Role of Corporate Governance in Implementing IFRS in Listed Companies of Pakistan


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    The University of Lahore

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    The University of Lahore

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    The University of Lahore

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    To Whom the World Owes its Existence Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

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    First of all I like to thank to my GOD who has complete knowledge and guide me

    in every field of life and enabled me to complete my theses. I like to pay respect to the

    university which has provided me with such opportunity to be a part of this institution. I

    am heartily thankful to me supervisor _____________________whose encouragement,

    guidance and support from the beginning to the final level help me to develop an

    understanding of the subject. Thanks to all Thesis Committee who taught me that how to

    design my theses. They inspired me and support me throughout the work.

    I am greatly thankful to my family: my parents who supported me throughout my life.

    Also special thank to my friends for their support and help in completing this theses.

    Lastly, I prefer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported me in any respect

    during the completion of the project.

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    This paper investigates that there is a relationship among the corporate

    governance mechanism and the earning quality of the company. The aim of the research

    was to find out the relation of corporate governance mechanisms like, board size, board

    independence, gender diversity on the board, absence of chief executive officer as

    chairman or vice chairman and presence of audit committee and its independence upon

    the earning quality of the company. The researcher has identified the governance

    mechanism as the independent variable and the earning quality as a dependent variable. A

    survey was conducted by the researcher within the limited time frame. Then the data

    collected from the survey was interpreted with the help of multiple regressions in SPSS

    statistical software. The finding of the research shows very significant and positive

    relations between corporate governance mechanism and companys earnings


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    Table Of Contents

    Chapter No: 1 .............................................................................................. 10

    Introduction ............................................................................................. 10

    Chapter No: 2 .............................................................................................. 14

    Literature Review ..................................................................................... 14

    Chapter No: 3 .............................................................................................. 23

    Methodology ........................................................................................... 23

    3.1 Theoretical framework.................................................................... 23

    3.2 Hypotheses ..................................................................................... 26

    3.3 Research design .............................................................................. 27

    Chapter No: 4 .............................................................................................. 30

    Analysis of data ........................................................................................ 30

    Chapter No: 5 .............................................................................................. 38

    CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 38

    5.1 Recommendations .......................................................................... 39

    References .................................................................................................. 40

    Appendix: .................................................................................................... 43

    Tables: ..................................................................................................... 43

    Survey ...................................................................................................... 50

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    Chapter No: 1


    After the revelations of the big corporate scandals played by the multinational

    companies in early 2000's.A lot of work is done in the field of corporate governance

    practices. These set of rules were introduced to enhance the check processes on the public

    listed companies reporting and disclosures. Corporate governance mechanism is a system

    which is applied by the management of the company for better supervision, control and

    effectiveness of financial reporting standards in the company. In Pakistan a large amount

    of work is done in the field of corporate governance with the increase of people attraction

    towards the investment point of view. In this study I am searching out a relation between

    the adoption of the corporate governance mechanism and the enhancement in the earning

    quality of the company. The reason to select this topic is to promote the practices of code

    of corporate governances within the companies to create confidence in investors and also

    to enhance earning quality of the companies with better practices of the code. Researcher

    wants to find out the role of corporate governance in the implementation of accounting

    standards and for this purpose. He finds the relationship between adopting governance

    mechanism and the earning quality of the company. The purpose of my research is to see

    the impact of adopting corporate governance mechanism on the earning quality of the


    This strategy is applied only to view the perception of different people working in

    the company at different levels about corporate governance and does it enhances earning

    quality of the company. When the survey is conducted different types of opinions were

    collected by me. Then I have interpreted their opinions with the help of multiple

    regressions in SPSS statistical software and the conclusion on which I have reached is

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    that adopting corporate governance mechanism shows significant relation in enhances the

    earning quality in terms of high company performance, better financial ratios and increase

    in shareholders wealth. The main users of this research study are the existing and the

    potential investors of the company. Better compliance with the code of corporate

    governance builds confidence among the shareholders or the investors of the company. In

    Pakistan these practices of corporate governance are supervised by the security exchange

    commission of Pakistan in the all listed companies in Pakistan. All the companies which

    are listed have to publish the statement of compliance with the code of corporate

    governance to show its compliance with rules regulated by the security exchange

    commission of Pakistan. This compliance statement builds confidence among the

    investors of the company that their rights are protected and no one is snatching his money

    from him.

    Another important work performed by the corporate governance structures is to

    reduce agency costs and enhance the earnings quality and the reporting. There are

    different types of corporate governance mechanism which are widely used in all the

    companies listed in Pakistan. Some of them are like; board size in which we see the

    number of board of directors appoints by the investors of the company to handle the day

    to day operation of the company. They are responsible for all the decision made by the

    company and their sole duty is to oversight the controls that are applied within the

    company and increases shareholders wealth.

    Another important factor in corporate governance mechanism is that board

    independence which means what is the percentage of non-executive directors in the

    composition of the board. The main reason of it to check the authority that the director

    posses within the company and to protect the rights of the shareholders. So the people

    who are charged with governance within the company do not manipulate the earnings for

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    their personal interests. Formation of the audit committee is the system introduced by the

    corporate governance structure to ensure the quality of financial reporting and disclosures

    made by the company. It comprises of the non-executive directors only and the head of

    that committee is the independent director. The duty of the audit committee is to

    oversight the internal controls design by the management of the company and to facilitate

    the external auditor during the statutory audit of the company.

