Rob Cumming - Lafarge



Low Carbon Materials: Benefits and New Fuel Opportunities (Panel Session)GreenProfit ConferenceMarch 30, 2015Kingston

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  • Ontarios Carbon Plan and Low Carbon Fuels


  • |*Why has more than $10 million been spent researching low carbon fuels at the Lafarge Bath Cement Plant?

  • Project backgroundWhat is Cement 2020To move the Canadian Cement Industry to a world leading position in terms of sustainabilityLafarge Bath plant as a demonstration siteEnergy, water, social, economic, carbon, biodiversity, etcWhat are low carbon fuels?A combination of virgin and non-virgin biomass materials that result in >50% lower carbon emissions on a life cycle basisMaterials selected for testing arose from a Request for Proposal process to local businessesTwo main categories:Fuel derived from waste sourcesFuel derived from virgin sourcesBath plant uses imported coal and petcoke todayDemonstration Pilot75 tonnes per day, 3 years (75 tpd = approx. 10% co-fire)Partners include: Queens, Pollution Probe, and the Cement AssociationAll fuels are expected to lower emissions



  • Date |*Low Carbon Fuels: the Biogenic Factor

    Biomass Carbon Cycle

    Header*Presentation | Confidential*

  • Experimental Biogenic Carbon ResultsResults are +/- 3%March 30, 2015|Lafarge | SWITCH Green Profit*

    Fuel DescriptionPercent Biogenic ContentPetroleum Coke0Coal0.6Shredded Railway Tie737674Shredded Asphalt Shingle211919Ragger Tails1477September LCF 566755October LCF656266November LCF969596Audit LCF738178

    Lafarge | SWITCH Green Profit

  • Low Carbon Fuels: Chemistry

    March 30, 2015|Lafarge | SWITCH Greenprofit*Ultimate analysis gives you x, y, and zProximate analysis gives you this (but correct to lower heating value on an as received basisThis can be calculated and lead to kg of CO2 producedYou need this to correct from High Heat Value to Low Heat Value

    Lafarge | SWITCH Greenprofit

  • So what does all of this mean to the cost of fuel purchases with a Price on Carbon added in? |*

  • **

    Header*Presentation | Confidential*
