Role of glueballs in non-perturbative quark–gluon plasma


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Physics Letters B 650 (2007) 239–243

Role of glueballs in non-perturbative quark–gluon plasma

Nikolai Kochelev a,b,∗, Dong-Pil Min a

a Department of Physics and Astronomy, Center for Theoretical Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Republic of Koreab Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region 141980, Russia

Received 11 December 2006; received in revised form 30 April 2007; accepted 7 May 2007

Available online 25 May 2007

Editor: J.-P. Blaizot


Discussed is how non-perturbative properties of quark gluon plasma, recently discovered in RHIC experiment, can be related to the change ofproperties of scalar and pseudoscalar glueballs. We set up a model with the Cornwall–Soni’s glueball–gluon interaction, which shows that thepseudoscalar glueball becomes massless above the critical temperature of deconfinement phase transition. This change of properties gives riseto the change of sign of the gluon condensate at T > Tc. We discuss the other physical consequences resulting from the drastic change of thepseudoscalar glueball mass above the critical temperature.© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 24.85.+p; 12.38.-t; 12.38.Mh; 12.39.Mk

Keywords: Quarks; Gluons; Glueball; Plasma; Non-perturbative QCD

1. Introduction

The results obtained recently at RHIC suggest the formationof a new phase of nuclear matter, i.e., the strongly interactingquark–gluon plasma, in high energy heavy ion collision [1,2].The origin of such phase might be related to the survival ofsome strong non-perturbative QCD effects above the deconfine-ment temperature (see, for example, [3,4]). This conjecture issupported by the lattice result for the pure SU(3)c theory [5],which shows that the gluon condensate changes its sign andremains to be large till very high temperature as the systemcrosses over the deconfinement temperature.1 This behavior ofgluon condensate forms a clear contrast to that of quark whichvanishes at the deconfinement transition [6]. Therefore, it is evi-

* Corresponding author at: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Centerfor Theoretical Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Republic ofKorea.

E-mail addresses: (N. Kochelev), (D.-P. Min).

1 In the full QCD there is a shift of temperature where the sign change of thegluon condensate is taking place [5].

0370-2693/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2007.05.019

dent that the gluonic effect plays the leading role in the dynamicof quark–gluon plasma (QGP) above the deconfinement tem-perature and may give the clue to the unexpected properties ofmatter produced at RHIC. The change of sign of the gluon con-densate at the finite temperature may give the influence on theglueball properties, because it is well known at zero tempera-ture that the gluon condensate plays the role of fixing the massscale of glueball and therefore its dynamics [7–9]. It is our goalof this work to investigate the influence at finite temperature.

We anticipate the change of the structure of QCD vac-uum at T > Tc, which may lead to the strong modification ofthe properties of scalar and pseudoscalar glueballs above thedeconfinement temperature. Some possible signatures of thechange of properties are already discussed for the scalar glue-ball in QGP in the recent papers by Vento [10], but not forthe pseudoscalar glueball. Indeed, glueball properties should bestrongly modified along with the change of gluon condensate.In the normal QCD, however, the role of two types of glue-ball may not be important because of their large masses. In thisLetter within effective Lagrangian approach, based on the spe-cific non-perturbative gluon–glueball interaction, it is suggestedthat the pseudoscalar glueball can be much lighter above Tc.

240 N. Kochelev, D.-P. Min / Physics Letters B 650 (2007) 239–243

Fig. 1. (a) Diagrams for the contribution to the glueball mass, (b) and for the contribution to gluon condensate.

Therefore its role in such high temperature QGP could be sub-stantially enhanced. This light glueball may lead the equationof state, and play the role of the mediator of the strong inter-action between gluons in this environment, more than what thescreening perturbative gluon does.

2. Glueball–gluon interaction and glueball mass above Tc

In [11] Cornwall and Soni proposed a simple form of theeffective scalar and pseudoscalar glueball interaction with glu-ons,

(1)LGgg = b0


aμνS + ξb0



where Gaμν is gluon field strength and G̃a

μν = εμναβGaαβ/2.