    Corporate governance mechanisms promote the treatment of equality with the

    shareholders. To protect their investment these set of monitory rules applied on the

    management of the company. So they will understand their responsibilities towards the

    company and also towards the shareholders who has given them their investments to run

    the company. Corporate governance also describes the rules and eligibility criteria for

    those persons as well who are appointed by the shareholders to handle the management of

    the company. This is to ensure that a competent person is handling the matters and

    making decisions rationally to increase the companys performance and to maximize

    shareholders wealth.

    Corporate governance emphasis on the transparency of the data and require proper

    disclosures for the work done. It shows that the management of the company is not hiding

    anything from the owners of the company or if anyone among the management of the

    company tries to manipulate the earnings will be caught. Institutional investors mean

    other companies which are investing into our company like insurance companies, mutual

    funds and so on.

    It is difficult to measure the governance practices in numeric terms that are why

    the researcher has conducted a survey regarding good corporate governance practices and

    its relation with earning performance of the company. The time frame was limited

    although the results which have been obtained from the interpretation of the survey are

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    realistic according to the resources that the researcher have while conducting the research.

    The researcher has achieved his objectives which show a positive and significant

    relationship between adopting governance mechanism and earning quality of the


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    Chapter No: 2

    Literature Review

    Man and Wong (2013) had studied the effect of corporate governance in

    eliminating or reducing the earning management extent. They used Anglo-American

    system to check the effectiveness of corporate governance system. They have viewed

    different corporate governance mechanisms. As a result negative relation with the earning

    management is found. The earning quality can be enhanced if the directors are

    independent and have sound knowledge in the perspective of finance which will provide

    incremental control effects on earning management. Audit committees can oversee the

    internal controls of the company for better check and balance on the financial statements

    for the assurance of the quality.

    Shiri, Vaghfi, Soltani, and Esmaeli (2012) stated that the earning qualities can be

    enhanced by reducing the managerial conflicts among the managers and the investors.

    This is an inductive study thats why past and historical financial information is utilized.

    The quality is tested by increasing the number of independent directors. They tested this

    assumption through regression analysis which is aided by the SPSS statistical analysis

    software. Then the outcome was that external corporate governance mechanism is

    resulted in enhances the earning quality with the help of more independent directors in the

    board and they will reduced the conflicts arising among the management and the

    investors and also accrual quality is enhanced by it.

    Hili and Affes (2012) have empirically tested the impact of gender diversity on

    the board of directors effect on the earning quality. This research was conducted on the

    French companies. These authors used Arellano and bond autocorrelation test to examine

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    GMM. After the analysis of SBF 120 index they have found out that there is no

    significant change in the performance of the company with homogeneous (all men) board

    in respect to heterogeneous (men and women) board. But this study opens a door of

    further research that what is the impact of heterogeneous boards and its implementations

    on the performance of the company.

    Uadiale (2012) studied the role of board composition and audit committee on the

    earning management in Nigeria. They used survey research method on listed companies

    of Nigeria. So they suggest that the board of the company must contain a reasonable

    number of independent directors and the audit committee members must have a consistent

    level of financial background, then the earning management likelihood can be reduced. In

    recent years a large amount of attention is given to the earning management of the

    company because they are linked to financial statements which are being reported. These

    reported statements build the confidence of the investor in the company.

    Bistrova and Lace (2012) wanted to search out the relation of weak corporate

    governance mechanisms with low earning quality in central and eastern European

    countries. They use the regression and the quartile analysis to verify the variables and the

    result was a negative relation among low corporate governance practices and poor earning

    quality. They have linked the cash flow with the accruals to find it. It seems that the

    investors of central and eastern European countries can invest in public listed companies

    without any hesitation because the corporate governance level of those companies is high.

    So the chances of manipulations in earnings are quite obsolete.

    Sirat (2012) investigates the impact of firm size, in the corporate governance

    practices on the earning management. They have selected a population size of whole

    manufacturing sector listed in Indonesia stock exchange consisting of 157 units. They

    have selected 117 units on basis of progress and analyze their data for 5 years from 2002-

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    7. The sample if it is a conglomerate company or not. A survey was conducted of the

    literature books. Multiple regressions were used to analyze the influence of corporate

    governance on the magnitude of earning management. The result was if the size of the

    company is huge then the earning will be smaller. The earning management of the

    company is better if its family owned then normal structure of the company. So company

    size proves negative effect on the earning management of the company.

    Abed, Al-Attar, and Suwaidan (2012) studied the impact of corporate governance

    mechanism on the earning qualities for Jordanian firms 2006-9. They conducted this

    research on the companies which are being listed in Amman Stock Exchange. They used

    the multiple OLS regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 17. The findings

    show no significant relation among the corporate governance mechanism and earning

    management except the board size. The number of board of members must not be huge so

    that the earning management can be reduced by management size.

    Dichev, Graham, Harvey, and Rajgopal (2012) find out some things which

    describe the earning qualities variations through large survey and conducting interviews

    of the people charge with governance. High qualities of earnings are backed by actual

    cash flows. Earning quality is also driver by discretionary factors as well. Earning

    manipulations are inevitable when the controls in the company are more effective. The

    half of the earning qualities is determined by business model, macroeconomics factors.

