ROADPLEX Where Location Discovery Begins By: Alireza Kashian – 13 JAN 2014


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ROADPLEXWhere Location Discovery Begins

By: Alireza Kashian – 13 JAN 2014

 The USPTO doc, filed back in June of 2011, clearly lays out a crowdsourced "data collection system" whereby users sent on virtual missions to specific real-world targets would aid in the gathering of up-to-date geo-location data.

Mental Matrix is an effective way to market the product globally,  wherein gamers from around the world can win huge cash prizes by simply solving puzzles that deal with helpful ways to improve humanity.

Statics : 13 Jan 2014

•Game published in early November 2013

•650 Users

•4668 Questions Answered

•Only 2% of them are matched

The Frightening Future of Digital Maps: Monica Stephens at TEDxE

