Robins can grow up to 14cm. Robins eat seeds, fruit, berries and insects. Robins display their red...


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A Dozen Popular Garden Birds


Robins can grow up to 14cm.

Robins eat seeds, fruit, berries and insects.

Robins display their red breasts to scare away other birds.

Female robins lay 3-6 eggs

A robin’s nest is made of moss, dead leaves and grass.


Blue Tit

Blue Tits can grow up to 11cm.

Blue tits eat insects, spiders and nuts.

Blue Tits peel bark off trees to get insects underneath.

Female blue tits lay 8-15 eggs.

A blue tit’s nest is made of moss, grass, wool and hair.

Meantàn gorm


Blackbirds grow up to 25cm.

Blackbirds eat worms, insects, fruit and berries.

Blackbirds belong to the thrush family.

Female blackbirds lay 3-5 eggs.

A blackbird’s nest is made of grass, leaves and mud.

Lon dubh


Goldfinches grow up to 13cm.

Goldfinches eat seeds and insects.

When the male wants to attract a female he shows off the band of gold on his wings.

Female goldfinches lay 5-6 eggs.

Lasair choille


Greenfinches grow up to 15cm.

Greenfinches are common residents of Ireland.

In Ireland there are 160,000 greenfinches.

The greenfinch has a bulky body and stout bill.

Glasàn darach

Great Tit

Great tits eat caterpillars and moths.

The great tits best known call is ’’teechu, teechu, teechu’’.

In Ireland there are 420,000 great tits.

The great tit is the largest and the strongest of the tits.

Meantàn mòr


Wrens grow up to 10cm.

Wrens eat insects, spiders, larvae and seeds.

Female wrens lay 5-8 eggs.

A wrens nest is made of grass, moss and leaves.



Chaffinches eat seeds, nuts and insects.

The chaffinch is the most common finch in Ireland.

Other names for the chaffinch are; Whitewing, Chink chink, Copper finch.

The chaffinch is a resident of Ireland.

Rì rua


Rooks eat crumbs and scraps of most foods.

Rooks are a species of crow.

Other names for the rook are; Cra, Croaker, Barefaced crow.

The rook is a resident of Ireland.


House Sparrow

House sparrows eat seeds and insects.

House sparrows are related to the finches.

Other names for the house sparrow are; Spadger, Thatch sparrow.

The house sparrow is a resident of Ireland.

Gealbhan binne

Song Thrush

Song thrushes eat insects, berries and fruit.

Song thrushes never gather as a flock.

Other names for the song thrush are; Throstle, Mavis.

The sparrow is a resident of Ireland.



Magpies eat worms, slugs, seeds and insects.

Magpies grow up to 51cm.

Female magpies lay 4-7 eggs.

A magpie’s nest is made of twigs and mud.

Snag breac

Common Seabirds

The Seagull is found nesting in Scotland and Ireland. Seagulls grow up to 41cm.

The Mallard Duck is found nesting near inland waters. Only the female ’’quack’s‘‘.

The End