    Athanasakou and Olsson (2012) search out the two different perspective of

    corporate governance first, the impact of innate earning quality with the practices of

    corporate governance and secondly, the impact of environment of the company

    performance. They use different measures like, accrual quality, absolute abnormal

    accruals and earning variability to interpret the data. The result they have find out that

    there is a positive relation between the both perspectives of corporate governance.

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    Accrual diversity has positive effect on the performance of the company. This also shows

    a positive relation among the environment and the performance of the companies like

    motivation and rewards enhance the performance of the employee which ultimately

    enhance the earning quality or the performance of the company.

    Campa and Donnelly (2011) investigated the impact of corporate governance on

    the earning quality in the legal context. They have compared two legal corporate contexts.

    One of them is Italy and the other one is UK. In result they have found out that where the

    legal context of the country is weak the corporate governance plays a major role in the

    enhancement of the earning quality. Government needs to formulate new policies through

    which a better control can be established over the earning qualities.

    Sun, Liu, and Lan (2011) investigated if there any difference in the earning

    management quality if the head of department is a female. They have observed a

    company for five years but as a result they find no association among this gender

    discrimination in the corporate sector. There is no change in earning qualities if the head

    of the department is a female but the environment is quite pleasant than usual.

    Moradi and Nezami (2011) studied the effect of ownership centralization and

    institutional ownership with the earning quality. They have conducted research on

    companies listed in Tehran stock exchange. The authors have applied Linear regression

    and correlation analysis, Fisher test and t-testate to test their hypotheses. In general the

    result shows positive relation among ownership centralization and institutional ownership

    but this relation is not significant enough or in other words the companies listed in Tehran

    stock exchange are less affected with this in measuring earning quality.

    Wang and Gulzar (2011) investigated the impact of corporate governance

    practices in reducing earning management in shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange,

    china. They applied correlation and regression analysis on the governance practices of the

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    firms listed in these stock exchanges. The outcome of their research was a negative

    relationship is established between earning management and corporate governance

    characteristics like number of board of directors, their duality, their sex, and their

    ownership structure in china. We also find that the concentrated ownership reduces

    discretional current accruals by preventing opportunistic mangers behavior. This research

    has broadened the scope of earning management and corporate governance characteristics

    especially for china because in china no one has conducted such type of research before.

    Liang and Shan (2011) investigated the impact of IFRS mandatory adoption on

    the quality of earnings and if the effectiveness of the corporate governance mechanism

    can be used as a proxy in determining the quality of the earnings. They compare the

    accrual quality of before and after mandatory adoption of IFRS in two countries of

    Europe specifically UK and Germany. The results show the enhancement in the quality of

    the earning in post mandatory adoption of the IFRS and the adoption of corporate

    mechanisms shows positive relation with earning quality of the firm.

    Houqe, Zijl, Dunstan, and Karim (2010) tested that the IFRS adoption does not

    increase the earning quality of the company but if the investors protection regime is

    strong then the IFRS enhances the quality of the earnings in the company. This study is

    conducted with the reference of cross- section among different countries. They have

    conducted research on UK and German based companies. The result show positive

    relation among the investors protection regime and the quality of earning in the

    company. This result might be different under different investor protection regime

    policies applicable in different countries.

    CHEN and LIU (2010) had investigated the impact of changes in the best

    corporate governance practice principle on the earning quality in the emerging markets.

    They use regression analysis among pre and post CGBPP to test their hypothesis. The

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    outcome of their research was that the independence of corporate boards enhance the

    management opportunistic earnings because in the absence of the independent board the

    earning management of the company in emerging markets and in opportunities reduces

    because if, the check and balance on the monitory system is reduced. Then the board can

    manipulate earnings and show biasness in decision making.

    Almeida, Lima, and Lima (2010) wanted to find out the performance of the

    Brazilian listed companies to get listed in the New York stock exchange. They used

    correlation and regression analysis among the companies listed in Brazilian and New

    York stock exchanges. The evidence from the finding was that good corporate practices

    are required to enhance the earning quality of the Brazilian firm to get listed in the New

    York stock exchange.

    Leuz (2010) describes the reliability of earning quality in different legal context

    with in different countries legal systems. The outcome of his research was different

    countries have different legal requirements to fulfill the principles of corporate

    governance to enhance earning quality. If there is any difference in convergence of these

    regulatory principles then IFRS adoption will be utilized as a benchmark.

    Sivaramakrishnan and Yu (2008) used the Gompers index as a tool to measure

    the strength of corporate governance, investigate whether accrual quality and governance

    structure effect the earning quality of the firm. The outcome of the result was that, if the

    corporate governance is high, then earnings quality is enhanced. Good governance

    provides high quality of accruals diversity which ultimately enhances the earning quality

    and increases the quality earning predictability of the firm.

    Javed, Iqbal, and Hasan (2006) find out the relation of corporate governance

    practices with firm performance in Karachi stock exchange listed companies. A very low

    work is done in this field in Karachi stock exchange. They used Tobin Q, CGI and other

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    control variables to construct a model and take average of these three years 2003-5. The

    result was there was a positive relation among in firm level governance practices with the

    performance of the company. They also find out that only relaying on the corporate

    governance practices disclose in the annual reports are not enough to evaluate the

    reliability of the firm performance or earning quality. Strict rules should be regulated by

    the Karachi Stock Exchange to enhance the performance of the companies which are

    being listed in it.

