Robert Kneeper


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Name: Robert Knepper.

Age: 48 years.

Nacionality: American.

Proffesion: Actor.

Hobbies: He likes action.

General information

Physical apparence

He is 48, and he is medium high and thin. His shape is oval, his eyes are dark and small and his nose is long. Now he have blonde, dark and short hair. He have pointed chin and beard.


He is good-tempered and warm person but in some TV series he was aggressive and tense.


When the paparazzi take him pictures he’s usually warm and relaxed.

He never gets angry with his mates, or his family.

Robert Kneeper

Benjamin Miles, Roberts mate.

Proffessional career

Prison Break which is filmed in USA and Panama, is his most important part on a TV series. He is called Theodore Bagwell “T-Bag”.

Hitman which is a film based on a video game, is his most important part on a film. He is called Yuri Marklov.