S and P are scalar and pseudoscalar glueball fields, respec-tively, and b0 = 11Nc/3 for pure SU(3)c , ξ(≈ 1) is the para-meter of the violation of S–P symmetry,2 and 〈S〉 is the non-vanishing expectation value of scalar glueball field with respectto the vacuum. They incorporate the low-energy QCD theoremsby identifying correlators with gluonic operators

JS = αsGaμνG


(2)JP = αsGaμνG̃


Note that 〈S〉 is related to the gluon condensate 〈g2G2〉 with thestrong coupling constant g as follows

(3)〈S〉2 = b0



This equation can be rewritten in more convenient way with themass of scalar glueball MS at zero temperature by low energytheorem. (See [13] and references therein.)

(4)f 2S M2

S � 8



where fS is the residue

(5)fSM2S = 〈0|JS |S〉.

From the comparison of Eqs. (3) and (4) we get the simple re-lation

(6)〈S〉 � b0


2 It can be shown within instanton model for QCD vacuum [12] that the ef-fective scalar and pseudoscalar couplings in Eq. (7) should be identical due tothe self-duality of instanton field.

Therefore, Eq. (1) can be rewritten for the zero temperature as

(7)LGgg = 1




aμνS + ξαsG




The effective mass of glueball at T > Tc for pure SU(3)c canbe calculated by considering the contribution of the diagrampresented in Fig. 1(a) to the mass operator Π(p) by using stan-dard methods of finite-temperature field theory [14]. The resultis following


= i4α2


π4f 2S




dk0 d�k (D(k0, �k) + D(−k0, �k)





dk0 d�k (D(k0, �k) + D(−k0, �k)

) 1

ek0/T − 1



(9)D(k0, �k) = FS,P (k1, k2)

(k21 − m2

g)(k22 − m2



1, k22


and a simple form for non-perturbative gluon propagator asa free propagator with the effective mass mg has been used.In Eq. (9), k1 = p + k, k2 = k, and function Fcut provide the ul-traviolet cut-off in the Euclidean space. In Eq. (9), numeratorfor scalar and pseudoscalar glueballs can be rewritten as

F(k1, k2)S = 2(k1 . k2)2 + k2


= p2k2 + 6k2(p . k) + 2(p . k)2 + 3k4,

F (k1, k2)P = 2ξ2((k1 . k2)2 − k2


)(10)= 2ξ2((p . k)2 − p2k2).

As usual, we define the effective mass of the glueball as a staticinfrared limit of mass operator

(11)M2S,P = ΠS,P (p0 = 0, �p → 0).

After Wick rotation to Euclidean space and with assumptionabout Gaussian form of cut-off function in this space



1, k22

) = e−Λ2(k21+k2


the calculation of the integrals in Eq. (9) leads to

M2S(T ) ≈ 72α2


π2Λ4f 2S


t dt

(2 + t)4e−tm2

g(T )Λ2,

(13)M2P (T ) = 0,

N. Kochelev, D.-P. Min / Physics Letters B 650 (2007) 239–243 241

where we assume that at Tc < T < 2Tc the effective mass ofgluon coincides with its thermal mass [15]

(14)mg = mg(T ) ≈ 3T .

We will neglect the contribution coming from the second termin the right-hand side of Eq. (8), because, in our simple modelwith heavy effective gluon thermal mass such contributionshould be suppressed by factor T 2/m2

g(T ) ≈ 1/10.3

Most remarkable result of Eq. (13) is that the pseudoscalarglueball mass vanishes at T > Tc due to the interaction Eq. (7).We should point out that below Tc one can expect that the glue-ball interaction with gluons has no such a simple form becauseconfinement forces should also be included in the considera-tion. The zero effective mass of the pseudoscalar glueball inQGP follows from the specific Lorenz structure of pseudoscalarglueball–gluon interaction and, therefore, this result does notdepend on some particular values of the our model parameters.Note that the mass of pseudoscalar glueball, arising from theinteraction Eq. (7), is proportional to so-called topological sus-ceptibility χ(T )