    C and Vera-Muoz (2005) studied the tremendous change brought recently in the

    corporate governance practices, where the roles and responsibilities of the audit

    committee members and the board of directors were redefined to improve the quality of

    earnings and reporting within the firm. The findings were that, the duties of the audit

    committee members were enhanced because they have to monitor the controls applied by

    the management over the financial statements. If the members of the audit committee are

    not competent enough then there will be chance of manipulations in the controls due to

    which the reliability of the quality of earnings will be affected. The members of the audit

    committee are independent from the management because their independence increases

    the credibility of the financial reporting.

    Chen, Elder, and Hsieh (2005) investigated the impact of corporate governance

    practices on the Taiwan listed companies. They want to find out the impact of voluntary

    creation of independent directors on the earning quality. They use the regression model to

    test the relation of corporate governance to earning management. The outcome of the

    research concludes a negative relation among the number of independent directors and the

    likelihood of earning quality. Our study also demonstrate the voluntarily adoption of best

    corporate governance practice principles might enhance the effectiveness of independent

    directors in constraining earning management in Taiwanese listed companies.

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    Easley and OHara (2004) investigated that, the firms in which the executives and

    the managers owned the stocks of the company. They tried to enhance the earning quality

    of the firm by any means necessary. They also concluded that irrespective of how you

    understand the governance mechanisms. It will reduce the information asymmetry and

    enhance the reporting quality of the firm. In result better financial reporting enhances

    earning quality as well. By doing this the firm information becomes more reliable and

    proves to be useful in creating confidence among the investors. Investors feel safe due to

    the quality of information which is provided to them.

    Ismail (2002) investigated the relation between the earning quality and the

    corporate practices after the implementation of the Malaysian code 2001. The findings of

    the research were that, the number of members in the board and in the audit committee

    show positive relation with the earning quality. If the number of members in the board

    and in audit committee is higher then, they can perform their duties more efficiently and

    in result to which earning qualities were enhanced. The result also defines that the

    companies with concentrated ownership like (family owned) have low earning quality

    then the firms which do not have concentrated ownership.

    Lang, Becke, and Blan (2002) studied the opportunity for the investors in current

    situation. The result was that to promote the investors confidence we need to enhance the

    corporate governance practices. These rules are regulated by the stock exchange to

    promote investors confidence. When these rules are strictly monitored then the

    performance of the firm increases so as the earning quality

    Rehman and Ali (2001) investigated that the earning management can easily be

    manipulated by the firms with in the applicable financial reporting framework within the

    firm. So there is a need to establish the best practices of the corporate governance. So,

    that the firm cannot manipulate the adoption choices which are provided by the

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    international financial reporting standards for better presentation. These corporate

    governance practices will enhance the earning management of the firm.

    Bebchuk and Roe (1999) investigates the impact of different economies on the

    corporate structure of the firms which will affect its earning management. The findings

    were the economies of some countries promote the corporate structure to be family

    owned or institutional owned. Such kind of corporate structure is efficient but if there is

    an involvement of the independent members in the structure then the reliability on the

    quality of earning and reporting can be enhanced further.

    Yermack (1996) investigated that, the efficiency of the companies with small

    board size is more effective than others. The researcher proposed that, if the board size is

    small and only competent persons are members of such board then, they can work more

    efficiently and due to small board size the earning management will be enhanced.

    Another very important characteristic of corporate governance is that the chair person and

    the chief executive officer must be two different persons to avoid the concentration of

    power in one hand which can lead the company into the conflict of interest and reduces

    earning quality.

    Cheng (1996) demonstrated the existence of this link between the quality of

    earnings and the information content of earnings. They found that the permanent

    accounting earnings are less informative in relation to future earnings and cash flows.

    Earning qualities are more reliable when the opportunistic behavior of the managers is

    monitored by the control system of the company. In other words monitoring attributes

    have the capacity to improve the earning qualities. So, effective internal control system

    can play a role in the enhancement of the earning qualities as well.

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    Chapter No: 3


    3.1 Theoretical framework

    Research on corporate governance is increasing due to large financial crisis in past

    few decades. The dependent variable of interest in this research is earning quality. I

    attempt to explain the variance in this dependent variable by six independent variable (1)

    percentage of non-executive directors members, (2) absence of CEO as chairman or vice

    chairman, (3) percentage of institutional investors (4) Audit committee size (5) Board size

    (6) Gender diversity in composition of board. In my view these variables can explain the

    earning quality better because on these variables I can measure the impact of corporate

    governance mechanisms adopted by the company.

    The non-executive directors are the ones appointed in the composition of the

    board to exercise the rights of the board members. They dont have any kind of financial

    or personal interest in the earnings of the company. They are elected on the board on

    check the independence of the board of directors in decision making and to protect the

    rights of the shareholders. Absence of CEO as chairman, CEO is the chief executive

    officer of the company he is the one who is authorized to signed the agreements on the

    behalf of the company. He makes the decisions of the company rather chairman is one

    who is the head of the board of directors. He is responsible to conduct meetings of the

    board and to communicate the agenda with the board members. Chairman is responsible

    to lead the discussion in the board meeting. He must remain neutral in the discussion to

    conclude the decision. Percentage of institutional investors shows how much people are

    pooling wealth into the company. If large number of people is putting their wealth then

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    they want to influence their decisions in the company which can affect the decision

    making of authorize people or can create biasness among them. Audit committee is

    formed to oversight the financial reporting of the company and the process of disclosures.

