Robbie Mcfarlin And Chrissy Cope. Welcome Thanks for being here today! Please make sure you sign...


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Robbie Mcfarlin And Chrissy Cope


Thanks for being here today! Please make sure you sign in Take time to fill out spring football t-shirt



Rules Spring Schedule Comments/Questions

Student Trainer Projections 7-15 new freshman 5-10 sophomores

Why should I be a student athletic trainer? This program will highly beneficial to you if you plan on entering a medical career. However, if you end up not choosing a medical career there are still benefits to being a Student Athletic Trainer. This program can also provide a career pathway for you to pursue in college. Our program will teach you the things that future employers are looking for. Our program looks really good on college applications and can lead to scholarship opportunities. Most importantly, you are part of something bigger than yourself. You will be a part of a team. You will make lasting friendships. As always, you will get what you put into the program.

This is why Athletic trainers are important


“Goal of the Klein Athletic Training program:

To provide the best prevention and care for all of Klein High athletes. To provide an opportunity to develop essential skills needed at the next academic level and in life. To provide a possible career pathway to students. To educate about prevention, care, and rehabilitation of sports related injuries and illnesses”

Criteria for acceptance

Attend all practices. You must notify Mcfarlin or Cope

personally that you will not be able to attend.

It is preferred that you tell us in advance but we can make accommodations for emergencies.

During Tryouts any unexcused absence will void candidates application


General practice times are 2:30-5:30 each day

A schedule will be posted on the Mcfarlin’s webpage by Monday.

Furthermore, if accepted to the program future time requirements will often include weekends, holidays, and late nights.

Reliable transportation is essential.

What does a student trainer do?

Clean and maintain equipment

Provide hydration

Provide injury care

Aid in rehabilitation and secretarial duties

Clean and maintain training room Everyday When your task is done, help the next

person. “Snowball” No one leaves the training room after

practice until Cope or Mcfarlin give the ok.

Aid in Rehabilitation and secretarial duties

It is against state and federal law to talk about the things that occur with our students athletes outside of the training room. Do not talk about injuries, rehab, information from the coaches or AT’s to anyone that does not need to know.

You will hear and see things that are confidential and you can not talk about it

Violation of confidentiality will result in immediate removal from tryouts

Do you have an extra $15,000 we can borrow?


Incoming candidates will not be allowed to tape. You will be tested during sports medicine 1 next year and then be cleared for taping.

You will be allowed to give Band-Aids, gauze, etc.


No cell phones are allowed on the practice field.


You are there to pay attention to your environment/surroundings.

Handle your business/gossip before or after your schedule practice/game. We encourage you to be friendly and have FUN– however; you have a job to do

“Trainer Bomb”

Outside the training room behavior When considering you for this program

all sources will be used: Teachers, Coaches, Current SAT’s, etc. Carry yourself in a manner that reflects your desire to be here.

“It always gets back to us”

Dress Code

Practice- Any Klein ISD t-shirt, Shorts (appropriate length, not too tight) or pants, Closed toe shoes (no sandals)

Yoga pants or tights may be allowed but are not always guaranteed. If you have a question about apparel let us know.

Tights or Yoga pants will not be allowed for the spring game.

Long hair must be tied back during practice.

FAQ Who can try out to be a student athletic trainer? Any student that is a

incoming freshman or a current freshman.

Can I be a student athletic trainer and play sports? Yes but the sports that we are absolutely unable to work with are football and soccer. If you are involved in soccer or football it is recommended that you simply take the sports med. 1 class.

Can I be in Band/Color Guard/ Orchestra and be a student athletic trainer? No. The time requirements with not be conducive to success in either program. It is recommended that you simply take the sports med. 1 class.

Can I be in other clubs, organizations, activities and be a student athletic trainer? It will be a case by case basis but generally we can work with your schedules as long as you bring them to us in advance.

Can I have a job and be a student athletic trainer? Yes but be reminded that if

your job interferes with your responsibilities in the program you will be removed. We can make it work if you bring us your schedules as early as possible.

Scheduling- Important Dates

JR High Rookies Only


How do I know if I made the program?

Check Coach Mcfarlin’s school website for results on June 1st. Results will be posted by 1pm.