M2P (T ) = − 2i

f 2S


⟨T αsG




(15)= 128π2

f 2S

χ(T ),

which vanishes above Tc at the lowest order of our model. Zerotopological susceptibility above deconfinement temperature isin good agreement with the recent lattice calculation for pureSU(3)c which shows a sharp drop of topological susceptibil-ity across the deconfinement transition [16] and suggests muchsimpler topological structure of the strong interaction aboveTc in comparison with the confinement regime. In contrast tothe pseudoscalar glueball, the scalar glueball remains rathermassive even for T > Tc. The temperature dependency of glue-ball masses is presented in Fig. 2. In the region 0 < T < Tc

we assume that values of glueball masses are equal to theirzero temperature values, which is consistent with the observa-tion produced from lattice calculations of very small changeof the gluon condensate in this temperature interval [5,6]. Thevalue of residue fS = 0.35 GeV has been fixed from Eq. (4)by using 〈g2G2〉 ≈ 0.5 GeV4 for the value of gluon conden-sate at zero temperature [17] and value of scalar glueball massMS(0) ≈ 1.7 GeV from quenched lattice results [18]. We usealso the recent lattice results for thermal mass of gluons abovedeconfinement temperature, αs ≈ 0.5 and value of the decon-finement temperature for pure SU(3)c , Tc ≈ 270 MeV [19].For the cut-off parameter Λ in Euclidean space in Eq. (12),the value Λ ≈ 1/MS(0) has been taken.4 We should point out

3 To take into account of this effect is beyond the scope of our accuracy esti-mations involved in some values of glueball–gluon couplings, shape of cut-offfunction and their possible temperature dependency. Such contribution, how-ever, could not change our conclusion of vanishing of pseudoscalar glueballmass above Tc .

4 We assume that fS and Λ do not change their values over the deconfinementtransition.

Fig. 2. The solid (dotted) line is the temperature dependence of scalar(pseudoscalar) glueball mass.

that at Tc < T < 2Tc, the mass of scalar glueball is large,MS(T ) T , therefore, one can not expect significant contribu-tion of this glueball to the bulk properties of QGP in this rangeof temperatures. On the other hand, the massless pseudoscalarglueball should play an important role in the thermodynam-ics of QGP at T > Tc. Indeed, the simple estimation showsthat the ratio of the scattering amplitudes of gluon–gluon inthe t -channel exchanged by massless glueball to that by mas-sive gluon, Eq. (14), should be about αsm

2g(T )/f 2

S 1 atT > Tc. Therefore, one might expect the dominance of glue-ball exchange over screening perturbative one-gluon exchangeat T > Tc.

3. Gluon condensate

The contribution of glueballs to the gluon condensate in thelowest order of the effective coupling constant is presented inFig. 1(b). The result of calculation is


⟨g2G2(T )


= 24α3s

π3f 2S Λ6






dy ΦS,P (t, x, y),


ΦS(t, x, y) = ty2(1 − x)

(1 + y)6(t + m2g(T )Λ2)

× (3t (1 + y)2 + t3x4y4 + 5t2x2y2(1 + y)

)× exp

[− t (1 + y(1 + x) + y2x(1 − x))

1 + y

− yxMS(T )2Λ2 − y(1 − x)m2g(T )Λ2


242 N. Kochelev, D.-P. Min / Physics Letters B 650 (2007) 239–243

Fig. 3. The temperature dependency of the gluon condensate at T > Tc .The solid line is total condensate, the dashed (dotted) line is the scalar(pseudoscalar) glueball contributions.