    The members appointed in the audit committee are from the board of directors and a

    separate chairman is also appointed for the audit committee. Audit committee also

    ensures the compliance of the company with rules and regulations, ethics and with all

    statutory requirements. Gender diversity means the percentage of male and female on the

    composition of the board and their impact on the earning quality of the company.

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    Symmetric Diagram

    Independent Variable Dependent Variable

    The numbers non-executive directors play an important role in the earning quality

    of the company. Thats why non-executive directors are hired on the composition of the

    board to maintain the check and balance on the performance of the company. These

    independent members over sight the methods used by the management of the company in

    reporting. These non-executive directors are appointed to protect the right of share

    holders. CEO of the company is most important person in any structure of the company.

    He is the person who binds the company in different types of agreements. The final

    decisions are taken by this person in the company. He handles all the operations of the

    company. If he is not the chairman of the board then, it might happen that there been a

    rise of conflict among the CEO and the chairman of the company. If the chairman

    concludes the session of the board meeting and the CEO doesnt agree with him then

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    there will a conflict. The earning quality is affected due to this reason. (Uadaile, 2012)

    said board composition and the independence of audit committee play significant role in

    the earning quality. The percentage of institutional investors plays a very important role

    in the earning quality of the company. If the percentage of investors is high then they

    want voting rights or to oversight the decisions which were taken by the management.

    This will affect the managements capabilities of doing the work according to prescribed


    The investors influence for greater return can affect the earning quality of the

    company. Audit committee oversight the reporting quality and the disclosures made by

    the management of the company which will ultimately affect the earning quality of the

    company.(Affes,2012) said that gender diversity has significant relation with the earning

    quality. If the percentage of non-executive directors on the board is high then the earning

    quality will be enhanced in terms of performance of the company. Better corporate

    governance practices will results in better performance in the company and enhance

    earning quality.

    3.2 Hypotheses

    H1: there is a significant relationship exists between adopting governance mechanism and

    enhancing earning quality.

    H0: there is no significant relationship exists between adopting governance mechanism

    and enhancing earning quality.

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    Page 27

    3.3 Research design

    3.3.1 Problem to be investigated

    In this research the problem which was investigated was the impact of adopting

    governance mechanism on enhancing earning quality. This study is very important

    because these set of governance rules and regulations which are imposed on the listed

    companies are to enhance the transparency and disclosures quality of the company. This

    will result in enhancing the earning quality of the company. This research is important

    because some people thought that applying governance practices in the company is only

    the waste of time and resources and it does not help in enhancing any kind of companys

    performance. The main users of this research will be the investors because good

    governance practices create confidence among the investors of the company and enhance

    company earning quality.

    3.1.2 Scope of Study

    This is a qualitative study thats why questionnaires were made keeping in view

    the independent variables and the dependent variables of the study. This study was

    conducted through the survey which was conducted from different corporations to test the

    relationship among the governance practices and earning quality. The research is realistic

    and its practically applicable in industries. Good governance adoption enhances the

    economic growth as well with companys earning quality. Governance plays an important

    role in building confidence among the investors of the company. Thats why a lot of

    importance is given to governance practices now-a-days within the listed companies in

    Pakistan. This study helps the potential investors of the company to gain confidence on

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    Page 28

    the companys in which they have invested and due to increase of performance in the

    company they can expect larger returns as well.

    3.1.3 Sources of data

    The required information for this research paper is gathered from following two


    I have studied different literature and go through the history of research studies, by meansof studies in library (including books, articles, journals and academic discussions) is used

    and foreign research papers and theses are also used in this study work which has been

    received via the internet service.

    The data calculated from the survey for the study of variables like (percentage of non-executive directors, absence of CEO as a chairman or vice chairman, size of audit

    committee the percentage of the institutional investors, gender diversity in board

    composition and earning quality) are required to test the assumptions made.

    3.1.4 Relevance of data

    The data which was collected from the survey is relevant because it provide

    sufficient information regarding the variables which I have selected to find the relation

    among the governance and the earning quality. The study is applicable and is conducted

    within a specific time frame. The data is reliable because the survey is conducted within

    the corporations and its findings justify the variables of concern.

    3.1.5 Model of study

    To interpret the results conducted from the survey multiple regressions is used.

    Multiple regressions are the best model to show the relation between the independent and

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    Page 29

    the dependent variables in the study. This model provides me with best results of the

    impact of governance mechanism on earning quality.

    Following regression equation is formed to explain the impact of governance mechanism

    on earning quality.


    EQ= Earning Quality

    CEO= Absence of chief executive officer as chairman

    IND= Board independence

    AUD= Audit committee size

    SIZE= Board size

    GEN= Gender diversity

    INV= Percentage of institutional investors

    0 = constant

    1,2,3,4,5,6 = Coefficients

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    Page 30

    Chapter No: 4

    Analysis of data

    Here is the interpretation of the results of SPSS.

    Model Summary

    Model R




    R Square


    Error of



    Change Statistics







    Change df1 df2

    Sig. F


    1 .978a .956 .867 .26950 .956 10.744 6 3 .039 1.689

    a. Predictors: (Constant), does gender diversity affect earning quality of the company,

    does board size of the company enhance earning quality, percentage of institutional

    investors affect earning quality, absence of chief executive officer as a chairman affect

    earning quality, board independence enhances the earning quality, audit committee size

    affect the earning quality of the company

    b. Dependent Variable: Earning Quality

    This model summary describes the goodness of the model. R square represents

    the effect of independent variable upon the dependent variable. Adjusted R square

    represents the impact of dependent variable on the independent variable. The range of the

    value of the R square and the adjusted R square lies between 0 and 1. If it shows value

    nearer to 1 than it represents a good model exist. If it shows value nearer to 0 than it

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    Page 31

    represents the model that exists is bad. The outcome of my result of R square and the

    adjusted R square is 0.956 and 0.867 which shows a good model exists. It means under R

    square the value 0.956 shows change in dependent variable which is earning quality due

    to change in independent variable that was governance mechanism.

