectricBrett Minchington, Chairman/CEO of Employer Brand International, is a global authority, strategist and corporate advisoron employer branding ( His new book Employer Brand Leadership-A Global Perspective is available at(

2. HR FUTURE 07.2011 (17)vision for customers to say, Thatwas the best customer service Ihave ever had. Hsieh then did twothings to engender a tribal culture.Firstly, he asked all of the tribalmembers to convene and agreewhat values were required to deliverthis vision. The Zappos tribesconsulted each other and came backwith a list of 10 core values. Postedon their website for the world to seeits quite clear what Zappos standsfor:As we grow as a company, it hasbecome more and more importantto explicitly define the Zapposcore values from which we developour culture, our brand, and ourbusiness strategies.These are the ten corevalues that we live by:1. Deliver wow throughservice;2. Embrace and drivechange;3. Create fun and a littleweirdness;4. Be adventurous, creative,and open-minded;5. Pursue growth andlearning;6. Build open andhonest relationships withcommunication;7. Build a positive team andfamily spirit;8. Do more with less;9. Be passionate anddetermined; and10. Be humble.THE ROLE OF THE EMPLOYERBRAND MANAGERIn 2006 when I published my book,Your Employer Brand attract, engageretain, the position of an employerbrand manager was virtually unheardof. Today companies such as Nike,Ernst & Young, UnitedHealth Group,Vestas Wind Systems, Starbucks, IBM,Ahold, E.ON, Deloitte, Nordea, DONGEnergy, HP and Deutsche Bank nowall have dedicated employer brandmanagers focused on developingtheir companys employer brand.When I returned to Copenhagen inMay 2011 there were eight employerbrand leaders in the delegate audiencecompared to only two when Idelivered an employer brand globalmasterclass in 2009. I am seeingsimilar trends when I return to othermarkets, especially in the UK and USA.The role of an employer brandmanager is increasing in scopeas the discipline evolves. Asthe line between the role ofhuman resource, marketing andcommunication professionals intalent attraction and retentioncontinues to blur, employer brandmanagers are being empoweredto deliver responsibilities from allthree functions. In the UK and USA,the trend is for companies to seekemployer brand managers withexpertise in branding, marketing,communications and publicationrelations compared to roles fiveyears ago which were seekingleaders from a human resourcesbackground. Monsantos recentvacancy for an employer brandingspecialist states:Bachelors degree required,preferably in Communications,Branding, Marketing, Journalism orrelated field.A minimum of 9 years relevantworking experience in relatedindustry or similar capacitywith particular emphasis onplanning and executing branding/ communications programs, withan emphasis in brand marketing.If youre seeking to work in adedicated employer branding role,stay tuned as were likely to see anincrease in employer brand leadervacancies in your country in thecoming one to two years. (HRf)eelmopry abdinnrg INTERNATIONAL WATERSFigure 1: Excerpt: Employer brand leader vacancy at Monsanto June 2011 3. Certificate inEmployer Brand LeadershipAbout Employer Brand InternationalEBI provides research, advisory and thoughtleadership in employer branding throughstrategic consulting, conferences/training,publications, research and global think-tanks.EBIs expert services are providedthrough an international network of expertemployer brand Senior Associates. EBIsGlobal Advisory Board consists of leadingcorporate professionals and academicsfrom around the world.Why choose to study the Certificate inEmployer Brand Leadership? Study for an in demand leadership skill Case study approach to supporttheoretical frameworks Real world application Flexible study options Supportive learning environment Access to the worlds most extensiveemployer branding learning resources Alumni support1. Since 2007 EBI has trained thousandsof managers in employer branding inmore than 50 cities in 28 countries.2. Access to an employer branding globalcommunity of 3500+ members.3. Course is supported by world classlearning resources including books,handbooks and global research reports.4. The first course of its kind offered inpartnership with educational institutions,business and the community.5. Accredited by EBI5 QUICK FACTSEnrol Today! 4. WELCOME FROM THECHAIRMAN/CEOWelcome to the Certificate inEmployer Brand LeadershipCourse a contemporaryleadership program formanagers around the world.Since 2007, Employer BrandInternational has conductedtraining for thousands ofmanagers in employer brandingin more than 50 cities in28 countries including Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France,Germany, Italy, Russia, UAE, UK, and the USA.Employees are fast becoming central to the process of brandbuilding and their behavior can either reinforce a brands advertisedvalues or, if inconsistent with these values, undermine the credibilityof your messages. Employer branding is a whole of businessconcept concerned with the attraction, engagement and retentioninitiatives targeted at enhancing your companys employer brand.The contest amongst employers to attract and retain talented workerstakes place in a world where changes in the political, economic,social and technological environments and concerns about acompanys environmental footprint is driving widespread change inemployment patterns. Today, competition for the best employeesis as fierce as competition for customers and market share.The course brings together a talented team of academics,strategists and corporate leaders to create an inspiring learningexperience in the growing field of employer branding.Our emphasis is on assisting you to develop leadership,communication, problem solving and team building skills, whichwill enable you to better understand and deal with the complexissues of management in a changing business environment.In selecting students we look for high quality people with the potentialto not only benefit but also contribute to the learning experience.Whilst practical in orientation, your learning experience will includenetworking with like minded professionals around the world tosupport a solid theoretical grounding in employer brand leadership.Organizations that can attract and retain the best minds byleveraging a unique, relevant and distinctive employer brandwill have a competitive edge in the marketplace.We look forward to welcoming you and wishyou the very best with your studies.Brett MinchingtonChairman/CEOEmployer Brand InternationalPROGRAM STRUCTURECORE MODULE ATHE BUSINESS CASE FOR EMPLOYER BRANDINGStudy Unit 1: The Fundamentals Of Employer Branding (EBLFU)CORE MODULE BBEST PRACTICE IN EMPLOYER BRANDINGStudy Unit 2: Employer Brand Leadership Principles & Practices(EBLPP)Study Unit 3: Employer Brand Strategic Management (EBLSM)Study Unit 4: Employer Branding Mapping & Competitor Analysis(EBLCA)Study Unit 5: Employer Brand Analytics & Reporting (EBLAR)Study Unit 6: Contemporary Practices in Employer Branding & SocialMedia (EBLSM)Study Unit 7: Employee and Customer Experience (EBLCE)CORE MODULE CTHE FUTURE FOR EMPLOYER BRANDINGStudy Unit 8: Employer Branding Social Responsibility (EBLSR)Study Unit 9: Future Trends in Employer Branding (EBLTD)Study Unit 10: Employer Branding Case Study Analysis (EBLCS)HOW TO APPLYApply online atwww.employerbrandinternational.comor to enquire please email Andrea at:andrea@employerbrandinternational.comPlease direct all courseenquiries to:Ms Andrea FieldingP +61 8 8443 4115F +61 8 8443 4149ALUMNI SUPPORTThe EBI Employer Branding Global Community is an important part ofthe life and community of the School, as it forms an integral part of theSchools business relationships.The network is diverse, including students and graduates who work andlive locally, interstate and overseas.With more than 3500 members, the EBGC supports members invarious ways: Fostering global networking opportunities Informing the business community of latest trends in employer