ΦP (t, x, y) = − ξ2ty2(1 − x)

(1 + y)5(t + m2g(T )Λ2)

× (3t (1 + y) + t2x2y2)

× exp

[− t (1 + y(1 + x) + y2x(1 − x))

1 + y

− yxMP (T )2Λ2 − y(1 − x)m2g(T )Λ2


In Fig. 3 the dependency of the gluon condensate on temper-ature for Tc < T < 2Tc is shown. We should mention that thecontribution of the pseudoscalar glueball to gluon condensateis proportional to ξ2. Therefore it is quite sensitive to the de-gree of violation of the S–P symmetry shown in Eq. (7). In ournumerical estimation we assume that parameter ξ ≈ 1 in thelight of the Peccei–Quinn (PQ) mechanism [20] (see discussionin [11]). The decrease of the ξ value will lead to the decreaseof the pseudoscalar glueball contribution to the condensate.5 Atzero temperature by using Eq. (16) we get the following valuesof condensates⟨g2G2(0)

⟩total = 0.47 GeV4,



= 1.31 GeV4,



= −0.84 GeV4,

where we use the quenching result MP = 2.6 GeV for themass of pseudoscalar glueball at zero temperature [18]. Onecan see that scalar glueball contribution to gluon condensateis positive and pseudoscalar glueball contribution is negative.

5 In our model the change of the sign of the total glueball contribution to thecondensate at T = Tc turns out to be possible only for the large value of thatparameter, ξ > 0.86. Such large value of ξ for the full QCD could result fromthe restoration of U(1)A symmetry at T > Tc and PQ mechanism which relatesthis symmetry to the S–P symmetry.

Total gluon condensate strongly depends on the masses of glue-balls. Note that its value at zero temperature is taken to be inagreement with QCD sum rule result [17]. It is evident fromFig. 3 that just above Tc the negative contribution of masslesspseudoscalar glueball to gluon condensate is greater than thepositive contribution coming from massive scalar glueball andthis is a reason of change of the sign of gluon condensate abovethe deconfinement temperature in our model based on the effec-tive glueball–gluon interaction Eq. (7). Unfortunately the directcomparison of our result with lattice data [5] is not possible dueto the necessity of the subtraction of the perturbative contribu-tion to 〈g2G2(T )〉 from the data.6 We would like to emphasizethat in our calculation the effective dimensionless coupling forinteraction Eq. (7) is very small, geff = α2

s /(16π2f 2S Λ2) � 1,

due to the factor of 1/(16π2) which comes from the loop mo-mentum integration for the diagrams presented in Fig. 1(b).Therefore, one can safely neglect high order corrections com-ing from effective interaction Eq. (7).

4. Conclusion

In summary, we consider the properties of scalar andpseudoscalar glueballs in quark–gluon plasma. In the effectiveLagrangian approach, based on the low-energy QCD theorems,it is suggested that scalar glueball remains massive above de-confinement temperature. At the same time, pseudoscalar glue-ball changes its properties in QGP in a drastic way. Indeed, thisglueball become massless at T > Tc and therefore it can con-tribute strongly to the bulk properties of QGP. We demonstratethat the disappearance of pseudoscalar glueball mass above thedeconfinement temperature and its strong coupling to gluonsgives the rise to the sign change of the gluon condensate in thepure SU(3)c gauge theory as observed in the lattice calculationsat T ≈ Tc. The strong non-perturbative coupling of the glueballto the gluons leads to the conjecture that one might expect thatthe role of very light pseudoscalar glueball in QGP must bequite similar to the role played by the massless pion in nuclearmatter below deconfinement temperature. In spite of the rathersimple form of non-perturbative glueball–gluon interaction andthe neglect of high order non-perturbative and perturbative in-teractions, as well as the possible double-counting arising fromthe simultaneous consideration of hadronic and partonic de-grees of freedom, the possibility of the existence of very lightpseudoscalar glueball above Tc is worth being considered in re-alizing the survival of the strong coupling between gluons viapseudoscalar glueball in the region of the temperature above Tc.We like to mention on the lattice data in which bulk proper-ties of QGP do not change much with the inclusion of lightquarks [5]. This may suggest that the appropriate extension ofour model to full QCD is possible [21].


We would like to thank A. Di Giacomo, A.E. Dorokhov,D.G. Pak, S.-H. Lee and V. Vento for useful discussions. This

6 We are grateful to S.-H. Lee for the discussion of this problem.

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work was supported by Brain Pool program of Korea ResearchFoundation through KOFST, grant 042T-1-1. N.K. is very grate-ful to the School of Physics and Astronomy of Seoul NationalUniversity for their warm hospitality during this work.


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