    The value of adjusted R square will be lower than value of R square or it might be

    equal to it. The value of adjusted R square can only be higher than the value of R square

    in one condition and that is if I added some extra variables in the analysis of data. But in

    our data the value of adjusted R square is lower than R square with means my data is

    good no extra variables were utilized in the analysis of data.

    Standard error of estimation shows the reliability of the data that is interpreted in the

    SPSS. If the value of standard estimation of data is below 1 than it represents the data is

    reliable. In the model summary the value of standard error is 0.26950 which is lower than

    1. So it shows reliability of the data.


    Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

    1 Regression 4.682 6 .780 10.744 .039a

    Residual .218 3 .073

    Total 4.900 9

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    Page 32

    a. Predictors: (Constant), does gender diversity affect earning quality of the company,

    does board size of the company enhance earning quality, percentage of institutional

    investors affect earning quality, absence of chief executive officer as a chairman affect

    earning quality, board independence enhances the earning quality, audit committee size

    affect the earning quality of the company

    b. Dependent Variable: Earning Quality

    This anova table represents the measure of variance among the variable of the data.

    This table measures the difference between the variables so that relationship can be

    measured. In anova table the value of sig or P value must be lower than 0.05 then it

    represents that the data is significant. The outcome of data is 0.039 which is lower than

    0.05 which shows that model is significant and is accept as well. When the value of sig or

    P value is lower than 0.05 then we reject the assumption of the null hypothesis another

    aspect to see the significance of data is F value. If the F value in the annova table is

    greater than 4 than data is significant. The results show 10.744 hence another proof of


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    Page 33







    t Sig.



    Interval for B Correlations





    Error Beta






    order Partial Part Tolerance VIF

    1 (Constant) -.564 1.141 -.494 .655 -4.196 3.068

    board independence

    enhances the earning


    -.049 .132 -.061 -.371 .735 -.467 .370 .131 -.209 -.045 .552 1.810

    audit committee size

    affect the earning

    quality of the company

    -.866 .199 -1.166-

    4.342.023 -1.500 -.231 -.318 -.929 -.529 .205 4.869

    percentage of

    institutional investors

    affect earning quality

    .453 .183 .501 2.471 .090 -.131 1.037 .000 .819 .301 .360 2.779

    absence of ceo as a

    chairman affect

    earning quality

    .455 .172 .436 2.639 .078 -.094 1.003 .106 .836 .321 .544 1.839

    does board size of the

    company enhance

    earning quality

    .377 .222 .403 1.701 .187 -.328 1.082 -.229 .701 .207 .264 3.784

    does gender diversity

    affect earing quality of

    the company

    .763 .109 1.138 6.973 .006 .415 1.111 .561 .971 .849 .556 1.797

    a. Dependent Variable: Earning


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    Page 34

    Earning Quality and Board independence:

    Regression Equation


    EQ= -0.564-0.49IND

    This equation shows that if 1 unit of board independence is changed it will bring

    0.49 decreases in earning quality. So a negative relation exists between these two


    Standard Error

    If the value of standard error is below than 0.5 than the results are significant

    otherwise they are insignificant. My standard error for this variable is 0.132 which means

    the results are significant.

    T test

    If the value of t test is greater than 2 than it means the model is significant or vice

    versa. The T value for this variable is 0.371 which means the model is insignificant.

    Earning Quality with Audit committee size

    Regression Equation


    EQ= -0.564-0.866AUD

    This equation shows that if the size of the audit committee changes by 1 unit it will

    decrease the earning quality by 0.866. It shows negative relation exist between these two


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    Page 35

    Standard Error

    If the value of standard error is below than 0.5 than the results are significant

    otherwise they are insignificant. The result for this variable shows the value of 0.199

    which means the results are significant.

    T test

    If the value of t test is greater than 2 than it means the model is significant or vice

    versa. The T value for this variable is 4.342 which mean the model is significant.

    Earning Quality with Percentage of institutional investors

    Regression Equation


    EQ= -0.564+0.453INV

    This equation shows that if percentage of institutional investors changes by 1 unit it

    will increase the earning quality by 0.453. It shows positive relation exists between these

    two variables.

    Standard Error

    If the value of standard error is below than 0.5 than the results are significant

    otherwise they are insignificant. The result for this variable shows the value of 0.183

    which means the results are significant.

    T test

    If the value of t test is greater than 2 than it means the model is significant or vice

    versa. The T value for this variable is 2.471 which mean the model is significant.

    Earning Quality with Absence of the CEO as a chairman

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    Page 36

    Regression Equation

    EQ= 0+1CEO

    EQ= -0.564+0.455CEO

    This equation shows that if any changes come in the absence of chief executive

    officer as the chairman by 1 unit it will increase the earning quality by 0.455. It shows

    positive relation exists between these two variables.

