Robo-Challenge Exploring and Designing Robots. Who are we? n What is a robot? n Can you name some...


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Exploring and Designing Robots

Who are we?

What is a robot?

Can you name some robots and what they do?

Robots, Robots Everywhere! The first robot was used for

working in 1927 at General Motors. This robot made cars. . .??

Today robots are used to help us do our work, to help use explore places we can’t go to, and to entertain us.

What is a Robot?

What is a Robot?

They all:


Quick Robot Challenge!

Am I a Robot?

Am I a robot?

Where in the Tech?

Find the robots listed on your Robot Clue Sheet.

Take a picture in front of each robot.

Be back in 20 minutes Good Luck!

Iron Chef Robot

Let’s make a sundae! You have just been given a Chef-

Robot! Tell your robot how to make a

sundae from a banana, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and cherries.

Build a Robotic Arm

Use your cyber arm kit to build a robotic arm.

Use the guides in the book or make your own.

Test out what kind of work each arm does.

Robot Challenges

See if you can use your robotic arm to do these challenges:

Place a cotton ball in a cup. Build a pyramid with paper cups. Put a penny in one cup. Pass the

penny to another cup.

Robot Challenges

Build a town out of paper, plates and string.

Work with another student. Each of you should use a different kinds of arm.

Classroom Challenge

See if you can pass a penny around the room using only your robotic arms.

Work together or alone. Think creatively!

Design a Chef Robot

Try to design and build a robot arm that could be used to chop vegetables and stir a pot of soup!

Extra Challenge!

Try to use your robotic arm to draw a picture.

Have your parent draw a picture by hand with simple squares and triangles. Keep it a secret!

Then have your parent tell you how to draw the picture with your robotic arm. Compare your pictures!