    Standard Error

    If the value of standard error is below than 0.5 than the results are significant

    otherwise they are insignificant. The result for this variable shows the value of 0.172

    which means the results are significant.

    T test

    If the value of t test is greater than 2 than it means the model is significant or vice

    versa. The T value for this variable is 2.639 which mean the model is significant.

    Earning Quality with Board Size

    Regression Equation

    EQ= 0+4SIZE


    This equation shows that if the board size of the company changes by 1 unit it will

    increase the earning quality by 0.377. It shows positive relation exists between these two


    Standard Error

    If the value of standard error is below than 0.5 than the results are significant

    otherwise they are insignificant. The result for this variable shows the value of 0.222

    which means the results are significant.

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    Page 37

    T test

    If the value of t test is greater than 2 than it means the model is significant or vice

    versa. The T value for this variable is 1.701 which means the model is insignificant.

    Earning Quality with Gender Diversity

    Regression Analysis



    This equation shows that if the gender diversity on the composition of the board

    changes by 1 unit it will increase the earning quality by 0.763. It shows positive relation

    exists between these two variables.

    Standard Error

    If the value of standard error is below than 0.5 than the results are significant

    otherwise they are insignificant. The result for this variable shows the value of 0.109

    which means the results are significant.

    T test

    If the value of t test is greater than 2 than it means the model is significant or vice

    versa. The T value for this variable is 6.973 which mean the model is significant.

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    Page 38

    Chapter No: 5


    This study finds out the relation between the adoption of corporate governance

    mechanism and earning quality. After the detailed study a survey was conducted and the

    data collected through that survey is entered into the SPSS and the results were obtained.

    These results show different levels of significant of earning quality the dependent variable

    with the different independent variables in the data. The results show positive and

    significant relation exists among the adopting corporate governance mechanism and

    enhancing earning quality. Multiple regression analysis is used to find out the impact that

    the governance practices have on enhancing earning quality.

    The analysis found that board independence has negative relation with the earning

    quality of the data which means 1 unit change in board independence decreases earning

    quality by 0.49. The value of standard error shows significant relation exists among them

    and T value shows the model is insignificant.

    The analysis found that audit committee size has negative relation with the earning

    quality which means 1 unit change in audit committee size decreases the earning quality

    by 0.866. The value of standard error shows significant relation exists among them and T

    value shows the model is significant.

    The analysis found that percentage of institutional investors has positive relation

    with the earning quality which means 1 unit change in percentage of investors increases

    the earning quality by 0.453. The value of standard error shows significant relation exists

    among them and T value shows the model is significant.

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    Page 39

    The analysis found that absence of chief executive officer as chairman has

    positive relation with the earning quality which means 1 unit change in absence of chief

    executive officer as chairman increases the earning quality by 0.455. The value of

    standard error shows significant relation exists among them and T value shows the model

    is significant.

    The analysis found that board size has positive relation with the earning quality which

    means 1 unit change in board size of the company increases the earning quality by 0.377.

    The value of standard error shows significant relation exists among them and T value

    shows the model is insignificant.

    The analysis found that gender diversity among board composition has positive

    relation with the earning quality which means 1 unit change gender diversity among

    board composition increases the earning quality by 0.763. The value of standard error

    shows significant relation exists among them and T value shows the model is significant.

    The value of R square shows the significance of the whole model. My result shows 0.956

    which is closer to 1. It means my model as a whole is significant. I have rejected the null

    hypothesis because my F value is greater than 4. Finally the overall conclusion on the

    analysis is that corporate governance mechanisms have significant relation in enhancing

    the earning quality.

    5.1 Recommendations

    Governance mechanism should also be adopted by unlisted companies.

    Concentrated ownerships enhance the earning quality.

    Companies should use different types of approaches towards adopting governance

    mechanism to enhance earning quality.

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    Page 40


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    Page 43



    Descriptive Statistics

    Mean Std. Deviation N

    Earning Quality 4.1000 .73786 10

    board independence enhances the earning

    quality4.2000 .91894 10

    audit committee size affect the earning quality of

    the company4.1000 .99443 10

    percentage of institutional investors affect

    earning quality4.0000 .81650 10

    absence of ceo as a chairman affect earning

    quality4.5000 .70711 10

    does board size of the company enhance earning

    quality4.2000 .78881 10

    does gender diversity affect earing quality of the

    company3.9000 1.10050 10

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    Page 44






    enhances the

    earning quality


    size affect

    the earning

    quality of









    absenceof ceo as






    doesboard size

    of the









    quality of





    Earning Quality 1.000 .131 -.318 .000 .106 -.229 .561



    enhances the

    earning quality

    .131 1.000 .219 -.148 .342 .552 .132

    audit committee

    size affect the

    earning quality of

    the company

    -.318 .219 1.000 .547 -.237 .538 .416

    percentage of


    investors affect

    earning quality

    .000 -.148 .547 1.000 -.192 -.173 .247

    absence of ceo as

    a chairman affect

    earning quality

    .106 .342 -.237 -.192 1.000 .199 -.500

    does board size of

    the company

    enhance earning


    -.229 .552 .538 -.173 .199 1.000 .026

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Corporate Governance in Implementing IFRS in Listed Companies of Pakistan


    Page 45

    does gender

    diversity affect

    earing quality of

    the company

    .561 .132 .416 .247 -.500 .026 1.000

    Sig. (1-tailed) Earning Quality . .359 .185 .500 .385 .262 .046



    enhances theearning quality

    .359 . .272 .342 .167 .049 .358

    audit committee

    size affect the

    earning quality of

    the company

    .185 .272 . .051 .255 .054 .116

    percentage of


    investors affect

    earning quality

    .500 .342 .051 . .297 .317 .245

    absence of ceo as

    a chairman affect

    earning quality

    .385 .167 .255 .297 . .291 .071

    does board size of

    the company

    enhance earning


    .262 .049 .054 .317 .291 . .472

    does gender

    diversity affect

    earing quality of

    the company

    .046 .358 .116 .245 .071 .472 .

    N Earning Quality 10 10 10 10 10 10 10



    enhances the

    earning quality

    10 10 10 10 10 10 10

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Corporate Governance in Implementing IFRS in Listed Companies of Pakistan


    Page 46

    audit committee

    size affect the

    earning quality of

    the company

    10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    percentage of


    investors affect

    earning quality

    10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    absence of ceo as

    a chairman affect

    earning quality

    10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    does board size of

    the company

    enhance earning


    10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    does gender

    diversity affect

    earing quality of

    the company

    10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    Variables Entered/Removedb

    Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method

    1 does gender diversity affect earing

    quality of the company, does board

    size of the company enhance earning

    quality, percentage of institutional

    investors affect earning quality,

    absence of ceo as a chairman affect

    earning quality, board independence

    enhances the earning quality, audit

    committee size affect the earning

    quality of the companya

    . Enter

    a. All requested variables entered.

    b. Dependent Variable: Earning Quality

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Corporate Governance in Implementing IFRS in Listed Companies of Pakistan


    Page 47

    Coefficient Correlationsa


    does gender




    quality of



    does board

    size of the












    absence of

    ceo as a







    enhances the





    size affect

    the earning

    quality of



    1 Correlations does gender

    diversity affect

    earing quality of the


    1.000 .258 .098 .452 -.367 -.301

    does board size of

    the company

    enhance earning


    .258 1.000 .645 -.183 -.369 -.784

    percentage ofinstitutional

    investors affect

    earning quality

    .098 .645 1.000 -.198 .002 -.774

    absence of ceo as a

    chairman affect

    earning quality

    .452 -.183 -.198 1.000 -.385 .252

    board independence

    enhances the earning


    -.367 -.369 .002 -.385 1.000 .078

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    Page 48

    audit committee size

    affect the earning

    quality of the


    -.301 -.784 -.774 .252 .078 1.000

    Covariances does gender

    diversity affect

    earing quality of the


    .012 .006 .002 .009 -.005 -.007

    does board size of

    the company

    enhance earning


    .006 .049 .026 -.007 -.011 -.035

    percentage of


    investors affect

    earning quality

    .002 .026 .034 -.006 4.293E-5 -.028

    absence of ceo as a

    chairman affect

    earning quality

    .009 -.007 -.006 .030 -.009 .009

    board independence

    enhances the earning


    -.005 -.011 4.293E-5 -.009 .017 .002

    audit committee size

    affect the earning

    quality of the


    -.007 -.035 -.028 .009 .002 .040

    a. Dependent Variable: Earning Quality

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    Page 49

    Residuals Statisticsa

    Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

    Predicted Value 3.1241 5.2216 4.1000 .72127 10

    Residual -.22159 .24732 .00000 .15560 10

    Std. Predicted Value -1.353 1.555 .000 1.000 10

    Std. Residual -.822 .918 .000 .577 10

    a. Dependent Variable: Earning Quality

    Collinearity Diagnosticsa

    Model Dimension Eigenvalue



    Variance Proportions




    enhances the





    size affect



    quality of











    of ceo as








    size of












    of the


    1 1 6.813 1.000 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00

    2 .080 9.209 .00 .03 .01 .01 .04 .01 .19

    3 .046 12.234 .00 .10 .00 .13 .01 .01 .19

    4 .036 13.751 .01 .00 .12 .00 .04 .05 .15

    5 .016 20.650 .04 .75 .00 .11 .03 .09 .06

    6 .006 34.951 .27 .04 .27 .12 .85 .15 .16

    7 .003 47.212 .68 .08 .59 .63 .03 .70 .25

    a. Dependent Variable: Earning Quality

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    Page 50


    Survey for adopting governance mechanism enhancing earning quality



    1. Governance mechanism has significant impact on enhancing earning quality.Strongly


    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    2. Absence of CEO as the chairman of the board is significant in enhancing earningquality.



    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    3. Large number of board of directors is significant in enhancing earning quality.Strongly


    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    4. Non-executives directors reduce managerial conflicts among the management andinvestors to enhance earning quality.



    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    5. Audit committee size is significant in enhancing earning quality.Strongly


    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    6. The number of non-executive members in the board enhances control on earningmanagement.



    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    7. Non-executive directors in board composition shows significant relationship withEarning quality

  • 8/13/2019 Role of Corporate Governance in Implementing IFRS in Listed Companies of Pakistan




    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    8. Gender diversity among the board members affects the performance of the company.Strongly


    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    9. If the firm size is larger than it is difficult to apply corporate governance mechanismsto enhance companys efficiency.



    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    10. If the CEOs holding is increasing in the company will it affect the companysperformance?



    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    11. If the percentage of institutional investors is high will it affect the earningperformance of the company?



    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


    12.Does large board size composition reduces earning management in the company?Strongly


    Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Neither agree or


